• Published 31st Jul 2013
  • 1,892 Views, 142 Comments

No Heroes Part IV - The Crystal Empress - PaulAsaran

Empress Silma Ril has the Ancient Stones. She's returned to take Equestria, with Mane Archon at her side and a mythical sea beast as her superweapon. Only six ponies stand between Equestria and a new dark age... and they're no heroes.

  • ...

To Begin Anew

A month had passed since the crisis, now being dubbed “The Silma Incident”. The citizens of Ponyville and Canterlot returned to their homes, grateful to discover that both the town and city had been spared the destruction. Much of the world had not been so fortunate; entire cities in ruins, smaller nations wasted, millions of ponies killed. Not just ponies, but the griffons, the nilgiri, and all the other races, too. Major seaports had been wiped off the map, leaving naval trade routes unusable and the world economy in a state of freefall. Refugees poured into the more fortunate lands that managed to avoid the devastation, overfilling borders and leading to mass chaos.

Riptide had all but destroyed modern pony civilization.

Fine and Octavia walked the pale halls of Canterlot Castle’s medical wing. Fine wanted to speak up, but he had no words for his companion. She, in turn, was silent, her mind set upon her own troubles. The medical wing wasn’t so bad as the hospitals in the city itself, which were overflowing with refugees. Here everything was quiet and calm and sterile, like a proper medical center.

They came upon the room they’d been seeking, Fine rapping his hoof against the pale door.

“It’s open.”

Lightning Dust’s room was significant for a mere hospital residence. As one of the heroes of the recent crisis, no expense had been spared for her recovery. Fine had spent some time in one of these rooms himself, as had Upper Crust and Jet Set. Pinkie Pie had been released only recently, though all the others had healed much more quickly.

“Hey, guys.” Lightning greeted them with a strained smile. “How’s it goin'?”

“You first,” Fine countered, casting a wary look at Octavia’s frown. “Did they figure anything out, yet?”

Lightning’s smile grew more honest. “Yeah, they did! The doctors think the muscle’s healing properly, so I should be able to fly. They’re keeping me another week before release, though.”

“That’s great news,” Octavia declared, giving their friend a hug. “I’m sure Keen will be thrilled!”

Lightning gained a worried expression as they separated. “How is she? Doing okay with Fluttershy?”

The question had been directed at Fine, who nodded pleasantly. “She’s just fine. Her lessons with Twilight are going well. She really misses you, though. Sorry we couldn’t bring her along.”

“It’s alright,” Lightning replied, though she sagged just a little. “I can’t wait to get out of here. Being cooped up is terrible!”

“So you’ve mentioned,” Octavia noted with a weak smile.

Lightning gave her a curious look. “What about you, Octy? Any news from Nildia?”

Octavia tensed, and for a few seconds she struggled to keep from breaking into tears. “Y-yes…”

Fine rubbed her back soothingly before giving Lightning a sad look. “We found out just yesterday. Benjamina’s okay, but Rochette… he didn’t make it.”

“Oh.” Lightning wilted. “Octavia, I’m sorry…”

“Me too,” she whispered miserably. “But… everypony else is okay… so…”

It seemed nopony had come out of the crisis untouched. Foal Mountains had been hit hard, so some of Lightning’s old friends were gone. Jimmy and Nye learned of their father’s death early on, just as Fine had learned of his own father’s demise. Jet Set and Upper Crust had both lost relatives. The Elements of Harmony weren’t spared, either, losing friends from around Equestria. Applejack had been hit the hardest; entire branches of the Apple family tree had been swept away in the catastrophe.

But they all pressed on. In the chaotic aftermath, there was no other option. Except maybe to give up, but none of them were ready to do that. Everypony was doing his or her part, and though the month had been long and filled with pain, it had also been a time of progress.

And now, something new had come up.

“Luna and Celestia have called a meeting today,” Fine told Lightning. “If you’re up for it, we’re here to fetch you.”

Lightning sighed, relief and sorrow mixing in her expression. “Please, yes! Anything to get out of here for a little while.”

Fine comforted Octavia some more as Lightning got out of her drab hospital attire. She was being unusually cautious about her wing, and even had them wait until a nurse could answer her call and check her bandages, just to be sure, before they left. The risk of never being able to fly again weighed heavily on her mind, and though it took every ounce of willpower not to try and be active, she devoted herself to following the doctor’s orders and keeping rested.

At last, the three of them left the medical wing, Lightning’s midsection in a fresh set of bandages. “So,” she asked them curiously, “what this meeting all about?”

“Don’t know,” Fine admitted. “For once, Luna’s kept me in the dark.”

“As long as we’re not being praised, anymore,” she muttered grumpily. “I know we rescued the Elements of Harmony and the Princesses, but…”

“We all feel the same way,” Octavia declared, having finally recovered somewhat from her bought of sadness. “After all that’s happened, none of us are feeling very heroic.”

“Maybe not,” Fine agreed, “but now everypony’s looking to us for guidance. It’s rather annoying, really.”

“Speak for yourself,” Lightning grumbled. “You were only vaguely mentioned in Celestia’s and Luna’s award speeches, and of course you weren’t there.”

“I’m still the Mane Archon,” he noted solemnly, “and the Archons are still a secret organization.”

“Which means we get the brunt of the fans,” Octavia noted unhappily. “No thank you.”

He offered her a small smile. “Oh come on, just think about what it’s doing for your career.”

They were approaching the Royal Conference Room, and were pleased to see a few familiar faces coming from the opposite direction. Jimmy, Nye, Rarity and a still bandaged-up Pinkie greeted them before the large double doors.

“Well, look at the lovebirds,” Lightning noted with a grin at Rarity and Jimmy.

Jimmy blushed, a common thing nowadays, but Rarity only grinned proudly. She raised her head in a proud fashion. “You’re just jealous at me for catching the best stallion in Equestria.” She snuggled up to Jimmy, who broke into a foolish grin.

“Yeah, jealous, that’s it,” Lightning replied with no small amount of sarcasm. “Hey Pinkie, feeling any better?”

“Oh, I’m feeling a lot better!” she cried excitedly. “I’m so happy to be back in Ponyville and making friend, friends, so many new friends! I can’t wait till you get back, I’ll introduce you to all-“ She had started to raise her legs in a wide gesture, but cringed and lowered them once more. “Ehehe… Keep forgetting I can’t move around so much right now.”

Fine cringed. “Sorry…”

She shook her head, wincing only a little at the pain. “It’s okay, you did whatcha had to. I’m glad it was you who did it, I can’t imagine having to fight somepony else!”

He tilted his head uncertainly. “Thanks… I think?”

Rarity gave him a high-browed, unpleasant frown. “I still think you were too rough on her, Fine. Pinkie might have been a hoof-full, but she’s still-“

Pinkie set a hoof to Rarity's lips with a comforting smile. “I keep telling ya, Rare, it’s okay. I appreciate that he came for me at all.”

Octavia took the opportunity to address Nye, who’d been watching the entire scene with a bemused smile. “So, feel any different now that you’re officially a Count?”

He chuckled, scratching his head nervously. “Not really. A lot of the refugees keep coming to me as if thinking I’m some super-important figure who can make things happen. They haven’t figured out that it’s just an honorary title.”

“You’re still an important figure, Nye,” Fine told him with a pleasant smile. “You better get used to it.”

Nye sighed dejectedly. “I guess… I don’t feel so important. Being a Count doesn’t make me feel any better about how things turned out.”

The silence that passed amongst them was depressing, and lasted just a little too long. They all felt much the same way.

“Well,” Rarity offered with an attempt at a smile, “you all should head in. No doubt the Princesses are waiting for you.”

“Wait, you’re not coming?” Nye asked in mild surprise.

“Nopies,” Pinkie replied with unusual quietness, “this meeting is for Luna ponies, only.”

Fine tilted his head at her. “Then why’d you come all the way out to Canterlot?”

“Does a lady need a reason to visit Canterlot?” Rarity asked, batting her eyes at him.

But his attention was on Pinkie. She gained a nervous smile and glanced away. “What? I just wanted to come and see you guys, that’s all. Get going, Luna won’t wait forever!” She pushed him to the door with just a little too much force.

