• Published 15th Jul 2013
  • 16,678 Views, 353 Comments

I'm sorry, Sis: Scootaloo - KrishnaKarnak

Nopony said it was easy. After a terrible fire nearly claims the lives of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Rainbow Dash has to seriously consider what it takes to be a sister when she has to face the prospect of disciplining the newly-adopted Scootaloo.

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Looking Ahead

Are you interested in what the future holds for these two sisters? How will Rainbow Dash handle the transition from sister to mother when she discovers that Scootaloo may be suffering from an anxiety disorder? Can she be a better mother than Scootaloo's original mom, Misty Skies? How will their relationship be affected when she grows closer to the stallion of her dreams? Rainbow Dash hopes that they'll all be a happy family one day.

Or maybe she'll need to make a difficult and terrible decision.

Maybe the real story holds the answers. What's Really the Most Important, Rainbow Dash?

Comments ( 133 )

Maybe the real story holds the answers. What's Really the Most Important, Rainbow Dash?

I see what you did there. :coolphoto:

Nice little touching-follow up there, but apparently that's still not enough to stall Rainbow's occasional forgetfulness.

I honestly preferred the previous chapter as the ending, felt a bit more powerful, I think.


~Skeeter The Lurker


Already kinda regret posting this. Hope ya enjoyed reading what was there, but this really is better off ending at the last chapter. This is now just a link to WRTMI.

that was a good story tho i dint expect u to add another chap but good job i really enjoyed it

2887383 I enjoyed reading it, but I really gotta catch up on your main story.


Don't get me wrong, dude, it works as an ending... You could have probably just combined the two.

~Skeeter The Lurker

2887383 I literally pressed the F5 button to see if new comments had come (yeah I'm like that, so what?) and I thought I glitched when I saw the author's notes at the beginning.


No rush! I've gotta update the first few chapters in the coming days, since there's a few continuity errors with ISS. I'll do a blog all about it.


I may do that in the end. The biggest issue here was posting that while I was about to leave for work. I had no time to fix it up, so I just took the whole thing out. It does work without it, though.

I knew your stories were just that great!! Dashie and Scoots for you!


Comment posted by Fluttrick deleted Jul 17th, 2013
Comment posted by Fluttrick deleted Jul 17th, 2013

So I looked at the description real quick and thought it said

After a terrible fire claims the lives of almost all the Cutie Mark Crusaders , Rainbow Dash has to seriously consider what it takes to be a sister by adopted Scootaloo.

or something like that:twilightsheepish:

shortly into reading I realized I had gotten the description wrong my bad:rainbowlaugh:

I thought it was going to be a sad tragedy story with Scootaloo and Rainbow...but it turned into a story about Rainbow...coming to terms with spanking Scootaloo...

It started out really well...but when it came to point with them discussing the Spanking...I kinda lost interest... it nothing against the story...It's just as someone who was never spanked or never knew anyone who was...I just couldn't relate.:ajsleepy:
I've just never saw it as an effective punishment...


Thanks, I'll fix them once I get home.

Anyone else reading this, if you ever see mistakes, please point them out. Even with myself and two editors, sometimes we can't do the pokemon thing and catch them all.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it.


That's perfectly fair. It can be a difficult subject even if you're quite familiar with it. Thanks for giving it a read, maybe the sequel would be more suited to your tastes? It's spank free.

Ive allready read all the chapeters in What's really the most important :fluttercry:
Glad that you put this story up anyways...

2888053 You mean, the 'Mmurican way! Killing is okay as long as their private parts don't show! :twilightblush:

2888973 Thank you. That was actually a very nice read, because I'd never actually noticed there was a difference between authoritarian and authoritative because I'd always read the words so fast and gotten them confused. :facehoof:

I 100% agree with you that what RD and Scoots have now settled on is an authoritative family. After I read the description for the said parenting style, I very much approve.

2889091 You know, I wrote the exact same thing to him when editing. :twilightsmile:

Now I know how my parents felt every time they spanked me.:raritycry:


Certainly better to have them go through that than smacking them upside the head out of anger.

