• Published 1st Aug 2013
  • 807 Views, 13 Comments

Dragonbrave - superpony55

A dragon settles down to take a nap. What do you expect it to do when some little ponies come inturrupt it's sleep? Cry? Why exactly [i]did[/i] it cry? After all, it was only a little yellow-and-pink Pegasus, right?

  • ...

Chapter 2

Smokey flinched as the Pegasus continued shouting. He saw the shocked look on her friends' faces, and guessed that his expression matched theirs. He was in the middle of a nap! All he did was sleep! But deep down he knew he deserved this.

..."Uh, where do I begin?"

"Begin what?"

"Aah!" Smokey screamed. He jumped into a tree. A little purple and green dragon stepped out of the bushes. She started laughing.

"That was amazing! You should have seen the look on your face!"

"Hmmph!" Smokey sniffed, embarrassed.

"Seriously though, begin what?"

"Who are you?" Smokey asked.

"Me? Oh, I'm Thorn. How about you? And this is the last time I ask," Thorn said, peering at Smokey, pretending to be stern. "What are you doing? Begin what?"

"I'm Smokey. And I'm running away. But I don't know where to go, I'm new at this," Smokey said.

"You can't have run away before if you're running away now," Thorn said. "I'm running away, too. Hey! You want to run away together?" She grabbed Smokey's hand and pulled him down from the tree. "After all, the more the merrier! And two's better than one!"

"Unless you're choosing between being first or second," Smokey muttered.

Thorn thought about it for a minute. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Why are you running away?"

"I'm a runt," Smokey sighed.

"Oh, that's too bad," Thorn told him, and picked up Smokey's suitcase. She handed it back to him. "Here you go. I'm running away because there are so many of us in my family, they don't even notice me!"

"That's a silly reason to run away," Smokey accused.

"Unless it means your parents aren't caring for you and you don't get enough to eat!" Thorn cried. Her stomach growled. So did Smokey's.

"Guess we both are having the same problem," Smokey said.

"It's a pain, isn't it? Literally," Thorn agreed.

"Yeah," Smokey muttered.

They were silent for a few minutes, and then Thorn looked up. "We'd better get going! Shall we?" She held out her hand. Smokey held it.

"Let's go."

"Are you sure you know where you're going?" Smokey asked for the thousandth time.

"Yes," Thorn hissed, exasperated. "I'm positive."

Smokey wasn't convinced. "You sure?"


"Sorry." They were silent for a few minutes. "You sure?"

"Be quiet!" Thorn held the map up to her face so he couldn't see her laughing. "Turn left."

"I never thought running away would be so hard!" Smokey complained. "I just thought it was, well, running."

"You sound like Miss Ruby!" Thorn told him.

"Who's that?" Smokey asked.

Thorn rolled her eyes. "She's a friend of my grandmother's. She's a fashion designer, very fussy, everything has to be perfect."

"She sounds like a pony!" Smokey accused.

Thorn blushed. "That's because she is one.

Smokey blinked, surprised. "Your grandmother's friends with a pony?"

"Yeah. Don't tell anyone, though," Thorn warned.

"How could I tell anyone? I thought we were running away!" he cried.

"Oh, right. It takes a while to get used to, doesn't it? Never seeing your family again. Your friends, your-"

"You have me!" Smokey reminded her.

"Yeah." They were silent for a little while. "Turn right."

"Where are we going, exactly?" Smokey asked.

"The train station. We're probably small enough to sneak on. If we need to, we can fly up and ride on top of a train."

"To where?"

"Anywhere," Thorn said. "Okay?" Smokey shook his head. "Why not?"

"I can't fly," Smokey muttered, embarrassed.

"Oh. We could pay to get on a train. Do you have any money?" Thorn asked.

"I have some gems," Smokey offered. "I can't believe ponies use them as money. Don't they know how tasty they are?"

"I know!" Thorn cried, shaking her head.

"All aboard!" they heard the conductor say as they approached the train station. They started running.

"The cheapest train today, please," Thorn said.

"That's- that's right now! 10 bits, please."

"Is this half a ruby okay?"

"Uh, yeah," the ticket pony said, staring at the ruby.

"Tickets?" Thorn asked impatiently.

"Oh, right. Here you go," the ticket pony said, still staring at the ruby as Smokey handed it to him.

"Thank you, sir!"

"Yeah, thanks!" Smokey called.

They got onto the train.

Thorn looked at Smokey excitedly. "This is going to be such an adventure!"

Smokey nodded. "It sure is."

Smokey smiled at the memory. It had been one of the best moments of his life. If only it had lasted. If only he hadn't made so many mistakes, oh, even if he would miss this part, he would go through his life again, to undo all his mistakes. The yellow and pink Pegasus was showing him so much, showing him things about himself, showing him his mistakes... and showing him pain. Smokey wasn't sure whether to thank her, or, or, or run away. Running away would be good right now, to end on a happy memory, not to have to got through alll that pain again! But he found that he couldn't move. His eyes stared into the pony's, and he started to accept the pain that was coming.

Author's Note:

This is actually an idea I just got today. And Miss Ruby is Rarity's ancestor.