• Published 22nd Jul 2013
  • 2,384 Views, 118 Comments

Beautiful Corpse - Regidar

Rarity dies and rises again as a zombie.

  • ...

Beautiful Beginnings

To Rarity—
Darling, delightful, deceased.

Being dead is an odd experience.

Rarity wasn’t sure of how it happened. She wasn’t very sure of anything, anymore. Everything was dark and cold inside the cramped coffin in which they had buried her. It was highly musty to boot, and in general was just a disaster.

So, when the top of the coffin collapsed in on Rarity, it would have been a welcome relief had it not been at the expense of many pounds of dirt falling onto top of her. For the next hour or so, she excruciatingly clawed her way to the surface, only taking the occasional pauses for air, before remembering she was dead and in no need of air.

After much forcing up through the three feet of dirt which had kept her under the earth, she broke to the surface. All along her matted and filthy coat, she could feel the cool night air brush over her.

“I’m absolutely filthy!” she cried out, despondent. Then, the hunger kicked in.

As a said effect from whatever rose her from the dead, Rarity was overcome with an insatiable hunger. She needed to feed on something she did not normally feed on; flesh. Didn’t matter what, although she had a craving for the species she had once been, back when she was alive.

Her former thoughts and gripes of being dirty began to fade from her mind, replaced by the urge to hunt and kill things that would scream for mercy as she ineffectively used her herbivores' teeth to rip chunks of flesh and meat from them.

She tried to move, but unfortunately for her, being dead tends to kill parts of your brain that you need to function correctly. One of her front legs twisted sideways, and she fell onto the wet, earthy ground beneath her.

Moaning in the way zombies usually do, but in a more lady-like fashion than one would expect from a corpse, Rarity straightened herself up. Her legs wobbled as she tried her best to stand up. Succeeding in this, she began to walk.

She put on hoof in front of the other, her recently deceased body still holding together rather well. She took another step, and was soon on her way down the hill.

Rarity couldn’t see in the traditional sense. Eyes are generally one of the first things that go when you die, so her eyes were rotted away, most likely eaten by small bugs or other spineless organisms. However, there was still a way for her to tell where she was, and where she should go.

Rarity’s hearing still worked just fine, her eardrums still intact, and her ratty ears not yet munched away. Her muzzle was also in fine shape, and her sense of smell was actually heightened by whatever had allowed her to walk the realm of the living once more. In addition, she could ‘sense’ where living things were in the same way when you close your eyes you can see light through your eyelids. Using a combination of these senses, Rarity cobbled together a working system of navigation.

Ambling down the hill, Rarity came to rest against a wall. Making a small grunt, a weird spike of information shot through her brain. It was the feel of fabric, and an excited shout, somewhat like a giggle. She dismissed this, and continued to search for food.

She didn’t have far to go. She heard a noise that sounded suspiciously like hooves over cobblestone. Sniffing the air, she smelt the unmistakable smell of not-dead pony. Sure, it was a dirty, urine-caked smell, but it was alive at any rate.

She trotted in the direction of the smell, certain a meal was hers. Unfortunately, she walked directly into a low wall, spilling over it. Rarity tumbled on the ground, rolling around and thrashing in confusion as she did this.

Her prey noticed this, and took off. Rarity shambled to her hooves, and growled, taking after the pony. Having the same trouble she had with running as she did walking, Rarity ambled in a sort of awkward, confused gate as she followed the sound of retreating hoofbeats and the smell of fear.

Unfortunately, by the time she reached it, somepony else had beaten her to it. The life force was ebbing away, and Rarity was going to go hungry. Unless...

She could smell the one who was feasting on her meal. It was another zombie, the stench of death was stronger from him than it was from the still dying pony that had been killed by whoever the zombie was.

Rarity had a brief flash of charging down a deadly beast, and she decided that she would have to do the same to this offender. “Ruffian!” she growled, gaining another spike of information about the life she lived while alive.

Rarity collided with the zombie, who was in the middle of tearing a huge chunk from the now perished pony on the ground, and sent him toppling. She stood over him, smashing a hoof to his chest, where there was the crack of bones. The zombie pony made a noise that sounded like a very disturbing hybrid between a pained shriek and a growl of hunger.

Rarity turned back to her prize, and inhaled the smell of blood. It was a nice smell, one that whetted her appetite. Leaning down, she daintily took a bite of the exposed muscles and organs, chewing throughly before swallowing. she licked her lips, enjoying the taste of blood, the hunger satisfied slightly. However, the main prize was yet to be enjoyed.

Rarity opened her mouth as far as it would go, and bit into the skull. She clamped her teeth down, closing her jaw as hard as she could, until she was satisfied with the crack of the bone. Ripping away this chunk, she enjoyed snacking on the brain.

The brain was marvelous. It was moist, gelatinous. The texture accented the taste, which was beyond words. Somewhat like raw meat, but so much more mucus and slime than a regular piece of raw meat. Not that she had known what raw meat had tasted like until a few moments ago when she had tasted her first pony to get rid of the hungering.

As she munched on the brain, the hunger that clouded her mind retracted, allowing for thought to form once more. There weren’t the flashes of thought that had occurred earlier, spikes of brain activity, brief moments and clips of a time long gone— these were coherent, non-hunger driven thoughts.

“Oh, I’m such a mess!” she said, the words coming out in a horrible rasping noise that was so different from her voice. Rarity didn’t know that, however.

Now pondering her thoughts past, she tried to remember anything from before she died. One thing struck out to her amongst the rest.


She looked down at the zombie she had struck down, seeing a very faint glow of life inside it. She guessed that all zombies had a bit of life, in order to walk around. The word generosity swum around her head. Elements... something about elements... she was an element?

Clearing her throat, she pushed the corpse to the other zombie. The zombie moved over and began to eat on the body. Rarity sighed, and continued to eat her own portion, not regretting her choice to share. She was the Element of Generosity, after all.