• Published 11th Aug 2013
  • 4,515 Views, 31 Comments

Mistakes Happen - Redbook

Everypony has made mistakes in their lives, but can they live with them. Twilight is just like them, made a mistake and now has to live with it.

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Mistakes Happen

Living next to the Everfree forest produces strange weather anomalies. From time to time Ponyville will grow dark due to a rogue storm blowing in from the Everfree forest. Pegasi would fly around warning the inhabitants of Ponyville to go indoors as the rogue storms were too wild for the pegasi team to handle. Tonight’s storm was a real big one. The thunder and lightning cause so many foals to hide under their beds or under their parents. It was one of the parents many jobs to a young foals. They were to make foals feel safe when they become scared. So what would a mare who was still kind of young and so very new to this new job title would do? Twilight was looking down at a little foal hiding under her shaking in fear.

“Are you okay Twinkle Star?” Twilight’s voice was comforting to the young Alicorn. Twinkle Star looked up at her mother and slowly nods and trying her best not to shake. But it was no good, she was shaking more than a leaf during the Running of the Leafs. Twilight lay down next to Twinkle. The young Alicorn didn’t waste any time to cuddling to her mother. Twilight smiled and give her little filly nuzzle. “Now tell mommy what you’re scared of?”

“The louds noise and bright lights are kind of scary mommy.” Twinkle’s voice was kind of shaky like her body. Twilight giggled and nuzzled her little filly again. This caused the little filly to murr a bit and she also stopped shaking.

The years before had their ups and downs for Twilight and her young foal. Being a single parent was not easy. The old saying that it takes a town to raise a foal, well here is a case that a foal was almost raised by all of Ponyville, but the bulk of everything was on Twilight’s back. The town was nice enough to help give her a crib and things she may need to rise the foal.

“Don’t worry your little mane about them. That is just the weather from the Everfree, showing us that nopony controls it’s weather. Not like here in Ponyville where the pegasi control the weather.” Twinkle looked at her mommy with scared look. Then like all filly and coalts, she had to ask more questions.

“If they control the weather here, then why couldn’t they move the meany storm away?”

This caused Twilight to grin. Twinkle Star was right to the point of the facts. Twilight nuzzled her and thought about how to put it to where it wouldn’t go over the little filly’s head. One of her friends, Rainbow Dash was so glad that the filly cause this change in Twilight. Twilight was getting better at putting ‘egghead’ talk as Rainbow would put it, into everypony talk.

“Well, umm... Lets see, they are just like everypony. Some things get too big for their hooves to deal with. So the Everfree forest every now and then, throws a good size storm that the pegasi can’t really deal with. So they let it be and pass through.” Twilight smiled and looked over at Twinkle. Twinkle’s nose was wrinkled as she gave her mother’s reason some though. Twilight’s friends told her that was the same kind of face Twilight would make as she was thinking really hard about something.

After a few more seconds the young Alicorn slowly nodded her small head. Twilight giggled as her daughter’s sun colored hair fell over her eyes. Twilight was grateful that Twinkle had only inherited her father’s eyes… Eyes that seem to come from the darkest parts of the sky. However unlike her father Twinkle’s eyes truly seemed to twinkle. Her purple fur and every other physical feature had come from Twilight’s side of the family. “Ah, okay, mommy.”

Twilight slowly got up and nudged Twinkle to do the same. “Okay, Twinkly. It’s time for us to go to bed. I think Spike already beat us to it.” This cause Twinkle to look around the room and notice that there was a missing little dragon in the room. The little filly was about to protest going to bed, but before she could a yawn made it’s escape out and betrayed the need for sleep.

“Can you read me a bedtime story before bed, mommy?” The pleading voice and the puppy dog eyes Twinkle was giving Twilight was more than enough to break her. Twilight smiled and nodded as they made their way back to Twinkle’s room. Before Twilight could even make it into the room, Twinkle was already on the bed jumping for joy at the chance hearing another one of her mother’s great bedtime stories.

Twilight took a seat next to Twinkle’s bed and giggled. She smiled warmly whenever Twinkle was this happy. No matter how many times she tells told her the same story, Twinkle always seem to enjoy every second of it. Twilight just chalked it up to being a young filly. Twinkle made herself comfy under her covers and smiled at her mother as she waits for the story to start.

Once Twinkle was ready, Twilight began to tell her the story of when Discord was set free and everything that happen. Twinkle love the part about the chocolate milk rain. After that point, it wasn’t long before Twinkle was out like a light. Before leaving the room, Twilight give her little filly a little kiss on her horn.

Twilight made her way to her bed. It had been a long day and the storm outside was calming down a bit. Raising a eight year old filly Alicorn was a lot of hard work at times. She made herself comfy in bed and slowly fall asleep as her mind replayed the last nine years back to her. A tear rolled down her cheek as some of the pain came back to her. Twilight justified the pain by saying without that mistake, she would never have had Twinkle Star and had such a wonderful eight years, but still part of her said that what happen to her wasn’t right.


“Hey, Claver Spark”

“Oh hey, Twilight. What are you doing here?”

“I want to talk to you about something.”

“What is it then? You know I don’t have much time to chat.”

“I know. Just wondering your thoughts on if... I don’t know, us having a foal together.”

“I don’t know. That is something couples who have been together for a long time think about.”

“I know, but what if I told you that maybe I’m going to have one one day.”


“Claver, I’m… ”

“I can’t believe this. I knew you couldn’t keep your legs close.”

