• Published 14th Aug 2013
  • 5,424 Views, 91 Comments

A Little Visit - Annabelle RTH

Flash Sentry visits Twilight Sparkle while on vacation to Ponyville. Will Twilight take a chance on him or let him go?

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Chapter 30

Flash’s POV

So, today, last night, yesterday afternoon… way more than one pony should handle. Wow. Meeting my parents, a heart to heart and an almost accidental kiss. What?

I… spilled my guts, I don’t know why I did, I was compelled to. When I looked at her and she asked why I admired her, it became a mission. I wanted her to know how amazing she is… what she means to me… I wouldn’t call it love. At least not yet, but I do know she’s important to me and I wanted let her know. She’s the most wonderful mare in the world and she deserves to know, to hear it.

This morning though… a first kiss should not be this questionable. I didn’t mean to get that close to her lips, it just happened. Don’t get me wrong. I want to kiss her, I want to be her first kiss, I want it to be on her terms. It should be special, like she is.

My mind wandered on duty even more so than normal. I couldn’t stop thinking about yesterday, this morning and the dinner tonight… mostly, I thought about Twilight. I wondered how she was feeling. Is she still hung up on this morning? Or is she just trying to enjoy the Games? Even when I hung out with my family, Twilight was on my mind. I could make her out while she sat on her seat with the rest of the princesses. I wanted to go back in time and actually sit down with her at breakfast. Have a nice meal together. Yeah, just relax before dinner with my folks… But that’s not gonna happen…

When my shift ended, I refocused on tonight. This morning was awkward, we made it through and we had a new mission. Let’s go.

When I arrived at my apartment, I noticed a small package with a note attached to it. Huh? I walked up to it and lifted the note.

Hey Flash,

Rarity thought this would be perfect for tonight.

See ya soon,


Twilight must’ve dropped this off. Perfect for tonight, huh? I opened the package and unfolded the piece of fabric. Oh wow, huh… It was actually pretty casual considering Rarity was behind this. It was a simple black button-down shirt. All right, now this I can work with.

After I changed out of my armor and got the shirt buttoned up, I touched up my mane. No doubt my Mom and Dad would notice if I didn’t. I brushed my teeth just for good measure. I was about to head out the door when I remembered my gift for Twilight. I went into my room and dug through my desk. Come on, I know it should be here. Aha, got it.

I placed it in the shirt pocket and headed out.

When I got to the entrance of the castle, I saw… well, everypony. Even the Crusaders were there smiling at me. This… really… shouldn’t be real but it is. And I couldn’t have expected anything else from these guys.

I noticed Twilight right in front of everypony wearing a simple pink dress with a beige sash and bow. I slowed down my trot taking in the sight of her. It’s funny, when you find somepony beautiful, any little changes kind of just amplifies the effect. I smiled at her and we locked eyes as we stepped closer to each other.



I lifted my hoof up gesturing for a hug and she walked into me chest. She hugged me and nuzzled me. I hugged and nuzzled her back.

“You look great.” I told her.

“You too.”

I looked behind her and saw everypony staring at us. At first, I thought this would be like them sending us off to a school dance but seeing everypony here, felt a tinge more like a wedding. Oh boy… Wait.

“Where’s Spike?” She stepped away from me.

With her head down she said, “He’s… upset right now.”

“What?” In a lower voice I asked, “Did Rarity find a guy?”

“No, no. Nothing like that.” She looked up at me. “I’ll tell you on the way.” Her eyes showing the hurt she was feeling.

This will be some story.

Suddenly, I saw a small… corsage maybe… floating in blue magic. I turned to see Rarity eyeing us and everypony else staring at Rarity with knowing looks.

“What? I can’t help but feel they need something else to… bring it all together.”

We all laughed.

“You know Rarity, I thought so too.” Cadence said. Cadence used her magic to bring something up towards Rarity’s eyes. “What do you think?”

Rarity gasped. “Perfect.”

“I thought so.” Cadence giggled and brought it over to Twilight.

“Please wear it Twilight.”

She gasped, recognizing it, “You’ve worn this on dinners with my family.”

“Exactly. Think of it as a good luck charm.”

“Thank you, Cadence.” She reached for the bracelet and quickly went up to Cadence to hug her. I walked closer to our friends and Twilight’s family.

“Thank you everypony for seeing us off.” I said. You know, the more I looked over at everypony… the more this felt… well, like my family sending me off to prom.

