• Published 25th Aug 2013
  • 13,312 Views, 441 Comments

Deception is Magic - DragonOverlord2012

Twilight and her friends knew each other from the start. Becoming heroes was unexpected, but welcome. Now that the wedding of Shining Armor draws near though, it's time to meet up with an old friend, and execute their true plan.

  • ...

The Past-Part 1

Chapter 2
The Past Part 1

It had been a busy week for the magic student. She got settled into her new dorm room finally, and while she’d was sad to be away from her parents, she did have princess Celestia to help. That just left one thing...

“So...what do I do with you little guy?”

The baby dragon looked up at her with an adorable smile. It felt weird having the newborn dragon around all the time. When Celestia told her that the egg wasn’t actually supposed to hatch she was surprised alright, but not as surprised as she was when she was told that since she hatched him she needed to be the one to take care of him.

“I finally decided. I think I’ll call you Spike.” The swell of love she felt come off him was surprising to say the least. “I guess you like it.” She smiled.

Celestia told her that dragons learned faster, but aged slower than ponies. Twilight found it a bit hard to believe, but by reading his emotions she determined he could in fact understand everything she said. He was only a week old.

“You’re a pretty smart little guy huh?” The dragon giggled.

Twilight moved to nuzzle him and gave him his bottle. The one thing that made her nervous was that he could understand most everything around him already, including who she was, and if he ever saw, what she was. He might not know the difference right away, but she was sure he’d be scared if he saw her go up in flames and get replaced with somepony else.

His bottle empty, Twilight set him down and pat him on the head. When she moved kiss him on the forehead he burped up a small plume of fire. Small as it was it was enough to startle the young changeling back into her true form. She jumped back as looked at herself in the mirror, and looked at the infant dragon, who looked at her oddly. He saw her cutie mark and crawled over to her anyways, the same happy smile on his face.

“You’re not scared?” she asked surprised. When he shook his head Twilight collapsed. Spike started pushing her, trying to get her up, but she just started laughing. That was enough to tell Spike she was okay, so he calmed down and hugged her. She wrapped a hole riddled hoof around him and snuggled him. “Oh Spike. You can’t imagine how happy I am to hear that. This is the one thing nopony else can know. Not ever. They’ll be afraid, call me names and hate me for it. But you don’t mind. You’re little innocent mind sees me for me, no matter what I look like. I love you Spike.”

Spike responded by cuddling further into her grip, yawning, and falling asleep. Twilight carried him to her new bed and snuggled in with him. This little accident was going to be her best friend ever, she could already tell.


As Twilight trotted around the edges of the magic barrier she glanced back at Spike with a smile.

“What’s up Twi?”

“I was just thinking is all.”

“About what?”

“...Thanks Spike.”

“Oh. That.” He chuckled. “You’re always gonna be Twilight to me. Always have been for as long as I can remember.”


The two looked outside the barrier to see a rustling bush. Twilight’s magic flared up and she traced a heart on the shield with a stick. The changeling on the other side accepted the signal and revealed himself.

“Disguise yourself you idiot!” Twilight scolded, “Incompetence is what got us into this mess to begin with.”

The changeling disguised himself as the unicorn Fancy Pants. “So sorry. The fact that we even have to meet like this is bad enough. I’m just so nervous with this construct here.”

“Listen close and listen fast. I can’t be away for too long. Tell everypony that the weakest point of the shield is at the bottom of it. Information courtesy of Chrysalis’ logic.”

“Thank you ma’am. Now we can get back on schedule.” The changeling turned unicorn galloped off to update their orders.

“We should get back before somepony starts asking where we are.”

“Good idea Spike.”


“So how is everypony doing?” Twilight asked as she joined her friends for lunch. The collective response was “could be better”.

“As fun as the idea is, I doubt I’m really gonna do a rainboom after the ‘I dos’,” Rainbow complained.

“Well it’s not like you can’t do it anyways,” Twilight pointed out helpfully.

