• Published 21st Jul 2013
  • 1,693 Views, 68 Comments

My Little Annihilation - Word Wizard

When two six story tall robots land in Equestria, what's to happen to the indiginous life? War is on the horizon, and no matter who wins, nothing will ever be the same.

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Chapter Six: A Battle Breaks the Night

In this world, two states stand out above all: Peace and War. Equestria has spent one thousand five hundred years in the former, but a few weeks ago, it moved to the latter. A state of war, even if you aren’t actively involved in it has affects on a land...devistating affects.

Huge mining machines lift ores and other minerals out of the planet, drilling down to the core, stripping it of it’s resources...pouring them into making war machines. Solar collectors provide energy, their size and energy output is beyond belief. But that too, is poured into production of war. Geothermal power, an impressive source fuels the war.

Technology has had many advances in the past four thousand years. Many machines being used are far, far more advanced than we can imagine. Their shear size breathtaking, these Titans will continue to battle, clashing like gods, until one falls. Being caught in the crossfire of such a battle is disconcerting for sure, but unlike any other race, the Equestrians had an edge on this battle.

Three years ago, during transport a construction Kbot veered off course, heading straight for the land of Equestria. About that time, the Crystal Empire re-appeared. The bot flew very fast and very directly into the arctic land just outside of the empire, landing intact thanks from the drop pod.

After Somba’s defeat, the Crystal Empire laboratories turned their sights from developing weapons to fight Sombra to researching the Kbot which had fallen outside their empire. Now, all units get their power to function from microwave radiation used to transmit the energy from the commander. All power production facillitys transmit their energy in this manner to the commander who then transmits it out to the units. At that time the commanders were fighting millions of miles away, so the Kbot was dormant, unactivated and unresponding.

Despite the machine being nonrespondent, the scientists were able to study it, learn from it. Observing the methods of receiving orders, resources and other such things, scientists were able to hook up a makeshift ‘orders cable’. The orders cable was simply an electric cable hooked up where the electric pulses from wirelessly issued orders would go through after being decoded from their radio wave state.

Scientists observed what each order would do, taking apart microprocessor after microprocessor and observing the interior. A room full of blue prints depicted the entire bot, how it works and what would happen after it activates. Unfortunately, after all this they still weren’t sure how to power it up; and then the commanders touched down in Equestria and the machine sprung to life.

That day, while many ponies remorsed at the prospect of their beloved homeland becoming a battleground, scientists below the Crystal Empire clapped their hooves in joy. Shouts rang through the complex. The machine worked. Since that day, planning and modifying a prototype mecha that could be used for defense was an around the clock occupation...the product of which Twilight Sparkle is now piloting.


“Alright,” Chem Tech’s voice crackled over Twilight’s internal radio, “You have a clear pass for field testing.”

“Gotcha,” Twilight said. Her horn glowed inside the helmet as she moved levers and joysticks around to control the machine in which she sat. “Engaging forward walk protocol!” Twilight shoved a lever into position and the mech rumbled. The feet moved, lifted and were set back down. A loud crash was heard each time it did so. The mech’s legs began to turn to match the direction of the torso.

“Opening hatch doors to testing grounds,” Chem Tech said. In the background, scientists were calling to each other, machines were beeping, and printers were printing. In front of the mech, a gigantic upward sliding door opened, revealing an opening to the outside. Outside, a green field stretched for miles, the shield glowing in the distance.

“I don’t get it,” Twilight asked, “Aren’t we underground?”

“This section of the laboratory is built into a cliff,” Chem Tech answered, “For testing large experiments.”

“Ah,” Twilight threw a switch on the dashboard in front of her, “Here we go!” The mech moved forward, one foot at a time, towards the exit.

“We are outside,” Twilight told everypony over the radio, “Commencing field testing!” There were cheers in the control room.

“Great job!” Chem Tech told Twilight over the radio.

“We’re mighty proud a you, Twi,” Applejack added on the radio.

“Yeah, can’t wait to get one of my own!” Rainbow said.

“Thanks, but how’d you get on the radio?” Twilight asked, a little confused but happy to hear her friends.

