• Published 29th Aug 2013
  • 4,566 Views, 104 Comments

The seventh element - Kalebdash64

A teenager discovers his true nature and possibly one of Equestria's biggest misteries

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Chapter 12: a nephew and a breakup?

Luna and i spent hours teaching me how to read hieroglyphs until i fell asleep.

"WAKE UP," she used her Canterlot Voice.

"AAAAAAAAh!!!! ," i yelled.

"Why do you insist on sleeping when you know that I will wake you?," she asked.

"I am tired, let me go to sleeeeeeep,"

Luna gets up and drags me to other room. It was a huge balcony. Tia was there waiting for us. Tia nodded to Luna and vise versa. Tia lowered the sun while Luna lifted the moon. It was an impressive sight to witness. I have no idea how i am still awake. My eyelids feel like they have anchors attached to them. When the moon was high in the sky both Tia and Luna flew down. Tia walked past me and inside while Luna used her magic to drag me inside. She was saying something but i was too tired to sleep. As if my mind decided to sleep with my eyes open when suddenly Luna threw ice cold water at me.

"Aaaaaaaaah!!!!," i trembled.

"Are you still tired Stormy?," she asked.

"S_s....so c_c_cold,"

She sighted. "fine you can go to sleep...

"WOOO......wait theres a catch isnt there?"

She nodded."if you can levitate this rock," she levitated a rock to her hoof.

I closed my eyes and concentrated on the rock with all my will as i felt lightheaded for a few secconds. When i opened my eyes the rock was on the floor while Luna was in midair satisfied from my achievement.

"You have done well brother, we can finally rest," she said with a yawn and I yawned too.

The second after i yawned the magic faded and Luna laded on the floor with a loud thud. "Sorry" (random guy: *sings gipsy bard*)

Together we walked towards our room yawning during the way. I felt something behind me and when I turned around, there was nothing. I alone kept walking because Luna began to sleepwalk so I was guiding her until I found our room. I guided Luna towards our bed and placed a blanket on her. After I closed the door I heard hoofsteps pass by. Im guessing it was a night guard passing by.....guarding (random guy: no kidding). I walked to our bed and got under the covers. Luna grabbed me in a hug as she snorred softly. I hugged her back and I fell asleep.

I felt a rough shake and I opened me eyes and was now face to faces with Luna and Tia. "w-whats going on?"

"There was a robery in the castle,"Luna said.

"The elements, they are gone," Tia looked out the window."Discord and our nephew are involved"

"Blueblood?," I asked.

"no, his name is Kobe, he is quite easy to identify......," Tia began to cry as Luna tried to comfort her.

"Why Twilight and the others haven't caught them?,"i asked.

"they have been discorded and after we undiscorded them, they......lost most of their knowledge about you," Luna said.

I immediately got up from the bed."How about Applejack, does she remember US?," I asked.

Luna shook her head sadly.

"how does this Kobe guy look like?"

"he is gray, earthponydraconequss hybrid, and always wears a bowtie and a fez," Luna said.

"Thats all I need," i began to walk out the door when Luna stopped me by my shoulder.


"I'll be back, I promise,"

Author's Note:

yay i finally got inspiration. oh and Kobe is an oc from one of my best friends ever

Comments ( 15 )
Comment posted by UhhVFXoWU404 deleted Jul 31st, 2014
Comment posted by UhhVFXoWU404 deleted Jul 31st, 2014
Comment posted by UhhVFXoWU404 deleted Feb 2nd, 2014

............................Grammar and shit...

:raritycry: damit *breaks laptop*

i hope he bring back mare6 memery back?

>> Spiderman here. Oh look! Another clichéd Brony in Equestria story where the Brony is the hero. That's so totally not expected. I never would have guessed that a Brony would end up in Equestria and save the day.

>> Kalebdash64. Seriously dude, pick a topic that hasn't been used ten thousand times. And as a handful of side notes.
1. Your grammar needs some serious work.
2. The chapters are way too short for a story of this aptitude.
3. Your sentence structure and the flow is very choppy.
4. The characters are OOC. which in retrospect means you either didn't watch the show all that thoroughly or you're just to lazy.

U all dont know how it ends so......yeah

obvious self-insert/wish fulfillment fic much? other than that i have no complaints, just a recommendation to find an editor

3706071 what about the 11 other chapters? Maybe you should get an editor.

This fic's description and title is SSSSSOOOOOoooo bad... so bad its good. :rainbowlaugh:
I look forward to eventually reading this later, after I've slogged through the rest of my insanely long read later list. :pinkiesick:

3883514 I am starting a group for pre-readers/editors if you know or need one please get in contact with me.:twilightsmile: Butt srsly you NEED one.

um if this was an anthro story why dosn't he have hands still

*eye twitches* MUST EDIT

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