• Published 10th Aug 2013
  • 4,505 Views, 236 Comments

Boast Backers - Bed Head

Continuation of the Flipverse! Spike, the new Element of Magic has moved to Ponyville. A specter from his past, however, isn't willing to let him sit around with his new friends and his "happily ever after..."

  • ...

Chapter 5

"Boys, I already told you I'm busy. So please, take your little game somewhere else!"

"B-but Mr. Davenport—"

Snips jumped back as the freshly painted door to "Sofas and Quills" slammed shut. His eyes were wide, pleading, praying that the yellow stallion would open it again. Unfortunately five seconds of waiting produced no such luck.

"Oh no, oh no..." he could hear Snails wheezing behind him.

Turning around, Snips found his lanky friend stamping his hooves in place. Snails' chest was heaving in and out as he hyperventilated, his entire body trembling as he started to pace back and forth.

"What're we gonna do?" he asked frantically. "What're we gonna do?!"

"S-s-snails—" Snips stammered out, feeling a tremble run up his short legs.

He was straining, trying to find something to say. The words kept dying in his head though, replaced by images of a striped face. Piercing teal eyes, glaring down at him, boring into his young soul.

"She's gonna get us, Snips!" Snails' voice jumped in.

Snips gasped as a pair of hooves suddenly grabbed him, and Snails' face filled his vision. The blue colt's stomach jolted as his friend began frantically shaking him.

"Snails!" Snips tried to shout, queasiness quickly overwhelming his panic.

"Zecora'll grab us out of our beds!" Snails didn't seem to hear his friend as he continued shaking.

"Snaaaails!" Snips shouted, waving his forehooves as he tried to squirm free.

"Or she might turn us into toads or—"


Snails let out a muffled whimper, both hooves now covering his nose where Snips had bopped him. The shorter colt gulped for breath as he sat on the ground, trying to keep his breakfast down.

"Pull yourself together, Snails!" he managed to pant out, pulling himself to his hooves. "T-there's gotta be somepony that can help!"

"But none of the grown-ups will listen," Snails muttered through his covered muzzle.

Snips could feel his own legs shaking with that reminder. His eyes spun about, searching across Town Square. Everywhere he looked there were ponies working, scrubbing at buildings and roads. All of whom had sent him and Snails off with complaints of having "no time." Claiming they were too busy fixing the mess caused by Spike and...

The colt's eyes widened.

"That's it!" Snips cheered, springing as high as he could.

"What's it?" Snails asked, sniffling as he prodded at his sore nose.

Snips didn't answer, his gaze snapping toward Town Hall. His breathing quickened as he saw nothing there other than the massive wooden steeple.

"She's not-Oh right, she went to—" Snips cut himself off as he darted behind Snails, head butting the other colt to his hooves. "Come on, Snails, we gotta find her!"

As he darted off, he could hear Snails' questioning voice right behind him.

"Uh... find who?"

Chapter 5

"Trixie?!" Time Turner gasped out. "As in the Trixie Lulamoon?"

"Yes..." Spike answered, trying very hard not to punctuate it a frustrated sigh.

The sponge he was using dipped back into a bucket of soapy water as he forced himself to focus on the task. There was still about half a wall splattered with ink in front of him. Part of him was thankful it wasn't the wall with the clock on it. Time seemed to be crawling so slowly in Time Turner's office that Spike wasn't sure he wanted to know how long he'd actually been up there.

"The same Trixie from your magic school?" Time Turner asked from somewhere behind him. "The one that was, er... expelled?"

"... Yes..." Spike grumbled, rubbing his sponge more furiously against the walls.

The sluggishness of his task actually hadn't been helped by his friend. Talking about what had just happened outside felt like it was only making the clean-up take longer. Not helping was the fact that Time Turner had latched onto the one part Spike had hoped he wouldn't. One question seemed to run into another, all underscored by Trixie's last words ringing in the unicorn's ears.

This isn't over, Spike. This isn't over, Spike. This isn't—

"So... safe to say there's no love lost between you two?" Time Turner asked, forcing out a feeble chuckle to follow.

