• Published 19th Jul 2013
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Stargate - SG-FUN: Another World - Word Wizard

When Stargate command recieves a distress letter going straight through the iris....Earth fears that whatever has the power of bypassing the iris might attack, SG-1 is sent to investigate, what they find, however, is far different than they expected.

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Chapter 1: The Letter


Shout's ring out thorugh the concrete hallways of SGC. Soon, the stomping of running soldiers is heard, their weapons clicking as they are loaded by the running men. The metal door to the side of the gate room opens, about twenty men and women dressed in combat gear charge in, setting up around the metal portal....weapons ready and eyes attentive to the spinning gate.

General Hammond watched all of this from the safe room overlooking the gate. The metal machine spins, locking in another coordinate. Two more runes and it would open.

"Stand by to close the iris," Hammond instructs a young woman working in the safe room.

"Yes sir, standing by," The woman said to the general, her hand poised over a button on the dashboard. Seconds later, the gate engages the last rune, a deep blue, almost water like anti-matter cloud swirled out of it, sucking back into the gate to form a glistening blue filling of the otherwise empty gate.

Less than a second later a metal iris twirls down upon the gate, surrounding the wormhole opening like plastic wrap. In the gate room, the gate defense team narrowed their eyes, looking over their M15s at the iris ahead of them.

Hammond watched all this from the safe room, looking intently and listening for any thumps of attempted materialization. Suddenly, a green gas flies out of the gate, merely going THROUGH the iris. Moments before anyone could react, the green gas twirls together, pops in an almost cartoon like explosion, and dropped a scroll, tied up with red paper right before the feet of the sergeant in charge of the GDT.

Jumping back, both from surprise and anxiety, the Sargent radios the safe room. "Sir, what should I do?" He asked, looking intently, weapon pointed at the threatening piece of parchment.

"Get out of there, sargent, we're sending in a hazmat team to take it to the lab," Hammond radios back, calling over his shoulder to a young soldier working in the dialing office. He nods and radios the lab, requesting a hazmat team. Turnning around, Hammond also requests for colonial O'niel and the rest of SG-1 to meet him in the office at 0600 hours...just an hour away.

Walking out of the dialing office just as hazmat team entered the gateroom, Hammond also called for a research team to be put together to study how that thing got through the iris.


"Alright, way to go Teal'c!" colonial Jack O'neil calls to his friend, reclining back in a lawn chair on a sunny afternoon. SG-1 was getting one of it's few off days. which they decided to spend teaching Teal'c how to play badminton. Aftershowing Teal'c how the racket was held, things went pretty well, considering they had a lot of birdies. Standing stonefaced in the center of the court, his eyes riveted on the ball, the Jaffa looked almost threatening.

"Ready?" Carter shouted to Teal'c, raising her racket in the air.

"Agreed," Teal'c responded, raising his racket in a similar manner.

"Here we go!" Carter threw the birdie in the air, hitting it with a swift stroke toward the awaiting Teal'c as soon as it started it's descent. Positioning himself directly to the right of where the ball was going to hit, Teal'c raised his racket, preparing to strike.


The birdie flew at a blinding pace past Sam and into the wall behind her where it shattered into a three pieces, each hitting the ground with a thump.

"Well, that was an improvement..." Samantha said, looking at Jack.

"Right, you only made a small dent in the wall this time," O'niel sarcastically finished for Sam, sipping on his lemonade.

"Indeed, thank you," Teal'c replied, not picking up on the colonial's sarcasm. He walked over to a chair next O'neil. "I find this game rather interesting," He said, picking up a drink of his own and sipping on the straw, "It has potential... Back on Abydos there was a training exercise similar to it.

"Really?" O'neil asked, a bemused expression on his face, "Jafa played badminton?"

"It was similar in structure, not spirit," His friend replied, "The Jafa do not generally know this term, 'fun'."

"So come on, what was this, 'not fun badminton'?"

"It was a training exercise, designed to teach young Jaffa fast reflexes in battle," Teal'c began, "They would line them up with a training staff weapon and fire simple energy bolts at them. It was a scary experience for me and my friends. However, it was quite possible for a soldier to block them with the staff weapon."

"Sounds dangerous," Sam said, walking up to a third lawn chair, "Were these energy bolts deadly?"

"Indeed they were not," Teal'c said, sipping at his drink, "Even the Goa'uld are not foolish enough to throw away good soldiers."

"Jack, you're pagers going off!" Daniel called from inside the summer house. He had chosen to spend his break looking at a few very interesting rocks he'd uncovered at their last mission.

