• Published 18th Jul 2013
  • 6,032 Views, 89 Comments

When life gives you lemons... - TheBlazenOne

Some would say that marrige should only be between two beings that love each other, but what if you feel anything but love for the one you are to be wed too? That you are only doing it not just for your country but for your mother.

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The things we do for love

The ride back to Canterlot was quiet one, neither the guards or the passengers had anything to say about what just transpired. Spike was still in a state of shock, not only because his mother married him off, but because she didn't even take that long to think about it. It was his life, yet she just sold it to Chrysalis. He knew it was for peace and to save a race, yet still couldn't help but feel a little hurt. As for Celestia, her mind was plagued with worry about what her son must be going through right now. He trusted her with his life and she broke the trust by marrying him off. No doubt he will never see her the same way again. This was one of the reasons she kept the fact that Spike was her son a secret. Equestria hasn’t had a male heir in thousands of years, so things like what had just transpired was exactly what she was protecting him from. Looks like that didn’t work out.

“Listen honey, I’m sorry that things had to work out like they did, but I promise you I simply did not have any other choice. If it makes you feel any better, we’re still going to Pony Joe’s.” Celestia said, trying to break the silence between the two. “We can even take a box back to the castle and can see who eats the most.” However, the most she got from the young dragon was a nod and a low 'OK' in response. Celestia sighed, she knew this was the most she was going to get out of him.

It was noon when the two arrived at Canterlot, but instead of going straight to the castle, Celestia kept her word and told the pegasi to stop at the aforementioned donut shop where they proceeded to eat lunch. Even in one of his favorite places, Spike was still quiet, much to his mother’s dread. Normally he would be pulling her to the door while talking about all of the different kinds of donuts he wanted to try. Celestia found the entire meal unsettling, this was one of the only times Spike didn't try to make her laugh with how much he could eat, as well as his usual antics. After sitting in the shop few minutes, she decided that it was time to leave. On her way out she got a few boxes, silently hoping Spike would at least speak to her. Both she and Spike got on the carriage and headed towards the castle.

“Guards, it would be a personal favor to me if you keep what happened today between us.” Celestia said, knowing this type of arrangement had to be dealt with delicately. There were a lot of things that had to be done before this marriage could be announced publicly, and the one week deadline that Chrysalis had given wasn't helping anything. The guards swore that they would keep everything that was said to themselves.

When they made it to the castle, Celestia took her little dragon to her quarters so that he could get some rest. She herself positively tired as well, but needed to tell the royal console about what happened at the changeling’s home. As she walked the halls, her mind couldn't stop thinking about all of the possible consequences of her decision. There would be questions as to why she didn't tell anyone about this hidden member of the royal family, and the fact that it was a dragon made things all the more complicated. On top of all that, he would be marrying the changeling Queen that had attacked Canterlot, and the Princess herself. Making her Equestrian royally wasn't going to fare very well with any of the nobles. The main reason that caused her the most grief and made her stomach turn was the fact that her little innocent son would have to help repopulate a race.

“When I get back to the room and clear everything up with Spike, we are going to have to talk about the birds and the bees.” Celestia grimaced at the very thought of giving her son ‘the talk’.


The meeting lasted about far longer than she wanted it to, most of it was taking a scolding from the council about keeping the fact that she had a hidden heir. They did however know who Spike was and had nothing bad to say about the dragon, considering he was very mature for his age and got along with most ponies he met. From there they planned ways to, for lack of a better word, 'sell' the marriage and the fact that Spike was a unknown prince to the public. After hours of deliberating they came up with a solid plan, now Celestia would have to talk to Spike about it, as well as asking for his forgiveness.

She stood in front of the door to her room and took a deep breath before entering, on her bed was her sons sleeping form. Celestia slowly made her way to Spike and slowly climbed on the bed. She wrapped her hooves around the young dragon, causing him to stir. They both laid there silently for a few minutes until Celestia finally decided to speak. “I really do love you my son.” She said softly, after letting her words sink in for a moment she continued “So please honey, just talk to me.” Spike could hear her voice crack as his heart did the same.