“Claver, please…

“Should have seen this coming. The perfect Twilight Sparkle couldn’t be true.”

“I never said or tried to acted like that.”

“The only way for you to keep a guy like me is by sleeping around.”

“You should know I would never do anything like that. I love you Claver.”

“Well I don’t love you, Twilight.”

“How can you say that?”



“I’m not going to stay in this hick town just so you can take my dang bits. I’m leaving Ponyville in a few day.’


Twilight jolted awake and looked around the room. The sheets and covers of her bed where wet from her cold sweat. She hated that day. Thinking that he was going to be the stallion that was going to be there for her. Only to see him run away when she told him that she was pregnant.

Twilight held back tears as she thought of that night. She had hoped that eight years had been enough to forget. But as time wore on the memories hadn’t faded they only lay buried in her dreams. Twilight didn’t want to look over at the clock, she already knew that she had only gotten a couple of hours of sleep. And in a few hours she would need to get up to make some food for Twinkle before school. The room wasn’t silent, there was the faint sound of snoring. Twilight was glad that someone was having a good night sleep.

There was no point in laying in bed. Twilight smiled, “I think I can make Twinkle a really nice breakfast this morning with the time I have on my hooves.” With that said, Twilight made her way downstairs to start cooking. Cooking for an eight year old was easy once you got down the basics of cooking. Twilight was glad that she lived in a library, there was a whole section on cooking and a young dragon assistant name Spike to teach her.

Time flew by as Twilight was trying a few new recipes. She end up having to throw away the first few tries away. Burn food wasn’t the best option to give a growing filly, but after trying a few more times. She manage to get something that was edible. Twilight was just finish laying the food out on the table, when there came a yawn from a pony who just woke up from a good nights sleep.

“Well hello there. Did you sleep well sweety?” Moving over to give Twinkle a little kiss on her forehead. Twinkle smiled and gave her head a little shake. The little filly was still a little sleepy to say anythings. They both moved to the table and waited for the last of them to make to the table. Now that Twilight had learned how to cook, Spike had become the last one to wake up in the house. He wasn’t long, the smell of food was a strong thing. Twilight had made him something as a treat. Some blueberry pancakes with gemstones to make a smiley face.

Spike was at the table in a flash, licking his lips as the food in front of him looked so good. Twinkle looked her plate of blueberry pancakes and was drooling along with spike. Twilight just giggled, “Go ahead you two.” With that, the two began to shovel their food into their mouths. Twilight just ate her food slowly enjoying it.

As she watched Twinkle scarf down her food reminded her that she needed to meet with Rarity today to talk about giving etiquette lessons to Twinkle.

“These are the best mom.” Twinkle said with a mouth food of pancakes. Spike was nodding in agreement. Twilight was overjoyed at Twinkle’s comment. Having her daughter be so happy with what she made brought joy into her life that you can only get by being a mother. Other than the lessons Rarity want to teach, Twilight has been playing a trip up to the Crystal Empire to visit her brother and his wife. They only have only seen pictures of Twinkle Star.

A ding from the clock reminded Twilight that it was time to take Twinkle to school. Spike said he would take care of the dishes for her. He said something about returning the kindness he was given. Twilight smiled at that. Spike was growing up too. He was much taller now than he was back when Twinkle was born. Even tho he was still a baby dragon to the eyes of other dragons, by pony standards he was more like a young adult in Twilight eye’s. You would think he would grow out of his crush for Rarity a while back, but he didn’t and well now he and Rarity were dating.

All her friends had a special somepony. Life was odd for the six of them, they all found that pony that just put a smile on their faces. Or in Rarity’s case, a special somedragon. Twilight thought that her time to date had already passed. She was a mother now and really didn’t have time to try and date anypony. These thoughts plagued her as she walked Twinkle to school. “Have a good day at school sweetie.” She gives Twinkle a kiss on the horn likes she had done from the day that Twinkle started school. Twinkle made a face and try to wiggle away. Twilight smiled and waved to her as she rush off to get to the school house. She was growing up so fast.

Now she made her way to meet up Rarity at the local cafe. A new thought being to bug her, was she too old? Well that thought can wait, she had to talk to Rarity about the lessons. Rarity was sitting at a table waiting for her. Twilight smiled as she took a seat at the table. There was already two cup of tea at the table, she must have order tea for them both. Rarity did know what Twilight like to drink.

“I’m so glad you could make it, Twilight daring. How is Twinkle Star doing?” Rarity asked while taking a drink of her tea.

“She is doing good. Still growing up before my eyes. I was up early today so I made her and Spike some pancakes.” At this Rarity smile grew and a blush could be seen on her face. She had fallen for his goofy charm and after his third attempt to ask her out. It took Rarity few seconds to get back to the world around her.

“That is good to hear. And what about your self? You look a little worse for wears. Please tell me you’re not having another one of those dread dreams again.” Rarity looked worried, Twilight had told her of the dreams once before. Rarity was good at getting information out of ponies if she really want to.

“Yeah, it was the one where he left me when I told him I was pregnant with Twinkle Star. I thought I was past that, but it seem even after eight years he still gets to me. But enough of talking about that bad flank. So what is your lesson plan for Twinkle Star?” Rarity just nodded, she knew when to not press an issue. So Rarity just went on about how she was going to teach Twinkle how to eat and act at the dinner table, how to act at fancy parties, and a bunch of other things that both knew Twilight couldn’t teach her. It wasn’t just Rarity who want to teach Twinkle something. This made Twilight really happy, her little girl was going to be a very well rounded pony.

