• Published 12th Aug 2013
  • 2,602 Views, 20 Comments

Twilight the Radiant - PonyTom

If things had happened differently...

  • ...

Another Destiny (Edited)

"From all of us together, together we're friends. With the marks of our destinies made one, there is magic without end!"

Twilight tapped her quill against the page of the book, forming a period. She smiled at her work and turned to her friends; they had just gone through quite the ordeal of switching cutie marks and destinies, one that had left them all feeling out of place, as a result of Twilight's own blundered spellcasting. Thankfully, she had finished Star Swirl's spell; a spell that had gone unfinished for a thousand years. Twilight had done what her teacher had asked her to do; she had created new magic. She would pat herself on the back later - for now, she had friends to get to.

Well, that would have to wait instead, it seemed.

"Congratulations, Twilight Sparkle."

Everypony turned to the front of the library. Standing in the doorway, having appeared without a sound, was none other than Princess Celestia, the solar princess. Her mane flowing on ethereal winds, her coat a bright white that seemed to illustrate her position in the world. She seemed the very definition of justice in her confident posture. "P-Princess!?" stammered Twilight, trying to gather her thoughts in this situation. She was admittedly surprised; after all, it was not often that even SHE received a surprise visit from her mentor. Celestia smiled and trotted towards her at-a-loss-for-words student and stepped forward with nothing short of pride exuding from her expression.

"Twilight, I am very proud of you. On this day, you have done something that hasn't been done in a long time; you've created new magic."

Twilight blinked, rubbing her hoof on the back of her neck. "Well, to be fair, all the spell did was undo the unfinished version of itself..."

Celestia giggled a bit at her student's modesty. "Twilight, you haven't actually CAST the spell yet... you just wrote some sentences down. Unicorns are focus-based magicians... not rhyme-casters." Twilight blinked and blushed, grinning dopily at her own silliness. Of course she should know that; she had been studying magic, both unicorn and otherwise, her entire life. "After all, creating new magic was only part of the test."

Twilight visibly tensed up. "Test?"

Celestia nodded. "Indeed, it was a test. A test that, I assure you, you passed..." She looked to Twilight's friends, examining them a bit before returning her gaze to her student. "You see, Star Swirl began writing that spell a long time ago. It was a spell that he never could finish, unfortunately, because he didn't understand the value of friendship. He spent his years toiling away to learn the power of magic, but never invested time in the magic of friendship. Ironic, given he thought to write the spell to begin with, I suppose."

Celestia leaned downward and nuzzled her pupil fondly. "And today, you have shown me something. You have not only created new magic, but you have also shown that you are a capable leader. A strong mind, honest, kind, loyal, generous, and joyful." She looked at Twilight, seeing her student's mind racing; she so loved to see the gears of thought spin in Twilight's head. It made her certain what she was going to do was the right thing. "You possess qualities that even a talented and powerful unicorn such as Star Swirl the Bearded lacked. And I believe you deserve the recognition that comes therein."

"Twilight Sparkle; you've graduated from my apprenticeship."

Twilight's eyes widened. Everypony in the room's jaws dropped. Celestia smiled, seeing her student's mind processing this. "Wh... so... m-my studies are over? I'm no longer a student? D-does that mean I d-don't get to talk to you anymore? Does that mean that my life is going to change?"

Celestia giggled, shaking her head. "Nono, Twilight. You of all ponies should know that a scholar is a life-long student. After all, no amount of knowledge we possess is absolute. One hundred years from now, everything we think we know might be considered archaic and silly ideas of a generation that passed." She turned to look at the other five ponies (and Spike). "And it is much more than that, Twilight. When I took you as an apprentice, I had a particular goal in mind. I do not take apprentices and just turn them over to become average, everyday ponies."

Celestia's smile had never faded the entire time, though everypony present could swear it was threatening to burst into a grin - the kind of grin a pony with extremely good news showed when they were trying to contain themselves.

"Twilight, I would like to ask if you would become Equestria's Court Magician."

