• Published 27th Jul 2013
  • 1,918 Views, 73 Comments

Why Can't We Find Home? - Tyc oon

Scatter's had enough of the enigmatic resolve; he's done hiding who he is. After being repeatedly asked on dates by various mares, the façade crumbles when he brutally tells off the most popular mare at his highschool.

  • ...

Chapter 7 – Marked for Death

"Y-you, attacked, yo-you're-, wh.. c-colt, Soa- frie.."

Dad froze traumatically, looking dumbfounded. He seemed as if he had been hit with a sledgehammer, nigh unable to comprehend the situation at hoof. I’d honestly never seen somepony so debilitated solely by information, despite it being admittedly dramatic and sudden.

Supportively, mom stood up, putting one of dad's forehooves around her neck.

"Are you okay honey? Take it easy; here, just sit down."

"I WILL NOT TAKE IT EASY!" He shouted at us, jumping back up. "Scatter, what the hell is wrong with you?! A-a coltcuddler?! Then no shit you were attacked!"

…This was bad; he, quite evidently wasn’t taking the news pleasantly. A slight shock of anger crept into my heart, and it was directed at my own father’s bigotry. He, alongside my mother, had promised to and told me that he’d love me no matter what.

In that case, it wasn’t actually anger that I was feeling. Rather, it was betrayal.

"Dad!" I shouted, standing up affirmatively. Soarin' quickly followed my lead, standing up too.

While we had both been apprehensive, his predictions had unfortunately been correct, and the victory of that was only pyrrhic. He had no reason to be hurt by this reaction any less than I did; it damaged our relationship equally.

My mom trotted forward, putting a hoof on my shoulder comfortingly. She was acting perpetually naïve, but not going ignored for it. If anyone, she was certainly the voice of reason here.

"Soarin', you should go home please. Scatter, go to your room for now. Your father and I need to talk this out, and it’s best if neither of you are present."

I paused, stopping myself before retaliating, and sighed in defeat. I hated having to walk away from this, especially with Soarin' by my side giving us the ability of being able to draw support from one another, but... Mom seemed to be on our side, and I'd never known her to be unable to get her way. Yet, was it even possible to be able to talk the homophobia or discrimination out of somepony? Could mom even convince dad that there was no problem with it?

Obediently and wordlessly, Soarin' left to go to his grandpony's house, and I trotted upstairs.

*** *** ***

For the past hour and fortyfive minutes, the only tone available to me while I worked on writing my novel was the hellish rambling of my parents arguing defiantly. Although the subject I had brought up was somewhat contentious, this was dilemma was becoming ridiculously inordinate.

Knock, knock knock...

I turned quickly, hearing some hoofbeats on my window. They were the first sound of respite in the endurance of the showdown between my parents, and I needed a break more than I could know.

Spitting the pencil out of my muzzle, I trotted over to the window, opening it quickly.

"Soarin'!" I whispered at the sight of him, trying not to seem too happy.

He was looking particularly enthusiastic, and wore a million bit smile for some strange reason. Although I was happy for him, I couldn’t think of why.

“Hey!” He said gleefully. “I’ve got some really good news!”

Well, at least one of us was happy. “What’s up?” I asked, forcing a smile.

“I got accepted into the Wonderbolts’ training academy dude!”

I… honestly didn’t know what that was. Must be a pegasus thing.

Soarin’s joyful expression died as he winced, taking in the sound ubiquitously occupying my room through a thin wooden door.

“Your parents aren’t taking it well either, huh…” He empathized.

I sighed dryly, nodding. “Do you have the time to go for a walk or something? They’ve been going at it for almost two hours now and I don’t know how much longer I can withstand it myself.”

The hovering pegasus reached an forehoof in and wrapped it around my back.

“Ready?” He questioned oddly.

I looked at him and his extended forehoof quizzically. “For wha-!”

In stunned resignation, I was yanked out through the window of the second floor of my house without shred of situational awareness left.

Instinctually, I wrapped my forehooves around Soarin’, yelping. The experience was mercifully brief; going downwards at a controlled pace was filly’s play for the junior Wonderbolt.

“Oh sweet Celestia..” I prayed, hitting the grassy earth gently. “Don’t do that again.”

Soarin’ chuckled warmly. “I don’t know… I quite enjoy you hanging onto me tightly for your life.”

I double facehoofed, trying to cover up my blushing. “Whatever, let’s just go.”

*** *** ***

“Yeah, and they totally accepted me! How awesome would it be to actually become a full-fledged Wonderbolt?! You’re basically a celebrity, putting on shows and…”

I rolled my eyes, smirking. Soarin’ had been going on about this since we started walking. Evidently, he was well on his way to becoming something he’d only dreamed about as a young filly. It was rather relieving to hear him so exhilarated and overjoyed, and it kept my mind off my own problem, but it was starting to become somewhat annoying.

I opened my muzzle, about to tell Soarin’ how awesome I thought that was for what seemed like the tenth time, but my train of thought derailed as I noticed somepony on the other side of the street.

The pony’s head turned this way soon too, apparently noticing us back. Although muffled by the darkness, he looked oddly like…

“That you, Scatter?” Buckskin called out towards us, pausing. He was walking in the direction where we came from.

Buckskin was, as far as I had been able to tell, my ex-friend. When he and Grey Skies found out I was a coltcuddler, they left me at lunchtime last Friday and neither of them spoke to me since.

He looked both ways down the rather darkened street before trotting across it to meet us.

“Hey, please listen to me Scatter,” He said, looking intensely grim. “I don’t expect you to forgive me so readily, but I’m sorry for disrespecting you just for being a coltcuddler. I feel really bad about it, and it’s been bothering me ever since I heard Chelsea had you attacked, so I was just on my way to your place to apologise.”

I paused and took that in, regarding him cryptically for a second until I believed him.

Smiling kindly, I placed a hoof on Buckskin’s shoulder. “Hey it’s all right, we’re cool.”

Theoretically, this meant there was hope for Dad coming to terms with it too.

“I needed to come immediately though… to warn you.” Buckskin continued. “Chelsea’s planning another attack, and she’s got a bigger force than last time. She paid some nerd to write a hell of an inspirational speech about why you needed to go, and how she was gonna do it. I came back during the middle of it at lunch some time after you left.”

I looked over at Soarin’, slowly becoming worried. Tomorrow was the start of exam week.

Buckskin swallowed hard, finishing.

“Scatter, you’ve got a third of the school after your flank tomorrow, and they’re planning to do a lot worse than just blunt force trauma...”

Author's Note:

"Grey Skies" belongs to http://www.fimfiction.net/user/randomfacts137
"Buckskin" belongs to http://www.fimfiction.net/user/The%20Incognito%20Brony

Both OCs used with offered permission, as previously used and stated back in Chapter 4.