• Published 13th Jul 2013
  • 1,961 Views, 71 Comments

Kingdom Hearts Part One: The Chosen One - LikeaBaws

The Crusaders were having a normal day, but then strange things have been happening. Strange things lurk in every corner. Heck, even Spike might have to join, but will they be able to save the world and their friends, or will they fall into darkness?

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A friend of your's come through your door. "Hey man/Hey girl! What's up?" your friend asked.

"Nothing really, ready to see the new T.V pony series, Kingdom Hearts." You say.

"Still watching the pony crap? I thought you told me one more episode and then your done." Your friend said.

"It's addictive!" You complain, then you grab the remote. "Wanna watch?"

"That? Seriously? Your joking right?" Your friend said as he/she closed the door. She sat on the couch with you and stares at the T.V.

"I'm telling you, one episode and you'll be hooked up to this!" You say. Your friend scoffs in laughter.

"Yeah right. I bet I can make it through the entire season and not be bored." Your friend says.

"Wanna bet?" You asked. Your friend brings out 20 bucks and laughs. "Alright, if this show can make me like the series, I'll give you 20 bucks and admit it that I like it to other friends." Your friend says.

"And if you win...I promise to never...ever...watch it again." You say sadly. He grins and shakes your hand. "Deal.

You change the channel to the hub and it shows the title.

Let the battle begin.

"So much to do...so little time."

Applebloom felt no air flowing through whatsoever. But she landed on something though. She woke up and found out she was standing on crystal glass. She checked her surroundings. Everything dark flowed across the walls...Er...air. No buildings in sight. The only thing in sight was that she saw stone with a key hovering above it. She went towards the huge key as she grabbed it with her mouth and a glow appeared on her wrist. It showed a circle in the middle with two smaller circles to make it look like ears. (A.N: Just in case you don't know what it is. It's a Mickey Mouse head)

Then a necklace appeared around her neck as it showed a crown. She stared at the mark as it glowed then it showed a dark blue color. It seem so familiar to her. But she doesn't even know what it is, yet it's so familiar to her.

"Take your time, Don't be afraid."

She checked the glass as it showed her asleep, but her family small pictures just across from her face. Then stairs glowed in sight as it made a trail.

"The door is still shut. Power sleeps within you."

She slowly followed th stairs as it kept its glow.

"If you give it form...it will give you strength. Keep your light burning strong."

She heard this strange voice as if it was talking to her. What door? What light? What is this mark on her arm? Why is she here? Why her? How did she get here? So many questions flowed through her little filly brain as she kept going up the stairs. When she made it, she touch the glass and it burst into light as it spread across the ground. Then it showed her and her fellow friends one crystal glass.

"The closer you get to light, The greater you shadow becomes. But don't be afraid. You hold the mightiest weapon of all."

As the strange voice finished, three paper-like black bunnies with yellow glowing eyes appeared. One tried to jump at her, but she accidentally swung her key as it went through the creature and disappeared into thin air. She grinned at what she did. This was no ordinary key, it was a special key. One swung is ragdoll arms at the filly as it clawed through her body, only to see that it completely miss the target. Applebloom swung the huge key as it sliced the creature again.

Now she was confident that she will win this battle.

This time, the creature fell to the floor and crawled its way to Applebloom. What was it doing? She kept watch of the thing as it crawled. It came back to its bunny-like body and it tried to kick her. Applebloom quickly swung her key as she closed her eyes. She didn't know if she died or she destroyed the thing. She slowly opened her eyes to see, just in time, the creature disappear. But then something dark slowly crawled its way to life.

"So don't forget: You are the only one, to open the door."

The creature was way bigger than she has ever seen. It was black and it had hair growing all out of its bunny head. It had a heart shape missing from its body and its yellow glowing eyes stared down at her like daggers. His legs were short, but his arms were long enough to touch the ground.

Applebloom was too scared to do anything. The monster growled as it swung his lazy arm at the filly. Applebloom jumped to the left and barley doge the attack. She ran towards the right arm of the monster and started hitting it with all her might. The monster roared from anger as his minions came to the party. She swung left, than right and defended herself as she tried to the destroy the monster. The monster had enough as he made a dark pool to get the filly.

She was trapped when her right back hoof got stuck in the dark pool. She was slowly drowning as it pulled her in. The dark pool also pushed air away from her body as she breathed it in. She tried her best but, with no luck, drowned in the dark pool. The last thing she saw was the monsters bright yellow eyes.

To Be Continued....

"Woah...what? What was that?!" Your friend asked. He got up...and flipped your living room table.

"The part was getting good! Why in gaming history would they just leave me hanging?!" Your friend asked. Your face, more like your smile, slowly made the troll face.

"You like?" You asked. Your friend was confused at first...until he caught on on what you meant.

"What? I meant on why they didn't end it in the first place. Obviously...it...sucked." Your friend struggled to say. You laugh at his failure and you pause the episode.

"You like the show!"

"Do not!" Your friend counters.

"Alright, come back next Friday, and I'll be watching your every movement and emotion." You say. He/She scowls at you and leaves the house.

This is going to be fun!