• Published 14th Aug 2013
  • 1,340 Views, 23 Comments

The Experiment, Attempting the Impossible. - neokiva

Twilight Sparkle becomes an unwitting accomplice to an abhorrent experiment.

  • ...

Let sleeping gods lie 2 (rewritten)

Rose was curled up laying on Twilight’s back, as Twilight made her way through town. The muscles in her legs contracting and relaxing as she carried Rose to her destination, the schoolhouse. As Twilight dodged and weaved her way through the crowd of ponies going to their own destinations. the market, to their work or even like Twilight, was heading to the schoolhouse, albeit with a bit less enthusiasm than Twilight was.

As Twilight rounded the last corner before the School house would be in view, she was now visibly sweating much to the apparent disgust of Rose, who quickly leapt of Twilight’s back “Eeew, mummy that’s gross! Now I’m covered in sweat!” Rose complained as she was pulling various faces.

Twilight giggled at the the little filly’s obvious discomfort and used her magic to remove the sweat that now covered Rose.

Twilight paused to think for a moment and then began casting a spell “Ok, Rose sweety, I am going to cast a deodorant spell on you. I learnt it from Rarity after a... rather sweaty trip to the ponyville spa’s steam room” an aura of violet covered the little filly as did Twilight’s horn. once Twilight finished the spell she smiled “There fresh as a daisy!”

Rose still had that unimpressed look on her face, to which Twilight sheepishly grinned. To be fair though being covered in sweat is disgusting.

They both continued down the road towards the school entrance. All around them ponies, coats of many different colors gathered around the school gates. Their coats shining in the warm early morning sun some due to sweat like twilight and others due to high coat maintenance. As all of them were marching their fillies and colts to school. To reach the schoolhouse they normally would have to travel down a dirt road.

That was however until recently, due to a lack of any huge problems usually caused by a certain Lavender unicorn or by some monstrosity or god of chaos. Funds could be used to improve the small town instead of repairing it, and so the Mayor had recently set about getting the streets cobbled.

She also had teams of ponies replacing the small lamps with taller black street lamps, most of ponyville had seen some construction done, most streets were now cobbled and so far this road was about halfway done. Although it was much less muddy in the town, much to Rarity’s pleasure, it was certainly producing much more noise thanks to everyponies shoes.

‘I hope it’s not too loud at night because of ponies trotting around at night.’ Several parents, Twilight recognized in the crowd that was quickly gaining in number. Just in front of Twilight was Derpy Whooves, on Derpy’s left Ditzy Do was talking to her mother. On the right of Twilight, Rarity had brought Sweetiebelle in a rare day when she wasn’t rushed off her hooves with work.

Towards Twilight’s left she spotted berry punch and button’s mom fussing over their foals. Twilight leaned down and she started fussing over Rose’s mane and tail as well. “Have you got everything, Rose?” Twilight asked as she brushed and pulled at Rose’s mane, before starting with her tail.

Rose looked to her saddlebag. The saddlebag was pretty worn showing previous use. Its color was a faded creamy tan, the clasp was a round silver metal ring and it was threaded by a brown strap. Rose struggled to open it with her magic, “Rose remember what I told you; look and think about what you want to do with it.” Twilight said, noticing that Rose was struggling.

So Rose tried again and finally managed to open the bag on her back. She looked inside to find that she had her all her textbooks and stationery. “Yes, Mommy!” she said.

‘Mommy keeps a lot of stationary,’ Rose thought to herself, ‘she may be a merchant as well as a librarian.’ Although, she couldn’t be sure. After a couple of misses, Rose managed to close her bag.

By the time Rose and Twilight had finished, there were only a few fillies and colts left outside of the school house. Twilight straightened up, looking around and seeing that the school entrance was nearly empty. “Oh, Rose, hurry on in. You don’t want to be late, after all!” Twilight said as she smiled. Twilight watched as Rose trotted inside as fast as her tiny legs could carry her.

Inside the schoolhouse, Rose took to her seat to the right of Scootaloo's desk. She took out her quill, text books and parchment. Ready for any work she might need to do.

She was oblivious to her classmates, when they had stood up except for Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, who just rolled their eyes. The class had waited till Rose was seated, before reseating. Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle shook their heads at the stupidity of the class. Rose wasn’t special and even if she was, what would be the point of treating her like the revered mother of Equestria.

Ms. Cheerilee walked into the classroom and sat at her desk, calling names for the class roster, before starting the class.

“Alright class today we shall be learning about Princess Celestia. Princess Luna and Princess Terra.” Cheerilee explains to the class.

“In the beginning, there was nothing. This continued until one day, when a spark ignited and thereby creating a being. This being had a red mane and tail, as well as a horn and a pair of wings, This being was also female. She looked upon the nothingness that surrounded her and tried to figure out where she was.

After what seemed like an eternity, she noticed a spark. In fact there were many sparks going off and dying out. The mare wondered what would happen, if she were to make a spark. Closing her eyes she charged her horn and as she willed a spark to exist the new spark came into contact with another, causing it flare up into a conflagration. each new spark which came to life fueled the chain reaction and filled her vision with flame.

The vast expanse of space was filled with numerous stars, planets and nebulae. The being landed on the closest planet formed, It was filled with fire, lava and magma. The Being said ‘this place needs some work’, and so she conjured rain and water all over the world. The being also added flora and fauna to the water.

