• Published 27th Jul 2013
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The Commander of Shepherds - pchn00

An amnesiac Commander Shepard has been living and thriving in the Everfree Forest for several months. Saving the life of a passing pegasus sets a chain of events in motion that could change Equestria forever.

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Chapter 5: A Predator in Ponyville

Chapter 5: A Predator in Ponyville

“Nuh!” Shepard sat bolt upright in her hammock, the makeshift bed swaying wildly back and forth, threatening to dump her onto the ground below. Gripping either side tightly, she slowly righted herself, blearily blinking about her camp. “What? Legion, how did… How did I get here?”

“Ah. Finally awake. You attempted to shoot Luna, and I released a small amount of sedative to prevent you from doing so. At my request, she transported you here.”

“I… God, I was going to shoot her. What the hell is wrong with me?” Resting her face in her hands, she shook her head slowly.

“I could likely list dozens of mental problems you are currently struggling with. Instead, I will sum it up succinctly. You are tired, afraid, and lonely. You sleep poorly most nights, and your only conversational partner is myself. For some curious reason, this does not seem to satisfy your need for companionship.” Shepard was about to comment before Legion spoke again. “Further, while I am not a professional psychologist, I believe seeing the woman you perceived in your dreams in the waking world triggered a minor psychotic episode where your nightmarish visions plagued you while awake.”

“ … Well when you put it like that, it all makes sense.” Shepard slowly eased onto her back, rubbing her forehead. “So she’s real. Luna’s real. …And she’s a horse. Of course she’s a horse.”

“Is that a problem, Shepard-Commander?”

With a dissatisfied grunt, Shepard heaved herself out of the hammock, landing on the ground. “Of course not.”

“Your increased heart rate would suggest you are lying.”

“Stop scanning me, Legion! It’s not fair. And it’s nothing, just stupid girlish nonsense. Now quiet down, I want to check my traps.” Her A.I. fell silent as she set about her morning patrol. No mouthwatering boars presented themselves, but she did bring in a nice haul of poppers and several fruit bats for dessert. After eating her fill, she made her way down to the river, stripping down and plunging into the frigid waters. Surfacing with a gasp, she allowed herself to relax, floating easily on her back in the gently running water.

Loud splashing a ways down the river drew her attention, and she curiously swam a ways toward it. The current sped up only slightly as the river opened up into a sizeable lake. The smaller of the two star bears was frolicking in and out of the cold water. It charged toward the river bank, splashing in up to its paws before turning and rushing back out. The strange behavior drew a smile from the Commander as she watched.

The massive creature paused in its game, lifting its head and sniffing the air, soon turning to face her. Spotting the little woman floating in the water, it bellowed loudly in greeting. Grinning now, Shepard kicked off the river bank, swimming into the lake toward the massive animal. It lowered its head as she approached, gently nudging her with its snout. Laughing at its insistent demands, she ran her hand vigorously over its nose. “Hey boy. Having a good morning?”

To her amusement, it thudded heavily on the ground, groaning and growling away as if actually speaking to her. “What d’you think Legion? Can you translate that?”

“Certainly, Shepard-Commander. He wonders how something so tiny and pink could have survived when it was so obviously lacking in intelligence.”

Giving her arm a dirty look, she sighed back up at the bear. “Well it was nice catching up. I better get going. You keep out of trouble!”

The star bear growled a reply, then stood, trundling back into the woods. Chuckling to herself, Shepard turned to swim back upstream. “Heh. Kinda reminds me of Grunt. Big, strong and du—” She blinked. “ … Reminds me of Grunt? Legion! Legion, I remember!”

“How to grunt? Shall I find a proper celebratory musical selection, Shepard-Commander?”

“No, you digital ass! I remember someone! Grunt! U… Urdnot Grunt! He was… He was my… Friend? Did I have friends like him?”

“Tell me of him.”

“He was a…” She scowled, wracking her brain to put a word to the picture. “…a krogan! A young krogan from… From where? Somewhere unusual…” She stood in the shallow water, pacing excitedly. “I remember he wasn’t normal. But he was so full of life and fire! Always looking for a fight! Ha! I remember someone! I can see his face, Legion. His big, scaley, scowling face.”

“I am glad for you, Shepard-Commander. Perhaps in celebration you can reclaim your clothes and armor. You are quite exposed in the middle of a potentially dangerous location.”

Huffing softly, she nonetheless complied, swimming swiftly back up to her discarded weapons and armor. Sprawling on her back in the grass next to them, she was content to let the sun dry her this morning. “You can’t imagine how good this feels!”

“I am aware it may be difficult to tell, but I am genuinely happy for you. Perhaps this is the beginning of a larger restoration of your memory.”

Shepard smiled at the face of Legion peering up at her from his screen. “Thanks, Legion. And I really hope so. It’d be nice, wouldn’t it?”