Shining Armor said, “Good luck, and you can keep the shirt by the way. I won’t be needing it anymore.”

“What? This is yours?” I looked down at the shirt and pointing to it. Now this, I wasn’t expecting. Sure, Shining’s been friendly… maybe we are friends now…

“Yeah, I’ve worn it for a few dinners with Celestia before marrying Cadence.” He looked towards his wife for a second before looking back towards me. “I’ve kept it for a while but I’ve grown out of it. It’s time somepony get some use out of it.” He smiled… proudly… genuinely…

“Gee, thanks Shining Armor.” I was touched. He and I have gotten on better terms since that week Twilight and our friends visited the Empire. We’ve even gone to a few hoofball games together and he’s given me advice before. But… to give me something of his that seems would be sentimental… I… I couldn’t believe it.

“Glad it fits and good luck tonight.” I smiled back, glad that he was being so supportive… like a friend and older brother would be.

Everypony gave their own versions of good luck towards us.

We waved goodbye towards as we headed for the restaurant. On the way, Twilight filled me in as to why Spike wasn’t out to see us off.

“Huh, I never would’ve guessed.”

“He’s been cooped up all day. I’m starting to worry he won’t ever come out of this slump before the Games end.”

“Poor Little Buddy. Not much we can do now but wait and let him ride this out. Has he been eating?”

“As far as I know yes.”

“Then he isn’t too far gone. Just need to keep an eye on him.”

When we made it to the restaurant we took a pause near the door.

I looked at Twilight and asked her, “You ready?”

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She mustered up a smile before opening her eyes and looking at me with confidence “Yes, let’s go.”

Twilight’s POV
We arrived at the restaurant after Flash’s parents so the host led us to them. I took a deep breath. Okay. This is it. I’ve done my research. I’ve prepped all night. I got this. They spotted us as we approached the table and waved at us. I smiled and waved back. They’re his parents, but they’re still ponies. Ponies that could be my friend.

There were two empty seats across from his parents. Cardinal sat with her parents while Ruby sat next to the empty seats.

The host excused himself and we gave our hellos. Flash had told his parents to not bow and treat me like a normal pony… which made this only a tad less awkward.

“Hey can Twilight sit next to me?” Ruby asked with a great smile.

It warmed up my heart seeing her happy face. “I’d love to.”

“Allow me.” He grabbed the chair next to Ruby and pulled it out for me just as we planned. His parents have a thing for traditional chivalry and while they did not drill this behavior into Flash, we knew they expected Flash to behave as such.

“So…” His mother started. She seemed to be wearing a white dress over her coral coat and was fiddling with the necklace Flash said she never took off. It was silver with the names of her children engraved on bands. Her off white, reddish mane was pulled into a bun. “How about we start over? Yeah?” She used her motherly smiled and looked at Flash.

“Right, everypony, this is Twilight Sparkle, my girlfriend.” He gestured towards me and then proceeded to properly introduce me to his family. “Twilight, this is my dad, Bold Striker.” Bold nodded and seemed to give me a small smile. “My mom, Posey Click,” she used her motherly smile again. “And my sisters, Cardinal Chime and Ruby Write.” Cardinal tried to smile but she seemed rather… miffed… Ruby of course was all smiles.

“It’s good to finally meet you all.” I said with my own smile.

“Well-” Bold started. He was a strong looking Pegasus wearing a gray button up shirt over his dark tan coat. His mane was short and was a dark coal color that seemed to have a kind of blue hue in it. I could very much see the family resemblance between Flash and his father.

“Actually Dad, before we get further into it, there’s something else, I’ve got to tell you.” Flash said quickly. Before his parents could react, he continued. “Don’t get mad.” He held his hoofs up and his parents looked at him intently. “Buuuut, Ruby knew about me and Twilight after your visit a while back.”

“WHAT?!” They all stared at Ruby.

“You knew and you didn’t tell me?!” Cardinal yelled at Ruby.

“Cardinal-” Bold started.

“Keep your voice down.” Posey continued.

“Oh, come on. For weeks they’ve kept this huge secret from us and you guys aren’t even a little angry?” She turned to her parents. Her long mane moved and ended up covering her eyes. She quickly shook her mane out of her face. Amazing how much she and Ruby look alike. Really the only differences are that her red coat isn’t as bright and her mane more closely matches her mother’s coat. She was missing the blue stripe in her mane as well. She wore a dress with vertical stripes in pascal colors.

