• Member Since 18th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Friday


I'm a gamer above anything else but I do enjoy reading and writing quite a bit. I'm just a writer for fun.


Being the Element of Magic isn't all fun and games like most might think. It seems to carry with it an unexpected price or at least that is what Twilight thinks is the cause of her growing issue. She is finding herself as desperate for new magic as someone lost in the desert would be for water and this growing hunger isn't going away. The more new things she learns the worse it gets. She needs help before she completely gives into this hunger and begins to do anything just for new magic.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 17 )

Not bad.....
I like it! :twilightsmile:

Thanks. I've been toying with this one for the better part of a month so I figured I would give in and write it.

2924992 Well, it's good, and even if there are other story where Twilight is crazy and want more magics, it's the first time that I see her doing alchemy. And that Spike and Owlowiscious are not forgotten.

Heh, Spike always plays a role in any story I might work on starring Twilight. I consider the two to be very closely tied together. Just wait you'll be seeing her do more than that before this is done.

2930108 Cool, Twilight is my favorite character :twilightsmile: And it annoy me that often the writer choose to don't add Spike or don't use the fact that Twilight is pratically her mother. But since I'm really bad at writing a story, I can't really blame them :twilightblush:

“Good going Spike. It looks like you are getting better at this.”
The hunted creature, which is now exposed to proper sight thanks to the moonlight, is a cockatrice. Its death was thankfully quick and relatively painless thanks to dragon claws severing its spine. Its body is surrounded by two purple creatures, one a dragon and the other a unicorn as a brown owl flies overhead.
“Thanks Twilight. So how much of it did you need for the experiment?”
“I only need its eyes Spike. You can eat the rest. I wouldn’t want you to have any health problems and it’s been awhile since I managed to get you any meat.

:pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp: OH MY GOD

This is GOLD :pinkiehappy: I can't get the mental image out of my head now.

Her eyes turn red as she glares at the bunny. For a moment nothing happens but then its body begins to turn to stone as it can’t bring itself to look away. Twilight’s eyes return to normal once it is completely stone.

I'd add a sentence specifying that the bunny started looking back at her before the one saying it can't stop and change the order of the last one so the description stays in chronological order.

telepathically opens one of the ovoid windows of the library

You mean telekinetically. Also, 'round' would work better here, although come to think of it do you actually need to specify the shape of the window? It's a throwaway line and we know what the library windows look like.

I would lose the last bit about hungering magic at the end, that element would really be a lot better shown than told. Don't simply spell it out to us. Or at very least lose the "hunger for more magic" leaving only unspecified hunger.

Similarly the last sentence about her friends is kind of out of nowhere, possibly because it requires that Twilight sees the hunger as a problem she has, and she has not dedicated any though to it being a problem, or to her friends. As a reader this takes me out of the story a little since it does not flow naturally and the only reason I can think of for it to be here is that you're trying to foreshadow. If so, it's too clumsy, otherwise it's unnecessary.

Glad you liked that scene. I spent a lot of time trying to get that image right in my head before putting it to paper. Also, nice catch on the telekinesis issue. Hm... yeah, I can be awkward with foreshadowing at times.

I love it. Keeping Twilight into her "study and catalog" mode made it easy to believe this of her, and you opening justification for Spike's non-disgust at what they are doing means I am going to happily go along with the idea. Also, I can't help but think that the "Nightmare" to this issue going to be something like Darth Nihilus from Knights of the Old Republic 2.

Well written, well thought out and I really like how you included Owlisicius and Spike.

Well done. A few minor grammar issues, but all in all a very good oneshot... for now, I suppose? Definitely a clever concept, I've only seen anything similar to Twilight's little problem here brought up in the excellent (and unfortunately long-term-hiatus-ed) 'Powers of Harmony', and the hunting-party concept is totally unique thus far. I'll be watching for more, Ebony. You've piqued my interest with this one!
- Headwind

Ooh, I like this!!!!!! I really hope you continue!!!!!! :pinkiehappy:

If nothing else I might at least finally get around to setting up some lessons with her to finish the training I started during all that mess Trixie started."

Hey man! If you had laid the blame on the proper parties at the time of the Ursa Minor incident, then there would have never been another mess! But no, you just had to lay all the blame on Trixie, who was, at the time, A STAGE MAGICIAN! which means that its in her job description to do what she did when she first came to Ponyville!

I don't recall Twilight ever blaming Trixie for any of the Ursa incident. That seemed to have been more the doing of everyone else.

Sure, but she never stopped anyone else from blaming Trixie either. In fact, in the episode, the following exchange took place:

Twilight Sparkle: Well, I know how much you all hated Trixie's showing off with her magic tricks, and I just thought--
Rainbow Dash: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Magic's got nothing to do with it. Trixie's just a loudmouth.
Rarity: Most unpleasant.
Applejack: All hat and no cattle.
Twilight Sparkle: So, you don't mind my magic tricks?
Applejack: Your magic is a part of who you are, sugarcube, and we like who you are. We're proud to have such a powerful, talented unicorn as our friend.
Rainbow Dash: And after whuppin' that ursa's hindquarters, we're even prouder.
Twilight Sparkle: You are?
Rainbow Dash: Uh-huh.
Applejack: Mm-hmm.
Rarity: Mm-hmm.
Spike: Wow, Twilight, how'd you know what to do with that ursa major?
Twilight Sparkle: That's what I was doing when you came looking for me. I was so intrigued by Trixie's bragging that I was compelled to do a little reading up on them.

Now, does that sound like Twilight Sparkle was giving Trixie's JOB proper credit, or does it sound like Twilight Sparkle was to concerned about what her friends would think? Besides, I never said that Twilight outright blamed Trixie, all I said was that because of Twilight's actions, all of the blame was placed on Trixie. Because, like I said in the previous comment, she gave the guilty parties mustaches, which would teach them the opposite thing that she should have been trying to teach them!

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