• Published 19th Jul 2013
  • 2,930 Views, 17 Comments

Kingdom Hearts II: A visit to a new world - SolidFerret

Sora, Donald and Goofy travel to a new world. Can't be different from what they've encountered, right?

  • ...

A Canterlot nightmare.

"Piece of cake." Sora said rather brashly as the gummy ship went through the keyhole that was nothing then light. After clearing out the way, He, along with his two friends, Donald and Goofy, were all set for the new world they had discovered. A blinding light made them lose sight of their vision for a moment.

Twilight wandered aimlessly around the crystal caves. Sighing in desperation in hopes of finding a way out.

But her ears, then her head perked up at the sound of footsteps.

"Hello?" She asked. "Who's there?"

Sora stumbled when he first set foot in this world. Actually, it wasn't a foot, it was a hoof.

"Woah!" He said, stumbling while attempting to get used to his new body.

He looked over to Donald, he looked like a mixture of a lion while pertaining his original Duck body. He had an easy time by flapping his wings and while carrying his staff with a talon.

Goofy looked the most "original". The only difference was that he was bigger and more bulkier. He had fangs that weren't as threatening as one would think as the way they looked in his snout was almost funny. Sora and Donald almost burst out laughing at the sight.

"Garsh, where do ya thiank we are?" Goofy exclaimed as they looked around. The darkness of a cave gave no answer to the three.

"Can't tell." Sora commented.

"What are we?" Donald said.

Sora looked at his body. While it kept his jacket and necklace, his body, from what he could tell, was that of a pony. He had seen them before, but being one was something new to him. He was colored brown, his mane felt the same as his normal hair did. He also had a tail that he waved around for a short moment.

"A pony?" He said.

"A world of ponies?" Goofy asked.

"Must be. Come on, lets find a way out." Sora said as he got the hang of walking and ran off with the two following.

The trio moved through out the cave, though the darkness had not been a help to them in eye sight.

"It's dark." Donald complained.

"Huh, let me see what I can do..." Sora summoned his keyblade, which appeared in his mouth. He cast fire to make light and see the walls were all still black.

"Sumtin didn't seem right." Goofy commented.

"Yeah, it was as if-"

Two dots of yellow suddenly appeared, as if they could see perfectly now.

"Huh, I knew it!" Sora declared as he readied his keyblade. The Heartless jumped down, surrounding the three.

Sora wasted no time in charging at the nearest one he saw, swinging his key blade with his mouth. He used a little hop in swings for momentum, which helped greatly.

As more were defeated, more jumped down from the walls. One got the jump on Sora, nearly taking him down.

"Sora!" Goofy called as he gave a potion to Sora, who felt as if nothing hit him at all.

The three were being pushed to their limits on this battle. The swarming waves of each heartless was making them more and more tired. Sora had finished taking out another before he called to the others,

"Come on! We can-"

A blinding, purple light crakced through the ground beneath the brown pony, giving way before Sora could jump to his friends. He fell into complete darkness, leaving the two to only call out to him.


Sora laid on the ground, breathing heavily. He was covered in scratches and bruises.

A purple figure approached him.

"Huh?" Sora awoke with a gasp.

"Hey, are you okay?" A girl asked.

Sora looked over to see a lavender unicorn approaching him. Her mane was straight with a pink stripe going through it.

"Yeah, I guess." Sora said as he shook his head to get the pain out of his head.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle. What's yours?"

Sora looked at her and nodded, before realizing what he had to do.

"Oh, I'm Sora." He said as she stepped out.

"Nice to meet you." She said with a smile. though a smile didn't call for the situation.

"Where are we?" He asked.

"We're in the crystal caves underneath Canterlot." Twilight informed her newfound friend.

"Canterlot, is that a city or something?" Sora asked almost excitedly.

"Yes." she said awkwardly.

"Is there anyone there named Riku? Or King Mickey?" He asked eagerly.

"Not that I know of." She said, shaking her head. "Sorry."

Sora let his hopes go as he slumped down.

"Know a way out of here?" He asked, with a very mopey tone.

"You're asking the wrong pony. I don't know where or if there is an exit." She said.

Sora stood up, "How did you get down here then?"

Twilight looked at him with a serious look, "An evil pony send her powers to send me down here. Or at least I think she's evil, she used to be my foal sitter." She said the last part with despair as if she had lost a close friend, Something Sora knew a lot about.

