• Published 28th Jul 2013
  • 5,025 Views, 194 Comments

Date at Dodge Junction - Rated Ponystar

Applejack takes Rainbow Dash to Dodge Junction and tries to confess her feelings

  • ...

Act 2

Date at Dodge Junction

Act 2

By The Rated Ponystar

Edited by: Apple Spice and Mr. Minimii


So far things had worked well in Applejack’s favor. She was here, in Dodge Junction, with Rainbow Dash and ready to have some fun. Granted, there was a bit of trouble with those three jerks from earlier, but she was already pushing the incident far out of her mind. As they passed through the various games in the midway, Applejack tried to think of the best time for her to confess her feelings.

Should it be done today? Or maybe later at night? There might be some special event or somethin’ that could help settle the mood. Dagnabit this is harder then Ah thought, thought Applejack, gritting her teeth.

“Yo, AJ, you alright?” asked Rainbow Dash, raising an eyebrow.

Applejack quickly put on her best poker face and nodded. “Yup, everythin’s alright.”

“Good,” said Rainbow Dash, flapping her wings and levitating a few inches above the ground. “Because I’m going to school you in all of these games with both wings tied behind my back.”

Grinning, Applejack looked around and spotted a topple-the-cans booth. “Is that so? Well then, let’s get this here show on the road.” Applejack led Dash to the stand and got three balls. Handing them to Rainbow Dash she said, “Let’s see what ya got, sugarcube.”

“Ha! This is gonna be a piece of cake,” said Rainbow Dash, lining up her first shot.

“Wait a second,” said Applejack, stopping Rainbow Dash mid-swing. “How about we make these here games a little more interestin’? How about the loser of each game has to do a dare chosen by the winner?”

Rubbing her chin, Rainbow Dash thought about the proposal for a few seconds before she spat into her hoof and presented it to Applejack. “Deal! I’m so going to kick, and embarrass, your butt at same time.”

Applejack spat into her own hoof and the two hoof bumped. “Not if Ah kick yours first!”

With the deal set, Rainbow Dash turned her focus back on the cans in front of her. She threw the first ball and managed to knock one of the cans clean off the stand. Pumped up, Rainbow Dash threw the second one just as quick, but she only managed to split the remaining ones from each other. Dash’s smile soon faded, knowing she had to get all three cans knocked off the platform to win. With only one ball remaining, Rainbow Dash threw it, but only managed to knock off one can.

“Sorry, miss, ya lost. Thanks for playin;” said the stand owner as he re-stacked the cans. Rainbow Dash grumbled to herself before taking out her bits and paying for AJ’s turn.

Applejack only took one ball and smirked before throwing it up into the air. Before anypony could question her actions, she turned around and bucked the ball like it was one of her trees, sending it bulleting across the stand. The cans didn’t stand a chance as they were all knocked off the platform in one blow. The ball even continued to punch right through the stand's tent.

Both Rainbow Dash and the stand owner were left in shock at the display while Applejack looked at her legs with pride. “Told ya, years of applebuckin’.”

The owner called out, “Winner!” and presented Applejack with a stuffed bear. She quickly wrote down the address she wanted it mailed to, thinking it would be a nice present for Apple Bloom when she got back. What was even nicer was the dreadful look on Dash’s face, realizing she now had to do a dare.

For a moment, Applejack wanted it to be “kiss me” or “tell me how you feel about me” to let her aching question in her mind finally be answered, but felt it was wrong. She wanted to tell Rainbow Dash her feelings, yet she wanted it to be in a truthful and meaningful way. Glancing around, Applejack noticed a small banjo band playing nearby on a makeshift stage with some ponies dancing to the music. Pointing at them, Applejack ordered, “Ah want ya go to that dancing group and dance with them...”

Rainbow Dash snorted. “That’s it? Kind of weak there, Applejack.”

“... but ya have to dance like Twilight.”

The sight of Rainbow Dash’s face alone was enough to nearly make Applejack laugh in tears. She couldn’t blame her since Twilight, although a sister to Applejack in every way, was such a horrible dancer that not even the Princesses could keep a straight face when watching. Rainbow Dash stuttered a bit, but soon sighed and reluctantly flew over to the dance floor. Taking a deep breath, she began to shake around, stick her tongue out, and wave her hooves up and down like she was drunk. Applejack couldn’t hold it in any longer, and soon started laughing up a storm. The other nearby ponies stopped dancing and stared at Rainbow Dash’s crazy dance, some even asking if she was having a stroke which only made Applejack laugh harder.

After five minutes of dancing, Rainbow Dash flew back and glared at the chuckling farmpony. “Laugh it up, Applejack, but I’m going to get back at you.”

“Oh, really?” asked Applejack. “Well let’s see if ya'll can follow through with them words.”