Then from the water rose large plateaus and massive mountains which eventually formed a continent. She added some flora and fauna to the land as well. She was still alone, so she formed creatures which could interact with her. These creatures were tall and bipedal, with long arms. At first the creatures were friendly and were omnivorous <<that means they can eat anything>>. Soon they grew hostile and began fighting with each other. The being tried to end the fighting.

However in the fight two of the creatures decided to bite her, the beings she created froze in contemplation and licked their lips. The mare’s eyes widen in fear, as she sees that they all began to give chase, she quickly returns, back to the void in between worlds to hide from the creatures.

Millenia goes by and she notices. the creatures she used to be friends with had changed, great metal beasts which carried them and they flew massive metal birds. She began to watch them scurry about, she saw so many stories. so much creation, she had to return. But for fear of being attacked she took on a human females form. She then began learning all she could old myths, music, stories.

For a time everything went well, until she began to notice the strife, the horrible and evil things that went on between humans as well as all the love, happiness and creative things. She once again returned to the void.

Eventually these creatures tapped into the same power she had, The power of the arcane, she had feared the worst. When they began to use it at first everything was fine they used it to power machines, used it to heal and create impressive works of art, that is until a war broke out, instead of it helping Her creations it would burn them and destroy them.

Finally after years of war, they unleashed one huge terra shattering attack, the attack itself hitting and covering europe in blue archaic fire. The earth began to crack the archaic fire seeping into those cracks causing the same to happen all around the planet, eventually breaking apart along the cracks obliterating what was now most of Europe, Australia, Canada and parts of Alaska. Thus the earth was sundered.

The mare, worried for her creations; repaired the planet. However, due to the cataclysmic attack, much life was lost, and very few survived the attack and the aftermath which followed the attack. The mare saved them, but found that the world was severely damaged, and if the relics of their violent past were to ever be discovered, then these creatures would most likely repeat the errors of their ancestors.

That is, if they were permitted to remain. She therefore changed them into the very first ponies, creating ponies with various physical differences, basing them off of the ancient lore of the Greeks and Romans. Some became unicorns, while others transformed into pegasi, and still yet others sported neither wings or horns. She then took her favorite creatures from their mythology and made them real to keep the ponies in check.

She finally created 3 ponies who were her daughters charged with keeping the ponies alive, guiding them and creating harmony. These daughters were Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Princess Terra. The mother would continue to watch over us and the Princesses, but would remain a spectator.“ Cheerilee says as she looked to the class.

“Well that’s what we think happened at least. In truth we may be wrong.” Cheerilee sighs a bit and takes a glass of water from her desk and drinks it, after which she returns it to it’s place, back on the desk.

The bell for morning recess starts ringing.

“Okay class, you’re dismissed for recess.” Cheerilee calls out.

Rose quickly puts her stuff away and leaves the room with Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle as the others stand to attention. When she is out of the door, the students relax and leave as well. Morning recess was uneventful save for the fact a procession had formed following Rose and the CMC.

After recess they went back to class and continued learning Equestrian.


When lunch finally came, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle trotted into the playground. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon trotted up to the CMC and started to circle them. “What are you doing with Rose Storm? Losers like you should get lost!” Diamond shouted at the CMC.

“Rose Storm is our friend and she is friends with us! Why should we listen to you? When all you know how to do is spend your daddy’s money!” Shouted Scootaloo.

“I’ll make you wish you hadn’t said that!” Diamond replied with a yell.

Rose came trotting towards the CMC and notices Diamond shouting at them. She broke out into a gallop and stood in between them. “Diamond, leave my friends alone! I don’t want to see you anywhere near them!” Rose Storm said as she was glaring at them wings flared upward.

Diamond looked about, confused, as two colts came and dragged her and Silver Spoon away. “I’ll get you for this, Rose Storm!” Diamond screamed at the top of her lungs, while Silver Spoon just pouted as they were dragged away.

Rose turned to her friends, asking “Why was Diamond shouting at you guys?”

Scootaloo looked down at the ground, “She wanted us to stop being your friends,” she stated simply.

Rose shook her head, “Why would she tell you guys that?” she asked.

“Because we’re blank flanks.” replied Scootaloo.

“Why does that matter? It’s not like I got a cutie mark yet, either.” asked Rose.

Scootaloo and the rest of the CMC looked at Rose like she’d grown an extra head. “Getting a cutie mark is the single most important thing ever, Rose!” said the CMC in unison.

Rose shrugged, “Still, that doesn’t mean, I shouldn’t be friends with you.” Rose said.

Meanwhile in the bushes, a fuming Diamond Tiara contemplates revenge.
“She thinks she’s all that!? Just because she’s an alicorn ... I’ll show her, I’ll make her pay for humiliating me!” she exclaimed. “I may not be able to do anything to her, but now she has friends, she’s vulnerable. Plus seeing as her friends are the CMC I can hit two birds with one stone.” Diamond said, her voice dripping with venom.

“Diamond, be careful, my grandfather gave me a warning about this sort of thing.” Silver Spoon said.

“Silver Spoon, your grandfather is old and senile. What could he possibly know!?” Diamond demanded causing Silver Spoon to shy away.

Silver Spoon continued “ Well he told me of this poem, a poem that warns of the dangers of what you're going to do.” Silver spoon said meekly. Diamond Tiara cocked an eyebrow and laughed.

