• Published 14th Aug 2013
  • 2,795 Views, 26 Comments

Hillside Remembrance - Idsertian

In which Applejack shares some memories with Rainbow Dash.

  • ...

Chapter the Only

Chapter the Only

Equestria. A place of harmony, tolerance, peace and love. In a very small part of Equestria, near its capital of Canterlot, stands a town. This town is called Ponyville. It is home to many different ponies, of all shapes, sizes, colours and races. Some residents are even non-ponies, such is this town's diversity. But it is not the town we are interested in.
Surrounding Ponyville are many hills, some steeper than others. At the top of one of these hills, by the outskirts and among the many orchards there, stands a tree; an apple tree to be precise. The only one not to be harvested by the nearby family of farmers. It was planted by one of the original settlers around five years after Ponyville became fully self-supporting. It symbolised Ponyville's strength and independence, as well as displaying the town's main source of said.

Normally, this hilltop was empty save the tree itself, but today two ponies are sat under the tree, enjoying the late evening sun. A red and white picnic blanket covers the ground between them, laden with empty plates of food, a nearly empty jug of cider and an empty picnic basket.
Both ponies are mares, but one is an orange earth pony with a blond mane and tail, each tied back with a red ribbon, green eyes and is wearing a Stetson hat, whereas the other is a cyan pegasus, with magenta eyes. Her mane and tail are a spectrum of colour, just like a rainbow.
The orange pony lying on her stomach at the edge of the picnic blanket has a cutie-mark of three red apples, while the cyan mare lounging against the tree has the mark of a white cloud with a rainbow coloured lightning bolt. Cyan is laughing uproariously, her peals of laughter rolling away down the hill.

“You're kidding me! She actually said that?!” Her high pitched voice cracked as she fought to contain her laughter.

“Eeyup,” replied orange, her voice noticeably smoother and deeper, with a country twang. “She was dead serious too, so ah says to her “Ah don't care if'n you come back with a dragon, ah don't do returns just because ya don't like the taste!” Like she actually believed comin' back with a lawyer would get her a refund.”

“Aw heck, some ponies,” cyan said, wiping away some moisture from her eyes. She was laying on her back, head resting against the trunk of the apple tree, her wings opened slightly due to gravity. She yawned suddenly. “Geez, where'd that come from?”

“Ah'm sorry Dash, ah didn't mean ta keep ya up this late. Ah know you've got trainin' in the mornin'.”

“Don't sweat it, it's fine. I had fun. We should do this more often.” The cyan pegasus grinned at her companion.

“Y-yeah...” The stammer from the orange pony was slight, but her friend caught it nonetheless.

“Hey Applejack? Everything ok?”

“Yes. No. Ah dunno.”

Concerned now, the pegasus sat up, tucking her wings back against her side with a shrug.

“What's wrong?” she asked.

“Ah just...ah just been thinking, Rainbow, that's all. 'Bout all the time we've been spendin' together lately, about how we got together.”

“You...you don't wanna end it, do you?” Rainbow's worry was evident on her face and in her voice. A hoof unconsciously lifted off the ground, coming close to the pegasus' chest, while her wings popped halfway out in a show of concern. Guilt shot through Applejack's heart like a red hot lance.

“Heavens to betsy, no! Ah never want this ta end!” She got up and sat in front of Rainbow, clasping her raised hoof in two of her own. “This year's been the best of mah entire life and ah owe it all ta you!”

“So what's wrong?” asked the blue pegasus, her wings settling back.

“Nothin'. Everythin's great, sugarcube, I just...” Applejack paused for a second. She didn't want to rush ahead with this, but she was unduly worrying her marefriend. “You remember when we first met?”

“Duh, the Summer Sun Celebration the night Nightmare Moon returned.”

“No, before then.”

“We met before then?”

“You don't remember?”

Rainbow thought for a moment, her face scrunched up as she did so. Had they met before? She couldn't remember. That was odd, she'd thought she would have remembered meeting AJ before that night...

“It was about a year before Twilight arrived in Ponyville,” Applejack said, interrupting Rainbow's train of thought. “Ah was on my way to the town ta buy some new tools fer the farm, when you came outta nowhere and hit the side of mah cart.”

“Oh yeah,” said Rainbow, looking slightly embarrassed. “Now I remember.”

Applejack laughed. “Eeyup. You had that exact same look on yer face then, but at least ya helped me put the wheel back on that ya'll had knocked off. Ah asked what you was doin' barrelling around like that and you said...”


“I'm training to become a Wonderbolt!” You said proudly, puffing out yer chest and puttin' yer wings on display.

“A whatter-what?” Ah asked, confused.

