• Published 6th Mar 2012
  • 1,047 Views, 2 Comments

Finding Your Desires - Arcanum Symphonis

You run an inn with your family. You have a very strict daily life. One pony turns that upside down.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Hold it…hold it……



There we go. Now I’m ready for the rest of the day!

Five-thirty. Standing just outside your front door, your morning ritual always starts with a deep breath of fresh air – three seconds every time, and not one more. Once you’ve primed your lungs you call back into the house.

“I’m off now! I’ll be back in an hour!”

“Alright, but we’ve got a group coming while you’re out, so hurry home!” comes the reply.

“Okay, Mum! See you in a bit!”

Another part of your daily routine is a canter round a well-worn dirt path, about five miles in all. As you start gently running off to the left, you look upwards at the enormous rock that makes the foundation for your house; at that you begin to wonder what the inbound guests will be like, and whether they’ll enjoy the environment here. No, even if they don’t, it’s your job to make them enjoy themselves.

You live with your parents, as you have done for the past nineteen years of your life. Since you were ten you’ve been helping at their inn, a building that also serves as your home. The plan was to introduce you to the job when you had left school, but you decided to drop out; with the new little sister your parents gave you, they needed all the help they could get. Sure, you made a few mistakes along the way – you won’t be putting paprika instead of brown sugar in anyone’s tea again, especially if they ask for six teaspoons – but you’ve learned the tricks of the trade and could potentially take control of the place if your mother and father were to retire. It’s a simple building, a simple job and a simple life.

The inn itself is three storeys in a step formation, and rests on the side of a mountain with clear views of the green plains below from every room. These rooms are all quite simple themselves, the floor being made of intricately woven reeds, the walls and sliding doors consisting of thin-yet-durable paper and the beds being mere mattresses on the floor – the layout and style must have been at least 300 years old – and yet despite its almost-ancient construction, it was comfortable, warm and charming (just three of the words many visitors had used to describe their positive experience).

As you pass a gnarled-looking tree, you know you are at the half-way point. You had jogged this route countless times before, and could recognise almost every tree and plant along the way. And it wasn’t just this route, either; you knew more secrets about this mountain than anybody, bar your parents. Your father had added a guided tour attraction when he inherited the inn, and business had flourished: he came to know all of the safe routes back home in case anyone was tired or injured while out on a hike, and he found all of the exciting routes that he could lead seasoned hill-climbers through. As you grew up, he’d take you along many of these, and your knowledge of the geography soon rivalled his. And right about now, you should be coming up by that small, hidden pathway; you had no need for it right now, but that was your place, somewhere even your father knew nothing about.

You jog towards a couple, recognising them as the Trotters, before greeting them in a manner that was slightly more friendly than professional; these two are regular guests, coming to stay every year for the past eight. You know all of their meal preferences, and you know which room they stay in every time.

They call “Good morning” back to you in response with a smile, before continuing their usual trek along the same path you just took, albeit in reverse. Their appearance means that you’re almost home.

And you were right. The inn comes into sight once more, and you pick up your relaxed pace just a little as you remember the new guests. I hope they like our food. I wonder if a bluebell and goats’ cheese fondue would be okay…

You take a step through the side door, one meant only for employees (that is to say, yourself and your family).

“Mum, Dad! I’m home!”

Nothing. They must be setting up the group in their room. Oh, well, might as well take a shower.

Just as you put your hoof on the door that separates your home from the inn itself, you hear an “ahem” from behind you.

“Excuse me, but do you work here?”

You turn round to see a pony, a unicorn mare, standing at the reception desk. This should be normal. You’ve seen this a thousand times, and dealt with each one efficiently and with maximum customer satisfaction.

And yet, why is it so hard now? You stare directly at her violet coat, at her smooth legs, at her dark, silky mane. Her eyes burn deeply into your own-



As you’re brought back to reality, you quickly shake your head. C’mon, be professional! She’s obviously a guest! And if she isn’t a guest, she’s an inspector, which means professional for definite!

Her voice is a quite soothing. “Sorry, are you not open?”

You jerkily stammer yourself back into the welcoming fashion you know. “N-no, no- I mean, yes, we are! I’m so sorry, I-…I must have drifted off! Please allow me to welcome you to Dranlea Hills Inn. Do you h-have a reservation?”

“It’s okay, I know what it’s like to lose yourself in thought. And yes, I do have one: a group of six for four nights, under the name Twilight Sparkle. If I’m not mistaken, the other five should have already checked in.”

You take a moment to ruffle through the logbook…there it was. Twilight Sparkle.

“Pretty name…” you mumble.

