• Published 5th Aug 2013
  • 4,590 Views, 124 Comments

Before the Dawn - SilverMuse

When two unlikely ponies, Luna and Sombra, meet beneath the silver moon, will their love be everlasting, or will the darkness lurking in the Crystal Empire succeed in destroying them?

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Chapter 17: Nightmares

Chapter 17: Nightmares

Luna and Celestia stayed in the Crystal Empire for three days. In that time, Quill and Heartstone were brought to trial, and it was determined that Quill spoke the truth; Heartstone admitted to forging the letter in order to lure Luna into the Empire so that the unicorns could attack her. The fact that Quill had also been accosted and nearly killed certainly acted in her favor.

Luna had been unsettled by the verdict only because Hearthstone hadn’t acted...normal. His eyes had darted from side to side, his face full of sweat, and while his words had been calm, he had seemed anything but collected. Gemfyre had determined to keep him captive until the unicorns could be brought to justice.

Once all had grown calm, Celestia had revealed to Gemfyre that the Queen now had a new grandfoal named Safyre. Luna had never seen Gemfyre cry before, but the elder alicorn had shed tears of both joy and sorrow, joy at having the little foal in her life, and sorrow that she could not bring him home yet.

“I will make this Empire safe again,” she’d sworn. “I only wish to hold him.”

Luna had tried to visit Sombra in his dreams at night while at the Empire, but she had not been unsuccessful. She had fought to push through the black barrier surrounding his mind, but either he refused to sleep, or he, or the Nightmist, had completely locked her out. Luna did not know. With a heavy heart, she had departed with her sister, as well as with Mystic Topaz bound in the chariot.

The stallion looked better now after his beating; Sombra had definitely left a mark on him. He was nothing but cooperative, only asking for water or inquiring about his sister. So far, no one had seen sight of her, and the unicorns that had attacked Luna still had yet to be apprehended.

Returning to Canterlot had been a somber affair, and after seeing Mystic Topaz locked away in the crystal dungeons below the castle, Luna had gone to her room to rest and to try to forget what had happened four nights ago.

She felt...tainted...was the best word she could think to use. The magic that had touched her had been dark and evil. It had burrowed into her heart and soul and had tried to rip her power from her chest, as well as her life. Luna had managed to sleep during the day at the Empire, but she’d thrashed from nightmares of her own. There had been no pony there who could help chase the terror away. Celestia had stayed with her when she was able, but Luna usually woke up in a cold sweat, alone.

The alicorn glanced out the window where the moon shimmered brightly in the sky. She’d raised it not long ago, but she knew that Celestia was probably fast asleep after the long journey back to Canterlot and the interrogation from Agate Shield. Celestia had asked if Luna wanted company, but Luna had only shaken her head.

Celestia didn’t understand. How could she? Luna had never banished Celestia’s lover from the kingdoms of Equestria.

Luna rubbed her face and stared at the moon again, her only companion now that Sombra would not speak to her.

It is not his fault, she tried to remind herself. The Nightmist did this to him. If only I can break through it and reach him...

Luna set her jaw resolutely and sat up in bed. She tossed her mane back and hopped down to the floor. On silent hooves, she strode out of her room and went to the balcony where she could sit in the moon’s silver glory.

She was an alicorn; she would break through whether the Nightmist wanted it to happen or not.

Luna tilted her head back and took a couple of deep breaths before closing her eyes. Her ethereal form left her, and she flew back towards the Empire and to Sombra. As before, she met a resistant black wall, but she did not let it deter her this time. She beat against it with hoof and magic until a tiny fissure appeared in the darkness. The crack grew the more she attacked it until ebony glass shattered and fell in a circle around a cave full of crystals.

Sombra sat right in the center of it all, staring at a mirror.

Luna had hoped to find the “old” Sombra in the dream world, but he still sat with his dark mane, red horn, crimson cloak, and armor. He kept staring at himself, his ears perked forward as if he was listening to something.

Luna landed quietly behind him and glanced at the crystals that surrounded them. There were no stars or moon, and though she tried to create some of the comforting light, Sombra’s dream would not allow it. “Sombra?” she asked quietly.

Sombra gave a start and whirled, his red eyes growing wide. Slowly, the surprise faded and a tired, warm smile spread across his muzzle. “Luna...I was wondering when you would come.”

“Where are you?” Luna asked, though she suspected she already knew the answer. She took a tentative step towards him then paused, unable to force herself any closer.