“A Wonderbolt! You know, only the best flying team in Equestria?” You looked slightly irritated at the question.

“Sorry, never heard of 'em. They crash into carts a lot?” Ah asked with a grin. You blushed the cutest shade of red.

“Er, no,” you replied, trying to look stern and failing. “Here, let me help you get this wheel back on.

Ya take ta the air and grab hold of the cart, lifting the axle off the ground. As ah try to put the wheel back on, ah ask you how long you've been trainin' for.

“All...my...life,” you answer, straining to hold the cart up. It's heavy, even fer your strength. Even Big Mac has trouble lifting it. “Ever since...I saw them perform...when I was a filly.”

Ah nod to you when ah've got the wheel in place and you let the cart drop back down. Fortunately, the axle weren't broken, but the retainin' pins were missin' and ah had ta hunt for 'em in the dirt. You dropped back down ta the ground and helped look fer 'em.

“So why ain't you with 'em already?” ah asked, curious.

“I'm not old enough to apply for the academy, yet,” came your answer. You sounded disappointed. “But I will be in a couple of years and as soon as I am, I'm gonna send in my application! Found one!”

You grabbed the wooden pin from the ground and passed it ta me, just as ah found the other one. Ah slid them both back through the wheel and into the axle, givin' 'em a test waggle ta make sure they stayed put.

“Thanks,” ah say, satisfied that the wheel ain't gonna come off again.

“No problemo,” you reply. “Sorry for breaking your cart in the first place.” That embarrassed look returns ta ya face for a moment.

“Don't worry about it, ain't no harm done. Good luck with yer trainin'.”


Ya flew off then, leavin' a small patch of rainbow where you'd been standing. Ah watched ya fer a minute, lookin' as ya flew off intah the distance, throwin' a quick loop in ta show off...


“Ah remember thinkin' you were a pretty pony then, if'n a little clumsy,” Applejack said, smiling warmly at Rainbow Dash. “Ya'll were a lot thinner, too, fer some reason.”

“Yeah, I couldn't put on weight back then if I tried,” Rainbow said with a chuckle. “But that's not what's bothering you, is it?”

“No, it isn't.”

The two ponies sat in silence for a moment, watching the sun creep slowly towards the horizon. Ponyville was laid out before them, bathed in orange light. Ponies could be seen moving through its streets as tiny little coloured specks, going about their business.

“That's real pretty, ain't it?” Applejack asked, leaning into Rainbow. The pegasus instinctively covered her with a wing. “The princess' done a good job with that one.”

“Yeah, I guess. She's had a millennia to practice, after all,” the pegasus answered. She looked down at her lover. “You gonna tell me what's wrong, now?”

“In a minute. Ah wanna tell you somethin' else first...”


'Course, ah recognised you almost straight away when we next met. Didn't have much time ta catch up until afterwards, though, what with havin' to save Equestria an' all. By that time, we'd all become friends and ah'd completely forgotten to ask you how yer trainin' was coming along. Not that it mattered much, you were quick to tell everypony, regardless.
But while we was busy savin' everypony, ah kept stealin' glances at ya. You'd filled out some since we'd last met; you looked strong, like an athlete. Every movement you made was powerful, had purpose and what's that word? Economy. Nothin' went ta waste. And when you came off'n that bridge after disappearin' into the fog and landed on yer hind legs? Ah think mah heart skipped a beat. You looked a hundred times prettier in that moment than ya had just a year before! Not to mention them hips've yers...


“Wait a minute,” said Rainbow. “You were checkin' me out that night?”

“Ah guess, yeah,” replied Applejack, a sheepish look on her face. “Ah'm a naughty pony and you can punish me later, but for now, let me finish?” Rainbow giggled and leaned down.

“Deal,” she said, giving Applejack a peck on the cheek.

“Anyway,” continued the farmer. “Ah spent the next few months makin' any excuse ah could to be near ya. Ah was absolutely taken with you; ya'll were the prettiest thing ah'd seen in mah life. The more time ah spent with you, the more ah wanted ta be near ya.”

“AJ, I...” The pegasus looked like she was on the verge of tears, but she was smiling. “I didn't know you felt like that back then.”

“How could ya? Ah didn't say nothin'. Ah probably would've creeped ya out if'n ah had, anyway.”

Rainbow nuzzled the earth pony's neck. “Don't count on it,” she murmured.

Applejack looked at her marefriend for a moment, suddenly re-appraising her in her mind. She'd never really thought about it before, but had Rainbow been hiding feelings for her all that time, as well?

“You...you felt the same way?” she asked.

“Mm-hm,” Rainbow murmured, continuing to nuzzle her love's neck.

“Why din't you say nothin'?”

