• Published 30th Jul 2013
  • 6,023 Views, 46 Comments

Hidden In The Dark - Serina

Being an outcast doesn’t mean you have to be alone.

  • ...

To Be A Dreamer

Chrysalis wandered through the mountains, the freezing blizzard stinging at her eyes. She forced her legs forward, the snow building with each step. I only have a little more to go, I can make it.

She could no longer feel her face and her teeth chattered violently. Her hooves were beginning to freeze under the frigid conditions. Her only light was coming from her glowing horn that was dimming with every step she took. I’m going to die out here. Alone. Mother nature will be my tomb. That is, until most of the snow melts in the Spring.

Chrysalis licked her chapped lips and mumbled. “Just a few more feet. Come on hooves, don’t quit now.”

Her legs felt shaky under her as she took another step in the snow. She felt the magic drain entirely from her horn as the light that it provided cut out, leaving her to wander around in the dark. Chrysalis hit her horn with a hoof and shook her head. “No, not now!”

The snowy wind whistled around the changeling left alone in the dark. She groaned and laid down in the snow. There is no way I’m going to make it to my cave now. I’m hungry, tired, cold, and, now, out of magic. She wrapped her hooves over her eyes and felt hot tears growing under them. What a way to die...

Chrysalis felt, strangely, warm. She could no longer hear the whistling that had assaulted her ears, and she could no longer feel the numbing pain of the snow striking her body for hours on end. She opened her eyes. A frozen lake graced her sight, surrounded by pure white piles of snow. A full moon lay in the middle of the starry sky, with clouds hovering around it.

Is this that place? The place where we go when we die? Chrysalis shook her head and stood up, the snow crunching softly under her hooves.

“No, Chrysalis. You lie within my sanctuary.”

Chrysalis turned to come face-to-face with another pony.

"What... No... It can't be," she thought as she stared at the pony in front of her. "You're... You're Celestia's sister..."

Luna nodded and took a step forward. “No need to be afraid, Chrysalis. This place is sacred. There is nothing to fear here.”

Chrysalis scoffed and spat. “Yeah, right. Your niece sent me flying halfway across Equestria and then my own hive banished me!”

Princess Luna paused for a moment before speaking again. “You are correct, but she did what was necessary at the time. Canterlot would have fallen and all ponies would have lived in fear and anguish for the rest of their lives.”

Chrysalis looked away. “I was Queen. It was my duty to lead them to a better life!”

Luna’s eyes narrowed. “And what about the lives of those ponies in Canterlot, Chrysalis? What of them? Have you no heart for what might have become of the fillies that roamed the streets? Would they have been your next meal?”

Chrysalis’ anger bubbled under her skin. “I would not do such a thing! I would not harm a little filly!”

Luna sighed. “But your subjects would. You need to understand this. You are different from them.”

She tilted her head to the side. “"Different? Ha! What makes me different from the rest?"

Luna began walking towards a snowy path and called back. “You’ll know in due time. Come now, I wish to show you around,” she turned back towards the confused changeling. “That is, if you want.”

Chrysalis groaned. This has to be a trick. Some sort of elaborate plot that Celestia is involved in.

Luna’s voice rang out. “Are you coming, Chrysalis?”

Chrysalis hesitated. I shouldn’t follow, but what other choice do I have? I’ll just keep my guard up. "Yes, I am," Chrysalis said with a quick nod, beginning to follow Luna down the snowy path.

They soon came to an open field blanketed in snow. Two fillies were building a snow pony, that is, until they saw Luna. They immediately stopped working on the snow pony and galloped towards her in excitement.

A little green filly pulled at Luna’s flowing mane. “Luna! You’re back! Wanna play?”

Luna smiled and shook her head. “Not now, little ones. I’m showing our friend, Chrysalis, around.”

The three fillies turned and stared wide-eyed at the changeling in front of them. A small pink filly poked Chrysalis’ leg with a hoof. “Why do you have holes in your legs?”

The other pony began to giggle and poke at her leg too. “It’s funny!”

Chrysalis flushed in embarrassment. “It is not funny! It’s... Normal for Queen’s to have such, um, additions to their legs.”

The two fillies’ eyes grew wider and they chimed in unison. “You’re a Queen?”

Chrysalis looked to Luna for help, but all she returned was a smile and a beckoning hoof.

Chrysalis sighed. “Yes, I was Queen of the Changelings.”

The pink filly tilted her head. “Was it fun?”

