• Published 21st Feb 2012
  • 1,696 Views, 35 Comments

Everything Ends... - Harold_Genhi

Octavia is alive. Her relationship with Vinyl has blossomed, but something still remains.

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Chapter 6: Depravity

Just as the last memory flashed in front of my eyes, another rises out in quick succession, pulling the breath out of my non-existent lungs. Living two lives, seeing two different areas of time through two different eyes were taking its toll on me. I just wanted to sleep instead of being dragged into these memories. Equally as they annoyed me, they enthralled me. Eyn’s actions in the present only caused me to know what he was planning. It had to be one of the most intricate revenge plots if he started it one thousand years ago. Even the fact that he was still supportive of the royal princesses despite having everything taken from him, seemed odd, but the strange clicks in his personality were growing more frequent.

Eyn walked through the dismal streets of the lower city, apparently the slums. The rain cast a heavy shroud over his surroundings as the dark brown cloak protected his fur from it. He turned just enough to the side small trinket shop’s glass window, showing me his reflection. The brown cloak was the one that I saw him wearing in the woods, though this appeared far newer and didn’t have any holes in it. He stared at the glass, his breath heavy with tears or exhaustion. He turned slowly pulling his flank into view.

I quickly began to feel the searing pain coursing through his body as he stared at his cutie mark, one that wasn’t the yin yang of the present, but two concentric circles. Focus rings, some of the girls down at the spa would draw them and try to push a meditative relaxation method to calm me before my concerts. I preferred to just slide the bow across each individual strings, letting their voices resonate with my nerves, softly bringing them down to a calm.

His cutie mark pulsed and glowed with a white light. Eyn cringed and swayed as he tried to hold his balance amid the growing pain. Tears filled his eyes. he cringed and lost his footing on his front legs. He fell into a puddle. The cold rainwater soothed his body only briefly before he rolled onto his back and kicked into the air. His pain was unbearable, stealing my breath and making my heart cringe and cry out. He screamed as I screamed at the pain. Through the tears I saw the center circle pulse and begin to split, one white and the other black.

“Eyn… If you can’t do what needs to be done then I will do it for you.” A voice within Eyn’s head growled.

“No. I won’t hurt anyone.” Eyn cringed and cried as he watched two sides of the small circles change colors.

The white circle was surrounded by darkness just as the dark circle was encircled by white. His head fell into the puddle, obscuring his view from his changing cutie mark.

“You have to fight for your power.” The voice spoke.

“No fighting. I’ll fix it. It’ll work out.” Eyn spoke.

“Celestia took her away from you.”


“She’s a princess and you are commoner. She took her away.”

“Shut up!” Eyn looked back at his flank as it turned and pulsed between light and dark.

“Your beloved Luna…” It spoke in a soft whisper against his ear.

“Shut up!” An explosion of power pulsed from Eyn, dissolving the hanging sign and part of the wall.

Red sparks began to shoot from his horn and eyes.

“You want to kill her…” The voice continued.

“Never!” Another wave of force hit him.

“Let me in…”

Eyn shot a wall of force all around him, halting the sound of water around him and rattling the walls of the abandoned buildings around him. He fell to his knees just as a crash of rain fell onto his shoulders, his head slumped and his breathing heavy. Small red sparks cracked on the outside edges of his cloak before they fizzled out in a small pop. The fallen prince raised his head as he coughed as if he had been drowning. He stared down into the puddle, tears falling from his face as a darker liquid began to drip into the water.

A flash of lightning lit the water just enough to see the red tint of blood and his reflection. Lines of blood had started to run from the base of his horn. Equally, I saw the blood draining from his eyes as he fell into the puddle, a wave of sickness filling him. Dark shadows danced in front of his face as he turned his attention up to their source. A dark shape stood over him, yellow glowing eyes glaring down at him. A menacing force emanated from the darkness swirling around the strange shape.

“Impressive…” Came a soft mare’s voice from the dark shape above him.

“Wh… who are you?” Eyn mustered through his bouts of weakness and sickness.

