• Published 7th Nov 2011
  • 5,228 Views, 119 Comments

Belle Crush - Tiramisu Tales

Everypony grows up eventually, even the slightly slow Sweetie Belle. Love indeed.

  • ...

A Show To Remember

“Snips, what are you doing here?”

Sweetie Belle approached the sweet shop, surprised to see Snips without Snails. He was munching on a cupcake absentmindedly, suddenly jolting to life when she called his name. He looked around for a few moments, finally locating her after she called his name again.

“Oh hey Sweetie Belle! I got hungry, so I decided to go and buy a snack. Snails is with our new friend, Show Tail.” He continued to eat as Sweetie Belle took a seat next to him. She blinked for a moment before asking,

“Show Tail? Who’s he?” Snips chewed on his cupcake a bit more before answering.

“He’s that pony from Manehattan. He moved here about a year ago? But we got to know him when a spell we were trying to do knocked him out of the sky. It was just a telekinesis spell, but we got a bird and it smacked into him... He laughed it off and offered to be a test subject. And ummm... I forget what else.” Snips finished his cupcake with self satisfied smile. The wheels in Sweetie Belle’s head were turning. This pony that she had never really met could either be mean, or really nice. He could be smart, or... like Snips and Snails. She shuddered inwardly at the thought of another pony with the smarts to bring an Ursa to town.

Then again, he had decided to help them out, even though he had no magic of his own. He couldn’t be that stupid. Then again...

“So what are you waiting here for Sweetie Belle?”He was chewing on the cupcake’s paper wrapper.

“I’m waiting for the Crusaders. We were supposed to meet here for snacks after Apple Bloom helped out at home and Scootaloo practiced with Rainbow Dash. I’m early since my sister kicked me out. One spool of thread can cause a lot of damage...” She tapped her hoof to her chin in thought, to be interrupted by Snips’ brash yell.

“There they are!!” Snips jumped to his hooves, tail flicking in excitement. Sweetie lazily looked past the colt. There was Snails, lazily walking besides a colt of the same size. That must have been Show Tail.

The first thing she noted was that his cutie mark was a silver drum. She gritted her teeth in a bit of jealousy before paying attention to the colt himself.

He looked her age, thirteen or fourteen at most. He was almost pitch black, save for the gold wisps on his ears and hooves, and his brilliant golden mane and tail. His golden mane was ratty and unkempt, the kind of matted mess that would make Rarity scream in horror. Sweetie Belle took a moment to imagine her sister fainting and promptly getting back up, with brush and other supplies floating behind her to ‘attack’. She laughed in her head at the scene till she caught sight of his tail.

Now she understood where he got his name.

His shining golden tail was the exact opposite of his knotty mane. This was the type of tail that rivaled, or maybe even beat Rarity’s. It curled perfectly, looking clean and well brushed. He couldn’t have possibly done so himself, judging by the frizzy mess that was his mane. She marveled at it before flushing in embarrassment at catching herself staring. She slyly met his golden eyes for a split second.

Strange... She thought to herself as the colt came closer to her. I... don’t know what this is... I don’t know the word is.

“Tails, this is Sweetie Belle! She’s from school, but you probably don’t know her all too well. Sweetie Belle, Show Tail, Show Tail, Sweetie Belle!” Snips laughed at his own introduction. Sweetie Belle still felt embarrassed for her staring, especially with Tail’s shining eyes right in her face.

“So you're the famous Sweetie Belle of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. So I hear you’re a so called ‘blank flank’?”

Sweetie Belle glared at the pegasus, feeling the urge to jab him with her horn rising. How dare he call her a blank flank?! It just reminded her of how Apple Bloom was treated. Which made her mad.

“It’s cool though. I just got mine a month or two ago by tripping into some wooden barrels. I decided to give them a little play with my hooves, and well...This baby appeared.” His tail flicked, drawing her eyes to his cutie mark for a moment, then back to his eyes. “No one is a blank flank for life.” He smiled awkwardly, unsure of what to do with himself now. Sweetie Belle chuckled nervously.

