• Published 28th Jul 2013
  • 1,961 Views, 51 Comments

Strangers in a familiar world - iMan203

High school brony is warped through a simulator into another dimension with friends to follow. A simple experiment turns into an epic adventure only available in the world of Equestria!

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Final Preparations

I had spent half of my time in the last week missing from the action due to myself spending more time with the dragons. I wanted to learn everything I could about myself and the ancient power that I wield. I absorbed everything that I was told for the last week, trying my hardest to become stronger from it. I wanted to be at my best when this war comes to a breaking point. Everypony else had been preparing through physical training and combat training. Each soldier was being prepared to react in every situation that would most likely occur in this battle. Word got out about this war, and more warriors have shown up to assist in the cause. A mercenary brigade of Pegasi showed up with a number of griffins to assist in the cause. Usually mercenary groups required pay, but they were signing up as soldiers, not mercenaries. Dragons across Equestria had been preparing for battle by doing nothing out of the usual. The winged beasts were prepared for anything at any time. After seeing the army we've raised, I hadn't a clue how the goblins were going to be able to fight back, no matter how strong they were.

I had returned the final day of that week to spend time in Ponyville with the ones I've come to love, but there something wasn't exactly right about me when I returned. Everypony had agreed on the change, but couldn't exactly figure what it was. After a while if stares and thoughts, Glimmer noticed my legs had become longer and more jointed at the knees. Silver Dust swore my tail was becoming thicker and longer, and Tiki thought my ears where becoming longer and more pointy. Twilight noticed my smile, and how my teeth were actually more jagged and pointed than usual. When I opened my mouth for further inspection, Twilight had jumped back in horror at my tri-forked tongue. The Eldest dragon had earlier explained that dragon blood was the richest and hardiest blood type in Equestria. It had many amazing properties, but the most intriguing was the ability to take over and uphold, say, a pony if enough was present within the body. The effects would be strange as expected. As the blood takes control of the body the features will change and the pony will become stronger overall. This never actually happened before, and since I wasn't any regular dragon, I was an all-powerful dragon lord, things became extremely confusing. The eldest dragon told me not to worry, and that when I was ready, my true power will take form and I will know everything I wanted to know.


A messenger had been sent by Blunt Will to deliver the place and time the battle will take place. At first I refused, thinking it would be a trap, but Glimmer, Twilight, and the eldest dragon had explained to me that Blunt was a goblin of honor, despite his evil intentions. Everypony had been given one day of break to enjoy themselves before we went to battle.

Bronze Hammer awoke in bed early that morning on the final day. Applejack was at his side, pressed against him under the sheets of her bed. They were both on sweet apple acres spending one last day together. Applejack insisted on Bronze staying here, she didn't want to lose somepony so close to her.

"Ah just don't want ya to go out there and get hurt, or die!" Applejack yelled.

"Ah'm not gonna get hurt, maybe a few scratches, that's it." Bronze protested.

"But what if ya slip? What if one bad thing happens? If you go and die, then ah'll die too. Losing you will hurt me more than anythin'." A tear running down AJ's cheek.

"Ah haven't had anypony like you before... Not a special somepony that's been so close to me..." Applejack whimpered.

"That's why ah won't mess up, nothin' will hurt me 'cause nothin' will hurt you. Ah won't allow it to happen." Bronze said, wrapping Applejack in his arms.

"Ah want all of ya to come back. Don't get hurt too badly out there." Applejack sniffled.

"Ah'll be fightin' for you. Nothin' will touch me 'cause I won't let them through to hurt you." Bronze comforted Applejack.

"Alright, lets go eat somethin' and spend our last day together." Applejack smiled.

"It won't be our last day, just for a while now." Bronze corrected.

"Whatever, ah just want this day for you and me." Applejack hugged Bronze and went downstairs.

