• Published 2nd Aug 2013
  • 13,780 Views, 182 Comments

Rise of the Dragonking - Scarheart

The era for peace is over. Despite the best efforts of the Alicorns, an ancient enemy has returned to resume a war forgotten by even Princess Celestia. A world is plunged into darkness. Old foes must become allies if they are to survive.

  • ...

RotDK Chapter 19: Diplomacy at the Dinner Table

Silent Wing eyed his reflection in the mirror, tugging at the collar of his military dress uniform. The two changeling brothers stood off to the side, also in their finest. The three had spent the last hour checking, double checking and triple checking buttons, lapels, and buckles. It was not every day the most powerful Alicorns and changelings supped at the same table. The Mane Six would be there, as well as their children. Princess Celestia had wanted it to be a family themed affair, though several ambassadors from other nations would be there. Over two hundred dinner guests were expected.

As Silent Wing was required to have two of his personal guards with him at all times, Feidole and Frakas were invited. Part of it had to do with the Queen putting her hoof down by demanding two guards be always with the prince. The other reason was Feidole and Frakas absolutely hated wearing their stuffy cadet formal attire and anything having to do with formal functions entirely. Silent Wing intended to pay them back in full for embarrassments brought on by them for the past couple of days.

They knew it was coming. The other changelings saw it coming. Gleefully were the brothers nominated when the prince asked them who would like to go to dinner.

"How do I look?" Silent asked them for the sixth time.

"Like a cadet in uniform," replied Frakas blandly.

Fiedole grunted. "You look fine. Can we get going? I'd like to get this over with."

Silent sighed, giving himself one last look. He decided against the sword this time. He hated the thing. "All right, let's go see how the girls are doing."

"Fine way to describe the Queen," muttered Frakas with a grin.

"And the princess," added Feidole.

"Hate you both," Silent sighed, rolling his eyes.

"We know," they said in one voice.

The three friend grinned and laughed with each other. With one more check of the cuckoo clock on the wall, Silent led the brothers out the door and to the hall. Captain Myzanum stood waiting at the Queen's door, eyeing the two changelings behind the prince with open contempt. They glared right back at him, having mutual feelings towards the giant warrior.

With a bow to the prince, the captain knocked on the door and opened it. He announced Silent Wing quietly, then pushed the door open wide. The prince went in alone as something of a staring match started between the two brothers and the captain.

Queen Chrysalis was finishing up with Princess Atalanta's hair, curling her braids into a pair of loops around her long ears. Both mother and daughter had decided to mirror each other, wearing elegant black dresses trimmed with gold. Matching gold tiaras encircled their heads. The queen had set aside her little black crown to settle for her temporary adornment. She only looked up at her son after she was satisfied her daughter's hair was perfect.

"You look handsome," she observed approvingly. "Let me have a closer look."

Atalanta followed her mother and imitated the scrutiny Chrysalis gave to Silent Wing. "How's your wing doing?" she asked him.

"It's still a little sore," he admitted.

"Hush, I'm looking at you," reproached the Queen gently. She took her hoof and lifted the colt's chin, looking into his eyes as if searching for something. "Celestia told me something rather surprising about you." Chrysalis released him with a small grin, the tip of her tongue touching her upper lip briefly before disappearing.

"What?" Silent stared up at her, tilting his head to one side as his ears reflected his confusion.

She gave Atalanta a sidelong glance. "Later, my little morsel. For now, I think there's a dinner we're supposed to attend. Are your idiots ready?"

"Is yours?" he countered with a grin.

"Captain Myzanum is not an idiot," she growled playfully. "He's far more reliable than those two twits of yours." Her humor faded quickly. "I trust him completely."

"Can we go?" Atalanta asked, bouncing between the two excitedly. "There's supposed to be foals my age there, isn't there?"

"Star Journey will be there," Chrysalis teased.

The little princess shook her head violently. "Ew! He's fat and bossy and can't use magic!"

"You'll be polite and nice to him," commanded the queen as she made last-minute adjustments to her daughter's hair. "We're here to play nice with the ponies, so you'll be on your best behavior. Do I make myself perfectly clear?"

Atalanta sighed. "Yes, Momma."

"New special pony?" Silent asked her with a little nudge.

She kicked him in his shin. "No!"

Chrysalis slid in between them, bumping the colt with some weight behind it. "Maybe we should talk about your new special pony, instead."