“They’re right,” Nye noted, opening the doors and giving them all meaningful looks. “Let’s get in there. I think Upper Crust’s already inside.”

They bid Pinkie and Rarity adieu for the time being and made their way in. The conference room was dimly lit, and not as big as any of them might have expected. Except Fine, who’d been there before. Just as Nye had predicted, Upper Crust was already sitting near the head of the massive table.

“Hey, Crustie,” Lightning called, earning a cringe from Upper Crust. “How’s Equestria’s star dragonslayer?”

Upper Crust drooped in a sulking fashion. “Wishing everypony would forget she’s slain a dragon.”

“Good luck with that,” Jimmy noted, giving her a friendly hug. “Even the most conservative estimates put the cleanup of the body at something around twenty years.”

“And so long as there’s a body, everypony’s gonna think of the pony who killed it,” Nye added, following up his brother’s hug with one of his own. “How’s Jet doing?”

“He’s not whining like a foal anymore, if that’s what you mean,” she told him with a grin, turning to hug Lightning very carefully. “He’ll be okay, provided I can get him to stay still and stop fretting over everything.” She held on to Octavia for a few seconds longer than the others.

“I don’t suppose you’ve heard anything about what this meeting’s about?” Lightning asked her as they all took seats. It was an awkward sight, a mere six ponies settling down at a table clearly meant for a couple dozen.

“Luna didn’t tell any of you?” she asked, clearly surprised by this news. She turned to Fine, who had sat next to her. “What about you? Luna tells you everything.” She offered him a hug, which he accepted in a slow, uncertain manner.

“Not everything, it seems,” he answered with a small smile.

“And for good reason.” They all turned to see both Princess Luna and Princess Celestia coming from another entrance. They both appeared quite pleased with themselves. It had been Luna who’d spoken.

Celestia added as they approached, “The decisions behind this meeting required a lot of dialog between my sister and I, so we couldn’t have explained it properly.”

The ponies all stood to bow politely, waiting for the Princesses to take their seats at the head of the table before following suite. That done, Luna spoke with a touch more familiarity; “My sister and I will try to keep this as brief as we can. We’re aware that one of you-“ She nodded sympathetically to Octavia. “-will need to make preparations for a long journey.”

Octavia bowed her head a little. “I appreciate that…”

Fine leaned forward to eye Luna purposefully. “Alright, so what’s this all about? It sounded pretty important.”

The sisters cast knowing looks at one another. It was Celestia who answered. “Tell me, have any of you heard of the Lunar Republic?”

Most of them cast clueless looks about the room, but Octavia and Fine both responded with scowls. Octavia was the first to speak. “A group of ruffians who – if you’ll pardon my rough language – bastardized Luna’s name and sullied her reputation.”

“Oh, it goes deeper than that,” Fine noted dourly.

“Indeed,” Celestia agreed. The others were clearly confused, so she went on. “The Lunar Republic claimed to be a group of ponies dedicated to the rule of my sister. They formed immediately following her exile, supposedly in retaliation for her unjust punishment.” All the ponies present shifted anxiously, not a single one of them daring to ask if she’d just acknowledged something ponies throughout history had been suggesting.

Luna coughed distractingly before resuming for her sister. “Who they were and what they intended no longer matters. The Lunar Republic is gone, and it is a good thing.”

Nye, clearly confused, asked, “But if they’re all gone, why are we being told about them now?”

“For a little background,” Celestia offered cryptically.

“In English?” Lightning asked with an annoyed expression.

The Princesses shared yet another knowing look. “Celestia and I have been discussing how my role in ruling Equestria is to be revised,” Luna answered.

“The events of the past month have revealed many things to me,” Celestia admitted, a touch of shame in her tone. “Things between my sister and I were never truly righted, and now I intend to make amends.”

“Make amends how?” Jimmy asked, a modicum of skepticism in his voice.

“By reinstating the Lunar Republic,” she replied with a pleasant smile.

There was a collective gasp from the ponies. Most appeared no less confused than before… except for Fine, who had a contemplative, grim expression, and Upper Crust, who stood up in anger. “What? Why would you want to do that? Didn’t you just say that the Lunar Republic was corrupt?”

Luna nodded. “The leaders of the Republic abused my name, and manipulated thousands of ponies, to enhance their own power. Yet this new order, this ‘New Lunar Republic,’ shall be led by myself. It will do what I would have wanted.”

“Which is what?” Octavia asked anxiously.

Neither Luna or Celestia answered. A moment of anxious silence passed through the room, all the ponies wondering about the question. In the end, his voice steady, Fine spoke. “To protect Equestria, of course.”

Luna gave him a pleased smile. “You understand perfectly.”

“But there is more to it than that,” Celestia went on regally. “I, like so many others before me, chose to ignore, or even belittle, the contributions of certain ponies. I even failed to heed the fears of my own sister. Because of this, Equestria – indeed, the entire world – was nearly swept away by corruption.”

“I think I see where this is going,” Fine noted, sinking down in his seat fretfully. “Brace yourselves, everypony, we’re about to get praised again.”

“We know you all don’t feel like the saviors much of Equestria is touting you to be,” Luna admitted sadly.

There was another anxious pause. It was Lightning who finally responded, tone bitter. “We might have rescued you and the Elements, but we’re also responsible for everything else.”

“With all due respect,” Jimmy added quietly, “we’re no heroes.”

Upper Crust, with head bowed and guilt on her face, spoke. “If anypony here is responsible, it is me. If I hadn’t killed Archon, Riptide-”

Fine stood, his steady but firm presence driving her to silence. He cast his looming gaze upon all of them, even the Princesses. “It was my plan, my decision. As I told Archon – and Upper Crust and Jimmy can confirm it – I was prepared to see hundreds of thousands, even millions, perish if it meant protecting posterity from the rule of Silma. I’m not proud, but if the situation occurred a second time I’d do nothing differently.”

None of them would debate him. They all bowed their heads, or looked away, but they wouldn’t disagree. Not a single one of them thought any differently.

“And that is what makes you all so important,” Celestia announced quietly. They all gave her alarmed looks, not comprehending what might drive her to say something like that. “Fine, that willingness to make the sacrifice is important. It’s one of the reasons Hoofknife chose you as his successor.”

“And do not forget,” Luna added with equal solemnity, “that I could have overruled your plan at any time. I did not. We are all guilty; we allowed the world to be horribly scarred to prevent its enslavement. That we feel guilt for the ruination is not a bad thing, provided we remain confident in our view that what we chose was the best decision available. I, for one, have no doubts.”

“Nor do I,” Nye added when it was clear she’d finished. “We did what we had to.”

“The consequences of our actions are terrible,” Octavia added unhappily, “but, when I think of the alternative…”

There were several nods of agreement. “I think we all agree that what we did was necessary,” Upper Crust suggested. Nopony argued.

Celestia let her horn shine, not very brightly, but enough to catch their attention. She possessed a regal pose, but when she spoke her voice was soft. “These events have made me aware, as well. I learned a valuable lesson, one that I intend to take to heart. It has been said by many ponies here that Equestria is a land of opposites. For centuries I attempted to bury the darker half of our world in shimmering light. I was afraid of what the darkness might produce, unaware that my very actions were creating these corrupt elements of Equestria.”

“The darkness only seems darker when the light grows brighter,” Fine noted in a tone of experience.

Celestia shook her head. “So many believe the shadow is a product of the light, but that has never been the case.”

This statement made many of the ponies cast questioning looks at one another. Luna, at her sister’s nod, explained. “The sun was created to drive back the darkness. Hence, the darkness was there first. It is the most natural and purest of elements. For centuries, ponies were led to believe that the darkness was corrupt and dangerous.”

“A belief spurred on by my neglect and ignorance,” Celestia admitted sadly. “But now I’ve come to understand that darkness is not the source of corruption. Silma proves, beyond any doubt, that those who represent the light can be just as dangerous.”