"Alright alright, I'm coming," O'neil pulled him self out of the lawn chair, slipping a shirt on over his bare chest. "This had better not be SGC, this is our day off!" He grumbled, walking into the house. "Yes?" He said to the offender on the other side of the phone.

"Colonial, general Hammond has requested that you and the rest of you're team meet with him at an emergency conference at 0600 hours," The crisp voice of one of the many soldiers working at SGC tittered at Jack over the phone. Jack groaned, slamming the pager shut.

"Alright gang, we're going back to base,"


"Colonial, I need you and your team ready to leave, stat!" Hammond called to Jack O'neil, now dressed in full military uniform.

"Yes sir, but what is this thing?" He asked, following the general through SGC, the rest of SG-1 catching up the rear.

"We don't know, but we do know it can get through the iris," Hammond said as he opened the door to the conference room, "So we need to know what it is."

"Sir, if I may ask, it sounds like a letter, what was written on it?" Samantha asked, "That could help us to know what we're up against."

"Good question, the team down at the lab informs me that it isn't toxic and it's going to be brought up here as soon as they can manage it," Hammond said, settling in at the head of the conference table.

"Artifact, sir!" A dark haired woman dressed in a green SGC uniform quickly opens the door, enters and drops the roll of parchment on the table.

"Alright, Daniel, I believe you handle this kind of stuff," Jack tossed the letter down to Daniel Jackson.

"Uh, right," Daniel opened the letter, cutting the binding holding the scroll together. Immediatly the piece of parchment unrolls it self, lying on the table in an almost picturesque manner. Daniel jumped back out of surprise. Jack shakes his head.

"I swear, it's out of a cartoon!" He said, rubbing his head. The rest of the people in the room stare at him, "What? Carry on."

All attention is returned to Daniel, who begins to read. And this is what the letter said:

Dear Princess Celestia,

The bi-pedals in the green suits have continued to wreak havoc on Ponyville, there is no sign of it letting up. I realize we cannot do much against them, every second they have guns pointed at somepony, or me, and they threaten to shoot if we don't go along with it. The scripts they have been giving us have been degrading in quality, don't you think? Yesterday, it was something about Pinkie's cupcakes....nothing coherant.
I'm sorry Princess, but I cannot continue in this manner. I have started an uprising. We have been slowly but steadily been attacking the bi-pedals. I don't want anyone to get hurt, but what are we to do? Ever since these maniacs came through the portal, Equestria hasn't been safe since. I'm sorry princess....but you and Luna must fight back as well. Please, PLEASE do it, for your subjects, PLEASE!!!!
Your dearest Student,
Twilight Sparkle

By the end of the letter, Jack is doubled over laughing,trying to regain composure as Daniel stopped reading and all attention in the room was focused on him. *Ahem* Jack pulls himself up, looking stonefaced and serious....but underneath that he's still rolling on the floor. Equestria? Ponyville? somePONY!? All these puns and derived names were too much for Jack.

"Well, Daniel, I'll bet that something bad is going on over there....any ideas what?" Hammond asked Daniel.

"Sir, if I may speak," Sam prompted, getting a nod from the general, she went ahead. "They speak of these, 'bi-pedals', that would imply the race itself is not bi-pedal. Also, what other races guns? Perhaps, general, these 'bi-pedals' are humans using the other stargate on earth."

"Good point, captain," Hammond said, "anything else?"

"I agree with Carter, the Tauri have unique weapons, the only ones I know of to be called 'guns'. It would make sense that these others could be humans, seeing as there is one stargate in Earth's vicinaty," Teal'c said, agreeing with the Captain.

"Oh....all those names, they sound familiar....." Daniel said, lost in thought, trying to recollect where he saw those names before.

"Who ever these beings are, they sound like they need help. Also, we could have a few criminals on our hands. But before we do anything, we launch a UAV.... UAV launch at 0900 hours. O'neil, get your team ready. Dismissed," Hammond said, standing up from the table. Everyone else rose as well, saluting the general. Everyone, that is, except Daniel.

"Oh....." The thought he was looking for was at the tip of his tounge, and he wasn't about to lose it to saluting.

"Uh Daniel.... We gotta go," Jack said, patting his companion on the back.

"MY LITTLE PONY!" Daniel shouted, standing up.

"What?" Was everyone's reply.

"That's where I heard all those names, a children's television show named My Little Pony!" Daniel explained, feverishly. "Oh I gotta look that up..." He walked out of the room.

"Oook, either he's cracked or he's onto something," Jack said, looking after Daniel as he disappeared down the hallway.

"I think he's cracked," Sam said.

"Indeed," Teal'c put in.

"Right then!" Jack broke the silence that had befallen the room, "Let's go find out if he's cracked or not....."