“Oh easy, they left the doors open to the lab...HEY!” Rainbow said, her voice getting more distant to the radio as she spoke.

“Sorry about the interruption, commander,” Chem Tech said, sitting back down at the radio.

“That’s alright,” Twilight said, giggling a little, “I enjoy talking to my friends.”

“Let’s get this test started, shall we?” Chem Tech said, smoothing her mane back a little. Rainbow hadn’t really noticed her standing at the transmitter in her rush to get there.

“Righty,” Twilight flipped some switches.

“Weapons, engaged,” OIAAS said in a soft tone. Twilight continued to mess with things on the dashboard, now pressing buttons.

“Manual targeting protocol, engaged” OIAAS stated.

“Perfect,” Twilight muttered. She took hold of two joysticks in her magic and began to wiggle them. The mech moved, creating small craters in the ground where the feet landed. The torso above the legs began to swivel, aiming the weapon.

“Alright, should I just shoot the ground in front of me?” Twilight asked control.

“Go ahead, commander,” Chem Tech responded.

“Engaging D-Gun in three, two, one, FIRE!” With that final word, Twilight pressed a button in front of her. The mech’s right arm sucked in power a little, as if a vacuum cleaner to flame. Then, it discharged, firing a ball of disintigrator in the ground. It hit without a huge explosion but instead of creating one crater, it continued along, creating a sizable trench in the ground. After about a quarter of a mile, it stopped, embedding itself in the ground.

“Nicely done,” OIAAS said, it’s soft monotone never changing, never wavering.

“Thanks!” Twilight agreed, happy that the test fire had worked.

“Now I believe that Chem Tech wishes us to execute a test of the nanolatheing facillities?” OIAAS said.

“Yes,” Chem Tech said, “I believe you know how the function works?”

“I sure do!” Twilight said, smiling a little as she flipped a few levers into position.

“Nanolathing system, engaged,” OIAAS said after a few switches had been thrown. Twilight then turned to the monitor that displayed a top down map of Equestria. After navigating it a few seconds she found the mech on the lawn outside of the cliff.

“Tactical control enabled,” OIAAS said, as Twilight threw yet another switch on the dashboard before returning to the map. Using the joystick, she was able to select and give orders to the mech in which she resided, just like a normal unit.

“Shall we make a solar panel?” Twilight asked OIAAS.

“A solar panel would be the wisest fabrication at the moment,” OIAAS said in its monotone.

“Solar panel it is!” Twilight selected her mech, and then moved over to the left side where the build menu was. She selected Daisy - Solar Flower for construction and then clicked somewhere nearby. The mech clanked and moved walking towards the construction site, the left arm turning and adjusting, preparing to function.

“Begenning construction!” Twilight updated mission control.

“Alright!” Chem Tech’s voice was excited, crackling over the radio. The control room went quiet shortly afterwards, everypony intent to see what was going to happen next. But what they wanted to happened, happened.

A sketchy green outline of a pole appeared outside the mecha, which was covering it in nanolathe. As the green particles reached the outline, they moved into place, slowly building the solar collector from the ground up. First, the sketchy outline was covered in a green film, taking shape as half the particles needed to create the object were in place. Next, it obtained its color. The pole was a few shades of green as the color appeared on it from the ground up, but at the top it was now apparent that a folded solar dish sat. As the color reached the top, a green line that was finalizing the structure just behind the wave of color did too. When the two touched, the mech powered down and the structure was complete.

The yellow dish unfolded, it’s blue solar cells glinting in the sunlight. A motor underneath it turned, allowing it to track the sun. Twilight looked at her resources and noticed that the energy was going up!

“I am receiving energy,” Twilight said, happily, “We have a go on project Red Bird!!!” Cheers erupted in the laboratory. Chem Tech radioed back over the din.

“Congratulations Twilight Sparkle! You may return to the hanger now,” Chem Tech said, excitedly. Twilight wiggled a few levers.

“Manual mech control enabled,” OIAAS said in its monotone, ever present, ever calm voice. Twilight began to walk the machine back towards the bay, one step at a time. After entering, the door closed behind the machine, leaving the solar collector outside.