“Indeed. Perhaps there is someone else you would like to share your newly discovered good cheer with? Someone you can interact and speak with physically?”

Narrowing her eyes, she glanced at the screen housing Legion suspiciously. “You want me to go to Fluttershy’s cottage.”

“Merely a suggestion. You have left the forest once and it did not magically vanish. Evidence supports the likelihood of it remaining where it is after a second foray.”

Shepard turned her attention to the bright blue sky above, watching several puffy white clouds drift along overhead. Legion was right, she realized. She had left the forest, and outside of her apparent ‘minor psychotic episode’, nothing terrible had happened. Her camp and territory were just as she’d left them. “ … Fine.”

With a grunt she rolled onto her feet, redressing in her well-worn underwear, then pulling her armor on over top it. “A short stop. Just to see how she’s doing.”

“At your discretion, Shepard-Commander.”

Weapons secured, Shepard set a quick pace through the forest. Sparing only a brief look to the massive bones of the dead lizard, she soon found herself at the forest’s edge again, looking at the cheerful little cottage. Taking a deep breath, she stepped out into the open sunlight. Her steps quicker than she’d like, she crossed to the front door, knocking rapidly several times. Away from the trees she’d been among for so long, she was feeling incredibly exposed.

About to hammer on the door again, it was thrown up abruptly by the rainbow haired horse from the other day. “Oh. It’s you!” She flew right up, getting in Shepard’s face. “You got a lotta nerve comin’ back here after hurting Fluttershy!” She hovered off the ground, jabbing a hoof into Shepard’s chest.

The woman scowled and had to resist the urge to deck the loudmouth in the face. “I came to apologize!”

The flier’s eyes narrowed and she looked from Shepard to the staircase in the cottage. “… That sounded like you came to apologize.”

Shepard nodded quickly while the horse landed in front of her, eyeing her suspiciously. “No funny business, buster. I got my eye on you.”

Obviously this one cared about Fluttershy a great deal, and that was the only thing that stopped Shepard from laughing in her face. Loyalty to one’s comrades was something the woman could admire. Nodding seriously, she stepped inside. “You wait here. Lemme make sure she’s up to seeing anypony.”

Shepard eyed Legion after the little horse darted upstairs. “Was that a mis-translation?”

“I sincerely hope so, Shepard-Commander, though a part of me doubts it.”

“Yeesh.” She shut the front door tightly behind herself. Being indoors was helping calm her nerves. At least she wasn’t completely open on all sides anymore. The little cottage had an undeniably warm and welcoming feel to it as well. She could almost relax in here, if not for all the animals giving her the evil eye. A particularly bold white rabbit even shook its fist at her. All it took was a threatening step forward to send them all fleeing.

“Wow, never seen Angel run off like that. Maybe you’re not completely terrible.” commented the rainbow haired one as she returned. “Fluttershy said she’d see you.”

Shepard stalked passed the little equine to the staircase, having to hunch down from how low the ceiling was. She didn’t see the involuntary shiver pass through the mare as she went upstairs. Peering into the only open door on the second floor, she saw Fluttershy in bed, bandages across her chest and forelegs. A frown crossed the woman’s face at seeing the kind little mare hurt because of her. “How’re you feeling?”

The woman raised an eyebrow as the horse took a mug of steaming tea in her hooves and sipped it before setting the cup aside. “Oh. I’m fine, thank you for asking. Nurse Redheart says my legs are a little weak from the jolt is all. I’ll be right as rain in a few days.”

“Oh! Good. That’s uh… Good.” Shepard bounced a fist off her thigh in the awkward silence that followed. “Well. I’m gonna go.”

Fluttershy sat up a little straighter. “You don’t have to go if you don’t want to. You’re more than welcome to stay for a visit.”

Before Shepard could answer, the blue one poked her head in between the woman’s legs. “Fluttershy, you can’t have her stay here, she…” She glanced Shepard’s way before hurrying to Fluttershy’s bedside. The two conversed in low tones, both shooting occasional glances the increasingly uncomfortable Shepard’s way.

At length, Fluttershy sighed and nodded to her friend, who shot Shepard a dirty look before zipping out the window. “ … Should I go?”

“No, but Rainbow Dash does have a good point. There might be problems if you go into town, um…” She looked like she was struggling mightily to get the next bit out. “Smelling the way you do now.”

Both of Shepard’s eyebrows shot up incredulously. “What? What’s wrong with my smell? I bathe every morning!”

“To be fair, Shepard-Commander, you have cleaned neither your armor, nor your undergarments in the past eight months. It is not outside the realm of possibility you have acquired an… aroma.”

Shepard felt her cheeks flush at Legions words, and at the sight of Fluttershy trying not to laugh. “W— well that’s not exactly it. You smell a little like, um… you eat meat.”