“I didn't know if you felt the same. I didn't want to make things weird between us. Ponies like us aren't exactly...” The pegasus thought for a moment, before shaking her head. “Twilight'd know the word.”

“Ah know what yer tryin' to say,” Applejack reassured her, returning the nuzzle to the Wonderbolt trainee. She attempted to get things back on track.

“A'course, you know all about that time; the games, the walks, the adventures, the mis-adventures, that one time the princess gave us both a lecturin'.” Applejack smiled wistfully and chuckled at the memory. “Ah wonder how many ponies could see what we was tryin' ta hide from each other, ah wonder?”

“Probably everypony who saw us,” Rainbow admitted, blushing slightly. “I don't think either of us are winning any subtlety awards any time soon.” Now it was Applejack's turn to send peals of laughter down the hill.

“Ah guess yer right, sugarcube,” she said once she'd recovered. “Oh golly, ah wonder what the princess made've us that day? She probably thought we was like an old married couple.”

“I'd rather not think about it,” came the reply, complete with a reddening face.

Applejack leaned up and kissed the pegasus on the cheek. “Don't fret about it none. Ain't worth it. She's probably seen plenty worse.”

“I guess. So what's bugging you, AJ?”

“Ah'm gettin' there. How about when ah asked you out fer the first time, you remember that? Ah was all nerves and shakes...”


Ah'd taken extra effort ta go on and doll mahself up a bit. Brushed mah coat, took extra time on mah mane, used a prettier ribbon to tie it back, made sure ah smelled've somethin' other than farm. Ah even wore that element necklace 'cos ah thought it looked nice.
When ah left the farm, ah was sure nothin' could stop me from askin' you ta go out with me, but the closer ah got to yer fancy floatin' home, the more nervous ah got. Ah thought've all the things that could go wrong; you sayin' no, wantin' nothin' more ta do with me, no longer bein' my friend, maybe even hatin' me fer some reason. Ah know yer not like that, but when yer as deeply in love as ah was...yer mind fancies up some awful things.
By the time ah got to yer house, ah was really shakin'. And ah mean shakin'. Ah lifted a hoof off'n the ground and watched it; it was movin' all over've its own accord! Ah stared at it hard until it stopped, but ah was still scared as anything; mah tail wouldn't keep still 'cos of it.
Ah called up to ya and nearly bolted! Mah voice sounded like it carried fer miles and everypony could hear it. Ah was so nervous ah was sure anyone who saw me would know what ah was there for, and ah'd be the laughin' stock've the town. You din't hear me the first time, so ah called you again, tryin' ta keep mah voice from shakin' and a crackin'.

“Rainbow Dash! You there?”

Suddenly, yer little blue head appeared over the edge of yer cloud. “Huh? Oh, AJ! Hi!”

You flew down ta land in front've me, all big grin and beatin' wings. You stuck out yer hoof and ah met the gesture, smacking mah own against yours. “What're you doing all the way out here?” you asked. “Why are you wearing your element? Is something wrong? Did Discord get out again?”

Mah heart felt like a block'a ice. This was the big moment. Ah could barely breathe and ah could swear mah heart was beatin' so hard you could'a heard it without one've them fancy doctor thingamajigs. Ah swallowed the lump in mah throat and shook mah head before startin' ta speak.

“Dash,” ah started, voice shaky. Ah cleared my throat and began again. “Dash, we've known each other awhile and...well, ah really enjoy spendin' time with you and ah know we're just friends an' all, but...” Ah struggled to find the right words, but bless you if'n ya didn't catch on ta what was happenin'. You put a hoof on mah shoulder and spoke the words ah desperately needed to hear, smilin' all the while.

“Hey, it's ok. Calm down.”

Ah took a deep breath and felt mah heart slow. Everythin' became crystal clear and ah knew what ah needed to say.

“Rainbow, ah really like you. Ah mean, more than a friend normally would. Now, ah don't know if'n you feel the same way, but ah gotta ask you this or ah'll spend the rest of mah life wonderin' if ah made a mistake not askin'. Would you like ta go someplace? You know, together?”

You were silent fer a long moment, yer expression completely blank. Ah stood watchin' as yer eyes did this little dance, dartin' all over the place like fireflies. This little look began to make its way onto yer face, like you couldn't quite believe what you'd just heard and yer wings opened and closed a few times. You were stood there quiet fer so long, ah began to think ah'd messed up good and offended you. Ah was just about ta start apologisin' when you looked straight at me with those pretty magenta eyes'a yers, practically spearin' me with 'em. Then that sly little smile've yers appears and ah know this weren't a mistake.

“Yeah, I'd like that, AJ. I really would.”

