• Published 1st Sep 2023
  • 620 Views, 3 Comments

To Be Known By Another Name - Serina

My name is Time Turner, but everypony seems to call me The Doctor for some strange reason.

  • ...

Wibbly-Wobbly Timey-Wimey

In the vibrant and enchanting land of Equestria, nestled between rolling hills and majestic mountains, lay the quaint little town of Ponyville. This was a place where harmony thrived, where friendship was magic, and where peculiar mysteries occasionally piqued the curiosity of its inhabitants. In the heart of this idyllic setting lived a stallion named Time Turner. He was a skilled clockmaker with a passion for all things intricate and perplexing. But what truly set him apart was his name, a name that brought about a flurry of confusion and amusement within Ponyville.

"My name is Time Turner, but everypony seems to call me The Doctor for some strange reason," Time Turner often mused, scratching his head in bemusement. It was a conundrum he had grown accustomed to, yet it never ceased to puzzle him. "I don't understand why," he muttered to himself as he adjusted the gears of an ornate pocket watch.

The nickname had taken root when Time Turner had first arrived in Ponyville, and in a whirlwind of seemingly innocuous events, he had become known as "The Doctor." It all began with a simple conversation at the local cafe.

"Hello there, Time Turner!" a cheerful pink earth pony named Pinkie Pie greeted him one sunny afternoon, her eyes wide with excitement. "Have you ever traveled through time and space in a big blue box?"

Time Turner blinked, his brow furrowing in bewilderment. "Uh, well, I do tinker with timepieces, but I haven't quite mastered time travel..."

Pinkie Pie bounced on her hooves, her pink mane bobbing with each energetic movement. "Oh, I see! So you're like the Doctor, but without the big blue box!"

Time Turner's confusion deepened. "The Doctor? Big blue box? I'm not quite following."

Pinkie Pie grinned, unfazed by his confusion. "The Doctor is this amazing alien pony who travels in a blue police box and has incredible adventures through time and space! Just like you, Time Turner!"

Time Turner chuckled nervously, realizing that Pinkie Pie had misunderstood something along the way. "Well, I appreciate the comparison, but I'm just a clockmaker. No time travel for me."

As days turned into weeks and weeks into months, the moniker "The Doctor" persisted. Everypony in Ponyville seemed to embrace it, and references to "wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey" things and "Sonic Rainbows" became commonplace. Even Time Turner's cutie mark, a clock with its gears intertwined with an hourglass, seemed to fuel the misconception.

One day, as Time Turner was meticulously aligning the gears of an intricate clock tower that was to grace the center of town, a voice called out from behind him.

"Ah, Doctor! I see you're at it again," said a familiar voice tinged with an air of mystery.

Time Turner turned to find Twilight Sparkle, the wise and knowledgeable alicorn, approaching him. She wore a warm smile, a book levitating beside her.

"Twilight, you too? The Doctor thing is getting a bit out of hoof," Time Turner sighed, leaning against his worktable.

Twilight chuckled, her lavender eyes twinkling with amusement. "You have to admit, it's quite the amusing mix-up. But I'm here to discuss something related to it."

Time Turner raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Related to being the Doctor?"

"In a way," Twilight confirmed. "You see, I've been studying time magic and its effects on Equestria. Your unique name and cutie mark caught my attention, and I wondered if you might be interested in collaborating on a project."

Time Turner's curiosity was piqued. "A project? What sort of project?"

Twilight's smile grew as she opened her book, revealing intricate diagrams and notes. "I'm working on a research paper about the interplay between time and magic, and I think your expertise in clocks and timepieces could provide valuable insights. We could uncover some fascinating discoveries together."

As Time Turner delved into the world of time magic alongside Twilight, he found himself embracing the nickname that had once perplexed him. While he wasn't the Doctor of big blue box fame, he was, in his own way, a Doctor of timepieces and the enigmatic world of magic that surrounded them.

As the months passed, Time Turner's collaboration with Twilight Sparkle delved deeper into the mysteries of time manipulation, unraveling the threads that connected Equestria's past, present, and future. Their joint efforts led to a laboratory tucked away on the outskirts of Ponyville, a place where clocks ticked in harmony with the rhythms of magic.