“Yeah I know, and I know that this is gonna be so much better, but I can’t help but feel disappointed ya know? I was promised a wedding dang it, and I better get one eventually.”

“Why Rainbow dear I didn’t have you pegged as the romantic type,” Rarity teased. The girls laughed as Rainbow grumbled. “Oh, but all joking aside ‘Cadence’ has been awfully picky about the dress. I know she needs to keep up appearances, but Twilight could you ask her to dial it back a bit when you see her? Making a wedding dress on this short of notice is hard enough. I don’t need the bride breathing down my neck the whole time.”

“I’ll be sure to let her know, and no matter what I’m sure it will look lovely.”

Fluttershy took her turn so speak up, “Well one of my birds has been really off key lately.” Fluttershy held up a bird that proceeded to squawk horribly. “I think he might be sick, but he might just have a sore throat too.”

“The cooks ain’t exactly pickin’ up mah family recipes too well,” Applejack grumbled, “They just ain’t used to anything that uses more food than spice.”

“I’m just upset all my decorations are gonna go to waste,” Pinkie pouted, “I worked hard for this party so there had better be a party.”

“There will be plenty of celebrating when it’s all over Pinkie,” Twilight promised, “In the meantime, how about you help Spike plan my brother’s bachelor party? And no kiddy stuff either. Do it right.”

“Soooooo rent out Vinyl’s club, pay for strippers, booze, and plan over the top gimmicks?”

“Pretty much, yeah.”

“Okay, I think we can manage.”

“You get the booze and the barely legal fillies, and I’ll get the club and start planning insanely stupid and fun stuff,” Spike planned, “I’m thinking a fountain of of flaming rum.”

“Unique,” Twilight commented.

Rarity crinkled her nose in disgust. “Honestly I don’t see how any of you three can be okay with this, especially you Twilight. This is your brother we’re talking about. Do you really want him borderline cheating on Cadence? And Spike, you’re not even legal drinking age.”

“I’m just all about the party.”

“Besides Rarity, it’s tradition,” Rainbow chimed in, “Every stallion has to have their last chance to act like an idiot before going fully responsible. So do the girls.”

“And I’m not pony legal drinking age,” Spike reminded her, “There’s a law on pony drinking, gryphon drinking, mule drinking, donkeys, minotaurs, and even changelings surprisingly.”

“The one for changelings is the same as for ponies actually,” Twilight chimed in.

“But there aren’t any laws on dragons drinking, so I can do pretty much whatever I want. Twilight and I went over that one with a fine tooth comb just to make sure. I’m the only dragon that actually lives in Equestria. The princesses aren’t going to make a new law just for me.”

“Another thing, given the circumstances, you’re worried about him borderline cheating on Cadence?” Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow, “I hate to say it, but it’s a bit late for that.”

“That’s different and you know it Twilight.”

“My point still stands.”

“By the way, I’ve been meaning to ask...how is Cadence?” Everypony looked at Fluttershy. “You know,” she whispered, “the real one.”

“Chrysalis has her trapped in the crystal caverns, and she’s being well cared for,” Twilight answered in just as soft a voice, doing her best to mimic her friends naturally soft tone. “She wasn’t going to let Cadence get hurt you know.”

“I know. I just worry. Maybe a bit paranoid when a life is at stake. You’re paranoia always pays off. Remember Nightmare Moon?” Each of them, oddly enough, smiled.

“That was the reason I got to stay in Ponyville with all of you.”


The princess said she trusted her? HAH! Then why was she just being dismissed and sent to “oversee preparations”? “It’s an insult to my insight Spike! I’ve always been right before!”

“You didn’t predict the end of the world before,” Spike pointed out indifferently.

“It’s not the end of the world to Nightmare Moon! She thinks what she’s doing is right! Do you know what eternal night would do to the whole world?!”

“Freeze everypony to death?”

“Freeze everypony t—hey you got it right.”