“Oh…oh, my…thank you. I don’t think anypony’s complimented me just for my name before.” You see her cheeks turn red before she looks downwards. You feel yours quickly follow suit.

“…Oh, I am so, so sorry! I was off in my own world again!” - Of course it would be her name, you numbskull! - “Ahem, yes, I-…yes, it seems the rest of your party has checked in. Shall I escort you to your room?”

She smiles and nods. “That would be great. Thank you.”

You turn to the main doorway leading to the rooms and lift a hoof towards it. “R-right this way, then, please.”

The unicorn turns to pick up her bags (probably magically), but you quickly stop her, trying to sound as gentlecoltly and tactfully as possible. It instead comes out just a little desperate. “P-please, I’ll take these! You are our guest, after all!”

“Oh…thank you, again.”

That hesitation; it’s as if she were wondering what exactly to make of your hospitality. Oh, Celestia, she thinks you’re weird, stop doing things that’ll make you look weird…

You quickly lift her things onto your back – what in Equestria does she have in these things? – and lead her down the hallway towards her room. The fourth one on the left, bottom floor, if you recall correctly.

The mare behind you breaks the slightly awkward silence (well, you thought it was awkward, at least). “So, now you know my name, what’s yours?”

A little surprised that you hadn’t introduced yourself earlier, you oblige. “So, what brings you out here?”

“Oh, it’s Fluttershy’s birthday the day after tomorrow, and my friends and I just thought we could use a break. I suggested we come here; somewhere relaxing, and out of the way.”

“I see. Ah, here we are…room 1-G.”

You slide the thin door open to reveal five more ponies, all mares, about the same age as Twilight and all the colours of the rainbow. Speaking of which-

“Hey, Twi’! You never said you were bringin’ a guy!” A pegasus with a bright, prismatic mane zips up to you and begins eyeing you up, before scrunching up her nose and wafting her hoof in front of her face. “Phew, you look and smell like you’ve just run a mile…wait, you two didn’t-!”

The unicorn speaks up again. “Wha-…No! Rainbow Dash, do you have to jump to conclusions?! Especially that kind of conclusion!” What kind of conclusion?

“And really, Rainbow, I think that was quite rude to our guest.” Another unicorn, this time pure white, continues. “Please, do not mind her. She’s quite…emphatic.”

“Oh, no-no, I don’t mind. And I’m not your guest – you’re all mine. I work here, you see. A-and I smell a little because I have actually run a mile. Five, actually.” You don’t know why, but you look down at the floor. “Miss Sparkle arrived just as I was returning, so I haven’t yet had a chance to shower.”

“Tch! You guys are all boring! Can’t you take a joke?” says the one apparently named Rainbow Dash.

“There is such a thing as going too far, you know!” the white mare replies.

“Ugh, fine. Sorry, Twi’. Sorry…uh, what was your name again?”

You introduce yourself once more, explain about the inn and its owners – your parents – and get to know the rest of the group before leaving them to their own devices. Actually, before you leave…

“…before I leave, I should mention that we have some guided tours of the mountain every day except Sundays. And if you decide to go exploring on your own, stick to the paths; some parts of the mountain can be very dangerous for the untrained hill-climber.”

Twilight is the one to acknowledge your instruction, and she does so with a smile. “Okay, we’ll keep that in mind. Thank you.”

You feel your cheeks burn again as you turn around and walk out. Perhaps now would be a good time for that shower.

Okay, this is totally not right.

Your eyes are red. Your quilt is in a tangle around your body. Your head pounds.

You’re normally a pony of incredible routine. Your timekeeping is impeccable. You always wake up at the same time, your meals are always at the same time – heck, you even manage to fall asleep at the same time every day (nopony ever seemed to understand this, and you have never claimed to yourself; it just happens).

And yet, here you are, probably sometime after three in the morning and you haven’t gotten a wink of sleep. This is definitely a first.

Just what is causing this? Am I ill?

You check your forehead – not really any different. You get up and look in a mirror, and find only your normal reflection – plus the really puffy eyes and the black rings holding them up, but you know what had caused them.

You think to what else had been different the day before, and only come up with one solution: the new group. Perhaps one of them was infected with a disease, and it had passed onto you.

You groan at the thought, and climb back into bed. If you are ill, perhaps you could take tomorrow off. No point spreading it around the whole inn.

“Come on, son! What’s wrong with you? It’s seven o’clock!”

The loud clattering of your door amplifies in your skull, as does your father’s voice. You hear your door slide open and hooves pat against your floor.

“…wow, son. Didn’t sleep well, huh?”

“I think those new girls might have made me ill,” you force out through your tiredness.