“And you, my little ponies,” Luna concluded happily, “have shown the world what those who represent the darkness are capable of. All of you, in some fashion, have faced the darker side of Equestrian life. Your experiences have made you strong, so strong that you were able to do what the Elements of Harmony could not.”

Lightning Dust had been quieter than the others, but now she shook her head. “This one event doesn’t change all that. I mean yeah, we’re famous now, but there are thousands, maybe millions of ponies out there like us who won’t be treated any differently.”

“It will be a slow process, that is true,” Celestia admitted kindly, “but it is progress that you all have begun. You six have brought Equestria on its first step to becoming better than it ever was, a step a thousand years in the making. There are things that you can do which I never could.”

“Really?” Upper Crust asked, sounding skeptical.

“Like what?” Nye added in a similar tone.

Celestia smiled sadly and lowered her head. “Like… make the decision to permit so many to perish for the good of the future. I promise you, had I been in that situation, I would not have made the same decision. Even now, knowing that it was the best course of action, I would not be able to do it.” She raised her head, eyes firm. “That is why Equestria needs ponies like you, and like my sister. Such decisions must be made at times, and only those baptized in darkness are truly prepared to make them.”

Fine raised his head, eyes lighting up. “The New Lunar Republic.” The others gained expressions of understanding at his words.

“Yes,” Luna announced proudly. “We will be the defenders of Equestria.”

“I intend to announce the Republic’s formation next week,” Celestia told them. “A new order, under the guidance of Luna. There are countless ponies out there who are dissatisfied, ponies who want things to be different. Luna will lead these ponies; for the first time since Silma’s original rule, my sister will have ponies loyal specifically and only to her.”

Jimmy, scratching his head uncertainly, was the first to pose the question. “So, what is the Republic? A new nation? A secret organization?”

“Generally speaking,” Luna answered, “all ponies within the Republic will still be citizens of Equestria, but their allegiances will fall to me, rather than Celestia. There will be nothing secretive about who is in the Republic.”

“But what about governance?” Octavia asked worriedly. “Will ponies in the Republic be answerable to the same laws as the rest of the citizenry?”

“How will it be organized?” Upper Crust added.

“What will these ponies be responsible for?” Lightning threw in.

Celestia raised a hoof, effectively silencing these questions. “The details need to be worked out, and carefully. The one thing Luna and I have agreed upon is that, just as I have a council of advisors, she will need a council of her own. So, along with the Republic, the first order of business is to assign the Order of Shadow, as Luna wishes to name said council.”

Nye leaned back in his seat, appearing not just a little worried. “Is this going where I think it’s going?”

Luna gave him a pleased smile. “I think that, for now, a six-seat council will be just right.” The six ponies went silent in combined disbelief. For a long while, nopony could say a single word.

Jimmy finally broke the silence. “You want us to be your royal advisors?”

Lightning sounded downright frightened. “You want us to lead a nation within a nation?”

“Don’t get us wrong,” Celestia added hastily.

“We are not pressing any of you into service,” Luna told them reassuringly. “But, as ponies who have more than proven yourselves, and as my personal friends, I want you all.”

Fine stood once more, his expression calm. “Two things I want clarified immediately. First: what’s going to happen to the Archons? It almost sounds to me as if they’re being replaced.”

“Do not worry, Fine,” Celestia instructed kindly. “The Archons are vital to Equestria’s well-being. These recent events make that more clear than ever. Your ponies aren’t going anywhere.”

He breathed a relieved sigh, gaining a small smile at this news. “Good… Second: is this role you’re offering an administrative position, like a governing office? Or is it more of an advising role or, if we’re still to be compared to the Elements of Harmony, a supportive role?”

“Leadership is to be expected, of course,” Luna told them, “but when it comes down to it, I will rule the Republic. You will be advisors, and there will be powers assigned to you. But even then, should you all wish to lead your normal lives rather than take a direct leading role, that would be acceptable. As we said, we’re still working out the idea.”

“I dunno,” Lightning said hesitantly. “Some of us aren’t exactly decision-makers.”

“You do yourself a disservice, Lightning,” Upper Crust declared, and she was curiously confident. “We’ve all had to make big decisions in the past few years.” She turned to look upon Luna, expression calm. “I recently got a taste of real responsibility. It helped me to realize that I don’t want to just sit on the sidelines and let the important decisions be dictated to me.

“Of course,” she added with a nod to Jimmy, “I don’t want to quit my current job, either. So I’d be willing to take on an advising role.”

Luna beamed at this news. “I am so very glad to hear it!”

At this confirmation, Nye leaned forward in a leisurely fashion that defied the mild nervousness in his tone. “I’m already a Count,” he noted. “I appreciate the title, but without at least some sort of responsibility attached, I’m not too comfortable with it. Aside from that, I’m always willing to help you, Luna, in whatever way I can.”

“A point you’ve more than proven,” Celestia mentioned, her tone grateful.

He smiled at her, blushing as he brushed his mane from his face. “Yeah… so… I’ll be an advisor. I don’t know if anything I say will be worth the air it takes to say it, though.”

“Your opinion will be no less valued than that of anypony else,” Luna assured him with a grin.

“Good Goddess,” Jimmy muttered, casting a mocking but anxious look at his twin. “If Nye’s on the Council with nopony to talk sense into him, the Republic’s time will be up before it even forms! Now I have to sign on just to protect you from his bad ideas.”

Nye whacked Jimmy’s shoulder playfully. “Thanks for the support!”

Octavia gave a small sigh, a wry smile on her lips. “A mechanic, a lazy tailchaser, and an estimator. I suppose I must join, now, otherwise who will give the Republic a proper sense of class and culture?”

Luna gave a small giggle at her words. “I am sure you will be more than suited to the task.”

All eyes fell on Lightning and Fine. He was sitting with elbows on the table and hooves touched just before his muzzle. It was a very serious, contemplative expression that adorned his face. She, on the other hoof, was shifting anxiously in her seat. She glanced at Fine, who’s eyes shifted to her with an intense focus.

At last, with head bowed, she spoke. “Tough times are ahead for everypony. We’re already seeing signs of it, and my first concern is for my little filly.” She looked up to gaze upon the Princesses, her anxiety abruptly gone. “Keen is now going to grow up in a world ravaged by Riptide. I want to give her every advantage I can. If my being on this Council will help to make the world better, then for her sake I will do it.”

“And you will be most welcome,” Luna agreed. “I can think of no better motivation.”

Lightning gave her most confident smile; her decision had been made, and she wouldn’t be turning back.

That just left Fine, who was still set in that solemn, firm pose. Everypony was watching him now. A few tried to speak, but something about his demeanor kept them silent. Luna and Celestia both frowned, matching his expression with solemn looks of their own, yet even they didn’t speak. His deliberation – for it was clear that he was considering the situation carefully – made all the others feel as if their decisions might have been hasty.

“I am concerned,” he said at last, finally lowering his hooves from his face. “I am the Mane Archon. I have an entire organization of very dangerous ponies with an international reach under my command. Now you’re asking me to have a hoof in the formation and potential leadership of an entirely new national order. I feel as though it’s far too much power for a single pony.”

Celestia raised a doubting eyebrow. “I find it difficult to believe that you, Fine Crime, are afraid of being too strong.”

“Power corrupts,” he declared. “No disrespect is intended when I say this, Princess, but nopony who has grasped power can honestly claim not to have abused it at some point.” Celestia pursed her lips in an unpleasant scowl, but when she averted her eyes it was as good as conceding his point. “I like being in charge. It makes me feel good. I like to think that I use my powers responsibly… but I do not want to risk it.”

Luna spoke up, her voice quiet. “Let me remind you that you would not be leading the Republic, only advising me.”

“But leadership is expected,” he countered ominously. “As you said.”

They all shared anxious looks, his words clearly worrying them. It was Octavia who spoke. “You’ve proven on many occasions to be a perfectly responsible leader, Fine.”

“You got us through the latest crisis,” Jimmy confirmed.

“Your plan saved Equestria,” Lightning added.

“Without you we wouldn’t even be here,” Upper Crust mentioned.

“It wouldn’t feel right without our fearless leader,” Nye told him.

Yet despite their praise, Fine did not appear at all swayed.