Twilight and Rarity then just went on talking about other things that has happen over the passing days. Without thinking about it, Twilight just blurted out. “Rarity do you think I’m old?”
At this Rarity just blinked.

“You old? I don’t think so, dear. You are only 28 years old and still have a lot to do in life. So why do you ask?”

“I guess being a mother just makes you feel older than what you really are.” Twilight just sighed and took the last drink of her tea. Rarity nods and smiles. Twilight looked at the clock surprised by how fast it had went. What were hours had felt like minutes and now it was time to pick up Twinkle from school. Twilight says her goodbyes to Rarity, promising to bring Twinkle for lessons.

The next day was the weekend and Twinkle didn’t have school. Twilight would tell Twinkle about her plan to take her to the Crystal Empire during the next week long break from school. She hope that Twinkle would be happy to go see her aunt and uncle. She knew that they would be overjoyed to see her. The rest of the evening end like it always does. Twilight walks Twinkle home and gets dinner ready as Spike helps Twinkle with easy homework problems that he can help with. Then when dinner was done, Twilight would then come in and help with any of the harder ones.

Even though Spike could help Twinkle, but there was something about helping your own daughter that made a mother feel good. Dinner would soon follow, Twilight would try to make something a little different each night. The part of the night that Twinkle loved the most, it was bedtime stories. Tonight it was the story of when Shining Armor and cadance wedding day, leaving out the whole changeling invasion part.

Twilight’s turn to bed would follow after she did a little reading of her own and clean up the mess. She only hope that tonight would be a good night without nightmares. Things never go the way Twilight wanted for her dreams.


“Hey, you must be Twilight Sparkle. My name Clever Spark.”

“Oh hello. It’s nice to meet you Clever Spark. What brings you to the library?”

“I came to check out a book if you don’t mind.”

“Of course not, what are you looking for?”

“I would like to check you out for a date.”

“Oh my, I don’t know.”

“Come on Twilight, it’s not like a good looking stallion asks you out all the time.”

“This maybe true, but it’s kind out of the blue.”

“Come on, I got two seats on hold at this really nice dinning place.”

“Oh fine, I give in. I will go on this date with you.”

“Good, bring some money. I need you to pay some of it.”


Twilight woke up holding a pillow between her forehooves. She really hated that memory. Dreaming of the first time he asked her out was unpleasant. Especially since he made her pay for her half of the dinner. He had said such sweet and lovely things to her. Twilight didn’t care about his shortcomings, so she just ignored all her friends warnings about him. She thought back then that she loved him and that he loved her back.

That stallion stayed in Twilights life for a few weeks till she told him about being a mother soon. The seeds of mistrust to stallions was planted when he did that to her. That was why she seem to always find some reason why should couldn’t go on a date that Rarity worked so hard to set up. Twilight knew that Rarity had an eye for things like this after her little time with Blueblood at the Gala a few years before Twinkle Star was born.

Twilight was hoping that the news of the trip would make Twinkle’s day. Twinkle only heard stories and seen a few pictures of her aunt and uncle. It was kind of made Twilight sad that she hadn’t the time before to take her up there to see them. She was in super mother mode and didn’t want to take any risk with her foal. With friends like Twilight had, being in super mom mod didn’t last long. For the longest time, the only one who was allowed to foalsit Twinkle was Fluttershy.

Twilight got up and did her usual morning routine of a quick shower and going down getting breakfast ready for her family. That was her mornings and she wouldn’t give them up for the world. Twinkle would try her best to sleep for as long as she can before getting up and Twilight didn’t mind, it was the weekend after all.

As Twilight was cooking, a little sleepy filly comes walking in. Twilight turn and covered her mouth with a hoof to keep from laughing too much. Twinkle’s mane was all over the place. “Well somepony woke up with sun rays on her head.” Twilight barely got out as she laughed at how silly her daughter looked. The little filly looked around and then giggles as it dawns on her what her mother was talking about. Her mane was sticking out in every which way.

The food was done, so it was safe for Twilight to take Twinkle to the bathroom to help her with her mane. Twilight really love brushing her mane, it brought back memories of when her own mother would do the same to her in the mornings. The memories of her own fillyhood had helped her learn how to be a mother.

“Let me know if I’m brushing too hard,” Twilight smiled as she keep brushing Twinkle’s mane. Twinkle’s eyes were shut as she murrs a bit.

“You are doing fine, mommy. It feels really good.” Twinkle sounded like she had no care in the world right now.

“That is good. I also have some news that you might like to hear.” The filly open one eye to look at her mother. The brushing was making her feel really good. Twilight giggled and smiled. “Yeah, I was thinking about on the week you have off from school. Taking you to see aunt and uncle up in the Crystal Empire.” Before Twilight could do anything, she was knocked over and pin under the little filly.

“Do you mean it mommy?” Twinkle looked like she was about to burst out of her coat. Twilight just nodded. Twinkle being to jump up and down on Twilight, which caused to meep and make other sounds to come out of her. The little alicorn notice that she was jumping on her mother and got off. Twilight smiled and got up to give her a nuzzle. “Sorry mommy.” She look down feeling kind of sad for jumping on her. But Twinkle was just overjoy to be able to finally meet the rest of her family.

“It’s okay, dear.” Twinkle jump back on top of Twilight and give her a hug. Twilight just giggled and nuzzles back. “I’m glad you are happy about this. It will just be the two of us for the trip there.”