“Oh, come now, don’t be ridiculous. Apart from the eyes, you look fine. Everypony has one night every now and again where they just can’t sleep. I find when that happens I just throw myself out and get on with things. It soon goes away.”

Reluctantly, you take your father’s advice and drag yourself out of bed. As you walk to the door, you wobble and almost fall over a couple of times. Ugh, this is awful. Can I really go through the day like this? Still, without protest, you stumble down to breakfast, unready and unwilling to start your work.

Other than that, the day passes by quietly. Most of the residents – including her lot – stay in their rooms, or go off and do their own thing. No-one had booked a mountain tour today, so you spent your time breezily completing the various chores around the inn. You know, Dad was right; I don’t feel that tired any more.

Your spoon clatters into your bowl as you finish your bean and leek soup, and the Moon shines through the window in your living room. With the work day over without incident, you decide to ask about your troubles.

“Hey, Mum. Is it possible that the group in 1-G are carrying some sort of disease?”

She looks at you, half with worry and half with confusion. “I…I guess it’s possible, but-…well, why do you ask, honey?”

“Well, last night I couldn’t get any sleep. The only thing that was odd before that was this group arriving, so I thought they may have brought something with them.”

“Eww, get away from me, don’t infect me! Big bro’s got amnesia!”

Your little sister loved you very much, and you her, but you could find her humour a little grating at times. She never seemed to, though, as she giggled uncontrollably whenever she 'cracked a funny'.

“Enough, Twinkle! And it’s insomnia you’re thinking of, not to mention I’m sure your brother has something else entirely. Anyway, what are your symptoms?” your mother asks. Your parents look at each other as she speaks-…wait, are they being smug?

“…I…hmm…well, no sleep for a start. And whenever I’m around them, I start to burn up in the head.”

Your mother nods, taking a sip of her tea. “Mm-hmm. Go on.” That look again. Okay, they know something I don’t.

“…and also, when I’m near them, I lose my ability to do anything-…argh, what’s that word? Coherently! Yes, I can’t do anything coherently around them. It’s as if they sap away my confidence.”

“Oh, yes, I did see you acting a little odd when you came out of their room. Well, I think I have an idea of what it could be; I was getting worried, since you left school and haven’t really had a life outside this inn. I’d say wait to see if it develops further, just to be sure. I don’t think I want to be wrong about this,” Mum suggests.

Your face turns a little sour with worry. “Why, is it serious?”

“It can be. But this is one thing I want you to discover for yourself, and so I’m saying nothing more.” She brings her tea to her lips again, them being lifted into a smile.

Okay, now I’m just even more confused. Is this disease meant to be a good thing?

Well, your parents had never steered you wrong before. You decided to put your faith in their judgement…for now.

Your eyes shoot open. You move them to point at the clock next to your bed.

One forty-five.

Well, at least you’d gotten some sleep. But why were you awake now-


…was that-


You lifted yourself up onto your hindquarters.

The tapping stopped.

Perhaps it was just your-


Nope. That was there for definite.

You push yourself to your hooves.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

You move quickly to your door.

Tap tap tap.

With a lump in your throat, you slide it open.

Nothing to be seen. Nothing to be heard. Silence. Darkness.

Okay, something must be really wrong with me.

You close your door again and groggily meander back to your bed.

Another day, another bad sleep. You actually manage to get up at the normal time, but only with great effort on your part. You really don’t feel like going for a run today, so you just get on with work again. However, you feel less inclined to do that even…

…because you have to take that group on a tour. Great. More oddities and problems, and all day at that.

It’s ten o’clock when you leave. You’re already a bit annoyed by the blue one – Rainbow Dash, was it? – constantly flapping her wings near your head as she floats alongside.

“So, do you know this whole mountain?” she asks as she spreads her forelegs out wide.

“I don’t know. If there is anything I haven’t found yet, I’m sure that I don’t know it’s there.”

“So that means you’ve explored everywhere you’ve seen, right?”

“Anywhere that isn’t dangerous, yes.”

The pink-coloured earth pony behind you, who you remember is called Pinkie Pie, speaks up. “Aw, come on, Dashie. Take in some of the sights. It’s pretty out here.”

“Pinkie’s right, Dash.” That voice; without even looking you can tell it’s her. You feel yourself feeling flushed already. “He’s nice enough to take us out here and show us around, so enjoy it.”

“Alright. But at least I never said it was boring. Because it isn’t boring, it’s actually quite nice,” she adds quickly.

You stop (and the group halts behind you) and turn to them. “This…” You point your hoof at the rock beside you, the one with the inscription in an odd language. At least when you were talking about the mountain’s history you could talk unnerved.

