• Published 18th Mar 2014
  • 581 Views, 2 Comments

Chasing the Light - Icebeerg

Magic is what makes life easy for unicorns. Magic helps them perform their duties and support others in their everyday lives. But sometimes, it has consequences. Consequences that are almost impossible to fix.

  • ...


The sky was dark, but nopony paid any mind to it. As long as any of them remembered, there was only twilight. It shone when they woke up and it shone when it was time to rest. Even though were many lights shining in Ponyville, they barely lit the darkness on the streets. Some of them shone from humble houses, some from the lanterns lighting the streets where even fewer guards would walk the streets, and finally, some came from Sugarcube Corner, one of a few places where hard working ponies could find stale food and a pint of cheap swills. But the only natural light was only a slim line on the horizon. The red-yellow lights shimmered over the peaks of mountains far away.

A loud buzzer rang near the town hall, and soon, a crowd of ponies in miner hats came in from Ghastly Gorge's direction. The stream continued through the streets and flowed towards the doors of Sugarcube Сorner. All sorts of subjects were discussed among the ponies.

Most talked about their bounties and how they were going to spend it. Others talked about the king’s reforms, quietly, and some just chattered about the usual things in life. But many conversations eventually led to the topic of the Everfree Forest.

The Everfree Forest was indeed a mysterious place overrun with rumors. The first mystery was the strange, dense vegetation. Some ponies said it was the work of rebels who hide in the woods and robbed transports of food and seeds bound for Canterlot. The seeds were then used to grow the trees faster and stronger. They frequently robbed transportation of food and seeds for Canterlot’s breeders, and by this seeds, the trees of the forest grown faster and stronger. Some ponies supposed the forest was simply special and can not only grow in the dark, but even without water. Others believed the forest was enchanted by some powerful witch that even king’s guards could not catch.

The second mystery wese the strange animals that lived deep in the forest. They never left the woods, never attacked the town, and nopony heard about them living anywhere else except in the Everfree Forest. Timberwolves, parasprites, hydras, and even cockatrices were just some of the fauna that could be found in the forest. Not that the ponies really mind. The Everfree Forest’s creatures were frequent guests on a pony’s dish they were much easier to catch than buying any crops.

Behind the large crowd, one particular colt, with a matted mane and dirt stuck between his ears, slowly limped after them, carrying four bits in his mouth. Two royal guards walked along, glancing at the thin colt and giving a chuckle, before continuing their way to bring peace and harmony among the streets. As soon as both guards left, the young colt heard some rustling from behind but having no time to look back, tripped on something and fell. Bits tinkled, hitting the road and rolled away from him somewhere in the dark. Impish laughter burst from behind the poor colt.

"Need help, pal?" A brown-bodied stallion asked, looking like he was the leader of this little gang.

"Hey look, Filthy, the dope fell all over his face!" One of the dumb looking goons smirked, laughing cruelly as he pointed a hoof at the fallen foal. The others in their group laughed just as cruel and loud.

"Cool off. We ain't no monsters to laugh at some poor foal's faults. Here, take my hoof," Filthy Rich said in sympathy as he lent a helping hoof.

The colt stared at the hoof in apprehension, looking on guard as he looked unwilling to take it, but what choice did he have? He knew what would happen if he refused. He reached out his hoof to take Filthy's, but in a quick movement, the impish stallion pulled away, snickering as he watched the young colt smacked down onto his face.

"Gotcha!" They all laughed with a vengeance, smirking with a coltish cruelty.

"Hey, how stupid can you be if you keep on falling for the same trick again and again?" He stood on his forehooves and bucked against the prostate colt's stomach. "Did you think that you can get away from us? You haven't paid for the last three days, pal."

"I... I just don't have any money now. Please don't hurt me. I just need something to eat. This is everything I have. They don't pay a lot to colts, my father died in the mines, and my mother can't work anymore. Please leave me alone! I need this money!" the young colt begged, trailing off int a cry as tears streamed down his face.

“Hey, Filthy, catch!” One of Filthy’s companions kicked the bits to him. With a deft flick, Filthy grabbed all the coins in midair, still smiling mischievously, but soon, his face became red.