After that they made their way down stairs. Twinkle was all bouncy and Spike giggle. “Let me guess, she told you about the upcoming trip.” Twinkle head was bobbled all over the place as she shook with excitement. Her mane which was brushed and styled a bit by Twilight came falling down over her eyes and she walked right into the table. They rushed over to check to see if she was alright. Twinkle gave them a smile to show that she was okay, both Twilight and Spike started to laugh a bit and even Twinkle joined in.

The rest of the day was like any weekend day. Twilight would go outside for a bit to play with Twinkle before the Cutie Mark Crusaders would come to rush her off to do some crusading. Then it was back to the library to check to make sure that all the book where in place. After that was finish, Twilight would spend the rest of day reading books on parenting. Once Twinkle gets back home, Twilight would try and fish out what she would like for dinner. After dinner, it was time again for a bedtime story. Tonights story was of when Twilight first meet her five friends and how they fought with Nightmare Moon.

By the end of the story, bed was even calling for Twilight. The bed felt so good to fall asleep in. The rest of the week was drifting through her sleepy mind. After the coming week was over with, then she and Twinkle would be heading up to the Crystal Empire. She couldn’t wait for the trip, she need the time away from Ponyville and needed time with her brother.


“Come on Twilight we been together for like long enough to do this stuff.”

“I’m not sure if I’m ready ready to do this.”

“It be cool. You will have a good time, I promise you.”

“Are you sure about this Clever?”

“More sure than you think.”

“If you say so, I trust you.”

“Thought so. Now just follow me.”


The week flew by for three of them. Spike talked Rarity into helping him while Twilight and Twinkle were gone. Twilight made them promise to clean up any messes they would make. So with the last of things taken care of, Twilight and Twinkle made their to the train station just in time to catch their train.

Twinkle was bouncing all over the car. Being a princess does have it’s advantages, getting a private train car was just a one of them. This was a good thing, an eight year old filly jumping around the car might cause a few problems for other passengers. Twinkle heard of trains, but never been on one. So the young filly alicorn was looking out everyone of the windows in the car.

Twilight just chuckled as her little filly never seen to lose interest with everything that passed by. It remind Twilight of when she was a filly. She blinks as Twinkle’s voice called for her. “Mommy, what are those things out there?” One of Twinkle’s forehooves was point to a large body of water they were passing by. Twilight moved to stand next to her and smiled.

“That is one of the great lakes of Equestria. Few of the great bodies of water in our lovely land.” Twilight nuzzled Twinkle and the filly nuzzle back as she nods.

“It’s so pretty mommy. Is there any other things just as pretty?” Here it comes, the wave of questions that a young filly will ask. But Twilight didn’t care, it just made her more proud of her little filly.

“Of course sweetie. This world of ours is a really big place and there is always something new for us ponies to find. Who knows, maybe you will find something so great and pretty that nopony has seen before.” The alicorn filly eyes grew wide and then seem to glue themselves to the window.

For the remainder of the trip, Twinkle’s eye’s never left the windows of the car. Well till she fell asleep about half way there. Twilight use her magic to move Twinkle to a seat and then moved a cover over her. The filly was snoring a little bit, Spike said that it was just like when she fell asleep. Twilight didn’t want to believe him. Soon Twilight dozed off for a bit.


“I can’t believe you would do this to me Twilight.”

“You think that I would do this to us?”

“Yeah, why else would you have kept that thing.”

“I kept the foal cause it’s a living thing and I’m proud to be mother soon.”

“Then you can be a mother. Cause I’m not going to be a father to that thing.”

“Fine, I don’t need you. You are just a jerk. I don’t even know why you even came back here anyway.”

“I just came to pick up some of my things. I thought you wouldn’t be here. I got my things and now I’m out of this shit place you call a home.”



There was a jalt and Twilight fall off her seat and jumped up. Looking around to find a little alicorn filly with her face almost glued to the window. Her little wings flapped to keep her close. Twilight being to laugh and soon was follow by Twinkle. They laugh for a good while before one of the train staff came in to let them know that they had arrived at the Crystal Station.

Twinkle was back to having her eyes glued to the window. There was a gasp as the little filly took in the whole station. Twilight moved next to her and smile. “This is nothing, wait till we get into the empire.”

Twinkle turn to look at Twilight, “Really mommy!?”

Twilight giggled and motion for Twinkle to follow her. Everything was going just how Twilight had planned. Waiting for them outside the stations was a cab waiting to take them to the castle. Just like on the train, Twinkle’s eyes remained glued to the window. There were a few ‘wow’s and ‘ohh’s as they past a few building that they didn’t really have in Ponyville.

They were about to pass through the barrier that keep the Crystal Empire safe. Twilight waited for Twinkle to look over at her. After a few minutes Twinkle looked over at Twilight, the poor little filly’s jaw couldn’t have drop any lower. “Mommy... your your so pretty.” There was a blush to be seen on Twilight’s face. Fillies of her age never really knew how to lie or lie well.

“Thank you, Twinkle. But you should see yourself.” At this, Twinkle move away from the window so that it would show her reflection. The filly show herself but with her mane a little more styled up and she was sparkly like some of the jewels she seen.

While the cab travel along to the castle, Twilight became lost in thought as her mind drift back to the past.


“You think that going to be a good mother?”

“I think I will be.”

“Well you are wrong, you are going to be a horrible mother and without a father, that thing is going to be bucked.”