The two of them looked for another game and soon found a shooting gallery. After paying the stand owner for two games, Applejack stepped up to the plate first and loaded her toy gun with the pellets. The targets soon began to move side by side as Applejack unleashed gunshot after gunshot, quickly earning points with ease. However, near the end the targets started to get faster, and she soon found herself muttering a few curses as she started missing more.

Finally, the targets stopped moving and Applejack found herself with forty-seven points total for her run. Smiling, Applejack stepped aside for Rainbow Dash, but noticed that her secret crush didn’t look the least bit worried.

Rainbow Dash loaded her gun and soon her round started. She immediately unleashed a reign of fire upon the targets with bulls-eye after bulls-eye. Applejack’s mouth dropped as she watched Dash hit every target perfectly without any hesitation. Sweet mercy, Ah’d hate to be in a shootout with Rainbow, lest Ah want to be pushin’ daisies.

At the end of the round, Rainbow Dash had seventy-nine points, creaming Applejack by a landslide. Applejack shook her head and asked, “How did ya do that? Ah’ve seen some fancy shootin’ before, but that was... wow!”

“My dad was a guard at the palace before he met my mom,” explained Rainbow Dash, handing the gun back to the owner. She put down her address for her prize and then continued, “He was a crossbow user, and taught me some of his moves. Sure a crossbow is different from a gun, but you still gotta aim right, and my dad taught me that.”

“Well, he must have been a good teacher. That there was amazin’,” complemented Applejack.

“Not as amazing as the look on your face when I tell you what your dare is,” said Dash.

Applejack winced, but sighed in defeat. “Fine, what am Ah doin’?”

“Easy,” said Rainbow Dash, pointing to a clothes store, “we’re gonna dress you up a bit...”


Okay, maybe the whole dare thing was a bad idea, thought Applejack as Rainbow Dash pushed her into the store. To her great relief, it wasn’t some full gown dress store like she feared, but what looked to be one for costumes. Must be here for Nightmare Night an’ such.

“Afternoon y’all,” greeted the store owner, walking up to them and nodding. “Need help with somethin’?”

“We’re just gonna look around and maybe try a few outfits on. For fun,” answered Rainbow Dash while giving Applejack a sly smirk.

“Very well, ya ladies enjoy yerselves,” said the owner before walking away.

Before she knew it, Applejack found herself dragged near the dressing rooms while being surrounded by tons of outfits. Realizing she couldn’t back down, Applejack turned to Rainbow Dash and sighed. “Alright, what do ya want me ta wear?”

Rubbing her lower muzzle, Rainbow Dash searched among the outfits ranging from classy to full on ridiculous until she pulled out one that made Applejack step back in disgust. It was none other than a rodeo clown’s outfit, from red and white checkerboard pants to the giant size shoes with bells on them . Rainbow Dash tossed it to her and pointed to the dressing room. “Now dress.”

After glancing between Dash and her selected dress, she grumbled and snatched it from Dash's hooves. She entered the dressing room and put on the outfit, having a bit difficulty with getting pants on, until she was suited up and walked outside. Rainbow Dash instantly fell onto her back, laughing and started kicking the air with her hooves like she was drowning, tears streamed down her face. Turning towards a nearby mirror, Applejack looked at herself and couldn’t help but chuckle as well.

“Wait! Wait! It needs one more thing!” shouted Dash, rising to her hooves. She quickly turned to a small chest and scrounged around until she poked her head out and placed something on Applejack’s nose. Curious, she turned back to the mirror only laugh even more at the sight of a classic clown nose on her. The two friends laughed a bit more before Rainbow Dash eyed the other costumes with anticipation. “I wanna try something out! Wait a second!”

In a flash, Dash took a costume—too fast for Applejack to see what it was—and dashed into the dressing room. Sitting on her haunches, Applejack waited until she saw the curtain open. After a quick gasp, she soon pointed and laughed at the sight of a hippie-looking Dash. With her brown vest combined with peace necklace and shades, Dash casually walked around. “Dude, this crib is like... so hippin’. It’s got a nice jive that I dig man... yeah....”

“That’s that’s a good impression of them hippies,” applauded Applejack.

“Thanks. I learned it all from Fluttershy during her little phase in high school,” commented Rainbow Dash, slowly taking off the outfit.

Applejack blinked and tilted her head. “Fluttershy was a flower child?”

“Yeah, remind me to tell you some of the crazy stuff she did. You’d never believe it was really her,” chuckled Rainbow Dash.

The two of them took off their costumes and continued to play around a bit more, occasionally give the other a costume to wear. By the time they had finished, they had gone through such outfits like a mexicolt wrestler, an undertaker, bikers, ninja, knight, gangster, bananas, surfer dudes, and many more. Applejack was taking off her vampire outfit when Dash presented her a dress that made her blush. “D-dash?!”

“Oh come on! It’s gonna look great on ya!” commented Dash with a grin.