"Four bits? Garbage!" Filthy bucked him again, causing the poor colt to compress further. "You know that you're supposed to pay us for the job and room, but you are already late by three days!" he yelled angrily, bucking the foal once more. "What did you expect to buy with four bits? You can hardly buy a stinking pint of water for it! It’s better to take 'em from you, on account of your debt." He sneered down at him, indicating to one of his goons to fetch the fallen bits.

The colt coughed. "I... Please... I need them... We haven't eaten for the last three days... Please..." His pleas went unheard as the bully gave him a one hoof buck, this time to his face, causing a resounding crack and making the young colt cry out, clutching his hooves onto his snout. Blood gushed out as his tears began to flow down his cheeks from the pain.

"You have to be kidding. Listen here, stupid, you still have to pay us fifty bits in one month, and if you decide to spend these bits somewhere else, you won't get away with just a bucking." Filthy kicked him one last time and spat in his bloddy face before calling over his shoulder for his goons to leave, laughing about something or another, into Sugarcube Corner.


"Hold back, private, don't rush in." A mare held the guard. "She will not escape."

Around twelve ponies stood before a cave's entrance, forming ranks and prepearing to assault another witch who had foolishly run into a dead end. They could not pass by somepony who tried to do magic... and tried to steal their food.

The mare looked back at the troops that already formed into squads. "Good. Squad one and two will be guarding outside. Lightning Dust will lead squad three into the cave, and I, with squad four, will provide backup. Any questions? Good. Now go in, carefully. We don't know what lives in this cave."

Lightning Dust lit a torch, and the group of ponies started to slowly delve into the darkness. The cave seemed to get larger as they walked. A couple of steps and twists later, the cave expanded a little bit more, revealing new ledges and stalactites. Suddenly, Lightning Dust moved to a trot, separating from her comrades.

Her squad, a bit confused by the sudden change of formation, sped up to follow their leader.

"What are you doing?|” the mare hissed at Lightning Dust, “Get back into formation! That's an order!"

But she didn’t listen. Instead, Lightning Dust put her torch on the ground and snorted. "Why should we lose our time on formalities? We are two miles from Manehatten. Nothing lives in this cave. We are just wasting time searching for one pony. Nothing—" She had no time to continue as a sharp arrow cut through the air and buried into the ground one inch from her hoof. In a matter of seconds, she rolled back to her squad, readying a weapon.

"It's a trap! To arms!" The mare swiftly pulled out her sword just to meet another one which was held by one of the ponies who had jumped from their hiding spots on ledges. Another arrow whizzed just passed her ear. "Get back! Hold ranks!"

They were not in a good position. There were already around fifteen ponies assaulting them, apart from archers and other ponies who had just climbed down. Another arrow dashed right by her eyes, this time accompanied by a wheeze behind her. The mare made a quick glance, fast enough to keep parrying attacks, and to see what happend. Ironhoof! A tough lump stuck in her throat, but she kept moving back. She made a move under a sword swing and stabbed her own blade into her enemy. The pony fell, wheezing and trying to close the hole in his own body, while another jumped over him and took his place, pushing with his sword. The mare heard a crack of metal and another cry from one of her guards. Lucky Wing! Today he wasn't so lucky.

Soon, the two squads saw a light beaming not so far away, but their cheerful thoughts were soon cut off by more than a dozen new rebels who waited near the entrance.

King, save us! the mare thought when she heard another cry of help. Without even glancing, the mare rolled to the left just in time to cut the throat of another pony who had thrust his spear into the flank of another guard.

She looked at the guard who looked back at her, his body full of torment. "Captain, I..." He coughed, breathing heavily. "I... don't want to die. I have a family in Canterlot... I... I can’t die like..." He coughed again. "Save me, captain!" Another arrow from the darkness put an end to his torment. The mare shivered. She moved her head from the private just to meet another face right before her eyes. This was not a pony. Not a pony anymore. It was more like a skull with glowing eyes. The monster smiled impudently, showing its crushed teeth.

"Save us all, captain!"


The mare hit the ground, panting heavily. She found herself staring at the wall of the captain's quarters, lying on the cold ground before her table. A candle glowed on a table, lighting the room just enough to see her armor on a mannequin and numberless pieces of paperwork which covered the whole table. The candle monotonically dripped onto reports, orders, arrangements to some events, and other forms, some new and some already signed.