“Quorra. You may know me as the Element of Corruption, for you were the one who saw my creation when you unlocked the secrets of Friendship magic. A potent force not meant for no single pony, no. Instead it is split between harmonic fields of six subsections. You were Kindness my fallen princess.” The dark pony explained.

“Why are you telling me this?” Eyn whispered.

“I have a great deal of respect for you Eyn Spyyr of the Northern Fields, though you are not my topic of interest. I am interested in the one called Starswirl the Bearded.” Quorra responded, not menacingly, but curiously.

“You sound like him…” Eyn breathed heavily, coughing up more blood.

“And you sound quite the opposite of Cruel.” Quorra turned away, but looked back toward Eyn, her eyes rising in curiosity. “Far better looking as well.” She looked around the alleyway at the damage created before walking up to Eyn, a soft glow of black magic forming around her and lifting Eyn up to his feet. She stared into his eyes, inches from his face. “I wonder…” Before Eyn could question her motives, her lips pressed against his. It felt as if the life was draining from him, but at the same time he saw the darkness moving away from the strange creature’s face revealing a soft blue-green shade of color before she snapped back, retreating back into the darkness.

“What do you look like under that darkness?” Eyn questioned.

“A mystery that even this mare will never know.” She nodded as she stepped back into the darkness. “But maybe an alicorn like yourself will one day know. Starswirl will know more than any other.” She faded from view just as the voices of others filled the alleyway. Eyn fell back from the puddle as the magic vanished around him. He collapsed and tried to stand, but the lights in his eyes flickered and faded before falling dim.

I woke up with the view of the spa coming into view. My hoof hits the ground just on the other side of the curtain from the back as the others wave me over. I throw them a disarming smile as I flash my completely healed flank at them. I am greeted with cheers and Vinyl waving me over to the hot tub.

“Wow! That fast, eh?” She speaks, kicking her hooves in the water as foil is wrapped into her hair.

“Yeah… She whipped up a strange concoction like bath thing, did some strange unicorn magic and this was the result.” I say.

“Dang, impressive. I get to have metal put into my hair before I get the good ol’ electro hair treatment.” Vinyl smiles from behind her sunglasses.

“Are you ready, Ms. Scratch?” The spa girl asks.

“As ready as I always am.” She smiles.

The spa worker’s horn glows as she hits Vinyl’s head with bolt of electrical magic, the edges standing up on end before the foil fell off. The blue and light blue had reached a brighter apex of glory, and the familiar electrical spike returned.

“Ah… That feels so much better.” Ten bits rises from the water and is exchanged to the spa worker. “Your usual tip. I will put in a good word for you to management.”

“You are the greatest, Ms. Scratch.” She smiles as she moves onto the next client.

“I always wondered how you got that electric flow into your hair.” I mention, easing my way into the soothing waters of the hot tub. “This feels wonderful.” I didn’t want to admit that my flanks were burning and the hot water had soothed the pain from them.

“I don’t think Eyn wants to murder the princesses.” I hush my voice.

“Why is that?” She asks, leaning in toward me.

“I don’t know. He had a struggle back when he was young with some strange forces. One of them is Quorra and she called another Cruel. Something is going on with Eyn and that cutie mark of his.”

“The yin yang? I thought it had to do with his power to give and take inspiration.”

“I now believe it has to do with something more, something to do with like an anti-force to the Elements of Harmony.” I say.

“You are sounding like a class a detective, Tavi. You learned all of this when you do that… memory viewing thing?” She asks, thinking about it briefly though she doesn’t appear too interested in my ideas.

“This is important, Vinyl.”

“Will this help thwart his evil plans or is it more of a reason for us to feel sorry for him.” Vinyl passes off gruffly. “I think he is trying to trick you just as he tried to trick you with that fake death. He is feeding you information, Octavia. He is manipulative and tricky. I’ve already sent a letter to Celestia asking for more security for our concert. She has promised to increase the guard.”

“How did you manage that?” More is flying through my head at her strange ability to request things of from Celestia.

“I mentioned that my special effects can get a bit crazy and I might need to guards to contain any fires that might form from electrical overflow and the pyrotechnics. It managed to nail me a few more guards just in case Eyn decides to pull some of his crap with Celestia. I won’t let him ruin my concert.”