"That doesn't sound like a friend to me." He said to her.

"But why-"

"Well, tell me about her." Sora said as he sat down.

"Well, her name is Princess Cadence, or her title, Mi Amore Cadenza. She was getting married to my brother today. Though I wonder if he even knows."

"I'm finding a hard time believing that would do this to you." Sora said with a smirk.


"Think, she wouldn't have done this even if she only cared for just your brother" Sora put a hoof around her.

"You might be right." She said with a smile. Sora grinned as well. Though the moment was cut short as an evil, wicked laugh cut through the air.

"You're a good guesser, especially for somepony new." The voice of a witch cracked throughout the caves.

"Who's there!?" Sora exclaimed as he looked around.

"Right here." A face appeared on the walls of the cave. Sora wasted no time in casting magic at it, only for it deflect off the walls.

"Over here." She taunted. Twilight blasted a hole in the wall with her magic, only for dark, shadowy creatures to emerge.

"What are those?" Twilight asked.

"Heartless. Come on, we can take em." Sora said as he readied his keyblade. Twilight readied her magic.

The two rushed at them, Sora using as much skills as he can to wipe out as many Heartless as he could. Twilight swung her horn that was powered by magic, defeating them with ease. Sora kept on trying to teach himself new tricks with his new found form. Gripping the chain in his teeth, he would hold on to it with all of his might as he swung it rapidly. Twilight had taught herself these skills on the spot, her brother had taught her a few self defense skills with magic when he was training for the royal guards. Her skills were good, but not good enough for the numbers.

The two got back to back, seeing themselves surrounded by Heartless. Twilight looked to Sora as he looked at her. They nodded before Twilight used her magic to grab Sora's keyblade while he held on to it. the two dashed around, with Twilight swing Sora with his keyblade, or Sora would use Twilight magic from his keyblade.

Suddenly, Sora released his keyblade and had it held up by Twilight, shouting "light", it began to cast of rays of magic that took out any Heartless around them.

A few heartless remained after the limit, Twilight blasted them with her magic, revealing a pink alicorn.

"There she is!" Sora yelled as the two charged at her.

"Wait, NO!" She put her hooves up in defense, which wasn't enough to stop the two from pouncing on her.

"Why did you send Twilight down here, huh?" Sora said brashly while standing over her.

"But, I didn't." she stated.

"Oh really. Well who was it on the walls who sent Heartless at us?" Sora was losing his patience.

"Not me, I swear."

"Prove it."

Looking at Twilight, she began to to a small dance while singing.

"Sunshine sunshine, lady bugs awake. Clap your hooves..."

"And do a little shake." The two finished together.

"Cadence!" Twilight exclaimed as she threw her into a tight hug. Cadence returned it with tears in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry." Twilight whispered.

"It's okay." Cadence smiled to her. She looked over Twilight's shoulder to see another pony standing there.

"Who are you?"

The brown pony looked up, "I'm Sora." He told her.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Cadence." She said softly.

The two separated from their hug, looking around.

"We need to get out of here." Twilight said.

"But how?" Sora wondered.

"Well we can't just stand around, look." Cadence pointed a hoof weakly at the walls. Heartless crawled out and at them.

"We can find a way out. Right now though, we have to go." Sora said as he readied his keyblade while Twilight's horn lit up.

Cadence saw the two charge at the swarm as she walked, knowing they would do their best to protect her. Sora stood near her and smacked any heartless that came near with his keyblade.

Twilight found herself occupied with several of the heartless, noticing how they bore a resemblance to something she had seen before.

A Heartless leaped forward and swung, hitting Cadence across the face. She yelped in pain as she saw the look of the heartless.

"There... changelings?" She said, very confused.

"Huh?" Sora turned around to only be jumped on. Cadence put her strength into magic and blasted the creature aside.

"Thanks." Sora said as he got up. He resumed his battle along with Twilight.

The numbers of heartless were growing. Sora and Twilight were pushed back to back once more, making them activate their limit. Using her magic like last time, Twilight took hold of Sora's keyblade. the two flew around, from magic blasts to swipes of the keyblade, the two did a good job at taking care of the Heartless.

They ended the limit with "Sparkle shower" as they rained down rays of magic to finish off the heartless.