"What?" Silent Wing was again confused by the suggestive tone in his mother's voice.

She smiled and patted him on the head. "Later," she promised. "We'll talk about this later. How do I look?"

Of course, there was only one answer. "You look ravishing, mother."

She looked at him quizzically. "That's a new word coming from you."

"I learned it from a Unicorn named Rarity," he said.

She scrunched her eyebrows. "The name is familiar. I can't quite place it right now."

"One of the Mane Six?" he supplied helpfully.

"I'm beginning to wonder if bringing you to Equestria was a good idea," she complained dubiously. "Not that I'm harping, but I'd rather you find mares your own age."

For the third time the colt uttered a confused, "What?"

"Momma, he's clueless," Atalanta groaned. "Can we just go? You can talk to him about it later."

Chrysalis stared at her, her eyes going a little wide. "How did you find out?"

"I didn't. I've been trying to set him up for months. Remember when I came to you about a year ago? The matchmaking I wanted to start and you just laughed at me and called the whole idea cute?" Atalanta giggled, then added, "You even hugged me for making you laugh."

"Ah, yes. I do believe I remember that fondly."

Silent Wing cleared his throat. "I'm right here." He flailed a hoof in between mother and daughter. "Listening and not understanding what you two are talking about."

Chrysalis bumped him again. "No. I suppose not. Come along, you two. We're expected." She gave him a pity kiss on the forehead.

The three departed the Queen's quarters, picking up their armed escorts. Captain Myzanum and three of the Queen's Guard fell in step in the front while Frakas and Feidole fell in behind. Another eight of Equestria's Royal Guard formed in two groups of four in front and four in back.

"A bit much," Silent Wing muttered under his breath. He noticed how the Equestrians nervously looked in the direction of Queen Chrysalis. The colt leaned his chin towards Atalanta and whispered, "They're afraid of Mother."

"She can be scary," admitted the princess as she watched the back of the queen's head.

"That's not what I mean," he said.

"What do you mean?" She gave him a curious glance.

"She almost conquered this place once. I'd imagine they still have that pretty fresh in their memories. It hasn't even been twenty years. I'm just now noticing this."

"Children," Chrysalis called out in a low warning. "It's not polite to talk about that sort of thing here. Quiet, please." She never paused her step nor looked back.

"Sorry!" Silent Wing offered as his face began to flush.

From behind him he thought he could hear Frakas whisper to his brother, "Buuuuurn!"

They made their way to the Grand Ball Room where the the great palace functions were held. There were already ponies gathering at the entrance. They spoke openly with the chatter of nobility and the upper class, gathered in their little groups, some ponies mingling from one to the next. Others simply stood off to the side, watching every pony carefully with scrutiny. There were tables and chair arrayed neatly upon the lawn. Waiters bustled about with cocktails and hors d'oerves on trays, some by magic, others by mechanical means or pushed by cart.

Queen Chrysalis was announced to the gathering. The world seemingly came to a halt.

As soon as the Queen of the Changelings was seen by the first guest, hushed whispers traveled quickly through the party until a sudden silence fell over the crowd. All eyes sought out and found Queen Chrysalis standing tall and proud, a beautiful dark monarch capable of turning heads with her regal beauty. Drinking in the attention, she deliberately paused, turning slightly to one side and lifting a forehoof demurely off the grass. She tilted her chin down, fluttering her eyes slowly and offering a shy smile to her audience. Once she was sure she had their attention, she began a slow, stately walk of fluid grace.

She was magnificent. Though fear hovered over the crowd, there was also a sense of awe caused by her presence. It could never match the inspiration either the Princess of the Moon or the Princess of the Sun could achieve, but this had a dark air of foreboding about it.

Silent Wing and Atalanta rolled their eyes and smiled behind her. Mother was showing off and enjoying herself immensely. She was rarely able to do this at home. Judging from the number of stallions gawking at her, she was still more than capable of causing unintended ogling. Or was it deliberate?

Twilight Sparkle was the first pony brave enough to greet the monarch. "Good evening, Your Majesty," she offered with a polite and perfectly diplomatic smile. "It's so nice to see you." She was wearing a pale lavender gown with star shaped sequins hanging loosely around her collar. The Alicorn was lovely and wearing her familiar golden tiara bearing the gem of her harmony upon it, the Element of Magic.