“No she won’t... Or I don’t think so.”


The thought of being a good mother for Twinkle was back again. It came back like the a bad cold. Twilight always did wonder if she was doing right for Twinkle. Being a single parent was really hard, Twilight did feel that her daughter need a father figure in her life. Since her real father wasn’t the best choice for that role.

Twilight was pulled out of her thought by the sudden stopping of the cab. She looked around and seen that they had made it to the castle. “Ah, it looks like we are here. Are you ready to meet your aunt Cadence and uncle Shiny Armor?” Twilight could only chuckled as the filly took position to race out of the cab. So she moved next to her and did the same. “I see my little Twinkle wants a race?” The filly nods and looks back to the door of the cab. This reminded Twilight of the time Twinkle wanting to see if she could get a racing cutie mark when she was crusading with the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

It was a good thing that the driver who was being nice by opening the door moved out of the way with the door, because if he didn’t he would two sets of hoof prints covering him. Twinkle was out the door at such a speed that would make Rainbow Dash shade tears of joy. Twilight wasn’t far behind her. There was one thing Twinkle didn’t think of when she want to race her mother, how to stop. Twinkle found the best way to stop was by crashing into her uncle who was standing next to his wife waiting for his sister and his niece.

Shining Armor learn from his time as the Caption of the Guards, that one needs to learn to roll with things or just be the wall. In case of Twinkle barreling down on him, rolling was the only thing he could do. The wall would just be blown apart when Twinkle was rushing at full speed to him. Twilight stop next to Cadence, both look at each other and then to where Twinkle and Shining Armor had crash. The two couldn’t keep their laugher bottled in, they both laugh for a good few minutes before calming down.

“I see that you two are happy to be here, some more then others.” Cadence motion to Twinkle who was not getting a big hug from Shining Armor. The filly trying very hard to give one back, but not being very successful about it. Twilight smiled and nodded.

“Yeah, she was all overjoyed when I told her about us coming up to visit you guys. Your two’s wedding day is her favorite bedtime story. She tells me that her favorite part of the whole story is when you two use your love for each other to defeat the evil ‘change thingy’.” Twilight could see Cadence blushing as she give a little giggle.

“So you tell her stories of all the adventures you and your friends want through?”

“Yeah, at the time some of them were better than the books I had. But it is also for me too. Life has calm down a bit for the past few years. I guess I’m trying to say I am reliving the old days when I tell her the stories.” Twilight looked down for a bit. Only to be made to look up when her old foal sitter give her a quick nuzzle.

“It’s okay, Twilight. You are still young and have much to do with it. But you are not alone in this journey anymore. You have Twinkle to take with you.” This cause Twilight to smile a bit, but her head went back to looking down.

“I know, but I am just one mare. Twinkle needs more than just me. She needs a father figure.” Twilight let out a sigh and look at her bother playing with Twinkle. They were both laughing and being silly. “But not many stallions want to date a mare who has an eight year old.”

“Didn’t you get Shiny’s letter?”

“I did, but it was just very vague about him having some kind of plan for when I got here.” Twilight give Cadence a confused look. “Do you know what he meant?”

“I do, he thinks he might have found a stallion for you. Be glad that I put my hooves in the mix, he was about to line up all the stallion in the Empire for this.” Cadence looked over to her husband and giggled.

“Great, bad enough Rarity was doing the same thing back in Ponyville. But if my big brother worked hard at it. I might as well go along with it. It’s not like I have many plans for the week anyway.... Wait what about Twinkle?” Twilight’s face had a look of panic written all over it.

“Don’t worry about it Twilight. Me and Shining can watch her while you are out.” Cadence give Twilight a nuzzle. Shining and Twinkle where both panting a bit from from there little play time. Twilight wonder when Shining and Cadence would ever have a foal. Then the world give Twilight a good old slap in the face as she being to follow Cadence into the castle, Cadence was pregnant.

Twilight would wait till they all got shuttle in before giving happy wishes to Cadence and Shiny. After being shown their rooms, the three set down in the royal sitting room. They passed the evening by talking about things that would be too much to send in a letter. Twinkle got to talk all about school and how she love Miss. Cheerilee class. After a while Shining Armor smiled as he laid a note in front of Twilight.

Twilight picked it up and read the few lines that was on the note. “What is this? It looks like an address to something.”

“I’m glad my little sis can read. But yeah, it’s an address that my friend wants to meet you at to have a nice meal and talk about stuff.” The smile on Shining Armor’s face about as big as Pinkie Pie’s smile could get. Twilight sight and nods.

“Okay, when do I meet this guy?”

“Tomorrow at noon. He said he was free from work to do lunch.”

“I guess that is good. It will give me time to relax and freshen up before I scare away another nice stallion.” Twilight just sighed again at the thought of things to come.

“You won’t scare him away.” Shining Armor try to reinsure Twilight.

“Thank you BBBFF.” Twinkle blink at the two of them and just shrugged it off. Twilight would have to explain that to her later tonight as a bedtime story. Dinner was ready and Twinkle eyes grew wide as she took in all the food in front of her. The filly looked at her mom to see if she was allowed to eat the food in front of her. Twilight nods and giggles as Twinkle being to make a plate full. Twilight knew that Twinkle may get a bellyache, she would stop her before that could happen.

Twinkle give Twilight the puppy eyes, but that didn’t work on her this time. Twilight got up and said her nights to everyone. They return it as Twilight took Twinkle up to their room. Twinkle listen to the story of Twilight’s foalhood with Shining Armor. Twinkle slowly drifted off to sleep as Twilight joined her.