“Go on then, tell me.” Diamond said with a mocking tone in her voice.
Silver spoon started to recite the poem.

Little foal heed me well,
lest by folly ye be felled.
Wake not the sleeping gods of this realm,
A wrath which burns hot as the kiln.
your naivete will be cease to be,
and something worse than death be for ye

Wake not the sleeping gods,
Your life and sanity depend on it, oh pony born from sod.
Little foal hast thou hearkened well
to my warning, bold and fell.
Take heed of this, my warning

lest there be no tomorrow morning.

Diamond Tiara fell back on her flank laughing her head off “Oh my Celestia, what does that even mean!?” asked Diamond.

Silver spoon stood there pouting “It means, to be careful about who you pick a fight with or be careful not to anger the thing that can cause you real damage!” Silver Spoon huffed at Diamond, Thinking to herself, ‘Why do I follow this idiot around?’

The school bell rings in the distance signalling the end of the first recess.
Causing all the foals in the School grounds to return to class, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon included.


Back at Golden Oaks Library, Twilight was busy attending to the books on the shelves. As she sorted, There were piles of books on the floor, all around the main room. Twilight continued to sort until, she heard a burp coming from Spike. Spike promptly ran over to Twilight’s side carrying a sealed scroll, bearing Princess Luna’s royal seal. Opening it Twilight caught her breath as she read the scroll.

“Dear Twilight Amaranth Sparkle,

You are hereby summoned to Canterlot Castle wherewith an audience with us, Her Royal Highness, Goddess of the Moon, Princess Luna will be granted unto thee. I am aware of thine charge and as such, I have asked Princess Cadence and Shining Armor to keep watch over her, after school has finished. Lero, Rainbow Dash and Lyra will also be joining us. Please reply, when you are ready to go, formal dresswear is required.”

Yours faithfully,

Goddess and Guardian of the Moon
Princess Luna

Twilight tilted her head to the side in confusion. Why would she want my company? Twilight flipped over the scroll to see if anything else was written within the scroll.

From inside the scroll a flower fell to the ground. staring at the flower on the floor she leans forward and picks it up with her magic.

A midnight blue rose, Twilight sat on her haunches trying to figure out, why Princess Luna had sent her a flower. Realization hit her hard as she dropped the flower and fell over backward with a thud.

Spike who was concerned came over to Twilight, who was now on her back, legs splayed in every direction.

“Twilight! are you ok!” asked Spike concern in his voice.
Twilight began to hyperventilate in her panic “No, I am not ‘Alright’ Spike, I was just asked out on a date by Princess Luna, Celestia is going to have me banished for this!”

‘Do I even love luna? I mean she is beautiful, and I do like her. I liked her a lot actually, oh who am I kidding. I have loved her for a long time now even before Lero, Rainbow and Lyra came into my life. The only reason I didn’t pursue a relationship with Luna was because Celestia would not take kindly to her student dating her sister and because of this I resigned myself to the fact it would never happen. But one thing still troubles me, I am Just Celestia’s student! Why would she like me!? Regardless of that when could Princess Luna have even fallen for me!?’

Ignorant of Twilight’s inner thoughts Spike speaks up “Really? Wow so she finally worked up the courage to ask you out, that’s great! I swear if I had to listen to her feelings for another 3-4 years I’d probably lose my mind.” spike said as he went about his chores.

Twilight’s eye twitched as she glared at Spike “What! You knew!?”

Spike just shrugged “The Princess made me swear a vow of silence, when she confided in me a couple of years ago.” quickly adding “ and yes she does love you. No, she doesn’t care that you’re her sister’s student.” spike said before mumbling “ She doesn’t even care if this makes her a cougar.”

“What was that last part Spike!?” Twilight asked

“Uh it’s nothing!” Spike said as he quickly scurried off up the stairs.

Twilight eyed the baby dragon sceptically as he left the room in a hurry.

Twilight thought to herself ‘So is Luna finally going to return my love for her? Who am I kidding? It’s probably just because she wants Lero. At least I can be with her.’ Twilight was shaken from her reverie and she looked around for what had broke her chain of thought.

Spike walks back into at the top of the stairs, and shakes his head. Guessing Twilight’s current train of thought “Twilight, I already told you, She loves you, She has also fallen for Rainbow, Lero and perhaps in time lyra as well. Now stop worrying, Okay?”

A chuckle came from the door as Rainbow Dash leaned against the door frame with Lyra standing next to her with a large grin on her face, both with the same roses as the one on the floor. However with one exception they were tucked in their right ears.

Twilight and Spike looked at them. “Come on Twi! We gotta get ready! We gotta date with a Princess!” Rainbow said with a smirk.

Twilight groaned as she got up, “Okay, we’ll meet at Lero’s. Just let me get ready too.” Twilight said.

After they had all gotten ready, they all went to Lero’s house on Zweibrucker Street.
Rainbow opened the door, “ Hey, big guy! Are you in!?” Rainbow yells as she leads the rest of her herd mates inside. Rainbow walks over to the couch inside the lounge to see if he was there. As she makes it past the right armrest, she turned to her right, her eyes go wide. She saw Lero on the floor, Rose and letter in hand. “Hey, Twi, Lyra! Get in here! I found Lero on the floor!”