Applejack accepted the dress, but holding it in her hooves, it felt like a flaming ember, warming her entire body with embarrassment. If this was any other pony in the world, she wouldn't be shaking this much. If this was any other outfit, she wouldn’t be this nervous. A part of her wanted to, dreamily, think that this meant something, and Dash was giving her a hidden message, but she knew that was highly unlikely. Taking a deep breath, Applejack trotted into the dressing room and slowly put it on. When she came back out, to her surprise, Dash was looking at her with wide eyes.


Applejack quickly turned to the mirror and gasped at the sight of her in a wedding dress. It was as white as snow and, although they were fake, the light reflecting off the jewels made her dazzle like a star. She turned to Rainbow Dash and did her best to fake the flushing in her cheeks. “W-well?”

“... You look good,” said Rainbow Dash, coughing into her hoof. “You're gonna make somepony really happy on your wedding day.”

“Y-yeah...” muttered Applejack as she pawed her hoof on the floor. The two of them stayed silent before Applejack cleared her throat. “Ah’m gonna take this off now...”

“You do that,” said Dash.

Applejack rushed into the dressing room and nearly banged her head against the wall for acting so foolishly. She hadn’t even been on a date with Dash yet, much less confess, and already she was thinking about the two of them getting hitched. Although, thought Applejack with a dreamy smile, it’s not a bad fantasy when ya think about it.

“Hey, AJ! Come out here for a second!”

Snapping out of her daydream, Applejack quickly took off the outfit, and walked out only to stop dead at the sight of her crush. Rainbow Dash had a white cowpony hat of her own with brown spurred boots, a red bandana around her neck, and holster for a fake pistol on her side. Unlike the guns from the griffin kingdom, where guns originated from, pony pistols didn’t have guards so it made it easier for them to pull the trigger. Tipping her hat, Rainbow said, “Check it out! I’m Desperado Dash, fastest shooter in Equestria.”

“Oh, really?” asked Applejack. She saw a belt with its own fake gun and holster, and strapped it on. “Well, Ah’m Apex Applejack and Ah say Ah’m the fastest.”

Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes. “Looks likes there is only one way to settle that.”

“Ah agree.”

Grinning, the two got on their hind legs and stared at each other. Their fore hooves twitched by their side as both ponies held their breath. Counting to ten in their heads, the two quickly drew their pistols, but Rainbow Dash was quicker and pressed the trigger leading to the toy gun to give off a clicking noise.

Realizing she had lost, Applejack fell to her haunches and held her chest as if she was shot for real. “Augh! Ya got me partner... ya... got me...” Closing her eyes, Applejack fell to her side and lay still while Rainbow Dash put away her gun and smirked. A second later a loud gurgling noise came from her stomach which made Applejack break character and laugh. Looking up she grinned, “Looks like yer stomach is certainly desperate for somethin’.”

“Yeah, yeah. I could use some grub anyway,” said Dash as she looked over her costume. “You think I should buy this? I kind of like it.”

“Ah think it looks good on ya. Y’all should take it,” agreed Applejack.

“Sweet, I’m gonna go pay for it. Meet you outside,” said Rainbow Dash, making her way towards the cashier.

Applejack got up, and was about to make her way for the exit when she stopped. She turned to the wedding dress one last time and let a small smile stretched across her lips before continuing on.


After leaving the costume store, Rainbow Dash quickly dragged Applejack over to the food stands for some lunch. Feeling famished herself, the cowpony quickly settled for some cooked caramel corn, apple pie, fried mushrooms on a stick, and good old-fashioned apple cider. Rainbow Dash managed to get the same along with few more helpings that made Applejack joke about the pegasus getting fat, which earned her a quick blow to the shoulder.

“Pegasi have big metabolisms. All this stuff will be burned out thanks to my training program,” Rainbow Dash told her before diving head first into her own apple pie.

Sitting in the benching area, the two ate in silence, which only made Applejack more nervous. Ah should say somethin’, but what?

“So, Applejack,” asked Rainbow Dash, wiping her mouth clean with her hoof. “If all the other girls could have come along as well, which one of us would you have taken in the first place?”

“Well,” Applejack started to blush, “y’all were gonna be mah first pick if y’all were free.”

“Really? That’s pretty cool,” said Rainbow Dash, whose smile grew. “Any particular reason why?”

Now Applejack could feel the sweat coming down on her neck, and she was pretty sure it wasn’t from the sun high above. This was a good opportunity to say her feelings, but as she tried to speak, she felt her mouth suddenly dry up worse than the desert out of town. Taking her drink, she chugged the whole thing in one setting before gasping for air. Rainbow Dash, eying her with suspicion, asked. “Um, are you okay?”

“Y-yeah, just was mighty thirsty,” answered Applejack, lowering her hat to hide her flushed face. “W-well, the truth is... Ah... Ah... think of y’all as mah best friend.”

Dash’s eyes widened while Applejack nearly bit her tongue in frustration, but kept her poker face up. “Really? I’m your best friend?” asked Rainbow.