“Why did you sell me off like that!?” Spike yelled into her chest as he started to sob uncontrollably, simply unable to contain it any longer. “Even if I know that it was for peace and to stop a race from disappearing, that still doesn’t explain why you didn’t even try to think of another way! You could have at least told her to give you some time to think about it.”

Celestia saw something like this coming, but it still hurt her more than anything to see the one so close to her heart in so much pain. “If there was another way, I promise I would have taken it, but at that moment Chrysalis knew she held all the cards and I doubt that she would have granted me time. You have to understand that you are not only my son but my true heir as well. I’m positive that she thought about this and wouldn’t let an opportunity like this go.”

“So what, I’m just supposed to accept it? To know that I will be in a loveless marriage with somepony I never even got to know, just to be used for peace and to make changelings. I don’t even know where babies come from!” He started to shake in fear, now he was worried about how he would have to be a father at such a young age.

Celestia smiled at the dragon and shushed him. “Spike, I know for a fact that in time she will come to love you and that you will be the king that the Changelings need.” Spike looked unto her eyes and saw the same warmth he has come to know and depend on.

“But how do you know? We know nothing about each other and I don’t know the first thing about being a king...” Spike trailed off.

“Because I know you Spike. You have a good heart and that will be the only tool you will need to get through this. A heart that has an endless capacity for love and understanding. I expect nothing less from my son.” For the first time after leaving the Changeling home, Spike smiled. “Besides, what mare could resist your charm? You are quite the little gentledrake after all.” The two shared a little laugh before silence overtook them again. They both Celestia and Spike continued to lay there, letting everything sink in.

“Ok mom, I think I can do this. I guess the first thing would be to tell my friends what going on.” He sighed, thinking about how his friends would take the news, especially Rarity and Twilight. Celestia nodded, knowing that this wouldn’t be the easiest thing in the world to do, but commended her son for showing such bravery.

“I’m sure they will understand, I would expect nothing less from the Elements of Harmony.” She said before giving him a kiss on the nose, he smiled before doing the same. “Now Spike, I do believe that you and I haven’t had a donut eating contest in ages. Last I remembered you couldn’t beat me and swore that victory would be yours next time we battled.”

Spike smiled as moved away from his mother, grabbing the donut box they brought back to the castle. “I hope you’re really for the greatest defeat of your life!” Spike chanted loudly as he opened his box of pastries, his mother chuckling at his sudden outburst. This was the bright young drake she remembered and loved, but even if he seemed alright now didn’t mean he’d feel the same in a weeks’ time.


I cannot believe Spike bested me, I suppose he is growing up after all… Celestia mused to herself. After waking from her sugar-induced coma, she sat at her desk and wrote a letter to her number one student. She thought it would be better for them to come to the castle tomorrow so she could explain what had transpired between herself, Spike and Crysalis. Turning back to her bed, she saw Spike asleep with a smug smile on his face. She sighed lightly before she brought her attention back to the letter before reading over it:

Dear Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student

I first want to inform you that Spike is indeed fine and is being taken care of so you have need to worry. He has been a great help and as you told me in numerous letters before the best assistant anypony could ever ask for.

Celestia chuckled as she looked at that part, she remembered how much Twilight bragged on Spike when she first got him. Even in this day and age she still talks about how helpful the little guy is, of course she wasn’t surprised by this in the lease bit.

However something has come up that requires me to ask that you and the other elements of Harmony to make your way to Canterlot on the morrow, I know this is short notices but time is of the essence and I do truly need you all to be at the castle as early as possible. Once you all get here I will explain what’s going on and will answer any question you all may have, I will be awaiting your Arrival.

Your proud teacher, Celestia

It looked well written enough and included all the information she wanted to relay without giving away exactly what the meeting was about. She whistled to her pet phoenix and handed her to note. “Now Philomena, I need you to take this to Twilight as fast as you can. Understood?” The phoenix gave a nod before taking off into the night sky.

“Now I just have to hope for the best, I know Twilight will not be happy when she finds out...” Celestia yawned before she got into bed, slowly moving beside Spike, who instinctively snuggled into her chest. Celestia closed her eyes and smiled. “Good night dearest Spike.”