The mare sighed and rubbed her sleepy eyes. Nightmares had started to haunt her often for the last two weeks, but for as long the mare tried to forget them, they kept on coming back. She grunted and sat back at the table. The mare spread her wings and felt her stiff muscles start to warm up. The mare smirked as she waved them around. The lack of armor on her back made it so much easier to move around. Even though her equipment saved her life a few times, it still had disadvantages. While wearing it, the metal plates prevented pegasi from using their wings. Some of the guards even forgot how to fly, but she didn’t want to. Maybe someday, everything would change, and then...

A knock on the door drew her attention. On the doorstep stood one of her lieutenants. "Everything is ready to escort the witcher, ma’am."

"Did he say what he wants?" The mare looked at him with still sleepy eyes.

"He asked to speak with you."

The mare raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Very well. Lead me to him."

Loud clops echoed through the prison accompanied by moans from cells here and there. Many cells were occupied by a pony, but some had a few or even all the members of a family. The law in Equestria was strict. Ponies were there for many different reasons. Bribery, thievery, rebelling, opposing the king, suspicion in betrayal to the crown, refusing to pay taxes—or more likely the inability to—and many more serious crimes. Here, they spent a major part of their lives, starving and praying to be released someday.

In a far side of the prison were special places for special ponies. Ponies that were suspected in threatening others by using unnatural abilities which everypony commonly called magic. Everypony in Equestria—either pegasi or an earth pony—knew one of the most ancient laws: don't bite off more than you can chew. The pegasi were born to fly while earth ponies were much stronger, and none of them could do something that others couldn’t. Of course there were exceptions or talents. Someone could do something better than others, but at the end, everypony could do it somehow. However, some dreamers sabotaged this system. They believed that ponies can do much more, something unexplainable. Some of them worked hard, and some just spread those ideas until other ponies whose talents were far more special started to appear.

And now, one of these dreamers was sitting on the cold stone floor of a prison before the mare. His forehooves and neck were bound to the wall while the rest of his body remained sitting on the floor. His purple eyes were open as he looked at the mare. He was... old. Older than most ponies ever lived.

Give him a day or two, and he will not need a gallow. The mare smirked as she entered the cell. A smile appeared on the prisoner’s face, making her wince. "What do you want, witcher?" She closed the door behind her and sat, looking at the prisoner with indifference in her eyes.

"You have come. Good. Do you already know my last request?" the pony asked slowly as though each word came with an effort.

"Of course I know. Why else would I be here? I must admit, your request is quite... unusual. Most ponies ask to let them say farewell to their families or even spare their lives, but you are the first who asked to talk with me."

"Look at me. Family? I already outlived them. I have no family and no friends left. All I have is my talent."

The mare winced again. "Talent? More like a curse. Your talent is prohibited in Equestria and is a reason for you to be here."

The pony smiled. "You’re right. That's the reason I’m here, but foreseeing the future is a gift, not a curse."

"Yet this gift did not save you from being imprisoned. If that's a gift, then it’s a useless one."

"Oh, you got me wrong. I'm not in prison for my talent. I am in prison because of my talent. I'm here to talk to you."

"And what exactly do you want to talk to us about?" The mare yawned.

"About what I’ve seen." The pony raised his glance, trying to look at the window above him. "Look outside. I cannot see anything from here, but I know what lies out there. Under the purple skies, ponies fight each day to survive in this world. The chance to grow food is a privilege, and others have to spend lives to be able buy it. And a slim, constant light shines from the dragon lands.

“Nothing has changed the whole time that I lived. Not for my father or even his father. But soon it will all change. A creature from the tales will come and spark a course of events that will change everything. The fire from the dragon lands will envelope the land, but it will be welcomed by everypony. It will not hurt or burn but provide warmth and light. The ones who had the privilege to grow food will lose it because everypony would be able to do.

I saw this land flourish. The rule of the black king will end, and new rulers will come. And you will be one among few who will make it happens."

"Is that all?" The mare raised an eyebrow lazily. "I have a lot of preparations to make for your execution."

"That is all I wanted you to know." The prisoner sighed. "I never thought the sky could be as beautiful as it will be."

"I have to say, that is a nice fairy tale of yours, but let me explain some things. I'm captain of the royal guards. My father was the captain before me and my grandfather before him. I've caught dozens, if not hundreds of witchers like you, all to protect the law and ponies. I'll always be loyal to the crown and will never betray the king. Not before, not now. Your mind is just playing tricks with you, witcher, if you think otherwise." With that, the mare opened the door to leave the cell.