Eyes widening in realization, Shepard frowned. Of course the adorable little horse creatures didn’t kill their fellow animals and eat them. In fact, as civilized as they seemed, it wasn’t outside the realm of possibility that they possessed plenty of animalistic instincts. Most herbivorous herd creatures had an inherent fear of predators, something she very much was. “I’ll go.”

“Absolutely not.” Shepard was surprised by the firmness in the timid little horse’s voice. “Some critters eat meat, but they shouldn’t be turned away for following their nature. Obviously there would be a problem if you were eating somepony from town, but something tells me if your dinner started begging you not to eat them, you wouldn’t.” She finished with a nervous little laugh.

A laugh Shepard shared. “No. No, I definitely wouldn’t eat anything that tried talking to me. Mostly it’s just the poppers or fruit bats. Sometimes I catch a rabbit or a boar.”

Rather than the disgust she expected, Fluttershy simply tilted her head curiously. “What’s a popper?”

“Well they’re sort of like fuzzy little bugs. They have these big eyes and come in all sorts of colors. They’re pretty adorable, so I feel a little bad eating them, but they’re stupid and fly into my nets all the time. Plus there’re tons of them and they taste pretty good.”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened by the time she’d finished. “Parasprites!? You eat parasprites!?”

A look of alarm flashed across the commander’s face. “Oh God, they don’t talk, do they?”

Wrinkling her nose, Fluttershy shook her head. “Well no, but that’s just a little gross is all. They look cute, but they’re very icky creatures.”

Smiling again, Shepard took a seat on the floor to give her aching back a break from all the hunching over. “Well when your stomach’s telling you it’s time to eat, icky or not, you eat what’s on hand, right?”

Fluttershy, perhaps more so than anypony else in Ponyville—and possibly all of Equestria—very much understood the concept of a critter doing what they had to do to survive. Shepard most certainly seemed to be an apex predator, judging by how easily she seemed to have gotten by in the monster infested Everfree. The signs were there too. The human’s eyes would shift to the windows or doors as if ensuring she had a clear escape route if necessary. Normally a wild animal indoors would be tense and uncomfortable, but she was more or less at ease, as if she was entirely sure Fluttershy posed no threat to her.

“So, you must have done more than just eat and sleep while you’re in the Everfree. Did you meet any nice critters you, um… didn’t try to eat?”

Shepard nodded with a faint grin. “Oh yeah. Lemme tell you about the star bears…”

“Honestly, Rainbow Dash. If Fluttershy says she’s safe, then I’m inclined to believe her. After all, she knows wild animals better than anypony else.” Rarity was doing her best to stave off the pegasus’ pushy attempts to hurry her along the path to Fluttershy’s cottage.

“Yeah, yeah. She knows animals just fine, but this isn’t a normal animal! It talks and stuff! It could be tricking her! Every second we’re not there is another second it could be eating her!” It was all Dash could do not to rush back to the cottage, but Fluttershy had been firm in instructing her to take her time coming back.

Rolling her eyes, Rarity nevertheless did pick up her pace a bit. “I know I’m the last one to say this to anypony, but you’re being a bit overdramatic. If Shepherd Commander was planning to eat Fluttershy—or any of us—I highly doubt she would have simply retrieved us from her traps and sent us on our merry way. And she is a she, not an it. I doubt she’d care for you calling her one, too.”

Rainbow Dash just snorted in response. “Whatever. I don’t like her. She smells dangerous.”

Rarity had to nod along. “I can’t argue with that. The way she looks at you, it’s as if she’s sizing everypony up for a fight. But remember, she’s been in the Everfree Forest for a potentially long time. That would be enough to make anypony a little edgy, don’t you agree?” Seeing her words doing nothing to soothe Dash’s nerves, she switched tactics. “If you’re that concerned, why don’t you fetch Twilight as well? Surely we’d be perfectly safe with a Princess watching over us.”

“Aw, Twilight doesn’t count as a Princess.” This drew another eye roll from Rarity. “But you’re right. She can put the magic whammy on that weird monster if it tries to eat anypony! Good idea!”

“She’s not an it, darling! Oh why do I bother…” Shaking her head at the brash pegasus’ behavior, Rarity trotted casually up the lane toward the cottage. Despite her attempts to assuage Dash’s fears, once she got closer and the scent of the creature within reached her nose, she couldn’t suppress an involuntary shiver.

Stomping a hoof firmly on the ground, Rarity straightened her neck. “That’s enough of that. This poor mare is lost and very far from home. The last thing she needs is everypony treating her like some sort of horrible monster.” With a deep breath she let herself into the cottage. “Fluttershy, it’s Rarity! The door was unlocked, so I let myself in!”