“I’ll make it as clear as I can,” Luna said in a determined tone, eyes locked firmly upon his. “Fine, in a time of crisis, when tough decisions must be chosen, there is no opinion I value more than yours. Indeed, I want you on the Council more than anypony here. Your experience as the Mane Archon makes you perfect for helping us plan the organization of the Republic. Your foresight would be invaluable in planning for the Republic’s merging with the existing Equestrian governing system. And should Equestria come under threat from forces Celestia and her ponies of the light cannot handle, nopony is better suited to lead the Republic against such dangers. I need you on the Council, Fine.”

Fine tilted his head, a calm, investigative motion. “So… the first order of business for us would be to help you design the Republic’s governing structure?”

She nodded, and he considered this for a long time. None of the others spoke. They only watched him with hopeful, or worried, expressions.

“If I am to join this, I want power restrictions,” he said at last. “You suggest that I might be made to aid the Republic in a situation of dire need? I want little to no power, Luna. Unless a situation calls for my direct involvement, this is your show, and I want everypony to know it.”

“So you will join?” she asked.

“Yes,” he nodded, “but now you let me be clear: if the manner of this Republic’s design appears to be moving towards granting me any powers at all, I’m gone. I am an Archon, and I want my leadership role to stick to them.”

“I think that is suitable for everypony,” Celestia declared with a pleased smile, and Luna nodded her acceptance.

“In the meantime,” he went on, his manner more relaxed now that his gravest concern had passed, “might I make a starting suggestion? I think the Council will need a leader to oversee what we’ll all be responsible for.”

Jimmy leaned back with an annoyed wave of his hoof at Fine. “I thought the same thing, and until a few seconds ago I was going to recommend you.”

“I was the leader of the team,” he acknowledged, “but something tells me this will take precedence over that. We’re not a team, anymore; we’re a Council, and I’m washing my hooves of the leading role. Despite all your praise, I really think I’m not best suited to the task anymore. Besides, I already have to lead the Archons in addition to whatever I do with you guys.”

“Then who would you suggest lead the Council?” Upper Crust asked.

Fine smiled and turned to gesture past her. “Octavia.”

“Me?” She sounded mildly surprised, but not worried. “Why me?”

“Need I remind you?” he asked. “If Luna hadn’t specifically asked me to lead this team, you would have led it at my recommendation.”

“I can see that,” Nye admitted. “You’re smart.”

“Brave,” Lightning agreed.

“Strong,” Jimmy noted.

“Confident,” Upper Crust acknowledged.

“The list could go on,” Fine concluded, “but the point is that you’re a natural leader, Octavia. You just haven’t had a chance to prove it.” He cast his eyes upon Luna.

The Princess nodded in understanding. “And you’ll get that chance. Assuming you’re willing to accept it?”

Octavia looked at all of them, a small smile on her lips. “You guys… I suppose I don’t have a choice, after being heaped with so much praise.”

“Then it’s settled.” Celestia nodded to Luna, eyes shining with pride. “I’m sorry it took so long for you to get this, little sister.” The two shared a satisfying moment of silence, but it was short lived. “And now I will be taking my leave.”

“What?” Lightning raised her head curiously. “Already?”

“The Order of Shadow is having its first meeting,” she declared happily, “and I am not a member. Good luck, everypony.”

She departed with head held high and a spring in her step. They all watched her go in silence, a certain happiness filling them for reason most didn’t understand.

“What just happened?” Upper Crust asked.

“Isn’t it obvious?” Nye asked, grinning up at Luna. “Luna’s been promoted.”

“Promoted?” Lightning asked skeptically. “How do you promote your co-ruler?”

“By giving her equal powers,” Fine declared, a smug look on his face. “How does it feel to not have her looking over your shoulder, anymore?”

“Pleasing beyond words,” the Princess declared with emphasis, her smile and tone matching his wry manner. “I want to thank all of you. I was very hopeful that you’d all agree to this.”

Nye stood, catching her eye and speaking in a proud tone. “I said it once already: you’re our Princess. We believe in you, and in turn we believe in this new Republic. It’s about time you got the appreciation you deserve.”

“I’ll second that,” Jimmy declared, standing and wrapping a leg around his brother’s shoulder. “I welcome this change.”

“As do I,” Octavia announced, standing as well. “This land and its people are in for dire times, and yet I believe that this moment foretells great things in Equestria’s future.”

Lightning stood, too. “I’ll admit, I was never very patriotic about Equestria,” she confessed without guilt. “But this? I can get behind the Republic.”

“Far be it for me to be left out,” Upper Crust said, joining them. “For the future of Equestria, and for Luna.”

Fine, ever calm but no less proud, slowly stood. “For Luna.”

The Princess beamed at them, visibly touched by this showing of support. She nodded to them all and breathed a deep, pleased breath.

“To the New Lunar Republic, and the future of Equestria.”

Author's Note:

And that's it; the main series of No Heroes is over. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I never like my endings. I was going for something with quiet meaning, but I'm not sure if it has the effect I was going for.

For such a short chapter, it sure took ages to write! Combining my work and my search for a new car, I haven't had anywhere near as much time to write as I'd like. Some days I couldn't get in more than 500 words! It was frustrating, to say the least, and it had nothing to do with a lack of ideas.

But now No Heroes is done, and I can start on a new major project. That project, I've already decided, will be a Lightning Dust fic set in the same universe as No Heroes.

And that's the great thing about what I did with this story, in my opinion. I've opened a can of worms and made a new future of Equestria, and thus have given myself plenty of room for expansion and development. I have side stories planned for all the characters in No Heroes.

The past several months have been fun, and I don't intend to stop now. Maybe as I expand my No Heroes universe and gradually gather more followers, the original will grow in popularity. Who knows? Could happen.

Other stories of the No Heroes Universe:

Lightning's Bolt

Comments ( 72 )

Finally done. After seven long hours of reading I can stop. I know I could've stopped at any time but you had me wanting to read more as I continuously wondered what would happen next. Great job!

Site Blogger

Many many thanks! :pinkiehappy:

The fourth and final iteration of this series....
Well, the main series, I'm still holding on LD's story... Maybe Uppity's, if the idea is sound enough....
I still would've loved to see Tazel more....

Ok, I did make notes two days ago, but this is the first chance I've had to actually post them for you... Since doing so on a phone would be torture...

The start I found rather abrupt...
It was like... BAM conflict... BAM antagonists... BAM both antagonists hate each other.... Which I actually thought was a nice touch FYI... then "Hey, let's take over Canterlot..."

I remember you saying something about requiring Discord to be out of the picture... But I mean, really... What could he have done in that situation....

When I first read that the Elements didn't work, I kinda expected that, since the entire point of the story was like "These ponies are normal, but they're like, awesome at their own thing..." Mind you, you did give reasoning as to why they didn't work, which I thought was well done... Just a shame that the origins of the elements is now a tree under the old castle...

Oh, yeah... The three stones....
can't help but feel that they're just the actual reason to be able to defeat Silma and co... And I knew you'd have to make your own mythical artifacts to counter them... But, the obvious lines of light -> Celestia, Dark -> Luna, and Earth.... Who the hell is Earth?
I don't know, that's the connection I made with the rocks... Either I missed their origin stories completely or it wasn't explained well... Probably the former...

By the way, finding the Shades of Night... With Luna and Nye sharing a moment.... Perfect... Take all of my applause! If there was a single scene that explained more about Luna and her history... I mean, I like to think of Silma's mind-control like being drunk.... You listen to orders without question, you remember everything that happens in the mid-way... You speak your mind with no form of regrets... And to end it all someone gives you another drink...
Sorry, obligatory comedy line is now over, so we can move on...

Fine vs Pinkie was like, nuts.... I know, it made sense and all that, but, really... It was just nuts... Not much else to say...

Since we're on the fight scenes, Luna vs Celestia was also well done... Luna's defence was well reasoned... But I will say that you're making Celestia not only appear completely stupid... But her complete ignorance to the 'darker' side of society? I mean, come on... She may see things in one direction only, but she's not blinded by her vision of the "Ideal" world...