“The sun would still be on the other side Twilight,” Spike reminded her, “I know we don’t know much about that side, but I’m sure people wouldn’t appreciate 24 hour sunlight either.” That did not help Twilight’s mood. As the two started their descent Spike assured her, “I’m sure Celestia believes you. I mean, who else could have been the older sister that raised the sun in the book?”

“Yeah, our loving monarch is the older sister of a pony who got jealous and nearly succeeded in destroying the world unintentionally,” Twilight deadpanned, “That’s a comforting thought.”

As they landed Spike said, “I’m sure she has a plan Twilight, and if I had to guess, you’re at the center of it.”

“Thank you kind sirs.” She even managed to get a snack out of their appreciation and general attraction to her. Just a little one, but she couldn’t help but snicker a bit at how much attention she always got just being there. “Now what makes you think that I’d be at the center of any of Celestia’s plans?” Twilight and Spike both barely had time to look at Pinkie while she gasped and zipped off. “And what was that about?”

“Well I think Celestia trusts you enough to find the answer she couldn’t,” Spike answered, “She could only seal Nightmare away. Maybe you can fix her. And Pinkie? ...Well she’s just Pinkie.”

“Eeyup,” said the passing stallion.

“Wait a minute!” The stallion stopped and looked her her a bit puzzled. “You’re Big Mac right? Applejack’s brother?”

“Eeyup. How’dya know?”

“Ponies talking around town about what a great honor it is that your family gets to make food for the Celebration, which is why I’m here. I’m sorry I haven’t even told you my name.” Twilight steadied herself with a breath and officially introduced herself. “I’m Twilight Sparkle, and I need to speak with your sister about food preparation for the Summer Sun Celebration.”

“Well then, right this way miss Twilight,” Mac said as he continued on with his cart, “Ah was jus’ headin’ home with some supplies we needed for just that.”

“Lead on.” I wonder what AJ will have to say about all this...


“Nightmare Moon huh? Yer sure about that?”

“Oh I’m sure alright. I counted the dates twice. I just wish I’d read up on this sooner.” Twilight hung her head in dismay. “And the princess just dismissed it.” She sighed as the two walked through the orchard. “Spike thinks that she thinks that I’m going to be able to stop her.”

“Nightmare Moon would hate Celestia right?”

“Yes?” She looked at the farmpony suspiciously. “Why?”

“Well let’s just say she is comin’ back. Wouldn’t she want the biggest way to spit in Celestia’s face to be her grand entrance? She’s gonna pop up in her place during the ceremony!”

“Oh geez you’re right! She’s gonna be here in front of everypony! What do I do AJ? WHAT DO I DO?!”

Applejack stared blankly at her. “First of all, let go of mah face.” The unicorn grinned sheepishly and stepped off apologizing. “Second, nopony said ya gotta go it alone. Ya got the five of us to back ya up now.”

Spike perched himself on Twilight’s head and looked her in the eyes. “Yeah, the whole gang's here in Ponyville Twilight—except for Chrysalis—what can’t you girls do?”

Twilight rubbed his head in thanks. “You’re both right. I shouldn’t really have anything to worry about. Nice and calm.” She took a few breaths to relax herself. “So, how about I meet that family now?”


After meeting Applejack’s very enthusiastic family she had to leave. “Bye Applejack and family,” making sure not to sound too familiar as to draw suspicion. As far as the family knew, this was the first time she’d ever met AJ.

“They were nice.”

Twilight groaned, practically throwing up. “Too nice.” She burped involuntarily. “I feel like I’m gonna burst.” The poor changeling had been forced to gorge herself on more than just pie, speaking of which, “And I ate way too much pie.”

“Well I think we know now why AJ’s so active all the time,” Spike laughed, “She’s gotta have some way to burn all that off.”

“Yeah, and I better find a way to burn all this off.” Spike poked the bulge in Twilight’s belly, causing her to lurch and glare at him. He grinned sheepishly. “Anyways, who’s next on the list?”