Those eight words made my day right then. Ah don't remember much after that, ah was just in this sorta happy fog. Ah remember huggin' you tight ta me and makin' plans ta meet at the town's inn, but everythin' after that until the date itself is just one fuzzy blur...


“I really meant a lot to you, didn't I?” Rainbow asked. Both ponies were laid down now, though the pegasus still had a wing stretched out across her partner.

“Yeah, you did. Ya still do, silly filly.” Applejack leaned in closer to Rainbow, resting her head against the soft blue fur of her neck. Her hat was lying across her front hooves, allowing the slight breeze at the top of the hill to play with her forelock.

“AJ, you know I would still be your friend, that I always will be, no matter what happens? Right?” The cyan mare was looking straight at Applejack now, her magenta eyes serious, but still full of affection. The orange cowpony looked down at the ground, averting her eyes nervously.

“Ah know, sugarcube, but ah was more nervous that day than Rarity near a puddle've mud. I weren't thinkin' straight.”

“It's ok, I'm not mad,” responded the other mare, squeezing gently with the wing covering Applejack's back. The farmer responded by looking back at her with a grateful smile.

Once again, silence descended momentarily as the two lovers returned to watching the sunset. Though she was perfectly still aside from her regular breathing, Rainbow Dash could still sense the tension in the mare at her side. Her face gave it away more than anything else; her eyes were slitted against the sun slightly too much, her lips just a shade too tightly drawn, her nostrils flared for a moment longer than usual with each breath.

“AJ...” she started. Her tone made the other pony look up, concerned. “AJ, what are you trying to get at? 'Cos I'm not following this...”

Applejack simply responded with a smile. “Yer just gonna have to wait this one out, sugarcube. Ah can't rush this and need to do it at mah own pace. 'Kay?”

“Do what? I don't-” Rainbow was shushed by a hoof on her lips. The green eyes staring at her from behind it pleaded with her to let their owner take things at her own pace. She nodded her understanding.

“Ya know what one've mah best memories of us is? The day we made it official. A'course, we only had ta go and do it in Twilight's library...”


Ah was payin' a visit ta Twi's library so ah could bring back a book Applebloom was late returnin'. Ah got there and you was already sat inside, readin' one'a them adventurin' books you love. You told me Twi was out, but was comin' back soon. Ah decided to wait for her, if fer no other reason than it meant ah could spend some time with you.
The library was the same as it always is; Twilight keeps it neat 'n' tidy, with the books neatly ordered on the bookshelves when they ain't out bein' used. Near enough everythin' is made outta wood, bein' the inside of a tree an' all; the floor, the walls, the furniture. About the only thing that ain't wood is the purple rug on the floor and you, sat over by one've the bookshelves.
We'd been datin' pretty regular like by then, maybe a couple'a months. We had another one lined up fer a couple of nights later, but this gave me an excuse ta be near ya again before then. Not that ah really needed one, we was practically at each other's beck 'n' call at that point.

“All set fer our next get-together?” ah asked. You looked up from yer book, grinnin'.

“Heck yeah, I can't wait!” Yer wings swish through the air a couple've times, flappin' the pages of a few open books layin' around. Even from where ah was sittin', ah could feel the breeze caused by them. Ah took a second to admire 'em as ya flexed them back inta position at yer sides. “Thanks again for letting me get some of that cider early, that was cool.”

“No problem, sugarcube,” ah replied with a happy smile. “Ah know you love it, so ah wanted ta make sure ya got some this time.”

“Yeah, well it was totally worth the wait this time.” The grin on yer own face said everythin' ah needed ta know. Ah got up and walked over ta where you were sittin', seatin' myself next to ya.

“What're ya readin'?” ah asked.

“It's the latest Daring Do book, The Curse of the Jade Alicorn,” you reply. “It's the sequel to The Monkey with Three Tails, but it's set a year after. I'm almost at the end and Daring's just rescued her partner, Blondie, from the villain, the evil Tasrin vey Oolina, and delivered the Jade Alicorn to the museum she works at.”

“Her partner?” Ah raise an eyebrow and give you a playful grin.

“Yeah, they-” You catch the look ah'm givin' you. Yer face goes red and yer wings fluff out slightly. “Oh, er...no, not her “partner”, just her, ya know, work partner.” Ya won't meet mah eyes now, clearly embarrassed.

“So she don't get the girl at the end?” ah say, teasin'.

“Er no, they're not those sort of books.”

“Relax, sugarcube, ah was just teasin' ya.” Ah give ya a playful nudge on the shoulder.

“Oh right, yeah. Heh.” You relax again, blush fadin' and wings settlin' back at yer sides. “I'm not sure things'd be the same if they ended up a couple, anyway.”

“You think so?”