And on that note, How the hell can a country run with two governments in power?
Will half the population work during the night and the other half during the day?
Will there be a giant class-war between those who are in the Lunar republic or the Solar empire?

And even if ALL ponies in government do understand the change no ruler can be ignorant enough to believe that such issues WOULDN'T arise from extremists on both sides of the fence....
Sure, give Luna her elements of backup... But an entire proclaimed nation within the same country as the original government still rules?
I mean, Riptide caused complete destruction across the entire globe, and a month after millions were wiped out, you're going to create civil unrest with THIS!? I'm all for Celestia apologising to Luna given her past in this story... But REALLY?
WHEN did you think that was a good idea? Equestria would need to unite to repair the damage left by Riptide... If the body would take 20 years to clear away, then it would take longer to repair and... for lack of a better term... REPLACE the millions that had died...

Seriously, in terms of Luna's life, what's another 50 odd years of "shadow" governance...?
yeah, no... Not buying it...

Sorry, I really didn't see the logic behind that choice... I didn't mean to sound offensive, but... surely you can at least understand where I'm coming from....

In closing; there really isn't much more to say...
I have spent countless hours at night before bed reading this story (The complete story)
The plotholes were few,
And inconsistencies were ironed flat at a later part in the story...
Characters (as annoying as some of them were... NYE!) worked out completely likeable, their actions were justified and almost everypony got equal viewing time...

But everything worked out fine... Which is fine I guess...
My only issue (besides the dual government thing) is that you put so much effort into building this hyper-realistic world with tragedy, struggles, light romance through character progression and a full Light vs Dark mentality... Only for everypony to finish the story as perfectly as they could...

Fine was cured of his Bloodmane-ness
Lightning will fly again
Upper Crust realised her true potential

I'm not saying that everypony had to die, or something horrible had to strike against them all... But in terms of the finale, everything went off without a hitch...
Sure, Fine couldn't fight Archon because he had an ancient amulet thing but the backup plan worked without a hitch.... And Silma, the main villian you built up over the entire series was beaten in less than a paragraph from a giant sea-monster who we didn't even believe was real until it actually emerged in the final book!

Leave Riptide as Fine's dream...
Turn Silma into a worthy fight... (Although her lack of urgency when Cele vs Luna was classic villain... that was well done)
Have somepony play sacrifice for the greater good...

Sure, it's nice to have everypony perfectly fine at the end of a series, but the ending didn't fit the theme of the rest of the stories...
(On to my final page of notes... not long left)

Somewhere around book 3 you started to lose me... I don't know where, I don't know why... But books 3 and 4 didn't have the impact of 1 and 2...Setting such high stakes might've been the issue... Creating more magical McGuffins to toy with could've been it too... Everything just turned so surreal with the trip to Nildia...

Or maybe it was just Riptide... Leave him as Fine's fantasy childhood demon to fight... Wiping out half the world, shooting lasers to disintegrate the REAL main villain (And not damage anything else for that matter) and being so big that it was able to run over Los/Las Pegasus, Nildia, Canterlot AND reach Trottingham or Manehattan or wherever the third place was...
Yeah... I'm going to put my blame on Riptide...

Right, now that I've whinged myself inside out, let me say that anything not mentioned here was brilliant...
You have definitely gained a fan, and I wholly intend on going through your entire library and tearing them apart like I have this one...

Again, I don't mean to be rude, and I apologise because I have said a few things in here that may've crossed lines... But, this was a great read... I might even come back to it one day...
But for the record: Despite my complaints, this is still an excellent story... And it shall be recommended to any who cross my path...

Wow I spend too much time writing these....

Site Blogger

Let me hit upon the Stones..

There was no explanation. There wasn't meant to be one in the first place, because they pre-age even the princesses and written history. They are meant to be mysterious in the first place. Will I someday explain what they are and where they came from? Maybe. I am considering a distant prequel regarding Silma and how she turned evil, which might discuss the Stones' origins, but I can't be certain as I kinda like them being 'unknown entities'. That said, the prequel would also reveal the 'Unknown Princess', who is that mysterious third figure you're probably looking for who has been mentioned off and on throughout the series.

I do love the Luna /Nye scene. I came up with the small bit of Luna's history on the spot, but I might expand upon it later. I dunno, I'm nervous about doing the whole 'history of the princesses' thing, just because it seems so overdone.

I've long been thinking on Celestia's side of things. I know it seems stupid of her to behave in such a manner, but I feel I need only point to our current (U.S.) administration as proof that these kind of people exist in the real world. Regardless, I agree that I need to come up with some sort of proper reasoning behind Celestia's 'ignore it and it will go away' over the centuries.

At any rate, I'm glad you liked the fight between her and Luna! I was fretting over either having not done enough or, alternatively, going too far. Speaking of fights, I'm still rather pleased with the Pinkie/Fine fight. It brings to mind my plans for the future, including a curious triangle I'm trying to flesh out between those two and Fluttershy. I have both a sequel and a quasi-sequel/prequel in mind for that very subject.

The New Lunar Republic is another major oddity that needs to be addressed, and I knew that as I created it. More work needs to be done to legitimize its existence. This is one of the many things I'd like to tackle in the sequels, though they may be a while in coming. I'm not at all offended by your viewpoint on this, they actually (somewhat) mirror my own, but the nature of the situation was devised for conflict. At any rate, you overestimate my intentions, which is probably my own fault for how the idea was described in-story; the New Lunar Republic is still technically a 'shadow government'. I haven't worked out the details yet... but that's the whole point of Luna's new 'Order of Shadow': to figure those details out.

Sure, everything came out perfectly fine... except for the death of millions, entire cities wiped off the map, loved ones lost, new responsibilities they might not be ready for, national boundaries rewritten, and – let's not forget – an entire world full of unforeseeable challenges of both personal and societal nature ready to make the future a terrible place due to their actions while trying to achieve the ultimate good. Yes, all the main characters are doing okay... because I intend to do more with them.

That said, I get what you mean about things deviating from the overall theme. I knew Silma's defeat was too easy. I actually seriously debated having Lightning lose her ability to fly, but with nobody out there to encourage me one way or another I went the other way (and somewhat regret it). Curing Fine of the Bloodmane and his fear of Riptide makes him less interesting, I'll grant.

About the only thing I don't feel the least bit guilty about is Upper Crust. I am very happy with how things turned out for her. But I want to write a side-story focusing on Jet Set's side of things, because I've had too many people complain that his decision in Book II came too quickly (they all think I didn't convey the passage of time properly). Before you jump the idea as, know that it would focus on the three days when Upper Crust was evacuating Canterlot, which I think has a lot of potential for character growth for both her and Jet.

Book III... I keep wondering about Book III. It seems like I lose a lot of readers there. Maybe I did take the whole fantasy bit too far, I dunno. I can't imagine Nildea being an issue, save that it was unfamiliar territory, but I'm trying to expand upon the world by showing Equestria isn't the only thing out there. At any rate I mostly don't intend to go so far out for the sequels and prequels, with the exception of an Octavia-focused sequel that will have her traveling through Nildea.

But regardless of all the flaws, I'm glad you enjoyed the overall story! I'm also glad to finally have somebody give me a proper review of No Heroes, which had been going on a year old without one. It was my first story for FimFiction and I like to think I've improved some, but I'll leave that up to you as you read through my other material (I happily await more reviews!).

You never crossed any lines. I welcome the criticism, it helps me to see what people do and don't like. I don't expect you to like everything I do and I don't want you to sugarcoat it when you don't like something. Thanks for being honest and taking the time to go through the whole thing, I appreciate it more than you know.

This was a very amazing and engaging series. I enjoyed it all the way through and I hope that you continue to write more greatness like this!

Site Blogger

Glad to hear it! But this is by no means the end. I've got a side story in progress and an alternate universe or two. Feel free to indulge. :rainbowdetermined2:

4230420 I've begun to read Lightning's Bolt, and I'll start reading Trixie vs. Equestria later.

Site Blogger

Always glad to see they earning some attention! Especially No Heroes; sometimes I think it's withering away in obscurity.