“Isn’t it our concert?” I ask, almost hurt by her selfishness.

“Yes. Our concert. I’m sorry, Octavia… It was a bad slip of the tongue. Won’t happen again.” She wipes her hoof across the air above her as if she is spelling it out.

Eyn’s voice fills my head as he speaks. “Don’t you see, Octavia, she is already being taken over by the Element of Selfishness, the Element that took Luna away from me. This is the evil that I want to stop. This is the evil I want to annihilate during your concert. I just want to redeem myself after all of these years in exile.”

I stare at Vinyl. She still held a place in my heart, but her disregard had driven a small wedge between us. I don’t think that my love for her would have been thwarted by a little distrust for the truth of both of their words rang true. How can I trust Eyn? Is the Element of Selfishness controlling Vinyl? It appears that both sides are true, both sides of a complicated spinning coin with no surface to land on.

I am lost in a world of questions and no answers to them. Eyn has only grown more mysterious with his strange ways of harming me, yet apologizing for it. Equally the act of harming me and then curing me only made my head throb with annoyance and consternation. How could he do all of this with a sane mind? He is doing things at random, from testing the locks on the castle door, to carving his symbol into my side only to heal it later on. I want to shove my hooves into my eyes and groan myself to a calmer state and just enjoy the soothing heat of the water around me. I hum my song, no; I hum Eyn’s song.

Equally as I have been viewing his memories like an unwanted witness, other memories had slipped through giving me the insight into the origins of the song. It isn’t necessarily Eyn’s song, but it is The Song of the North, an anthem played among only the northern ponies. Given the information of the war, many if not all of the northern ponies were killed during the war, save for Eyn Spyyr. Those that did live had forgotten the song, slipping the northern culture behind a veil, lost to the modern age I live in today. He wants to bring back the song, tell Equestria that the north isn’t lost, or something like that. My thoughts churn and try to draw connections, but none are made. I groan in my discontent.

He only gives more questions, but barely provides any answers. I know he is secretive, and I know he is planning something big at my concert, but there wasn’t enough to go by. I couldn’t rightly cancel it, considering it wasn’t even I who set it up. The princess, Princess Celestia at that, obligated me to perform this concert. I even questioned the occasion in which this concert was celebrating. In the grand scheme of this event, my participation was minor. Music would be my contribution, possibly some side conversation and social gossiping, but I didn’t hold importance to the royal sisters. The guards have a more important role than this brown mare.

Sighing, I lean back more, letting the sounds of fire and explosions fill my head as I descended once more into Eyn’s mind.

Eyn frantically looked around as the collection of fires crackled beside him. His heart raced as overhead fireballs crashed and exploded into the buildings. With various flashes, the sky was lit just enough to reveal formation of griffin warriors, flying over the walls. Equally the clash of the royal pegasus guard struck into them. Small dark spots fell from the sky, sometimes causing a dull thud heard amid the din of war. Bodies striking the ground, the last bit of air falling from their chests when they only had broken wings, but their heart still beat. Those sickening thuds filled Eyn’s heart as he closed his eyes, tears forming and quickly falling to the ground. The sound of the falling bodies was the noise his tears made. His eyes snapped open as the sound of screaming mares and fillies filled his ears. It was just like the north.

His heart fluttered briefly before a pack of griffins landed in front of him, sneering and laughing as they pulled their barbed axes and swords into position.

“There’s the fallen royal colt. Wandering the streets after your so called friend betrayed you?” The group laughed. “You’ve been summoned by the King of the Griffins to partake in a peace treaty where he promises your kingdom to be returned to you at the price of this kingdom.” He sneered.

Eyn stared at them blankly, his heart aching and his mind racing with blank random thoughts. The thought of getting his kingdom back filled his heart. It filled his heart until the realization of the cruelty enacted by the griffins returned.

“You killed all of my people…” Eyn whispered. The thought of his kingdom returning slowly gave way to a wall of rage and desires for revenge.

“What?” The apparent leader asked, leaning his ear in closer, raising his hand to it mockingly.

