• Published 15th Aug 2013
  • 733 Views, 14 Comments

Check Mate is Best Pony - DayDrifter75

Checkmate appears in Equestria and learns the magic of friendship

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Knight to Queen's Rook Five

Ugh... Pain... An undesirable feeling, truly.

Slowly blinking his eyes open, the mighty wrestler found himself atop a lone mountain, cold air blowing around him as he attempted to stand.

"Few times hath I felt pain such as this. Only the most powerful of forces be-ist enough to maketh me feel such a thing," he stated in his blatantly British accent.

Head pounding, the man made it to his feet, his grave headache causing him to sway from side to side and making him realize a very important detail about his body.

"What be-ist this?!" he exclaimed. "I do not rememberist activating my Chess Piece Change." His upper body was the same as it always had been, the smooth, muscular chest of a man, armoured with a near-pink reddish chest plate with shoulder-covering spaulders and segmented razor armlets of the same colour. But his lower half, he saw, was that of a fully grown stallion, a deep blue colour coating the entire body, his hooves and tail black. His head, of course was also a blue horned horses head, replacing his normal King head, which is what normally retained his human form.

He reached an arm up to his right shoulder in an attempt to activate his Chess Piece Change, which would swap his horsey Knight head with his King head only to find that it was missing. in fact, his Rook head was also missing from his left shoulder.

"Dost mine eyes decieve me? My chess pieces hath disapeared from atop my shoulders! What treachery is this!" He reared up on his hind legs, letting out a terrifying whinny. "I shall find whomever hath caused this and I must findeth my way home from this mountainous wasteland." He began his gallop towards the nearest incline, leaping from stone to stone to keep himself from losing his footing and tumbling down. Overhead he could hear the crackling of thunder begin. The half-man half-horse peered upwards to find that many small black clouds were zipping about, squeezing themselves in place beside eachother to cloak the sky in a blanket of darkness. A storm was brewing, but something seemed unnatural to him, as if each cloud had a mind of its own, though he could not exactly see that high.


A bolt of lightning struck a nearby collection of stones, sending them tumbling. The horse-man cringed. Though he himself could not feel pain as a regular man should, he would prefer not to descend the mountain in that particular fashion. He continued to make his way down the mountain, seeing various dead trees and peculiar rock formations, but nothing in particular that stood out. Lightning continued to strike down, thunder sounding off all the while.


As his hooves made contact against one boulder, a bolt of lightning stuck, cracking the stone and causing him to tumble down the side of the rocky hill. "Forsooth! A lightning bolt caused my literal downfall! 'Tis minor inconvenience. I feel no pain, 'Twill be a mere matter of time before I reach the bottom, methinks."

Unfortunately, even though pain was not a worry for him, the wrestler was still human; or at least, as close as he could be to human in his condition. He was sent into unconsciousness when a boulder made contact with the back of his head just under his mane.

He made one last exclamation before the world faded to black.

"Oh bloody hell!"

"Is he okay?"

"I think so, but I can't quite tell."

"He does not seem to be fatally injured."

"I'm stuck on his strange physiology. He seems to have the body like the creatures that inhabited the world I traveled to through that mirror between where his head should be and his actual head. Have you ever heard of such a creature, Celestia?"

"No, Twilight, I have not..."

The unconscious wrestler jumped up on all four hooves, waking from his slumber. "Huzzah! What dost thou want with me, knaves!? Huh?"

He found himself face to face with not one, but three strange looking unicorn-like candy-coloured horses. They were certainly not the strangest thing he had ever seen. He had come in contact with many strange looking wrestlers throughout his career. A walrus-man, a dik-dik, a frog man, a guy that looks like a giant cheese grater. Pastel ponies were not a problem for him.

"What are thee? Horned horses attempting to hold me captive? I think not," he proclaimed, balling his hand into a fist, prepared to defend himself if need be.

The purple one of the three backed away wildly, waving her front hooves in front of her. "Nonononono! We're not holding you hostage, sir!" The purple mare motioned toward the larger blue horse and the even bigger white one, each with their own flowing manes. "We found you lying outside on the ground. Can you tell us your name? Are you hurt anywhere?"

The man calmed himself and crossed his arms and smirked. "I am Check Mate, and I need not the help of thee, for I feel no pain. I desire to depart from this place, for I grow weary of my time here. Cheerio, I have elsewhere to be." Check Mate trotted away from the two princesses and the talking filly and towards the giant double doors that marked the only exit to the room they were all in.

"Wait," a soft voice came from behind. Check Mate, along with the other two ponies turned to look at the white one whose voice he identified as the Celestia from before. "Before you leave, I ask of you, where is it you come from? Why did you come here? Answer me these two question, and you can leave."

Check Mate hesitated. "I hail from the planet Earth; from Monaco to be exact. And the reason I am now here?" He stopped and lowered his head. "I do not know. I appeared at this place atop yonder mountain missing my two most valuable possessions. Now, if thou excuseth me, I must take leave."

Princess Celestia nodded, smiling. "If that is truly how you feel, then you may now leave. But I offer you the assistance of my student, Princess Twilight Sparkle." Twilight, the purple pony gasped, jumping up in the air with a pained look on her face.

"But Princess Celestia, I can't help him! We don't even know what him is," she muttered.

"The girl is right in her hesitance to assist me. I need not thy help in my quest. I shall go-est it alone."

The other pony stepped forward. "Twilight, Celestia is right. You must help this stallion with his plight." She turned toward him. "Sir Check Mate, what is it that you have lost? We shall help you find what it is you've lost."

"Hrm... Fine. I shall accept thy assistance. I need only to findeth my two chess pieces before returning to mine home. Methinks that the purple one may be of some use to me," he said, motioning for her to follow him. "Come along then, girl. Thou knowest this land better than I. Showest me the best place for us to begin our search." He walked towards and then out the door, hooves clacking against the hard marble floor loudly.

Twilight shot the two sisters a worried look before they both nodded, telling her that she would have to endure the pain of assisting the strange man. The lavender princess lowered her head and sighed. "Follow me," she told him, "let's go to Ponyville. Ugh..."

After both Twilight and Check Mate left the room, Luna looked up to her sister. "You are sure that Twilight helping him is a good idea, right, sister?" she asked.

"I do not know, Luna. I only know that she should help him. It is, after all, still her duty to learn as much as she can about friendship, even as a Princess. This will be a great challenge for her to overcome. We shall find out in time if helping this strange creature was worthwhile."

"Why must thou insist on observing me the entire way to yonder village, knave?"

"You just look so weird. I've never seen anything like you!"

"Hurm. Now that I examine thou more closely, I see that thou hast both wings and a horn. A peculiar sight to be seen upon a horse, not to mention thy ability to speaketh like a man."