“Yeah, Ah mean, there ain’t no other pony Ah trust like yerself,” said Applejack, smiling. That wasn't a total lie at least. If there was any pony she would go to Tartarus and back with, it would be Rainbow Dash.

Now it was Dash’s turn to blush as she waved her hoof in the air. “Geez, you know how to make a mare blush, Applejack.” Rainbow sighed and nodded. “But I guess I can say the same for you. After all, you’re the only other pony that I think ‘gets’ me, you know? And I’m not talking about the fact were both athletes and always helping the ponies we care about...” Rainbow Dash stared at her mug of cider with a hint of sorrow. “But we also know what’s it’s like to both go through loss...”

It only took Applejack a second to realize what Rainbow Dash was talking about. and her thoughts turned to an event a few months ago...


Applejack couldn’t wait for apple bucking season to be over with. Despite loving her job on the farm, she couldn’t help but wish they had more hooves to help them out. The rest of her family was busy with their own farms, and while her friends had helped out occasionally, she couldn’t force them away from their real jobs all the time. Ain’t no use thinkin’ about it now, Applejack. Just got to get the work done, that’s all.

She moved to the next tree and proceeded to buck it only to hear a small scream as something—or somepony —fell from the branch. Quickly recognizing it as her usual suspect, Rainbow Dash, Applejack was ready to give her a stern talking, but stopped when she saw something she rarely ever saw on Dash’s face. Tears.

Fearing that she had hurt her best friend, Applejack quickly was at Dash’s side. “Rainbow, y’all okay?! Are ya hurt?! Do Ah need to get a first aid kit?!”

“Go away!” shouted Dash, pushing Applejack away. “J-just leave me alone!”

Although a bit frustrated by the sudden dismissal, it was washed away instantly the moment Applejack saw Dash’s eye looking at her. Although they were a different set of eyes than the ones she saw years ago, she could see, past the anger and the tearing, was a look she had seen in the eyes of her brother, her granny, and herself years ago. The look of loss.

Applejack quickly embraced a shocked Rainbow Dash and started comforting her. “It’s okay... just let it out, sugarcube. Just let it out.”

Rainbow stayed silent for a short time before tearing up again and unleashing her sorrow in a loud, bird-scattering cry. It tore Applejack up as she felt her crush lean on her shoulder, each tear dampening her coat. She couldn’t recall a time seeing Rainbow Dash cry like this before. Maybe a tear or two, but never like this. This only made Applejack hug tighter. She wasn’t going to leave Dash to suffer like this.

“He... he’s dead...” whispered Rainbow Dash, wheezing and choking. “My... my dad’s...”

“It’s okay, Rainbow,” whispered Applejack, interrupting her so she could breath. “It’s okay... Ah know this ain’t easy, but it’s gonna be alright...”

Growling, Rainbow Dash turned away from Applejack and pointed at her. “Oh yeah?! What makes you think you know any better?!” A second later she found herself under the harshest glare from Applejack that she ever quivered under. Not even Fluttershy’s stare could compare to it. Thankfully, Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened upon realizing what she said to whom and lowered her head in shame. “AJ... I’m so sorry... I didn’t... I...”

Closing her eyes, Applejack counted to ten and put her hoof on Dash’s shoulder. “It’s alright, it’s just the grief talkin’. Just tell me what happened.”

Taking deep breaths, Rainbow Dash slowly began to calm down before saying, “I... I got a letter from my mom this morning... Dad was walking home from his job when... he had a heart attack. Just... like that, and he was gone...” Dash wiped a tear from her eye while chuckling. “I told him he should have stopped eating so many hay fries....” Applejack leaned over and nuzzled the pegasus a bit before urging her to continue. “The... the funeral is in two days, but I can’t go, Applejack! I just can’t go there and say goodbye! It just hurts even thinking about him being d-dead, and I just... I just...”

Rainbow buried her face into her hooves and started to cry again, Applejack patting her on the back. “Rainbow, listen... yer father was a good stallion, right?”

“Yeah... he was... pretty awesome,” said Rainbow Dash, slowly smirking. “He would always take me to see the Wonderbolts whenever they were around. And when I was being bullied, he would always go to their parents and tell them to lay off or else. He was quite the intimidating guy if you could piss him off. He even paid for my house; how many fathers do that for their kids?” She looked up into the sky as if she was in some trance. “I just wish... he didn’t go so soon... I wanted him to see me become a Wonderbolt and be proud of me...”

“Sugarcube, Ah bet he was already proud of ya,” said Applejack, smiling. “Ah bet he’s watching ya right now with a big smile on his face. As his daughter, y’all need to show how much ya loved him by being there at his funeral, and say yer goodbyes to him. It’s what he would have wanted and Ah know, deep inside, ya want the same thing.”

Rainbow Dash continued to look at the sky for a long time before nodding. “Yeah... it would be pretty lame of me to not be there...” She nervously turned toward Applejack. “But... do you think you and the girls can come with me? I... I don’t want to sound weak or anything, but I would feel a lot better if...”