“Come on down!” Applejack said over the radio. Twilight was doing just that. She got out of her seat and galloped to the transporter. With a short zap, she disappeared, reappearing in the foot of the mech. The door slid open, revealing the familiar concrete flooring, the yellow carts, and the scientists in white lab coats. A few rushed over to her as soon as she stepped out and took off her helmet, allowing her to breath deeper, and pressed a button on her suit. The suit reinflated, now very loosely covering her body was easily slid off, folded, and placed in the yellow cart in which the scientists had come. They hopped in, and with a nod drove off.

“Twilight!” Applejack called, leading Twilight’s friends into the safe room. Twilight smiled and walked towards them, happy to be back on solid ground once more.

“Darling!” Rarity exclaimed, “Your performace was to DIE for!” Everypony looked at her. “Heh heh, not to DIE for I mean, just, you know, good....” she trailed off, her cheeks a bright shade of red. The awkward moment was broken by a loud sound.


Confetti shot up in the air, followed by a certain pink mare. “Come on everypony, lets party!” Pinkie called while she defied the laws of physics and hung in the air. All the nearby scientists turned and looked at her, suspended in the air.

“You know that’s impossible, right?” one of them pointed out, scratching his head a little.

“Of course silly! Nopony can hang in the air!” Pinkie said, laughing a little, still hanging in the air. “Oh, whoops!” she dropped down next to the questioning scientists.

“You know how many laws you’re breaking, young lady?” he asked, still confused by Pinkie’s defiance to adhere to the laws of physics.

“Yup!” Pinkie smiled, hitting the scientist with one of her most cheerful faces, “I don’t care, I’m Pinkie Pie!”

“She doesn’t care, she’s Pinkie Pie,” Twilight said to the scientists. Suddenly, great big white words saying ‘She doesn’t care, she’s Pinkie Pie’ appeared in front of the scientists. After a few seconds it disappeared.

“Ooookay,” the closest scientist said, before returning back to work. All his coworkers shrugged and continued their work as well. Twilight turned to Pinkie.

“I agree, we should party, but-” Twilight started.

“Thisroomissobusyandtheseponieshaveworktodosoweshouldmovetothelounge?” Pinkie said, gasping for breath. “Right?” she looked at Twilight expectantly. Twilight sighed.

“If anypony understood that, yes,” Twilight said, “Now lets go to the lounge.”


Unknown to the ponies, in Appleosa, the ARM commander noticed something on the radar: a purple speck. The radar is tuned only to pick up things large enough to pose a threat....and this thing, according to the color, was not CORE...it was a third side.

The commander began to calculate, to plot, it began to formulate plans. It came to a conclusion: Wipe out this force before it grows.

An order was issued, and a small task force of vehicles and Kbots moved; their orders? To destroy the third side.


Meanwhile, in the plains outside of Canterlot, the CORE noticed it too. A purple speck appeared on their radar. Noting the ARM’s movements, the CORE began to think as well. Calculating, formulating. A sharp military machine with centuries of battle under it’s belt thought.

If machines could smile, this one would have. The menacing robot finished it’s thoughts with an ideal plan: Attack the ARM’s task force and the third side, while simultaniously attacking on the ARM’s weakest defense point. The trators of the galaxy would pay their debt in blood at last, their puny flesh destroyed and mashed. The superiourity of machines will triumph! However, at the moment a looming ARM army was starting to descend onto the base, so the commander turned its mind to that.

Plasma lit up the night sky as the Peewees poured at the defense line. The piercing sound of Gat guns filled the air, the explosions of advanced scouts. This day is going to be perfect.

Meanwhile in Canterlot Castle.....

“Carnage,” Celestia muttered, her words filled with hatred, “That is all they want.” It was night, the night of the battle. Celestia was watching from the highest parapet of the castle, observing with great anger the scene below. The conflict was heightening. More ARM units poured at the defense line, their weapons blazing. One by one the laser towers began to fall, exploding into a ball of flame and leaving only a twisted lump of metal in their wake.

“They want carnage,” Celestia said through clentched teeth. Her usually serene face was twisted with the contortions of rage. Her flowing mane was tinted red, feeding off the rage that possed it’s owner. “They have no care for what lays beneath their feet, only their own selfish war. That’s what they want.”