“He swore me to secrecy.” Ruby explained. “I couldn’t go back on my promise.”

“It’s okay Ruby.” Flash’s mom held her hooves up gesturing to Ruby. “It’s okay.”

“Listen, I’m sorry I never said anything. I didn’t mean to make anypony feel bad.” He brought his hooves up defensively. “I just wanted to make sure this was real.” He looked around at his family. I did too. Cardinal still seemed worked up…

“So, is it?” Cardinal asked seemingly angry. She looked at Flash straight in the eye. “Is it real?”

I thought this might be brought up but I was hoping no pony would ask this soon. Further, I thought it would be more out of curiosity rather than… anger? Still, I felt nervous but ready to answer if I were to be asked the same thing.

“Yes,” he looked over at me and took my hoof in his. “I’d say so.” He smiled sweetly at me. I tried not to blush.

“And you Princess?” She asked less angry. “Do you actually like my brother?”

“Cardinal this isn’t an interrogation.” Bold told her.

Here we go. “Oh, no it’s okay.” I looked at Flash’s parents and I hated to do this but I spoke as regal and calm as I could. “Please, I don’t mind the questions. That is why we’re all here, to clear the air and to get to know each other. I only ask that should I not want to answer any question, you respect my wishes. To answer your question Cardinal.” I looked at her. “I do. I realize this is a shock but as far as I know, this is real. I like your brother.” I told her reassuringly hoping she’d calm down and relax.

She looked at me, reading my face. She seemed calmer. Her forelegs were no longer crossed over her chest.


All right, I got this. “Well other than the obvious; He’s got a geeky side that I find adorable. There’s a lot more interest in history than I expected. No doubt due to your lineage.” I looked over at his parents. “Which I’d love to see those journals by the way.” I turned my attention back to Cardinal. “He’s willing to try anything at least once, within reason of course. Musicals seems to be hit or miss it seems.”

“What can I say, I have specific tastes.” Flash interjected.

We all laughed a little. Okay, it was starting to look like we were all little more comfortable with each other.

“Above all else,” I looked over at all of them. “He makes me feel safe.” I brought my free hoof to my heart. “I’m able to be myself. I’m able to be Twilight.”

Cardinal still looked at me but her face expressed more shocked. “Wow…”

“See, told you they’re perfect for each other.” Ruby said.

I blushed hearing Ruby say that. Oh dear. We thought she might say something like that but it still felt embarrassing… and yet, it was nice to hear her say that about us. While I like Flash, I hadn’t actually thought of a future with him… at least not seriously. I’ve had thoughts pop up into my mind but… we’ve been so busy and I didn’t want to get ahead of myself until we actually started to talk about it.

“Hello,” we all turned our attention to the server. Oh my, I don’t think we got a look at the menu at all. We told the server to give us a few more minutes.

Looking through the menus, we were silent. It was a little while before Posey broke the silence.

“So…” Posey started, shaking her head slowly trying to speak. “How did all of this start?” She gestured towards the two of us.

“It was all Princess Cadence.” Flash responded.

“It was?” They all looked at us curiously.

“I knew it!” Ruby exclaimed.

“How did you know?” Cardinal asked eyeing her sister.

“Younger sister intuition.” Ruby responded not looking at her sister and then took a drink of water.

“That’s not right.” Cardinal said flatly.

The waiter returned and took our order.

“Please continue Son.” Bold told Flash.

“Well, remember that strange order I got about taking leave?”

“Yes, I told you so long as the order was legitimate, you should be fine.”

“Right, well part of the deal was to go to Ponyville. At first, I thought this order to take leave was because I hadn’t taken a vacation since Terra got married in Manehatten. So, I went to Ponyville thinking if nothing else, I could have a quiet and relaxing vacation catching up on my reading.”

He looked at me, passing the story on to me. “Which brought him to the Golden Oak Library where I live. He came to check out a few books and we got to talking. One thing led to another.” I gestured with my hooves. “And here we are.”

Flash took my hoof in his again and we smiled at each other for a second.

“So, if Princess Cadence hadn’t sent you to Ponyville, you two would never had gotten together?” Cardinal pointed at us.

“Weeeellll, I wouldn’t say never.” Flash responded as we took a quick glance at each other.

“Oh, she’s such a Dear. How is she? Is she showing yet?”

“Yup.” Flash responded.