It wasn't enough. More kept coming at them. A small cave near the two had Heartless crawling out, Twilight rushed over and blasted magic to push them back. Sora ran over to Cadence to defend her, the two rushed as fast they could.

Cadence and Sora seemed to have had the same idea. Using her magic, Cadence felt the cold, yet comforting metal of the keyblade to her horn. Using her newly found strength, her magic repelled any heartless near them.

Twilight ran over and helped Cadence to the end of the path. Sora guarded them as he saw the heartless retreating.

"HA!" He cheered. "We did it!"

The three walked on, asking each other questions.

"So, who do you think sent us down here?" Sora asked casually.

"If I can think, it was probably-"

Cadence was cut off by the sound of a heavy thud that made them all flinch. Turning around, they all met the sight of a fat, diamond dog. When it stood up, Sora knew who it was.

"Pete!" He exclaimed.

"Hehe, in the flesh kid." He said, patting his fat belly.

"I should have known you were here with all of the heartless."

"You're right kid. Though I have some new help." He declared.

The three back away slowly, Twilight nearly loss her footing to what was a cliff. Cadence instead, found a rail cart.

"End of the line, bucko. When I'm through with you, there won't be a thing in the way to stop Maleficent from taking over all of the worlds." Pete taunted as he approached them slowly.

Cadence saw how distracted Pete was and slowly removed the rocks from the mine cart with her magic.

Heartless began to spawn, making Pete chuckle evilly. Sora glanced behind him for a short moment before turning back to dodge a heartless's attack.

"You're finished kid!" Pete declared. Only for a rock to hit him in the head, stunning him.

"Sora, come on!" Twilight called as she hoped into the mine cart.

Sora took his leave and ran to the mine cart and hopped in with Cadence and Twilight. Ignoring Pete threats, the three leaned forward in hopes of making the cart move. With it barely budging and Pete closing in, Sora leaned out towards the back and using his keybalde, pushed the cart away from Pete, who shook his fist angrily at them. Sora lost his grip on the blade, leaving it as the cart took.

"No!" Twilight called out as the keyblade disappeared from sight, only to appear in Sora's hooves. He smiled brashly as he looked at it.

The three held on for a very fast, bumpy ride as the cart jerked left and right. Though, it sounded like something was rolling along the tracks with them.

Turning around, they could see heartless flying around as Pete, curled in a ball, rolled along the tracks.

"I'll handle this." Sora said as he stood up, holding his keyblade.

Heartless began to swarm on the cart. Twilight did her best to swat them away from the cart. Sora helped out with them before he saw Pete closing in.

Standing on the edge of the cart, Sora braced as Pete came into contact with his blade. He held him back with all of his strength as he felt the cart descend into a downward slope. Pete's speed increased a lot as Sora held him back with all of his might.

As he could feel his strength about to give away, Sora pushed Pete back with all of his might. As a gap was made between the two, Sora jumped out and kicked Pete back, making perfect room for the cart to keep moving.

As Sora sat down, he could feel the cart disconnect from the rails and feel his stomach lurch. the air rushed at his face as he saw them about to crash into an edge. The three screamed as they hit the ground.

The three laid on the ground, shaken and coughing dust from the crash landing. Sora lifted his head and looked around.

"I think we lost him." He said as he fell back to the ground, tired from the events of today.

"But not us." three, evil sounding voices said,

Sora looked up to see three ponies approaching him. Their eyes glowed a very unnatural shade of green that could be seen casting light and shadows.

"Cadence, Twilight!" Sora called out.

The two had gotten up to see the current problem.

"What the?" Cadence sputtered out, to tired at this point. Her hooves nearly gave out from underneath her. Twilight rushed over, ready to catch her if she fell.

"Come on, you can do it Cadence." She encouraged. "For Shining Armor."

Cadence stood up more at the sound of her love's name.

"You two go, I can handle this." Sora said as his keyblade appeared.

Twilight was about to object, but a hoof on her shoulder from Cadence said otherwise. the two ran off, leaving Sora to deal with the three ponies.

"You won't make it to him." They taunted as Sora held his ground. Taking his chance, he rushed at them while Swinging his keyblade, landing a combo on them.

The three stuck together, making the fight already. another thing, he could tell that if he hurt one, the others would feel it. Sora felt his confidence boost as he readied for the next attack.