Bulldog heavy assault tanks entered the fray. Their heavy plasma cannons lighting the night sky as they fired. The powerful balls of energy flew threw the air, leaving a trail of decayed ashes in their wake, and hit either the ground or their target. In either scenario, a large ball of fire erupted, throwing the dry grassy plane into a burning bed of combusting foliage. Through this hellish atmosphere, the machines fought, unheeded by the fire which singed their feet.

“Cadence may say she will make an uprising, but I have had enough of this!!!!” Celestia screamed. Many floors below, Luna heard her sister’s uproar. She looked up from the patient she was examining, her face concerned.

“Look after her, Redheart,” Luna said, starting to fade into a mist of magical energy, “My sister needs help.” Nurse Redheart nodded and turned to the yellow earth pony that lay in front of her. Luna, now a cloud of mystical energy easily raced through the castle hallways, arriving at the parapet in less than a few seconds. What she saw, was not to her liking.

“Tia, what are you doing!?” Luna asked, re-forming herself into her material body.

“Only what is needed to be done to protect my kingdom,” a soft but menacing voice came from the other side of Luna’s sister.

“Stop it! We will be able to-” Luna was cut off, her sister turned to look at her.

“We will be able to do it now,” Celestia said, her eyes white as flame, her horn too bright to look at. “I will destroy these machines!”

“No, Tia!” Luna screamed. She powered up her own horn, crafting a sedation spell to cast on her crazed sister. “You must see reason!”

“No, my sister,” Celestia said from her now burning white body, “You must see reason.”

“I....will...stop you if you won’t stop yourself!” Luna screamed, releasing her horn. The bolt of purple energy flew at Celestia, but her eyes, filled with hatred stared it down. With a flash, a white bolt of energy originated from Celestia’s horn, smashing into Luna’s.

A flash filled the air as the spell deflected, sending it back at it’s caster. Luna looked on, her eyes wide with panic for a split second as she saw the spell hurtling towards her. Before she could scream, she was struck. A thump was heard as Luna fell to the ground, unconsious.

Celestia looked at her sleeping sister. “Why did she want me to stop so badly?” Celestia thought for a few seconds, before turning to the task at hoof.

She rose up in the air, spreading her wings, crafting and working the magical field that surrounded her as she rose.

“Die machines, DIE!” Celestia screamed, crazed by the stress of ruling a kingdom on the brink of destruction. Flashes filled the night sky, a sizzling bolt of magical energy flying through the air after each one.






Celestia fired with all her might, over and over she shot at the machines. Each bolt evaporated a unit into thin air when it hit, working in very much the same way as a commander’s D-Gun. Leaving no wreckage, not even a crater.

Firing until she could do no more, Celestia slowly descended from her airborne position, exhausted and at a critically low amount of internal magic. She fought the urge to collapse, she stood, no matter how shakily, looking at her hoofwork. It had worked. The field was clear of everything, or almost everything. Only the opposing and defending armies and the defense line had been wiped out, the rest remained. Celestia sighed, her mane retaining it’s normal colour. She collapsed on the floor, losing the battle with her legs.

Low magic, as you know, can cause a variety of effects, usually causing the victim to fall into a comatose state...a state with which Celestia was now fighting. She lay, collapsed on the parapet’s floor next to her sister, Luna, still under the effects of her own sedation spell. Celestia struggled, she fought the oncoming onslaught against her senses, just to see what was going on.

As she lost conciousness, a blury image prevailed through her eyes....the menacing K-25 assault mech looming over the castle...it’s weapons pointed directly at the building. With a small yelp of both fear and desire to fight for her kingdom, Celestia fell into a deep sleep. She lay, sprawling on the stones next to her sister. The two had fallen in such a way to form the Equestria flag, a circle of night and day.


The CORE had noticed the castle, and, noting it’s power after Celestia’s outburst knew it had to be eliminated. That was what the Krogoth was there for. It stood for a few seconds, utilizing the power of intimidation, a tactic which the CORE knew well.