Applejack raised her hoof and shook her head with a smile. “Don’t ya fret about it, Rainbow. Ah’m sure the girls would want to come and give ya support.”

The two friends hugged each other as Applejack used her tail to wipe away Dash’s tears. She made an effort to let go, but Dash then said, “Can... can we stay like this? Just a bit longer?”

Applejack only smiled and complied.


Applejack placed a hoof over Dash’s shoulder as the latter drank the last of her cider and looked up at the sky. “I’m really glad you helped me that day,” said Dash with a small smile. “I don’t think anypony else could have helped me like you did.”

“Shucks, Ah was just bein’ a good friend,” said Applejack, scratching the back of her neck.

Rainbow Dash shook her head. “You weren’t being a good friend. You were being my best friend. And I’m glad that we get to hang out today. Honestly, I can’t think of anything better than this.”

“Even goin’ to see them Wonderbolts?” asked Applejack. To her surprise, Rainbow Dash nodded her head. “R-really?”

“Yup. I’d take hanging out with you over them.... on most days,” admitted Rainbow Dash, blushing.

Gulping, Applejack felt her heart flutter as she found a new interest in the ground. She didn’t think Rainbow Dash thought that highly of her, and it made her want to just kiss the pegasus right then and there. Taking off her hat, Applejack wiped the sweat from the brow and took a deep breath. Come on, AJ. This is the perfect time! Just gotta buck up and tell her already!”

“R-rainbow. The truth is...” Applejack stopped when Rainbow Dash held her hoof up, glaring directly across from them. Curious, Applejack turned to face the same way only to snarl. “Those three...”

The three jerks that had tried hitting on her at the booth were right across from them. Thankfully, their attention was on somepony else instead of her. However, her tune soon changed when she saw that they were bothering a couple of foals, a brother and sister by the looks of it, having the same red curly mane and orange coat. The brother was trying to reach for a balloon that Clove High was holding above him while his sister was trying to get him to stop.

Applejack now regretted her action of not kicking the cutie marks off those three earlier. Hitting on her was one thing, but bullying foals? That’s an all new low for these dirtbags. She turned to Rainbow Dash and saw that her friend was thinking the same thing, ears flat and wings flaring out. It wasn’t just Rainbow Dash either, but all of the ponies were looking ready to step in and stop this.

“Give me back mah balloon! Please!” begged the little colt, teary eyed.

“Aw, what’s the matter? Does the little baby want his toy back? Maybe he should say sorry for bumpin’ into me first,” sneered Clover High.

“Yeah, it’d be really bad for somethin’ to happen to the balloon, eh?” asked Shorty with a grin.

The sister growled at the three. “Y’all are nothin’ but a bunch of meany pants! Just give mah brother back his balloon!”

“Ah’ll give it back to him when the little brat apologizes,” said Clove High.

Turning to his bigger companion he pointed at the girl. “Crack-a-Barrel, tell this filly to shut her pie hole.”

Crack-a-Barrel nodded and leaned over the trembling filly, who was completely overcome by his shadow. “Uh, you should be quiet or else... uh, Crack-a-Barrel get really mad! Might squash little filly like bug!”

“Leave mah sister alone, ya creep!” shouted the brother, kicking Clove High in the hoof. The bully yipped in pain, letting go of the balloon as it floated up into the air, much to its owner’s horror. “Mah balloon! No!”

“Forget yer balloon!” growled Clove High, raising his hoof as the crowd gasped. A few getting off their seats to rush in and stop him. “Yer gonna have a lot more to worry abo—”. He didn’t get a chance to finish as Applejack’s rear hooves knocked him off his feet and into Crack-a-Barrel who fell down with his fellow troublemaker on top of him.

Applejack landed on all four hooves as a few gasped or applauded her actions. The brother, who had covered his face, quickly looked at Applejack like some kind of hero while she turned to him and smiled. “Alright there partner?”

“Y-yeah...” muttered the colt. “B-but mah balloon.”

Applejack merely pointed up and watch in fascination as Rainbow Dash flew up and grabbed the balloon, quickly bring it back down for the colt to take back. Rainbow Dash and Applejack both smiled as the two siblings hugged each other and thanked them. “No big deal. You guys just get out of here before things get even more ugly,” said Rainbow Dash. The two nodded and thanked their rescuers once more before taking off.

With one task out of the way, the two’s smiles were replaced with frowns as they turned to the trash before them. Shorty was helping Crack-a-Barrell and Clove High up, who were glaring at the two with looks that could kill. Applejack stepped forward and flared her nostrils. “Pickin’ on colts and fillies. What kind of stallions are ya?”

“Shut up,” muttered Clove High, cracking his jaw before giving Applejack a sickening grin. “If ya wanted to play rough, Ah would have suggested a pile of hay for us to use.”

It took all of Applejack’s effort to not throw up at the thought, and instead she just spat at the ground. Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow and asked, “You know this jerk?”