Twilight and Lyra came running over to Rainbow, They sit beside Rainbow on either side of Lero to check him out in the mean time Rainbow had lifted Lero’s head and cradled it in her arms. Twilight leaned down and laid her ear on his chest, He was still breathing. Twilight began to checked him over with her magic. Rainbow Dash begun to fidget impatiently, rocking back and forth only stopping when, Twilight sighed with relief “He’s ok, He just fainted. Let’s get him up on the couch.”

Lyra and Rainbow both visibly relaxed and began helping Twilight getting the unconscious Lero on the couch. “I guess Fingers must have received the same letter we did.” Lyra said

To which Rainbow and Twilight nodded. “It must have been a shock to him.” Twilight offered.

“So, Rainbow what do you think of Princess Luna courting us?” Twilight asked

“Why would I … Oh yeah, lead mare.” Rainbow grumbles “I don’t know Twi, I like Luna and all, and I am fine with it, but aren’t you worried?” Rainbow said

“Well of course I am, this is Princess Luna, Princess Celestia sister. She could banish us if we hurt her sister. Which will happen if we turn her down, or if some misunderstanding happened. and don’t get me wrong I like Princess Luna too. but this is all too much! What with Rose needing to be looked after, now Luna is courting us! I don’t want to split my attention it wouldn’t be fair on either of them.” Twilight said sighing.

“And look at Lero! He fainted, He is supposed to be the one to make the final decision!” Rainbow huffed.

“No! Mommy, I don’t want to wear the pink bow!” Lero said in his unconscious state.
Rainbow, Lyra and Twilight tried to stifle their laughter, it took a while but they couldn’t hold it any longer and bursted out laughing.

Lero suddenly sat up screaming, causing them to scream with him, It took a few minutes before everypony had calmed down.

“Don’t do that Lero, you almost gave us a heart attack!” Twilight said, panting from the scare.

“Oh, it was just a dream.” Lero said before He looked down, because he had felt something in his hand.The rose was still there.

Lero’s eye’s widen, as he took in the view of the flower, in his hand and what it means. He stares at it in shock for a few moments.

He looked up, then turned to see that his herd, were all wearing the same flower in their right ear and they were all dressed up. Lero started to panic “Girls are those what I think they are?”Lero said as he started to back away slowly.

“I...er… I don’t think I’m ready for this!” Lero said as he bolted into his bedroom, where he shut and locked the door.

Rainbow sighed and face hoofed, She started walking towards the door of the bedroom. Knocking at the door, before she spoke up “Hey, Big Guy. Come on out. So we can talk.”

“No! Princess Celestia will kill me!” Lero replies causing Rainbow to sighed in exasperation.

“Ugh, we’ve been through this before, the Princess, isn’t going to kill you.” Rainbow offered

“Before, I wasn’t the stallion trying to get with her sister!” Lero replied.

“No, you’re not, Princess Luna is trying to get with us! Come on Lero don’t you like Luna?” Rainbow asked.

“Of course I like her, I just never really thought of her, that way.” He said quietly through the door. “

There is a loud rummaging sound as Lero runs around in the bedroom. Rainbow, Twilight and Lyra all raise a questioning eyebrow, but wait by the door. Until they hear a sigh, as the door unlocks and Lero comes out in his suit that Rarity had made for him. The same one he had worn to, Twilight’s, Rainbow’s, and his first date together.

Rainbow wore her Gala dress and had her mane brushed and ready. Twilight Wore a figure hugging black dress, had her mane up in a ponytail and the outfit was completed with a little black clutch bag. Lyra wore a neighponese kimono, which was pink and covered in white lotus blossoms. Her mane was held, in a traditional neighponese style.

As they all were dressed and ready Twilight began writing the scroll to Princess Luna, when Spike had wandered inside the house mumbling something as he dragged his basket into the spare room.

“Spike can you send this letter to Princess Luna?” Twilight asked as she finished writing down her reply to Luna’s. as she had finished rolling and sealing the scroll, she held it out to Spike.

Spike walked over taking the letter in his claw he inhaled and then exhaled green fire. The message had been sent and was on the way to Princess Luna.

After a few minutes, suddenly everything went dark, after another couple of seconds pass, they return to the world in the castle.

In front of them was a full spread feast and a frantic Princess Luna as she checks everything was fine, She wore a Pure White silk dress with wide shoulder straps, also from her shoulders came more white silk draped over them, the back of her dress was cut low so as to accommodate her wings.

The bodice was flat, unruffled and it was covered by an ivory corset. The breast of the dress split open in a triangle shape, which was held together by leather cord woven through eyelets finishing in a bow. the breast came up to where her peytral usually stopped on her chest. She wore white platinum shoes as well as a circlet made of the same material.

Luna was so embroiled in making sure everything was just right, that she had forgotten that she had already brought her dates. “Ahem!” Lero cleared his throat, causing Princess Luna to turn towards them. Luna’s eyes lit up as she came running towards them, “We are exceedingly glad that thou hast come.” Luna said as she wrapped her arms around all the girls and starts hugging them tightly Lero joins in hugging them all.

Luna thought to herself during the hug, ‘We really missed this closethness with Twilight. Her body so near that we canst feel her heartbeat. Such rapturous bliss.’

“Can’t breathe.” They all said except Lyra who was laughing to a joke only she knew.
“My apologies, We wert so excited that thou hast come that We lost control of ourselves.” Luna said as she placed us hooves and feet first back onto the floor. Backing off a bit Luna smiles, glowing red as she blushed, hiding her face with a wing.