“I’m so excited to meet the little one.” I said with glee.

“Will you be here to help Shining Armor and Princess Cadence with the foal?” Posey asked.

“Mm-hm. My parents are hoping to help out for the first few weeks and then I’ll take a shift afterwards.”

The server returned with our food and we started to eat. At first, we ate in silence until we heard some humming.

“Is that the song you had me look over Cardinal?” Ruby asked.

“You’re trying to compose again?” Flash asked Cardinal.

“Uh, yeah, it’s something I’ve been working on for a while.” She pushed her long mane away from her eyes and fiddled with the food on her plate.

“Uh-huh, what’s their name?” Flash asked knowingly.

I giggled.

“Huh, what, there’s no pony.”

She looked at Flash flushed before shaking her head and looking away. Posey looked over at Cardinal while Cardinal managed to bring food to her mouth. Posey brought a hoof to her head. She seemed deep in thought.

“It’s Cobalt Test.”

“How do you do that?!” Cardinal exclaimed at her mother.

“I’m your mother, I know everything.”

“Ugh.” She hid her face in her mane.

I know the feeling.

“So, what’s he like?” Flash asked.

“He seems nice enough. He’s volunteered to help me with the garden.” Posey responded.

“He did an excellent job with the bushes in the front yard.” Bold said.

“He’s been to the house?” Flash asked.

“Oh yes, Cardinal’s been hosting game nights at the house. It’s nice to have so many children in the house again.”

“We’re not children Mom, we’re teenagers. And anyway, this isn’t about me, this is about Flash and Twilight. Let’s keep the focus on them.” Cardinal pleaded. She was embarrassed. Aw. I felt kind of empathetic. It was also kind of cute to see. I wondered if this was how Cadence felt.

“You know that’s not how this works Cardinal.” Flash responded.

She sighed, “Ugh.” She brought her hoof to her forehead. “Ruby…”

“What?” Ruby as asked.

“How is it you knew about Flash and Twilight? Let’s listen to that.” She gestured towards her sister.

“Oh, well Flash and I were playing in the park. You guys were at that tour in the opera house.”

“Oh, yeah… I remember that day. We sat in on their dress rehearsal.” Posey recalled.

“We were playing hide and seek when I ran into Twilight. She helped hide up in a tree. “She looked at me briefly and smiled at me. I smiled back at her remembering how much fun we had that day. “It didn’t work for very long. When Flash found me, I told him Twilight helped me and then they told me everything.” She shrugged.

“Huh, what are the chances…” Cardinal gestured towards Ruby, looking at her parents. “… right?” She seemed to chuckle.

“Again, it was all Princess Cadence.” Flash shared.

“It was?”

“Mm-hm. She sent me a letter telling me to meet her at the park where Ruby and Flash were playing. To my surprise, I ran into Flash and Ruby instead and then Flash informed me that Cadence and Shining Armor were visiting my parents in Canterlot to tell them about the foal.

“In short, she set us up again.” Flash said kind of exasperated.

“It was the best day of my life.” Ruby said and leaned over to hug me. I lightly gasped. I was shocked but when I looked at her, my heart melted and I hugged her back. She’s such a wonderful little filly.

“I’m… glad to have met you too Ruby.” I nuzzled the top of her head. Shi giggled.

When we let go of each other she looked up at me. “You’ll come and visit won’t you?” She looked at me with big eyes that I couldn’t resist.

“I’ll uh, try.”

“Yay, oh, and I brought my manuscript. Think you’ll be able to look over it for me?”

“Of course.” I said gladly accepting her request.

“Perfect, the notes I’ll get from you and Flash are very crucial to getting this right.” She brought her hoofs up for emphasis waving them around almost as if she held a two conductors wand. “The relationships, the status, the duties, everything.”

I blushed a little remembering Ruby’s story. Some of the components were especially familiar.

“I’ll do my best Ruby.” She smiled brightly at me.

“Thanks Twilight.”

Looking back up across at Flash’s family, his parents were leaning against each other and smiling at me. I smiled a small smile back feeling self-conscious and awkward. Cardinal was stuffing her face, not wanting to look at anypony. I assumed she just wanted attention away from her crush.

The dinner went well as it could’ve been. By the time we left for ice cream, everypony seemed to relax. We went to a local ice cream shop that Flash swears is the best one in the entire Crystal Empire. It became a quick favorite of mine too as our dates went on. I hardly remember a day we went without ice cream

“So, you going to want to share a black berry shake?”