Wow. That was certainly not what I expected. It was good, but way not what I thought what would happen. I guess based on the title, I expected that to be way more low key, with a finale occurring in the shadows.

SPOILERS below. Didn't realize this would show up on the main story page.

Sorry I can't put this together more coherently, but here is a pile of thoughts, in an equally nonsensical order.
1) I didn't realize that Mane Archon had introduced the Midguard Serpent/ Riptide to Equestria, I kinda just figured it was present as part of the world already. I'm not sure, it just seems odd that massive beast somehow slipped through a portal with Mane, before he + Silma could control it.
2) The New Lunar Republic? Ruled over by Luna and her council of six. That isn't really a republic. I'm also not sure Luna + Celestia would think this was a good idea, considering the circumstances.
3) When Pinkie's Pinkamina :pinkiecrazy:side was revealed when Verity Fine was being treated for Bloodmane, I thought you wrote Pinkie very well. Subtle breaking of the 4th wall, it was great. On a related note, I was very surprised to see Pinkie as a Bloodmane, I just have never seen that as part of her.
4) I felt a great deal of the fighting might have been avoided by giving the potion to the indoctrinated ponies how it was given to Luna. They all knew each other, and Nye had a reputation as a drink mixer and was posing as one of Silma's allies. I can certainly see this not working, but it might have been something to try?
5) I liked Tazel. Especially when she was pretending to be the priest at the old temple to Riptide. It was sad to see her go.
Overall that was an enjoyable read. Keen Arrow + Lightning is adorable and I'm going to go read Lightning's Bolt.

Thanks for writing!

Site Blogger

1) The hints are there, but kept vague enough that it's pretty hard to grasp if you don't already know the background. The saving grace (I hope) is the fact that Mane Archon openly admits as early as book II to how long he'd been trying to control it before Silma offered her services... which just so happens to coincide with Fine's age at the time of the incident that killed his mother (and yes, I planted that timing).

2) Calling it a 'republic' doesn't guarantee that things are handled by voting, even if that actually defines a republic. Even so, I have plans for all of this, including a system of voting in leaders. But before any such votes can take place, the government's form needs to be defined, and they haven't even started on that yet. I have a few sequels in mind that would involve their debating over the exact design of the Republic – and the specific timing of its public announcement, might I add – but those may be a little while in coming.

3) Pinkie being a bloodmane was part of the plan from the very beginning. The only reason I didn't work with her more is because I'm always nervous about portraying her; I don't consider myself very skilled at humor and randomness. That being said, one sequel/prequel is planned that will show Pinkie essentially telling Fine the story of how she discovered her condition, what she went through and how she cured herself.

Also, the Pinkamina = bloodmane thing is meant as a nod to all the 'psycho-Pinkie' stories that exist out there on the web. I just wanted to find a way to somewhat legitimize the idea.

4)Absolutely not! Pinkie's ability to break the 4th wall meant she was already aware of what Fine intended, so there was no convincing her. Lightning most certainly wouldn't have been able to convince Rainbow, and since they were fighting and Fluttershy was charged with shooting LD down Nye wouldn't have been able to convince her, either (although an argument can be made that he could have just force-fed it to her before she even knew he was there, what with him sneaking up on her and all). Applejack, being stubborn as a mule, would most certainly not have taken to Octavia's attempts. Jimmy we don't need to discuss, because he technically did handle Rarity through talking. The only question mark in my mind is Twilight; I'm not sure if she could have been convinced to drink the potion or not. Celestia, on the other hoof, probably could have been via Luna.

But if I'd taken such an alternate route, would we have had the fights? No. And that makes my method better. :rainbowdetermined2:

5) I love Tazel. I wish I could do more with her, but she's gone for No Heroes and won't be making any more appearances in the TvE universe thanks to her particular circumstances. That said, I've considered writing some 'way back when' prequels that could feature her and even show how she was created.

I'm glad you enjoyed the story! I wish more people would discover it. Lightning's Bolt has been fun to write, I just wish I'd finish the dang thing! Soon... yes, very soon...

1) Now that you point out that detail, it makes sense.
3) The Pinkie-pyscho stories that exist elsewhere made me expect it less in your work, as you clearly make an effort to be original. (Which is great by the way) (Also not accusing you of being unoriginal here)
4) I meant they could have tried slipping it in drinks, sneaking it to them while they were sleeping or something. I suppose with the urgent timeline, or nature of the potion those could easily not be viable options. Though the fights were cool so I certainly wouldn't have tried to hard to resolve it in other ways...

How many of your other stories are in this world? I thought it might just be Lightning's Bolt, but I notice Fine Crime, and Fleur the Illusionist in the descriptions of some of your other works.

Thanks again!! (Side note, how is there no Luna emoticon?)

Site Blogger


Ah... well I suppose some of them might have been convinced in some touching scene to drink a toast in Silma's name or something like that. I can almost guarantee that I could have arranged it. Rather than seek out some argument against the idea (which I'm sure I could find), I'll just stick to my 'do you want to see kick-ass fights or not?' defense. :rainbowwild:

I like the 'psycho-Pinkie' trend enough that I just had to try it (you may have noticed my slight favoring of 'darker' material). I thought that I might be able to approach it in a fresh way, which would hopefully keep an original feel to the story.

As of right now, Lightning's Bolt is the only other story set in the No Heroes AU. I have a large number of concepts planned for expanding the NH universe, but there's no telling when I'll get to most of them.

The Challenge of Fleur, A Challenge for Fleur, The Weed and the upcoming Ordinary World are all set in an AU very similar to No Heroes, sharing characters and world history and even some of the events from No Heroes, though where No Heroes canon ends and this new AU's canon begins has yet to be clarified by yours truly. I can only say with confidence that Book I and most, if not all, of the events of Book II are canon to both AUs. These stories all feature Fleur de Lis in some way (although one only has her as an unnamed cameo) and I plan to continue writing stories featuring or focused on her for their world, thus I refer to it as the Fleur AU.

The cast of No Heroes also appear in the Trixie vs. Equestria AU, although most of those are only as cameos.

Also: I long for a Luna emoticon, myself.

Site Blogger

Yes, this particular typo has been pointed out to me, albeit only recently for a different story.

Now's the point where I gripe and groan about people putting my stupidity on display in a public forum instead of telling me about it in a PM so I can quietly change things without anyone else being all the wiser. :unsuresweetie:

But thank you for the information, regardless. It's one of my things to watch out for. I hope you find the conclusion satisfying!

Oh, I didn't think PM'ing you was an option since it was just a small thing. If I come across another annoying typo I'll let you know in private. :twilightsheepish:

I thought this conclusion was very good. The Republic thing threw me off a little bit, but that's mostly because of the history behind that whole phrase in the fandom. What you're doing with it seems to be pretty interesting and I'll probably get around to reading your other stories too. I just really like your writing style.
Honestly, I'm shocked this doesn't have more attention as a whole series, since it's very well-written. This is probably a dumb suggestion, but have you tried putting any of them in a group like Twilight's Library? They show off good quality fics.

Site Blogger

I doubt Twilight's Library would accept these – they're loaded with minor grammatical mistakes that 99% of the world don't care about, but places like the Library put on a pedestal and shine big beaming lights on. I've learned that lesson the hard way.

Still, it's something worth considering. Maybe after the cover art (all four of them) are finished in the next few weeks I'll submit them for the good old college try.

This reminds me: I still need to submit Twilight's Inferno. I wonder if they've opened the submission folders yet?

This story....This story... I'm touched. I'm so happy you wrote that journal about Lightning's Bolt, because I was able to read this beautiful series! It's such an intricate world, filled with conflicts and convoluted futures, and I love every second of it! This is definitely top 3 for the best stories I've read, fanfiction and books alike. Thank you so much for writing this amazing universe! :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :heart:

Site Blogger

And thank you for the praise. No Heroes isn't perfect - that fact is made increasingly clear as time goes by - but I do think it serves well as my first story and I'm very pleased with it.

And oh, what timing: the prequel just got published not even an hour ago. :ajsmug:

Will Riptide be appearing in the universe of Trixie Vs Equesrtia?