Twilight's did not react immediately. After a few seconds, she visibly seemed to wobble as if about to lose her footing, but she seemed to recompose herself in an instant. Her expression was that of a pony who wasn't certain she was even awake, she turned to look at her friends, at Spike, and at her mentory, gauging their expressions, trying to determine for herself if this was really happening. "You will have great authority. Respect from ponies all across the land, who will see you as a font of knowledge, of wisdom, of grace. You will work alongside Luna and myself, as an adviser, and of course, as a friend, helping us with matters both political and personal, as well as things of other such importance to Equestria. Your status as a national hero will only bolster your position; your title will be well deserved."

Twilight's jaw moved as if she could find no words. Rainbow Dash raced to her friend and placed a hoof around her shoulder. "Hah! Way to go, Twilight! Court Magician! I gotta be honest, I thought that was like a jester or something, but apparently it's a really cool position!" She looked to Celestia. "It IS a cool thing, right? She isn't gonna have to tell riddles or lame stuff like that?"

Celestia giggled. "It is 'cool' indeed, Rainbow Dash. Twilight will be among the most powerful and influential ponies in Equestria. Ponies will come from all around Equestria to seek her guidance and wisdom. Even Luna and myself will look to her for such things."

Twilight finally seemed to catch, if just barely, words. "B-But Princess... you haven't had a Court Magician in... I think... fifty years? After Moonbeam the Wise! I thought it as an old, outdated concept you gave up on?"

Celestia smirked a bit. She had, honestly, expected this from Twilight, who was ever diligent in her studies. "That is because the last few students I had either turned it down or were not up to the task of taking on the mantle, Twilight Sparkle. After all, I cannot force the position on a pony, nor can I give it to one who I do not expect would be able to fulfill it's duties. Every student I take on is prepared for this position, but only a select few accept it." She looked out a window, her own mind pacing through memories of students who went on to other great things. "They went on to find their own destinies, to forge their own paths. And I am proud of them. Of all of them. I am never ashamed if my students choose their own way. After all, I will admit this is not the path for everypony."

Twilight looked to her friends, then her features became glum. "B-But Celestia... if that happens, will I have to move away from my friends? Within recent centuries, most Royal Magicians remained in Canterlot for the majority of their time... is that a requirement?"

Celestia shook her head. "Not at all, Twilight. I admit, more responsibility will fall upon you, as the top magical authority of the land. More will be expected of you. Almost as much as would be expected of you if you were a Princess. But, as you are now, you are free to operate from wherever you please, however you please."

Twilight smiled a bit, feeling her body shake with joy.

"You are a teacher, Twilight. A student, a scholar, a scientist, and an educator all in one. You are also a leader, a friend, a sister, and someday, maybe even a mother and a wife. Ponies will look to you for answers. You will be an icon of knowledge." Celestia placed her hoof on Twilight's withers, staring her student in the eyes. "This position I am giving you is one of honor, of valor. It will show the world that you have accomplished great things. And trust me, Twilight, you are deserving of this honor."

Rarity beamed. "Oh congratulations, Twilight! We're all so happy for you!"

"Way t' go Twilight!" shouted Applejack. "We're proud-a ya!"

"Oh! We should totally throw Twilight a 'Kudos on becoming a super-awesome wizard' party!" shouted Pinkie with a bounce.

"Yay~" cheered Fluttershy.

Twilight blushed and smiled, giggling and grabbing all of her friends into a hug. "Oh girls! I'm so happy! I... I can't believe this is happening!"

"There's just one thing we must do first..." said Celestia.


"Fillies and Gentlecolts!"

The throne room was nearly packed full of ponies. Nobles, peasantry, and royalty all in attendance for the announcement to be made by the solar princess. Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Prince Shining Armor - all dressed in their finest ceremonial clothing, stood waiting on the dais, regal in their posture and poise. Celestia, adorning her traditional ceremonial crown, looked out at all the ponies who attended the gathering. It was so much like a coronation; after all, her student deserved no less.