This is the first story I've seen in months that actually deserves to be featured. A well written, feely story with much effort put into it. You just don't find this anymore thanks to the cesspool of Halo crossovers and more porn than even Hugh Hefner would tolerate.

Congrats, sir!

If a simple dope slap is enough to keep you from doing something fatally stupid in the future, then you're better disciplined than most these days.

Not everybody is like that, though, and the method used in this story is the best way to go about it. Explaining what's going to happen beforehand is useful in that it gets the child to think not only about what's going to happen to them as a result, but also about what they did wrong in the first place and, with any luck, why it was wrong. The entire point is to teach a lesson by being firm without being abusive.

Not to be rude, but I'm going to guess that you've never experienced this kind of discipline. It seems absurd if you haven't, but those of us that have can attest to its effectiveness. If I ever have kids, this'll be the way I raise them. They'll appreciate it too, I hope.

I think you mean "definition."

2890105 It didn't happen often, but it has happened. If I did something dumb in school or whatever and my mother found out, I'd sometimes get a phonecall letting me know that I was gonna get an asswhoopin when she got home. It never really stopped my antics at all, but I guess the fear was always there.

Interestingly enough, I became a little pyro when I was about 10 or 11. I'd set little balls of tissue on fire and threw them into this little metal trashcan we had. I'm not going to get into how it happened, but I ended up setting my grandmothers bed on fire when no one was home. I put it out, but there was no hiding from that. Eventually my mother found out about it, and she said we'd have a talk about that the next day, she was too mad to even deal with me at that moment.

The next day she called me into the master bedroom, and she made me take a seat, kind of like in the story. Maybe that's why it resonates with me the way it does. She told me that what I did was dangerous, and I could have burned the house down, and killed myself and anyone else who was in there with me. In a move that completely shocked me, she basically went on a tangent about her fears. How she was afraid of fire, afraid of losing her kids and her family, and despite there being no overall real damage from the fire, she'd hadn't been that upset in quite a long time. She told me that she wasn't going to hit me and she wanted me to think about what I was doing to myself and how my actions affected others.

It was that moment in my life that I really started to change my ways, and I certainly didn't set any more fires. I'm not going to lie and say I changed overnight and became a saint, but she never hit me again. It changed things for me, and for her and my family. I no longer weighed what I did based on how hurt I was going to get, or how I was going to get out of said punishment. Punishments like that were no longer a factor in my life, I only cared about how my actions effected others and myself.

If I ever have kids, it's not something I could ever do. Not only would I have the same gut wrenching feelings as portrayed in the story, but I wouldn't believe it would actually accomplish anything. I don't actually get too upset when I see it though, I'm desensitized to it, but it's for that reason why I understand that people who didn't get hit as children could get so angry about it. They're barely used to it on a conceptual level, the idea is frightening. To know you've done wrong, to be spoken too like you're being read your last rites on the way to the chair. It didn't do anything for me except make me try not to get caught.

It was good enough, but just the fact that it ended with Scootaloo calling Dash "Mom" and not "Sis"... It just had so much more of an impact.

that awkward moment when you realize this fic is only 2 days old

All I can say is that this is a powerful and touching story to read. Very well told, and quite the message in it, both for story telling and for life lessons. A job well done indeed.

So you wrote a fic that shows the CMC as a whole were raised so poorly that they nearly kill themselves, then twist that into a corporal punishment apologist message.
This story physically makes me want to vomit.
The point of physical pain based punishment is to create a psychological aversion to a specific action and is only effective when the child is either unable to rationalize their behavior as bad or is willfully bad.
Harming a child well after the fact and especially one that fully comprehends the cause and effect of their actions, morally understands the gravity of their transgression, and is so repentant they seek to atone via flagellation by proxy is nothing but child abuse and you should be ashamed for promoting it.
Hitting a kid is bad enough as corrective behavior that it shows either tremendous failure as a guardian or severe behavioral issues. Hitting them as a penal sentence for a past transgression is inhumane and assault. It is also traumatizing to the child because they psychologically tend to associate the pain with the one causing it far more than the event that they are being punished for.
In addition it is not a strong enough or persistent enough type of punishment. All it does, in a disobedient or poor self controlled child, is make them not want to get caught. It's only adults that truly fear and therefor like to inflict and solve their problems with violence. If you can't think like a child you can't control them.