The two lovers sat at the kitchen table in the early morning, having leftover apple pie from last night's dessert. Nopony else was up, it was just breaking dawn outside. The sun couldn't be seen, but the glow was just shining over the horizon. Neither of the country ponies had planned their day events until now on short notice, they had no idea what to do for today. Bronze suggested a relaxing walk through the orchard for the day, nothing more. Applejack liked the idea of not stressing over a real date, so it was agreed on.

After a slow morning of waking up to apple pie and a glass of milk, the two ponies started off out the back door to the orchard. Both ponies knew that this wasn't just going to be a walk, there was more to it. Both AJ and Bronze walked through the orchard on the main trail while the sun rose across the land. After a bit of walking, both ponies started into a trot, which lead to a gallop. They were soon racing through the orchard, not caring where they went or which side trails they took, they just ran with each other. They each took turns taking lead, meaning whoever was faster made the turns. After about ten minutes of galloping through the orchard, they both ended up on a small hill looking over the orchard, with a large single apple tree on the hill. It was an amazing viewpoint, looking over the land for miles, even the estate and barn could be seen from there. The sun had now risen and was low in the sky. The light was sensationally warm and wonderful from the hill. The two lovers laid there for a while, in each others presence, taking in the view. After waiting long enough, Bronze inevitably made a move. He inched closer to Applejack, bringing her into his grasp. As single reach of the hoof turned into cuddling, cuddling turned into kissing, and kissing turned into foreplay. Applejack stopped Bronze there since they were on an open hill in the middle of the orchard, out in the open.

"Ah know we're out here in the open, but who's gonna guess what we're doin' from all the way out there?" Bronze smirked.

"Uh, Big Mac." Applejack said flatly.

"Point taken, but at least ah still have you here, we can do anythin' else." Bronze said.

"That cuddlin' part was mighty fine, it is a bit chilly out." Applejack blushed.

"Besides the dragons and all, it was pretty dang cold out last night." Bronze smiled and pulled Applejack closer to him.

"Ah'm gonna miss you, ya know. We don't know how long this battle might last." Applejack frowned.

"Well, guessin' by all the soldiers we have, and Ironclad himself, it could last for a couple hours minimum." Bronze estimated.

"Yeah, or it'll be a tough fight and y'all might be out there for days, or weeks." Applejack thought.

"True, but at least they won't be here." Bronze said.

"Just be safe out there, ah want to see you again. In one piece." Applejack said.

As time passed, Applejack and Bronze had sat on the hill watching the sun rise, just being with each other, making the most of their last date for a while. There was a bit more kissing as the sun started to rise high in the sky when a great shadow creeped overhead the two ponies. A large, red dragon had landed on the other side of the hill, the only bare patch of the orchard.

"Bronze Hammer, your presence is requested at the Ponyville barracks. The time has come." The dragon bellowed, "I will allow you time to say your goodbyes to your marefriend."

"It'll only take a minute." Bronze said, bringing Applejack into his grasp, pressing her against his chest.

"It's time for me to leave. I'll be back as soon as possible." Bronze whispered in Applejack's presence.

"Ah can wait a few weeks. It'll hurt, but not as much as losing y'all to the battlefield." Applejack said once again.

"Ah won't fall to anything. You'll be the first sight ah see when ah return." Bronze said.

Applejack's eyes started to tear up as Bronze Hammer was picked up by the massive dragon. He only wished he could've been there to hold her more, but the time had come to end it all and protect Equestria. Applejack went back to the orchard to begin her daily chores, but the rest of her family insisted on taking a break from everything when they learned about some of the morning's events.


Tiki had woken up that morning fairly early, plenty of time to enjoy with Rarity and Fluttershy at the Ponyville spa. Since everypony was given a day to enjoy themselves before the goblin war, he might as well spend it with the ponies he's come to know. It only took a few minutes to fly to Rarity's boutique. Tiki had become a much stronger flyer than when we had first entered Equestria, which would come in handy on the battlefield. The red Pegasus approached the front door of the boutique and proceeded to knock. It took about a minute before Rarity could answer the door, as she had just woken up. Tiki was invited in for breakfast and to prepare for their regular spa day.

