• Published 20th Jul 2013
  • 1,467 Views, 18 Comments

Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide - RainbowFlash96

You can't always have a cricket as your conscience. Sometimes, you get stuck with Pinkie Pie.

  • ...

Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide

Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide

"Come on, Twilight, its time to get up!"

Twilight ignored the tiny voice, and just pulled the blanket over her head.

"Twiiiliiight!!!! Get Up! Get up, get up, get up! Come on you silly filly, it's time to wake up!"

She knew there was no escaping it, no way to get around it. She gave a small yawn, and sighed. Twilight was defeated. She knew she had to get up, but she really didn't want to. Once again, her conscience got the upper hoof and convinced her to do the right thing.

Twilight slowly emerged from her blanket fortress, and made her way out of bed. She began her walk to the bathroom, but she knew there was no escaping her conscience.

"Hey you're up! Yay! Now we can have some fun!"

"Please, not today." Twilight begged.

"But, Twilight, I can never, ever leave you! I'm your conscience and it is my sworn duty to help you choose right from wrong."

Twilight turned her head to see her conscience sitting on a bar of soap next to the sink. She was just staring at Twilight with a serious look on her face.

Well, as serious as a miniature Pinkie Pie sitting in your bathroom could be.

"How about you take the day off?" Twilight suggested.

"No can do. A conscience needs to be on duty twenty-four, seven... with the occasional cupcake break."

The little Pinkie looked at her watch, "Which is now, " she said as a cupcake appeared out of thin air. The little Pinkie gladly gobbled it up in one bite. Twilight just rolled her eyes at the display.

While her conscience was busy on her 'cupcake break', Twilight began to ready herself for the new day ahead of her. When she was finished, Twilight walked out of the bathroom and headed downstairs, her little Pinkie following her every step of the way.

When Twilight got to the bottom of the stairs, she saw an unfortunate scene before her. Books were strewn everywhere; scrolls and quills amongst the mess of books. Twilight facehoofed, and fell onto her haunches. It would take her all day to clean this mess up, unless...

"No, Twilight. I know what you're thinking, and it's not the right thing to do." Pinkie conscience said.

"Please, Pinkie, it will only be this one time. I'll make sure to make it up to him eventually." Twilight pleaded.

The little Pinkie shook her head, "No, Twilight, you are making the wrong decision."

"But it will take me all day to clean up this mess!" Twilight whined.

"You made the mess on your own, so you should be the one to clean it up." Pinkie said matter-of-factly.

"I really don't think Spike would mind..."

"I don't care if he wants to do it, you made the mess, you clean it up."

Twilight groaned, "Fine," she conceded.

Twilight descended the staircase to the war zone below. She started to levitate books and put them into different categories for proper organization. The little Pinkie looked at her watch again, and squealed in excitement.

"Cupcake beak!" the little Pinkie cheered as another cupcake materialized in front of her.

Twilight facehoofed and groaned once again, she wouldn't be seeing any of her friends today.

Rainbow Dash loved flying fast. She loved the adrenaline pumping through her veins, and the wind in her face. What she didn't like was her nagging conscience.

"Rainbow Dash, I don't think you should do that."

"Shut up, it's going to work this time."

"Dashie, as your conscience, it is my sworn duty to steer you in the right direction, and I think the right direction is not to try and do five sonic rainbooms in a row."

Rainbow Dash ignored her conscience and began to fly faster, trying to fly away from it. She could never out fly it though, the little floating Pinkie Pie would always be right there next to her.

Dash was picking up speed fast, and within seconds, she broke the sound barrier.

One down, she thought.

One after another, the spectrum of colors lit up the sky... two, three, four...

Come on, Rainbow Dash thought, just one more.

"GO RAINBOW DASH!" the mini Pinkie shouted.

In that split second, Rainbow Dash lost her concentration and was thrown back like a rubber band. She began to flail her legs and yell out, probably mentally cursing her little Pinkie conscience.

The little Pinkie just stayed floating in place, "Was it something I said?".

It was just another day out on the orchard for Applejack. Come to think of it, she was out here almost everyday.

