• Published 18th Aug 2013
  • 2,230 Views, 45 Comments

Pandemic - killingfrenzycreator

A new disease breaks out.

  • ...

Chapter Three: First Casualties

Three Days Later

Spike sneezed loudly. He was seated besides a nearly-empty box of tissues and a trash can full of mucus-covered tissues. His nose was red and chapped from constant rubbing. Twilight's condition was slightly better, due to her matured immune system, but she too was suffering. Within a week, about eighty percent of Equestria was sick. Infectious disease teams were sent to Ponyville, Canterlot, and Manehattan. The ECDC was conducting research around the clock. Whatever was going around, it had become a pandemic, with the infectivity of the Common Cold. Infections have been traced to contaminated water sources, air transmission, and contact with infected body fluids. Due to the intense coughing, the bug was all over the place.

Wiping her nose with a tissue, Twilight noticed a thin red streak in the snot. It resembled blood... probably because her nostrils had been split open from frequent rubbing. Nonetheless, it worried the sporadic young mare. Very few ponies were still healthy, and those that were wore an air filter everywhere they went. Several ponies had died from the pathogen, though they were all either extremely young or very old.

The ECDC named the bacteria 'Serium'. It's been in every newspaper. Now, in almost every public building, there's a notice stating hygiene requirements, Pandemic protocol, and even how to spot an infected individual. Obviously, not much is known about Serium, although it is believed that the reason it spread so fast was a really long incubation period, so that most ponies would be infected before they even knew it. It's believed symptoms are coming from mutations from a recently damaged DNA strand, making the incubation period much shorter.

Twilight wiped her nose again, then stood and said, "alright Spike, it's time for your pills." Spike groaned. The Telithromycin that was prescribed to him didn't even work, but Twilight still forced him to take the pills. Opening his mouth, he took the medicine in his hand. Right before he put them in his mouth, a letter came. Twilight opened it immediately, and as she read, her features went more and more grim.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,
I regret to inform you of a rather tragic incident we had in Canterlot last week. At roughly eight o'clock P.M., a young mare checked in to the hospital. She was a very healthy pony, young, with a strong immune system, but she was suffering rather badly. Her eyes were pink and purple spots had appeared on her skin; both are signs of internal hemorrhaging. She coughed every few seconds, usually resulting in her expelling blood from her mouth, and she was so weak, she could hardly move. Not even three hours later, doctors found sores on her skin that oozed blood and pus. Over the course of the night, the sores grew in size alarmingly fast, and she began bleeding profusely. She expired the following morning. All the doctors and nurses who attempted to treat her are showing signs of infection, despite the many safety precautions they had. Twilight, they were infected through a P20 mask and hazard clothing! I know you share my fears for Equestria. Whatever's going around, it isn't good. I need you out here as soon as possible to start the cure developments. Equestria needs you.
Your mentor and Princess, Celestia
P.S. You may bring along your friends. They may be needed.

Spike leaned forward, trying to read the letter. Twilight instantly moved it away and rolled it back up. "Spike, you can't see this. We're gonna go on a little vacation to Canterlot tomorrow. I've got a new job up there."

"What is it?" Spike asked curiously.

"I have to help make a new medicine, one that will actually help."

The train station was empty, save for about a dozen ponies loitering. This was most likely because railroad travel had been mostly stopped due to fears over Serium. Twilight had the only train that day. Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Spike stood at her side, ready for the journey ahead. Their luggage consisted primarily of hoof sanitizer, Grade 3 antibiotics, and N95 masks. All six ponies wore a mask. Spike, who was already sick, didn't need one.

The train finally pulled up. A pony with a dark gray coat stepped forward from the opening doors. He wore a white lab coat and an N100 mask, as well as heavy duty sterilized rubber horseshoes. He stopped walking and looked over the group of ponies. Finally he extended a hoof.

"Pleasure to meet you all! I am Dr. Syringe, the colt in charge of the cure effort! I will be guiding and organizing your progress for... however long this cure takes. You are Dr. Twilight Sparkle, I presume? Pleasure to finally meet you! I've definitely heard some great things about you! Oh, but there'll be time for that on the train. Now, I don't believe I've had the honor to get acquainted with your friends." The doctor greeted each of the mane six with a hearty hoofshake. Spike let out a rattling cough and then wheezed. The doctor looked at him, noticing him for the first time; Spike looked a pale gray, and his eyes were looking a little pink. Twilight felt a pang of worry as she recalled what Celestia had said in her letter.

"Oh... we, uh, cannot allow him on the train," Dr. Syringe said reluctantly. "I really wish we could take the risk, but chance of contamination is too high; I'm sure you're already familiar with just how contagious this pathogen is, and I'd hate for him to be responsible for..."

Twilight knew the doctor was right, and looked down at the ground. The others appeared a bit uneasy. Spike didn't even know what was just said; he had fainted.

"I suppose you're right, but... where else can he go?" Twilight stammered, tearing up a little.

"I can arrange for him to be taken to the hospital. As he is a baby, he will be treated almost immediately, and I'm sure he'll be in good hooves until this whole mess is sorted out."

A mess. He had referred to the pandemic, that causes massive internal bleeding and has already killed several ponies, as just a 'mess'. Twilight choked back her anger and gave an abrupt nod, then turned to board the train. Dr. Syringe levitated Spike up and slowly started moving towards the hospital, while the others followed Twilight onto the train. The conductor came out of the engine room and stared at the group blankly.

"Where's the doc'?" he asked, in a voice that sounded gravelly.

"He made a short trip to the hospital. Said he won't be long," Rainbow Dash stated, laying down on the comfortable seat. The engineer gave a curt nod and turned back to the engine room, closing the door behind him. It made a loud screeching noise as it flew shut, and several of the ponies flinched.

"Well, now we wait," said Applejack. Nopony replied, and they all began waiting patiently for Dr. Syringe to return. Twilight coughed a few times, and Rainbow Dash shot her a quick look; Twilight couldn't see her facial expression behind the gas mask, but she could guess that it was a look of concern.

Finally, after almost fifteen minutes, Dr. Syringe boarded the train. The doors slid closed and he found his seat.

"Sorry for taking so long," he apologized. "The hospital here is even busier than the one in Canterlot!"

There was a metallic screech and the train engine came to life. The sound of the engine rumbling filled the air, and the train began moving forwards, slowly picking up speed. The race for the cure had begun.

Comments ( 7 )

Yes! This story is continuing! :pinkiehappy:

4184309 The procrastination stage has ended!

4268233 Even worse is Greenland. Ships never go there anyway. :/

And the ponies are screwed. They probably have never had to deal with viral hemorrhagic fevers before.

more!! Must have more!

Thats why you start in greenland and get water born.
Edit: my brother beat the game multiple times and he said that its easy to beat even bioweapon once you know what does what and the unique traits of each disease

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