• Published 30th Jul 2013
  • 3,355 Views, 158 Comments

Up and Automaton - Zap Apple Smash

A friend of Cheerilee from detrot comes to Ponyville with a new invention that unfortunately goes haywire. Lunaverse story

  • ...

And the hit's just keep on coming.

Mac! a-aaah
Savior of the Universe
Mac! a-aaah
He'll save every one of us

Big Mac turned to see four rams standing nearby. Woolliam stepped forward and handed Big Mac a business card.

"Theme songs for all occasions." The ram explained. "You'll find our rates very reasonable."

Big Mac put the card away as he looked to the other ponies. "You alright?" He called.

"Yeah, we're fine." Cheerilee replied before turning to Pinkie. "How'd you get him to come here so fast?"

"Told him there was a massive metal monster with mashing and mayhem in mind." Pinkie replied. She then noticed the teacher staring at her. "What? This situation isn't that hard to explain."

"Hey Woolly." Trixie called. "Got a copy of your rates?"

"Woolliam." The ram corrected as he walked over to Trixie and handed her a piece of paper outlining their prices.

"Wow, they are reasonable." Trixie said as she looked them over. "Make me a demo and we'll talk."

Trixie then noticed the look Cheerilee was giving her. "What? I'm entitled to a theme song."

Cheerilee rolled her eyes as she focused her attention back on Big Mac.

The Automaton picked itself out of the stack of rocks and stared at the newcomer.

"Hostile!" Its voice was raspy and unnatural but there was no mistaking that it had come from the Automaton.

"It can talk?" Cheerilee said in amazement.

"How about we focus on the fact that it can kill." Trixie suggested.

The metal minotaur started to pick up rocks from the stack and hurl them at Big Mac. The red stallion dodged the rocks fairly easily but was unable to close the distance. Finally having enough, the farmer decided to return fire. Finding a well positioned rock, Big Mac resorted to a tried and true Apple Family technique; he bucked it full force.

The rock flew like a rocket straight at the Automaton. Having not yet learned the fine art of dodging, the Automaton could only stare as the make-shift missile flew in and took the metal creature's left arm off its shoulder.

"Nooooo!" Gears wailed. "I spent 6 hours on that shoulder joint." He was promptly silenced by a blue hoof to the back of the head.

The Automaton stared at the space where its arm used to be, seemingly trying to process the sudden change in its structure. So much so that it didn't notice Big Mac charging in until he leapt into the air and removed its right arm with a flying punch.

The farmer dusted himself off with a look of satisfaction as the de-limbed Automaton seemed to stand there in a state of shock. Pinkie then appeared beside the farmer.

"Well it looks like you've been disarmed."

Big Mac let out a groan.

"Hey," Pinkie said indignantly. "If you're not gonna make witty one-liners don't complain about mine."

Any non-existent reply Big Mac might have had was interrupted by a bright green light coming out of the two newly-made holes at the sides of the Automaton. The usually stoic stallion then went bug-eyed when the Automaton's arms flew in and snapped back into place.

"You mean it's also self-repairing?" Gears said in amazement. "That's fantastic! Ow!" The inventor’s enthusiasm was cut short by another well-aimed hoof.

Shaking off his initial shock, Big Mac shooed Pinkie away and readied his front hooves as he prepared to settle this the old fashioned way. He closed the distance, dodged a left jab from the Automaton and countered with a right cross. When that proved ineffective Big Mac ducked a hay maker and countered with a left uppercut aimed for its chin. The Automaton caught the incoming hoof with his right hand and tried to punch Big Mac with his left but the earth pony stopped the fist with his other hoof. What followed next was a standoff between the two powerhouses with neither willing to budge.

At least until the Automaton delivered a devastating head butt and then threw the dazed farmer to the ground.

When Big Mac stopped seeing stars he looked up and saw that the Automaton had lifted up an even bigger rock than the ones it had been throwing, obviously with the intent of crushing him. Just as the rock came down, Big Mac was surrounded by magic and pulled out of the way.

When he looked up again he saw Cheerilee and Trixie standing over him.


When Trixie dissipated her magic Cheerilee held out a hoof and helped Big Mac sit up. "Hope you still have some fight left," the teacher told her old friend. "Cause we need to end this quickly."

The stallion stood up and cracked his neck. "Eeyup." He drawled as he looked at the Automaton, who had rolled the rock to the side and was trying to make sense of the inexplicable lack of squashed stallion. "Ideas?"

Cheerilee checked her surroundings and saw a massive boulder nearby. She turned to Lumos. "Can you lift that?" She asked as she pointed to the boulder.

"I think so." Lumos admitted.

"Do it," the teacher ordered. "And get ready to drop it."

"So what's the plan?" Trixie asked.

"We blind it, we hit it hard and we bury it." The teacher explained.

"Wow, that plan's both simple and crazy." The representative replied. "Let’s do this."

As Lumos tried to lift up the boulder without the Automaton noticing, Trixie, Cheerilee and Big Mac charged at it.