Wait, didn't Ah buck this tree yesterday? How in the sam heck did the apples grow back that fast? Applejack thought.

Despite her confusion, Applejack continued to buck apple tree after apple tree. When she was almost done for the day, she stopped in front of a particular apple tree. This one seemed vaguely familiar. Where had she seen this apple tree before?

"Well shoot, Ah bucked this tree yesterday. What in tarnation is goin' on here?" Applejack thought out loud.

"Come on, AJ, there's no way you could have done that!"

Applejack whipped her head around and saw her little Pinkie sitting on an apple.

"Nah, I'm tellin' ya. Ah bucked this here tree yesterday."

"How could you possibly remember that? There are like what, a bagillion trees here?" Pinkie asked.

"Actually there are one hundred thousand, four hundred and fifty-two trees in this orchard. Counted them mahself." Applejack stated matter-of-factly.

"Yeah... I’m just going to stick to a bagillion."

Applejack rolled her eyes and then proceeded to buck the apple tree. In turn, the apples fell neatly into the buckets below.

"But seriously, how could you know if you bucked that tree before?" Pinkie asked.

Applejack pointed to a splatter of white paint that was on the bark of the tree.

"Applebloom and her friends wanted to be Cutie Mark Crusader painters, but she got some on this tree. Ah noticed it yesterday while Ah bucked this same exact tree."

"Hm, well I can't help you there."

"Now that Ah think of it, right after a finished Applebuck season, the apples were back the next day!"

"You mean the next episode?" Pinkie whispered.

"Did ya say somethin'?"

"I said, are you sure they came back the next day?"

Applejack narrowed her eyes.

"Are you callin' me a liar?" Applejack asked.

Pinkies own eyes narrowed, and looked deep into Applejack's inner soul.

"I ain't calling you for dinner!" Pinkie shot back.

Applejack ran full speed ahead toward Pinkie, and the little pony retreated instantly. Little Pinkie didn't watch where she was going and knocked into a tree. She turned her whole body around, only to come face to face with Applejack. The orange pony's forehead was right up against the bark of the tree, while Pinkie's whole body was up against it.

"Now, what were you sayin' about me bein' a liar?"

Before little Pinkie could defend herself, both ponies heard a faint scream. It gradually started to get louder and louder. A few moments later, Applejack was able to recognize the voice as Rainbow Dash; Applejack however, didn't let it stop her from seeking revenge on her conscience.

She never got that revenge, however. Only seconds after Applejack identified the voice as Rainbow Dash, Dash came crashing through the tree Pinkie was against. Heads collided, and before anypony had time to blink, both were unconscious. Applejack was on the ground, while Dash was halfway through the tree.

Applejack's little Pinkie just shook her head at the display. Soon after, Dash's Pinkie joined the other.

"Well this is a mess." AJ's Pinkie said.


The two Pinkies just floated there until a timer went off.

"Cupcake break!!!!"

"Wow, Rarity, those outfits are really nice! And I can't believe you stayed up all night finishing them... going against what I said."

"Now, Pinkie, I know I should listen to you, but I really needed to get these done. The clients are picking them up today. They should be here any minute."

The little Pinkie conscience was sitting on top of one of the ponyquins that Rarity was currently working on. She was watching Rarity making the final touches before they would be worthy of showing to the clients.

"So, Rarity, this is a really big and important order."

"You are absolutely right, and to celebrate, I think I'm going to make you your very own outfit! Isn't that marvelous‽"

Little Pinkie's eyes brightened and a smile was plastered on her tiny face, "Oh my goodness, thank you so much, Rarity!"

"Oh, darling, it's going to be spectacular! I already have a design in mind-"

Rarity's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a pony entering her boutique. She quickly left the room and made her way to the front of the store.

"Welcome to the Carousel Boutique, where every garment is chic, unique, and magnifique! Oh! High Stakes, Shining Sapphire, you must be here to pick up your order! Come, right this way!"

Standing in the doorway was a tan, muscular unicorn stallion with a rugged black mane. He had a pair of dice for a cutie mark. Next to him was a mare who bore a resemblance to Fleur Dis Lee, except she had blue hair instead of pink. Her cutie mark was a single sapphire stone.