You continue. “…this rock was placed here over five hundred years ago, when ponies first settled here. The land here has not changed very much in that time, and that’s mostly due to the difficulty ponies had living here in those times; there was nowhere to plant fields, and so no way to grow crops. Nowadays, we have modern transport systems to get the food here, so we’ll always be able to supply you at the inn, but before the technologies of today’s age were even invented, it was agreed that this area’s natural beauty would be maintained. This stone was marked twice: once when ponies first came here with ‘On the settling of Mt. Kukurobak, CE 447’, and once again on the treaty that made this place an Equestrian National Protected Area with ‘On the protection of Mt. Kukurobak and its surrounding plains, CE 830’.”

You may not have been right through school, but you certainly knew more about this mountain than almost anypony.

And yet, while you’re sure she listened quite intently, Twilight Sparkle had been looking around as if she were trying to find something in particular.

“Okay, so we’ve got another half-mile before we get back to the inn and there’s not much along the way, so feel free to run back or just walk and enjoy the time.”

At this, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie speed off – “Last one there pays for dinner!” “You’re on!” – and the other three (Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy as you had learned) ran off after them. That left-

“Oh, those girls. Rainbow I expected it from, but Fluttershy? They will always find a way to surprise me.”

There’s that feeling again.



Twilight tries to make conversation to brush away the tense silence. “…Soooooo…you…said that rock was placed there over 500 years ago?”

“…Mm-hmm. What of it?”

“Who put it there? You said your inn was a family business, so I thought it might be your ancestors or something.”

“Well, yeah, it was actually. They weren’t originally from this country, instead hailing from a long-dead country to the east.”

“Oh! CE 447! Was that the Tsurami Migration, the one that happened because of the civil war?!”

“Yeah, that’s the one. So my ancestors came from the east – there were about 40 of them - and they brought their culture with them. They founded a small village at the foot of the mountain, and thanks to Princess Celestia’s intervention and compassion, they were given Equestrian citizenship within 3 months…”

And so the rest of your tour passes, starting with the history of the surrounding area and moving onto other topics as your come across them. Funny. Where’d all the problems I had last time go?

…speaking of which, where’d all the time go?

Your home stands in front of you, as warm and inviting as it ever could be. The clock next to the front door reads half-one, the usual time that you finish one of these tours. So why did it feel so much shorter than normal?

You’re brought out of your thoughts by the voice that had accompanied you for that time. “Well, that was really interesting, and really fun. Thank you for giving up your time to show us around.”

“Oh…er, well, it’s part of my job. And I enjoy telling people about the past of this place.”

You’re not sure what reminds you, but you think back to last night. Sure, it’s a long shot, but you may as well ask.

“Miss Sparkle…did you hear anything last night? Anything odd?”

Her look turns to one of slight bemusement. “…no, I don’t think so. Why do you ask?”

“…it must be my imagination running away with me then. Sorry-“

You hear a stomach rumble, and you’re pretty sure it’s not yours. You look to Twilight, whose face is red, clutching at her belly with one leg.

“Oh, sorry. I guess it’s time for lunch.”

“Ah. I’ll leave you to it then…actually, do you want to order now so we can bring it up when it’s ready?”

“Yeah, that’d be great! Thanks! I think everyone’d be okay with the Party Special; we do have a birthday to celebrate tomorrow, so why not start now?”

“Okay, I’ll ask my mother- I mean, I’ll ask the chef to prepare it right away. It should be ready in 15 minutes.”

She giggles at your small slip-up before wandering inside and walking back to her room. “I’ll be looking forward to it!”

All she leaves behind were a few footprints and a strange, soft sensation in your chest that warms your body to its very tips. Thinking about it for a moment, you come up with a conclusion.

Uh-oh. Is my condition getting out of control? I hope it’s just a false alarm…

Ugh, just what is going on with me?

Your third night with no dreams. You stare at the ceiling as if it were the most fascinating thing in the world. And to some it may very well be; who were you to judge?


There it is again. This time there’s no hesitation.


You get up and move to your door as quietly as you can.


The moment you hear the noise, you slide it open without a sound.


Okay, now you’re outside your room, you can sort of tell-


-where the sound is coming from. It’s…


The inn. You run to the dividing doors-

Tap tap tap.

Bottom floor, guest corridor.


As you crack open this entryway, the tapping stops abruptly. The only sound you hear for the next few minutes is a wide yawn escaping your own mouth.

Well, I can figure this out tomorrow. Might actually be nice to get some sleep now, you thought to yourself as you closed the doors and headed back to bed.

You normally have little trouble balancing food trays on your back. Then again, you normally only have to carry food for one or two, maybe three at most.

As you struggle with the various lunch orders, you make your way to that room again…the one with them in it. As you approach, you start to hear voices.