The changeling tapped her chin. “I don’t know if fun would be the right word...”

The green filly huffed. “Well, if it was no fun, then... Then that’s just no fun! You need to have fun and all being a Queen!”

The other filly nodded in agreement. “Uh-huh! If there’s no fun, what’s the point?”

Chrysalis rolled her eyes. These foals knew nothing about being royalty or, for that matter, being in charge of anything. Being in charge isn’t fun, it’s a job, a lifestyle. Then again, if being miserable was my lifestyle...

Her thoughts were interrupted by one of the fillies climbing on her back. She turned her head, and saw the small pink filly hopping up and down in joy.

The pink filly grinned at Chrysalis, her front tooth missing. Chrysalis tried to give her the best smile that she could muster. It must have looked ridiculous because the filly on her back quickly toppled over into the snow in laughter.

Luna enveloped the giggling filly in an aura of magic and levitated her next to the orange filly. “Now, why don’t you two be polite and introduce yourselves?”

They both blushed in embarrassment and nodded. the little green one spoke first. “I’m Twinkles.”

The pink filly threw her arm around Twinkle’s shoulder. “And I’m Tinker!”

Chrysalis extended a hoof. “I’m Chrysalis.”

The two fillies giggled and shook Chrysalis’ hoof.

Twinkles bounced up and down. “Oh! Oh! Tell us a story!”

Tinker nodded in excitement. “Pretty please!”

Luna cleared her throat. “Now, little ones, I have to continue showing Chrysalis around the sanctuary.”

Tinker turned to Luna with a pout. “Do you have to show her around right now?”

Luna smiled and nodded. “Yes, Tinker, but I’ll come play with you both as soon as I can.”

The two fillies smiled and started working on their snow pony once again, waving goodbye to the two mares.

They both chimed in unison. “Bye, Luna! Bye, Chrysalis!”

Chrysalis turned to Luna. “What in Equestria was that all about?”

Luna continued walking along the snowy path. “I’ll explain soon enough.”

Chrysalis stomped a hoof into the snow. “No! I want to know just what’s going on around here.”

Luna looked back and sighed. “Fine, this way,” she said, and then continued walking down the snowy path.

Chrysalis huffed in frustration and followed Luna. They walked until they reached a spot in front of the frozen lake. Luna took a seat in the snow and patted a spot beside her, beckoning Chrysalis to sit.

Chrysalis sat down down on the snow. “Now, are you going to tell me what’s going on?”

Luna nodded and outstretched a hoof to the scenery in front of them. “This place is my sanctuary of dreams. Very few can pass through here.”

Chrysalis tilted her head to the side. “Sanctuary of dreams?”

Luna placed a hoof in the snow and scooped some of it into her hooves, then offered it to Chrysalis, who took it in confusion. “Have you not noticed that the snow isn't cold? It's a realm where night and winter can be appreciated by those who pass through.”

Chrysalis rolled the snow around in her hooves to form a ball. “It’s not melting.”

Luna nodded. “That’s also another perk to this place.”

Chrysalis sat the ball of snow beside her and tapped her chin. “So, what was with those fillies back there? It seemed like they knew you.”

Luna smiled. “Ah, yes. They know me quite well. You see, they come here every night in their dreams to play. They are good company.”

Chrysalis smirked. “Seems like they would be more of a hoof-ful, really.”

Luna laughed. “Sometimes they are. Only when they get the notion that it’s okay to plan some elaborate prank and such.”

Chrysalis looked out across the lake, the moonlight reflecting off the ice. “Hey, Luna?”

Luna turned her head. “Yes?”

“If this is the sanctuary of dreams then why is it so empty?”

Luna smiled. “Ah, so you finally noticed. Well, only ponies with a pure heart can enter. That’s why mostly fillies and colts come here. Some come back when they are grown, but very few.”

Chrysalis held up her hooves. “Now, wait a second! Pure heart? How the heck did I ever get in this place?!”

Luna laughed softly. “I allowed it. Besides, it was for the best.”

Chrysalis sighed and rubbed her temples. “So, what you're telling me is that I’m asleep right now and the only reason I’m here is cause you're letting me be here.”

Luna rubbed her chin. “Well, I do think you have potential.”

“Potential for what?”

She smiled. “Come now, Chrysalis. No need to hide it.”

Chrysalis’ anger was beginning to build. “What’re you talking about?”