A magical field surrounded Eyn for only a second before his gaze broke from the ground and locked immediately onto the griffin in the front.

“How can one ever trust his friends?” Eyn asked.

“That’s the spirit!” The griffin hacked. “Chain him up boys.”

No sound emerged from behind him. Eyn’s gaze never broke from the lead griffin, never blinking.

“Boys?” He turned just to feel the chains wrap around his neck. The other griffins lunged on to him, wrapping the chains meant for Eyn around his body. The griffin struggled to fight free, but his comrades held him without flinching, their eyes dull and lifeless just as how they were when Eyn forced the ones in the north to kill themselves.

They finished by clipping the lock. They stood stiffly, some bleeding from the leader thrashing, but that didn’t matter as Eyn blinked. The surrounding griffins collapsed, brain dead. He walked slowly to the leader, lifting him to eye level with his magic. Fear filled his feathery face as he cringed with the expectation of being next.

“W-What did you do to my men?” He stuttered.

“Your men? They appeared to be my men until they served their purpose…” Eyn growled.

The griffin began to shake in the chains. His eyes widened with fear. “What do you want?” He whimpered.

“I want to speak to your king.” Eyn growled.

A snap of a teleportation spell cracked from behind him. “Your wish is my command.” Came the voice of Quorra.

Before Eyn could respond, he felt the sudden tug on his heart. His body fell through a tiny hole in the universe, reemerging in a dark room lit only by a few torches. The dim light was enough to illuminate the dark molded cobblestone walls. The sounds of soft hoofs made their way around Eyn until he was face to face with Quorra. Her piercing yellow, glowing eyes stared at him for only a second before she turned to the corner, sitting casually on the floor.

Eyn tried to take a step forward, but quickly found that he was in chains. He struggled to move them, but they held fast. He warmed up a spell to break the chains, but a sudden tightness and pain filled his horn and head. He ceased immediately and glanced up to see an intricate contraption bolted to his horn.

“Every time you try to cast magic that device will remind you to quit trying.” Quorra answered.

“Let me out.” Eyn demanded.

“Why so you can just kill all of us? I will hold you here until I deem it necessary.”

The door to the room creaked open. The silhouette of a griffin with a crown seated firmly on his head walked into the room. He turned toward Eyn and smiled.

“Eyn Spyyr. It is a pleasure to finally meet you face to face.” His voice sounded disgustingly familiar.

“I know that voice.” Eyn whispered.

“I bet you do…” The king growled.

“It can’t be, griffins don’t possess magic, nor could they ever have enough to influence my mind from that far away.”

“You are exactly right, which means a griffin wasn’t behind it.” He smirked.

“Celestia? Luna?” Eyn turned to Quorra. “Or her?”

The king laughed. “None. It was I who spoke into your mind.”

“But you are a griffin and couldn’t possibly-“ Eyn’s words stopped part way through. “Unless…”

“Unless you’ve just met another Element of Disharmony that has taken over this body. I am King Cruel.”

Eyn’s heart sank. He slowly realized he was inside of a torture chamber with the Element of Cruelty. He didn’t have any power to stop anything that they would do to him. I could only sit at the mercy of Eyn holding me inside of his memory. I wanted to leave before the pain, escape the anguish of torture since I would feel the same pain. I tried to throw messages or whatever at Eyn to let me escape and to just start after the pain or something, but the memory never faded. I began to panic inside of his head.

“I have a lot planned for us to do. Mainly, I want you to show me how you do that mind control attacks.” King Cruel spoke.

“Never. It is an abomination.”

“So says the alicorn that has used it countless times on my soldiers.” Cruel roared. It wasn’t out of anger, but more of annoyance.

Eyn began to wallow in his memories of how many griffins he had killed. Celestia had been right about him having a bias against them. The northern alicorn had ceased all liking of griffins. Instead, he viewed them as animals, barbarians, and brutes. He saw them tied up and tossed in dungeons like animals. He hated them. He hated all of them. The hate quickly evolved into sadness. He had never properly grieved over his family. Getting caught up in revenge and rage, the fallen prince had never tried to hold a funeral or try to create a plaque or mural in the cemetery for them. Now he was trapped in a dungeon, preparing to be tortured, possibly to death.