“No, it'd just be...I dunno, odd, I guess.”

Ah blurted it out almost without thinking, but ah think a small part of me wanted ta ask it anyway. “What if we ended up a couple?” You looked up at me so fast, ah thought yer head was gonna fall off.

“W-what?!” Yer eyes were like dinner plates and ah'm surprised yer jaw didn't hit the floor hard enough to crack it. Ah nearly took it back on the spot. As it was, mah hoof went to mah mouth and ah felt mah own eyes get bigger. Ah gasped as ah did so.

“AJ, say that again.” There was no reproach in yer voice, nor anythin' ah could identify, neither. Ya kept me fixed with that wide-eyed stare'a yers, though.

“Ah-ah said, what if we was a couple?” Ah somehow managed ta stammer out. Mah heart was goin' ninety ta the dozen, and so hard ah thought it'd burst out mah chest. You dropped ya book and sat up, still looking at me. Yer wings wouldn't sit still, rufflin' the whole time.

“Do...do you really mean that?”

Ah sat quiet fer a second. Ah hadn't given it any thought before, not really. Ah mean, ah hoped we'd end up together one day, but ah didn't think it could be this soon. The thing was, ah enjoyed yer company. Ah enjoyed spendin' time with you, listening to yer jokes, goin' out and even just talkin'. So that's when ah made the biggest decision of mah life and the one that changed both ours forever.

“Ah...yes. Ah guess ah do,” ah said. Ah take a hold've one of yer forehooves in my own two, lookin' into them deep magenta pools'a yers. “Rainbow, we've spent a lotta time together lately and ah've enjoyed it, every second of it. Ah can't stop thinkin' about you every day, ah feel more complete when yer around, ah just want to be near ya.”

“AJ, I-” Ah put a hoof on yer lips ta shush you. After all, now's the time fer ya to be listenin'.

“These past couple'a months have been simply the best, but although ah hadn't really thought much about it until now, ah want something more. Ah want somethin' permanent. The only thing is...do you?” Ah give ya a hopeful smile, wishin', hopin', wantin', needin' ya ta say yes. And ya do.

“AJ, nothing would make me happier.” You give me the biggest darn smile ah ever seen and ah can see tears formin' in yer eyes. Before ah can say anythin' ya throw yer forelegs around me and hug me tight. Ah embrace you back. There are no words between us; who needs 'em at times like this?
Our hug somehow turns to nuzzles, which quickly turns ta kissin', with tongues. We don't care where we're sittin', where anypony could walk in and see us, we only have time fer ourselves. But somepony did walk in. The owner, as it turned out.

“Er, should I leave you girls alone and come back later?” Twilight's voice cuts through our passion somehow and we jump apart like we was stung by a bee. She's stood in the doorway, saddlebags across her back. Yer face is as red as one'a mah apples and yer wings're stretched right out. I can feel mah own blush burnin' on mah cheeks.

“Wah! Twilight!” You start, frantically tryna' be in several places at once. “We were just um...AJ had a thing and...er-”

“Yeah, she was jus' helpin' me get it and she slipped and-”

“Girls,” she says, holding up a hoof, amused smirk on her face. We stop. “You're both terrible liars, so don't even try.” We both look shamefaced.

“Sorry Twi,” ah say. “We just got a bit carried away.”

“It's ok,” she replies, smilin'. “No harm done. I'm happy for you both, you two are a good match.”

“Thanks,” we both say in unison.

“Now, I don't mean to be impolite, but this a public library, not lover's lane. It's also my house and I haven't eaten since breakfast, so if you want to continue this, I suggest you go back to one of your own places.”

We look at each other an' start gigglin' somethin' fierce. Twilight looks at us for a second, confused look on her face. We calm down long enough ta get ta our hooves and start walkin' to the door. Still chucklin', ah turn ta her as we go.

“Twi, darlin', would you be kind enough not ta say anything about this ta the others fer now? Me an' Rainbow only just made it official, ah don't think either've us is ready ta make it public knowledge just yet.”

“Of course, Applejack. But I think Rarity already has a notion that something is going on between you two. You know how smart she is about these things.”

“You mean nosy,” you butt in, rollin' yer eyes. Ah snort laughter, still not quite over mah previous fit'a giggles.

“Thanks Twi.” Ah turn ta the door and head out with you at mah side.


“Yeah, I like that memory too, AJ, but I'm still not getting this.” The pegasus' brow was furrowed as she tried to find the connections between the things her marefriend was telling her.

“Just one more, Dash,” replied Applejack. “Then ah'll tell you what this is about.”

Rainbow sighed and rolled her eyes. “Fine. Not like I can make you get to it any faster.”