Spike's eye twitched. Even with the worst of the tomato gone, everything was suddenly tinged red again.

"Gee, you think!" Spike shouted sarcastically, spinning around as his horn sputtered.

He regretted the outburst almost immediately. Silence fell over the room, broken only by a soft splash as his sponge fell back in its bucket. Time Turner, Cheerilee, and Ditzy Doo's eyes were all on him as he pressed one hoof to the side of his head.

"Umm... what Spike means is he's really sorry about all the trouble," Twilight's voice suddenly broke over his thoughts. "Right Spike?"

Spike glanced to his side to the little dragon standing there. Twilight's face seemed to be straining to hold her sheepish smile. For an uncomfortable second, Spike could only stare blankly as her eyes darted up to him. The dragon's scaly elbow suddenly jabbed against his leg, forcing Spike to stifle a gasp as his brain finally caught on.

"Y-yeah, sorry" he said, quickly bowing his head. "Trixie... Trixie just..."

Something was burning in the back of Spike's throat as he tried to speak. He bit down on his lip, trying to swallow the feeling before more angry words could burst forth. Glancing up he could see the half-smiles worn by the others. A few, nervous nods of acceptance tossed his way. The unicorn winced as he turned back around, his magic reaching for his sponge again.

At the very least Trixie's words had stopped looping in his head. Not that his new thought was much of a comfort.

Good one, Spike.

Good one, Trixie.

Trixie groaned, her ears flattening. She pulled her pillow harder, praying that somehow it would muffle the voice.

The whole town is on his side. Why shouldn't they be?

"Shut up," Trixie growled at her own thoughts.

She didn't want to think about Ponyville. She didn't want to picture all those townsfolk glaring at her as she repacked and ran for the park. The ones that rallied around Spike, chanted his name, were probably already forgiving him—

He saved Ponyville. He saved Princess Celestia. He saved all of Equestria—


There was the sound of tearing fabric, and the pillow was gone. A cloud of feathers exploded into the air along with sparks of magic. The pillow remnants began to whip around Trixie, quickly joined by a flurry of spare posters. The mare could feel her magic building around her, spurring on the storm.

She simply found herself unable to care about it.

"He wasn't... shouldn't have even been there..." Trixie could feel her whole body burning as her indignation sputtered from her sore throat. "And he has the nerve to call himself the hero?!"

The cart was rattling around her as her magic strengthened. Incrementally heavier objects were joining the storm. Make-up brushes, a coffee mug, her saddlebags, spare coins, all whipping by almost faster than she could follow.

"It's not fair! I was supposed to..." Trixie coughed, but still her magic carried on. "It was my destiny! It-it..."

Something flitted by her face. A filly with a purple dragon perched on her back.

All at once, the magic cut out. There were a few final clunks as the heavier objects dropped to the ground. Trixie didn't even spare them a glance, though, as she focused on the old photograph. The one she'd been looking at before the show.

Her younger self still smiled out from the picture, not caring about the young Twilight chewing on her cape. All the filly seemingly noticed was the banner hanging overhead. The one whose message was making the real Trixie's vision blur.


The mare sniffled as she sat down, wondering briefly when she'd walked back to her vanity. The photo shakily levitated itself into the mirror's frame as Trixie tore her eyes from it to her own reflection. Her chest was heaving as she lowered her head, not wanting to stare at her tear-stained face.

"It's not fair," she insisted to nopony, her hooves covering her face. "It... it's just..."

The taunting thoughts remained quiet as she quietly sobbed against her legs. And yet, somewhere in the distance, she could hear a filly's laughter...

Spike was trying very hard to ignore the filly's laughter as he stared up into the tree.

His horn sparked, a green glow tugging at his saddlebags again. His head gave another pound, the latest in the last ten minutes. Even so, he struggled to hold the spell. This time he could see the straps working themselves loose. Slowly they were untangling from the highest branch of the tree. His tongue stuck out in concentration as he forced more magic over the packs.