"Hello, Rarity, it's a pleasure to see you again." High Stakes said in a slight Canterlot accent.

"Oh, the pleasure is all mine." Rarity said.

Rarity lead the pair to the back room where their order was. A blue dress with gold accents for Sapphire, and a simple suit with a blue bow tie that matched Sapphire’s dress. They were simple designs, but made with the best materials.

"I must say, Rarity, you have outdone yourself, these outfits look marvelous." High States complimented.

"Oh, why thank you, I'm glad you like them."

While High States and Rarity were talking, mini Pinkie was sitting on top of one of the dresses listening to their conversation. Every once in a while, Pinkie would make a comment, but would be silenced with a glance from Rarity.

"Wow you can sure talk for a long time Rarity. I mean I know I can talk for a long time, but you are right there with me," Pinkie gasped, "I just had the most super terrific idea! You and me should have a talking contest! It would be so much fun, there would be snacks and punch and all our friends would be there, and then when it's over, we could have a PARTY!"

That was the last straw, Rarity snapped.


High Stakes was in the middle of a story of him at a casino, but stopped to raise an eyebrow at Rarity's little outburst. Rarity's eyes widened, and her pupils shrank to the size of pinpricks.

"N-no, no, no, no, not you... I wasn't saying that to you..." Rarity tried to cover up her mistake, "...I was referring to... my sister. Y-yes my sister. I saw her out that window over there with her friends. They were causing quite a ruckus; I hadn't had my morning coffee yet so I'm a little on edge so to speak. I'm sorry about that."

Rarity tried to give the most genuine smile she could make. It seemed to have worked because High Stakes began to laugh.

"It's alright, Rarity, I can get quite high strung if I don't have my share of coffee."

With High Stakes story forgotten, Rarity continued with the sale. She had priced the dress and suit at five hundred bits. High Stakes was hesitant for a few moments; he might have though that was a bit of a stretch (no pun intended). Little Pinkie Pie, however, decided she needed to voice her opinion.

"Five hundred bits! It only cost you one hundred to make!" Pinkie yelled.

"Not now, Pinkie" Rarity whispered as High Stakes was getting out the money.

"Rarity, I am your conscience. You know what a conscience does right?" Pinkie took her silence as a 'yes', "Well then you should know that I can't let you overcharge that much for these outfits."

"Pinkie, not now. There is a perfectly good reason for overcharging them, which I will tell you later."

"Rarity, stop, this is not you. You are the Element of Generosity, not the Element of Trickery."

"Pinkie, it was one hundred bits to make, but my time and effort have to come into play."

By this time, High Stakes had the money out, and was about to give it to Rarity. That was before he just heard what she said.

"It only took you one hundred bits to make? I've heard of overcharging, but this is ridiculous. Just because I'm wealthy doesn't mean you can take advantage of me. Come, Sapphire, we're leaving."

"Wait! Stakes, come back!"

The pair walked out of the store, and the door slammed shut behind them. Rarity stood there with tears in her eyes. Instead of making four hundred bits, she had just lost one hundred and very good customer.

"YOU!" Rarity yelled pointing an accusing hoof at little Pinkie, "This is all your fault!"

Before anything else could happen, the little Pinkie disappeared in a puff of smoke. Rarity was left there alone to wallow in self-pity.

Fluttershy was walking through the streets of Ponyville on a mission. Probably one of the most important missions of her life. It was a matter of life or death. She had to be extremely careful, one wrong move and it was all over.

Fortunately for Fluttershy, she only had to go grocery shopping once a week.

Fluttershy would much rather stay in her cottage, or be with her friends. She did need to eat, however, and so did her animals. Normally she wouldn't go alone, but all of her friends were unavailable, and she was running very low on food.

Twilight was stuck at the library, Rarity was having a mental breakdown... again, Rainbow Dash's head was stuck in a tree, Applejack was unconscious, and Fluttershy hadn't seen Pinkie in days.

"What are you talking about silly, I'm right here!"