“Darn tootin'! Ah'm as stubborn as a mule,” said the farmer, with a grin. Her special somepony playfully bit her on the ear.

“You got that right, missy.”

“Hey, stop that!” The orange mare burst into a fit of giggles, pushing Rainbow off of her. “Ah'll never get to it if'n you keep that up!”

The two mares settled down again, snuggling even closer than before. Applejack yawned, then spoke.

“Ok, last one. You remember three months ago?”

“If you're talking about what I think you're talking about, then yes. I'll never forget it. I was worried sick the whole time.”

“Ya never left mah side...”


Ah don't know where in the hay ah got it from, but that pony flu done bowled me over good. Fever, chills, chesty cough, achin' joints, head full'a cotton wool, ah had it all and ah had it bad. So bad, ah was driftin' in and outta consciousness the whole time an' the doctors weren't sure ah'd make it.
You was there, though, loyal like yer element. Ah don't remember much, but ah remember that. Makin' sure ah ate, or drank, or was comfy when ah was awake. Ya kept me warm when ah shivered, an' bathed me when ah was sweatin'.
Ah only know most've this from what mah family told me afterwards, tellin' me how you stayed with me the whole time so they wouldn't have ta worry. That you'd only leave mah room ta tend ta...personal matters, eatin' and even sleepin' in there when ya couldn't stay awake no more.
When the fever finally broke, the first thing ah remember seein' was your face. Not Big Mac's, not Granny's, not 'Bloom's; yours. You was smilin', but ah could see the worry lines at the corner'a yer eyes and the bags underneath 'em. That's when ah knew you'd never leave mah side, not ever, not fer nothin'. You'd risked yer own health and well-bein' fer me, without a moment's concern fer yourself.

“Applejack?” You called my name, leanin' forward. “How're you feeling?”

“Like ah was hit by a freight train,” ah replied, tryin' ta sit up. Mah head felt like it was gunna split open, so ah fell back onto the bed with a groan. You were there in a flash, wet cloth against mah head. It felt so wonderfully cool against the heat there.

“Easy there, cowgirl, you gotta rest. You're still not ready to get up.”

“Dash? You been here the whole time?”

“Uh, yeah. I was worried about you, you've been in a bad way.” You look down at me, concern etched inta every part of yer face. Ah give you what ah hope was a reassurin' smile.

“Well don't you fret none, sugarcube, ah'm feelin' a lot better now.” Ah reach out with a hoof and you return the gesture, placin' yers on top of mine. “But ah could really do with a drink.”

You grab a nearby glass of water and help me sit up enough to drink it, supporting mah back with a wing. Ah finish the glass in one go, gasping for breath by the end've it. Ah lay back down in the bed, tired just from this small amount of exertion. Ah feel you carefully climb up next ta me, muzzle against the back of mah neck. The light comin' in from behind the curtains suggests its late evenin', so ah guess you was probably tired. Ah hear you murmur somethin' into mah neck.

“Don't you ever worry me like that again, you hear?” Your voice is thick an' ah can tell yer tryin'a hold back tears. Ah slowly roll over and see that yes, you're cryin'; tears are rollin' sideways down yer face into the pillow and yer breath is hitchin' as you try ta keep from sobbin' yer wonderful heart out. Ah reach out and place a hoof against yer cheek.

“Ah ain't plannin' to, sugarcube,” ah say, feelin' mah own tears wellin' up. “Ah'm ok now, don't cry darlin'.”

“I...I was s-so scared of l-losing you, AJ,” you said, barely able to control yer sobbin'.

Ah drew you into a hug with what little strength ah had. Ya must've sensed how weak ah was, 'cos you grabbed me with a wing and squeezed me tight, cryin' softly the whole time. Ah just let you get it out, a week's worth of worry and stress finally findin' their way outta you. Eventually, you calmed down and looked up at me, eyes reddened and face wet.

“I'm sorry AJ, I didn't mean to break down like that. I've just been so worried about you. You need me to be strong right now and...” You stopped for a second, swallowing. “I'm just glad you're ok.”

“It's ok, you don't need ta be sorry. Much as you don't like ta admit it sugarcube, you do have feelings.” You laugh at that and ah stroke your cheek again, watchin' as you savour the touch. You lay your own hoof against mine, holding it there.

“Oh yeah, you're definitely back,” you say, grinnin' yer pretty little face off.

“Well ah am a stubborn little pony,” ah joke. We both laugh at that and you lift mah head up onto yer chest, allowin' us to snuggle for what must be the first time in a week. Ah fall asleep like that, yer fur under mah cheek and yer feathers under mah back...


Rainbow Dash sniffed and rubbed her eyes, her foreleg coming away damp. That memory was still all too fresh in her mind. She still had nightmares about it, not that she'd ever admit it.