“Sure. Medium you think?”

“Yeah, I think I can handle that.”

“So, tell me Twilight,” Bold spoke, “Do your parents know you’re dating our son?”

“N-not yet. I sent them a letter this morning explaining everything. At the very least, it should help them though the news. No doubt, they’ve read the paper.”

Flash explained how close his parents came to find out through the newspaper last night. Most likely, my parents already knew and would’ve sent me a letter by now. I wouldn’t receive that letter until I got back to Ponyville.

“The Paper?” Bold asked. “I didn’t read anything about you two in the newspaper.”

“Um, yeah, that was me.” Ruby said over her shoulder. “I took the page before I gave it to you. Sorry Mom and Dad.”

“It’s all right Ruby.” Bold responded to his daughter.

“Wait, is that why you’ve been getting up early lately?” Cardinal asked.

“Yup, gave me a little extra time to write all summer.” Ruby responded.

“I knew it. I told you guys something was up!” She said over her shoulder towards her parents.

Flash’s parents shared a look trying to figure out how to respond. Bold gave Posey a slight nod.

“You were right Cardinal. We’ll be sure to be more… active and responsive to your ideas.”

“Oh, um…” She turned her head back to look at her parents. “Thanks Mom and Dad.” She faced forward again. We looked at her shocked. Bold eyed Cardinal thinking this was a trick. This did seem odd… she had a tendency to gloat from what Flash described. When she didn’t say anything else, Bold relaxed. It would appear that Cardinal is growing up… a small step in that direction at least.

We were silent until we reached the shop where we discussed the ice cream flavors.

“Looks like they’ve got a sundae to commemorate the Games.” Flash said.

“I’ll take two.” Ruby responded with a smile.

“Oh no, that’s much too much sugar.” Posey responded partly joking, partly serious. “One is enough.”

“Aww, all right Mom.” Ruby said, knowing she was defeated. With Flash and I, she gets more slack but her parents must be parents after all and saying no is all a part of their duty.

“Ooh, this turtle one is calling my name.” Cardinal eyes the tub in the case.

Suddenly, Flash said, “Piiinkieeee, we talked about this.” He moved his head around trying to figure out where Pinkie could be hiding.

“Wrong pony, Sentry.”

We all asked a form of “Huh?” Then, we turned around to look behind us, we saw… my brother…

“Shining?” I asked completely floored that my brother was in the very ice cream shop that me, my boyfriend and my boyfriend’s family were currently in.


“Your Highness.”

Bold bowed to my brother which prompted the rest of Flash’s family to, except for Flash.

“Good to see you all again.” Shining responded.

“Shining, what are you doing here?” I asked still shocked.

“Cadence got a craving for strawberry cheesecake ice cream, specifically from this place. She didn’t plan this,” He started and held up a hoof defensively. “I swear. I’m just being a good husband.”


He looked directly as Flash. “I was going to be a fly on the wall and not draw attention to myself but Flash found me out.”

“As he should,” Bold patted his son the back. “My son has excellent instincts.”

“That he does.” Shining nodded. “Anyway, I think you guys are up.” He pointed towards the counter.

“Oh yeah.”

Ruby was the first up, eager and giddy as usual.

Shining, Bold and Posey continued to chat about Cadence and the foal while we ordered our ice cream treats.

The pony running the tab asked, “All together?”

Flash responded “Yup. I’ll get this one, okay Dad?” Before Bold could responded, Flash whispered to his sisters, “Quick Ruby, Cardinal, get cute.”

“Flash-” Bold started.

“Just this once Dad.” Then he whispered, “Now.”

“Pleeeeease…” Cardinal and Ruby replied on que. Cardinal was holding Ruby close to her face and they looked absolutely precious.

Their faither turned away as their mother somehow held out a camera and took their picture.

“Got it.” She said, giggling happily. Bold looked at his wife and smiled at her the same way Flash smiles at me after I apologize to him for talking his ear off about magic… Wow…

Mo-o-om!” Cardinal groaned.

“What?” She said innocently. “This was the most perfect shot of you two. Plus, I did not ask for you to pose this time.”

“Okay, we’re good to go.” Flash said trying to hurry us along. “Better let Shining Armor through, wouldn’t want to keep Cadence waiting.” He laughed lightly and nervously.

Bold sighed as I used my magic to give them their own shake.