Luna sighed and smiled softly. “The changeling who wants to be loved?”

Chrysalis flushed in anger and embarrassment. “That’s none of your business. How do you even—”

Luna laid a hoof on Chrysalis’ shoulder. “Chrysalis, I’m the keeper of dreams. I know these things because you dream about them.”

Chrysalis shook Luna’s hoof off of her and crossed her hooves. “Whatever.” She doesn’t know anything about me. I’m a changeling. A Queen. Not another foal who happens to wander in here. Then again, what if she’s telling the truth? What if she really just wants to help? She brushed a hoof through her mane. No, she doesn’t. This is some sort of plot to get me in trouble with Celestia again. I know it is. She turned to Luna. “How’s your sister?”

Luna fumbled with some snow in her hooves. “She’s fine. Ruling Equestria is keeping her busy and all.”

Chrysalis rolled her eyes. “Of course it is. I’m sure it keeps you busy too.”

Luna stopped fumbling with the snow and let it fall to the ground. “Actually, I have a lot of free time on my hooves.”

Chrysalis threw some of the snow into her mouth. “Weird, I thought you would be busier being a princess and all.”

Luna sighed. “My sister takes care of that department.”

Chrysalis stopped chewing. “Oh.”

A silence settled between the ponies.

Chrysalis circled her hoof in the snow. “Um, Luna, why do you forgive your sister?”

Luna looked down at her hooves. “I do not know if I completely forgive her, Chrysalis. I understand why she had to do what she did, but it still hurt. Though I still have to deal with my mistakes now.”

Chrysalis looked at Luna. “What do you mean?”

Luna chuckled half-heartedly. “I was a myth I didn’t exist until I returned a few years ago. Everywhere I go, ponies still fear me, and it takes so long to gain their trust. It takes so long to gain their trust. Yet, I have to wonder whether or not they truly trust me, even after they say the do. I even have to wonder if my own sister trusts me sometimes.”

Chrysalis looked at the white ground. Well, this is certainly awkward. Why wouldn't Celestia trust her? It’s her own sister for crying out loud! Then again, she was Nightmare Moon, but she’s not now. She looked over at Luna who was quietly staring down at the snow in her hooves.

Chrysalis whistled softly. “That’s not very nice.”

Luna smiled and scoffed. “No, she isn’t.”

Chrysalis thought back to her life at the hive. The strict rules and the unforgiving, always judging, glares through the hallways. Nopony trusted each other there. Maybe it was the same for Luna, except with her own sister being the judge. Maybe, she just needs somepony to trust her for once.

They were both quiet for a moment before Chrysalis placed her hoof on Luna’s. “I trust you.”

Luna looked up at Chrysalis, her blue eyes brimming with tears. “Really?”

Chrysalis nodded. “You saved my life. It doesn’t matter what you did back then, I didn’t know you, I only know who you are today and today you are a very kind pony.”

Luna smiled. “Well, thank you. You're not too bad yourself, Chrysalis.”

Chrysalis blushed and looked away. “Whatever.” Luna giggled and Chrysalis rolled her eyes. Who does she think she is? Acting like I’m some old friend or something. If she thinks she’s figured me out, she’s wrong.

Chrysalis looked down to see the ball of snow, still perfectly intact. “Hey, Luna?”

Luna fiddled with some snow as she looked back at Chrysalis. “Yes?”

Chrysalis flung the ball of snow right at Luna’s face. “Heads up.”

The snowball burst onto Luna’s face, covering every inch. Chrysalis toppled over in laughter.

Luna wiped her face off and smiled mischievously. “Two can play this game, Chrysalis.” She surrounded a heap of snow in her magic and formed it into a ball.

Chrysalis’ eyes grew wide. “Uh-oh.” The giant snowball was smashed on top of her, burying her completely. She soon dug her way out only to be met by Luna laughing. “Yeah, laugh it up. This is so funny.”

Luna wiped a tear from her eye. “It is. It certainly is.” Luna trotted over and grabbed onto Chrysalis’ hooves to help pull her out of the snow. “On the count of three. One... Two... Three!” With a pull, the changeling went flying and landed on her hooves.

She brushed herself off. “Well, that wasn’t so bad.” She took a step forward only to lose her balance on the slippery surface. What the...? She was on ice.

Chrysalis tried to steady herself but her hooves kept slipping underneath her. She heard something behind her and turned her head. Luna was skating towards her, not having a problem with the ice at all.