“…py birthday, Fluttershy!”

“Oh, thank you so much, everyone! It means a lot to me that you’d do this.”

“C’mon, ain’t nothin’ like celebratin’ a birthday with your best friends.”

“Yeah! You gotta have a party, because everypony has a party on their birthday, and today just happens to be your birthday!”

They all laugh as you edge closer, pressing your ear against the door.

“On another note, how are you progressing, eh, Twilight?”

“…huh? Wh-what do you mean?”

“Oh, don’t play coy, Twilight. We all heard you come in last night. Just where have you been going on these late night sojourns?”

Wait, what did she say?!

“I bet she’s meeting with that guy! You know, the one who works here!”

“Oh, knock it off, Rainbow Dash! And you too, Rarity! It’s nothing like that!”

“Ooooh? And what is it like, hmm?”

“It’s-…well-…I can’t say. It’s embarrassing.”

“So it is-“

No, it isn’t! Look, maybe later, but I want to find something first. Then I can show you.”

“Well, in all seriousness, he – yes, you know who I mean – he’s been watching you quite a lot. Perhaps our own bookworm has cast a powerful spell over the poor guy, and he’s now unequivocally trapped by your charm! Oh, it’s like it’s straight out of a novel!”

“Rarity! Keep your crazy fantasies to yourself!”

…Spell? Bookworm? Is she some sort of magic prodigy or something?

As you go to scratch your head, the food almost topples onto the floor. You quickly rebalance it and decide they should have it before it gets cold, interruption or no.

The talking immediately stops as you push the door to one side. Not wanting them to know you’ve been eavesdropping, you feign ignorance of what just transpired.

“…your lunch, ladies. Whose was the daisy sandwich?”

“Hey, Mum.”

“Yes, what is it, sweetheart?” She doesn’t take her eyes off her duster as she pushes it around the table, leaving shiny streaks behind in the thin layer of grey atop it.

“I don’t think I’m ill any more. I think I’ve figured it out.”

She looks to you with surprise, and what seems to be joy.

“There’s a mare in 1-G with powerful magic, isn’t there?”

“Twilight Sparkle, you mean.”

“Yes-…wait, how did you-“

She doesn’t let you continue. “Yes, I’ve heard she is quite the mare. How in Equestria you managed it, I don’t know. You must get it from your father.”

Okay, now I have no idea what she’s going on about.

“Mum, I think she’s placed some sort of hex on me.”

“I remember the first time when your father-…hex, you say?”

“Well, maybe not a hex, but a curse or some sort of spell – I don’t know much about magic. But ever since she arrived I’ve been feeling stranger and stranger every day. I don’t know how much more of this I can take.”

She sighs and places her hooves on your shoulders. “Look, honey. Let me put it this way: I think you’re right. She has cast some sort of spell over you.”

“So I was right-!”

“Hold on, dear. I’m not finished. I think she has cast a spell over you, but it’s one she’s cast unknowingly, and it’s one of the best spells you could ever hope to be under. What’s even better is that I’m sure you’ve managed to weave the same magic over her, too.” Me? Use magic? What kind of magic can be used even by earth ponies?

She pulls you into her chest, something she hasn’t done like this for a good few years. “I’ve only seen her a few times, but I can say with the greatest of confidence that, deep down, she’s a good girl with only the best of intentions. Talk to her. Get to know her. Then you’ll find out whether this magic is truly what you need.”

You stare at her a little dumbfounded. “...so…I just…talk?”

“To her. Yes.”

“…that’s it?”

“That should be more than enough. You’ll know whether or not it’s worked. Now, go on. Off to bed with you.”

With these words jumbling around inside your head, you wander to your room as you try to pick out what’s important. As you climb into bed, nothing has managed to sort itself out; the only thing you really get is…

Talk to her.

Well, tomorrow, maybe. I’ve got something to do tonight.

Still nothing. Just black. Just the sound of your own breathing.

You’d decided to find out for sure what the tapping noise of the previous nights was. It’s just gone midnight, and you’ve put out your lantern so you can get accustomed to the darkness.

Nothing. Black. Breathing.

If it isn’t here by one o’clock, I’m going to bed again.

Nothing. Black. Breathing. Tap.

Your ears prick up. It’s here.


You look around for the source.


Something moves in the corner of your vision. You hold your breath.


It doesn’t bolt. It must not have noticed you.


As you focus on it, you begin to make out its silhouette. The shape becomes clearer thanks to the time you’ve spent in the dark, and you finally make your move.



You flick a match alight and bring it to your lantern. There, in the darkness, is Twilight Sparkle, covering her eyes from the light of the flame.