“The woods,” Sombra replied, his gaze sweeping around the crystals. “Or at least, that’s where I was when I fell asleep. My dreams keep taking me back to the caves. They’re calling to me, Luna...like I have forgotten something there.”

Luna shook her head. There was nothing in the caves, not even the necklace that had stolen her magic. She and Celestia had searched for it, but the unicorns must have returned and stolen it.

“Are you safe?” she asked him tenderly.

Sombra nodded. “For now, yes. I’ve...been roaming Equestria, trying to clear my mind.” He rolled his shoulders a bit and sighed. “I’m tired, Luna. I am trying to build a kingdom for you, but it is hard. I...don’t know where to start.”

Luna went to his side and took his chin lightly in her hoof. “Sombra, I told you, I don’t need a kingdom or a castle. I just need you. I want us to be together as we were.”

Sombra’s eyes flashed, and he pulled his face away. “If you had wanted that so badly, you would have come with me.”

Luna lowered her hoof slowly. “You know why I couldn’t. Equestria needs me, and you—”

“You could have raised the moon away from Canterlot!” Sombra snapped suddenly. “If a kingdom was not so important, than you would have fled with me, Luna. We could be happy now, living away from the politics of Canterlot and the Crystal Empire.”

“You asked me to leave my home...my family,” Luna whispered. “I couldn’t do that either.”

Sombra’s eyes hardened. “No, but I lost my home, my friends, and you because I changed to save you. My sacrifice is acceptable, but yours is not?”


“No,” Sombra waved his hoof, brushing hers away as she tried to touch him. “I lost everything, Luna, even you. I did all of this to protect you, and Gemfyre and Celestia scorn me for it.”

“They don’t scorn you for your actions,” Luna argued, her ears lowering. “They fear the magic that surrounds you. It could destroy many. That’s why they want you to let it go.”

“Why should I change for them?” Sombra asked in rage. “They are not my beloved. They are just alicorns who think they can rule all of Equestria without consequence!”

“Sombra!” Luna cried. “Listen to yourself. You sound like Mystic Topaz while he was corrupted. This isn’t you.”

“No, it is. I can see so much clearer now.” Sombra gave a tired laugh. “In this form, I can be respected, revered...feared even. You know what it is like to be loved by all. I don’t.”

Luna frowned. “You know that’s not true. I confided my fears in you that the ponies of Equestria respect my sister and not me.”

“Then we will make them respect us both,” Sombra insisted. He started to walk around her, his eyes glinting. “Together, we can lead a kingdom and be a King and Queen to them. They won’t have to worship the other alicorns; they can follow and love us instead. Think of it, Luna. No more being the outsider. No more being scorned just because we’re different. We can be rulers, honest and true…ones who bring balance and peace, not tyranny.”

Luna shook her head sharply. “They would fear and hate us if we forced that upon them. I can’t do that to my Equestrians. If I would have them love me, it would be out of their own free will.”

Sombra grew very quiet. His eyes took on a darker shade of red and the purple mist began to flicker around his irises. “You will think differently once we have a kingdom of our own, I promise you, Luna. I will go to any measure to make you happy, and make you mine again.”

Luna felt a chill creep through her. “What do you mean? What are you going to do?”

Sombra grinned and wagged his hoof in front of her. “Tut, tut, do not ruin the surprise, Luna. You will see in time. For now...I think I should wake and go about with my plans.”

“Plans? Sombra...Sombra, wait!” Luna cried and reached for him, but the world started to rupture around her. She flapped backwards into the sky as the ground began to churn and the broken shards blurred in front of her eyes. “Sombra!!” she screamed and was sucked out of his dream.

The last images she saw were his vicious smile and his glowing red eyes encased in black smoke.

Luna fell back onto the balcony, gasping as she was released. She looked around, but the world was steady once more. With a moan, she stumbled to her hooves and ran inside, her throat constricting with emotions. She skidded before Celestia’s door and didn’t even bother knocking before she threw it open.

Celestia looked up with a start, her tired eyes glinting in the darkness. “Luna?”

“Tia....oh, Tia, I think something terrible is going to happen,” Luna whimpered as she ran to her sister. In an instant, Celestia’s wings embraced her in a protective cocoon.

“What has happened?” Celestia whispered.