Twinkle was jumping around the room as Twilight was getting ready for the date that Shining setup for her. Twinkle was brushing her mother’s mane. “That feels very good sweetie. Where did you learn to brush like this?” Twilight murs happily as her eyes close.

“I learn from you mommy.” Twinkle smiled and keep brushing her mother’s mane. “Mommy are you going on a date? What is a date?” Twilight blinks and thinks about what she could say to the young filly.

“Well, yes I’m going on a date that your uncle Shining setup for me. And a date is when two grownup ponies hangout to get to know each other better.” Twilight was hoping that was good enough for the eight year old.

“Yay, mommy might find a special somepony.” Twinkle was cheering happily. Guess Twinkle understood better than what Twilight thought. When did Twinkle learn about this?

“Where did you learn something like that?”

“Miss. Rarity told me.” The smile on Twinkle’s face was bigger than what her face could hold.

Twinkle was beamed as she brushed her mother’s mane. Twinkle was so convinced that Twilight need to have some makeup on for the date. Where was Twilight to argue with her little fillies on that, so she let Twinkle put some on her.

To Twilight’s surprise, Twinkle did a really good job. With all things said and done, Twilight waved goodbye as she made her way out. She forgot how big the capital of the Empire. So Twilight was a little late to meet up with this stallion. She was only given a very basic description of the guy. He had a red coat, with a shaggy two-tone blue mane and tail.

Twilight eyes grew big as she walked in. The place was so simple, dinner like. None of the dates she went on was this simple looking. Being here kind of made Twilight feel a little over dress with the makeup on. Looking around the small room, she found a table with a pony that fit the description of the pony.

She moved over to his table, “May I ask if you are Redbook?” The pony at the table nods and uses his magic to pull out a chair for her to take a seat. Twilight took a seat and smiled at him. “Thank you. It’s really nice meet you. I am also sorry for my brothers making you do this.” He smiled and nods.

“It’s okay, I kind of want to do this. But your brother was kind of strict on who could go on a date with you.” Twilight couldn’t believe what she was seeing. He didn’t seem to be lying or just saying things to get on her good side.

“Is that so? Did he inform you on everything?” This was kind of a test she give for anyone pony Twilight was set up with.

“Do you mean about the eight year old alicorn filly, let me see if I can remember her name... Twinkle Star if I recall.” Redbook’s face look like focus.

“He... he told you about her.” Twilight was really shock at this, nopony was told before the date about Twinkle. And when they are told about her, they would try to get out of the date as fast as they could. He smiled and nodded as his reply. “And you still want to go on a date with me still?”

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I? You are still very young and pretty mare. I have been told that I’m good with little foals.” Redbook’s eyes closed as he smiled at her. Twilight couldn’t help but blushing madly now. Then it went away, what if he is like Clever? Could Twilight risk taking a chance with this guy.

“I don’t know. Not many ponies would come this far knowing that I have a foal at home.”

“Well, I don’t mind that you have a foal. I bet she is as smart as her mother.” Twilight give into the blush and chose to see where this want. Twilight and Redbook keep talking for a while and even chose to order some food for them to eat while they talked more. Twilight was kind of liking this Redbook guy. He was a freelance writer, taking whatever writing job that came his way.

Twilight couldn’t stop herself from giggling at a few of his really bad jokes. During the whole time there, she never felt like he was trying to forcing her to do anything. Redbook just seem to just enjoy his time with her. Twilight never had this feeling with any of the other dates she had, it was just weird for her.

Sadly for both of them, Redbook had to go back to work to finish a paper or something. Twilight told him that he could come to the castle anytime he wanted. He asked if he could come over later today. He want to meet Twinkle and thank Shining Armor for this chance at a date with a pretty mare. Twilight said he could and she felt that Twinkle would at least like to meet him and play with him.

Poor Twilight didn’t get a moment break when she got back. Between Shining Armor and Cadence asking question after question and Twinkle joining in on the questioning with her own. Twinkle wanted to know if he was fun and if Twilight liked him. She did her best to answer them the best she could. Some question she just flat out refused to answer.

Once they found out that he would be coming out later. Shining was giving orders to his guards that Redbook was allowed to come to the royal sitting room. Cadence was asking in a ordering way for the maids and butlers to get things ready for when he arrived. And so that is how a good part of the day was spent.

Twilight was sitting with Twinkle playing cards. Twilight found out that playing cards was good way for Twinkle to practice her magic. Holding the cards and moving them around to play each of the different card games. Twinkle was getting better, she could keep the cards in the air for good lengths of time.

Twilight was going to give Shining Armor a good whack to the back of his head for what happen next. The horns blew as one of the butlers announce that Redbook had arrived. The door to the royal sitting room open to show an wide eyed Redbook being guided in. Twilight felt kinda sorry for him. He just want to come and meet Twinkle and thank Shining Armor, not have his hearing taken away by the loud horns.

“Is this the kind of welcoming everypony gets? If it is, they need to offer earplugs at the door.” Redbook looking around the room as he was walked to meet up with Twilight and Twinkle. He moved behind Twinkle, he looked from the cards she had and then to the table. “I would play that second to last card you. With that you should be able to win.” Twinkle look back at him, he smiled and nods. Twinkle smiled back and plays the card that he said.