This is a well written story, and I like it a lot. I understand there is a controversy over the merits of parents disiplining thier childeren via spanking. Not expressing one opinion or another, as I am not a parent and cannot offer a valid opinion thusly, what I belive is that this is not really the heart of the story. What we really have here is a charater, Rainbow Dash, coming to terms over the responsiblity parenthood brings in ensuring that a child, Scootaloo, is raised properly. What we are presented here is a story of mother who does not know what is the right way to raise a child. Which is something most new parents can understand. Dash, in short, is learning to be a mother. A mother who has little in the way of guidance due to the absence of her own parents.

Dash does not know if sending Scoots to her room is sufficent punishment or not. If the spanking will add value to the message of punishment or not. Or if she is even doing the whole parenting thing right in the first place. We see these struggles through Dash's internal dialouge and conflicts. Is she doing it right? We dont know, and the struggle is the heart of the story.

As a person who was spanked as a child, I can safely say you are seriously overreacting. I have no emotional scars from those moments whatsoever, and my parents are both very sane, very loving people who have raised three other very happy, very successful children. I can say the same thing for several friends of mine and their parents.

Personally, I find it rather shameful of you to categorize every parent who uses even the lightest of spankings as a method of punishment as some kind of mentally disturbed, abusive monster, whose children will carry the horrible, irreperable mental damage associated with being slapped on the butt a few times (which only caused a mild sting that lasted for not much longer than a minute in my case) forever.

If you think slapping a kid on the butt a few times is the worst thing a parent can do, you have NO idea what real child abuse is.

Well written story. Good feels :)


Please compare what I actually wrote to your interpretation of what I meant.

I said that resorting to corporal punishment is a parenting failure, not that parents who do so are evil.
I also said that while immediately spanking a kid for bad behavior serves a "teaching" function, scheduling a spanking for some time after the fact does not and is therefor abuse rather than discipline whether the parent intends it to be or not.

If you think slapping a kid on the butt a few times is the worst thing a parent can do, you have NO idea what real child abuse is.

I never implied this at all. Now who's overreacting?

As a person who was spanked as a child...

Seriously? Your anecdotes are irrelevant. I am not even remotely implying physically disciplined kids are automatically damaged. Most kids who are bullied at school don't shoot up the school. But the dividing line between physical discipline and abuse is entirely subjective. Why is parenting the only scenario where inflicting physical pain on a child is considered acceptable?

2893509i ment with abuse im spanked sometimes too

I'm not going to get involved in the ongoing argument about spanking being "Good" or "Bad" here. What I will say, however, is great job on realizing that there is a difference between "consequences" and "punishment." So many people don't get that. We ALL have to deal with the consequences or every choice we make in life, be it wise or unwise. It's when we make the unwise choices on purpose that we also need to deal with being punished.

And again, I'm not going to get involved in whether or not spanking is a "good" or "bad" form of punishment. It's an ideological argument that people refuse to budge on, so I'm going to waste my time. I have my own opinions on the matter, and if I ever have kids of my own I'll raise them as I see fit. You (meaning "everyone" in the general sense) are free to do the same, but that doesn't give any of you the right to dictate my (or anyone else's) actions.

Criticize me, sure. Disagree with me, definitely. But unless you can prove deliberate, permanent, and severe physical AND psychological damage, stay out of my business. I may be to likewise criticize and/or disagree with you, but I'm certainly not going to try and dictate what you do.

Very nice story, really nicely written :twilightblush:


I got Alexstrazas permission to post this. Nice try.


I also said that while immediately spanking a kid for bad behavior serves a "teaching" function, scheduling a spanking for some time after the fact does not and is therefor abuse rather than discipline whether the parent intends it to be or not.

This is probably the single most dangerous thing pointed out in these comments.

A proper spanking should be earned immediately so the child knows what's coming, an immediate response to their actions. However, a spanking should never, never, fucking, fucking, NEVER be administered on the spot. A parent or guardian has to give themselves time to calm down, even if they don't feel angry.