"I never doubted that you will ignore me. But remember, you might be loyal to the crown now, but you will eventually understand how you were wrong, Rainbow Dash."

Those last words pierced through the door while the mare took her leave.


Streams of ponies flowed from the mines in Ghastly Gorge to the one and only place for fun: Sugarcube Corner. Ponies constantly moved in and out, colliding with each other before the doorstep of the store, sometimes on purpose to try to steal something for their pleasure. It wasn't a good day for pickpockets though since a few of them left the shop entrance with a couple of shiners. They were accompanied by a few bums who already spent all their bits on cheap booze or were thrown out for fighting and heckling other patrons.

There was not an empty seat inside the crowded room. Ponies of all statuses, from miners to even the mayor, found their own source of fun and excitement. Smooth music played, making the aura for tonight seem soothing and calm. A pony stood behind a table, waiting for something. A moment later, he pulled something out his month, and two dices rolled out. Most of the ponies gave a sound of disappointment when the dices finally stopped, counting in their minds all the bits that they lost. On the other side, a group of young hunters feasted over a delicious looking dish consisting of timber sticks with a slice of greenery— most likely moss—a pile of leaves, and on the top of that, roasted roots. Everyone had the same meal of what once were formidable timberwolves. Even though it was made from such woodsy beasts, it actually looked wonderful as they chugged down mugs after mugs of booze with at least five large bottles strewn all around them as they laughed boisterously over the prize they'd won.

A short, stout mare stood before a counter, polishing some plates, mugs, and whatnot with a wet cleaning cloth that looked worse for wear. You'd think a mare like her would get sick and tired of all the obnoxious noises of the occasional angry, drunken fight to the bums drinking down their sorrow and yapping about their misfortunes to nopony in particular, but she didn't care.

"I don't understand, Fluttershy, why you care so much about all these animals. You know how it's hard to survive for everypony, and having extra mouths to feed just makes the whole thing worse for you," Mrs. Cake said, looking at the hooded figure in front of her with a hint of annoyance.

The pony in question had long, pink hair, a butter-yellow coat looked meek, and was shuffling her hooves under the cloak she wore which actually looked more like a rag that was made into some sort of… cloak, if you can even call it that. She raised her hoof and pressed it somewhere near her wing, pushing back two white paws. "Oh... Well... I know, but you see... I can't just let them die. Who else can help them but me?" she said timidly, her eyes filled with empathy to the creatures in question.

"You're just so..." The pink-haired mare sighed, shaking her head in exasperation. "Okay, let's just pretend that I get it. I just think that your love for animals is too strange compared to the normal pony. What can you offer me this time?"

Fluttershy twisted around and soon, in her mouth, shone eight bits. "Is... Is it enough?" she asked nervously.

"Are you kidding? I can sell you a gallon of booze, but this here is hardly enough for half an apple."

"Oh... but... but this is all I have. Is there anything I can get for these?" She lowered her bits onto a counter, shuffling her forehooves shyly.

The mare chuckled but took the bits. “Just wait here.” She passed the corner to the kitchen just to reappear again with a small, rough bag. The bag swung with every step, making a rattling sound.

Mrs. Cake spat the bag before Flutershy. “This is what we have left from the timberwolves. We use everything we can, but we always have something left. You barely can eat it, but perhaps you can try to feed some of your animals with that. And something for you too.” She opened the bag, revealing a slice of apple. “It isn’t much, but that’s everything I can do for you.”

The doors suddenly flew wide open by a hard kick from the other side. Nearly everypony turned to look at the newcomers with either fear or disgust. A quartet of ponies imposingly went through the hall to the bar.

A brown-coated stallion sat and carelessly threw a jinging bag to the mare.

“Hey! Give us your best booze and treats! I’m in a mood today!”

“Filthy Rich. Where did you get this money? Stolen from the colts?”

“Does it matter where the money comes from? Mind your own business!”

Mrs. Cake smirked. "Yes, of course. Even if it means to rob the poor." She opened the bag and looked inside. "There's around seventy bits. The best meal that I can do will cost a hundred for scum like you, so you better loosen your pockets."

"Hey, you don't want problems, do you?" Filthy narrowed his eyes at her, pawing at the ground menacingly.