“Unfortunately,” mutter Applejack.

Shorty noticed Rainbow Dash and nodded to her. “Who's the pegasus with the freaky hair?”

“Haha!” laughed Crack-a-Barrel. “She look like that candy that Crack-a-Barrel likes!”

“Excuse me?!” shouted Rainbow Dash, flying towards the three and got in their faces. “First off, my hair is not freaky! Second, I’m Applejack’s friend, and right now I need a good reason not to buck you across the desert.”

“Easy, Rainbow,” said Applejack, pulling her back by her tail. “Ain’t no use gettin’ ganry over these clowns. Ain’t nothin’ but trouble.”

“Listen to the sexy pony, pegasus,” said Clove High. “Ya don’t want to mess with us. We’re not the kind of stallions who lose to anyone’. Especially to a filly like ya.”

“What did you say?!” shouted Rainbow Dash. A few of the other mares in the area were shouting their frustrations as well.

“Well, everypony knows that a stallion is much better then some mare. We’re tougher, stronger, and can outbeat any of ya in anythin’,” answered Clove High.

Rainbow Dash looked ready to tackle him when she suddenly calmed down and crossed her hooves. Applejack raised her eyebrow a bit at this sudden change, but upon seeing a sly grin decorating her friend’s face Applejack grew one of her own, and waited to see what Dash had planned. “So you think you ‘boys’ are better then us girls, huh? Well, I could just kick your butts, but I want to prove you wrong.” She pointed at them. “I challenge you three to three contests against me and Applejack. If we win, you take back what you said, and admit that girls are just as good as boys. If we lose, we’ll admit that you were right. So, you up for it?”

The three stallions huddled together and began to whisper. While doing so, Rainbow Dash turned to Applejack and asked, “You’re okay with this, right?”

“Ya kiddin’?” asked Applejack, holding her hoof out. “Ah’d love nothin’ more than to teach these here rotten apples some good old fashioned mare power.”

The two bumped hooves just as the three bullies broke up and nodded. “We agree,” they all said.

“Then it is on!” shouted Rainbow Dash as the crowd watching them cheered.


Allowing the ‘ladies’ to choose what contest they were going to do first, Rainbow Dash quickly ordered a bunch of barrels full of apple cider and two mugs. Her order was quickly delivered as Rainbow Dash smacked her lips at the sight of all that cider just waiting to be sipped.

“Ya sure yer not just doin’ this for a few free drinks?” asked Applejack suspiciously.

“Relax, AJ. Drinking all this awesome cider will not even come close to the taste of victory when we show those jerks who’s boss,” proclaimed Rainbow Dash, walking towards the bench where Clove High was sitting.

“About time, colors,” jeered Clove. “So what’s this so-called contest about?”

“Simple,” said Rainbow Dash as she sat down. She pointed at the two mugs between them. “We each take a mug full of cider and drink it. We keep doing this, cup by cup, until one of us can’t have anymore and gives up. The pony who doesn’t give up and drinks more cider wins.”

Clove High chuckled. “That’s fine by me, pretty lady. Just as long as y’all remember to puke on yer side when ya start losin’ yer lunch.”

One of the carriers of the barrels stepped up and levitated it with their magic, filling both cups. The two drinkers picked up their respective mugs, cheered, and drank. Finishing at the same time, they both slammed their cups on the table and asked for more. Applejack watched in fascination as time went on and neither pony budged. Barrel after barrel was tossed away, some as large as herself.

Ponies started taking bets to see who would last, or how many cups it would be ‘till they stopped. Eventually, fatigue began to show in both competitors as they tried to keep standing. Clove High was starting to look a bit green while his hooves were shaking. Rainbow Dash wasn’t faring any better as she moaned and rubbed her stomach, flinching occasionally as the odd noise, clearly not hunger, came from it.

The next two drinks were poured and Clove High tried to lift his up, but soon placed his hoof over his mouth. He stood up, looked around in a panic and spotted one of the empty barrels before diving right into it face first. Everypony nearby reeled back as the sound of his barfing echoed from inside the barrel. This only distracted Applejack for a short moment before she remembered Rainbow Dash was still in the contest. Turning around she saw, much to her glee, Dash finish the mug with one last gulp before wiping her mouth.

A loud burp escaped from her mouth to which she nervously rubbed the back of her head and said, “Excuse me, heh heh.”

The crowd erupted in an array of hoof stomps and clapping as Rainbow Dash bowed in triumph. Applejack rushed over and put her friend in a headlock much to the pegasus’s embarrassment. Rubbing her hoof on Dash’s skull, Applejack said, “Why ain’t ya full of surprises, Dash! Ah’ve never seen anypony drink so much in mah whole life! Not even Uncle Daniel could drink like that.”

“Eh, what can I say? Other than I’m awesome!” shouted Rainbow Dash, earning a few whoops and cheers from the crowd.