Luna skated next to Chrysalis and stopped. “Never skated before?”

Chrysalis shook her head and sulked. “No. Why would I? It’s not like we have many frozen lakes out near the hives.”

Luna held out a hoof. “I can teach you, if you want.”

Chrysalis huffed in annoyance. “I can manage on my own just fine, thank you!” She took a step forward only for her front hooves to give out underneath her, causing her to go sprawling towards the ice.

Steady hooves caught her front. Luna was standing beside her with an arm around hers. She smiled. “Yeah, you can definetly manage on your own.”

Chrysalis blushed. “Fine, whatever. Just help me up.”

Luna hoisted Chrysalis upright and extended her hoof again. “Want to give that another go?”

Chrysalis rolled her eyes and placed her hoof in Luna’s. “Fine.”

Luna straightened her legs and held her head high. “Now, hold on tight and move your hooves the way I do, okay?”

Chrysalis nodded. She felt her hooves begin to slide across the ice as Luna glided on it. She tried to copy Luna’s movements as best as she could. Her hooves were still slipping out from under her but not as severly this time. She felt her back legs slip out from under her and she landed on her rear.

She groaned in frustration as Luna helped her up again. “I can’t do this!”

Luna got Chrysalis on her hooves again. “You’re doing fine. Just try, okay?”

Chrysalis pouted and huffed. “Fine.”

Luna nodded and held onto Chrysalis’ hoof and began to glide against the ice again. Their hooves moved as one as they skated together.

Luna smiled and looked over at Chrysalis. “You’re doing good. Ready to try on your own?”

Chrysalis shrugged and kept looking down at the ice.

“Okay, I’m going to let go.” Luna released her hoof form Chrysalis’.

Chrysalis took a step forward and tried to glide just like Luna. It’s actually working! I’m ice-skating!

She spun around and glided out towards Luna. “Look at me! I’m doing it!”

Luna laughed, her mane flowing through the wind, and glided further out on the ice.

Chrysalis blushed as she saw the moonlight sparkle off of Luna’s mane. It was illuminating her body, it looked like she was glowing. Chrysalis shook her head and glided towards her. “Hey, wait up!” As she got closer it became apparent that she couldn’t stop. Dang it! I-I can't stop! How do I stop? “Luna! Watch out!”

Luna turned towards the sound only to be hit by Chrysalis gliding at full speed. The impact sent them both flying into a snowbank.

The snow softened their impact, somewhat. Chrysalis groaned and shook some snow off of her. She looked down. She was on top of Luna, who was blushing immensely. Chrysalis blushed and quickly tumbled off to the side so Luna could get up. “Uh, sorry about that.”

Luna sat up, her cheeks rosy, and brushed snow off of her blue coat. “It’s alright. I suppose I should have taught you how to stop first.”

They sat there in silence as snowflakes began to fall around them.

Chrysalis trailed a hoof through the snow. “Um...”

Suddenly, Chrysalis felt a warm hoof on her cheek, and she turned. “L-Luna?”

Luna didn’t say a word as she leaned towards Chrysalis. Their lips met in a blissful kiss. Chrysalis’ eyes widened as Luna pressed herself into Chrysalis’ chest.

Chrysalis then went along with it, closing her eyes and returning the kiss. She pressed her body against Luna’s, and the two stayed that way for a few seconds.

Luna released the tender kiss and opened her eyes. Her blush deepened as she sat up. “Um...”

Chrysalis felt her own blush and looked down, tears building at the corners of her eyes. She stood up.

Luna reached out with a hoof. “Chrysalis—”

Chrysalis slapped Luna’s hoof away and turned to her, tears pouring down her face. “How dare you kiss me! You don’t even know me!” She turned towards the barren landscape and galloped away, the snow flying back under her hooves. She could hear Luna calling out for her, but she didn’t care. What happened, back there, was nothing. Nothing... Right?

She stopped and her jaw dropped. It seemed like she had been running for miles, but now she was at the lake again. Surely, this place was magical but could it really be never ending? She groaned in frustration, wiping the tears away from her eyes. Why did I just push away the only pony willing to help me, to understand me?

She sat down in front of the lake and looked down. She wiped some snow off of the crystal-like surface and stared into it. Her reflection stared back at her. Her cold, black, fangy expression, her horn awkwardly shaped on top of her head, and not to mention her disgusting color of hair. No pony could ever love a face like this, no pony would ever love me.

