• Published 4th Aug 2013
  • 1,406 Views, 11 Comments

night of crimson wars - Lucia Vampire

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The Visitors and Memorys part 1/ Vamponies sides

As the morning came to the ponies of Ponyville, they started to wake starting their day. Princess Twilight Sparkle stared out her window into sky feeling the magic surrounding her. As see her pony subjects and friends running around all smiling and waving at her and her waving back, but from all this she can’t help felt uneasy.

"Something wrong Twilight?" Spike asked.

"Not sure? Lately, I been feeling some kind some negative energy in air," Twilight worriedly said.

"Was does that mean?" Spike asked, confused.

"I don't know ... ? Or maybe I might just be imagining it… but let's not get distracted. We have things to do," Twilight eagerly said.

"Right," Spike responded as he went down the stairs to get list.

Twilight looked out the window again then turn away. She made her way down the stairs to the kitchen counter, as she picked up some fruit, glass of water and got book to read.

"So Spike what do I have do today?" she asked as she continued to eat some of the fruit and read.

"Well, not much today. You just have to head to Rarity's, since she has new outfit for you. Then stop by head to Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie Pie wants you to try the new dessert and then pick up some quills. As for me, I promised Fluttershy help her with her animals for some gems." Spike read off the list.

"Ok, you behave yourself and I see you later," Twilight said. Before Spike left, she hugged him. Twilight finish her food, then put the book back, and grabbed her saddlebags. She dawned her her crown and was beginning to leave as she heard,

Knock! Knock!

"Who’s there?" Twilight questioned, wondering who could it be.

"Some visitors. Some of the ponies told us this is where the library was, and we just need some books on the past," said male pony.

"Oh, of course, com… com.... come...in," Twilight stuttered when she saw handsome alicorn.

"Tha..thank...you..."he said, stuttering.

Behind him, she saw a black mare with a lustrous black and Crimson Red mane, beautiful midnight blue eyes, and her cutie mark was of pure white crescent moon with red raindrops. The mare didn’t matter to her. It was the male alicorn she was concerned with. She had never seen another, but didn't bother her because she keep on starring at him. The same was for him. He tried to talk but could only stutter at the sight of such a beautiful, female, lavender alicorn with a crown .They would stared at each other longer but the other 2 pony's she didn't see stared get very annoyed.

"Oh get a room," the other male said, annoyed.

"Ya! We need to gather information, not fall in love," his female companion complained.

The two stopped in embarrassment, then Twilight turned to the other two looking very tired and mad, she look at them question.

"Oh, I’m sorry and sorry about those two they. They’re very tired, for you see, we travelled for 2 days. we would have gotten here in one day, but we had complications," male said.

"What happen?" Twilight asked.

"Well....." as he was flashing off.


In the Everfree Forest last night.

"We’re so lost and look at my mane is .... aggggg!!!...Come here little ones!" Lycia yell as she call bats help her with her mane.

"Well, it’s not my fault you can’t fly. If you could, we would be flying over this big forest and get there faster. Besides, I'm not one that keeps on stopping to look at flowers and tries to control the bats," Stryker complained.

"Well, we need as much help as I can and controlling bats will help us with many things. besides I don't stop drinking the blood of any animal I run into. We’re trying not to be discover!" Lycia yelling.

"I was thirsty, and I haven't fed in long time. Besides, I didn't kill them," Stryker angrily responded.

"Now, now, no need to get mad," Shadow said as he tried to calm them down in vain.

"You what go at it you drama queen," Stryker grinned.

"Oh! Oh! you did not just say that you airhead," Lycia smirked.

The two started going at it with fighting and biting.

"Ugg. This is gonna be long night again…!" Shadow said in frustration. Looking out, he sensed three ponies near by and one a little farther away.

"AHA HA HA HA AROOOOOOOOOOO!" The loud laughing and howling came behind them.

Stryker and Lycia stop fighting, knowing who that howl might belong to. The trio of vampires turned see three ponies they know, laughing at them.

"Well, well, if it isn't Leo, Lightfang and Solar. where’s Silver? I can sense he’s nearby" Shadow said in a sharp tone.

"He’s up ahead, but you two should see yourself. You’re acting like foals." Lightfang said laughing.

"Shut up, fleabags!" Stryker hissed and glared at Leo and Lightfang.

"You call yourself Strong willed and beautiful, unlike us " Solar said with a grin.

"We are so like that, unlike you, you call yourself loyal" Lycia said with a smirk.

The five was going to start something but a flash from out of nowhere haulted their brewing brawl.

"You three, this not time to deal with them. We have to get going," came a voice from behind the trees.

"Well long time no see, Silver. Are you heading same place as we are?" Shadow asked in a casual tone.