“Uh.” Spike pulled the list out of his pack. “Rainbow Dash is supposed to be clearing up the clouds.”

Twilight looked up. “Looks like she’s goofing off somewhere else.” The sky was of course littered with clouds, which meant Rainbow was putting her stunt career before work...again.

Spike’s fin twitched a moment before he deadpanned, “Incoming.”

The two stepped outwards and the blue pegasus crashed in between them. She didn’t crush anypony, but she did manage to land in a puddle of mud to soften the landing. She stood up looked at the two...who were both now covered in mud. She laughed sheepishly, “Um, oops?”

“I will destroy you for this,” Twilight seethed.

“I just got my scales buffed this morning!” Spike complained.

She floated over them still laughing sheepishly. “Uh, sorry?” They still glared. “Here, lemme help you.” As the pegasus hovered over her with a cloud Twilight tried and failed to protest while she was soaked to the bone. Still laughing, “Oops, I guess I overdid it. Um, uh, how about this? My very own patented Rain-Blow Dry!”

Before Rainbow reached maximum speed Twilight magically yanked her out of the air and forced her to sit. “I’ll air dry, thanks.”

“If you insist.” Rainbow shrugged. “So what brings ya here anyways Twi—”

Twilight shoved her hoof in Rainbow’s mouth and spoke through her teeth, “You must be Rainbow Dash. I’m Twilight Sparkle and I’m here to check up on preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration.” She winked as obviously as possible.

After managing to spit Twilight’s hoof out of her mouth Rainbow pointed out, “There’s nopony else here.”

Twilight groaned along with Spike. “Is it too hard to just stick with the act?” they asked.

“It’s boring, and it’s stupid,” Rainbow deadpanned.

“Like your job?” Twilight countered, “Which you still haven’t done.”

“I can get it done anytime I want,” she boasted.

Twilight knew full well Rainbow would rather just put it off until the last minute. Even if it was done in time, Twilight hated that about Rainbow, but she knew her well enough. A slick smile crept across her face. “Alright then. Don’t do it. I can get it done faster anyways.”

“WHAT?!” Rainbow yelled indignantly, “No way! I’m the fastest pony in Equestria! No way you can do it faster!”

“Sure I can. All I have to do is blast them with my magic. I don’t even have to move,” she bragged, “You would need to fly from cloud to cloud and bash them all into rainwater. I don’t care how fast you are. Magic. Is. Faster.”

“Oh yeah?! Prove it!” the pegasus challenged, “I bet I can bust more clouds than you can blast and have the sky clear in 5 seconds!”

“Okay,” Twilight said slyly, “You’re on. Ready?” Rainbow prepared for take off. “Go.”

Rainbow blasted off as fast as she could and started bashing as many clouds as she could as fast as she could. Twilight was sure between the two of them they could really clear the sky in five seconds, but she was teaching that airhead a lesson about laziness. She just sat there magically ringing out her mane until Rainbow landed a little more than ten seconds later with her eyes closed, and bragging.

“See? I told you there was no way. I took those clouds down so fast I didn’t even see one,” her smile faded, “...single...shot.” She finally opened her eyes and looked at Twilight, who was just sitting there with Spike, both with an innocent smile on their faces. “I’ve been had. Haven’t I?” She nodded. “Curse you.”

“Oh Rainbow,” Twilight laughed as she trotted off, “You know better. Curses. Don’t. Exist.”

“She got you good, Rainbow!” Spike taunted.

“This! Isn’t! Over!”

The young mare and the baby dragon just laughed.

“All right then,” Spike said as he retrieved his checklist, “Next is...decorations.” He smiled dumbly.

Twilight looked around a moment to make sure nopony was watching them. When she confirmed there weren’t any she asked, “You still have a crush on her don’t you?”

“Yeah. Why?” He looked at her suspiciously.

“Nothing. No reason.”