• Published 14th Aug 2013
  • 960 Views, 19 Comments

Comet - Blueball-Blitz

Comet has spent the best part of his life in the everfree forest , when a timberwolve attack winds him up in hospital where he is given some shocking news

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Chapter 1 (revised) - All in a Days Work

"How much further Mummy?" Comet asked his mother. The mare turned her head to face the small light orange colt

"It's just in here Comet" his mother 'Starry Skies' said as she walked into a slightly dark cave and turned around to face Comet again. Comet saw his mothers face which had a blank expression plastered on it.

Her expression wasn't unusual since she had been like this since Comets dad had died after Comet's sister was born, Starry Skies put Comet's sister 'Scootaloo' who was named by the way she used to 'scoot' around the house on the ground below. she was a toddler now and was able to walk. She ran over to comet who picked her up so she could sit on his back, he turned to his mother, she sighed before she started walking out of the cave, comet was just about to follow when his mother said.

"Don't follow me. Stay here and look after your sister, I'll be back soon" Starry Skies said flatly, and with that she left the cave, soon it started to get dark and Comet's mother had not yet returned, he was holding his baby sister in his wings keeping her warm, she looked up at her brother.

"when is mummy coming back?" Scootaloo asked innocently. Comet had to put on a brave face and smile, he leaned down and kissed his sister on the forehead.

"don't worry Lu, she'll be back real soon, I promise" Comet said, just at that moment a growl came from outside the cave.

Comet gasped as he opened his eyes in his makeshift bed. He was sleeping on top of one of the many branches among the thousands of tree's in the Everfree forest.

Comet leaned over to see the forest floor but immediately pulled back when he felt the pain in his left wing. He turned his head to see the bandage that he had made from leaves and vines covering his broken wing, he sighed and got himself up checking for any bug bites or scares, he then looked down at his knife that he had fashioned from a Manticores tooth and some wood. It was wedged into the trees branch. He picked it up and put it in his fashioned holder which he kept close for emergency's.

Comet then slid down the tree and looked around, he looked at his coat which was bright orange in colour, he then checked his black and yellow mane which was still spiked as it usually was. Just then he heard a noise, suddenly he smelt that all to familiar smell

"Timberwolves" Comet said gritting his teeth together, he slowly took another couple of well planned steps checking each and every tree as it passed, then he could hear the loud breathing from a Timberwolve not to far from in front of him.

Comet took out his knife and secured it to his hoof before lunging in front of the tree. Suddenly the Timberwolve and two of its accomplices's jumped out but Comet was already waiting for them , he smashed the first Timberwolve in the face with a hard buck sending it to nothing but pieces on the floor before galloping into the Forrest ahead.

Comet could hear the Timberwolves howling before making there pursuit, he grinned as he rounded a few trees as he came to the lake, he saw a lone vine dangling from a tree, taking a rock in his mouth he grabbed onto the vine and secured it to another tree close by before shooting the rock towards the unsuspecting Timberwolves, smashing another one to bits, he jumped down and started to run but tripped up on another rock, he groaned as he smacked down onto the unforgiving Forrest floor. Comet got up steadily but the Timberwolve had caught up to him and it swiped at him with a claw sending him flying into a part of the Forrest he hadn't been before.

Comet clutched his side which was bleeding with three claw strikes engraved into his fur, comet gritted his teeth once more before he started galloping again, he didn't know this part of the Everfree but took his chances, he felt the pain from wounds screaming at him to stop but as the adrenaline mounted he kept galloping as fast as he could, he was shocked when he found a path, he scrambled onto it quickening his pace as he kept going, he rounded another and gasped.

Comet dug his hoofs into the ground stopping himself, when he re-opened his eyes he was staring at an alicorn princess, she had a lavender coat and had a purple and white star cutie mark, she looked down and was shocked at the sight of him , he sighed he didn't have time to explain , then his eyes shot open when he remembered why, he shook the alicorn who was still in shock

"get into that ditch now!" Comet said pointing to the muddy undergrowth she was unsure at first but he gave her a glare and she proceeded to do so.

Comet looked back to where he had came from. Just then the Timberwolve jumped from out of the tree's as Comet turned around, he just had mili-seconds left as he slid out of the way sending the Timberwolve into another row of trees.

The alicorn looked up from out of the ditch to see the young colt standing face to face with a Timberwolve, Comet slid under the animal, and before it could turn around to react he slashed his knife down on its back leg rendering it disabled for just enough time for comet the jump into the air and land hind legs down bucking the top of the Timberwolves head smashing it to a few fragments before the rest of the body fell onto the road.

Comet got up but was even more badly injured when he looked as his hind leg which had a deep cut from when he slid under the Timberwolve. He got his shaking legs to work and got himself up, he immediately felt pain again in his abdomen and proceeded to look for anything that could provide as a bandage, he looked around and saw the princess come out of the ditch, she had a shocked but very warm smile on her face

"y-you saved my life" the lavender alicorn said, Comet turned around from his search

"Your welcome , but you really shouldn't be out here" Comet said taking his knife from the romaines and putting it back in his now bloodstained holder. the alicorn felt tears coming to her eyes at the sight, she was staring at a teenage colt who was about 14 years old with gaping wounds and trying to survive for his life in the everfree.

"well thanks again but may I ask why are you here?" the lavender mare asked.

Comet didn't respond as he found a couple of leaves from the Timberwolves romaines and began tending to his wounds, the lavender unicorn stepped closer putting a hoof on comets shoulder stopping all his actions

"whats your name sweetheart" the alicorn said trying a more comfortable approach, Comet stammered her voice was warm and caring, thoughts of when he used to be called that ran through his minds, he felt a lump rise in his throat as he said

"u-um my n-name is C-Comet" he said, he looked up the the princess who had a genuine smile adorning her face

"Hi comet my name is Twilight Sparkle, what are you doing here if you don't mind me asking" she said.

Comet opened his mouth to speak but closed it before any words came out , he took more a defensive pose as he turned around to face the unicorn his lava orange eyes staring into her violet ones,

"I-this...this is my home" he said, twilight went wide eye'd at this and leaned down to meet the colt at eye level

"where are your parents sweetheart?" Twilight asked again.

Comets mind was in a rush at this point the princesses words where soft and almost motherly in comparison, he tried swallowing the lump that was stretching his throat as he felt tears well up in his eyes.

Twilight saw this and to Comets surprise he was pulled into an embrace, he couldn't hold the tears in any longer as he sobbed into the Twilight's lavender coat matting her fur, Twilight stroked the colts mane as he continued to bawl

"shh shh its ok Comet ,just tell me where your parents are" Twilight asked, Comet shook his head

"I-I-I don't have any p-parents" Comet said before breaking down and crying full force into the lavender mares shoulder, Twilight tightened the embrace on him until he calmed down to a few sniffles

"iIs okay Comet you don't need to say anything more if you don't want too" Twilight said. She felt the colt nod, she smiled again as she released the embrace, only to see her fur matted with tears, she looked back at the colt who now had a tear stained face and clutching his left side with a bloodstained hoof.

Twilight's face turned to one of determination, she levitated the colt onto her back and set back of down the road.

"w-where are you taking *cough* me?" Comet asked feeling light headed from the loss of blood, the lavender mare started to gallop when she noticed this the last words comet heard before he blacked out was

"just try and stay calm and awake, you're going to be okay."

Author's Note:

so there you have it folks chapter 1 , this chapter is really just to set the scene of what comet usually did on a daily bases for the years that he had spent in the forest, i will post the next few chapters as quickly as i can

please tell me if there are any errors in the chapter and thanks for reading !