"Darling, I'm going to miss you so much when you leave!" Rarity said.

"I know, it's gonna be tough out there, but somepony has to do it." Tiki replied.

"Do come back in one piece now, won't you?" Rarity said worriedly.

"Of course I will, nothing is going to sneak up on me, especially since goblins can't fly." Tiki chuckled.

"Yes, you're right, I suppose... But I do worry about you sometimes, you aren't exactly the most careful pony around." Rarity diverted her eyes from Tiki.

"Damn straight, nopony knows me like you, we've spent so much time working together, it's insane." Tiki said, drinking his cup of tea.

"Yes, it's true! The only person who would come close to our knowledge would be Fluttershy, after spending every morning at the spa with her for years now." Rarity said.

"Speaking of Fluttershy, when should we leave for the spa?" Tiki asked.

"Well, we have about five minutes until our appointment... So probably right now!" Rarity began to rush.

"Alright, lets get outta here! Wouldn't want to keep Fluttershy waiting, she might kick our flanks for being so rude!" Tiki laughed as the two bolted out of the door.

It was a perfectly rushed trot down the road to the spa. Rarity and Tiki had arrived five minutes later on the dot. Fluttershy had been waiting for about a minute when the two walked into the main room. Once the three ponies were present they were all treated with the usual. Nothing had really changed, relaxing and gossip, except the gossip got a bit more interesting than usual.

"So you'll be gone after today?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah, I'll be back in one piece though, don't worry!" Tiki said, dipping into the hot tub.

"I certainly have full confidence in your abilities, darling! It's too bad I couldn't see you in action as much as I would like to." Rarity said flatteringly.

"You've showed up to plenty of our training sessions. The last few weeks were more of me instructing than actual training, but it might be good to keep it at that." Tiki said.

"I know... War isn't a game, it can be really brutal sometimes, it isn't just a show for us to watch..." Fluttershy said.

"Of course not! But I would come along for just a day to cheer you on in your battle if I could." Rarity said.

"It would be very scary... What if something went wrong? What if Tiki was killed? You wouldn't want to witness that..." Fluttershy said with an uncomfortable look.

"Nah, it's alright, I'm not gonna mess up, I'll be too busy kicking flank to mess up." Tiki said boastfully.

"Well, there's probably something you should know before you leave... Just incase you don't come back..." Fluttershy said, glaring at Rarity.

"Oh, Fluttershy, darling, you aren't serious are you?" Rarity looked at Fluttershy nervously.

"I'm very serious. Tiki needs to know, whether you tell him or I do myself..." Fluttershy said bravely.

"I have a slight feeling where this is going... You might as well spill it now." Tiki said.

"Well it's just..." Rarity was cut off.

"Rarity has a crush on you, she really likes you." Fluttershy burst out, rather silently.

"Of course, I knew that. I just didn't get how much, please continue." Tiki said, quite amused at what was happening right now.

"Well, you see... Rarity really started to like you when you two started working with each other... She totally fell for you after about ten days." Fluttershy explained.

"That's interesting. Please, go on." Tiki smiled.

"Well, I think you two would be a sweet couple, your personalities match each other in such a unique way... They aren't the same or complete opposites, one just complements the other in different ways." Fluttershy kept talking.

"You're right, now that I think of it." Tiki said.

"Well, maybe you should talk to Rarity, if you feel the similar about this..." Fluttershy looked at Rarity, who was submerged all the way down to her muzzle in the hot, bubbly water.

"Well, I mean, if she doesn't want things to really change between us, that's cool." Tiki glanced towards Rarity and smirked.

"Oh no, but I wouldn't mind one bit!" Rarity burst out, blushing a deep pink afterwards.

"Well then, I guess things will have to change a bit when I get back, for the better." Tiki smiled and dipped his head in the warm water.