Whispering softly, you ask, “Care to explain what you’re doing out here in the middle of the night?”

She looks to the floor with a solemn expression. “…I thought you would be mad. Turns out I was right.”

“Now, hold on, there. I’m not mad. I’m just curious, not to mention really tired from all the times you’ve woken me up.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry about those-!”

“So it was you the last two nights.”

She goes quiet again, looks at the floor once more.

“So, what have you been doing each night?”

She lifts a hoof. It points to a tripod, and it holds up a long metal shaft with a bend at the bottom end.

“…a telescope.” So that’s what she had in her luggage? No wonder it was so heavy!

“…I wanted to find somewhere I could watch the stars. I love the night sky, and this seemed like the perfect place, the perfect opportunity to do some stargazing.”

She lets out a deep sigh. “…but everywhere I go, there’s always too many trees; I can’t find anywhere with a good view of the sky.”

“…That’s it?”

She looks at you in shock. “What do you mean, ‘that’s it’?”

You begin to laugh under your breath. “And here I thought you were up to something sinister.”


The noise from her sudden outburst makes you both cringe. You wait a few moments before realising that you hadn’t woken anyone up.

“Look, okay, I’m sorry. I made assumptions, and I ended up at the wrong conclusion.”

“I should say so.”

“Yeah, well, I’m in a bit of a pickle myself. I’ve been feeling really odd these last few days.”

“Really? How so?”

You think to your conversation with your mother. Most likely it’s best to let it slide for now.

“…actually, it’s probably nothing. I’ll tell you what: let me make it up to you. You know, for thinking you were some crazy witch.”

Crazy-…crazy witch?!” she exclaims, catching herself mid-sentence to stop herself from shouting.

“I’m sorry! Please, let me make it up to you! You wanted somewhere you could see the stars, right?”

At this statement, her ears perk up and her expression softens. “You know somewhere?”

“Of course. I know this mountain better than anypony. C’mon, I’ll take you there.”

You lift her telescope onto your back – huh, it feels lighter than before; must be all the other luggage that weighed me down, then – and lead her out the front door, tiphoofing your way through the hallway.

Once you’re outside, you breathe in a full set of fresh air; it may have mirrored your morning ritual, but there was something different about the air during the night. You couldn’t quite put your hoof on it…it was certainly cooler, so perhaps that made it more refreshing.

With nopony nearby, you and Twilight lose the need to whisper and return to normal speech. “So, where do we go?”

“This way!” You begin trotting off to the right, the other way to your normal morning jog.

“How far is it?”

“Not far; only about a mile. Should take us ten minutes at most.”

You pick up the pace, and the unicorn does her best to keep up. As you reach the location, you slow down and look to the side.

“Here’s where we turn off.”

“…what, here? But, there’s no path. You said not to leave the path.”

“I said not to leave the path when you’re on your own. Trust me, you’ll be safe with me.”

“…Okay. I trust you.”

You feel your chest glow with warmth, like it did the day before yesterday. Talk to her.

You push your way through the first few branches, holding them aside so Twilight could squeeze through with you.

“Stay close.”

As you continue, the vegetation grows thicker, and your progress slows. It’s only after another ten minutes that you finally see that familiar sight: a clearing at the edge of the forest, a clearing you had never seen another hoofprint in. This is your place. And why you brought a near-stranger along, you weren’t sure, but tonight was your best chance to find out.

Thirty hooves in front of you, the ground just stops; a tall cliff – you daren’t think how tall – descends into the lower reaches of the mountain. The trees behind you had grown backwards into the forest, as if forced back by the punch of a giant, leaving the sky almost completely clear. The clearing itself is blanketed in thick, plush grass, great for lying on (and even good for a quick snack if one was peckish).

The view out over the cliff stretched for miles and miles. You could see a number of towns and villages along the valley; you could see the lights of Manehatten just the other side of the horizon; you could see the outline of Canterlot perched on its mountain in the glow of the Moon. If you looked hard enough during the day, you could see vehicles and other transports going about their business on the roads; tonight, you could see only the still herds of sheep and cows in their fields as they slept.

You hear a soft noise behind you, and look to find Twilight setting up her telescope. (When’d she take it off my back? you think to yourself.) As she puts her eye to the eyepiece, you look up and take wonder in the night sky. You knew you could find it here, but to actually see it…

“…not a cloud in the sky, and not a light for miles around. Tonight is perfect. And this place is perfect, too. Thank you for bringing me here.”

Your cheeks heat up. You decide to go and sit down next to her. “Oh, it’s nothing, really. It’s just…”

“…hmm? Just what?”