Snips and Snails were too busy discussing what to now that school was out to pay them any mind. She never thought this moment would come. She was desperate for them to do something stupid. Tail’s face was revealing more and more confusion. She didn't know what to do, or what to say. This was something strange, and something she wanted to go away. The filly wished she knew some magic to make the parasprites in her stomach settle down. All she could do was stare and watch the colt before her smile coyly. She had to force herself to speak.

“I sure hope so... We’ve been trying so hard to get them; I’ve lost count on what we’ve done.” She laughed wistfully, drawing circles in the cobbles with her hoof.

“Sometimes trying too hard makes you fail. I would know since I did the same thing you guys are doing. I have the scars to prove it. My mom finally got fed up with me and sent me here a year ago... Fun.” He rolled his eyes in exasperation. Sweetie let a smile creep across her face. So they weren't the only ones who were fervently looking for their one true talent. Sweetie Belle opened her mouth to speak, but her own words didn't come back.

“Sweetie Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelle! There you are!”

Scootaloo. At the very worst possible moment.

The scooter screeched to a halt right in front of the pair, scaring Snips and Snails out of their discussion. Apple Bloom sat in the wagon, waving at Sweetie Belle nonchalantly.

“I’m starving! I can’t wait to get some food! I’m really killing for a daffodil dusted cupcake... What about you Apple Bloom?”

As Apple Bloom began to spout her cravings for anything with apples, Tails looked Scootaloo up and down eagerly. He seemed far more interested in her than Sweetie Belle. He suddenly raised his head, puffed out his chest and made his wings look bigger. Scootaloo giggled at his sudden show as she hopped off her scooter and started talking to him. His face never seemed to stop grinning.

Sweetie Belle couldn't understand the feeling that was within her gut once she saw his golden eyes leave hers. It was a nasty twisty feeling that hurt more than anything else she had ever felt. Even the crashes into trees paled in comparison. It shook her to her hooves, and made her chest ache. She would have to talk to Rarity about this for sure. For now, the sight of Scootaloo and Tails chatting was too much to take.

“Sweetie Belle, are you OK...?” Apple Bloom nudged her friend, sympathy painting her face. That wasn't what Sweetie Belle wanted. She wanted to understand what this feeling in her stomach was. Something that could only be compared to parasprites eating away at her insides. Apple Bloom was talking to her, Scootaloo and Tails were talking to each other about her scooter and her utter ‘need for speed’. Snips and Snails were being themselves. She felt crowded and stupid.

She needed to get away.

Sweetie Belle suddenly found herself dashing away at breakneck speed, her hooves blindly leading her to wherever they wanted. She couldn't stop herself, even at Apple Bloom’s confused cries to come back. She didn't want anypony to see her in her current state. She didn't understand, so why would anypony do the same? She could hear Apple Bloom yelling at Scootaloo to go after her, but the Pegasus was too late. She was already out of sight.

“Should we go look for her?” Apple Bloom panicked, waving her hooves wildly. “I mean, we can LOOK for her.” Apple Bloom sighed, shaking her head. Scootaloo shrugged, saying that maybe she had something important that she had forgotten. That wasn’t beyond her. Apple Bloom bit her lip, before deciding that maybe she was taking this too seriously and went over to talk to Snips and Snails. They could distract her from anything.

As Sweetie Belle raced through town, the same thoughts keep replaying though her head. Why am I in pain? Why did it happen when Scootaloo came? Why and where am I running?! She bought herself to a halt, checking her surroundings. She was... home.

So that's where my hooves took me. Good choice hooves. Sweetie Belle laughed to herself a bit before trotting to the door. She was surprised to see Rarity taking a nap in the middle of a pile of fabric. She always wondered what else her big sister did while she was gone. This was a very blatant answer.

"Rarity... Why are you sleeping in the middle of the floor?" Sweetie Belle nudged her sister curiously.