“I will never show you anything.” Eyn lowered his head, looking away from King Cruel.

He could feel the rage building in the king from his actions. “You will give it to me at some point, but now we will just have a little fun. The voice in your head is now your master.” He spit at Eyn.

“I’m sorry…” Eyn whispered. His tone, pitch, and volume matched to the time he apologized to me before turning the water in the spa a pure white causing the burning sensation to surround my body, wracking me with pain.

I felt only the entrance of a blade into Eyn’s leg, but the pain quickly grew numb. At the second stab, I realized that Eyn removed me from his senses, but I still was forced to watch helplessly as the blade entered Eyn’s leg, his only response being tears as his body moved from the force of the stab. A stream of blood fell from his leg, falling into the cracks on the floor. Eyn didn’t make a noise. He kept his gaze in the same area of the room as I listened to his thoughts, as ambiguous and vague they were.

“Ready yourself, Eyn. If you don’t get out of here they will kill you. Focus and relax. Focus and relax. Remember Luna’s bedroom, find solace, hold it, deep breath, release, find solace, and hold it deep breath…” He repeated, his words increasing with strength and volume before he head snapped up, filling with magical energy. The contraption above his head tightened around his horn. He only strengthened the magic around him as I heard the cracking from his horn breaking. I could feel a pain that broke through the numbing that Eyn had given me. A pain that grew just inches from my forehead. It was a dull sickening pain.

Eyn’s eyes filled with light as he lifted from the ground, the contraption tightening more. Quorra stared at him in shock.

“Eyn, are you crazy?” She yelled through the din that was filling the room.

Eyn didn’t speak. His mind had already completely fallen on Luna’s room. Dull sickening cracks filled the room as the contraption shattered his horn. Eyn faltered slightly as tears fell from his face, but a rage filled him and pushed him the last leg of the journey. A dull snap falled by the most piercing pain filled my head. Eyn yelled out as the chains disintegrated around his hooves and a purple teleportation field surrounded him. He stumbled a few steps forward, his eyes pouring tears as blood ran down from his head and leg. He breathed hard as a candle was lit revealing Luna in her nightclothes rising from her bed.

“Luna…” He spoke extending his hoof before collapsing in front of her, a pool of blood forming around his body. “I just… I needed to tell you… I love…” I felt his consciousness slip and he fell unconscious at her feet.

He slowly came to, his vision blurred as the searing pain remained on his head. As his consciousness returned so did my memory that I was experiencing a much duller pain. It answered itself as he began screaming in pain, twisting and thrashing. He became aware that he was strapped into the bed. He tried to break the restraints, but they were tighter and stronger than he imagined. He tried to open them with his magic, but he quickly regained his memory. He had seen it the broken fragments fall in front of his face.

“Oh no… No… No! No!” Eyn shook the bed as he thrashed in it, trying to fight the pain in his head, knowing that he had sacrificed his ability to use magic to get back to Luna, his Luna and warn her of what was happening. He thrashed just to try to make the pain go away, but it never left.

“Eyn. Eyn, listen to me. Calm down and listen to my voice. You are safe, Eyn.” Eyn cocked his head to see a pony with a white coat standing over him.

“I have to warn them!” He yelled, the pain distorting his volume.

“You’ve received a crippling injury. You have to relax and be calm.” The doctor tried to soothe him with soft words.

“No. You have to warn them. I created something other than the Elements of Harmony. I created the Elements of Disharmony. Corruption. Cruelty. They are alive and breathing.” Eyn hollered at them.

“The trauma made you delusional. You have to relax and tell us what happened.”

“I was being tortured by King Cruel. He’s taken over the King of the Griffins. Quorra, the Element of Corruption was with him.”

“Let me stop you there.” The doctor used his magic to lift a pad and write down a few things. “I am going to prescribe you some stronger pain medication. We aren’t getting anywhere.”

“What! I’m telling you the truth. I have to warn the princesses. I am a good friend of theirs, and I have to protect them.”