Her friends were right behind her, the Mane Six and they appeared more than happy to let the Alicorn to all the talking. Their children hung close to them, staring up at the large black mare with the teal mane and tail and large eyes blazing like a pair of burning emeralds.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle, you look good enough to eat," greeted the queen with a fanged grin. She nodded at the other mares pleasantly, maintaining her towering presence as she established herself quite clearly in her stance as a dominant mare.

Atalanta broke the penetrating gaze she was lording over the small group by tugging on her dress. "Can I play with the other ponies, Momma?" she asked in a small voice. "You promised!"

Chrysalis smiled down at her daughter. "Of course you may. If the ladies here do not have a problem with my daughter wanting to make some friends."

Star Journey peeked around his mother's flank at the changeling princess and smiled gamely. "Hullo," he managed shyly.

Atalanta politely smiled back and said, "Charmed, I'm sure." Then she went to the next colt, Lightning Dash and introduced herself. Poor Star Journey was left following after her like a lost puppy, already smitten by the pretty princess and determined to find a way to get her to notice him as a proper prince.

Silent Wing settled about the business of introducing his sister to the children of the Mane Six, mixing in their mothers as they suddenly found the princess far more interesting to interact with than her foreboding mother. Lightning Dash, Red Apple, Green Apple, and Unique were soon in a little group of their own, chatting and catching up on their day. The younger children of the Six gravitated towards Atalanta, wanting to know all about her just as much as she was curious about them. She had never seen so many ponies before in her life and she thought it was simply amazing. Star Journey tried to get into the conversation, assert himself, but he found himself stymied by her seeming indifference to him.

The Mane Six found themselves actually having a pleasant conversation with Queen Chrysalis. She proved she could be quite intelligent and engaging when she was not holding them prisoner and nearly capturing Princess Celestia (cocooned and later freed). Her sense of humor was dry, a bit dark, but light enough to not be considered disturbing. She was the mistress of blending in, though normally she would be in another form. This evening she was not required to be at her best as a conversationalist, preferring to simply sit back and listen, maintaining a smile and simply listening. She seemed to take keen interest in how her children interacted with the children of her former enemies. There was a lot of fear directed at her. She could practically taste it. Interestingly, there was no hate on the airs of emotions. For lack of a better term, there were countless shades of feelings floating on emotional air. Chrysalis swam in it, realizing only one had any desire to focus on her directly.

Chrysalis noticed this and chuckled, finding herself having just Twilight Sparkle's attention.

"It's nice to see I'm remembered so fondly," she murmured dryly to the Alicorn, nudging her muzzle around her generally.

"You left quite the impression," replied Twilight pointedly. "Almost had my brother head over hooves for you."

"How is he, by the way?" Chrysalis asked with genuine interest.

"Oh, he's fine. He's a father now, twice over. Cadence has been a wonderful wife and mother." Twilight refused to be intimidated. "Shall I send them your regards?"

"Oh, please do," replied the queen, unruffled by the counter. Her eyes found her son laughing with Atalanta with other colts and fillies in between their ages. A smile played at the corner of her mouth as she decided to play her own game. "Would you like to hear a bit of what Princess Celestia and I spoke of last night?" she asked, tilting her head to one side as she offered the tidbit.

Twilight Sparkle's eyes widened and she leaned forward, her jaw hanging open slightly. "Why would you want to talk about something private like that?" she asked.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes, "Oh, I won't tell you everything. I just want to bounce a few things off you and see what you think. I've had some interesting things brought to my attention and I want a clear mind that can analyze it from a sterile point of view." She gave a small toss of her head. "Come. We can talk about this in a corner where the guards can see us but still give privacy so I know only you can hear me."

Twilight thought there was some trickery in the queen's voice, but there was an almost filly like eagerness in her mannerisms, as if there was something to gossip about, too big to keep to one's self. Against her better judgement, she followed Chrysalis over to a small table Captain Myzanum conveniently cleared of occupants (it took a simple glare and a flash of his fangs). There, under the watchful eyes of half a dozen Equestrian guards, the two spoke quietly for a goodly amount of time.

Star Journey found Silent Wing to be a rather intimidating colt to deal with. For one thing, the prince was much bigger than the pudgy little Unicorn. He also sported really cool fangs Star wished he had. Of course, there was also the stories that followed Silent Wing like a thunderhead, growing bigger and more outlandish with each telling. Here was a young conqueror, a warrior, fierce and unbreakable. Whispers spoke of Silent Wing single-handedly defeating five hundred diamond dogs, holding them off for a day before the army showed up.