"Have you ever met our newest bouncers?" Mrs. Cake nodded to the side, looking with her peripheral vision at the corner. Two rather large stallions were panting as they engaged in an intense hoof-wrestle. From just one glance at them, it was clear to better keep your distance. The brown and red stallions looked like tanks.

Filthy grimaced but soon pulled out another bag. "Whatever, just give us what you have."

"You better stay quiet; I got better things to do," The blue-coated mare said, frowning at the Filthy as she turned around and went inside a backroom behind the counter.

Filthy glared at the mare's retreating back, snorting in annoyance as he dared to peep at the far side of the counter where Fluttershy was tying her sacks.

"Hey, guys! Look who we got here: the crazy pony who's broke and alone! Hahaha! All because of her dumb animals!" He jumped from his place with a quick pace to stand before her. "Come with me, and I’ll show you the beasts we have," Filthy sneered, waggling his eyebrows as his cronies gave loud, obnoxious laughter, punching each other's shoulders.

The young, butter-yellow mare squeaked and backed away. White paws dropped from her cloak once again.

"Wow, huh. Hey, hey, hey, I have a better idea. Why don't you sell me one of your rabbits? I always wanted to test a hare." He moved his hoof towards Fluttershy.

At an instant after his words, a little, cute bunny's head showed from the side of her "cloak". Little, black-bead eyes angrily glared at Filthy. In a moment, the bunny jumped from Fluttershy's cover, onto Fillthy’s muzzle, and then kicked him in his right eye.

"OOOOUCH!!! THAT HURTS!!!" Filthy grabbed his eye in pain. The bunny jumped back to Fluttershy's wing and stuck out his tongue. "YOU LITTLE..." he raised his head, looking straight at Fluttershy with his black eye. "I WILL KILL YOU!" Filthy raised his hoof, ready to punch her.

"Don't you dare fight in my inn!" Mrs. Cake raised her voice. "And you," she looked at Fluttershy, "you better be going before this scrub does something he will regret later."

"Ahm... sorry for Angel... yes... Thank you." Fluttershy stepped back a few times before turning and running away.

“But she!? Her stupid animal hurt me! Everypony saw that!" Filthy tried to argue but was cut off by a stern look. He spat on the floor and went back to his seat.

One of his followers came closer to him. "Don't you think it's way too expensive here? We’ll have to spend a few days collecting bits again."

Filthy continued to look at the inn door. Soon, his face spread into a smile. "That won’t be a problem. I know exactly how we are going to make some more fast money."


Canterlot Gardens was packed to capacity. Noble ponies, families of guards, and honored citizens of Canterlot were dancing around or just chatting with each other about their everyday routine. The clinking of glasses and music accompanied them. Over a hundred ponies had came here today to watch a show, find new avenues for their businesses, or just spend their time in comfort.

On a balcony stood a black earth pony, looking at the swarming crowd with a smile. A generous number of gems adorned his vest and his crown, shining even in the constant twilight, accurately stressing his royal figure. Two guards were by his side, and right below the balcony stood their captain, Rainbow Dash. Her mane and tail were neat and tidy, and her armor was more decorated than what other guards had—she had some privileges after all—but even though she looked better than the others, her mood was nasty. She'd came through this way hundreds of times, one for each witcher the guards had caught. She swore they were doing the right things and other ponies enjoyed the show, but, still, she didn't like it. They were protecting ponies, and they had to do something with the witchers... but this was just too bloodthirsty.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of clopping from behind and turned to meet the upcoming guard. "I'm here to report that our informat in Ponyville saw another witch."

Rainbow Dash sighed. Finish with one just to deal with another. "Well, I will deal with it later. Anything else?"

"I'm also to report that everything is ready, ma’am."

"Good." Rainbow Dash nodded. "You can begin."

The guard nodded in response, backing away.

After a short moment, the sound of trumpets rang in the air, making all the ponies stop whatever they were doing and bring their attention to the main "guest". The show had begun.

The door of the prison swung open, revealing two guards escorting the witcher. The music died down, and everypony kept quiet. The only sounds that were heard were the sounds of the shackles and the heavy breathing of the prisoner.

The procession moved across the whole garden and up the scaffold, stopping only before the gallows. As they stopped, the royal voice from the balcony started to speak. "Fair Seer, You have been found guilty for treason to the crown, deceiving and threatening fellow ponies, and in the most serious offence, witchery. For your crimes, you'll be hanged at the gallows. Do you have any last words?"