“It’s Sombra,” Luna replied and explained the terrible nightmare that she had witnessed. She tucked her head beneath Celestia’s chin and trembled. “He keeps speaking of creating a kingdom, but he can’t, Celestia. He’s banished from both the Empire and Canterlot. What if he tries to take over an innocent village? What if he hurts others as he did Mystic Topaz?” She swallowed hard. “I fear the Nightmist really has claimed him.”

“My poor sister,” Celestia murmured and nuzzled her. “Stay with me tonight. Perhaps it was just his nightmare that frightened you. Have hope, Luna. Perhaps Sombra is still in there somewhere.” Celestia settled down onto her side, and Luna followed her example. She curled up under her sister’s wing and stared into the darkness.

Luna knew Celestia spoke the words only to comfort her; both Celestia and Gemfyre had already said that Sombra was lost. Luna wanted to have hope, but after seeing his eyes and hearing his plan...that was not her Sombra. There had to be something she could do to bring him back to her, but what?

The Nightmist was crafty, and if she wasn’t careful, she might be taken as well.


What was I thinking? How could I say such terrible things to her?

Sombra panted miserably as he stumbled through the woods. He had never wanted a kingdom, he had only wanted Luna. What good was the power if it would not give him his beloved? Luna hated this side of him. Even in his dreams, he felt like he wasn’t thinking straight. He was in a cloud, a haze that had been there ever since the Nightmist had caught him.

I should have told her about the necklace. Why have I kept it secret all this time? It could be used to hurt her.

“We won’t let it hurt her,” Sombra declared aloud, though it was more the Nightmist who said it.

Sombra tried to argue, but he could only do so in his thoughts. “We don’t know that for certain. Maybe Luna and Celestia are right. You told me you would release me once my duty was fulfilled. I...I need you to let me go.

The Nightmist chuckled. “But your beloved is not safe yet, not while she’s locked away in that castle with that sister of hers. The more Celestia steals the love and attention of ponies, the more Luna will flounder and weaken. You have to protect her, and you can do that by giving her a kingdom.”

But....she said she doesn’t want one.

“Or so she thinks. She’s grown weaker; you can see it, Sombra. She wasn’t even able to stand up against five unicorns, and yet you defeated six. Her power wanes, but you can save her if you make a home for her, a place she can call her own. And then, Sombra, you can be together.”

Together...yes, that’s all I want,” Sombra replied softly. “We’ll be happy together, but how? How do I create a kingdom for her?

The Nightmist laughed quietly. “Go to the caves.”

In the back of his mind, Sombra knew he shouldn’t obey, but his hooves guided him through the woods and back towards the mountains. He had placed a wide berth between himself and that place, but he could not ignore the call. The trees flew past him and the moonlight guided his way. Silently, he thanked Luna for her eternal light. Surely she must be urging him forth as well.

He broke through the trees after what seemed like ages and came upon the entrance of the cave. This was not the one that he had originally ventured into to be changed, but rather the prison that had held Luna. He glanced around, noticing the eerie silence that pervaded the night. He took a step forward and suddenly heard a voice call to him in the darkness.

“Sombra?! Sombra, where are you?!”

Ambersong? Sombra thought in surprise. He took a step back and looked over his shoulder. What was Ambersong doing all the way out here?

“Sombra!” Blue Belle’s voice reached him this time. “Sombra, please, come back!”

Their voices were distant, but Sombra knew who they belonged to. What he didn’t understand was why they were there searching for him, especially after what he had almost done.

“It’s a trap,” he, or rather, the Nightmist sneered. “Why would they come to find you after you tried to hurt them? Perhaps they were sent as bait by Gemfyre. She means to destroy you.”

Ambersong and Blue Belle would never do that. They...they’re my friends.

“Friends that you nearly killed,” the Nightmist hissed. “What if you try again? Will you forgive yourself if you destroy them?”

Sombra whimpered and backed towards the cave. Their voices were even more distant now, and he realized they were walking away from the mountain. He wanted to follow, to beg them for their forgiveness, but he feared them as well. He did not want to willingly walk into a trap and be ensnared.

That wouldn’t help Luna at all.

“Go. Go into the caves,” the Nightmist urged him.

Sombra drew in a breath and gave himself a rough shake. He walked slowly inside and froze upon what he found.

The five unicorns that had attacked Luna appeared on either side of the entrance, while another five reared their heads just beyond them. They all stood in two rows, their faces pointed forward as if they were creating a processional line for Sombra. He glanced left and right, waiting for them to attack, but none of them moved until, one by one, they bowed before him.

“What is this?” Sombra asked into the silence.