“We art exceedingly glad that thou hath arrived. We wert concerned that thou might decline our proposal.” Luna said as she folded her wing back, once her embarrassment had faded.

“Luna, We wouldn’t refuse your company.” Twilight said as she moved up close to Luna nuzzling her, Luna returned the gesture, the rest of the herd following suit. ‘Sigh, she smells so good she has a familiar sweet scent that reminds me of the night I wonder why it’s so familiar to me? I would need to be this close to smell it, oh well nevermind she feels so warm that it doesn’t matter.’ Twilight thought.

“Ahem, Twilight?” asked Lero, raising an eyebrow

“Oh sorry Lero, I don’t know what came over me.” Twilight replied as she shrunk back blushing her ears folded against her head.

“Attend, each of thy seats has thine names upon it, so please sit where your names plates are.” Luna said gesturing to the table full of food.

Luna sat down at the end of the table, with Lero and Twilight flanking her.
Lyra next to Twilight and Rainbow Dash next to Lero.

As they begun to take food and place them on their plates, conversation starts Lero was the first to speak up. “ So, Twilight I never got to ask because I was busy. How is Rose?” Lero asked causing Luna to flinch, which Lyra immediately noticed

“Luna, are you ok?” she asked.

“We fare well, there is naught erroneous with us!” Luna replied frantically, Lyra shrugs

“Okay then.” Lyra put a food laden fork into her mouth as she chews while she thinks, I wonder, what it is that Luna is hiding. It obviously has something to do with Rose.

“Well Lero, Rose is doing well, she has had a few issues with understanding what magic is, and how to properly utilize it via her horn, but all that has been dealt with.” Twilight replies.

As Twilight looked over to Luna, she saw her face had a pensive look with her eyes unfocused. Likely indicating that she was lost in thought,

“Princess Luna?” Twilight asked, attempting to bring the younger diarch out of her reverie, with a bit of trepidation on Twilight’s part.

Luna shakes her head, “Hast thou enquired with regards unto something, Twilight?” Luna replied. Twilight and Lero look to each other and both think, ‘This is going to be a long night.’


Back in school, Rose Storm was now packing up, to get ready to go home, when Ms. Cheerilee called her and asked her to stay after school to help clean up. Diamond Tiara grinned devilishly as she rubbed her hooves together.

The bell rang, marking the end of the school day, and all the fillies and colts left the room. except for Rose, who had started to help Ms. Cheerilee. After a good 20 minutes of cleaning, the room was all clean, Rose trotted up to Ms. Cheerilee, “Ms. Cheerilee, I have a question to ask you.” Rose said.

Ms. Cheerilee stopped what she was doing and sat back at her desk, with Rose at the other side of it.”Okay, Rose what do you wish to ask?” Ms. Cheerilee cheerfully replied.

Rose looked down and started tracing a circle on the ground, with her right hoof “Well, my friends told me that they were getting told they couldn’t be my friends, and I don’t understand why. Why can’t they?” Rose asked, the confusion clear in her voice.

Ms. Cheerilee thought for a bit, “Well, that shouldn’t be the case Rose. You can be friends with whomever you want.” Ms. Cheerilee said with a warm smile

“But, why are my friends being told that and not me, what makes me so special?” Rose asks, as she threw up her hooves in exasperation with the whole situation, and the ridiculousness of her classmates were treating her.

Ms. Cheerilee contemplated on how to answer Rose’s question and replied “Well, because you’re an alicorn Rose. Alicorns are the rarest of the pony tribes and are the most revered. Because of that though most ponies worship them and treat them as holy beings, and the other little ponies in our class seem to be doing the same. They see it as protecting you from being tarnished. But you don’t have to listen to them, Rose. It is okay for you to choose your friends. Does that answer your question Rose?”

“Yes, Ms. Cheerilee, thank you” Rose said while she bounced up and down.
Rose trotted off out of the school and out of the gate nopony was there.

Rose, looked left to right no sign of Twilight. Well that was okay Rose thought, she could see the top their house. Over the other houses, ‘Mommy, must have gotten sidetracked. I’ll go home, on my own.’ She thought to herself.

Ten minutes had passed and as Rose came closer to an alleyway, she heard a rough sounding voice which said “Okay, we upheld our side of the deal, now the little pony pays us!”

Another voice that sounded familiar said in reply “Yeah, Yeah, here are your stupid gems!”

Rose inched closer to the corner of the alley’s opening to peek inside.

There was Diamond Tiara and a tall bipedal creature covered in grey fur, he wore a red waist coat with pockets filled with gems, He looked like a dog, but wasn’t a dog. Diamond gave the creature a chest full of gems.

“ You Diamond Dogs are all the same.” Diamond said to the Diamond Dog.
The Diamond Dog didn’t pay any attention as he closed the chest after checking it and dove straight into the ground leaving a huge pile of mud.

Looking behind where the Diamond dog left Rose saw that laid on the floor were Scootaloo, Sweetie belle and Apple Bloom. Covered in blood, bruises, claw and bite marks. Diamond trotted over to the CMC and kicks Scootaloo in the stomach. “You! You brought this on yourselves. Stupid blank flanks. You think you can get away with embarrassing me!?” Diamond shouted at the CMC, unaware of Rose’s presence.