Fluttershy cringed slightly, and gave a small 'eep' at the noise, but quickly regained her composure. She looked up to the sound of the voice to find that her little conscience was sticking out of her mane. Fluttershy too had her very own mini Pinkie conscience.

"Oh.. um... hello, Pinkie." Fluttershy whispered.

"Hi, Fluttershy! Need any important moral decisions to be made today?" Pinkie conscience asked.

"Um.. No not yet."

"Just what I expected!" Pinkie said as some sort of board appeared in front of her. It was the size of mini Pinkie, and had the word 'Days Fluttershy hasn't made a decision' written on it with a sixty-two under it.

Mini Pinkie erased the sixty-two and wrote a sixty-three in its place.

"I think it's a new record."

"Oh no! D-did I steal somepony else's record? May... maybe I should give it back?"

Fluttershy began to panic at the though of stealing something and being in the spotlight, mini Pinkie facehoofed.

Pinkie was sitting in her room, planing her next party went a familiar face sat down next to her.

"Howdy, Jiminy! How are you today?" Pinkie asked.

The cute little cricket with a top hat, suit, and little umbrella smiled up at Pinkie, "I'm fine Pinkie, thanks for asking."

"No problem, I just want my conscience to be as happy as can be! Cupcake?" Pinkie asked as she slid a cupcake over to the cricket.

"Don't mind if I do!"

The Night Court was set to begin in a few minutes, must to Princess Luna's dismay. She hated the Night Court; it was just a bunch of whiny rich snobs that only wanted money. Pretty much the same as the Day Court, but at night.

"Maybe we could just..."


Luna facehoofed, she knew that there was no way that her conscience would allow her to skip the Night Court. Luna sighed and turned around to see the little pink menace sitting on her dresser.

"Pink one, why doth thou grace us with thine presence?"

"Because, silly little Luna, you don't have the best track record with decision making." Pinkie giggled.

"We are guessing we shall never live that down."

"Probably not!"

Luna stopped dead in her tracts.

"What has thou sayist?"

"I 'sayist' that there will probably always be one silly pony that never forgives you!"

Luna just stared at Pinkie, her mouth open.

"How could thou talk about this in such a happy demeanor?"

"Um... Equestrian please?"

Luna rolled her eyes and slouched a little bit, "Like, how could you be in such a happy mood speaking about this topic?"

Pinkie looked at Luna with surprise, "...How..."

"We picked it up from the one known as Diamond Tiara."

"Some advice, never do that again."

"We can do whatever we want."

"Alright Miss 'I'm Luna and so am I', it's time to go to court."

"Actually, we think we are going to skip."

"Nope, you can't. As your conscience it is my-"

"Stop, pink one, we have heard that speech numerous times. Our mind is made up."

"Well I'm about to un...make it... up?" Pinkie sort of threatened.

"Your efforts will be futile, now leave us at once!"

Pinkie floated over to where Luna was, and landed on her muzzle. She stared right into Luna's eyes.

"No can do Luna-po!"

Luna had enough, it was one thing to disagree, but Pinkie had pushed her to her breaking point. Luna mustered up all the air she had in her lungs.


Pinkie was thrown into one of the walls of Luna's bedroom. When Luna finished speaking Pinkie shook her head and gave a slight nod.

"Alright, Luna, I'm going." Pinkie said as she floated past Luna then out the door. Luna's eyes followed Pinkie until she left the room. Once Pinkie was out, Luna shut the door and turned her head.

"It would seem that our voice has broken everything in thine room..."

Every piece of fine artwork or pottery, ruined. The pottery had been blown away and slammed against the wall were it promptly shattered. The artwork ripped, and the frames broken.

"...Sister damnit!"

After a hard day of ruling a country and controlling the sun, Celestia liked to unwind with a nice cup of tea and slice of cake.

Today was more of a whole cake kind of day.

Most of the staff at the castle knew that once the moon was raised, there should be tea and cake in Celestia's private quarters. And if anypony wanted to live another day, they wouldn't enter her room.

There was one pony, however that didn't abide by that standard. And by this point it's pretty obvious: Celestia's conscience.

"Hey Princess, what's shaking?"