“All right, just this once Flash.” Bold responded gracefully.

“Thanks Dad.” Flash said with an understanding smile.

We moved over so Shining could pay for the tub of ice cream for Cadence.

“Nice execution Flash,” Shining told him.

“Thanks, we’ve been working on it for years.”

With the tub in his magic, he asked, “So, is this the first time you tried?”

“With this strategy, yes.” We made our way towards the door and walked out.

“Are you going to visit us too Prince Shing Armor,” Ruby asked from Flash’s back.

“I’ll see what I can do after the foal is born.” He replied to her.

“Yay! Ooh, there,” Ruby pointed to a table we could settle into.

“Well, I better go. I’ll see you all later.” He turned and looked at Bold. “And I’ll see you in a week. I can’t wait to meet the new recruits.

“They’re eager for your visit, Shining Armor.” Bold nodded.

We waved goodbye as Shining walked away.

As we settled into the table, Flash asked, “Still kind of surreal isn’t it, Dad?”

Bold chuckled. “Yes, it is. I never imagined being… this informal and friendly with the Captain.”

“I still can’t believe Flash is dating a princess.” Cardinal said.

“I can’t believe how perfect this shot is.” Posey said waving it around slightly. She brought out a small album from her dress and flipped through the pages. I should tell Rarity to incorporate pockets into her casual dresses. I like my saddle bag but I couldn’t very well bring a saddle bag with me on this dinner.

“Oh, are those of the Games?”

“Some of them, some of them are of my students, my family and a few other memories… I never go anywhere without my camera and album. I’m hoping we can ask somepony to take a photo of all of us at the Crystal Heart before we leave.”

“Mm. I think I can help you with that.” I told her.

“Actually,” her face scrunched up. “Would you mind coming together for a quick photo?”

Flash gave small laugh/sigh. We were expecting this to happen and while we didn’t mind, we also didn’t want her to go too crazy with it... She’d rope everyone into a photo taking frenzy from what Flash has described.

I smiled and said, “Of course.”

Flash moved a little closer to me and held up his wing. I nodded, giving him my permission to wrap his wing around me. He placed a hoof on mine and we smiled towards his mom’s camera.

She giggled, “Goodie. I love it.”

She snapped the photo and Flash and I pulled away. Bold gave us a thankful look before looking at his wife.

“How far along are you on your process?” He asked knowingly.

She held the photo of Flash and I while giggling like a school filly, giddy with her prize. “Oh, just the general color scheme, stickers, glitter… I need more time on the details which-” She placed the photo into her album. She looked at Flash and I. “I can’t wait to learn about.”

“A little early, don’t you think Mom?” Cardinal asked.

“I don’t know…” Ruby said eying her desert and picking up some ice cream with her spoon. “I’ve got a real good feeling about all of this.”

“You’re ten, how can you have a good feeling about anything?” She looked at her sister in disbelief

“Younger sister intuition.”

I giggled.

Cardinal groaned.

“How’s the sundae Ruby?” I asked her.

“It’s the love of my life.” She looked at me with the spoon still in her mouth.

“So, I finally made it to call backs, only to be the understudy.” Cardinal sighed. “It was still fun to work with everypony though. That’s actually how I met Cobalt. He works light and sound and showed me all the equipment and stuff.”

We were walking in one of the parks enjoying the summer air. I was most relaxed I think I had been all night.

“This was your first year in the performing arts school, right?” I asked her.

“Yup, one great thing about Canterlot, is the arts scene.”

“Sorry to interrupt but it looks like we need to call it a night.” We looked behind us to see that Ruby was fast asleep on her father’s back.

“Awwww…” I responded.

“Oh, take one step closer to the moonlight.” Posey said softly. Her husband nodded and did as he was told. She snapped another photo.

“Cardinal can you-”

“Got it.” She grabbed the photo from her mom as she reached for her album.

I didn’t realize how late it had gotten.” I asked as I took a look at the moon.

“Neither did I. I’m surprised she didn’t crash sooner.” Flash responded.

“She was too excited for tonight.” Bold told us as he looked over at his little one.

“All right.” Posey said satisfied with her work. “We should head back.” Looking at me, she smiled brightly. “It was a pleasure to meet you Twilight. I hope to have you over for dinner at our home next time.”

I smiled back at her, nervous but relieved, “I’d be honored. It was nice to have this time to get to know you all.”