Author's Note:

Editors Note: For those of you who don’t know me, I’m For The Plot. You've probably seen me comment on a lot of stories, or even pre-read/edit them, like this one! So yeah, I’m gonna go back to my editing cave now, ciao!

Author's Note: Sorry for the short chapter, it's set in the same day as the last one so that's why. So if you don't mind R&R and until next time.

Comments ( 25 )

How does spike not know where babies come from? Ain't the nigga between seventeen - nineteen in this fic?

Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Celestia lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the princess who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my subjects to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!

i'm gonna wager that because of his age as a dragon instead of a pony, spike is still quite young and hell he may still even look like a baby but i don't have a picture so i can't tell for sure


3114945 I agree. Everything else on this chapter was good. But that sounds hard to believe.

Well you have to think, he was given to twilight at a young age and wasn't she extremely socially awkward for almost all her life. I think that she would be hesitant to tell him or if it even ever came up, I mean you have to admit that she wouldn't even talk about reproduction.

i thought Spike was older? will he grow some by the time of the wedding (i.e his dragon nature causing him to mature at a faster rate) :moustache:
Q: since Spike is going to be King of The Changelings, will he still the eligible for the throne of Equestria when Celestia dies/steps down? or does he have to wait until Chrysalis dies and then remarry a Equestrian noble like Princess Twilight or something? :unsuresweetie:

3114945 He lived with the nerdiest pony his entire life, you'd have to expect it.

3114945 I know right, what gives?

Have Spike be the one to tell them the news first it'll be the riot reaction.

Just do it Spike. You can come back for other mares later.

Next chapter will have wide eyes, yelling, tears, and fainting. :rainbowderp::twilightangry2::raritycry::fluttershyouch:
And maybe a party!:pinkiehappy:

Oh, I do love a good Spike/Chrysalis fic! They're in short supply, it seems.

Can't wait to read more, friend! :heart:

not even one date and spikes geting married.and one more thing
hes 17y and does not know what sex is the hell!?! more please

3115218 He spent a lot of time living in a library... I'm sure he'd know.

Over all. the chapter was... acceptable. I mean the start was good, but Spike seemed to forgive a little too easily and frankly I'm disappointed nothing was said about his feelings for Rarity. Rage, sorrow, intense emotions instead of simply dejected and then donut eating.

I feel like Spike should have stayed mad at Celestia. Who could forgive what she did?! He shoukd have said "I can't forgive you, nor can I ever trust you. How can I? You sold me!"

She sold him as if he meant nothing to her!

Loving it! A few grammatical errors here and there but I'm simply enjoying the plot! It's "the needs of the many" conflict. :P

keep it up!

Two things.

One, the gaps between some of these paragraphs are fucking massive.

The main reason that caused her the most grief and made her stomach turn was the fact that her little innocent son would have to help repopulate a race.

“When I get back to the room and clear everything up with Spike, we are going to have to talk about the birds and the bees.” Celestia grimaced at the very thought of giving her son ‘the talk’.


The main reason that caused her the most grief and made her stomach turn was the fact that her little innocent son would have to help repopulate a race.

“When I get back to the room and clear everything up with Spike, we are going to have to talk about the birds and the bees.” Celestia grimaced at the very thought of giving her son ‘the talk’.


Two, you should start a new paragraph for every new speaker in dialogue.

“Hey mom I have a great idea!” Spike blurted out. When he realized what he said he quickly covered his mouth. The Queen looked at the drake in confusion for a moment before turning to Celestia. “Did that dragon just call you mom?” Celestia sighed, she would have to scold Spike after this.


“Hey mom I have a great idea!” Spike blurted out. When he realized what he said he quickly covered his mouth. The Queen looked at the drake in confusion for a moment before turning to Celestia.

“Did that dragon just call you mom?” Celestia sighed, she would have to scold Spike after this.


Fix these things, and then continue. I like this premise.

Is this story dead or is it still running I have some really enjoyed it so far and if it still running I look forward to more

I don't know honestly, I have the whole thing done on paper and it has been done for about a year now lol. However I don't like what I wrote that much being that it convey the same message as the rest of the story in my eyes. Also I feel that I ramble a lot in it as well, I might just post the last chapters so that I can say I finished this and see what people think.

This gonna be continued at any point?

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