She wasn’t at all surprised to hear the timid call from upstairs. “Oh! We’re up here.” Of course she knew where they were; the human’s smell was overpowering, and not just the scent of predator either. Rarity had grown uncomfortably familiar with the scent of an unwashed body or article of clothing since growing closer to the Apple family. That’s not to say the Apples didn’t bathe or care for their clothes regularly, but running into Applejack right after she finished working in the orchard was a test of her sensibilities.

Forcing a welcoming smile on her face, she made her way upstairs. The human’s eyes immediately focused on her horn before looking back to her face. “Hello again, Miss Shepherd. It’s a pleasure to see you under better circumstances.”

The woman’s mouth quirked upward in a faint smile. “Nice t’see yuh tuh.”

At a nod from Fluttershy, Rarity fully entered the room. Now that they were indoors and in such close proximity to one another, it was very clear the human hadn’t been properly caring for her garments. “Fluttershy has ah… requested I come and assist you with some…” She tried to think of the proper phrasing to avoid insulting her. “…hygiene issues.” Judging by the embarrassed look on the mare’s face, Rarity felt she may not have been delicate enough. “Don’t feel bad, darling. Heaven knows after spending a weekend camping I certainly needed a more vigorous scrubbing than usual. Eight months is a very long time to be roughing it.”

This caused the otherworldly visitor to smile faintly, putting Rarity’s concern to rest. “So! Let’s get you out of all…” She vaguely waved a hoof around Shepard’s body. “…that, and into a nice hot bath, hm?”

Shepard’s smile faded as she shifted nervously, looking between the two ponies in the room, both of whom had nothing but warm, welcoming smiles. Finally, she nodded. “A hot bath sounns gud.”

“That’s the spirit! I’ll get the water going while you take your time and undress. There’s no rush at all, darling.” Rarity cast a vaguely nervous look Fluttershy’s way, but the ordinarily fearful pegasus just smiled and nodded softly. With a deep breath… through her mouth… Rarity stepped into Fluttershy’s bathroom. It was fortunate the mare’s only real indulgence on herself was a luxury sized bath tub; Shepard certainly wouldn’t fit in a normal pony-sized tub.

An alarmed gasp from Fluttershy’s room brought Rarity racing across the hall. “Oh good heavens!” She instantly felt awful at the outburst when the human immediately snapped her armor back around her exposed chest. What little Rarity had seen was almost like a jigsaw puzzle of jagged scarring. “Oh, Shepherd, do forgive me. My manners completely flew out the window. I cannot apologize enough for my outburst.”

Shepard shrugged, looking away self-consciously. “S’fine. I know it’s not pretty t’look at.”

Closing her eyes, Rarity took another deep breath and stepped closer, gently resting a hoof on the human’s leg. “Nonsense. So you’re a little banged up. Who wouldn’t be after spending so much time in the Everfree? Come now. Off with that armor. I dare say it needs a good scrubbing as much as you do.”

Reluctantly, she began unfastening her armor again. The breastplate first. Rarity only flinched a little as the woman’s scarred torso was once more revealed. Gently, she set the bit aside, working to free her arms, then hands from their protective layers. As more of the human’s pale flesh was revealed, Rarity suspected not an inch of the creature save her face was spared some wound or another. Once she got past the pale coloring and undeniably horrific scarring, she saw the human wasn’t shaped too oddly. Almost like Spike, only with much longer limbs. Finally, she stood free of her armor, wearing only small bits of fabric over her chest and hips.

“Are you planning on wearing those into the bath?” Rarity eyed the exotic—if very well-worn—lighter clothing curiously. It didn’t look like any material she was familiar with.

Shepard frowned, looking between the two mares. “You wan me t’get naked in front’a you?”

“Oh! Twilight mentioned humans wore their clothing all the time. I wouldn’t mind if more ponies did that, to be honest. Just imagine how my business would be booming! You needn’t feel embarrassed going au naturel in front of us. We’re not wearing anything either, after all.”

This thought seemed to eventually click in Shepard’s head, and a faint flush appeared around her cheeks, but at length she nodded. Delicately removing the curiously stretchy clothing. “There now! Into the tub with you. Just start soaking while I get these eh… Off to be cleaned.” She lifted the armor and delicates in her magic, even then feeling she was a bit too close to the soiled garments.

Before heading toward the bath, Shepard frowned severely at both Fluttershy and Rarity. “Dun touch muh guns.” She nodded at the weapons stacked neatly by the door. “They’re dangurous.” Seeing both mares nodding emphatically, Shepard nodded as well, heading into the bathroom.

Levitating her burden as far from her face as possible, Rarity made her way back out of the cottage. A grumpy looking Twilight Sparkle was being herded along by a panicky Rainbow Dash. “ … Good morning, Twilight. I see Rainbow Dash was bold enough to get you out of bed at this very early hour.”