"For time immemorial, the unicorn kingdom had appointed a Court Magician to guide it's ponies. To be a beacon of hope, of wisdom, and of kindness. That tradition carried on into Equestria's birth and after. After the passing of a beloved friend, mentor, mother..." Celestia frowned a bit, a solemn expression hitting her face. "... and daughter..." Her expression shifted again, however, as if returning to the moment. "... we went for fifty years without a Court Magician." Celestia's smile grew. "But today, I am here to tell you that a pony has been found who can take on that mantle. Wise beyond her years, and intelligent enough to make ponies twice her age balk. Not only have I taught her, but she has taught me as well; about friendship, about family, and even helped return my sister to me, and grow."

"But she has done so much more. She has saved Equestria many times over. With the help of her friends, she has learned that only through co-operation and friendship can we truly come together as a people, to be strong against any force we might face."

Celestia looked out above the crowd.

"Without further ado, fillies and gentlecolts, I give you..."

"Equestria's first Court Magician in half a century; Twilight Sparkle!"

Everypony looked down the path down the middle of the throne room. Guards held up trumpets and played, and a band began to play music as Twilight Sparkle trotted into the room, dressed in a beautiful dress; it was blue, and covered in stars, much like her Gala dress. At the neck, two ends were bound together by a red jewel shaped like Twilight's own cutie-mark. She wore golden shoes adorning the same insignia, and her mane was tied into a bun, with a few stray hairs hanging at the side in such a way that it was made obvious to be intentional, giving her horn a bit more exposure, while not completely stealing away the beauty of her mane.

She trotted before Princess Celestia and bowed.

"Rise, Twilight Sparkle." Twilight did as asked - some might think it a command, but she knew she Celestia would never command anything of her. She rose back up to look up at her mentor, her face expressing nothing short of contained joy and happiness. Celestia smiled fondly at her. "Twilight, for as long as I have had the pleasure of being your teacher, you have always had a joy for life's wonders. Your mind racing withe very theory and bit of wisdom you could find, you have always been to me a pony of wisdom. In recent years, I have seen you make great friends, and achieve great things. You have done more in a few short years than most ponies might achieve within their life times. I have watched you grow from a studious filly into a wonderful mare, and I feel that there is nopony more deserving of this title than you." Celestia looked to the crowd once again, all listening to her speech.

"But you've done so much more than learn and grow and save the world. You've also helped others do the same things. I have talked to the ponies you hold dear, and they all agree; you have changed their lives for the better. You have helped others, helped them find more to themselves, to their world, than even they knew. You have been there for them, in sadness, in joy, and in everything between. You protect them, as they do you. You give them meaning and purpose, as they have you."

Celestia looked to the five mares and one dragon, each of them smiling, a few eyes (especially Rarity's) were wet with tears of joy.

"And for that, I believe I speak for not only myself, but for them, in saying you deserve this title." Celestia looked to Twilight, their eyes meeting. "Do you, Twilight Sparkle, accept this title of Court Magician and Royal Wizard, with all of it's perks, all of it's responsibilities, and all that it means to be? Do you accept your role as a leader, as a teacher, as a role model, and as a symbol of Equestria?"

Twilight's smile threatened to break into a joyous fit of giggles, but she restrained herself. "I do."

"Then kneel, Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight bowed onto her knees once again and lowered her head. Celestia lowered her horn over Twilight's.

"My student, who I have watched grow into a strong and capable mare... you bow to me as Twilight Sparkle, student and scholar... but you rise as a new pony. As a symbol. As a friend to all ponies." Celestia rose her head back up, looking down upon her protege. "Rise, as Twilight the Radiant. Rise as the Royal Wizard, as an authority on magic, and teacher of all of us."

Twilight rose up, and she turned to face the crowd, who all let out cheers and hoofstomps of approval. Her eyes filled with her own tears of joy, her body trembling with similar emotion. She could see her family smiling and sharing tearful hugs, her friends doing much of the same. As they all came to her and hugged her, she found she had more friends than even she realized.