Inside the laboratory, shelves were lined with ancient tomes, each containing secrets of time magic painstakingly transcribed by Twilight. Time Turner's intricate clocks adorned every available surface, their gears and hands working in perfect unison, creating an orchestra of ticking that resonated with the heartbeat of the universe.

Their collaboration bore fruit in ways that even Time Turner hadn't dared to imagine. One day, as sunlight streamed through the laboratory windows, Twilight rushed in with an excited glint in her eyes. She had been up all night deciphering an old spell scroll.

"Time Turner, I think I've found it!" she exclaimed, levitating the scroll before him. "A spell that allows controlled temporal observation!"

Time Turner's eyes widened with intrigue. "Temporal observation? What does that mean?"

Twilight's horn glowed as she cast the spell, enveloping the room in a shimmering aura. As the light settled, the laboratory was filled with ethereal projections—moments from Equestria's history played out before them, like specters dancing through time.

"We can now witness events from the past, study them firsthand without altering them," Twilight explained. "Imagine the knowledge we can gain!"

Together, they watched as ancient pony tribes formed the foundations of their society, as legendary heroes embarked on quests that shaped the land. They observed pivotal moments in history, gaining insights into the interactions between magic and time.

As Time Turner and Twilight Sparkle continued to unlock the secrets of temporal observation, they found themselves immersed in the vivid tapestry of Equestria's history. With the spell scroll's magic as their guide, they journeyed back to a time when the land was untamed, and pony tribes were just beginning to forge the bonds of civilization.

In one such observation, they found themselves standing on the verdant plains where the first pony tribes converged. The air was charged with anticipation as Earth, Unicorn, and Pegasus ponies, still unaware of their magical talents, greeted each other with curiosity and a sense of unity. Time Turner marveled at the harmonious interactions between the tribes, which laid the groundwork for the friendship-driven society that Equestria would eventually become.

Twilight's magical projection pointed out a wise old pony who seemed to mediate between the tribes. "That's the first Keeper of Equilibrium," Twilight explained. "A pony who understood the importance of balance in magic and unity among the tribes."

As they observed, they witnessed the Keeper guiding the tribes to discover their unique magical talents, setting the stage for the diverse abilities that would later define each pony tribe. The unfolding scenes painted a picture of cooperation and understanding that left Time Turner in awe.

Their next observation brought them to a time when Equestria was threatened by a monstrous creature, a primal force that threatened to plunge the land into chaos. Legendary heroes emerged, each representing a different tribe. They saw a brave Earth pony warrior, a wise Unicorn mage, and a daring Pegasus explorer, united by their shared purpose to protect Equestria.

"These are the First Defenders," Twilight murmured, her eyes reflecting a mix of pride and fascination. "They laid the foundation for the Elements of Harmony, showing that unity and the unique strengths of each tribe are key to overcoming challenges."

The battles were fierce and the odds were daunting, yet the heroes demonstrated unwavering resolve. They combined their abilities in ways that showcased the inherent harmony between magic and unity. Time Turner marveled at the intricate choreography of their teamwork, noting how their actions formed a symphony of magical energy that resonated with the very essence of Equestria.

As they continued to observe, the heroes' victories had far-reaching effects. The various tribes forged bonds of friendship, realizing that their differences were their greatest strengths. They established the principles of friendship, kindness, generosity, honesty, laughter, and loyalty—the foundations of Equestrian society.

The tapestry of history unfolded further, revealing how Equestria grew and evolved. Time Turner and Twilight witnessed the rise and fall of kingdoms, the emergence of wise rulers, and the moments of darkness that were always met with the light of unity. Through it all, they gained a profound understanding of the intricate dance between magic and time, how they shaped each other and guided the course of history.

But it wasn't all triumphs and victories. They also observed moments of regret and mistakes, reminding them that the past was filled with both light and shadow. Twilight's words echoed as they watched, "Learning from history is crucial, Time Turner. We can't change the past, but we can certainly shape the future."