Rarity jolted awake. She squinted at the blurry white and purple blob in front of her. After blinking a few times she finally focused.

"Sweetie Belle? What are you doing here at this hour? I thought you were going to spend time with your friends..." Rarity slowly stood, shaking herself off. “Is something wrong?” Sweetie Belle swallowed hard, shuffling a hoof into the carpet.

“I’m sick.” Sweetie Belle announced frankly.

Rarity reared back, picking up her sister by magic and carrying her to bed. She tucked the little filly in before summoning the first aid kit where she kept all the medicine. She shuffled through it before levitating a thermometer out of the white wooden box.

“Tell me what are your symptoms Sweetie...” Rarity shoved the thermometer into Sweetie Belle’s mouth and tapped her hoof on the ground impatiently. Sweetie Belle waited a moment to answer. She didn't know how to tell her sister how she felt. It was embarrassing, for some reason. Show Tail must have made her sick and that was the only thing that could explain it.

“That colt I met today got me sick.” Rarity sighed heavily but suddenly perked her ears up in interest. What could have possibly happened that would result in her sister getting sick? She tried to remember the colts that she knew. Only Snips and Snails came to mind, and they were far too stupid to do anything to really harm her little sister. Not to mention she had known them for quite a while, so they obviously were not who she was talking about.

“New... colt? Who is this foal?” She gave her typical pout, waiting to hear her sister’s explanation.

“His name is Show Tail, and he’s... something. A Pegasus. But he made me sick! My heart keeps pounding really fast, my throat goes dry, my stomach won’t stop churning, and other weird twitchy things...”

Rarity pulled the thermometer out of her sister’s mouth. She finally gave up fighting back the smile that had started the moment Sweetie Belle had mentioned the colt. She grabbed up her sister in the magic of her horn, swinging her around merrily. She caught herself a few moments later. Rarity put her down, clearing her throat and dusting herself off.

“You, my dearest little sister, have a crush. Simple as that. Oh this is so exciting, I’ll have to remember this day for eternity! The day my innocent little sister got a crush!” Rarity was gushing madly, wondering what to do to commemorate the event. Sweetie Belle stared after Rarity confused.

“A... crush?” Sweetie Belle said hesitantly. She wasn't the type to pick up on things quickly. Rarity huffed in irritation, plopping herself on the bed. She stared directly into her sisters eyes.

“A crush is when you like somepony, mare or stallion, in a very special way, like how I was for... Prince Blueblood. Or Prince Cakeface, when I was done with HIM. What dastardly manners...” Rarity shivered as if a cold chill had washed over her. “And YOU my dear have a little crush on this... Show Tail. He must be rather cute, as you know we have the highest quality standards.”

Sweetie Belle dug her head under her pillow, face flushed and embarrassed.

“Oh great, this is the worst day ever...”

Rarity pouted once more, pulling her younger sister closer to her. She took a moment not to muss up the bed more.

“Sweetie Belle, let me tell you about my first crush.”

Sweetie Belle looked up at her sister, who had fondly glazed over eyes. She sighed gently, knowing that this would take a while. She snuggled up in her sheets, preparing herself for the ‘Epic Tale of Rarity’s Love.’

I was just a simple young filly. But I was still stunningly beautiful, just like you, even at such a young age. I had recently received my cutie mark, just like so many foals. School was a burden for me. So many young dashing colts vying for my affections and attentions. They all wanted to claim dear Rarity as their own! But alas, I never let a single colt have that honor, no matter how much they would ask.

I would get my only solace at recess, when everypony was playing. Recess was Rarity time! I was sitting under a tree, reading up on fashion and various types of gems. I had recently gotten my cutie mark, remember? So I was even more intrigued.

Every pony knew me as the no mess type of pony. I hated to be dirty, just as how I am now. However, that didn't seem to be the will of Fate that day. While I was reading I was startled by something falling out of the sky and landing by me. It was a sliver earth colt that was completely covered in dirt and mud.