There was a rustle and a cracking of wood. Spike's eyes widened and a proud grin split his muzzle as the saddlebags tumbled to the ground before him. With a delighted cheer, he scooped the bags onto his back. A satisfied glow filled him as he noticed the filly's laughter had stopped as he started back toward the school building.

His hooves slowed, though, as he glanced back to his bags. There was an unmistakable sound of something rustling within one of them. Almost like a bird were beating its wings against the flap.

Spike gasped as something white suddenly slithered free from the pack. It straightened out, revealing a feather quill, its tip dripping with fresh ink. The colt had just enough time to notice the sparks of pink falling from it before it lunged.

With a scream, Spike tried to run. The enchanted quill was far faster though. Already it covered his vision, writing the word "LOSER" across his muzzle before flying back to do the same to the rest of him—

"Spike?" Twilight's voice suddenly chimed in. "Maybe... maybe there's a bright side to all this?"

Spike blinked rapidly, shaking his head to try and dislodge the childhood memory. Twilight was looking expectantly up to him. Spike resisted the urge to grimace in response, especially as she visibly strained to smile.

"There's a bright side to wrecking half of Town Square?" he asked, doing his best to squash the sarcasm.

Twilight didn't have a chance to respond. A bubbly giggle as the only warning either of them got before something feathery fell across Spike's back. The unicorn let out a startled yelp as he suddenly found Ditzy Doo at his side. Her wing was wrapped tight over him, yanking him into an embrace.

"Aww, don't worry about that, Spike! I make worse messes all the time!" Ditzy Doo cheered, oblivious to the unicorn choking in her clutches. "Like last week when Time Turner—"

A hoof was over her mouth before she could get any further. Spike raised an eyebrow from the mailmare's hug, marveling at Time Turner's reaction speed. Given how quiet Twilight was, he could only guess she was doing the same.

Though Spike could swear the other stallion was breathing the smallest of relieved sighs at Ditzy's silence.

"Right, so you were saying Twilight?" Time Turner asked, slowly lowering his hoof. "Something about a bright side?"

"Oh! Well... I mean, after everything that happened outside..." Twilight was wringing her cleaning rag, not seeming to notice the ink and soap soaking into the carpet at her feet. "Maybe she won't stay in town very long?"

The room was silent as Twilight smiled again. This time, Spike couldn't see anything forced about it. His own mouth tried to curl upward, to return the gesture—

Something dripped onto the end of his muzzle. The colt looked up just in time for a pair of juice boxes to pour themselves over his face.

The smile immediately fled, seemingly unnoticed as Time Turner began speaking again.

"You know, she has a point," he said, one hoof nudging Spike. "I dare say Trixie's probably not the most welcome face in Ponyville."

"I..." Spike's voice trailed off, before he let out a heavy sigh. "I don't think so. Trixie wouldn't just... give up that easy."

His throat tightened as Twilight's eyes darted down, her smile gone. A few soft tongue-clicks, however, drew Spike's attention to the last of their number. Cheerilee stood by her own bucket, though already she was slowly making her way toward the others.

"Now Spike," she said softly. "There's no need to be so negative, is there?"

"You don't know Trixie like I do!" Spike snapped back before he could stop himself.

His muzzle scrunched as he mentally smacked himself again. Cheerilee, amazingly, did nothing however. She simply stood there, smiling gently, the look in her eyes causing Spike to wonder if one of her students had somehow snuck up behind him.

"Well, you told us how mean she used to be to you," Ditzy Doo spoke up, one wing brushing over his back again (much more gently this time). "Back at magic school—"

"Exactly, and I haven't seen her since then," Spike jumped in, magic tugging at his fedora as he spoke. "Now she shows up and starts picking on me again... and I don't even know why."

Why? Why me, why now, why at all...

Despite his best efforts, Spike could feel the frustration building. All of it gathering with that one word, pounding against the inside of his skull. As though somehow that would bring about an answer. A sensation that faded slightly as a purple hoof pushed his fedora back into place.