The rest of the spa day went by smoothly. Rarity was much more relaxed than expected, and Tiki hadn't changed a bit. Of course, every relation starts somewhere. Both ponies holding a hoof in the hot tub, sharing a mud bath, and a small kiss at the end. Fluttershy was happier than both of them that such a relationship was turning out so perfectly. The fact that her shy outburst had caused such happiness made her just as happy. Later in the afternoon, the spa treatment had ended and each pony had left for home. Tiki had walked back to the boutique with Rarity under his wing, and Fluttershy flew home to her cottage for a quiet lunch. As the two ponies approached the boutique, a massive dragon had landed outside the back of the shop, in the only open spot in the area.

"Tiki, the time has come. Return to the barracks shortly and we can begin the final preparations." The dragon bellowed.

"Of course, I'll be down in a short bit, I have one more thing to take care of." Tiki said.

"As you wish, but do not keep us waiting too long." The dragon said, flying off to the barracks.

"I'll be back. Things will be different. Life will be good." Tiki said.

"Please, don't get hurt too badly. After all that has happened today, I wish to see you once again!" Rarity said dramatically in Tiki's arms.

"Anything is better than seeing you enslaved by goblins." Tiki said gravely.

At that, Tiki sped off to the barracks, after sharing one final kiss goodbye with his new special somepony. He had a new determination to fight. He was inspired to fight for something special, so that he could return to see her once again.


Everypony was gathered outside of the barracks in the fields behind the house. There were hundreds of soldiers, with dragons circling in the distance. Everything was ready for battle, we just had to move out. Everypony was to meet in the barren fields in front of the mountains of the east. It was about a days hike to the battleground, we would be there by sunrise tomorrow, everypony was well rested and ready to fight, even after a night of travel. Dragons did not need rest or sleep, and had the integrity to fight for weeks on end without rest, they were a powerful bunch of warriors. Anypony who started to become exhausted throughout the night were offered a ride by any of the dragons traveling by land with the group. I was about to deliver an inspirational speech, but was told by one of the dragons to wait until we met with the rest of the army. I wondered why our ranks were a bit thin, I hadn't been informed about another part of the army waiting in the fields. We had marched out and began our trek to the east field to meet with the rest of the soldiers. Ponies lined the streets to say their goodbyes and to wish us luck. Fillies and colts lined the streets as if it were a parade, awing at the sight of such sights. We continued walking, not disturbed by the crowd. The cobblestone road soon turned to dirt as we left the town's edge. The path lead over a small hill overlooking the flat pasture. As I moved over the hill and looked over the pasture, the sight took my breath away from me.

In the pasture was an army, a true army. Thousands of soldiers, all ready for battle could be seen for miles. Pegasi and griffins could be seen dotting the clouds and hundreds of dragons circled overhead, breathing blasts of raging fire through the sky, showing their excitement of the moment. As my group came over the hill, a roaring cheer filled the valley, echoing across Equestria. This day would surely go down in history. I had no time or courage for a speech in front of such a crowd, so I only had few words to speak. I let my magic assist my voice through the valley.

"Tomorrow! Tomorrow we fight for Equestria! The land that belongs to us all!" I had yelled through the valley.

A roar of cheer swept the valley and I took charge of the march to the barren battlefield. It took a while, but my best men, also the leaders of different sections, Tiki, Silver Dust, and Bronze Hammer, had taken point at the front of the army with myself. We marched into the distance, the Everfree forest lining the path to the right of us, coming closer with each mile we travel. This would soon come to a wall at the barren land, where the enemy would most likely swarm from and engage in the battle of the century. We were prepared. We were ready to die for the peace of this land. I've come so far with my closest friends in a land we've come to love more than our original homes, we were ready to preserve the peace at all costs. The only thing that worries me is Glimmer. The purple pony had insisted on spy duty the day before the fight and would meet up with the rest of us along the battlefield. I pray she show up on our side.