Twilight shot the pegasus a dirty look as she rushed into the cottage. “She kept going on and on about how Shepherd was here to eat Fluttershy.” Some of the sleepiness left her eyes as she noted Rarity’s bundle. “Is that her armor? Oh I’d love to get a closer look at it.”

“It would certainly wake you up. Let me get it cleaned… And the other ones burned, I think. Is Spike awake? I bet dragon fire would be able to scour the inside of this armor clean.”

“Rarity, don’t be so dramatic. It can’t be that ba—” Twilight recoiled as she brought a piece of the glossy black material closer for a sniff. “ … I have some acid in my lab at the library. Try that if the dragon fire doesn’t work.”

“Oh! Wonderful idea. Now, I should be off. Miss Shepherd is in the bath upstairs. Oh… and don’t stare at her scars. She’s a bit self-conscious.”

Twilight smiled. “Thanks for the heads up Rarity. And, um… Good luck with that armor.”

Sighing softly to herself, Rarity cantered off in the direction of her boutique. The drowsy Princess dragged herself into the cottage, putting a pot of tea on the stove. Ordinarily she’d ask for permission, but seven in the morning was not the right time for her to be conscious. Maybe that would be her very first royal decree? None shall awaken Princess Twilight Sparkle before nine a.m. She liked the sound of that.

Speaking of sounds, loud laughter was coming from upstairs. Rainbow’s laughter no less. Intensely curious, she dragged herself upstairs. With a little smile and wave to the bedridden Fluttershy, she peered into the bathroom. Shepard was in the tub with Rainbow Dash hovering over her, grinning ear to ear. “Oh! Dat one’s a good’un! Big krogan came runnin at me, right? Dunno how de idiot snuck up on meh but dere he was alla sudden. Lowers his head an charge’s. BOOM! Hits me right in de stomach. Impaled on de head plate.”

Dash shook her head in wonderment. “How’d you get away!?”

Shepard’s smile faltered. “I…” Gently she rested a hand at the horrid scar over her stomach. Looking over the woman’s heavily scarred frame, Twilight could see how anypony could be self-conscious. “…I dun remember.”

Now Rainbow Dash landed by the tub. “How the hay do you forget something like that?”

Twilight frowned at the great discomfort on Shepard’s face. “Dun remember much. Heh, guess I remember a buncha these scars though.”

Laying a hoof on Dash’s back to quiet her, Twilight settled beside the tub. “How much can you not remember, Shepherd Commander?”

It took the human woman some time to answer. “Pretty much nuddin. I jus’ remember liddle bits an pieces here an dere. Heh, remember how ta shoot though. And I remember lotta dese scars.”

“That’s very serious. I could ask the Doctor to come out and have a look if you’d like.”

Shepard shook her head at Twilight’s offer. “No. Leejun says it needs time. Dey’ll come back on their own. Already remembered someone t’day!”

Sensing the woman was very excited at this, Twilight smiled. “Oh? A good friend?”

“Mmm. Dink so. We fought together. I remember that. An I remember a tank? A big tank. That I think he came out dof.”

Rainbow Dash seemed oblivious to Shepard’s improving mastery over the Equestrian language, but Twilight distinctly noted the more the woman spoke, the clearer it got. Maybe she was just a very fast learner? But that was impossible; nopony could learn a new language so quickly. She’d heard immersing oneself in a foreign language was a good way to learn it, but this was a little ridiculous.

She was stirred from her thoughts as the magical sleeve appeared over the human’s arm again. Both ponies stepped back in surprise as a large screen grew before the pair. On the screen was a massive reptilian creature. It looked more like Spike than Shepard, though Spike would have to be considerably bigger and taller. Its head was broader, with further spaced eyes, and it was clad in what Twilight correctly assumed to be a suit of armor vaguely similar to Shepard’s. “Leejun found a picture of Grunt stored in muh omni-tool.”

Dash paced around the image, grinning ear to ear. “So that’s a krogan? Cool! Twilight didn’t tell us there were all kindsa different ponies living in your world.”

Twilight of course was more interested in how she was creating the screen. “People, Dash. They don’t say ponies there, they’re people. Miss Shepherd, what sort of magic is that?”

The woman looked confused and glanced down at the orange sleeve. “It’s not majic. It’s my omni-tool. Uh, technology?”

“Allow me to explain, Shepard-Commander.” The two mares yelped again as the image of the krogan disappeared to be replaced by a featureless metallic tube with a glowing light on the end, one Twilight got the distinct feeling was an eye. “Where Shepard-Commander and I are from, most beings have small devices called omni-tools implanted in their hands. They serve a near infinite array of purposes, hence the name. Recording, light, computational assistance, combat, and communication are a few of the most notable.”

Twilight and Rainbow Dash exchanged quiet looks. The alicorn spoke first. “What are you?”