"Does it really matter?" Cheerilee asked, smiling at him still. "All Trixie can do is play those mean pranks, right?"

"Y-yeah." Twilight's voice answered before Spike could.

Spike winced, but nodded. He could feel a few scratches from the "mean pranks" from earlier being to tingle.

"Then why not just ignore them?" Cheerilee asked.

The tingling and the pounding question both stopped.

"Ignore the-You mean, ignore Trixie?" Spike asked, straining not to shout again. "Seriously?"

"It might just work," Cheerilee said with a knowing grin. "If she's trying to pick an old fight, maybe she'll stop if you're not interested!"

Spike wasn't sure he'd seen a more enthusiastic expression than what the school teacher wore. His mouth opened trying to respond, only to snap shut again. He glanced around, seeing the same sort of smiles on Time Turner and Ditzy Doo as they looked back at him. His mouth opened and shut once more before his voice finally crackled back.

"Maybe..." he grumbled as he moved his head in something close to a nod.

The word was sour in his mouth. Memories of pranks both recent and distant continued to flash before his eyes. Even as Time Turner clapped his forehooves together.

"Right, that's that settled!" the bureaucrat cheered. "Just, er, one last thing before we get back to cleaning?"

Spike caught his frustrated sigh before it could escape. He glanced to Time Turner again. The earth stallion wore an embarrassed smile as he gestured to his own bright-yellow coat.

"Not to be a bother, but..." Time Turner said. "You did say you know how to fix this, right?"

Spike bit down on his lip as he heard a few giggles rise from the girls. Quickly squelching the memory of Trixie's mocking laugh, his horn began to shimmer. At the very least, he found some relief in the reversal spell working. Watching as stars of color peeled from Time Turner's coat, bursting in midair like tiny fireworks.

Fireworks filled the air even as Trixie struggled to stop them.

Her hooves were pressed against her head, holding her pointed hat in place. Unfortunately the cap could do nothing to stop the energy pouring from her horn. The same power that was filling the room with almost blinding bursts of light and color. The same power she could feel pinning every other pony in the room to the walls.


No matter how hard she tried, the magic kept coming, pushing her small body further off the ground. And as desperately as she wanted to close her eyes and try to concentrate they remained open. Dazzled by her own display, and by the prismatic, ring-shaped burst still spreading across the sky outside.

Unfortunately the beauty did nothing to cover a worrying CRACK that filled the room. The filly gasped as she tried to twist in place, seeing a fresh barrage of sparkles fly into the air. Her eyes strained through the myriad of confusing colors, trying to find the source of the sound—


The doors were open. She was sure that was what the latest noise had meant. Somepony was approaching, Trixie could hear the footsteps. They were walking right towards her; seemingly unfazed by the fireworks, the randomly changing colors of the air and walls, or even the telekinetic magic trying to lift them to the ceiling. A single spark of yellow light appeared, highlighting the face of a white pony...


Somepony was nuzzling her. Trixie's eyes snapped open before she even realized they had been shut.

"M-mommy?" she asked, turning her head.

The pale-blue mare next to her broke into a smile even through the tears that had filled her eyes. The filly yelped as she found herself pulled into a tight hug, her cape crumpling against her back.

"Oh, Trixie!" her mother choked out. "I was so... y-you scared me so... I mean..."

"Guiding, honey, I think you're squishing her..." a stallion's voice cautioned.

The hug relaxed, finally giving Trixie a chance to look around. Fragments of pictures were slowly pulling together in her mind. She could almost remember...

The large, empty classroom, herself standing at the head of it. Trixie's eyes widened as she looked up into the rows of seats that filled the lecture hall. She could just make out four other unicorns. Two of them picking up clipboards, one of them trying to help the fourth down from the wall where she was still stuck.

The proctors for her magic exam.

"Uh oh..." she whispered, cringing to her mother's side.

The pieces were coming together faster and faster. Somepony saying this would be the last part of her entrance test. Her mother and father standing across the room, giving her encouraging smiles. Trixie's heart had raced as the doors opened, and a hay cart rolled in with the largest, purplest (she wondered if that was a word) egg she'd ever seen.