Their journey through history left them with a sense of humility and reverence for the ponies who had come before them. It reinforced their commitment to safeguarding the delicate balance of magic and time, ensuring that their discoveries were used for the betterment of Equestria and all its inhabitants.

As the observations came to an end, they found themselves back in their laboratory. The knowledge they had gained filled their hearts with a renewed sense of purpose. Time Turner looked at Twilight, a warm smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"Twilight, what we've seen—it's a reminder that every moment matters," he said. "Our research isn't just about understanding time and magic. It's about preserving the harmony that generations before us worked so hard to achieve."

Twilight nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting the same determination. "You're right, Time Turner. Our work is a tribute to their legacy and a promise to the future. With the insights we've gained, we have a responsibility to ensure that the tapestry of Equestria's history remains vibrant and full of hope."

And so, armed with the wisdom of the ages and the passion of discovery, Time Turner and Twilight Sparkle continued their journey, forging ahead in the uncharted territory where magic and time converged,

But it wasn't just the past that intrigued them. Twilight's meticulous research uncovered ways to glimpse into potential futures, paths that Equestria might take. It was here that their collaboration took a new turn, as they faced moral dilemmas about the implications of knowing what could come to pass.

As Time Turner and Twilight Sparkle delved deeper into their collaborative research, a new realm of possibilities opened before them—a realm not just confined to the past, but one that extended into the future. Twilight's tireless dedication to her studies revealed techniques that allowed them to peer into the potential outcomes of choices made, the decisions of individuals, and the shifting currents of Equestria's fate.

Their laboratory, once filled with the steady ticking of clocks and shimmering temporal projections, now housed an array of mystical devices designed to gaze into the unknown. Arcane crystals, enchanted scrolls, and shimmering pools of magic became the tools they wielded to pierce the veil of time.

In the soft glow of twilight, they stood before an apparatus that hummed with barely contained energy—a Time Conflux Crystal. Twilight's horn glowed as she initiated the spell, and before them, the room seemed to ripple like a pond's surface disturbed by a pebble.

Projected before them were myriad paths that branched and intertwined—a labyrinth of possibilities depicting countless futures Equestria might tread. Some were bright with hope, others shrouded in shadows, and a few danced between both.

Time Turner and Twilight gazed at the myriad images, awe and trepidation mingling within them. It was here, in this realm of potential futures, that their collaboration took an unforeseen turn. The very knowledge they sought to gain carried weighty moral implications.

Twilight's voice held a contemplative tone. "Time Turner, these glimpses into potential futures are invaluable for decision-making. We could help guide Equestria towards the best outcomes, prevent disasters, and foster harmony."

Time Turner nodded, his eyes never leaving the kaleidoscope of visions. "True, Twilight, but such knowledge could also lead to unintended consequences. What if our intervention inadvertently causes harm? What if knowing too much disrupts the natural flow of events?"

Twilight sighed, her brow furrowed with concern. "That's the moral dilemma we face. We have to decide whether to act on what we see or to trust in the natural progression of events. It's a delicate balance."

As they continued to watch, one future emerged as particularly ominous—a future in which the bond of friendship that defined Equestria was fraying, replaced by discord and distrust. Time Turner's heart clenched at the sight, a sense of urgency welling within him.

"We can't ignore this," he said, determination in his voice. "We've been entrusted with this knowledge, and it's our duty to use it for the greater good."

Twilight's gaze met his, her expression resolute. "You're right, Time Turner. We can't shy away from our responsibilities, but we must be cautious. Our actions should be guided by wisdom, not haste."

And so, with a shared sense of purpose, they embarked on a new chapter of their research, intertwining the understanding of potential futures with their understanding of history and magic. They devised a method of gently nudging events, using subtle influences to guide Equestria toward the brightest outcomes without disrupting the flow of time.

Their efforts yielded remarkable results. They helped mend fractured relationships, averted environmental disasters, and supported leaders who upheld the values of unity and friendship. The harmony of Equestria flourished, and the bond between Twilight and Time Turner grew stronger as they faced each dilemma and challenge side by side.