Site Blogger

No, because the history of Equestria changed before Mane Archon had his teleportation accident, which means he never gets the opportunity to travel to the Norse universe, so he can't bring Jörmungandr into Equestria.

Can six nopony's really make a difference?

Should be noponies. "Pony's" is the possessive of pony. Ponies is the plural of pony, thus it would be "Can six noponies". (With six quantifying how many noponies there are.)

Edit: Sorry for double-post. College internet sucks.

Comment posted by Magical Trevor deleted Nov 3rd, 2014
Site Blogger

Funny thing, I spotted it pretty much at the same time you did on DA. :twilightblush: Thanks, though!

OK, finished this, took me what? A week to read the entire series? Got to say I really enjoyed this as well. Took the Elements of Harmony out with a reasonable history of why they didn't work and when they awoke they were themselves just enough to believable and not themselves enough to be creepy. And that's just what we saw of them! Especially like how when they first began to serve Silma and she makes them her personal guard then just sends them off to do whatever to keep them out of her hair. Twilight your a librarian? Go look in the library for something and take the hick with you. Rainbow Dash, go fly around on patrol or something. The Mane Archon came off as just crazy enough to be somewhat sane and nuts at the same time. Especially when he wants Silma's attention. And was that a Half Life 2 reference when it came to his super weapon? No for our erstwhile heroes. Fine Crimes entire panic attack was almost hilarious. Goes running out of town, through the woods, up the stairs (even through a secret door?)and then hides under a bed of all places! The dream sequence for him to wake up though was almost heartbreaking. Man literally had to face his fears or never wake up. Especially enjoyed how his mother complimented him on his choice of Fluttershy. His final fight though seemed to be right out of Dragonball Z of all things. Octavia seemed almost underused but was still a strong contributor for all of that. She might have run, but she didn't go far and at least tried to organize a counterattack. Didn't help everyone was still panicking at that point though. Then she walks all the way home only to find one of the ones who had panicked so hard earlier had taken charge. Did like the scene though where they were prepping for the counterattack and Fleur had tried to get her to take a spin on the runway as a model! One way to take her mind off things. Jimmy was fun, I loved the scene with him and Rarity. I actually had to reread it because I thought it was so good. Nye was fun as well, man is loyal. Nuff said, even when it hurts him. Lightning also seemed underused at times but here duel with Rainbow Dash was almost nail-biting at points. I know its very hard to write flying scenes as events happen on a 3D board rather than a level plain but you did pretty good with it. Any scene with her and Keen are just adorable though. And finally Upper Crust. Now this I think became my favorite character as things went along. Goes to the castle to fight, loses and panics and runs home to the husband and gets a second wind and then remembers just what she is doing and starts fighting back and really doesn't stop from there. She took on all comers and still didn't stop. And she did all for loyalty to Luna and to her friends, something at the beginning of the story she didn't have and couldn't understand even having. And finally Luna. Now that's a girl with a valid grudge, a very valid grudge. Her crime was minor, and her sentence was hugely harsh and in the end it was for nothing as the ones who reported the crime were traitors anyway. That girl deserves her revenge.

Arghh. And just noticed, you never did tell us if they ever unstoned Discord! Poor guy is probably still in the garden with birds pooping on him.

Site Blogger

*Stares at wall of text*

The "Enter" key is your friend. Learn to take advantage of it.

Though it was a trial to read through, I thank your for the lengthy commentary. I'm continuously disappointed in just how few people actually bother to comment on this particular story. A few things of note:

And was that a Half Life 2 reference when it came to his super weapon?

Yes, but that's not the only game referenced, and there were shows referenced as well. Pretty much every move Mane Archon made was a reference to something, which is actually indicative of where he's been for the past 700 years.

Especially enjoyed how his mother complimented him on his choice of Fluttershy.

I have a sequel story planned that will focus on Fine's relationship to both Fluttershy and Pinkie. I'm dying to get to it. All I'll say is that one of them is going to get the short end of the stick and not be happy about it.

His final fight though seemed to be right out of Dragonball Z of all things.

No no no, not Dragon Ball Z. Ick. It's actually right out of this. Jump to 3:10 for the good stuff.

Octavia seemed almost underused but was still a strong contributor for all of that.

She's got a sequel coming, too. I have big plans for Best Background Pony.

Jimmy was fun, I loved the scene with him and Rarity.

Still debating exactly what I'll be doing with these two. If you follow the clues ever since Book II, you'll find that their relationship isn't so clear-cut.

Any scene with her and Keen are just adorable though.

Read Lightning's Bolt. Seriously, it's all about Lightning and Keen.

And finally Upper Crust. Now this I think became my favorite character as things went along.

I concur. The NH Upper Crust is awesome and I'm proud of how she grew.

And finally Luna. Now that's a girl with a valid grudge, a very valid grudge.

I'm seriously considering writing a prequel that shows exactly what went down... and the long war that came after because of it.

And just noticed, you never did tell us if they ever unstoned Discord!

Nope, still a lawn ornament, and that was an intentional move on my part. The Fine/Fluttershy/Pinkie sequel will actually be about them trying to cure him.

Funny I also had Advent Children in mind for a second, but its not exactly all that well known which is hilarious in that I only played Half Life once. I've replayed Final Fantasy 7 a dozen times. And yes, I just finished Lightning Bolt, took four hours when I should have been sleeping, but I read it.

And NO! The enter key is the enemy! Fight the enemy!

Site Blogger

Glad you enjoyed it and consider it 'Grade A Quality,' especially considering it's the very first story I ever wrote (if you count all four books as one). I look back at this and keep seeing the things I did blatantly wrong, though No Heroes still holds a place in my heart. But... you're wrong about the continuation. I have plans that go beyond side stories and prequels, plans that include:

1) A quest to de-petrify Discord,
2) An entire story devoted to resolving the Fluttershy/Fine Crime/Pinkamina triangle that has subtly developed,
3) Clarification of the relationships of Jimmy, Rarity and Octavia, who are themselves an unwitting triangle (did you catch the hints?),
4) Fine Crime helping Pinkie face her past sins as a bloodmane,
5) Octavia going on an adventure with Benjamina across Nildia,
6) An investigation of the changelings and how the Silma Incident affected them.

Also, there is potential for Octavia to achieve in this AU what Twilight achieved in the show, because as Luna said: it's truly a shame that a pony with her aptitude wasn't born with a horn.

Unfortunately, NH has a lot of competition for my time, particularly from Trixie vs. Equestria, which has a much more well-defined organization. When I'll get to these stories is unclear, although I do need to complete Reddux the Tyrant prior to starting any of them (I have a policy of only writing one story for a series at a time).

Anyway, I shall see you in future stories!

Site Blogger

Yeap. I've had an editor (who didn't work on this) discuss it with me, but in the comments? Not a soul.

I still havn't gotten my lazy self around to reading it, though i prolly oughta before they decide to butcher it with a movie as well :P

5351089 Yes, yes I am. I am actually somewhat impressed you knew what I was talking about.

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I got about six books in, then stopped reading because "dammit, is he ever going to finish this series?" I never picked it up again because distractions, but if I ever do I'll be making sure to write down notes to keep track of everything.

That series is literally as old as I am, if you count when Jordan actually started writing.

5351947 Lol, I actaully managed to make it through all fourteen books... Somehow I went from reading that to reading about ponies...

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I was reading them as they came out. The Wheel of Time is actually the series that got me set on my 'not gonna start until it's finished' rule. My sister father and me often joked about how Robert Jordan was going to die before he finished them.

...not so funny anymore.

5353470 He did... Last three were written by Brandon Sanderson. He used notes that Jordan left him to finish it, though the last three books were supposed to be one.

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Why do you think I said "...not so funny anymore?" :trixieshiftright:

Finally finished reading.:yay: Really liked the story. I loved the character development throughout this story and the parts with Upper Crust were my favorite. She had the most development and finally found her self-worth in the end.:trixieshiftright: Lighting was my second favorite as she tried to juggle her new responsibilities with Keen and deal with her motivation for trying to succeed. Jimmy and Nye's interactions were amazing to read in the first books and their development from repairing their brotherhood to self-discovery and finally love outside the family was nice to see. Fine's story kept me interested as he wrestled with many demons and was given the responsibility to keep the world safe from others. Octavia was nice...sorry she was just the least interesting character to me in this story.