Rose’s eyes went wide, her pupils dilating. She started crying blood of rage as her face contorting under an unfamiliar feeling.

Rose snorted and then charged at Diamond Tiara, slamming into to her using her twisting slightly to lead with her shoulder, sending DIamond into the air with her landing 5 ft. back down the alley, hitting the wall falling down to the floor.

Diamond looked up to see what had hit her, she tried to get up, but is held in place by Rose’s magic.Diamond was pushed up and pinned against the wall, Rose trotted up fuming with a rage Diamond had never bore witness to.

Rose starts pummelling the filly, in front of her with blow after blow. Diamond Tiara grunting in pain as she is hit multiple times, The pummelling, which Diamond thought would go on forever, stopped.

Rose then brings her full weight to bear and slams her hoof on Diamonds left fore leg breaking it, the little filly screams out in pain, but it was not over as Rose repeated this on all of Diamond Tiara’s legs.

Rose let Diamond go from her magic, but grabbed her with her hooves and threw her into another wall, Diamond fell on the ground coughing up blood and loose teeth.

She had never known such pain, no one had even spanked her flank. Now she was experiencing the most unbearable pain, at least in her own limited experience. She could barely breathe or speak, couldn’t feel her legs the pain far overloading her nerves numbing them.

Rose trotted towards her again grabbing her by the mane with her magic, she dragged her to the middle of the alley they were in.

Diamond sputtered up more blood trying to talk, tears streaming down her bloodied face, “Please stop, please ... I am sorry … don’t hurt me.” Diamond said her voice barely legible.

“ When my friends begged to be spared, did you stop!?” Rose shouted at Diamond. launching another punch into Diamond’s stomach. Rose dropped Diamond on the floor and reared up as she was about to deliver the final blow.

When a voice shouted, “Wait!” Rose turned Quickly to see who shouted at her.
in the alley way was Silver Spoon, She ran between Rose and Diamond shielding her.

“Please! Stop! Don’t kill my only friend” Silver Spoon begged.
Rose stopped rearing up and spoke in an eerie calm voice that belied her fury.

“Do you know what she did to my friends? Do you know what she has done? I will not forgive! I will not forget! So, why do you protect her, when she’d just as readily throw you to the Timberwolves, if it meant it would save herself?” Rose asked.

“Because, I am better than her, and so are you. and I don’t mean in a mean way. We can be better examples than her. please, don’t hurt her anymore.” Silver Spoon begged tears streaming down her face.

Rose glared at the beaten filly behind Silver spoon, and snorted as she went over to the CMC. Leaving a crying Silver Spoon, who was now holding the broken filly. “Why, didn’t you listen?” Silver Spoon asked the now unconscious Diamond.

A rain drop fell on Roses snout causing her to look up to the sky, it was covered in dark thundering clouds.

Roses features soften as she saw, just how bad they are beaten, their breath was shallow and laboured.

Rose bends down and nuzzled at her friends in turn to try and awaken them, as the rain came pouring down.

But no matter how much she tried, they just didn’t move. Rose stood back up and with all her willpower she shouted as her horn began to glow. “Somepony! save my friends!” She shouted as loudly as she could as she fell on to her haunches.

A large beam of blue light erupted from her horn and parted the darkened clouds in the sky. revealing a bright, full moon and the stars that twinkled in the night sky.

From within the clouds a large, tall creature, held aloft by massive white wings. It looked a lot like that other tall red maned creature she had seen around the town, except this one had two large lumps on her chest. It floated down upon the alley towards Rose. “By what right do you summon Artemis!?” Artemis roared,

“I ... I … My friends need help, they aren’t getting up!” Rose shouted up to Artemis. Artemis tried to keep a straight face.

“You think I care about some little foals?” Artemis said

Rose backed up scared of the creatures roaring voice.

When she found her voice again Rose asked again “Please! Help my friends, I’ll do anything!”

Artemis arched an eyebrow before leaning into Rose’s face “Oh? And pray tell. What do you possibly possess? That I the goddess of the moon, the hunt, healing, childbirth and maidens have not?”

Rose responded almost questioningly “ My … soul?”

Artemis appraised the young filly with a discerning eye, ‘Hmmmn, she looks familiar. Oh my! My great great grandchild the prude had a foal. Oh this is just precious, I’ll have to tease her about that later. Well seeing as she’s my great, great, great grandchild, I’ll toss her a discount this time. Man this brings me back to that first night with my wife, how I’d manage to impregnate her so quickly will always baffle me. Oh well on with the show!’

Artemis tried to keep herself from laughing, but couldn’t contain herself any longer and burst out laughing.

“I’m just joking, that gets them everytime!” Artemis said as she floated there laughing.

Rose just sat their drenched and looking up at the creature Artemis staring dumbfounded.

Artemis finally stopped laughing suddenly.

“Okay, enough fun. Down to business.” Artemis says wiping a tear from her eye.
Rose still stood there dumbfounded by Artemis’ behaviour.

“Heal your friends, you say, my dear descendant? Well I could. Hell I could make them all so healthy that even if they had birth defects, I could fix them. Question is will you pay the price?” Artemis asked Rose.

“Yes! Anything, just heal them!” Rose yelled.

With a wave of her hand, Artemis’ healed the CMC, “It is done.” Artemis said

“Now for the payment, I shall not take it straight away. No Instead I shall mark you with my symbol. This will keep you reminded of your debt to me.” Artemis said as she leaned forward and laid her forefinger below Rose’s horn.