Fair Seer raised his head to the sky. He opened his mouth and...

"Phaaaa..." His eyebrows raised in disbelief. He tried to open his mouth again. "Khraaaa.... pprghaaa..." His lips didn’t listen to him. He looked at the crowd which already laughed at the performance. He tried to reach for his throat, but his shackled hooves prevented him from doing so. Looking at the balcony he saw red eyes, nearly burning him with its fiery gaze, along with the violent smile on the face of their owner. The witcher tried to look away but only sank deeper into the eyes.

The prosecutor made his judgment and made a barely visible nod to the guards. At an instant they took the prisoner closer to the crowds of cheering ponies, and pulled the rope around his neck. The fate of Fair Seer was sealed, but neither it nor the loop that strangled him even before execution bothered him more than the fiery eyes he was looking at. Even when a pony came to the lever, the witcher didn’t show anything but confusion. His mouth spread into an unwilling smile.

"Hail... the king..." He shook his head in resistance to such nonsence, but nopony saw that. They were all waiting for him to finaly meet his death. A pony pulled the lever, and Fair Seer was released from the devil’s glance. It was too late for him. His hooves gave way to an opened abyss. He looked up, and saw the dark, starless sky. A soft smile spread across his face. Would anypony believe how the sky can be so…

The loud crack of a broken neck accompanied the clinking of glasses as the sounds of music resumed.


They MUST be somewhere here. A crystal-white pony walked through the gloomy corridors of the mines. Her short tail and mane were tied into a ponytail and barely bouncing with each step as the pony slowly moved, looking carefuly over the cave for something only she knew. Eventually, she reached a wall. She pressed her body against the wall, touching it carefully. That's too... tough. Growing frustrated, she pulled back and move to another spot. Not a moment longer, she pressed against the wall again, trying to find something in the heavy stone. "Not that... Neither is here... no… no… NO… NO! This is all wrong!" She moved her hooves a bit further and felt a tingle in her hooves. "AHA!" She pulled out a branch that she usually used for marking places and trotted into the dark.

She was absent for a long time but eventually the sound of hoofsteps and grinding resounded. She was back, but now she wasn't unprepared. With a mining hat on her head, she pulled a cart from the darkness, moving to the lucky mark. She squeezed her jaws on a pickaxe and...


She hit it once but only a few tiny pieces of stone shattered and flew away.


She kept hitting the wall, breaking through more and more stone. Her heart started to beat harder and hot sweat spread all over fur, but that was nothing to distract a pro like her.


Excitement building up within her, she dropped her pickaxe and kept cleaning the spot with her hooves. Amongst the dirt and stone, a huge red ruby, as big as her hoof, was encrusted in the wall. The pony wiped the sweat from her head. This was going to be a long day.


"How... Again!? Wow, girl, how are you doing that?" a pegasus looked behind his partner, whistling. The pony who he was speaking to was covered in dust and rubble, and her mane was tangled. There was so much dust and dirt on her, it was difficult to see the white of her coat. The only thing that kept shining were the tired smile of satisfaction on her face and the trolley full of gems.

"I mean, we all work harder than ever, but you've outdone everypony. Girl, how do you even do that!?"

"Oh, you know, just luck." She raised her eyebrows.

"By any means, you are our best digger, Rarity. Without your help, I doubt that our team would meet our quota." He moved aside to another trolley. "Look." He put his hooves inside and soon revealed some sharp green stubs which was once a glorious gem. "That is all I could find for today. I'm afraid it is not enough to provide for my parents.”

"You know, I’ve already found enough. You can use my vein."

The pegasus looked at her in shook "But... but you found it. You know the rules: we work together and will never steal from each other."

"This is not stealing, silly. You can just use it. I don’t need it anymore. Besides, I can always find a new one."

"That is just too..." He sighed. "Thank you. I mean it." He raised his hoof to his chin. "You know, I thought about it a lot and..." he put his hoof arround his neck, "Well... There is a show in the hall today after work, and my cousin received some extra tickets and... You know... I can... I mean..."

"Do you want me to come?"

"Yes! Khm... That would be lovely." He smiled a little, but his shining eyes hardly hid his excitement.