Hatch the dragon egg. That's what they'd told her. Then just as she'd been charging her magic to try, something had exploded outside...

"Miss Guiding Light?" The voice of an unfamiliar mare was speaking now. "Mr. North Star?"

Too late, Trixie tried to keep herself from trembling. Her hat slipped over her eyes as she remembered everything in the room suddenly twisting into a chaotic mess. She couldn't hold back as the walls, the desks, even the other ponies began to change colors. Everypony being flung helplessly about, the sounds blocking out whatever the mare was trying to say to her parents.


She didn't doubt she was in trouble. At the very least she'd certainly failed the test.

"Trixie?" her mother's voice tried again. "I-I think... somepony needs to speak with you?"

Trixie's ears twitched. The tremble in her mother's voice was nervous, but also almost... excited? The filly swallowed, her horn sparking to lift her hat from her eyes.

Eyes that went wide as they stared up at the glorious, alabaster-white form of Princess Celestia.

"Ohmygosh," Trixie breathed out, unable to stop herself.

The princess was smiling as she looked down at her. That was the part that Trixie's brain couldn't wrap around.

"Trixie Lulamoon?" The princess asked, bringing her head lower, closer to the filly. "Was that you casting all those spells just now?"

Trixie's breathing quickened. Her ears flattened as she took a nervous step backward.

"It-it wasn't my fault! Honest!" she insisted, shaking her head. "I was just taking my magic test—"

"Ahh, that would explain quite a bit," Celestia said, her smile never leaving as she stepped aside.

Trixie never thought her eyes could grow any wider. Somehow they did as she stared at the hay cart. The egg... wasn't gone, but pieces of it were scattered amongst the hay. Something scaly and purple now sat in its place, sucking on one of its paws as it looked back at her with curious, purple eyes.

"Is... is that..." Trixie stammered, one hoof pointing at the creature.

"A baby dragon. The one that your very impressive display hatched," Princess Celestia confirmed, one of her wings tickling at the reptile's side. "It seems you have quite a bit of magical talent, Trixie."

Trixie blinked once, then again as her eyes tried to rehydrate. She couldn't speak for a moment. It was like a balloon were swelling inside her chest as she looked at the princess, and at the proud smiles her parents wore.

"So... I pass?" she asked, her smile growing. "I get to go to magic school?"

Much to her surprise, Celestia laughed. A slow, amused chuckle as she simply shook her head.

"More than just that, my little pony. You have more magical potential than I've seen in a very, very long time," Celestia said. "I'd like to have you as my personal student. If you'll accept the position, of course."

Trixie must have said yes. She wasn't sure because suddenly it was like she was floating. Everything was warmth and laughter and the proud smiles of her parents as they embraced her, chanting her name...



"Miss Sparkler!"

One of Trixie's eyes flew open.

She was in her cart once more, still seated in front of the vanity. A snort escaped her nostrils as her magic set to work detangling her mane. Her mouth was dry, her back aching from her odd sleeping position, her head pounding—


"Her name's Trixie, remember!"

"Oh yeah..."

Trixie blinked a few times, the source of the pounding suddenly apparent. Her door was shaking as somepony beat their hooves against it. Two ponies, from the voices she could hear.

Wonderful. Some of Spike's little lackeys.

Trixie growled as she got back up, her hat and cape levitating onto her. The pounding and chanting of her name continued, only adding to the pain trying to drive its way out of her skull. With a final snort she stomped to the door, slamming her hoof against the top half and sending it flying open.

"WHAT?!" She shouted at the top of her lungs.

Something crumpled to the ground beneath her door. Looking down, she raised one eyebrow in confusion. Two unicorn colts, one chubby and blue, the other scrawny and orange, stared up at her with pleading eyes.

"Please help us..." they begged simultaneously.

Trixie heaved out a sigh as she stared down at the duo.

This better be good.

"Well, this day has been just great," Spike growled sarcastically as he pushed open the doors to the Golden Oak's Library.