However, as time went on, they encountered unforeseen consequences—subtle ripples that cascaded into unexpected outcomes. The threads of destiny were intricately woven, and even their most careful interventions sometimes led to unintended outcomes, leaving them to grapple with the complexity of their role as guardians of time.

Also, not everything could be manipulated or changed in the realm of future-gazing. Within the labyrinth of potential outcomes, a shadowed path loomed—one that defied their influence. This was an unforeseen future being crafted, one that unfolded without the signature tapestry of magic that defined Equestria.

As Time Turner and Twilight delved into the threads of this enigmatic future, they felt an unsettling chill. The once-vibrant hues of magic were absent, leaving behind a void that seemed to echo with emptiness. The absence of magic in a land so deeply entwined with it sent shivers down their spines.

Try as they might, their attempts to alter this course of events proved futile. It was as if this particular future stood steadfast, resistant to their interventions. This was a world where the delicate equilibrium between magic and time had been disrupted irreparably, leaving behind a reality stripped of the very essence that made Equestria unique.

The revelation struck a chord of dread within them, raising questions about the origins of this bleak timeline. Was it a consequence of their own actions, an unintended side effect of their attempts to shape destiny? Or was there a greater force at play, a force that transcended their understanding of time manipulation?

Amidst the triumphs and setbacks, Time Turner and Twilight's bond remained unbreakable. Their shared journey into the future was a reminder that even with the power to glimpse possibilities, the choices they made were driven by their unwavering dedication to the well-being of Equestria and the preservation of its essence.

As they continued their work, Time Turner's clockmaking skills became an integral part of their research. He crafted intricate devices that could measure fluctuations in time's fabric, helping them identify critical moments when the balance between time and magic was at its most delicate.

One evening, as Twilight bathed the laboratory in a soft glow, Twilight and Time Turner stood before a prototype time-stabilization mechanism. This device, born of their shared expertise, had the potential to safeguard Equestria's timeline from the unintended consequences of their explorations.

"Time Turner, your dedication to understanding the nuances of time is remarkable," Twilight said, her voice tinged with admiration. "You've brought a dimension to this research that I could never have achieved alone."

Time Turner smiled humbly, a hint of pride in his eyes. "And your magic, Twilight, it's what brings life to our ideas. Our partnership is a testament to the power of collaboration."

Their discoveries reverberated across Equestria. The time-stabilization mechanism was adopted by ponies from all walks of life, ensuring that any manipulation of time was done with utmost care. Time Turner's clocks became sought-after treasures, not just as functional timepieces, but as symbols of his contribution to the understanding of time itself.

As news of their breakthroughs spread, delegates from distant lands journeyed to Ponyville to learn from the Doctor and the Princess of Friendship. The laboratory became a hub of knowledge exchange, where scholars and practitioners gathered to discuss the harmonious coexistence of magic and time.

The townsponies of Ponyville continued to lovingly refer to him as "The Doctor," but now the moniker held a new layer of meaning. Time Turner's name became synonymous with expertise and collaboration, a bridge between the intricate workings of clocks and the vast expanse of magical possibilities.

Yet, amidst the accolades and achievements, Time Turner remained a humble stallion at heart. He often found solace in his workshop, surrounded by the soothing ticking of his clocks. Twilight, too, continued to be guided by her sense of responsibility to Equestria, fostering unity through her own studies and friendships.

And so, in the charming town of Ponyville, amidst the laughter of friends and the chiming of clocks, Time Turner, known fondly as "The Doctor," found his place as a true caretaker of time—a pony who may not have traveled in a blue police box, but who had embarked on a journey of discovery and friendship that was every bit as magical.

Comments ( 3 )

My name is Time Turner, but everypony seems to call me The Doctor for some strange reason.

Tends to happen when you look like someone you're not to be fair. I think I read somewhere that the BBC gave Hasbro certain conditions when they created Time Turner.

Namely that, for all he looked, sounded, and even have a blue police box. He could not be the Doctor.

This was a sweet one shot.
A good take on Doctor Whooves Time Turner.

I loved every bit of this. Such an interesting take on Time Turner (I will admit I think of him as the Doctor because that’s all I’ve ever seen him be referred to as).

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