Twilight jaw drops as the card play won the game for Twinkle. Redbook give Twinkle a little rub on her head. Twinkle giggled and look back up at him. “Thank you so much. I thought I wasn’t going to bet my mommy.”

“Oh I sure you could win all by yourself. I think you are a smart little filly.” Redbook smiled and took a seat on an empty side of the table. “Mind if I join in on the game?” Twilight nods and smiles. The guard that had walked Redbook in seen that Twilight knew him and that was good enough for him. “Thank you so much. And please be easy on the new guy.”

Twilight raised a brow at him. “New? You just showed my little girl how to win not that long ago. But we will find out when the cards hit the table.” With that said Twilight shuffled the deck and dealt the cards out. The game was simple, get to 21. Twilight was the dealer for the game when she plays with Twinkle. Redbook seem to be letting himself lose a lot to Twinkle as he was too busy helping her with winning as the game went on for a few rounds. Twilight couldn’t help but find herself giggling at the two.

“Okay, Twinkle, You got three card here that can get you right to 21. Can you tell me which one will do that for you?” Redbook had moved next to Twinkle and was looking at her cards, his own where laying face-up on the table due to the fact that he went over 21. He was now helping Twinkle her cards.

Twinkle moved three cards up, she was getting better using her magic doing simple things like this now. “These three?”

Redbook looked at them and nods. “Yep, a Luna, Celestia, and a Wonderbolt would give you 21. Or you could use just Luna and a Wonderbolt. Can you tell me why we can do that?”

Twinkle’s nose scrunched up as she was thinking, then her face lit up. “Oh cause the Wonderbolt can be used as one or eleven. And Luna and Celestia can only be ten.” Redbook nods and smiles. Twinkle about drop the cards because she was about to jump up and down for joy. Twilight smiled as she watch the two jumping around. She knew that he could have easily won a few rounds, but chose to lose to help Twinkle.

The door open wide as another butler walked in. “The dinner is ready, would the guests please make their way to the royal dinning room.” Twilight, Twinkle, and Redbook followed the poor guy done to the royal dinning room. Before Redbook could do anything, he was pulled into a side room by somepony.

Redbook blink as Shining Armor was standing in front of him. “I need to have a quick word with you Booky.” The way that Shining had said that sent a chill down Redbook’s spine. So he did the only thing his body would do, he just nods his head. “I can see that my little sis is starting to like you and so is her little filly. And I also see that you might like her back. So I’m going to give you the big brother warning her. If you hurt my little sis and her filly. You might not see the sun in a long long time or ever.” With that said, Redbook was pushed out into the hallway.

It took a few seconds for Redbook to catch up with the others. Twilight giggled as he came up next to her panting. “I was wondering if you were lost or something.” Redbook looked around and smiled.

“Yeah, getting lost is something around here. Lot of different hallways and what not.” Redbook rubbed the back of his head in hopes that would be good enough to move on to something else. Twilight giggled and nodded. The group made it into a large room, it was big enough to hold a lot of ponies. The butler lead them to a table that was already set up, both Redbook and Twinkle eyes went wide. There was more food than the other day.

Twilight just facehoof at the sight, Shining want a little overboard with this. They took a seat at the table, Twinkle set between Redbook and Twilight, the filly had a very happy grin on face. Cadence and Shining Armor soon joined them at the table, Shining had a grin just like Twinkle, Cadence sighed and facehoof with Twilight. The four older ponies began talking while the Twinkle being to eat her food, she would every now and then ask Twilight or Redbook what they were talking about. Most of it was just stuff about upcoming events and what they thought of Luna’s new mane style.

Twilight had all but forgotten her fear of being a bad mother and other things that her mind seem to remind her when she fall asleep. She even told a few jokes that only Redbook laughed at, it doesn’t help that you had to either write books or work in a library to understand the joke. The dinner was very good and the little filly was full before the aults finish.

Twilight asked Redbook if he want to walk Twinkle Star to bed and help tell her a bedtime story. He agreed and followed the two to the filly’s bed. Twinkle was overjoyed to have someone join in tell her a story. The story that the two older ponies told was to the filly, mind blowing awesome with a side of something that was 20% cooler. Twinkle didn’t fall asleep easily, but sleep did take her.

Redbook moved back as Twilight lean down to give Twinkle a little kiss on her little horn. Redbook watch as Twilight pulled away, she had look of a little sadness. He couldn’t place it, but he didn’t think she need to be sad. As they walked back to the royal sitting room, Redbook was thinking of what Shining told him before his date with her. Twilight walked him out into the open air. She didn’t say much the whole way, she was too busy blushing to say anything.

“Twilight?” He looked at her with a goofy smile.

“Yes, what is it, Redbook?” Twilight looked kind of lost.

“I just want to let you know that I enjoy the evening. Twinkle is a really good filly, but that has to be thanks to such a good mother.” Redbook being to rub the back of his head.

“I did too. I don’t think I seen Twinkle that happy to play cards with someone.” Twilight look down for a bit.

“Hey don’t look down, she most likely got it from her mother. Which by what I know, you are her mother.” Redbook smiled as he gave Twilight a little nuzzle. “You are a great mother, who now has a great little filly to say that she raise.Twilight nuzzled back and smiled.

“I think you may have a point there Redbook. Thank you for pointing it out to me. I guess pass mistakes just keep me from seeing that. I hope to see you again sometime.” Twilight stood by the door and smiled at Redbook. He waved from down the stairs.