“Your minions, King Sombra,” a female voice spoke into the shadows.

Sombra looked around, but her voice echoed so that he could not place her location. “Who are you?”

“A friend,” came the reply. “These unicorns saw your might when you destroyed their leader. They see you as a true King, not like Mystic Topaz, or Queen Gemfyre. You would lead them to greatness; you have only but to ask for their loyalty.”

“I can’t trust them,” Sombra said, glowering. “They attacked Princess Luna.”

“Which they shall never do again under your direction,” the voice assured him. “You want a crown fit for a King and a land to rule. We can give them to you. You saw how we weakened the alicorns; together, with you at our side, we can bring them to their knees and make Equestria our own. The power will return to the unicorns, where it should have always remained. Wouldn’t your Luna be proud?”

Sombra swallowed hard. He certainly had no idea how to claim a land for his own, and he couldn’t do that without loyal subjects. These unicorns had proven themselves brave and powerful. They could certainly lead the way to greatness...if he gave in.

But they may turn on me as well. They...they already did such horrible things. How can I even think to work with them?

“You can trust them,” he heard himself say. “And if you fear that you cannot, then you can make them serve you,” the Nightmist added privately.


Magic…the speaker knows.

Sombra swallowed and glanced at the bowing ponies. There was a thrill of satisfaction at having them kneel to him, but he feared that if he took this path, he would not be able to turn back. But why would he want to? They could give him everything that he ever wanted if only he ordered them.

“What if I agree?” he asked. “What will make me powerful enough to keep my kingdom? Surely Celestia and Gemfyre will try to stop me.”

The voice chuckled. “Not if you have the magic to protect you and repel the alicorns. Come with me, and I will show you the source of your power.”

Sombra eyed the darkness and lit the tip of his horn. “Come into the light.”

There was a quiet shuffling of hooves and a unicorn slowly stepped into the glowing beam.
When Sombra saw who it was, he staggered back in surprise.


The tan unicorn smiled at him, her eyes glinting darkly in the magical light. Her once tight bun had been let down, leaving her wavy brown mane to flow freely around her body. The meekness in her eyes had vanished, replaced by an inner strength that unnerved even Sombra. She swished her tail and lifted her head proudly. “Indeed,” she said. “I have been the traitor this entire time. Mystic Topaz was just a pawn. He has served his purpose.”

Sombra stared at her, his mouth falling open. “But…but then you…you were the one who—”

“The one who sent the letter to the Princess? Yes, dearest, that was me. I was the one that called for the attack on Luna so that we might use her power to raise the moon and fuel our gem. I have stood at Gemfyre’s side and learned of her power and her plans.” She shook her head. “Heartstone, sadly, had to pay the price to keep my identity secret. It was only too easy to make him say exactly what I wanted him to say.”

“But, how?” Sombra asked.

Quill laughed and tossed her mane. “How? With magic, of course! Magic is also how I survived the fall and the attack; though knowing it was coming certainly helped as well. I am no spring filly, Sombra. I have studied under great unicorns, those of both light and darkness. My mentors, however, saw a great magic within me that they dreaded, and so they cast me aside, which was their folly. I can teach you how to reach your full power. Come.” She motioned to him and walked down a hall that he had not noticed before.

Sombra glanced one more time at the other unicorns then started to follow Quill. They walked through many twists and turns in the cave until they reached two crystal doors. They were not made of bright colors, however; their surfaces were black as night and had strange runes carved into them that Sombra did not recognize. A thick onyx crystal sat right above the two doors.

Quill bowed her head, and Sombra saw her eyes turn green and purple. Ebony magic, instead of white, shot forward and struck the large crystal. Her magic streaked through the runes, causing them to glow until the doors opened slowly before them.

“How?” Sombra whispered again.

Quill looked at him and grinned. “One of the spells I have written. I did not want just any unicorn looking at what is within. Only the kind of magic I use can open it.”

She walked inside and lit several lanterns dangling from the ceiling and walls. Sombra stepped in after her and gasped.

Shelves upon shelves of crystal held hundreds of books. They swirled around him and went skyward, almost so far that he could not see. He turned in place, staring at them with wonder.

“Magic books,” Quill told him. “They can help you understand your power and how to build your own kingdom.”

“Magnificent,” Sombra breathed. Luna would have been overjoyed to see this. “But, how were they brought here?”