Applejack turned to where Clove High was still puking, supported by this friends who looked like they didn’t want to be there. The way he’s blowin’ chunks, Ah don’t blame ‘em.

“Looks like the first round is ours, sugarcube!” proclaimed Applejack, feeling the competitive spirit in her ready to roar out like a lion.

“Uh, that’s great and all,” said Rainbow Dash, nervously, “but can I find a bathroom first? I really need to pee.”


After a quick bathroom break, everypony was ready for the next round. Since they lost, the boys could choose the next round. It took them awhile, but they soon decided to go with an easy game of tug of war; on the condition that Dash couldn’t use her wings and it was two on two. The agreement was made and a long rope was brought with a bandana tied to the middle. Applejack and Rainbow Dash got on one side while Clove High and Crack-a-Barrel got on the other.

Although she wouldn’t admit it, Applejack was a bit nervous about Crack-a-Barrel who looked like he could give even Big Macintosh a run for his money in terms of pure strength. Her worries were soon erased when she felt the familiar brush of Dash’s soft wings press against her. Blushing, she turned around and saw Dash give her a smirk. “Relax, Applejack. Sure they got big, tall, and dumb over there, but both of us are top athletes. We should be fine.”

“Ah’d be lyin’ if Ah said Ah wasn’t nervous,” muttered Applejack, shaking her head. She quickly returned a smile of her own and nodded. “But that don’t mean Ah ain’t gonna give it mah all.”

“That’s the spirit! Now let’s do this!” shouted Rainbow Dash, taking front while Applejack took back.

The stallions got into position too, with Crack-a-Barrel flexing a few muscles for show. One of the audience members drew a line the sand and raised his front leg up. When he brought it back down, both sides pulled as hard as they could. The rope was dead middle in the sand, with neither side giving in. Applejack grit her teeth and put her back into it. Time passed and neither side could budge.

Applejack could feel every muscle she had screaming in pain, but the thought of seeing a depressed and disappointed Rainbow Dash only gave her the drive to keep holding on. Slowly, but surely, the bandana began to move in their direction and the boys were struggling to keep their hooves on the ground. The sight of them struggling only made Applejack pull harder, sure of their victory. At least until a rock suddenly hit her square on the face and caused her to lose her grip.

Without her partner to help her out, Rainbow Dash was pulled across the mud, taking Applejack with her as they fell face first into the mud. The crowd groaned in in disappointment as Clover High and Crack-a-Barrell high hoofed it, and sneered in their victory. Rainbow Dash got up and shook the mud off herself before helping Applejack back on her hooves.

“What the hay happened?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Somethin’ hit me in the face, a rock Ah think,” answered Applejack, rubbing the bump on her noggin. She glared at the third member of their opposition, Shorty, sneak from outside the crowd and got a slap on the back from Clover High, winking at him. “And Ah have a sneaky suspicion on who threw it.”

Rainbow Dash followed her gaze and growled. “What?! Those jerks are so dead!”

“Steady now, sugarcube,” said Applejack, holding her foreleg out. Rainbow Dash was ready to protest until she saw the grin on her best friend’s face. “We still got one more contest to do and Ah this one Ah’m sure to win.”


A few ponies in the following crowd had started whispering about the choice Applejack made for their final contest to end the tie. While they had no doubts about her athletic prowess or her strength, they couldn’t help but think the high striker game was out of her league. The only one who didn’t seem worried was Rainbow Dash, much to Applejack’s gratefulness. Clover High, carrying his usual arrogant smirk, trotted over to Applejack and nodded to the high striker. “This is the final test? Are yer sure? Crack-a-Barrel can go head to head with a buffalo and still come out on top.”

“Ah’m sure,” answered Applejack, relaxed, yet with determination in her eyes.

Clover High chuckled. “Whatever. Yer loss.”

He turned to Shorty, who was massaging Crack-a-Barrel’s shoulder, and nodded. Shorty gave his big friend a slap on the rear. Crack-a-Barrel walked over to the High Striker and stretched his muscles a bit before turning around, rear facing the bulls-eye. With one quick and powerful kick he nailed the target right in the center and sent the weight flying into the air. A satisfying ‘ding’ was heard from the bell as Crack-a-Barrel smugly bowed.

A few ponies clapped, but most were focused on Applejack, who didn’t look fazed. Her competitors stepped back, and she was about to step up when Rainbow Dash put her hoof on the shoulder. “You got this?” asked Rainbow Dash in a serious tone.

“Do ya trust me?” asked Applejack.

“With my life,” answered Rainbow Dash, smiling.

Fighting down a blush, Applejack walked towards the striker and took a deep breath. Confidence building, she turned around and closed her eyes, blocking all sounds around her. The sounds of the festival and voices of its occupants soon became whispers, and then were silent as Applejack found herself in a black void. That void was soon replaced by the smell, look, and feel of Sweet Apple Acres apple tree orchid.