Where the same mark on Artemis’ forehead was, a crescent moon on it’s side appear encircling the base of her horn.

“Now, I shall take my leave, my dear descendent.” Artemis said as she faded away chuckling.

Rose shook her head from side to side ‘Descendent!?’

Behind Rose, the CMC awoke and looked around confused, Scootaloo caught sight of Diamond Tiara and a crying Silver Spoon, and then she saw Rose Storm looking up. The moon light shining around her.

“Rose?” Scootaloo asked apprehensively. Rose turned around and gathered the CMC in a vice-like hug.

“Urrhh, Rose can’t breathe.” they all said, Rose releases them and blushes, and giggles nervously “Sorry.”

Shining Armor and Cadence rush into the alley, “ Rose Storm! Are you ok!?” Shining Armor said as he came across the scene.

Rose looked back at Shining Armor, who stood there slack jawed. ‘Rose was an alicorn, and what happened? There’s blood everywhere, blood that surrounded the CMC and covered Rose and a purple and pink little filly being held by another grey filly.’

Rose follow his eyes to the fallen filly and her features harden, “Save her, take her to a hospital! Not that she deserves it.” Rose said, full of spite.

Cadence looked aghast, as Shining Armor took the brutally beaten filly in his arms.Charging his horn he teleports to the hospital. “Rose? are you okay? We’re here to pick you up from school, but we got delayed, My name is Cadence and I am your aunt.” Cadence said quietly. “What happened here? What happened to you?” Cadence asked.

Rose turned to Cadence and trotted up to her and collapsed into her chest.
“Diamond Tiara paid some Diamond Dogs to attack my friends! And I … I … attacked her and beat her into what you saw. She’s alive, but if it wasn’t for Silver Spoon stopping me, I would have killed Diamond. I couldn’t control myself. I’m sorry, can you take the Crusaders and I home Aunty?” Rose said as she levitated her school bags up.

Cadence pulled Rose into a hug and held her trying to soothe her. she then picked up The CMC in her magic and laid them on her back. Cadence took them to their respective guardians.

All except Scootaloo and Rose as Twilight and Rainbow Dash, were both in Canterlot. Instead Cadence took them both to the Golden Oaks Library.

When they got inside, Cadence locked the door, “okay fillies, put your bags by the door, and head up into the bathroom.”

Rose and Scootaloo ran up the stairs followed by Cadence, The bathroom was adjacent to Twilight’s room on the left. As the fillies rushed through the door, the bathroom came into view. It was a simple rustic room similar to the rest of the Golden Oaks Library, however off the side was a toilet, sink and a medicine cabinet. In front was a large bath sunk into the floor.

‘Damn, Twilight’s got a better bath than me.’ Cadence cursed to herself.

Cadence ran the bath and placed Rose and Scootaloo into it. she removed her peytral and crown before slowly joining them in the bath so she could wash them properly.
“Okay, let’s get you both cleaned up.” Cadence said warmly.

After a while Cadence came upon the mark on Rose’s forehead and tried to clean it.
However the mark wouldn’t budge. “Oww, that hurts Aunty!” Rose exclaimed.

Concerned she asked Rose “What is this mark on your forehead, Rose?”
“That Came from Artemis, she said it would be a reminder of the price I will be paying to save Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. I didn’t know what to do so I called out for help and Artemis came and saved them from the brink of death.” Rose said to Cadence who looked worried.

Scootaloo however slid along the bath towards Rose, when she reached her. Scootaloo, wrapped her arms and wings around Rose who gasped “Scootaloo, your wings are bigger!”

Scootaloo and Cadence jumped at the sudden outburst from Rose. Scootaloo looked at her wings and sure enough they were bigger!

Scootaloo looked over to Rose, after spinning around a few times to get a better look. She grabbed hold of Rose again, which made Cadence giggle.

“Thank you, Thank you, Rose! I’ll never forget, what you’ve done for me!” Scootaloo said squeezing Rose tightly in a hug.


In the Canterlot castle, the date between Herd Bellerophon and Princess Luna had just about finished and the Herd Bellerophon was peppering the princess with kisses of farewell, As Luna’s face was doing it’s best to change the color of her fur even redder than when the date started.

After every pony had left for their temporary room in the castle and the castle staff had cleared away the leftovers.

A few servants pocketing some of the food when nopony was looking. When Luna was alone, Luna felt a presence watching her although after a while she shrugged and continued to her bed chambers in the canterlot observatory. As she reached the door to her room, the two night guard ponies at the top saluted and moved aside.

Luna, nodded to them in acknowledgement and went through her door. Her room was rather simple compared to Celestia’s. The floor boards made of redwood and other dark colored trees. The simple red carpet, bordered by golden embroidery that curled and twisted like vines, next to it was an old the stone fireplace. The only call to opulence she had was the four poster bed, Master Lero and his apprentice had hand and hoof made, the quality of which dwarfed any bed her or her sister had in her life.

A smile appeared on Lunas features as she stroked the post closest to her, fond memories of the night that Lero sang for her and the night she bedded Twilight Sparkle.

Turning to where moonshine had stripped the wooden floorboards. Though Lero would ask if she would want it refinished, she had declined. A precious memory that blemish held in her heart, would it not cast suspicion on her. she would have the blemish protected by more than her word.