Twilight didn't respond as she lowered herself from the unicorn's back. Most other days, she knew, she would have said something. Even with Spike at his grouchiest, she could usually get a word in edgewise. Today, however, she simply felt tired, her arms still aching from the scrubbing of Time Turner's office.

At least we're home

Spike's grumbling and complaining was already fading to the background of her mind. The young dragon simply rubbed at her arms as she plodded to the bookshelf. Her claws grabbed the first tome they could reach, pulling it along to a cushion nearby.

"... and they think I should just ignore her?" Spike carried on as he paced around the room. "Like that's even possible..."

Twilight's fangs dug into her lip as she struggled to focus on her book. Tried not to listen to Spike's first words since his grumbled "goodbyes" at Town Hall. The page in front of her, however, seemed to do nothing to ground her mind.

"... you think Twi?"

Even with her eyes closed she could see the pink glow around her. Feel it tingling as she was swept off her feet.


Staring right into Trixie's angry glare—

"Twi? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" Twi gasped out, her eyes flying open.

She was panting for breath as she looked up from her cushion. The book was closed, her claws nearly piercing its cover. The young dragon didn't need to look up to know Spike's eyes were on her. Doing so only confirmed the concern growing on his face.

"I'm fine, Spike," Twilight said, her claws tensing as she tried to keep her voice steady. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well... with Trixie..." Spike's voice was quieter now, his brow furrowing as he looked over her. "Especially after what happened on stage, you looked—"

He fell silent as Twilight hopped back to her feet. She re-shelved the book, throwing him what she hoped was a calm smile.

"I said it before, right? She won't... can't stay for long," Twilight reminded the stallion as she turned back to the shelves.

I hope

Twi winced as she inadvertently bit her lip again.

"Cheerilee and the others have the right idea," she said quickly, one claw running along the book spines before her. "If we just ignore Trixie, maybe she'll just give up."

A second of silence followed. Twilight drew in a slow, silent breath. As Spike let out a sigh, she released a quiet one of her own.

"Maybe," he admitted again. "But if I did I'd miss out on the best part of today."

Twilight's claw paused. She spun on one heel, her brow raising at Spike. The purple pony wore a roguish grin as his horn began to glow.

"The best part?" Twilight asked, almost afraid for the answer.

"Yeah," Spike said as a quill and notepad floated from his saddlebags. "When I get to put Trixie's 'big show' all over the front page of the Canterlot Sun."

Twilight's sigh was audible this time as Spike started toward the stairs. His quill was already scratching away as he walked. One claw lifted toward him...

Twilight stopped, and lowered her arm as she saw his face. His first real smile since Trixie's show as he indulged in his special talent.

Not to mention it is news...

Her scaly hand was already on another book as Spike turned to look at her.

"You're sure you're gonna be okay?" he asked.

"I'll be fine, Spike, really," Twilight said with a nod. "You'd better get going on that article."

Spike smiled again and nodded before heading up the stairs. Twilight's own face fell as she pulled another random book from the shelves.

"It'll be fine," she muttered to herself as she moved back to the cushion. "It's going to be fine..."

I'm going to be just fine.

"So, why didn't you go to Spike with this?" Trixie asked her 'guests.'

Snips and Snails were both seated in her carriage home now. The two colts had calmed considerably, though the shorter one was still trembling so much he could barely speak. Not that it prevented him from trying, Trixie had noticed.

"Uh... w-well Mr. Spike is gr-great and all," Snips spoke, one hoof scraping against the floor. "But I-er, we figured he was b-busy—"

"Plus he wouldn't have a chance against Zecora!" Snails jumped in, his overly long foreleg nearly catching Snips in his buckteeth. "Sh-she's... nopony even knows what she can—"

Snip's leg saved Trixie from having to silence the frantic colt herself. She smiled, gently waving one hoof for Snips to continue.

"You said.... you said you were Princess Celestia's personal student in town," Snips explained, his eyes widening. "Snails and I thought maybe you'd know someway to stop Zecora? Please?"

Trixie's smile grew.