“Please try to rest.” A needle hit the side of Eyn’s leg, but the needle bent against his skin.

“You have to believe me!” Energy filled the room randomly.

“Eyn, you don’t have your horn anymore. You can’t focus that energy. I need you to relax, you are only going to hurt yourself more.” The doctor yelled at him.

“I’d die to protect them you hear me! I have to warn them. I have to warn them…” Eyn’s voice lowered as the energy subsided. The pain throbbed against his head. “I apologize, doctor. I’m just on edge…” Eyn breathed slowly.

“Just try to rest. I will tell Luna that you want to see her.”

“I also need to talk to Starswirl. He might know more of what is going on.” Eyn spoke.

“Starswirl has been missing a for a few days now. I mean, you’ve been in this bed for three days under heavy sedation to keep your pain down.”

“Three days?” Eyn could barely speak.

“Almost four, but you seem to have broken your sedative.” The doctor nodded at his words. “Which is a bit odd…”

Luna’s voice filled the room. “Eyn?” She asked, approaching the hospital bed. She stared at a point above his head. Eyn could feel the tightness of bandages around where his horn was. From the slight movements he could tell that it was still cracked and jagged, something that would permanently be that way. It wouldn’t be able to be chiseled down like a nail, not in the extremes that Eyn would need it. His horn had almost been broken at the base, meaning that only nerve endings existed with only a thin band of bone that could be ground off. Slowly the nerve endings would die on the edges and different surgeries could be used to add a prosthetic horn to smooth out the rough edges, but this damage was too recent.

“Luna…” He raspy voice cracked, getting tired from the pain and the yelling.

She hugged him without hesitance. Her warm body felt better than anything that he had felt in a long time. Even I had to admit that I enjoyed the comfort she gave him. I could feel her warm wet tears falling down the back of his neck.

“Why are you crying?” Eyn asked.

“I’ve been so worried about you.” She hugged him tighter. “And seeing you like this… I shouldn’t have let my sister take you away from me.” Her voice cracked with her tears. Eyn returned her hug, cringing at the pain, but fighting through it to put on a good face for her.

“I won’t let go. We can get through this.” Eyn spoke, his voice soft and comforting.

Luna pulled away from his embrace. Smiling at him with a softness that I had never seen break across her more rugged face.

“You are always so beautiful, as beautiful as the moon.” Eyn smiled. “I would stare at you every night until I die…” His heart spoke. “I have to warn you about what is coming, what took my horn. They are coming to kill us all, the holders of the Elements of Harmony.” Eyn took a strong in. “An opposite force has grown from it. They are the one’s pushing the war to our gates. They took control of the King of the Griffins and are going to stop at nothing until they have spread their ilk across Equestria. You have to believe me.”

“Eyn…” Her voice shook as she rested her head against him.

“Don’t cry.” Eyn spoke. “Don’t cry.” He repeated.

The dark mare pulled back from him, tears misting her eyes as she composed herself. “You sound crazy.”

“Luna, no. Luna, please no.” Eyn shook his head slowly.

“What did you do to your horn and leg? Did you restart the war?” She asked.

“What?” Eyn’s voice shook in disbelief.

“I was told that they were helping us, strengthening our borders from the northern creatures. Then they were attacked, unprovoked. Guards reported that it was you. You’ve been attacking their ranks as we defended our city. I don’t know if I can believe you.” Luna’s voice shook with uncertainty.

“Luna…” Eyn stared at her, the pain quickly fading away. A lump within his throat held back any other words. “I-“ He tried to swallow to speak, but the pressure began to fill in his rage. “Who told you those lies?” He asked.

“My sister has been trying to renegotiate a peace treaty with their king. This was their evidence for their retaliation. They are asking for your head.” She held her composure, staring at him

“You can’t believe them. I-I-I-“ Eyn stuttered.

“You’ve changed, Eyn. I don’t know anymore. I thought you were kind, but…” She paused and broke her gaze slightly before recollecting herself and glaring at him. “I was shown what you did when you left me in the hedge maze. They managed to replay some of the memories of some of the griffins found dead. What you did to them…” Her voice began to quiver. “You…”

“It wasn’t me. I wasn’t in control.” Eyn tried to defend, hating the words just as they left his mouth.