Earlier she had sensed a large spike in magic near Ponyville, “Why ‘tis that place the center of all which troubles our realm? Luna frowned, before emitting a rather loud yawn. “Whatever it is, it can wait. Why did I have to stay up all day?”

She took off her dress and shoes, replacing them inside her closet neatly. Slumping on her bed, Luna sighed.

Opening her eyes once more she saw that Artemis was floating above her, Luna let out scream. “Great Great Grandmother!” Luna exclaimed,

The guards on the other side of her door call through “Everything alright, your majesty?”

“Er, everything is alright guards!” Luna called back.

“What art thou doing here, we thought you were asleep!” hissed Luna
Artemis laughed “Well, I was till my Great Great Great Grand daughter woke me up.”

Luna’s eye twitched, “Oh that’s right! Congrats are in order! You finally lost your virginity and how long did it take? 3,000 years! That’s gotta be a record! and to a mare no less. bwahahahaha!!!” Artemis proclaimed while she laughed her head off at Luna’s expense.

Celestia Burst into the Luna’s room “Little sister, Great Great Grandmother is awake!”
Luna sighed “A little too late, dear sister.”

Artemis flew up to Celestia “Yoohoo, Celly dear. You really must lay off the cake, how are you gonna give me a Great Great Great Grandchild, like Luna here? If you're too fat to attract a mate.” Artemis said matter of factly with her arms crossed.

Celestia’s eye twitches reliving previous visits from Artemis, “Okay, I’m out of here. I just can’t deal with her.” Celestia said running back out of the room.

“Halt! Depart thou not, mine sister! abandon us not in our hour of need.” Luna called, her plea falling on deaf ears.

“So Luna, what do you want to do now?” Artemis asked.
Luna hid under her pillow and groaned.

“Let’s talk then. Why is my great great great granddaughter living with her sire and not here? Did you abandon her?” Artemis asked with a level look on her face

Luna pushed the pillow up and she quickly rose to face Artemis, “We did not abandon her!” Luna shouted.

“Oh then why?” Artemis asked

“Rose was taken from us! Traitors spirited her away!” Luna shouted again shedding tears that streamed down her face. “She was taken to a research project headed by her sire, who did not know that Rose was her daughter. A project that dealt with horn transplants for unicorns without horns due to accidents.” Luna said while sighing

“A commendable goal, if only twas not for that dark and sick corruption, that acquired ‘Volunteer’s’ illegally without mine loves knowledge. When mine love discovered that Rose wasn’t even a unicorn after magically grafting a horn to Rose, She left the project and informed my sister, who told her to watch over Rose, as Rose was suffering from amnesia.” she said.

“So, what are you going to do my dear? I mean aside from dating Rose’s sire’s herd. It was adorable watching you get flustered over that date, and if my eyes didn’t deceive me i do believe I saw a human in the herd.” Artemis teased

“We art duty bound to marry her. No we yearn to marry Twilight and her herd. Lero hath been my closest friend. He cared for me while we wert terribly ill. Rainbow Dash and Lyra are mighty and loyal comrades, especially to Lero and Twilight. Twilight is mine first friend and mine first love, unto whom I bestowed the blessing and honor of taking our maidenhead, even though we wert drunk on moonshine and she is not aware that we engaged in intercourse, nor that it our union blessed us with our beloved filly.” Luna sighed “But we desire to do this properly.”

“Speaking of your conception, how does that work? Two mares conceiving, that is? I mean, I know I am the goddess of childbirth among other things, but this truly has me stumped.” Artemis asked.

“Well it is quite simple, the magic that flows through equestria, the magic that fills us all, enable two mares who are mutually in love to have children. The two mares, still need to have sex and both need to orgasm several times. The most effective method of getting pregnant is to... use one’s horn to penetrate or transmogrify thine lover, giving them a penis. Whom ever gets pregnant is the one whom is penetrated and is rarely both mares at the same time.” Luna replied blushing.

Meanwhile behind Princess Luna’s door Lero stood frozen mid swing as he tried to process what he had just learned. ‘Rose is Twilight’s and Luna’s foal!’ As he was deep in thought the observatory doors burst open, knocking Lero out.

“Master Lero!!! Guards, take him to the castle infirmary and tell the nurses to watch over him. We shall be there soon.” Luna ordered.

The guards ran off to get a stretcher leaving Luna and Artemis alone.

Behind her Artemis burst out laughing, “That has to be the most hilarious thing I have seen in a good 3 centuries, well except for that little fight you and your sister had when you had your emo phase.”

Luna shot Artemis a withering look, While the guards returned, a stretcher floating between them.
Luna lifted Lero in her magic and laid him on the stretcher. The guards grunting with the sudden increase in the weight on the stretcher. When they had recovered they went as fast as they could to the infirmary.

“You don’t think he heard us talking about Rose do you Luna?” Artemis asked.
Luna hoped this wasn’t the case, it may have been before Lero and Twilight had courted. But she wasn’t sure how he would react when he rouses.

“Let us hope not Great Great Grandmother. it could lead to disaster.” Luna replied
Artemis nodded her head solemnly.

Comments ( 3 )

Um...may I ask...why was this cancelled, it's a great story...sorry if I asked a bad question.:fluttershysad:

6835074 mostly it was just I ran out of ideas and I want to start fresh

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