Trixie shot a blinding light into the creature's eyes. She then sidestepped to give Big Mac a chance to crash into it full body. As the Automaton stumbled backwards, Trixie, using her magic, grabbed hold of its legs as Cheerilee spring-boarded off of Big Mac's back and delivered a jump kick to its head before bouncing off it and landing into Big Mac's waiting arms.

Seeing that the Automaton wasn't quite there yet, Trixie levitated a nearby rock and hit the creature in the head with it. That final blow was enough to know the metal minotaur onto its back.

"NOW!" Cheerilee shouted.

Lumos let go of the boulder, causing the ground to shake as it landed on top of the Automaton.

All was silent as the ponies stared at the rock in fear. It was only after a ten count of nothing happening that Trixie allowed herself to breathe a sigh of relief.

That was the moment the boulder started to move. Then it started to rise. The ponies could only stare in disbelief as the boulder rose higher to reveal the Automaton lifting up the boulder. Everypony present couldn't help but stare on in shock and awe as they watched this amazing feat of strength.

That awe ended when it threw the boulder at Big Mac. Not having a better plan, the red stallion jumped out of the way, narrowly avoiding being crushed. When he looked back up the Automaton was gone.


Big Mac's ears then perked up when he heard something behind him. He quickly turned and came face to face with a big metal torso. "Horseapples."

The next blow from the Automaton connected, sending the farmer flying. When the stallion landed, he came face first to a skidding stop and didn't get back up.

The other ponies raced to Big Macs side, preparing to protect him from further assault. However when they looked back up, it appeared that while they had been focused on Big Mac, the Automaton had left.

"Where did it go?" Trixie asked.

"Right now, I've got bigger things to worry about." Cheerilee replied as she and Pinkie rolled Big Mac onto his back.

As the teacher gave the red stallion a look over, trying to discern what shape he was in, Big Mac let out a groan as he opened his eyes. Cheerilee stuck her fore hooves near the farmers face. "How many hooves do you see?"

Big Mac tried to focus on said hooves. "Tw...t...To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles..." The stallion seemed to go off into his own soliloquy.

"Wow." Pinkie stated. "His marbles got knocked good."

Trixie ran her hoof down her face as she took a cleansing breath. "Okay, new plan. Pinkie; you and Lumos get Big Macintosh to the hospital. The rest of us will find that death machine and try to stop it."

"So basically the old plan but now with less ponies than you started with." Lumos backed off when he felt Trixie's piercing glare. "Alright then."

Pinkie was leading the way for Lumos who was levitating the still soliloquying stallion. Trixie started to follow what looked like the Automaton's trail.

"Look, I don't want to be the one to say this," Cheerilee said. "but I'm really not liking our chances right now. Maybe it would be a better idea to retreat and regroup."

"Love to," Trixie replied. "But if we leave that thing out of our sight for too long more ponies could get hurt." Trixie stopped as she deliberated. "You two should go back to town and see if you can get more help. I'll track it down and send out a flare when I find it."

"There's no way I'm leaving you to face that thing by yourself."

"Look, we need help and we need to keep tracking that thing. Last time I checked, you can't send out a signal flair and we can't exactly trust Bump & Grind not to get lost on his way back to town."

"Grinding Gears." The inventor corrected.

"I know what I said."

Cheerilee was about to continue arguing but realised that despite her hating this idea, there really wasn't an alternative. "Alright, just don't do anything crazy," She paused. "Or at least crazier."

Trixie gave a half hearted smile. "No promises."

As Cheerilee and Gears left to head back to town, Trixie took a moment to motivate herself as she started on the trail of the Automaton. "Alright Trixie, time to earn that Knighthood...again."

When criminals in this world appear
And break the laws that they should fear
And frighten all who see or hear
The cry goes up both far and near
For Lulamoon! Lulamoon! Lulamoon! Lulamoon!

Trixie saw the ram quartet standing nearby.

"Like the tune but lose the Lulamoon bit." The representative replied. "Keep trying."

Snails was busy exploring the forest as usual, looking to see if there were any bugs that needed a warm place to stay for the winter. Feeling a chilling breeze, he tightened the red scarf his mum had bought for him before directing his attention to a promising looking log.

Thump! Thump!

Snails turned from the log and saw a giant metal minotaur staring down at him.

"Hi there." The colt replied cheerfully. "I'm Snails. What's your name?"


"Hostile? That's a funny name."


Cheerilee stopped in her tracks. "That's Snails!"

"Who?" Gears asked.

"He's one of my students." The teacher explained. "Come on."

Snails ran for dear life as the Automaton gave chase. "Sorry I said your name was funny!" He wailed.

As he ran, his scarf started to loosen. He accidentally stepped on it and came crashing face first into the ground. When he dug his face out of the snow and rolled onto his back, he saw the Automaton standing over him.

"Hostile!" The metallic monster repeated as it raised its fist.

As the fist came down, Snails closed his eyes and braced for impact. Hearing a thump but not feeling any pain, the colt opened his eyes and saw that standing between him and the Automaton, blocking the fist with her front hooves, was his sister.

And she did not look happy.

"You want to see hostile?" Raindrops asked. "You just found it."