There was no high striker, there was only another apple tree that need a good old fashioned bucking. Taking another deep breath, Applejack reared her legs back and kicked as hard as she good. Opening her eyes, she looked upward and saw the weight zip up faster than anypony could see as it hit the bell and knocked it clean off its pole. Everypony gasped as the bell sailed straight up into the air for a while before coming down; specifically at three stunned bullies.

Clover High and Shorty managed to come to their senses and jump out of the way, but Crack-a-Barrel was too late, and the bell fell right on his rear right hoof. The poor stallion screamed and hollered, hopping up and down while cradling his injured limb in pain. It was clear who the winner was, and everypony let out a big cheer. Hats were thrown in the air as ponies ran over and shook hooves with Applejack, especially the mares who were proud to witness somepony win one for their side.

Rainbow Dash was cheering the loudest as she flew over and hugged Applejack, resulting in the latter turning red upon feeling their coats touch. She felt like she would melt into Dash’s legs in a state of bliss.

“Alright, Applejack! You were all like ‘bam,’ and then the bell was all ‘ding’ and then ‘woosh’ and woah!” shouted Rainbow Dash, making Applejack momentarily think she was being congratulated by Pinkie Pie.

“Shucks, Dashie, that was no harder than knockin’ apples back at the farm!” chuckled Applejack.

Rainbow Dash blinked as she raised an eyebrow. “Did... did you just call me Dashie?”

Applejack’s eyes widened as it took her a second to realize that she did say that. “Ah.. ah...”


The two of them turned around as Clover High stomped towards them, nostrils flaring. “Y’all think yer somethin’, huh? Well, let me tell ya this ain’t over! Ah’m gonna make both y’all pay for humiliatin’ us!”

“Take yer loss like a stallion, and apologize for yer comment from earlier, now!” demanded Applejack, standing her ground.

“Ah ain’t gonna apologize to some outsider and her stupid pegasus friend! Y’all can go straight to tartaugh!”

Applejack and Rainbow Dash jumped back as a whip wrapped itself around Clover High’s neck and dragged him backwards. He landed on his side with a loud thump, but before he could get up, a brown boot suddenly forced his head back on the ground. Everypony in the crowd soon got quiet as Applejack stared at the newcomer.

He was as green as a snake, and his messy black hair covered the left side of his face; his right side was horribly scarred, and his eye held a cold glare that made Applejack’s spine shiver. A black hat decorated his head with a small rattlesnake skull stitched in front while he wore a black vest that was torn up a bit. His boots were covered by brown hooves with spurs on the edge, one of which was dangerously close to Clove High’s cheeks. His cutie mark was a spade symbol surrounded by a green and yellow snake that had sharp teeth and piercing eyes.

“M-m-mister McShady!” shouted Clove High, eyes widening. The spooked stallion was so rattled that Applejack thought he was gonna wet himself. “Ah... Ah was just...”

“Clove, why aren’t you and yer friends helpin’ the others get ready for the rodeo?” ask McShady with a darkening tone.


“Ah wondered, ‘where in Equestria are three of mah workers?’ Well, Ah heard a few things, Clove. Things Ah didn’t like.” He lowered his face until the two were snout to snout. “Botherin’ foals? Messin’ with mares? Makin’ yerself look like a bunch of idiots? That last one Ah could overlook, but that the other two? Ah ain’t happy at all...”

He growled, reminding Applejack of the timberwolves back home, as he got off of Clove High and turned to the Crack-a-Barrel and Shorty, equally cowering in fear. “Y’all get back to the rodeo! It starts in three hours, and if none of ya are back there in ten minutes, Ah’ll cattle pod all three of yer hides! Now move!”

The three quickly got off their haunches and started galloping away, knocking anypony who was in there way. All attention turned to McShady who looked around, noticing the nervous or distrustful looks aimed towards him. He scoffed before heading over to Applejack and Rainbow Dash, the latter of which took a step forward in defense.

To both their surprise, he tipped his hat. “Mah apologies if mah workers caused y’all trouble. Ah’ll see that they’re disciplined later.”

“T-thanks,” said Applejack, trying to avoid his uneasy gaze.

To her misfortune, he looked straight at her and started eying her up. He nodded his head. “Saw that kick of yer’s. Nice work. Yer an Apple, right?”

“Y-yeah. From Ponyville.”

“Hmmm. Not bad,” said McShady before turning around and started walking back the way he came.

Seeing the contest over, the crowd started to break apart to enjoy the rest of the festival, some coming by and congratulating the girls once again on a job well done. When they were finally alone, Rainbow Dash shivered. “Did that guy give you the creeps or what?”

“Yeah...” muttered Applejack.

Before they could plan on what to do next, they heard somepony call their names out. The pony in question turned out to be Gold Gallon from earlier, shouting as he galloped towards them. “Ya girls gotta come quick! We got trouble at the farm!”

Author's Note:

And that's act 2! I hope this fic wins the contest. Act 3 will come by sometime in the coming month. See ya and be sure to comment your thoughts, good or bad.