"Way to go, Twilight!" shouted Mr. Cake. "We're all so proud!"

"Eeyup!" shouted Big McIntosh.

"Trixie feels you deserve this!"

Trixie, who had come dressed in her usual attire, peeled her own hat off her head and placed it on Twilight's, who let out a giggle as she tried to steady the cap. It reminded her so much of Star Swirl's - which, while she idolized the stallion, she didn't imagine herself adopting a magician hat. Twilight turned to face her brother who had tears in his eyes. She dared not mention it - otherwise he'd demand it was 'Liquid Pride.' Instead she smiled and hugged him, and her parents.

"Wow! I'm a Wonderbolt in training, Twilight's Royal Magician... what's next!? Will Rarity become a best-seller dress-maker?" Shouted Rainbow Dash, laughing a bit at herself.

"Too late, darling!" Replied the seamstress.

The ponies giggled and tightened their group hug. Everything was going to be fine, and they all knew it.

Off in the distance, a brown-coated pony with an hour-glass cutie mark and a tie tapped his chin, watching the ceremony unfold. "I might have accidentally overshot both our trajectory in time, space, AND dimension..."

The gray mare next to him looked at him - sort of, well, one eye sort of wandered elsewhere. "Wasn't she supposed to be a princess?"

The stallion sighed. "Wibbly Wobbly, Derpy. I might need a little bit to recalibrate the control panel though. I'd hate to end up in a universe where Nightmare Moon was never banished. Eternal Night has a way of really making a planet uninhabitable."


A small, dank little bar in the shadier part of Canterlot, the "Manticore's Head" inn. Considered a nest for all of those ponies who didn't want to be recognized, ponies who had no where else to go, and those who did things other ponies would not do for money. A stallion took an empty mug into his hoof and pressed a rag into it, moving it in circles to clean out whatever might remain from it's last drinker.

"So, did you hear about the new Royal Magician? Twilight the Radiant?"

"Huh? They still do that? I thought the last one was like... what... one hundred years ago?"

"Fifty you moron. And yeah. Moonbeam the Wise. I think she was Celestia's adoptive daughter, so ponies kinda doubted it until she proved she knew what she was doing."

"Well, that's interesting. I guess Celestia's student had to be destined for SOMETHING. I mean, what else could she have been? A princess?"

"Well, she IS the bearer of the Element of Magic. I guess it makes sense."

As the two stallions continued to talk, nearby, a cloaked figure sat silently.

"Twilight the... Radiant? Celestia's student...?"

The figure turned around, a mane of red and gold peaking from beneath her hood.

"... That's... unfair.... I was supposed... but... I..."

Without another word, she stood up and trotted away.

The Element of Magic.

Twilight 'The Radiant.'

She had to hatch a plan, and fast. After all, she'd only have the option for a few days before she'd have to wait another thirty moons...


Author's Note:

Yeah, I reread it and decided that writing a story while being half-asleep was a bad idea. Sadly, it will likely happen again. XD Here's the edited, superior version!

Comments ( 20 )

THIS is what Twilight should have become!

I enjoyed this. I still don't like Twilicorn, or the fact that Twilight's special talent is what makes her subspecies special in the first place, but this was an interesting alternate ending.

Somehow... Someway, this needs to be made cannon.

Excellent job on this.:twilightsmile:

I still think the whole Cutie Mark switching could've been done better same as anyone else, I'm sure. But I think my thoughts are unanimous with those who have already commented. That picture of Twilight with an outfit like Star Swirl would've made a better toy than Princess Twilicorn and EQ combined.

I have no problem with Twilicorn, so much as I dislike a few other things related to it. First off, the sad immortal Twilight fics are getting annoying and I personally could not see Celestia forcing immortality on Twilight without asking first. Secondly, Twilight as a princess seems like one of those far cries away from her original studies in magic. It's almost like going to school to become a physicist for your entire life and your dean deciding you're going to be a politician instead. Sure, she was studying friendship near the end, but I always figured it was like a sub-study sort of thing.

