• Published 28th Jul 2013
  • 4,150 Views, 39 Comments

Equestrian Doom - tankmanbrony

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Chapter Thirteen: Hate and Rage.

His armies spent, his demons defeated by mere mortals. He would make an example of Princess Luna when they next crossed paths. His mind swarmed with scenes of her death and how he would do it.

A large hand shook him and he awoke, startling him. He looked up and saw one of his guards standing next to him, in his hands squirmed a pony. He looked at the pony and it froze. He could see the sweat on its face, the fear in its eyes slowly turn to terror. He smirked and held out his hand. The pony tried to kick his arm but failed and was rewarded with a quick squeeze from Gorrog.

“Your name, mortal before I burn you to ash.”

“My name is Star Dancer” she managed before collapsing into sobs.

He grunted and several Hell Knights walked over to see what was happening.

“So… what do you think will happen, personally I’m thinking evisceration, perhaps burning, or maybe I’ll just take you apart piece by bloody piece.”

She started screaming as he took her from the other Hell Knight and brought her up to his face, his hot breath rolling over her. He looked at her, his eyes boring holes into her soul and felt the primal fear inside her, feeling every part of her being. He opened his mouth and placed her head on his lower jaw, she was screaming at this point loud enough to start to bother him, so he crunched down on her skull splitting it in half. The abrupt halt in her screaming was replaced by the hisses and grunts of maggots and imps crawling over to him trying to get at the flesh of the corpse. Swallowing the top half of her skull he took another bite out of her taking off the rest of her head and neck. He continued eating it as his soldiers watched; he knew he didn’t need to eat her but he enjoyed the taste juicy and cooked as it went down his gullet. Finishing by swallowing a chunk of her flank he turned to the other Hell Knights and felt a little more at ease.

He had ordered his army to march forward to where the Guardian waited and he knew that without those demons he would be out matched by the ponies’ strength since their reinforcements had arrived. He had seen the new princess, a pink one with a power he didn’t comprehend, it drove him out rather quickly and yet barely damaged his strength as a whole. He was marching with his soldiers but at the rear of the column, the message was clear, he expected to be attacked from behind and would be the first to fight. Yet a chilling rain fell down on his army steaming off Hell Knights and Imps but otherwise causing them to slow down as they trekked through the mud. His large feet aided him by slowing his sinking into the mud but still it was rather unpleasant with his vision partially obstructed by the clouds of steam rolling of his brethren’s backs and the steam from his own body.

They pasted through a ruined village, only three ponies were still living in the sole undamaged house but he took care of them. He gave them two options run or die where they stood. One refused to leave, a stubborn middle-aged stallion but his companions ran rather quickly after Gorrog tore him in half and tossed him to a group of Maggots. They were caught later that day by a small group of Demons and devoured as not to leave any trace.

They continued for three more days until they saw their brethren waiting for them at the edge of hilly grassland or the remnants of it. It had been heavily scorched by the prolonged demonic presence. He saw the Guardian’s bulk from afar, its body dwarfing him several times over. This one was obviously old and large as well but still Hell had gifted a fit champion for him so he intended to use it. He sat on a large blacken rock and started to plan his battle and defense against the armies he was sure were being marshaled against him in that mountain city.

“Gorrog, I see you failed just as you did at the Abyss.”

He snarled his mind while not taken over was being probed.

“And by such weak creatures too, I honestly expected better from Hell’s Champion.”

“You, quivering coward, why do you hide in the shadows from me?” His rage was rising as he slowly recognized his conversation partner.

“Oh no, Gorrog, can’t you understand subtly, I mean even the Berserk Hunter was capable of subtly when it was called for but you, you employed the most basic tactics to take that city and your surprised you lost.”

“When I find you not even your strength will protect you from my wrath, the strength of a Vargary Queen is insignificant compared to the might that Hell has bestowed upon me.”

“Gorrog, not only do I hold a numerical advantage of about five to one I also have demons capable of matching yours in combat, even your Hell Knights are capable of being matched.”

His vision flashed red and he finally caught a glimpse of her, she was clad in a suit of Hell-Steel much like his helmet and had a large glowing red pentagram in her abdomen plate. Her spider like body made forging armor complicated and time consuming.

He grunted and reached for her, his hand grasping empty air as he realized she was an illusion of his mind. He curled his hand into a fist and called upon Hell. Turing to the sky his shot a massive pillar of fire into it, he grunted straining from the effort and he saw the very sky itself turn red. He smiled as he heard lightning crack above him. Closing his fist he roared into the heavens, his roar carrying much farther than normally possible and yet it had a twofold message.

He knew that every pony in that city would walk up covered in sweat or be filled in his unholy terror, and every demon in Hell would hear his call, all those truly loyal to Hell would answer and gather together in their countless numbers.

“Vargary, my might is unmatched by such pathetic demons as you, though you were right on one thing, I am Hell’s champion and the harbinger of its fury.”

Her response was long in coming in yet controlled. “Most impressive Gorrog, perhaps I underestimated you, yet how many of those demons do you think will answer your call?” and with that she left him to wonder, the contact completely severed.

His outpouring of Hellfire drained him but not as much as a Hell power would. He stood up his army facing him expecting something. His mouth opened into something resembling a smile and he spoke.

“Demons, We are Hell’s warriors and soon our brethren will join us to bring glorious slaughter to this world but now they are sending there feeble armies after us, tomorrow we strike, VICTORY!!!!” he roared above them and in responsive his army let out a ear shattering roar as if some great beast had awoken and was displaying its rage to the world.

He felt confident that every pony would hear them and that was what he want draw them into his army and slaughter them by the thousands. Only something wasn’t right as some shadow had fallen on him barely noticeable but there.

Author's Note:

Battle scene soon, I'm going to show you what a demon army can do!!!