RD couldn't tell Scoots precisely what the night was going to have in store for her. That's just another thing to add to her pile of worries, the fact that she already put her in the room as the actual punishment. She didn't just march up there and spank Scoots without comment. It took everything in her to even face. That's what makes this title work so well. Either RD or Scoots could be saying 'I'm Sorry, Sis'.

To me, it was the right decision in the end, but Rainbow Dash was flawed in getting there. It sadly couldn't be helped.

I'm going to second this whole post right here. I hadn't even considered the story's odd role as a work of pro-spanking didactic fiction, but it's a true thing. I don't know if it's entirely that, but something about the story as a whole left a bad taste in my heart-mouth. It might have been the fact that character voice sometimes gave off the impression of being off somehow. It might have had to do with the infinite spanking based morality, which isn't really a moral perspective I agree with. It might have just been the infinite exclamation marks. There's a good story there, underneath it all, but it has a fair share of problems. I gave it a thumbs up, because it wasn't bad, and I usually give a thumbs up to stuff I read and feel neutral about, but I can't wholeheartedly like something that has too many exclamation marks. It might just be my punctuation based curse. Seriously, I think I may have spent actual hours of my life talking about my distaste for them.


Or, you know, you could just write my entire story for me. Obviously, to you, the views of the author are meaningless. This wasn't soapboxing, this was my belief on how Scootaloo should have been punished given the severity of the events.

I'm not going to throw the entire premise of the fic into the opening with no room for build up, because close-minded individuals would simply dismiss it immediately as an abuse fic. If you're worried about the spanking being shoved down your throat, then you could have stopped reading. That's like being upset because a romance fic kept talking about kissing or something.

The fic was about Dash facing the challenges of disciplining Scootaloo. That's what she did. You can deal with that and move on, if you'd like.


I use the exclamations whenever a voice isn't dead serious. Just because there s a '!' doesn't mean someone's shouting at the top of their lungs in a sing-song voice.

Seriously, I've written almost 200k words in this style, and you're the only person I've ever seen kick up a fuss about them. A big fuss. :twilightoops:

Exclamation marks are problematic because they're telling the audience how to feel about something. You're putting in punctuation what you should be putting in the text. If something isn't serious, let it not be serious on its own merits, and if something is being said dramatically, have the character say it dramatically. Additionally, I really don't think that exclamation marks ever mean that the character isn't being serious. Exclamation marks mean that a character is exclaiming. Seriously, nearly every single sentence in this work that has an exclamation mark would be better without one, and you use them a hell of a lot. People who aren't me don't comment because people who aren't me don't talk as much about punctuation based style issues. I generally know what I'm talking about where this topic is concerned, so you should probably try out a broad spectrum anti-exclamation mark program, and see how it looks. Your work will improve for it. It may not seem like a big issue, but it's the little things that make the difference if you want to improve as a writer.

Edit: If you want to know why it's important, stop reading the punctuation as you intended, and start reading it based on how the audience will generally perceive it. In this case, that means reading every sentence with an exclamation mark as if the character is saying that sentence in the most enthusiastic or intense way possible.


Unfortunately you have a very idealized and skewed view of things. The vast majority of spankings are administered out of either anger or frustration, regardless of whether they are administered on the spot, within a short time, or later on. Yes some are administered with detachment simply because the parent believes in corporal punishment as a parenting tool.

The point is that the motivation and emotions of the parent do not matter and determining one is more right over the other from the parent's point of view is the fatal flaw here. You must always determine what is right from the child's point of view.

When a child does something that they do not automatically learn from (such as playing with fire and not already being traumatized by their actions by being burned or terrified) and pain based aversion therapy (which is what spanking is) is administered immediately it creates an association of the pain and the parent's displeasure with the behavior they are being punished for. Pain being inflicted after any significant delay causes the child to disassociate those things from their behavior. It's an entirely different lesson they learn.

When you spank a child immediately the lesson they learn is "I did a bad thing", when you wait, the lesson they learn is "I'm bad".

Other non-pain based forms of punishment such as grounding, removal of privileges, extra chores, lectures, and guilt-tripping can be administered later because they are ongoing rather than a one-off and give the child time to reflect and understand, and can be explained rationally by the parent to the child.