“Ah'm sorry sugarcube, ah didn't realise that would upset you like this.” Applejack had a hoof over Rainbow's other leg, concern showing on her face.

“It's fine,” replied the pegaus, her voice tight. “I just...you know.”

Applejack nuzzled her reassuringly, cooing softly. The other mare visibly relaxed, leaning into the gesture. She looked around at the earth pony, smiling.


“Yer welcome.”

Both were silent for yet another time that evening, enjoying the sensation of their physical contact. After a moment, Rainbow spoke up.

“So,” she said, matter of factly.

“So,” came the reply.

“What's this all about?”

Applejack got up into a sitting position and looked at Rainbow. She'd been working up to this all evening. The invitation to be alone, the picnic, the stories; it all led to this moment. She took a deep breath and began.

“Rainbow, all these stories have somethin' in common. Each of them are special memories ah have of you. The first time ah ever met you, the first time ah noticed ah liked you, askin' you out, becomin' marefriends and of you stayin' by mah side when ah was so badly sick, ah could'a died.”

“But what-”

Applejack held up a hoof. “Let me finish. We've been together fer a year now. Ah care a lot about you and although ah know you'd hardly ever admit it to anypony else, ah know you care about me. Everythin' you've said and done fer me durin' this time proves that. That's why ah want ta give you this.”

Applejack reached into the empty picnic basket with a hoof and pulled out an object. A dark brown oblong, it had unicorn high script in gold leaf across the top and two polished brass hinges on the back. The farmer passed it to the confused pegasus, who took it carefully.

“Go ahead,” said the earth pony. “Open it.”

Rainbow did so, carefully. The lid of the box tilted back easily, revealing its contents to the world. The cyan mare gasped at what lay inside.
Lying across a piece of black felt, was the shiniest gold bracelet the pegasus had ever laid eyes on. A simple criss-cross pattern of the precious metal made up the main band of the strap, while braids of it ran around the edge. Two halves of a simple clasp mechanism were at each end, but in the middle was a large gem, the same colour as Rainbow's eyes and the same shape as her cutie-mark. Lifting it out of the box with a wing, she saw the gem was transparent; she could see the distorted image of the setting sun behind it. The purple jewel caught the light and scattered it across the pegasus' face.
She stared dumbly at it for a moment, not believing. No, not daring to believe. It wasn't the beauty or the obvious expense of the bracelet that made her gasp when she opened the box, it was what it represented. She'd seen plenty of these before on the forelegs of other mares and knew exactly what the significance of it was, long before Applejack spoke next.

“Rainbow Dash,” began the farmer, looking straight at her beloved. The pegasus looked back, tears beginning to well up in her eyes already. “Will you marry me?”

A single tear spilled down her cyan fur as Rainbow spoke. “Yes,” she answered. “Oh Celestia, yes I will!”

The ecstatic pegasus flung herself at her new fiancé, catching her off guard. Laughing and crying at the same time, both nearly fell to the ground as they embraced, hugging each other tight.
Tears spilling down her face, but smiling nonetheless, Rainbow pulled away first, clasping the bracelet around her right foreleg. She looked up at Applejack, who was in a similar state to herself; tearful, but smiling. Her green eyes radiated happiness that came from the very core of her being.

“Thank you, sugarcube,” she said, sniffling. “This is gunna sound a mite cliché, but you just made me the happiest mare in the world.”

“Nuh-uh,” replied Rainbow, grinning mischievously. “Second happiest.”

Both of them laughed again before leaning towards each other, foreheads touching. They looked into each other's eyes, before Applejack spoke once again.

“Ah love you, Rainbow Dash.”

“I love you too, AJ.”

As the sun sank below the horizon, signalling the night to start shrouding Equestria in its darkness, the lips of the two mares met. Each could taste the tears of the other as their tongues entwined, but neither cared. Certainly not Applejack, who, as she sat there kissing her special somepony, knew she had a long and bright future ahead of her, a certain cyan pegasus at her side.

The End

Comments ( 26 )

This story is so sweet:heart:

I'm loving these contests, they truly bring out some amazing writers.

that was beautiful :heart::fluttercry:

Very beautiful. Well done :)

ok this has given me cavities it was so sweet.
I loved it.

:pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile: / 5

Hmm. I'm welling up over here. This has never happened before.

Simple, powerful, wonderful... Beautiful :)

Consarnit, AJ, will you get to the poi... Oh. :O

awwwww :heart: I'm not gonna cry I'm not gonna cry I'm not gonna cry :fluttercry: darn it :fluttercry:
:pinkiehappy: great story

I like this entry. It's simple, sweet, and portrays the romance pretty well. I also like the different approach you took for this contest. It makes the story stand out from the rest and it makes it memorable.