You sigh. “…This is my sanctuary. It’s where I come whenever I feel sad or lonely. Or when I feel really happy. Or when I just want to relax. Nobody would ever bother me here. Life could just go by in front of me, while time for me just…stops.”

“Huh? Oh, I’m sorry! I never meant for you to show me such a special place-“

“No, nonono! Don’t be sorry! I…I don’t know why, but I wanted to bring you here. Plus, this is the only clearing I know of without going right up to the peak of the mountain.”

She smiles at you before turning back to her telescope. “Now, where’s the Lunar Cousin?”


Without taking her eye away, she answers you with precision and speed. “It’s the name given to the star that seems to follow the Moon in its orbit. You see, the Sun that Princess Celestia has gifted us with actually has more than our planet orbiting it. Out there is another star at the end of its life, known as a white dwarf, orbiting the Sun. Its orbital period around the Sun is about the same as that of the Moon’s around our planet. That gives it the appearance that it’s following the Moon around, hence its name. Cute, huh?”

You’re glad it’s dark and that she’s buried in her telescope at the moment; the dumbfounded look on your face must look a bit silly. That must be what you sound like when you talk about the mountain's past.

“…Wow. You sure know a lot about this kind of thing.”

She pulls away and looks up with her own eyes. “It’s one of my hobbies. And while I like the scientific aspect of the sky and space, I also admire the beauty of its artistry, too. It’s just so…”

“…relaxing?” you finish off.

She leans against you lightly. “…yeah…”

Okay, what is this? Your chest burns, your heart’s pumping a million gallons a minute-

Talk to her.

You look at her. She just continues leaning against you, looking at nothing in particular.


“…um…Miss Sparkle?”

“Please…call me Twilight. It’s the least I can do to show my gratitude for you bringing me here.”

Your heart skips another beat. “…right…Twilight.”


The words are difficult to form in your mouth. Only by forcing your lips into the right shape and just about breathing out at the same time does your speech come out coherently. “…you know I said I had…issues?”

“Yeah, you did mention that. Did you want to talk about it?”

“Yes, actually. You see, these last few days I’ve been feeling quite weird. I went to my parents to see what they thought, and they just kept speaking in riddles. Seeing as you like this sort of thing…” – you point to her telescope – “…I thought you might be smart enough to know what’s going on.”

She giggles a little, and it somehow sticks in your head like glue. “Alright, then. Tell me what you know.”

You shake your head to remove that infectious laugh from it and begin. “Well, ever since you arrived, I’ve been feeling…well, I don’t know how to put it, really. Warm, for one. And sometimes quite flushed.”

“…okay. Anything else?”

You look at her again, this time face-to-face. Her eyes reflect the moonlight and-…wait, there’s that look again. That smug one. Don’t tell me she knows too.

“Does your confidence suddenly disappear?”


“Does your mind go blank?”

“Yeah.” That’s it.

“Do you find yourself unable to sleep?”

“Yeah!” That’s exactly it!

“Do you eavesdrop on mares’ conversations?”


“I knew it was you! You were listening the whole time, weren’t you?!”

“I’m sorry! I just happened to hear something, and I became curious! Please, forgive me!”

She laughs again. “It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m not angry. But you really shouldn’t do that, you know.”

All you can do is hang your head in shame. “…sorry.”

“Oh, chin up. And besides, you know what they were implying of me back in there?”

You cast your mind back to the chatter in the room. “…yeah?”

“…well, I wasn’t exactly very confident at that time. Hearing you say what you’ve just said, I can tell you’re not experienced with this – neither am I, to be honest – but hearing that, not to mention seeing how nice you’ve been to show me this beautiful place…I’ve suddenly gained a lot more confidence.”

“Confidence? From me? To do what?”


Without any warning bar her one-word response, she reaches a hoof up to your cheek and presses her lips against yours. The sensation is so sudden and intense, you can’t stop yourself letting out a deep moan as your lips make contact.

As suddenly as it started, Twilight breaks away. “…wow…so, what did you think of your first kiss?”

You try to speak, but the words just won’t come. Instead, you find yourself naturally moving back towards her and kissing her again, eliciting a moan from Twilight, not as deep as yours, but incredibly soft. Her lips are equally as tender, and you can feel her breath tickling you on your muzzle. She pushes harder against you, wrapping her forelegs around your neck.

The force she uses topples you onto your back, but your lips never once stop their embrace. In fact, the moment your head hits the floor your mouth opens, and Twilight uses that opportunity to slip her tongue inside; almost instinctively you wrap your own around it. You both gasp into each other, and moan together on the exhale, the sound reverberating throughout your body. The taste of her tongue is completely new to you, as is this whole episode. Your chest burns hotter than ever before, and every time she rubs up against your body just adds to the blaze. Your tongues dance ever more frantically, a fiery samba danced to the flamenco of your moans. You certainly wouldn’t mind doing this all day.