In this story specifically you have 3 major no-nos in Scoot's punishment. You fail to address these after the fact because of your personal opinion on corporal punishment.
1: She was traumatized as fuck by what happened already.
2: She fully understood the gravity of what she had done and wished to repent.
3: The spanking came so far after her transgression that it served absolutely no teaching function.

Dash trying to figure out discipline and parenting and doing what's best for her charge in a serious situation, and does what she believes in whether right or wrong is fine. The problem is that you assert her final decision was right. It was not. It's what I expected her to do. I am just pissed you turned the message of "parenting is hard and being a kid is hard, and sometimes kids make mistakes and sometimes parents don't know how to deal and make mistakes in trying" into "when in doubt, slap your kid's ass".


Unfortunately you have a very idealized and skewed view of things.

Welcome to fanfiction and escapism.

The vast majority of spankings are administered out of either anger or frustration, regardless of whether they are administered on the spot, within a short time, or later on. Yes some are administered with detachment simply because the parent believes in corporal punishment as a parenting tool.

This was not the case with Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo. As for the rest, ever hear of Sturgeon's Law? That includes child rearing.

The point is that the motivation and emotions of the parent do not matter and determining one is more right over the other from the parent's point of view is the fatal flaw here. You must always
determine what is right from the child's point of view.

This was absolutely right from the child's point of view. Unless you mean the child should decide how to raise themselves, since they're the ultimate authority on that at seven years old. Let's check with Scootaloo... she said she wanted to be spanked. Fair enough.

When a child does something that they do not automatically learn from (such as playing with fire and not already being traumatized by their actions by being burned or terrified) and pain based aversion therapy (which is what spanking is) is administered immediately it creates an association of the pain and the parent's displeasure with the behavior they are being punished for. Pain being inflicted after any significant delay causes the child to disassociate those things from their behavior. It's an entirely different lesson they learn.

Kids aren't fucking stupid, you know :unsuresweetie: They may not know what's best for them, but I'd like to think they can associate a the pain of a spanking with something that happened 8ish or so hours earlier. This fire isn't going to leave her head any time soon. Nor is the fact that she knew and fully understood why Rainbow Dash did it and precisely what it cost her big sister.

When you spank a child immediately the lesson they learn is "I did a bad thing", when you wait, the lesson they learn is "I'm bad".

No, the lesson is still "I did a bad thing." Seriously, you act as though a timeout later and they'll forget about the entire thing. Oh, mom's hitting me. I guess I'm just plain bad! Again, kids aren't stupid, and your damn right you did a bad thing, Scootaloo. Which Rainbow Dash explained to her, what she did was bad, not she herself.

Other non-pain based forms of punishment such as grounding, removal of privileges, extra chores, lectures, and guilt-tripping can be administered later because they are ongoing rather than a one-off and give the child time to reflect and understand, and can be explained rationally by the parent to the child.

Spanking is the exact same way, when done right, and each and every one of those punishments can be a negative influence or even dangerous to the child, when done wrong. I have a feeling we're going to start going in circles.

In this story specifically you have 3 major no-nos in Scoot's punishment. You fail to address these after the fact because of your personal opinion on corporal punishment.

1: She was traumatized as fuck by what happened already.
2: She fully understood the gravity of what she had done and wished to repent.
3: The spanking came so far after her transgression that it served absolutely no teaching function.

1. In the original, she was traumatized as fuck. That was one of the major issues. It was a very scary situation for her, but she understood the dangers and what caused it in this instance. Whatever she hadn't grasped, Dash talked her through.

2. This was a no-no? What?

3. See 'what I did was bad' vs. 'I'm bad' above.

Dash trying to figure out discipline and parenting and doing what's best for her charge in a serious situation, and does what she believes in whether right or wrong is fine.

You believe such a thing is fine, except for when you believe it isn't fine?:

The problem is that you assert her final decision was right. It was not. It's what I expected her to do. I am just pissed you turned the message of "parenting is hard and being a kid is hard, and sometimes kids make mistakes and sometimes parents don't know how to deal and make mistakes in trying" into "when in doubt, slap your kid's ass".