I'm not sure if the judges will appreciate the narrative aspect of the story seeing as the usual advice when writing is to show and not to tell, but I guess we'll see what they think in due time.

All in all, good entry. I wish the best of luck to you, mate! :ajsmug:


3047721 3048347 3049168 3049898 3049932 3050395 3052092 3063500

Thank you all for your kind comments, they are greatly appreciated and it makes me get the warm fuzzies inside when I read them. :twilightblush:


This idea is far better than the two I had previous to it, which really would not have worked as well. I scrapped both of them part way through, as they were becoming either too complicated to write, missed the point entirely, or just weren't working.

But yes, we'll just have to wait and see what the judges think. I'm checking eagerly every day, the suspense is killing me. :raritydespair:

Certainly a sweet fic between AJ and RD:scootangel:

But I was hoping for something more.....juicy. :duck:

omg thats so sweet i almost died :pinkiehappy:
I really thought that aj would be concerned about dash leaving for the wonderbucks someday, but then....well, i dont want to spoil here in the comments, but to cut it short: I cried :ajsmug:

3068521 Rules for the contest stated otherwise.

3074785 Well, it is mentioned right at the beginning that Rainbow has training in the morning, hinting that she's already in the Wonderbolts. To be honest, that idea never even occurred to me. :twilightsheepish:


I take it you're not planning to fork this once the contest is over and write some "juicier" bits in then? :D

Warm fuzzies? I didn't think Pound and Pumpkin were in this story?


Ok ^^ But couldnt it also mean that she is still training to hopefully become a wonderbolt someday? At least thats how I understood it, especially after AJs first story when they were talking about them. I donnu, but I think this leaded me in this direction. :pinkiesmile:

3077541 I am not, no. Sorry. Reasons being twofold: 1. No need to ruin an otherwise perfectly good non-clop ship. 2. I don't want anything like that tied to this name. :twilightoops:

3078710 How you interpret the story is entirely up to you, but I wrote it with the intention of being canonical with regards to established events. Hillside is supposed to be set shortly after the end of S3, so Rainbow is in training at the Wonderbolt Academy.


Well, that's perfectly fine by me. While I may read more "juicy" fics than I do any other type of story, I still read & like plenty that may only be lovey-dovey and they stand quite well without delving into further deviance.

This really doesn't need expanding on anyway. It doesn't need more chapters to prove its a good story or get its point across :)

Just thought I'd let you know, this story caused me to follow you, don't abuse my non-powers of thumbing and faving.

3081419 Indeed. It's not that I'm against clop, because I'm not, it's just this account is tied to something semi-professional outside of ponies. At least, it would be professional if I was getting paid. *grumble*

I may actually attempt something juicier under a different name at some point.

3081430 Aw, but I like abusing powers! :fluttercry:


wowzers. I didn't know that :pinkiegasp: I reckon several folks here could write professionally if they wanted to (if they're not doing so already). Whatever's best for you then. If you do decide to write anything juicier, I'd welcome it. I don't know if you can write clop, but you can certainly hold together a good story, so the foundation'll be sound :)

3083508 I write for a small gaming and tech site started and headed up by a friend of mine. Unfortunately, things haven't gone our way in the last year or so. Link's on my profile, if you're interested. /shamelessplug


7406458 Many thanks, kind Canadian ferret. This is, however, objectively my worst story. I am very sorry I subjected you to it.

7406622 I won't argue your opinion, but only ask that you respect mine when I say I greatly enjoyed it.:twilightsmile:

This story was so beautifully done. Amazing job.

Rainbow did so, carefully. The lid of the box tilted back easily, revealing its contents to the world. The cyan mare gasped at what lay inside. Lying across a piece of black felt, was the shiniest gold bracelet the pegasus had ever laid eyes on. A simple criss-cross pattern of the precious metal made up the main band of the strap, while braids of it ran around the edge. Two halves of a simple clasp mechanism were at each end, but in the middle was a large gem, the same colour as Rainbow's eyes and the same shape as her cutie-mark. Lifting it out of the box with a wing, she saw the gem was transparent; she could see the distorted image of the setting sun behind it. The purple jewel caught the light and scattered it across the pegasus' face. She stared dumbly at it for a moment, not believing. No, not daring to believe. It wasn't the beauty or the obvious expense of the bracelet that made her gasp when she opened the box, it was what it represented. She'd seen plenty of these before on the forelegs of other mares and knew exactly what the significance of it was, long before Applejack spoke next.

It should probably be AJ’s cutie mark, shouldn’t it?

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