• Member Since 17th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Sunday

De Writer

After a long dry spell, De Writer has sort of returned. I am now writing again. Watch this space for more new tales and more chapters of the latest


Unhinged pony, escaping from the Asylum is met by an elderly blue unicorn. He is none other than De Writer, the 3000 year old Chronicler of Equestria. De Writer treats Unhinged to a lunch of his favorite foods while seeming to watch for a particular pony. That pony, on his way to meet with the terrorists of the Anit Pegasus Cult, steals Unhinged's lunch.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 2 )

Crazy is defiantly not stupid, heck Crazy can be Genius!

Alright, lets check this baby out

"small clear pale green round object" Wow, that's a lot of adjectives. Twilight would approve of the detail :twilightsmile:

Wow, that is... a really great concept, and a good explanation, though, a bit heavy and quick on the exposition, but not to bad with it.

Inter-story continuity... always a great thing. :pinkiehappy:

.. Milk.. mare.. of... not sure if :facehoof: or :rainbowlaugh: is more appropriate.

"caramelized onions" :pinkiesick: yup the pony's completely insane.

"Magic disguise of of some sort." Oopsie.

Hmmmm, disguising as an entire nother species, very clever. Though, why he would have to hide from the Princesses.....

"both Caramel Treat, herself and" shouldn't the , be after herself?

" Clotted Cream" that just sounds so so wrong.....

Guessing he's allergic to onions.......

"She looked at her friend, that she had been dating with puzzlement" She was dating him with puzzlement? Would either add a comma after dating, or just cut the 'that she had been dating' bit, we already know those two have been, not really any reason to say it again.

Called it!

Hmmmmm, can't say I really like the idea of a cult somehow being able to kill Celestia just, doesn't work for me or feel like it fits with the show. 'The colonel' is a bit better, I could see somepony like that, a bully, resentful of being taken to task and punished for it, not learning his lesson, yet never doing anything really bad enough to be severely punished or stopped. Though really don't see somepony like that rising that high in any ranks. BUT I do like de Writers plan and what he did. karmic justice at it's best.

Overall, yeah a very good little story, really liked it.

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