Like here. First off, this is not a 'when in doubt, slap your kid's ass' story. The fact that you believe that is disgusting. You act like Rainbow Dash still had no idea what she was doing and had not even worked out the details, with or without Scoot, so she just hauled the kid over and beat her red to assuage her own uncertainties. Read the fic again, that's... not what happened.

Anyways, I do fully believe her final decision was right. Like Applejack said, the risk is not worth their lives. Just think about what people have done to children in response to causing fires. Scoots got off damn easy here compared to the norm, where abuse is sadly not the exception, but often the rule., and she got off with full understanding of what went down. That message of 'parenting is hard and being a kid is hard, and sometimes kids make mistakes and sometimes parents don't know how to deal and make mistakes in trying' is still there. Rainbow Dash, for the most of this, doesn't know how to handle it. She made two mistakes that she acknowledged, the second of which she should have explained more properly to Scoots: 'I yelled at her, and used an ineffective or cruel prison sentence to deal with it'.

Should she have addressed the fact that Scootaloo was technically already given punishment? Yes. Scootaloo even brought that up herself. Rainbow Dash is not perfect here, and trust me when I say being flawed is part of her character, because she's still growing up and learning these lessons as much as Scootaloo is. Rainbow Dash not being perfect was something so hammered into the readers it should have been obvious from the start. This wasn't about Scoot doing wrong and being corrected, it was both sisters messing up and a mutual quest to pick up the pieces and resolve their guilt.

Spanking is a touchy as fuck subject, but given the closed world of this fic, you can't tell me that it wasn't effective. Some real kids react vastly differently to punishment, even if the parent makes every and all attempts to ensure their charges understand, which many parents don't. There is no fix-all solution, that's one of the biggest challenges of raising a child. You're going to make a mistake, you're only human. Or pony. Spanking Scootaloo after the filly made the decision for herself?

Not a mistake. Hard and even outright difficult for Dash to do? Yes.

EDIT: I don't really wanna go back and forth on this anymore. I'm glad you took the time to explain your reasoning, it's just not something I can agree on.

2893929 true spanking cna drive a child to hating a parent when it's not done correctly. My parents explained to me every single time i was spanked that they didn't want to do. they explained that there was no other choice. because i had acted up or done something wrong to the level that simply sending me to my room wouldn't cut. my parents never spanked me out of anger. i had pissed them off a lot of times and they would yell at me and let out their anger their. but not once have i ever been spanked when my parents were mad at me. they waited until the were not mad anymore so they could sit me down and explain why what i did was wrong and they told me everytime that they hated having to spank me. but they also explained why they had to because i had forced their hand. But even when i was younger i had no issue with being forced to my room. even now with my xbox in the living room and them taking away both my laptop and ipod i still don't think that being sent to room is bad. i have plenty of things i can still do that entertain me just as much like reading. truly the spankings i got when i was younger left an impression on me because now that i'm older i can understand even more why they spanked me and why they hated it. i hold a lot of respect for my parents and the way they raised me, and the way they did made me a much better teen. personally i believe spankings are best done when the child is around 5-10 because those years are when they are old enough to understand somewhat the thing you tell them and still young enough for a spanking to leave an impression on them. by the time they are in their teenage years, even though they can understand what you say it won't leave as much an impression. but the whole point is to show them that their are rules they should follow and consequences for breaking them. not to smack the kid and show them that the bigger person wins. and when you get hit you can't always strike back. when you turn 18 striking back will get you in a lot of trouble. if someone strikes a person of 18 and that person strikes back then they can easily be charged with assault. i fully believe and standing up and defending myself from being hit or punched but i don't believe in striking back when i am being punished. when i'm spanked i know what i got spanked for and didn't think that i needed to get revenge i thought that i had messed up and broke a rule and needed to not do that again


I don't think the message is vastly altered based on the exclamation points, it's not difficult to put one's self in the right mood for the story. I've read dark or sad fics with an abundance of them myself, and they never skewered my perception of the story. Is that because I'm used to them myself? Maybe. Maybe not. If you truly believe it's an issue that has to be addressed...

I do intend to go through the majority of What's Really the Most Important to proof dat sumbitch soon. I'll purge any of them I feel are unnecessary and maybe that'll help me remember to keep them toned down. I'll give this the same treatment.

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