“Unicorns have collected them throughout the ages,” Quill told him as she strode to one of the walls. “It was said that copies of magic books were made and placed somewhere safe so that, if the libraries of the Crystal Empire or Canterlot were ever burned or lost, these books would remain.” She chuckled and touched one. “They just did not count on a meek, little scholar who listened to a fabled magic that could offer her the knowledge of Equestria. The Nightmist came to me as well,” she said and looked back at him. “It asked what I desired most, and when I told it I wanted unlimited power and knowledge, it brought the books to me.”

“What was your price?” Sombra asked curiously.

“Hm...I did not want to provide my body as a host,” Quill admitted and settled back on her haunches. “So I told it I would help it find somepony even stronger than me to control. Initially, I had intended to help it claim Gemfyre, but then another unicorn appeared out of the woodwork.” She lifted an eyebrow at him. “You. You, who stood so boldly against the unicorns to defend the Princesses and Queen. You, who were once a simple unicorn with a deformed horn, displayed such raw power that I knew you could not be ignored.”

Sombra shifted anxiously. “Is that why you protected me? It was your power that shielded me from the unicorns, was it not?”

“Yes,” Quill nodded. “When I saw you, I knew I could not allow you to be destroyed. The Nightmist was intrigued, so I protected you and warned the unicorns away. We had intended to take Gemfyre right then and there since she and the Princesses were weak, but after we saw you, we made our escape to bide our time. The Nightmist knew you would come calling.”

“What makes me so special?” Sombra murmured.

Quill tossed her head to the side and smiled like a mother to her colt. “Your heart is driven by the love for Luna, and your hope to help the misfits of Equestria. Gemfyre’s soul is driven by a lust for power and her desire for worship and undying loyalty, whatever the cost. The Nightmist isn’t evil as Gemfyre and Celestia make it out to be. It just emblazons what is truly in the heart of its host and ignites the powers deep within. The alicorns fear it because it means they may no longer be the strongest Equestrians. They stole the abilities and duties of the unicorns to make themselves more godlike, but we of Equestria are the true rulers and have the purest hearts.”

Sombra did not know how to feel. At first, he felt like a pawn that had been shoved unwillingly across the game board. He hated being used. How many times had he said he didn’t like being a misfit and that he wanted to govern his own life?
He wanted to be angry. He wanted to scream at Quill and drag her back to Gemfyre to proclaim her treachery.

And yet, he, the pawn, had somehow managed to reach the end of the board, unmolested, and had been replaced with a royal piece. The unicorns were the ones who had wanted to hurt his Luna, but they could redeem themselves by helping him create a home for her, couldn’t they? What would Gemfyre do anyway if he brought Quill forth? She’d still cast him aside and might not even believe him. Only Luna would hear him speak.

They may hurt her again, though! I can’t allow it!

Then study their magic, and learn to control them. If they serve you, then they will have to keep their hooves off of anyone you deem worthy. Do it for Luna.

For Luna...

Sombra swallowed hard. “If I become your leader...if I study under you, you have to swear fealty to me and promise that you will never harm Luna ever again.”

Quill smiled and bowed her head low. “Of course, my King. Our only wish is to make you happy. Luna was never meant to die, Sombra. I do not know what Mystic Topaz told her, but the amulet was just meant to drain her briefly to help us regain control over the moon. We would have freed her, I swear it.” She sighed whimsically and looked up at the wall of tomes. “This is your legacy, Sombra. This will teach you what you need.”

“But there are hundreds!” Sombra said. “How can I hope to read so many and still create my kingdom in my life time?”

“Let the Nightmist help you,” Quill told him with a smile. “The knowledge will flow into you as it did me.”

“How?” Sombra started to ask, but then he felt the magic bubble up inside of him. He blinked and looked up at the books. Magic flowed into his horn then shot up towards the volumes. He jerked back, afraid that he would burn them, but the magic just wrapped around them and brought them down to hover in front of his eyes. He stared and licked his muzzle, thinking.

“Let me help,” his voice said.

Sombra reluctantly let the Nightmist take a little more control. The purple mist grasped onto the books and flipped them open. He stared at them then froze as his eyes darted along the pages, moving faster than what seemed possible. Pages flipped and the books spun around him as he took in the knowledge, reading the basics, first, and then going slowly into more complicated spells. He gasped, both amazed and afraid of the knowledge.

It could be dangerous in the wrong hooves, but he could use it for good…he knew he would.

He tilted his head back and let the fountain of knowledge pour into him while Quill stood at his side with a cool smile on her face.