She giggled and rubbed against his cheek. "Of course I will. Wouldn't miss it for the world." She smiled and nuzzled him again. "Just need some time for prepare. Can you give me a few hours?"

"Yes, sure! Few hours... I mean... that is fine. I have a lot of things to do too for now so... yes... that is great!" The smile stuck at his face so hard it looked scary on his confused face.

But Rarity didn't mind that scary look. At last, everything in her life was falling into place.


Fluttershy went through the empty streets of Ponyville to her shelter. Her step was slow, and her mood wasn't good at all. Not only had she lost her house from debts a month ago, but now she did not have enough bits to even feed her little friends. If it weren’t for Mrs. Cake and Rarity, she wouldn't be able to live for long. And now, she not only faced poverty, but nearly started a fight at Sugarcube Corner and caught unnecessary attention. She knew that citizens called her a witch behind her back, but she always tried to avoid contact and be less of a distraction for others, so they tolerated her. What if they change their minds after this incident? What if she could not come into town anymore?

"You shouldn't have done that, Angel." Fluttershy lowered her muzzle facing her "cloak". "Fighting is always not a good way to behave."

There were quiet squeaks from beneath her cover, and she felt a light kick at her hip. "No! You should not even think about it! What would the others think about that? They will not feel happy at all!"

This time, a white, little head appeared from beneath her cloak and looked at Fluttershy surprisingly. Angel opened his mouth and made a few more squeaks.

"Oh, maybe you are right. Maybe I had to stand up for myself. But next time, could you please avoid fighting?"

The bunny snorted. This cute, little snort made Fluttershy smile. How could she leave all her friends unfed? Angel, squirrels, mice and many birds who nested under her roof all relied on her one way or another. She could not leave them. She simply couldn’t.

But money doesn't come from thin air. She tried to get a job, but she was too weak for digging, too kind for patrol, and even fainted at her very first perfomnce at the local theater.

"What should I do, Angel? We can’t keep afloat for long."

The bunny shrugged. Then he slammed his paws and start to squeak feverishly.

Fluttershy chuckled. "Oh, I don’t think they will let me. You see, when—"


She fell to the ground and looked ahead of her. The two guards she just hit rearranged their armor in front of her. Their indifferent glare over Fluttershy was enough for her to take a few backsteps.

"Miss, you are suspected in witchery and attempts to use magic. As you well know, this is a high level of crime. You must be escorted to Canterlot for further investigation immediately." A guard reached out to her.

"What? This must be some mistake... I do respect the law..." Fluttershy tried to mumble something to them, but Angel made his move first. He jumped from his cover and stood bravely between her and the guards. They took a second to exchange confused looks. That was their mistake. In a swift dash, Angel reached for the hoof of the forward guard and clamped his little teeth on it.

"OOOUCH! GET OFF!" The guard shouted and shook his hoof desperately, hopelessly attempting to throw off the white beast. Fluttershy jumped up, flying away to her shelter as fast as she could. "You stupid..." The guard finally released his hoof from the bunny. "Get her!"

Fluttershy flew as fast as she could, but she wasn't used to it. Sweat started to form on her wings almost immediately, and the harsh wind cut her eyes. She looked down. Even though she made quite a distance, both guards were still meters away. She gulped and felt like her heart was ready to break away. Each gasp was harder than the one before. As she lowered over the first trees of the Everfree Forest, one thought on her mind: run. The animals and her friends could not live without her, and she could not live without them. Oh, Angel, what have you done!? She landed carelessly on her hoofs, making a few wobbling steps on the ground before running.

The shelter was right on the edge of the forest, not further than a mile, near a small lake. The woods covered her and gave enough places to live and hide, and the pool outside gave fresh water for every one to use. Fluttershy dashed inside, shut the door, and tried to hide in a corner of the half-empty room.

Please... do not find me here... please leave me alone... please...

She heard distant voices outside, shouting at one another, commanding to search arround. Soon, tustles of leaves accompanied them. They were close. Too close.


Fluttershy shivered over each rustle and broken twig. Please... Please go away...

"Sergeant, I think I found something!"


Another twig was smashed by a hoof, mere meters in front of Fluttershy. The hoof steps got closer. The voices got louder.

Please... some pony... any pony... help me... please... Fluttershy closed her eyes.

The door burst open and a flash shone from above.