Still, he did not look like much. Lightning Dash was slightly bigger and two years younger than the prince. But Lightning didn't have golden yellow eyes like an eagle's. Or were those dragon eyes? Star was not sure. Looking into them made the colt feel small and weak. There was no way he was related to princess Atalanta. Apparently Silent Wing was adopted. Did that mean Star Journey outranked him? If he was adopted, then that meant there was no blood ties. The chubby son of Twilight Sparkle pondered this. Maybe this meant he could boss him around, have him do something like get princess Atalanta to like him. She had to like him! His mother was an Alicorn!

The colt adjusted his white and blue uniform, buffing the royal crest on his chest proudly. Sticking out his little chest, he decided to show Silent Wing who was the real prince here.

The red maned colt was enjoying a drink when his glass suddenly jerked up out of his grasp. "Huh?" he stared at it wide-eyed and curious. "Who's using magic?" Silent noted the pink glow and started to look around for the horn shimmering the same hue. It rose, hovered for a few wavering minutes...

...then upended over Atalanta's head.

Star Journey quickly stopped using his magic, gasping at what he had just did. Maybe he should have paid more attention to his magic lessons? His intention had been to take the glass for himself as he should have gotten the first serving of fruit punch. Sheepishly he smiled, but it quickly faded when every pony was suddenly looking at him. Atalanta glared at him furiously, puffing her cheeks out, her charcoal gray coat under her eyes flushing crimson. She seemed ready to start screaming at him. Star Journey assumed an expression of pure horror. No, he didn't want to do that! She was supposed to be impressed, not wet!

Instead she began to bawl, falling on her royal rump with the dignity of a filly who just had her favorite dress irreparably ruined.

"I'm sorry!" the little colt blurted, then turning and galloping as fast as his chunky legs could carry his chubby body. "I didn't mean it!" Ponies scrambled out of the way as he darted between the longer legs of the adults. Quite a few angry glares were thrown at him as he bumped mares and stallions alike, his eyes squeezed shut to keep the tears from falling.

"What happened?" asked Rarity as she and her friends ventured over to investigate the crying. She noted the princess with the sopping wet mane and stained front of her dress. "Oh my, this will simply not do!"

"My dress!" wailed Atalanta, waving her forehooves in the air despondently. "It's ruined!"

Applejack gave her a consoling hug. "Now don't you fret, sugarcube. Rarity will fix you right up in a jiffy. Won't you, Rare?"

"Nothing a little magic can't fix," Rarity said with a knowing wink. "Unique, dear. Give me a hoof, won't you please?"

"Yes, mother!" chirped her daughter.

Together they concentrated on fixing Atalanta. Unique concentrated on the hair while her mother used her magic to out the horrible stain soaking her dress. Both chatted about how pretty Atalanta was and how lovely and silky her mane was and how they would absolutely die to be able to wear their hair like she could. Unique talked about how Rarity adopted her after finding her at an orphanage completely by accident while trying to deliver a dress to a new address. She had been six at the time and asked Rarity flat out if she could be her mother because she was so pretty. Rarity continued the story by stating rather matter-in-fact she had not been interested at the time in adopting, having resigned herself happily into her career as a designer and professional fashionista, but after delivering the dress to the proper address began visiting the orphanage more and more. After two years, she asked the filly if she wanted to be adopted. Then it went back to Unique, who had two younger sisters, each one a year younger than her. She leveled her hoof and waved it between Summer Star and Autumn Light, who smiled and grinned as Rarity gave them each a quick nuzzle. They came in a package and the it would simply not do to split up a trio of sisters. Of course, with Rarity having a desire to keep things neat and simple could not envision breaking up such a perfect combination of sisters. There was no way she would do such a thing and accepted the generous offer from the pert filly who looked almost exactly like her.

The beautiful Unicorn took a hoofstep back a step or two, offering a critical eye. "There! Good as new. Well done with her hair." Rarity was nodding with approval.

"She's got pretty hair, mother," replied Unique. To the changeling princess she said, "We're going to be friends now! You don't have to cry now."

Snuffling, the princes looked down at her dress and found it was indeed clean. She blinked, her frown turning upside down. "Oh, thank you, Miss Rarity!" She flung her hooves around the Unicorn.

"Oh, it was nothing, dear. You are quite welcome!"