“Shining Armor, sir,” Colonel Sanders ran into the room. Shining Armor looked up from the book he was reading on Magical Defenses.

“What?” Shining asked the colonel.

“A K-25 sir, it’s aiming at us.”

“WHAT?!” Shining Armor bolted up, and started racing through the hallway, colonel Sanders close at his heels, “I need to talk with the princesses.”

“Sorry sir, but it seems that Princess Celestia is in critcal condition, and Luna is unconcious,” Sanders said, rounding the corner with his superior.

“Ok, get all able unicorns to the courtyard immediatly!” Shining Armor called.

“Yes sir!” colonel Sanders departed, spreading the word.

“We’re probably doomed,” Shining Armor thought, arriving in the courtyard. Unicorns of all classes were teleporting in. Magic flashes of all colours lit up the walls, giving a neon effect to the whole scene.

“Everypony, ATTENTION!” Shining Armor screamed, stepping up onto a soapbox. “I need your help in defending this kingdom.” Shining Armor sighed, but continued, “We are on the brink of impending destruction....but we may stop it!”

“Yeah!” a small cheer erupted from a pony in the back of the crowd.

“Yeah! Yeah!” the cheer slowly went through the crowd, an infectious pep-rally spirit.

“Quite down, please,” Shining called, “Now, we need to link our magical power. I can only use so much external power before exhausting myself, if you all pour magic into me, I may be able to destroy the machine.” The courtyard was quite. The statement hit like a bombshell, everypony look on in shock.

“What have we got to lose?” Shining called, “We’re going to die anyway!” He pointed a hoof at the Krogoth that was looking at the castle.

“Why’s it just standing there?” one unicorn asked.

“I don’t know but-” Shining Armor was cut off. A small spider Kbot crawled out from behind the mech, it’s weapons trained on the imposing CORE machine. On it’s metal thorax, a blue symbol blazed...that of the ARM.

Every so often, a blue bolt of energy was shot at the Krogoth, keeping it still as a rock. Shining Armor looked at all this, intrigued. Suddenly, a black shadow was cast over the castle...a swarm of aircraft flew overhead.

Their white bodies glinted in the sunlight, their wings short and their engines blazing they circled around the Krogoth, getting ready to fire. They turned, every one looking at the Krogoth, they waved back and forth as if caught in the breeze. Suddenly, each one released a stream of plasma, erupting in flames upon hitting the Krogoth, damaging it.

“A brawler swarm!” one pony cried. The white gunship had been nicknamed “Brawler” by the ponies, as it’s constant close combat with enemy units implied ‘brawling’.

“Power up the spell anyway!” Shining Armor cried, his horn glowing. The Krogoth wavered, and then crumbled. It’s arms falling away, it’s menacing form reduced to wreckage. Shining Armor knew what was to happen next.

“Yes sir!” all the unicorns brought their horns to a glow, and arked a bolt of magical energy to Shining. His blood impregnated with magic, he turned to face the aircraft. A booming voice left the lead Brawler as they approached the castle.

“WE HAVE SHOWN MERCY TO NATURAL RACES IN PAST,” it said, “BUT NOT AFTER THEY HAVE KILLED OUR MEN!” The Brawlers began to circle, their weapons priming.

Suddenly, purple bolts of energy lit up the sky. Each a bolt of raw magical energy. As if caught in a flak field, the Brawlers began to fall out of the sky in rapid succesion. Each left wreckage as they landed. Shining Armor’s shield was down, for he couldn’t perform any others while doing that one, so the castle was unprotected in a rain of metal wreckage.

The last Brawler fell, and Shining powered down his horn...the first time in days he had taken such a luxury. The world spun as he returned to the floor, it spun, shifting out of focus. Suddenly, all the unicorns collapsed from exhaustion.

End of Part I


Author's Note:

This chapter may come as a blow to those who were hoping for any sort of diplomatic relations between the ponies and the ARM, sorry about that :| Anyway, Celestia sorta screwed up any chance they had of communication or mutual enemies...and the rest of this fic will NOT turn into a battlestar gallactica cheesy remake, war, romance, blah blah blah etc. Hope you enjoyed this and Part II: The War of the Worlds starts next week!

See ya all