The ‘eye’ shifted to focus on her. “I am Legion. An artificial intelligence residing within Shepard-Commander’s omni-tool. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

“Oh, um… Thank you? You too. I’m Twilight Sparkle, and this is my good friend Rainbow Dash.”

Shepard snorted with laughter at Twilight speaking their names. The ponies looked confused as the human and Legion began to rapidly converse in their gibberish language. Judging by the look on Shepard’s face, it was almost like Legion was admonishing her. “Hey, how come we can’t understand them anymore?” Dash asked.

Twilight shook her head slowly, eyes locked on the omni-tool around Shepard’s arm. “I assume whatever they were using to speak Equestrian stopped working for a few moments.” She waited patiently for the two to stop speaking.

Legion finally shifted his focus back to the ponies. “Apologies. Shepard-Commander’s manners are sorely lacking of late.”

“It’s quite alright, given what she’s been through recently. How long were you in the Everfree, if I may ask?”

“Eight months and five days, counting this morning.”

“Whoa! And you guys are in one piece? You didn’t get eaten by an ursa or a dragon or something? That’s pretty hardcore.” Dash’s eyes were alight with new respect.

Shepard shrugged. “Wasn’t that hard. Just alotta runnin’ an shootin’ for the first couple uh days. Den things settled down a lot once I showed the crazy crap in there who’s boss.”

Twilight slowly shook her head. “They didn’t have anything like you when I visited the other world.”

The plates above Legion’s eye rose. “Ah. You are the one who travelled through the magical mirror. I believe you did not go to the proper human homeworld; rather the mirror transported you to an alternate version of your own world. However, instead of small talking horses, it was comprised of humans. This is merely speculation of course; I would have to see the event for myself to form a proper conclusion.”

Now the Princess frowned as she seated herself on the floor. “If you didn’t come from the mirror, then where did you come from?”

“Space. We travelled here from the stars.”

“Whoa! So you guys are aliens? And that krogan thing is an alien too? What other kinds are there?” Dash was in the air again, practically nose-to-screen with Legion.

“Many more than I care to go into at this time. I will say your kind is very much not alone in the galaxy, though given you have not been discovered by the galactic community at this time, your world must be either hidden or incredibly far from Citadel space.” Twilight’s gaze drifted to the human in the tub, who was staring intently at the image of Legion with a contemplative frown. “In the interest of scientific curiosity, I would like to know more about your own race. What do you call yourselves?”

Rainbow looked confused. “We just told you. I’m Rainbow Dash, and she’s Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “He means our species as a whole, Dash. And we’re ponies.”

This grabbed Shepard’s attention. “You’re kidding, right? You actually call yourselves ponies? Oh God, is that what the anypony and everypony thing is about? Legion, adjust the translator to make that sound less re—“ Her voice cut out into gibberish again.

“Apologies. Lacking manners, as I said. I have disabled her translation so we may carry on an intelligent conversation.”

While it sounded just a little mean, Twilight couldn’t help but giggle a bit. “I see. It’s alright, really. I know I was a little out of sorts when I went to another world, and Equestria was just a walk through a mirror away. I can’t imagine how she must feel being so far from home, the only one of her kind here.”

“It has been… a trying time for her, yes. Some of your kind have horns or wings. What is the significance?”

Twilight blinked at the abrupt change in topic. “Oh, well… Everypony is split into three tribes. Unicorns have horns and can cast spells, pegasus ponies can fly of course—and manipulate the weather—and earth ponies can make crops grow big and healthy and tend to be sturdier than the rest of us.”

“You possess both horn and wings as Luna does. What is the significance?”

“Oh! You met Princess Luna? Well we’re a very rare type of pony that combines parts of all three tribes. Some ponies call us alicorns. There are four of us now, and it’s a symbol of being a Princess. I’ve only been a Princess for a few weeks now.”

Dash beamed proudly, throwing a hoof around Twilight’s shoulders. “Yup! She’s so awesome, Princess Celestia decided to up and make her royalty!” Her words brought a blush to Twilight’s face.

“My turn for a question. What did you do to Fluttershy? How was she hurt? She won’t tell us.”

From the look on Shepard’s face, it was clear though the human couldn’t speak Equestrian, she could understand it. Legion held out a hand and the image of a small black disc appeared over it. “Shepard-Commander has set up various electrical fields around her territory. Fluttershy crossed into one and was subdued.”

Twilight tilted her head, regarding the disc curiously. “She just carries these around?”

The image vanished. “No. But she has a considerable store of omni-gel in her armor.” Another image of a grey blob-like substance appeared. “Omni-gel is a universal material used in veritably all construction and crafting projects. Stimulated properly, it can be shaped and altered into nearly any useable substance. In this case, discs that absorb ambient electricity in the air, and discharge it forcefully when something trips the sensors between the two discs.”