“Then how can I ever trust you?” She turned and left as the words piled up in Eyn’s throat. She galloped the last few steps, breaking into tears.

Eyn stood, staring blankly straight ahead. His final anchor holding his sanity in check began to slip. In only a few weeks, the alicorn from the north had lost everything. He lost his family, his position, his kingdom, his friends, and the trust of his loved one. Everything piled back in on itself leaving only an empty husk of a pony left. He managed to swallow hard as a single painful tear broke from his eyes and dripped onto the bed sheet in front of him.

The wet spot on his sheets felt closer than anything in the room. The warmth of his tears, the only source of heat found anywhere in the world. The pain disappeared from his horn and descended into his heart. He began to feel more like his present self, empty and angry. He barely noticed the pin entering his leg or his focus fading as he collapsed under a sedative.

He awoke slowly, the same dull feeling greeting him. A sliver of hope had formed during his sleep, imagining that it was a nightmare that he would wake up against, but he knew it all to well. He lifted his hooves and found chains now decorated his hooves apart from the last lone gold royal bracelet. Turning his attention back up, he saw a mirror across from him. Dark lines had formed around his eyes, dull and angry at everything in the world. The kindness and soothing nature had left even the attractiveness had vanished. He stared menacingly at his reflection. The door opened to his room and he turned to see Celestia and Luna enter.

Luna averted her gaze from him, just standing with her sister as a formality.

“Eyn Spyyr, you have been found guilty for war crimes against the griffins.” Celestia spoke, looking over the paper that she magically unfolded in front of her.

“And what about the war crimes committed against my people by the griffins?” Eyn growled his voice dragged down to a heavy state. Luna flinched at it. Eyn’s gaze remained locked on her.

“We have received no indication that any crimes have been committed.” Celestia spoke, devoid of familiarization, and I couldn’t blame her. Eyn had lost his grip on his sanity.

“Tell me, where are my people if there hasn’t been any crimes committed, have they sent a post card?” Eyn growled.

“You will be returned to the custody of the griffins and await your execution date.” Celestia read without acknowledging Eyn’s question. Luna’s eyes flashed wide as she turned to her sister.

“I thought you said we would hold him and pass judgment?” Luna demanded.

“I’m sorry Luna, but we the griffins wouldn’t accept any other treaty. I have to think for our people, Luna. Eyn made his choices and now he has lost his kingdom. He is unfit for power.”

“And you are unfit for friends!” Eyn snapped forward, pulling the chains taut. Celestia flinched ever slightly, as Eyn chuckled to himself as he dropped back down onto his pillow.

Celestia stared at him, hurt and angry. “You take that back.”

“I can’t take the truth back. You will have no one left at this rate. I promise you, Celestia, you will have your peace ad your people, but you will be all alone. Discord has already betrayed you, Starswirl is missing, and Ahuizotl is missing.” Eyn spoke without emotion.

“How do you know this?” She asked.

“I can read your mind like a book, Celestia. Who do you have left, your loyal sister, Luna? She will soon follow when my warnings aren’t heeded. They will get her, Celestia, and you’ll prevent me from protecting her when you need me the most.”

Celestia took a step closer to him. “You will not threaten my sister and me. Guards, take him away.”

“We will meet again, Celestia…” Eyn’s vision dropped as he made eye contact with Luna. A single aching pain filled his heart. “I’m sorry, Luna.”

The guards pushed his bed toward the end of the room and the door out. Eyn only smiled as the princesses vanished from view. He only had plans now. He only had his thoughts and all of them spoke of his hate for Celestia. All of them demanded revenge against all that wronged him.

“I’m sorry, Luna.” Eyn turned to each of the guards. “You know these guards.”

“Yes, she knows us.” The first one spoke in a blank speech.

“I’m sorry for what I must do then.” Eyn spoke.

“We know, Eyn.” They spoke together in unison.

“Fight well.”

“We’ll do as you wish.” A transparent field slightly distorted the air around him and the heads of the two guards.