Celestia was not in the mood to deal with Pinkie, but it was in her nature to try and be nice,

"Pinkie, as much as I love your company, would you mind leaving me alone? Just for tonight?"

Pinkie shook her tiny head, "I would do that, if I didn’t have to try and stop you from eating that whole cake."

Celestia's head got to meet her hoof.

"Please, Pinkie just let me eat it."

"No can do."

"Just one piece then?"

"Celestia, Celestia. This is for your own good. Next thing you know you will have eaten two slices, then three. Soon the whole cake is gone. Once the whole cake is gone, eventually you will have another, and another. After that you'll get even fatter-"

"I'm not fat!"

"Then ponies will start to notice it. Then soon some ponies might get the wrong idea and think you are pregnant. Then there will be a whole scandal and ponies will want you taken down from power, and before you know it, the whole world explodes."

Celestia gaped at Pinkie. Her explanation was going well until she brought up Equestria exploding. That part was a stretch.

"I don't want the world to explode!" Celestia whined.

Pinkie went to go comfort her, "There, there. Let your Auntie Pinkie Pie help you."

Celestia watched as Pinkie went over to the cake. She rubbed her hooves together, cracked her neck, and opened her mouth wider than was possible. Pinkie wrapped her mouth around the cake and ate it in one bite.

"There, all better!"

Celestia stared at Pinkie, tears beginning to form in her eyes.


Discord couldn't stop laughing, his plan had worked out just perfectly. There were little Pinkie Pie's running around and ruining ponies’ lives.

"Perfect! Just perfect!" Discord said to himself.

He had watched the whole day play out, and couldn't have been happier with the results.

"Twilight's stuck home, Rainbow's stuck in a tree, Applejack's out cold, Rarity's having a breakdown, Luna broke everything in her room, and Celestia is crying her eyes out over a cake! This couldn't have gone better!"

Discord snapped his fingers, and within an instant, seven little Pinkie Pies appeared before him.

"Wonderful job! You all did so great!"

"Yay! We did a good job!"

"Oh my gosh, you know what this calls for?"

Discord covered his ears for the blow.

"A PARTY!" All the Pinkies yelled at once.

"Wait, " Discord interrupted, "I wasn't finished speaking words yet! You all did such a marvelous job, that I have decided you should all remain permanent consciences!"

All of the Pinkie's looked at each other and nodded, "We'll do it!"

"Then go! Go my little ponies, spread chaos and destruction to the minds of others!"

Discord lied back in his chair, and sipped a glass of chocolate milk.

"Ha, " Discord laughed, "and to think I only watched this today. I should have started when I first sent them off three years ago!"

Author's Note:

Just a little something I pulled together. Criticism is welcomed, and advice is greatly appreciated. Especially with Luna, I don't know if I did that part right. Please like if you fav! Thanks again for reading!

Comments ( 18 )

Ha, yeah it was fun to write too :pinkiehappy:

Truly a horror you have visited on the poor unsuspecting ponies. :pinkiehappy:

Yup. I have no regrets. :eeyup:

Thumbs up for Spongebob Squarepants reference. :rainbowlaugh:

Can you make a sequel where Discord gets revenge for what he made Pinkie do?:applecry:

Ha, maybe in the future. :ajsmug:

:rainbowlaugh: That was awesome! I sure wish we could do the same thing with our politicians.

Ha! I feel the same exact way!:rainbowlaugh::pinkiehappy:

Everypony should have a tiny invisible Pinkie follow them around! :pinkiehappy::facehoof: Twilight does not approve...

I would love a little Pinkie!:pinkiehappy:


High States

Stakes [in a couple of places]

minutes, must to Princess

most ? much ?


Why did I see that coming....:facehoof:

Would you reallly...even following you int the bathroom

for me why did I NOT see that coming, it's like it seems so obvious in hindsight:facehoof:

Who else here cuz of Scribbler? :pinkiehappy:

"Ha, " Discord laughed, "and to think I only watched this today. I should have started when I first sent them off three years ago!"

When you really hoped that the singer was Pinkie Pie going "Heya! How's it going?" To a unsuspecting Discord.

Still funny though.

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