Alas, Twilight pulls back and leaves you grasping with your lips at thin air. You both pant heavily, and you lay under the mare in awe at what just transpired – that was the single most amazing moment of your life.

Twilight rolls off of you and squeezes in close to your side, resting a hoof on your chest. “You liked it that much, did you?”

“Oh, yeah. I loved it.”

I see now…this is what you meant, Mum. Magical, indeed.

Savouring the taste on your lips and the warmth in your body, you close your eyes and rest your head on Twilight’s. This mare…she had destroyed your routine life and given you some of the worst and most worrying times you’d ever endured. And yet, here you were, your private garden, with the Moon, the breeze and the mare in your forelegs the only company you ever really needed.


You wake up with a wide stretch; considering the past few awful attempts, you couldn’t have had a better nights’ sleep.

“Hey, Twilight-“

You pat the ground next to you, right where she was the night before. As you sat up, you noticed her telescope was gone too.

No. She couldn’t have…

And yet, all the signs pointed to her having done exactly that.

You got up and sprinted through the bushes, back to the main path, all the way back to your house. Your parents and sister stood outside, waving upwards.

You follow their gazes to see a large purple balloon in the sky, slowly ascending away from the inn.

“Erm…what is that? And more importantly, where’d Twilight go?”

Your mother looks at you astounded. “More importantly, young man, where have you been all night?!”

She’d caught you. You were lost for words. “…Er-…I-…erm…”

Her frown turns into a smile as she points her hoof to the balloon. “She’s up there. If you have something to say, say it now. Don’t hold back.”

You look up again and see the unicorn you’d spent last night with hanging over the edge of the basket.

She shouts down, “I’m sorry I disappeared! I really needed to get going! Princess Celestia wanted to see me right away!”

P…Princess Celestia?! Wait, was this mare…that famous-…not important. Not right now.

You shout back up, “When will you come back?”

Not ‘will you’. ‘When will you’. She’ll be back. I know she will. She must. I want her to.

“When we next decide to have a holiday!”

I need her to come back.

“But…when will that be?!”

“I don’t know! Just…sometime soon, I guess!”

You breathe a sigh of relief. “I’m looking forward to it!”

“Me too!”

“And me!”

“Rainbow Dash, stop butting in! You should really learn some manners! Sorry, go on Twilight!”

You can’t help but laugh at their antics. “Why are you all shouting?!”

“We must sound like a bunch of idiots!”

“You and me both!”

You can hear them start to laugh up there too.

“Okay! I’ll be back! I promise!”

“Hey, son,” your father says softly behind you.

You reply without looking away from the balloon. “Yeah, Dad?”

“You haven’t said the most important thing yet. Am I right?”

He then whispers something in your ear – it’s so quiet, you can only just make it out – but the moment you hear it, you screw your face up in determination. One last call.

“Twilight! Go by the sanctuary! I have something to say!”

“What is it?! Can’t you just tell me here?!”

“It’s too important! Just trust me!”

After a few moments, the balloon starts to move in the direction you just came from. That was your cue.

You take off like a bullet, sprinting back into the greenery even faster than when you came out of it. C’mon, it won’t take long for them to get there! Hurry up!

After what seems like too long, you burst through the last line of trees, only to find that the purple balloon was already a good distance away.

I’ve only got one shot; hope they’re in range. Well, here goes nothing.

TWILIGHT SPARKLE!” you bellow as loudly as you can manage.

A fairly muffled response comes, but you can only assume she’s trying just as hard.


You inhale. One…



Instead of releasing your breath slowly and calmly, you use it to fuel the loudest thing you’ve ever said.


Now…did she hear it?

No response. It’s been a few seconds now.

It’s getting further away. Ten.

The wind’s picking up. Fifteen-

The reply finally arrives, the sound of crying apparent in her voice. “I LOVE YOU, TOO!

There. That’s it. I’ve done it.

You flop down onto the grass, your knees unable to hold you up any more. Rolling onto your back, you look up at the sky and think…

Thank you, Twilight Sparkle. I can’t wait for you to come visit again...

Comments ( 2 )

Any just why the fuck does this have 6 downvotes???!!! :flutterrage:
I thought it was great


Glad you thought so. It was the best thing ever while I was writing it, but once I'd finished and read it through again, it felt badly-paced, a bit empty and not very well thought out.

Don't worry, though: I'm leaving it up here. Partly for those who enjoyed it like yourself, but also to remind myself of how I can improve and what traps not to fall into.

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