Tears met the ice and began to freeze into little droplets of ice. Chrysalis felt her body morph into a more comforting shape. She stared down again to see a black-coated alicorn, with a straight black horn, beautiful blue hair, and best of all, no fangs. Chrysalis felt her new feathered wings, not the thin paper-like ones she had before. These were soft and warm, they felt alive. She closed her eyes and sighed. They would all laugh if they saw me now. Wanting to be like one of them, but why? Why do we change into them so much if we don’t wish to be one of them ourselves? To have a normal life. To be a normal pony. Isn’t that what we changelings wanted? Or, at least, what I’ve wanted?

Chrysalis watched as the snow began to build on the ice, slowly covering her reflection. She sighed and looked up at the full moon shining brightly over the lake. “To be up there for a thousand years, staring down at us. To watch us laugh, play, cry, what would it be like? To be able to watch but do nothing...”

“It was horrific.”

Chrysalis turned to see Luna standing behind her, the princess’ eyes were cast to the ground. “Luna, I didn’t know—”

Luna held up a hoof and trotted over to Chrysalis, sitting down beside her. “No, it’s quite alright. I understand your curiosity, but what I am most curious about is what you’re doing in another form.”

Chrysalis blushed and looked away. “It has nothing to do with you.”

Luna placed a hoof on Chrysalis’ cheek and turned her head so that their eyes met. “Doesn’t it?”

Chrysalis felt tears brimming at the corners of her eyes again. “Please, leave it alone.”

Luna shook her head and hugged her. “No, you need this.”

Chrysalis felt Luna’s soft fur against her cheek and sighed, allowing Luna's warmth to envelop her. I can hear her heartbeat. It’s so beautiful. Chrysalis closed her eyes and sighed. She felt better. She breathed in Luna’s scent. Wait, no. I’m— Chrysalis opened her eyes and found a green substance flowing into her mouth, she immediately closed it and struggled against Luna’s grip.

Luna’s embrace tightened. “Chrysalis, stop it! It’s okay!”

Tears poured down Chrysalis’ cheeks as she tried to separate Luna’s forelegs from her waist. “N-no it’s not! Let m-me go! I’m a monster!”

Luna held onto Chrysalis as tight as she could and buried her face in the changeling’s mane. “You are no monster, Chrysalis. You're a pony, my special somepony.”

Chrysalis felt Luna’s soft fur against her body and began to weep. Why can’t she just leave me alone...

Luna brushed Chrysalis’ hair back behind her ear as she cried into her chest. She looked down and wiped a tear away from Chrysalis’ cheek. “Won’t you change back for me?”

Chrysalis shook her head and sniffled quietly. “N-no.”

Luna kissed the top of the changeling’s head. “Please?”

Chrysalis wiped the tears away from her eyes. “Why? I look better this way.”

Luna held Chrysalis tight. “You may look like nice in that form, but you look beautiful as yourself.”

Chrysalis huffed and looked away. “I look like a monster.”

Luna held the changeling’s face in her hooves and made Chrysalis look into her eyes. “No, listen to me. You’re no monster. You’re beautiful the way you are and you don’t need to be anypony else in front of me or anypony for that matter, okay?”

Chrysalis sniffled and looked down. “But I—”

Luna leaned down and felt her lips brush Chrysalis’. “I love you, Chrysalis.”

Chrysalis’ eyes widened and she felt herself blush. She loves me? She loves me! I—Do I love her too? She’s beautiful, understanding, and nice. Is that love? To think those things about somepony? To want them so bad it hurts? She blushed harder. Perhaps it is. She mumbled, “I love you too, Luna.” She leaned into Luna’s lips and met them in a blissful kiss.

Luna felt Chrysalis’ lips pressing firmly against hers. She felt a tingling sensation and opened her eyes. Chrysalis had morphed back into herself. Luna tightened her forelegs around Chrysalis, pulling her closer, trailing a hoof up her back.

Chrysalis gasped from Luna’s touch and deepened the kiss, parting Luna’s lips with her tongue. Chrysalis brushed Luna’s mane and let the strands dance along the tip of her hoof. She parted from Luna's lips and looked into her deep-blue eyes. Chrysalis smiled.

Luna traced a hoof along the side of Chrysalis’ face. “Now, there’s the pony I love.”

Chrysalis felt her blush deepen. “You really don’t mind the way I look?”

Luna shook her head. “I love you, Chrysalis. All of you. From the tip to your horn down to your tail,” she kissed Chrysalis’ nose and giggled.