"That's is none of your business," Silver responded.

"Ya you don't need to know you Idiots" Leo sneered.

"Look who calling us idiots seeing that you came back at the same time, heading off to same places and you four are still in forest. I bet you got lost too, you mongrels" Stryker jested sarcastically.

"Mongrels! Why you grrr!" they growl. The five of them crouched, prepared to snap the others necks..

"That's enough!" Shadow and Silver yelled. Then they gave them each a hard glare. It was not their place to start a fight.

They all stopped and relaxed. Their leader was right. The shouldn’t start a battle over petty words. Lycia and Stryker walked to Shadow, while Leo, Lightfang and Solar walked to Silver.

"Go now," said Silver. He looked at them, angerly. They had almost engaged in a fight over names. They were a bit reluctant at first, but Siver summoned his magic, ready to blast them

"...fine. But this isn't over Bloodsuckers," Lightfang yelled as he, Leo, and Solar ran off.

Silver let his magic go and looked at Shadow with solemness, and then walked away.

“... Let’s get going" Shadow said.

"But —” the two said.

"Now! If we want to beat them, we have get going" Shadow said sharply.

Lycia and Stryker look at each other and stared walk in silence. It was not a good practice to argue with the son of their leader. After a few hours as sun came up they made it out of Everfree Forest, then they walk into the town.

"Finally!" said Lycia.

"Ya... lets get going. I don't like being in the sunlight any longer" Stryker said in a tired tone.

"Ok. Let's hope we find some information," Shadow said.

As they approached, they saw all types ponies walking, running and flying around. Seeing the park, they decided that would be the best place to have a more peaceful conversation. Shadow walk up to two earth ponies. One of them had a grayish raspberry coat, a light amber mane with pale amber highlights, grayish gold eyes, and a cutie mark of three lilies. The other was a pale yellow, raspberry mane with light raspberry streaks, chartreuse green eyes, and a cutie mark of a rose . When they saw him their faces lit up with a slight blush.

"Pardon me,” Shadow spoke in a sincere tone, “Do you know where I can find some information on the history of equestrian?"

"Umm......um...u-" the two stammered.

"Oh good grief!" Lycia said annoyed. “Shadow, allow us.”

Lycia and Stryker approached the two gawking mares. Stryker casted a simple spell on the two and Shadow. For the mares, it caused minimal confusion.

"Oh what happen" asked one of the mares as they shook their head.

"I don't know.....oh can we help you?" Lyra ask.

"We would appreciate your help in finding some information. We seem to be out of touch with Equestia’s current events," Stryker replied.

“Just information? They you should held to our town Library. Its runned by Twilight and her assistant Spike.” The mare then showed them the general direction to the library.

"Thank you," Shadow said as the two walk off.

"Ok let go" Shadow said.

---------( end of flashback)----------

"Are you ok, you dozed off," Twilight asked with worry.

"Oh, sorry. I was thinking about something." Shadow said.

"So what happened on your travels?" Twilight asked.

Shadow looked at her, with one glance he felt his heart jump into his chest, with butterflies in his stomach he cleared his throat and said, "Your concern is touching princess, but you need not worry about me. It is but an honor to simply be in your presence." His words caused the lavender princess to blush.

"Umm… May I know your name at least?"

"Oh, how rude of me, I'm Shadow and this is Lycia and Stryker," Shadow said as he pointed to each of them.

Stryker was a male Cobalt blue unicorn with a Charcoal mane. His eyes were Violet-Blue and his cutie mark was black orb with an air symbol. She thought that he somewhat cute, but same time he looked scary and like he was going to attack.

Then she looked at Lycia, an Indigo female pegasus, with red rose eyes, a long mane of a mix of Midnight Pearl and Turquoise Pearl colors. Her cutie mark is diamond red heart with black Pearls around it. Twilight thought she was very cute and stylish, reminded her a little of Rarity.

"Now you know our names. So, what name graces your beauty?" Shadow asked.

"Oh my name is Princess Twilight Sparkle but call me Twilight for short" said Twilight.

"Princess!!" Lycia and Stryker said surprised.

"I should known with you being a alicorn, the crown you wear and being so beautiful," Shadow said as he smile and bowing.

"Oh, no need for that," Twilight said blushing.

"That's weird. Why is there a princess living in such a small town in a living Library?" Lycia asked.
"Well, that is long story and it begins…" said Twilight.
"That's weird, was a princess being in small town and living in library" Lycia ask.

"Well is long story" said Twilight.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

this part 1 one of Vamponies side story
next story after part 2 she tell them every thing and some other things happen

sorry but I what to put love thing with Twilight with Shadow I like that.

ps really really really sorry it took me so long if you read my new Blog Post you would understand