Twilight’s head was spinning from all the technical information, and while the concepts seemed impossible, she more or less could grasp them. She had a feeling she already knew the answer, but she was compelled to ask anyway. “How do you travel the stars?”

“In a ship, of course.” A new picture appeared of what could only be a human spaceship. Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash each wore looks of nearly identical wide-eyed awe. Seeing their eyes grow so large forced an ‘aww’ from Shepard.

“Is it here!? Can we go into space on your ship!?” Twilight suddenly seemed ready to explode with excitement.

Rainbow Dash was nodding just as excitedly. “Yeah! Holy cow, that’s so awesome! How fast is it? Bet it’s not as fast as I am!”

Legion looked from one to the other. “We did not arrive by ship. Luna suspects we came with some sort of large storm. The timing would match. And most if not all ships are equipped with FTL drives. Faster Than Light. Do you fly faster than light, Rainbow Dash?”

Dash’s wings drooped at her sides. “Uh… no. Not yet! I bet your ship can’t do a sonic rainboom!”

Legion stared silently at the pegasus, likely trying to decide whether he had mistranslated or the little pony was some sort of simpleton. Deciding either or both were just as likely, he inclined his head. “It cannot.”

Twilight was clapping her forehooves together, grinning widely. “Oh I have so many questions! What’s the name of Shepherd Commander’s home world? How far away is it?”

“I am afraid I cannot answer either of those questions. Like Shepard-Commander, my memory was damaged in whatever event brought us here. I am reconstructing data constantly, but it is a slow going process.”

Twilight’s face fell for a moment; no less than Shepard’s own, of course. She frowned, realizing not only was the human woman very, very far from home… But she had lost her memory too. How lonely and frightening must that be? At length, she smiled again. “Well. I know it’s not your real home, but you seem like a nice enough person. When you’re not catching my friends in your traps. As long as you’re in Equestria, you can consider Ponyville home.”

Shepard’s eyes widened slightly at the very generous offer. “Thank you, Twilight Sparkle.” She even managed not to snicker at her name. Much. “That means a lot, really. You’ve all been very kind. Almost weirdly so, honestly.”

“Nonsense. Anypony would do the same. Well maybe not anypony. Between you and me, my friends and I are made of slightly sterner stuff than most Equestrian’s. Still, once they see you’re not going to start eating everypony in town, they’ll warm up to you.”

Shepard cracked a smile now. “Well that’s good to know. Hey uh, is your friend back with my clothes and armor?”

“More fire, Spike! More fire!”

The exhausted baby dragon sucked in another deep breath. He wasn’t entirely confident all the dragon fire in the world would be able to burn the stink out of the weird armor Rarity had thrust in front of him. But for her sake, he’d keep at it until she told him to stop.

Twilight returned the human’s smile. “Not yet! But if anypony can make it shine like new, it’s our Rarity. In the meantime, I could probably put a little something together for you to wear while we wait? I’m guessing you’re ready to get out of the tub.”

Shepard nodded. “Please.”

Rainbow Dash looked confused. “So just get out. What’s it matter if you got anything to wear. Weather patrol’s got a warm day scheduled.”

Shepard frowned now, trying to figure out exactly how to explain. She was saved by Twilight of all people. Ponies? “Humans don’t wear clothing for special or intimate occasions only, Rainbow Dash. It’s a social taboo to go naked in public.” She sighed at Rainbow’s questioning expression. “Humans don’t like it when other humans are naked.”

“Oh. Weird, but you coulda just said that.” With a shrug, Dash made her way to Fluttershy’s room.

Twilight offered Shepard an apologetic smile. “I’m afraid I’m not quite as good as Rarity with this sort of thing, but let’s see.” She picked a pair of towels from Fluttershy’s abundant collection. Shepard stared silently as Twilight’s magenta aura intensified around the chosen towels, and with a bright flash, they disappeared from view.

In their place hung a surprisingly serviceable pair of pink fluffy shorts and an equally pink, equally fluffy t-shirt. Mutely, she accepted them, staring in shock. “How’d you do that!?”

Twilight recoiled slightly at the sudden shout. “O— oh, well… Magic? Rarity’s actually much better with spells like that. I’m only copying hers, actually. I just don’t have the eye for detail like she does.”

Gingerly, as if expecting them to bite or something, Shepard pulled the makeshift towel-clothing on. “ … Feels like towel.”

“Well it is! I don’t really know much material transnyrpruib, but it’s on my list of things to learn!”

Shepard wrinkled her brow in confusion. “I didn’t catch that word, Legion.”

“Apologies, Shepard-Commander but there is no word like it in my data banks. Could you please speak the word after ‘material’ phonetically and slowly, Twilight Sparkle?”

The pony ruffled her wings and nodded. “Traaaaans… muuuuuu… taaaaaay… shhuuuuuun.”