Chrysalis smiled and laughed. This had to be the best day of her life. Finding somepony that actually loved her, that understood her. She sighed and laid her head against Luna’s chest. “I wish we could stay here forever.”

Luna’s grip tightened on Chrysalis. “Yes, I wish that too... but you have to wake up.”

Chrysalis looked up at Luna with wide eyes. “What?”

Luna smiled, her eyes casting downwards. “This is but a dream, Chrysalis. You have to wake up.”

Chrysalis placed her hooves on Luna’s shoulders, her voice shaking. “N-no. This is r-real, right?” You a-and me and this.”

Luna placed a kiss on her cheek. “As real as you wish it to be. Come now, on the third blink you will wake.”

Chrysalis shook her head. “I want to be with you!”


Tears ran down her face. “Will I ever see you again?”

Luna smiled.


Chrysalis hugged Luna tightly and cried into her chest. “I don't want to go!”


Chrysalis woke with a start. She was no longer in the snowy sanctuary, but in a cave in front of a fire. The blizzard outside was beating against the mountain as if it were trying to bring the great rock to it’s knees. How— She then remembered Luna. The pony that had said she loved her. Now Chrysalis was alone, again. She placed her hooves over her eyes and felt the tears beginning to build underneath them. Why did I trust her? Why?

Her tears hit the stone floor of the cave and echoed. Their dripping sounding across the cave out into the blizzard. A cold wind swept through the cave, turning the puddle of tears into snow, which caught itself in the winter wind and flew out the opening of the cave.

Chrysalis sniffled and looked into the fire, shivering from the cold. Another burst of cold wind flew into the cave, enveloping her in its chill. Her teeth chattered as a single tear trailed along her cheek. She closed her eyes and tried to warm herself by scrunching up into a huddled position.

She sniffled and felt a warmth grow over her, as if a blanket had been wrapped around her. She smiled at the newfound warmth and sighed in content. Something nuzzled under her chin. She quickly opened her eyes and looked down. Luna was smiling up at her.

Chrysalis smiled and threw her forelegs around Luna, hugging her tightly. “You’re actually here!”

Luna smiled and kissed Chrysalis’ wet cheek. “Of course I am. I couldn’t leave my special somepony out alone in the cold, could I?”

Chrysalis blushed and nuzzled against Luna. “You brought me here.”

She nodded and lit a blue barrier at the entrance to keep the wind out. “I had to make sure you were safe.”

Chrysalis smiled. “Well... Thank you, for everything.”

Luna kissed Chrysalis’ nose and nuzzled against her cheek. “I should be thanking you, Chrysalis. For taking the time to listen. To trust. I do wish we can grow our relationship further. At our own pace."

Chrysalis felt her smile broaden. “I love you, Luna.”

Luna ran a hoof through Chrysalis’ hair as she held her close. “I love you too. We’ll be so happy together, we can go places, and love each other so much.”

Chrysalis looked down at the floor. “Um...”

Luna tilted her head. “What is it?”

Chrysalis sighed. “Well, what about your sister, the other ponies, they don’t like me. They won’t approve of this... Us.”

Luna kissed the top of the changelings head and smiled. “We’ll worry about that later, okay? All that matters now is that we have each other.”

Chrysalis smiled softly and nuzzled into Luna’s chest. “You’re right. I’m so happy I met you, Luna.”

Luna smiled. “I’m happy I met you too, Chrysalis.”

Chrysalis sighed and looked over to a pile of snow in the corner of the cave and smiled, her horn glowing faintly. “Hey, Luna?”

Luna brushed a hoof through Chrysalis’ hair. “Yes?”

Chrysalis enveloped a ball of snow in a green aura and chunked it at Luna’s face. “Heads up!”

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading everypony! Omgosh. I started this on July 27th, 3 days ago and it turned out to be decent. XD

Now I owe a huge thanks to my editor and pre-reader: Fluttershyismetal and Shadowflash. I couldn't have done it without you guys. Thanks for working so hard on it and helping me out!!!

This is my entry, so wish me luck!

Sequel: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/121903/dreaming-of-reality

Twilight's Library Seal of Approval: http://24.media.tumblr.com/a257ad5165644b1f79354634dfdee284/tumblr_mqo61uYbwk1rj6vd5o1_400.png

P.S.S. What I listened to on repeat while writing this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ChZYB9o4fM