Silent was happy his sister was fine. His eyes suggested the future for poor Star Journey was bleak as he stared after the direction the colt had disappeared. Head bent low with one side of his mouth twitching upwards in a fluctuating snarl, he decided to go hunting.

"Whoa, there kiddo!" Rainbow Dash cut him off and flung a hoof over his shoulder. "You don't want to do something stupid."

"Yes I do."

"It was an accident," she said, stressing the word. "Nopony got hurt."

"Nopony makes my sister cry."

"It's really cool you want to be the big brother and all, but there are all sorts of wrong things with the intent there, kid." Rainbow smiled at him, messing his hair as if he were her own colt. "Star Journey's a bit clumsy, that's all."

"He also listens to Prince Blueblood far too much," added Rarity, harrumphing.

"He's fat, too," noted Silent as he relented reluctantly. "Just ripe to be hunted."

"Don't say that around Twilight," Rainbow Dash warned. "She's very sensitive about it."

"It's called denial, Dashie," Applejack sighed. "She lets that colt do whatever he wants on account of her being busy all the time. It ain't helpin' none if his pa's alwa- Hey, wait," she said as she squinted at Silent. "Excuse me, sweetheart, but did you just say 'ripe to be hunted' ?"

An unholy growl rumbled from his chest as he nodded.

"O-okay," Rainbow Dash dropped her hoof and took a step back, her eyes a bit wide. "That's a little weird."

Silent forced himself to relax. "I'm sorry. Forget about it."

"It's the changeling blood in him," piped up Feidole. The changeling had been silent along with his brother, maintaining a safe distance from a certain pink Earth pony. "We do so love a good hunt. It's a predator thing."

"Oh, right," Rainbow Dash flickered towards the colt's fangs. "Sure thing. Just, uh, don't go around hunting things like other ponies. I really don't think that would go over too well. You're not going to go on a love sucking rampage, are you?"

Silent shook his head. "It really doesn't do anything for me other than a kind of sugar rush. Other changelings need it to fuel their magic and provide a boost in its application. As a race, we need it to maintain our strength and increase our individual power. If we have no access to emotions like it, we can sustain ourselves on regular food."

"I actually was not aware of that," noted Lightning Dash. "That's actually pretty cool, in a creepy vampire sort of way."

"So if you're not feeding on love from ponies," asked Rarity finding the subject disturbing, yet fascinating. "Does that mean you have other means of feeding off love? I mean, how do you feed on it?"

"Love Spheres," replied Silent. He briefly explained how they were made, leaving out what he thought was the uncomfortable detail of how the spheres were made.

"I think that just makes you changelings kind of scary," said Fluttershy quietly. It was the first time she had spoken all night. "Not that changelings were all that cuddly to begin with."

Pinkie Pie's twin daughters Custard and Blueberry hung on ever word the young prince said, utterly delighted at hearing something not commonly known to ponies in Equestria. It was like listening to an audio book for them, but way better. Pinkie meanwhile had been eyeballing Frakas and Feidole the whole time, scooting close a step only to have them back away an equal step. They had already gone a complete circle around the group, completely oblivious to the little drama going on. Her grin was huge and mischievous as the two changeling brothers were sweating bullets. The Pink Terror decided to start stalking them, all in good pranking fun.

Then came the announcement of the arrival of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna through the blaring of trumpets and the typical fanfare accompanying them. The co-rulers of Equestria made their appearance at a balcony overlooking the party. Ponies applauded their beloved rulers by either stomping their hooves into the ground or clopping them together. The princesses rarely wore anything fancy. There was no need to. They were already beyond magnificent.

In her Royal Canterlot Voice, Luna invited everypony to come in and be seated for dinner. It was a bit of a break from tradition as Princess Celestia never mingled with the crowds any more, preferring to meet her guests as they entered the Grand Ball Room.

"Showoffs," Chrysalis muttered under her breath.

Twilight went to search for her son. The incident with Atalanta was found out. After making a few inquiries to her friends, she set her jaw unhappily and trotted off in search of Star Journey. Before departing, she gave Silent Wing a disbelieving glance before shaking her head and rolling her eyes.

"No way," he heard her say under her breath before disappearing into the crowd.

"What?" Silent asked. Twlight had already disappeared. Then Chrysalis was standing next to him, offering an innocent smile. "What?" he asked her with a bit more urgency.

"Later," she purred at him with a wicked glint.