Things that really got a reaction from me:

Nye and Jimmy dealing with their father. Every time that stallion entered the scene, everything got so intense. My attention was there the whole time. Which is hard since I have ADHD.:rainbowlaugh:

Upper Crust's depression was really well written. Her finding awareness of the wrong around her and living in it hit her hard and you could see it in the writing. I couldn't help but empathize. :fluttershysad:

Tazel dying hit me pretty hard.:fluttercry: Her hopes and dreams denied till the end and then found to be a nightmare. I had thrust my arms into the air screaming denials in my head.:raritycry:

As much as I liked the story, some things did bother me a little:

Pinkie being a bloodmane was one. Her having a hidden homicidal part to her personality is largely overused in storytelling in this fandom and seeing it here, even though you used it well, put a stain on it for me.

Tazel's banishment. Discord says he put her on an island that she cannot escape for fear of starving before she reaches land. What's to stop her from creating a cache of food, create a boat and leave. This is the same creature that changed metal to jello at the weather factory so why not seawater to saltwater taffy or drinkable water?

These I can forgive but this last point is something I cannot:
"The Silma Incident" :rainbowhuh: You had a list of great names and events going through the series and this is what the ponies call the world shattering event that happened? The thing that changed the landscape and destroyed civilizations' greatest architectural wonders? I was expecting something like "The Serpent's Wake/Rage" or "Wyrmcoil." The world is gonna remember the serpent more than who brought it out for centuries as their children gaze upon the bones stretching across the world.

Great story, can't wait to see what you write next. :twilightsmile:

It's over... :fluttercry:

Anyways all in all I thought it a great story, though the ending was a little meh. I am not sure what I wasn't a fan of in it but it just felt off to me, sorry for the lack of details :P Also I was unable to figure out who Archon was supposed to reference.

I guess next step is to read all the spinoffs. See ya around.

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Yeah, I often bemoan my endings as being rather... poor. Sometimes I get it right, but this wasn't one of those times. At any rate, glad you enjoyed the overall story.

Archon wasn't referencing any one thing, but many. His abilities and weapons were all references to a wide range of video games and anime, such as the giant spiked ball (the Balor from Odin Sphere). His final battle with Fine Crime was one massive reference to the Sephiroth battle in Advent Children. The general idea is that he spent the past 700 years hopping dimensions trying to get back to Equestria, and in the process picked up a few special items and tricks (including the actual Jörmungandr of Norse mythology, although that one was an accident).

Poor Octavia. By making her so awesome from the get-go, I made it hard to develop her character, and so she lagged behind in that regard. I aim to fix that when I get to writing the Octavia-centric sequel sometime in the future. I have big plans for her.

Upper Crust became my favorite, too. I am quite proud of how she grew as a character. Someday I want to write a side story from the perspective of Jet Set detailing the events of those three days she was leading the evacuation, because I think there's a lot of potential for him to grow as a character from watching how amazing she's become.

Lightning's high up there as well. I don't have any stories planned for her right now, but I have considered writing a story in which Keen has grown up and what her future holds. I'm particularly interested in the potential for a KeenxGreenxDinky triangle. I've also got one in which Octavia's fan club - Keen included - get in a 'war' with the CMC over who the greatest hero of Ponyville is.

The one great disappointment with Tazel for me is that I can't write her into sequels. She's a very interesting character all around with lots of potential. I made up for this by including her in my Trixie vs. Equestria series, but only for one story. However, it's entirely possible I could write the story of her existence prior to her banishment, including her 'prank war' with Discord, and I've thought about making 'The Adventures of Kit n' Caboose' into an actual story.

And yes, I know her banishment is kinda hard to accept. Maybe if I write her origin story I can clarify it a little better.

Nye was one of my favorite characters to write for, because he's so relate-able for me. Jimmy was a little harder, and I honestly feel he didn't get the amount of attention he deserved. I'm planning a side story relating the search for a cure for Discord that will co-star Nye. For Jimmy, I'm thinking about writing a story about his relationship with Rarity, but that's tricky because the future of that relationship is very unclear. As to Stickin Stone, my only regret is that he pretty much disappeared after Book II.

Fine Crime is my first MLP OC, and thus my favorite. I had a lot of fun writing him, although I have had one or two people declare him 'too emo' at times. He co-stars with Fleur de Lis and Fancy Pants in my currently ongoing prequel story, Reddux the Tyrant. He also has a small but very important part the Trixie vs. Equestria series and cameos in several of the Fleur AU stories.

I wouldn't say that Pinkie has a 'hidden' homicidal part of her personality, because she was cured of being a Bloodmane when she was still very young. It's more like there's a serious side to her, one that shows how she really does understand the importance of the things happening around her. It's a matter of bottling up her darker emotions. Pinkie and Fine will co-star with Fluttershy, Nye and Rainbow in the story about Discord's cure, in which the potential triangle of PinkiexFine CrimexFluttershy is resolved, and I also intend to write a story in which Fine Crime helps Pinkie deal with her actions from her past as a Bloodmane.

Yeah, I'll admit 'The Silma Incident' isn't my best decision for event names.

I digress. I'm glad you enjoyed the series and I do hope you enjoy the rest of my stories. :twilightsmile:

Ah damn, it's over? Nooooooooooo

Site Blogger

Well, you could always read the prequel. Y'know, if you're into that sort of thing.

5380027 I already read that as a break between books. Crap.

There is never darkness. Light is evrywhere. Because we can't see it in the dark doesn't mean it isn't there. Our eyes aren't made to see every wavelenght of light. Even in the darkest cave the light is there. It permeates evrything.

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Well, Twilight Sparkle, if you want to get into the deep science of it and completely ruin the mood and earn a bunch of dark looks, sure. Or we can stick to the unscientific, magical aspect of the given world and not be heretics before our supreme night goddess.

What? No! You can't! Why?? Why is it over! What do I read next!?

Site Blogger

On the one hand: sorry, the main No Heroes series ends here.

On the other hand: I do plan to write some sequels in time. Features will include a cure for Discord, some Bloodmane bonding and changelings, just to name a few.

In the meantime, you could always read the ongoing prequel, if you haven't already.

Alternatively, you could read the Fleur AU series of short stories, which diverges from the No Heroes timeline between books II and III and goes its own way. The first story is here.

They just don't understand what's going on I suppose

“With all due respect,” Jimmy added quietly, “we’re no heroes.”

That's the name drop everypony, roll credits.

I quite enjoyed this series. Not 100% sure about the ending, to be honest. The whole "New Lunar Republic" thing is kinda off putting, and I'm not quite sure I understand where they were going with that.

Anyways, I'm off to start reading either Reddux the Tyrant or Twilight's Inferno. Not sure yet.

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Yeah, a lot of people had issues with the New Lunar Republic. Hopefully I can smooth out the concept in the sequels when I get around to writing them. Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed the story overall.

Reddux the Tyrant is incomplete, but Twilight's Inferno is emotionally brutal. Choose with care.

With my internet being cut off at any time now and having no idea when it will be cut back on, I couldn't help myself. I binged read the rest of this series from where I left off at book 3. It would have eaten at me not knowing how the story ended for what could be weeks or months even. And..wow. I can't do justice to this story with my limited time right now. This is also a very underappreciated series and should be tons more popular than what it is currently..

Once the situation stabalizes here on my end I shall come back and do at the very least a proper summary of what I thought of this series as a whole, as I fear I would become too enraptured in one of your other stories to finish my chapter by chapter commentaries.

I will depart will this small bit: You know you did something right when you have someone finish a story such as this one and have them feel sad that it has come to a close and a longing for more. I know there will be sequels for the characters at least, but it's so bittersweet to see how far they have come for their situation to end up like this.. And this is just personal preference, but I thought of this song from one of my all time favorite series while looking back at how all the characters have developed:
Always looking to the future,
-That Army Dude

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