“Oh! Well it’s one of the main seven schools of magic. There’s pvhyepruib, sucubpruib, wbxgpbrnwbr, wcixpruib, xibhyepruib, transmutation, and bwxeinpbxt. The last one’s forbidden, naturally. Transmutation is the school that focuses on spells that can alter or transform things around us.”

Shepard just stared at the little pony open-mouthed. “Legion, is she saying she’s a wizard?”

“That would be a safe assumption, Shepard-Commander. Twilight Sparkle, I would be interested in an exchange of information. I suspect you are a scholar of some sort, given your apparent understanding of the complicated concepts I spoke of earlier. In exchange for information about your people and culture, I would be willing to share whatever I am able with you about worlds outside of your own. That I can recall, of course.” He added the last bit almost as if remembering the memory damage.

Twilight’s eyes sparkled radiantly. “Oh! Oh my goodness yes! Yes, yes yes yeeeeees! Yes! Come on, we’ll go to the library right away! Oh, I need to get notebooks! And fresh quills! This is the greatest moment in the history Equestrian science!”

Shepard backed up a step, hastily raising her hands. “Whoa, whoa. I said I’d come to Fluttershy’s cottage, and here I am, Legion. I don’t really want to go in the middle of their whole town just yet.”

If disappointment could be read on a creature with no face, it was definitely there on Legion’s expressive metallic plates. “Yes. I understand, Shepard-Commander.”

Twilight Sparkle looked equally disappointed, the look on the adorable pony’s face was crushing Shepard’s heart. “H— how about this. Go get my greaves from your friend. We can use the omni-gel to make a temporary transport for Legion. He can go to the library; I can stay here, and… Not go into a town full of ponies.”

“Ooooh! Yes! I get to see your omni-gel in action!” Again, her horn glowed brightly, and she vanished with a flash.

“ … She teleports too. She can turn towels into clothes and she teleports.”

Legion nodded once. “I suspect she can do a good deal more than just that. I spoke with Luna yesterday as you recall. She claims that she and her sister are responsible for the sun and the moon orbiting their planet. It does not rotate as a normal world; rather they ‘magically’ move the heavenly bodies.”

Shepard shook her head incredulously. “That’s impossible, Legion. You don’t believe her, do you?”

“I did not at the time. However, seeing the numerous impossibilities we continue to encounter here is forcing me to wonder if perhaps there is some truth to her claims.”

Shepard moved to the window, gazing up at the sun in the sky. “Imagine how powerful something would have to be to move a sun, Legion.”

“I have been doing nothing but imagining just that, Shepard-Commander. It is a vaguely terrifying thought. Who is to say this Princess Celestia could not do something more drastic, such as hurl a sun out of orbit, or into another planet?”

Shepard frowned. “I can’t imagine she’d do that. Look at how kind these ponies have been to me. Not to mention all the help Luna’s given me with my nightmares. If this Celestia is her sister, I have to believe she’s just as benevolent as the rest.”

“This is my hope as well, Shepard-Commander. If she is not, our presence here could endanger the rest of the galaxy. This is a pre-spaceflight species. Once they become aware there is more life outside their world, they may seek to conquer it. We know next to nothing about these ponies. They may be kind and gentle to outsiders because they crushed all resistance to their rule in the past, and are now comfortably secure in their place in the world.”

Shepard frowned, wringing her damp hair out into a towel. “That’s seems a little far fetched, Legion.”

“I do not disagree; I am merely considering all possible consequences of our continued interactions with these beings.”

Movement outside the door caught Shepard’s eye. The brash, loud, obnoxious Rainbow Dash was gently carrying a cup of tea to her hurt friend, holding it with infinite patience as the hurt pegasus fumbled slightly with her hooves. “Between you and me, I’m looking forward to continued interactions with these beings, Legion.”

“I cannot say I do not have similar feelings. The idea of real magic is very fascinating on a scientific level. Imagine how many theories and scientific laws would be altered by introducing such an impossible factor.”

Laughing a little now, Shepard pulled the plug from the tub, letting the water drain. “Leave it to you to make magic sound boring and scientific.”

A pop and a flash behind her caused Shepard to vault into a roll into Fluttershy’s room, grabbing her pistol from the floor and whipping around to face the bathroom. A trembling Twilight Sparkle was holding her greaves in her magical aura. “I— I have your armor…”

Coughing uncomfortably, Shepard lowered her weapon. “ … Right. Let’s show you how omni-gel works.”

Torn between scientific curiosity and bed-wetting fear, Princess Twilight Sparkle went the same way she always went, and was soon sitting eagerly next to the dangerous woman as she began to demonstrate how omni-gel was shaped.

Author's Note:

Chapter 6 is finished as well, just waiting on the editing. :o