We said our goodbyes and left our separate ways. Flash and I walked in the direction of the castle in silence for a few moments. Just long enough to make sure we were out of ear shot of Flash’s family.

I let out a breath and felt Flash extend his wing over me. I walked closer to him as we walked the rest of the way to the castle, his wing fully covering my back.

“It’s over now, how ya feeling?” He asked me. I looked over at him.

“Relieved.” I sighed.

“I bet, I know my family can be a bit much but that’s what makes them fun.”

“You have a wonderful family Flash, really.” I looking over at him.

He chuckled. “Yeah, I love them.” He nuzzled my head. “And they love you.”

“You think so?” I knew he said that they would and as far I as I could tell they at least were okay with my presence but Flash knows his family better than I would.

“You kiddin’, even Cardinal relaxed a bit and actually talked to you.” That’s right. When Cardinal is on her best behavior she tends to keep quiet, but Flash knew with this situation threw her for a loop, she would interrogate. By the end of the night, she was more open to me. She even mentioned her crush herself. No prompting. I nodded, understanding the implications of Cardinal’s behaviors.

“Mom and Dad were impressed on how you handled my sisters. You kept the peace with Cardinal and kept Ruby happy.”

“So that photo of us…”

“Was the cherry on top.” He kissed my forehead. Eeep. My heartbeat when up for a few seconds. “Mom loves her photos and Dad just wants Mom to be happy. You broke through the polite and best behavior and really met my family. At least a snippet of what we’re like as a family.”

I gave him a look.

“Okay, Cardinal was a bit more extreme but you still managed to get a glimpse of the real Cardinal.”

We continued to talk all the way back to my room. At my door, I knew Cadence and my friends would be on the other side, so this was my chance to tell Flash something important about this morning. I talked to Cadence about the unclear kiss and she gave me a few questions to answer to help me figure out what to do with this. I was past freaking out about it, but I still wanted to clear up whether or not this counted.

“So, here we are again.” Flash said in a partial sigh.

“Mm-hm.” We looked at each other. Normally, we’d be contemplating saying goodbye but then I remembered something, “Oh right, your key. I-” He brought his hoof up to pause me.

“Keep it.” He smiled brightly.

“Wha-really?” I asked, surprised.

He smiled at me and nodded. “Now, I do have something else for you.” He pulled something out of his shirt pocket.

“A key chain?” I asked. He held it out for me to see. It was a blue gem with the skyline of the Crystal Empire etched into it. It was cute.

“For your keys to my apartment. I thought it might help to distinguish which keys were which.

“Wow, thank you Flash.” I replied, still surprised. He was letting me keep a set of keys to his home. I was free to let myself in at any time. “I only wish I had a copy of the library’s keys to give to you.”

He brought his hoof up and shook his head slowly. “Don’t worry about it.”

I smiled again at him and hugged him. He wrapped one of his forelegs and one of his wings around me.

“Thank you, Flash, really.” I nuzzled into his neck feeling so happy and relaxed.

“I’m glad you like it.”

When I let him go, I took the keychain from him.

“So I’d-” Flash started.

“Uh, before you go Flash…” I stopped him. The nerves were creeping back up again, but I had to talk to him about this.


I tried to smile at him but as much as I wanted to look him in the eye my body wasn’t listening to me. I looked to the side trying to look at Flash. “About this morning.” I managed to glance up to see he smushed his lips together with a slightly worried look in his eyes. I took in a breath. I can do this. “Since it was just an accident,” I brought my head up a little higher. I wanted to look him in the eye for him to see my sincerity. “And we’re not sure if it was a kiss. Can we… just agree that it wasn’t?”

He blinked, letting my question sink in. “Oh,” he said in a sigh before looking at me with a gentle smile. “I think I can work with that.”

Author's Note:

Thanks again for welcoming me back. I’ve been excited to bring in Flash’s family and it has been a labor of love. I wanted both Flash and Twilight’ POVs… by the end of the story, it kind of got away from me so I ended up with a pretty long chapter for me.

I have at least two more chapters planned, out more or less. Should be expected to publish within a month.

I’m not sure how to end it but we’ve got time considering these two haven’t kissed yet.
Also, I’m so sorry I didn’t change the rating to teen. I honestly thought I changed it both here and on fanfiction.net. I may or may not add the sex tag, nothing explicit, but I’m still deciding how far I'm comfortable with that part of this relationship between Twilight and Flash. So, we'll see.

Thanks for reading!