Though, things went different then expected. the three yelled in a unison as a magic blast nearly hit Sora. He was lucky to have dodged it the first time, cause when he got hit this time, it would have been over.

Using a potion to heal himself, Sora got back up and resumed his battle. Taking a tight hold on his keyblade, he swung at a unicorn, hitting and smacking her away, leaving the two to clutch their heads in pain. Seeing the opportunity, Sora swung and knocked out the remaining two.

With a swift battle won, Sora headed for the light at the top of the tunnel.

Twilight laid defeated, the whole place was turned into a cocoon as she approached her.

The lavender unicorn could only lower head in defeat.

Sora ran through the castle halls, hoping to find where the others went. He came across a pair of heavy, double doors that were guarded by...

"Donald! Goofy!" Sora called happily as he rushed over to meet them. the two seemed shocked and confused, but brushed it off as Sora ran up to them.

"What are you guys doing? Didn't think you'd get guard duty so fast in a castle. Home sweet home, huh?" Sora joked.

"Yeah...funny." Donald said.

"Hey, you think I can go in? I think some friends went in there." Sora said with a grin, though confused on why his friends were acting so strange.

For the two, the answer was gonna be a "no" until a voice echoed in their heads.

"Let him in."

The two nodded as they opened the doors. Sora looked happily only for his look to turn into horror.

"What happened?!" He said in shock. Clearly, this wasn't where he expected to meet Twilight. The room was covered in green slime, it formed cocoons that Sora could see clearly had ponies in.

"So glad you could make it." A melodic voice said to him.

"Who's there?"

"Sora." A weak voice responded from above.

Sora's eyes met the ceiling to see Twilight, tied in a web that wrapped around her body and hung her from the ceiling. Next to her was Cadence, Donald, Goofy, and several other ponies, thought the rest were cocooned.

"What did you do to them?" Sora asked angrily.

"I did what my purpose has told me, feed off of their love and strength. I am the Changeling Queen, or Chrysalis for short. I go and feed my subjects with love from friendships. And I must say, the bonds between you and your friends, even for a short while, are quite strong. Now, my while hive will be fed and become POWERFUL!" She declared evilly.

"You won't stop me!" Sora declared as he readied his keyblade.

"Oh, a fight. Time to put my new power to the test!" Chrysalis said as she flapped her wings and hovered over Sora.

(may not be very KH but I couldn't help it)

Sora held a firm stance as he glared at the queen, who only chuckled evilly before rising in the air and attempting to slam into Sora. Sora jumped away from the area of impact that she would make. The short moment between landing and taking off was his time to strike a combo on her.

After recovering, Queen Chrysalis summoned several layers of her web and threw it on Sora, sticking him to the ground. As she approached him slowly, Sora used a burst of strength to pull his keyblade out while emitting flames, and burned the web and strike at Chrysalis.

After being free, Sora casted blizzard at the witch of a queen, who dodged a few blasts before taking a hit. She fell down a little for Sora to land a combo on her. She was knocked away before regaining her flight. Using her magic, she casted a ray that hit Sora. The brown pony got himself up after the blast, to see Chrysalis attempt to pounce on him. His pupils shrank as time slowed down, he quickly got his keyblade and swung.

Chrysalis fell to the ground, defeated. She could only whine about her loss As for Sora, his keyblade gave off a radiant light as he stabbed it into the ground, making everything go back to normal.

Doanld and Goofy both looked around to see all sorts of ponies recovering from their cocooned experiences. They looked over to see Sora talking to a few ponies.

"I must say, and especially for a pony like you, you came at the right time." Princess Celestia said.

"Yeah, well..." Sora leaned his head back in a cocky attitude before being tackled into a hug by Donald and Goofy.

The now-couple shared their kiss as the audience cheered. Sora, along with Donald and Goofy, cheered happily for them as they clapped. Twilight approached them.

"I'm so sorry you have to go. I really wanted you to meet my friends." Twilight said as she waved a hoof over to five other ponies.

"I wish I could, but we have to go." Sora said.

Twilight didn't say anything. Instead, she pulled Sora into a deep hug.

Sora closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them, he saw Kairi starring back at him happily. The thought made him smile as Twilight released her hug.

"We'll meet again, promise." Sora said as he and the others walked off and away from Canterlot and into the sky, which sparkled until the words appeared.


Author's Note:

To those who don't get the end, it's when you enter a world and the name appears on the screen.