"Mother, you know I hate it when you get that look in your eye. It means you're up to something." The prince said flatly.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," she murmured with false simplicity. "Oh, look. There's Luna! Come along, dear. As the guests of honor, we must be the first to greet Equestria's rulers. Happy face, no scowling. Atalanta, you too."

Baffled, the colt fell in step behind his adoptive mother as he tried to figure out this game she was deciding to play. What was she up to?

Princess Celestia was as large as Queen Chrysalis, an Alicorn with an aurora mane of morning light dancing upon magical energy. She stood on seemingly stiff back legs covered by a fancy blue blanket, completely concealed from beneath the wings on back. She greeted the prince and his sister warmly, smiling gently with shining eys.

"How are your injuries?" she asked him with genuine concern, nudging her snout towards the wing in question. "I do hope you'll be flying soon."

"A couple of days and I should be all right," he said, blushing furiously. Silent managed to greet Luna with a little more comfort as he was finally getting used to being around her. "Hello, Princess Luna."

"Prince Silent Wing," she nodded to him politely, even offering a smile. She was trying hard not to be intimidating to the young colt, so she tried speaking in a softer voice than usual. It seemed to be working on the colt and she gave him a larger smile.

"I see," Chrysalis noted amicably. "Princess Luna, I should very much like to speak with you when you have a free moment." There were icy daggers in her glare, masked by her faux smile.

Luna quickly glanced at her sister. Celestia rolled her eyes an innocently paid special attention to greeting Atalanta. "Well, aren't you just and adorable little princess!"

"You're so pretty!" Atalanta breathed in awe, her voice shy and small as she gaped. Celestia chuckled warmly.

"Later," Chrysalis promised the dark Alicorn. "We will talk."

Dinner turned out to be essentially a massive political discussion between nobles and foreign dignitaries. Those seated at the table with the two princesses were able to gain their ears for discussion. Queen Chrysalis was seated to the left of Celestia. Princess Luna was on her right. Silent Wing and Atalanta were seated in order of ascension to the left of their mother. The Mane Six were seated to the right of Princess Luna. Tseng Tzu had been invited, but his chair was empty. The old griffon had declined attending, citing an ailing back.

Silent Wing knew there was nothing wrong with his master's back. Speaking of Tseng Tzu, the prince had not seen him since the airship. The blind white griffon had disappeared soon after. He did that whenever he chose, showing back up in the least expected places. Silent had hoped to ask the old teacher some questions.

Twilight Sparkle arrived with Star Journey in tow, the little colt not at all a happy camper. He sat quietly at his place at the table and remained so for the duration of the meal.

The envious looks to the main table was indeed just that; a hundred pair of eyes constantly wished they were up there with the Alicorns. What they did not know was the current guests at the table of honor were placed there to avoid political discussions having nothing to do with the current state of world affairs.

Feidole and Frakas stood with Captain Myzanum, bored to tears and constantly shifting from hoof to hoof uncomfortably.

During the dinner, certain guests were invited to come to the table and voice a concern or even ask questions of the honored guests. Each speaker was granted one question. There was no guarantee what sort of questions might be asked.

No pony apparently had the brass to ask a question of Chrysalis. The queen watched with bemusement at the fearful eyes casting her way and never daring to linger upon her for long. She simply ate daintily, occasionally leaning forward and glancing at Luna.

Dinner was actually pleasant, with some very good questions posed and answered with equally thought out replies. After three hours of enjoying an seven course meal complete with music and other fun entertainments. Included was Pinkie Pie doing holding some fun games for the colts and fillies, as well as the fun-loving adults who really did not mind a break from the pomp and circumstance.

Then, it came to an end with the Princess of the Sun thanking everyone for coming, showing her appreciation for their time. The princesses were the first to depart, Celestia first followed by her sister. Queen Chrysalis reminded her she wished to speak even as Celestia asked Silent Wing if she could speak with him alone.

"I promise it won't take long," Celestia told Silent Wing pleasantly. "I just want to speak with you privately. I have your mother's permission to do so." Her smile was warm, loving, motherly and inviting. She elicited absolute trust and faith in her.

Meanwhile, Luna was held in place by the stern harlequin eyes of a smoldering queen. "You and I must speak about my son, mare to mare."

Neither the colt nor the dark Alicorn were really prepared for what was to follow.

Author's Note:

Who knew dinner could be so...interesting? Feel free to comment!

I just love playing Feidole and Frakas off at Silent Wing's expense.