Personally, I would have just gone the route of some more subtle changes to Twilight; a pigment change, maybe small form alterations, add to her cutie-mark, that sort of stuff. Hasbro, however, seemed to want to do something more traditional.

I love this story, so much, love how you handled things.

One thing I have to ask though... how the fuck do fanficiton writers come up with better, more believable, better for kids even version of episodes in their spare time than these professional show writers do?

Also Doctor Whooves and Derpy Cameo, that made me crack up, congrats!

I wouldn't say it's better; simply another way it could have been done.
Though the answer to the question I feel you're really asking probably lies in the fact that one of the top goals for Hasbro was to make toys. Along the lines, they deemed it more profitable to turn Twilight into an alicorn than to simply let her be - at best, they could make new outfits for the same toys, though that would do little for them.

Also, I suspect they pay attention to the fandom and pick up whatever they see a lot of and try to turn it to profit -- which is why we got Twilicorn and Equestria Girls.

No I don't think they pay attention to the fandom, at leas not the fandom outside their target demographic of pre-teen girls

Sequal. Sequal now!

Your mind racing withe very theory and bit of wisdom you could find, you have always been to me a pony of wisdom.

This should be Your mind racing with every theory and bit of wisdom you could find, you have always been to me a pony of wisdom.

Not bad, but I don't think much of the title Twi ends up with. "The Radiant"? What is she? A heat sink?

To be radiant means to glow or shine brightly. Admittedly, I'm not terribly good with names. :twilightsheepish:

7044071 I think that might be why I don't think it works. In terms of the day, twilight is not a time with a lot of light around. Just before sunrise or just after sunset.

Her name has nothing to do with her title. It's about her as a character. She shines, she inspires.

7049933 That's kind of the point: When you have a title that open-ended, the title should be chosen so it either fits with the name, or is at least neutral. If you wanted a title about her being inspirational, why not "Twilight the Inspirational" as a neutral example? Or for shining, how about "Twilight of the Rising Sun" or "Twilight of the Setting Sun"? Fitting in with the astronomical theme of the princesses. Or you could allude to her helping Luna find her hooves in the modern era with "Twilight of the Rising Moon". Lots of room for titles which fit better with her name, and even a few which can go with the meaning you originally intended.

Because "the Inspirational" just doesn't sound as good.

I never liked Alicorn Twilight. I'm sorry, I just don't like it. This is what they should've done.

I feel ya. Yes, lets send the message that nerotic control freaks with pension for the well...want it need it incident?

The way she treats spike. Whom is effectively her son?

I personally prefer to think of Twilight and Spike as more of a big sister/little brother, but that's just me. I actually wrote an alternate version of the episode "Owls Well That Ends Well" on here if you're interested.

Not much I can say other than excellent job on this alternate ending to "Magical Mystery Cure". The exchanges, characterizations and general wrap-up are definitely well done. And, indeed, the "Court Magician" deal DEFINITELY makes more sense than her becoming an alicorn. The bits of world building were quite well done too. And the set-up for the first Equestria Girls movie (with the end cameo by Sunset Shimmer as a Sequel Hook) definitely makes sense as well.

I mean, yes, it would have made sense for Twilight to become an alicorn if it was earned through her own pain-stakingly meticulous research and training (i.e. first gradually developing her natural ability to its highest level, then researching Pegasus and Earth Pony magic one at a time and finding ways to duplicate and share that magic with WILLING and RESPONSIBLE others as well as develop them to the highest possible levels), but that would have/should have taken years longer than in canon (and ONLY if at least a few of the rest of the Mane Six wanted to ascend to AND proved they could be trusted with that kind of power [okay, admittedly, they already did the latter quite a few times]).

But I digress.

The point is that this is a quite well done AU story.

Anyway, REALLY good

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