“I hope so too, Twilight. You sleep well tonight and tomorrow do something fun with Twinkle. And if you two want somepony else to join in. Shining Armor knows where to find me.” With that Redbook trotted off. Twilight turn around to go back to bed, she felt better than she had in a long time. And her bed felt really good to sleep on tonight. She fall into a deep sleep, with one sentence echoing in her sleep.

“You are a great mother,”

Comments ( 31 )

Looking good. A few errors here and there but nothing too bad. :twilightsmile:

Thank you. This is my first try at writing a one-shot.

Just going straight for my feels aren't ya?

Just be sure to edit and revise your writing:twistnerd:

that is always my biggest problem when writing anything :ajbemused:

I did like the concept and storytelling, but I have to say, it had the horror movie effect, where most of it was build up, but then all tumbled together into an ending way too quickly. secondly, you could REALLY use an editor, I almost quit multiple times just because I was so overwhelmed with the spelling and grammar.

Yes, yes I am.
I know, my editor has been busy with other great stories out there. I hope to have it fix before long. I'm really sorry.

"Twilight fell in love with a stallion and when things happen and she was pregnant."

Oof! Right in the grammar.

OHHHHH!!!!! RIGHT IN THE FEELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sparkly like some of the jews she seen.


I like the story very much but I didn't finish it because I kept stopping to fix sentences in my head. If your editor is still too busy I would be glad to edit this story for you.


It is a wonderful story, showing a side of Twilight that the show only lightly touches upon with Spike at times.

That being said, there are quite a few grammar errors that I'm sorry to have found quite frequently. :twilightsheepish:

I say, you write a sequel and show us Redbook and Twilight going out again, and maybe bringing back Clever Spark for a little confrontation. That's just me though.

Thank you for your kind words. I never thought about that. Right now I am afraid that I might buck it up like I have done with my stories lately. Sorry, feeling kind of down about my writing.

3984017 Let me tell you, you're not the only one. I once read, that "all artists hate their work because what they make is absolute s***." In a way, a writer is an artist, and I keep going back to try and write again to fix my crap and expand upon it. Don't give up.

I will try not to, just hard not to just stop typing at times.

I want to thank you. I am rereading this story so that I can write another part for this story. So I'm making fixes to things.

3986166 It's not a problem at all. It really is a touching story. If you want, PM Me and I can run through it for grammatical errors.

Your choice, either way.

Thank you, I might do that after I finish my little check. I need to learn to do this. I want to become better.

3986342 Well, you let me know. That's something even I struggle with, but help is always good.

Help is always welcome. Thank you

I really liked this story.putting twi in a motherly role is. Something some struggle with. I had to. Think about a lot myself before I started writing my Fic where twi is a mother, but you pulled it off well:pinkiesmile:

One thing I have to point out though is tense. It switched so often between past and present it became really annoying. Plus, grammar errors were all over the place.

This was a good Fic though. I enjoyed It and am sad there are no other chapters:fluttershysad:

One thing I did notice though, it would've helped if you had some more time while Twi was pregnant. That would have made readers feel more connected to twinkle.

By the way, you were really kind to twi. You gave her an alicorn for a daughter. That means she'll never have to watch her daughter grow all and die of age. That was a very kind thing to do:raritystarry:

By the way. I noticed you put yourself in there:raritywink:

All in all, minus the grammar errors and tense switches,this was a very good Fic. I'm glad I favourited it:twilightsmile:

I first want to say thank you for the comment. Read it before going to bed. For this I started with a rough idea of a story and well this is what it became.

I'm still looking for help editing it. I just haven't been very vocal about asking for it lately. I might take another look myself and see what I can fix.

Don't be sad, You have not been the only one who has wish for more. And now that you got me thinking about it. I might make another story that comes before this one of when Twilight was pregnant with Twinkle.

I never thought of it that way. I just made twinkle an Alicorn because I thought that if an Alicorn was to have a child, it would be Alicorn due to that being the dom gene or some other fancy words saying that all children of Alicorn are going to be Alicorns. I guess I was nice without noticing it.

Yeah, I couldn't help myself. I needed another male charter and thought, why not let it be me. I'm not going to lie, I am like Twilight to a point. Growing up, the library was my second home. :twilightsheepish:

I'm really glad you enjoyed it and hope to see what you think of my other stories and other installments of stories from this Universe.

With one word echoing in her sleep,

I think you meant "with one sentence echoing in her sleep."

Thank you, it should be fixed now. :twilightsmile:

This story really could use an editor. The premise is very good, but the mistakes get in the way.
BTW, did Clever at least pay alimony, or did you let him get away with being scoundrel and happy about it?

I'm sorry, I been pushing getting this edited more back. I will sit down this weekend and read over it again. And I kind of just pushed him to the side in my mind. So I guess I just left it as he is a a** hole and let him be hated for being dumb as well.

“Thank you, Twinkle. But you should see yourself.” At this, Twinkle move away from the window so that it would show her reflection. The filly show herself but with her mane a little more styled up and she was sparkly like some of the jews she seen.

Wait... Jews? Was that a typo? Cause I had no idea religion was a thing in this pony world... not to mention the fact that Jews are apparently sparkly now... huh... :rainbowhuh:

Thank you for finding that. It was a typo. I did have a good laugh that it took so long for such a mistake to be noticed. Again thank you for finding that.

Why is Comedy the only tag that represents any genre? Shouldn’t there atleast be a sad tag? This is a pretty sad story afterall.

Really good story :twilightsmile:

Hope for a sequel?

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