The way he was smiling at me, so goofy and silly, it made me think that he was one of the colts that liked me. I felt myself straighten up, I was feeling cocky, and I knew it. I thought I was going to reject another colt. Then what he said next just... crushed it.

“Oh, you're that prissy fussfilly Rarity, ain't cha? Well they’re right; you don't look to be a bit of fun.”

I dropped my jaw. No colt every insulted me as such. Me, the class beauty! Rarity! I simply did not know how to take such a comment. I lost my prideful face in an instant, pouting at this silly colt.

He brought himself to his hooves and glanced up to the sky. There above him was a laughing pegasus colt, who was obviously the one who had been carrying him. I got a good look at him. He was a soft silver, and he was covered in dirt and mud. He obviously was in another class, because there was no hay that he would have been in my class without me noticing all that horrible muss!! But then that earth colt looked me straight in the eye. Those beautiful, royal blue eyes, oh he could have been a prince himself! Much well behaved than that silly Prince Cakeface by light-years. But I digress darling.

“I’m Fall Leaf.” He then showed me his cutie mark, a fall leaf with wind streaks behind it. Oh how... regal it looked. Fall shook himself off, nearly getting dirt on me. I cringed and fell back, but what he did next surprised me. He gave me the most charming look I have ever received in my entire life. He truly was a prince. He left his mark on me darling. He marked me forever, and set my heart ablaze. I simply can’t explain or understand it, but alas, he captured me, heart and soul with that charming smile!

“When you're ready for some real fun, call me and Silver Wind.” And then he was lifted away like some sort of... angel. From that moment on, I tried to spend as much time with him as possible. I chased after him at recess, trying my best to get his attentions... He would often pay me little mind, sticking to the freer flying fillies. Soon, he warmed up to me. I brought him home with me often.

“So, why am I holding this again Rare?”

“So I can sew it right. Besides, I need to practice on colts and stallions. And well... you’re very... fit for the job. Very much so...” He was growing up indeed. His build was slowly becoming one of the finest stallions, most likely from his nonstop running. You see, his special talent was running. He always placed in top 5 during the fall running. He was indeed a great runner, his stamina was impeccable, his long well built but very lanky legs propelled him... It was beautiful to watch. It was even more so to watch the cloth fit onto him perfectly, though I... felt it was a crime to behold, but anyway!

I suppose then was when I realized, in the awkward stage of going from filly to mare, that I was completely falling in love with my fillyhood crush. Suiting him up, watching him shuffle nervously, that was when it all came crashing down on me.

I was very much in love with a very dirty stallion.

He had fallen in love with me as well...

I was so very sure that he would be mine forever. But then he got the letter from Celestia, requesting that he come and teach her guards to be as skillful runners as he. He was indeed famous. We were happy that he was going to live in Canterlot. Then I remembered. I had you to take care of Sweetie Belle. Help out mom and dad. I could not just leave. I had to raise you here, where our entire family had been. I could not go with him.

The last night in Ponyville, we spent it together. That night, I had to make perfect. Everything, every little detail. Perfect perfection. I simply had to. It was almost disastrous. The food got ruined by a flash make up storm; the wind forced us into his home, both soaking wet. We had to light a fire, and we kept together for warmth. He took my first kiss... and other things. It was prince claiming his princess. And then... Fall Leaf was gone... My prince was gone. I somewhat replaced him with Prince Blueblood. Hah, some prince he was.

Rarity was now rubbing her nose with her hoof and blinking hard. She was desperately trying not to cry.

“I was so heartbroken that I over reacted and refused to even look at any of his letters. He sent them constantly. I was so embarrassed that whenever he came to town, I would hide. I know it is not very noble of me... But I was blinded by my dramatics. He still sends me a letter for my birthday. I have them all over there in a corner. I bet he has a family... And love and forgotten all about me...” Rarity pushed her face under the pillow. Sweetie Belle sucked on her lip, beginning to wonder what good love brought.