• Published 15th Aug 2013
  • 1,174 Views, 10 Comments

Prehistoric Storms - Xx-Sniper_Masters-xX

Based on the ACTUAL SHOW. Prehistoric storms can be legendary but some are very dangerous as well. In this episode we will see how our ponies handle the events of these storms.

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Mega Earthquakes and Mega Tsunami

"Alright. Applejack, Pinkie, Fluttershy and Spike are you sure you want to stay here?" Rainbow needed to make sure

"Yes! Go have fun with Twilight and Rarity!" Pinkie already had lots to do so she had to stay home.

"You 3 just relax on your alone time." Spike calmly said then he started to go back inside the library when Rainbow stopped him.

"Are you SURE you don't want to come? I mean Rarity is going to be there." But Spike said no so Rainbow just went up with Twilight and Rarity to go to the beach.

*After the trio had arrived at the beach*

"Ahh! The smell of ocean water! And the feeling of soft sand under our hoofs!" Twilight took another deep breath and then ran down to the water.

"Even though my hoofs get dirty from the sand I can still wash them off in the water! As long as I don't mess up my mane of course." Rarity then got out her mat and umbrella and started to place them.

"I don't know... It just doesn't feel right to be at the beach." Rainbow then went further out to water not knowing of the dangerous disaster ahead of them.

*Back in Ponyville*

"SPIKE! Come here quick!" Applejack sounded serious so Spike rushed over.

"WHAT?!" Spike then saw Pinkie who was shaking all over. Pinkie sense. But it wasn't like her doozy... it was like she was telling us what was going to happen...

"She's just shaking all over..." Fluttershy couldn't really tell what she was trying to tell them though.

"...Earthquake?" Spike just made a random guess but when Pinkie said yes he was surprised

"Yes! I got it right on the first try! - Wait a sec. EARTHQUAKE?!" Spike and the others were shocked beyond belief.

"An Earthquake bigger than anything else!" Pinkie really couldn't explain it much but that was enough to get everyone into panic. (earthquake past 10.0) Then. They felt the ground shake violently and finally the ground split into 2.

Although none of this happened in reality. It could still happen in the future of Equestria. Some storms can be good. But some storms can result in the total annihilation of the pony race. All it takes is one little mistake to start the chain reaction. This is. Prehistoric Storms: Mega Earthquakes and Mega Tsunami.

"Whoa!!! Don't fall into the crack!" Although despite Spike's warning about 5 ponies have already fallen in.

"Earthquakes don't happen like this!" Applejack was so shocked from this though that she did not know she had just attempted to jump over to the other side of the crack. Luckily she made it. Fluttershy just simply flew over.

"What was that?!" Fluttershy really wanted to know for that earthquake was something she had never felt before.

"T-t-t-twilight had a book about this... It's in the library! C'mon lets get over to the library!" So all 4 rushed over to Twilight's to find the book.

*Meanwhile at the beach*

(before earthquake)

"I don't know... It just doesn't feel right to be at the beach." Rainbow then went further out to water.

Then out of nowhere there was an earthquake with unbelievable strength (Rainbow didn't feel it because she was in the air) It was so powerful that everything had fallen over on the beach while the buildings behind the beach just swayed back and forth. Rainbow turned around to see what just happened and saw everything had fallen over.

"Oh sure like nothing can get worse than stuff falling over." But as if just on cue a huge crack had appeared straight down the beach. Unfortunately a building with multiple ponies inside were swallowed by the crack. That was the only severe thing that happened at the time.

"Yeah, Yeah ponies die everyday." Rainbow then turned around back towards the ocean when she spotted a wall of water rushing towards the coastline. It didn't take long for Rainbow to realize it was a tsunami. Although for Twilight and others the water looked fine. They didn't see any tsunami at all.

*Back in Ponyville*

"...Here it is!" Spike then took the book and turned to the chapter which was labeled "Past Disasters of Equestria."

"Ok umm... says here that there was a huge earthquake near the same beach that Twilight and the others are at. That place got hit hard too. Records say... a Tsunami had hit the region and annihilated some of the pony race. Hey! It says Celestia and Luna was caught in the disaster as well!" Then everypony crowded onto Spike to see. Indeed it said in the book 'Celestia and Luna was caught up in the disaster...'


"You know... Earthquakes are not what I would call fun. I mean for one they're really annoying, two they cause a lot of damage, and three they create tsunamis. Now Tsunamis are what you would call the world's super waves. Except they're not like the normal waves. For one a tsunami is a wall of water, two they are almost completely flat, and three they can wipe out ponies caught up in the disaster. Mega Earthquakes and Mega Tsunami."


"There was a time I was caught up in a tsunami... Sorry I just don't want to talk about it at all."


"Sorry Celestia made me promise not to talk about the time we were impacted by a tsunami but she's sleeping right now so I guess I can tell you."


"Luna! Come join me in the water!" Celestia was actually not that far out she was still partially on the beach.

"But mom said I can't! You dropped me into the water last time!" Luna didn't want to go through that again.

"That was an accident! Besides mom is in the hotel! She won't notice!" Luna then turned around. Celestia was right. Mom was in the hotel probably watching TV or something but she didn't want to disobey. Besides. Dad was with Luna.

"I'm going to stay here on the beach until mom says I can go in the water!" Celestia had a frown on her face.

"Dad! Can Luna join me in the water?" Celestia knew their Dad would say yes to anything.

"Sure. And stop shouting. You two are right next to each other." They both giggled and went into the water enjoying every moment.


Mom was watching the local news learning more about what will happen later on when everything started to shake violently.

(tv) "Woah! Woah! EARTHQUAKE!!!!!" *static*

"What in the world?!" Then the next thing everypony knew the earthquake stopped.

(tv) "Can you hear me?! Ok! This massive earthquake is one of the most hardest ones to hit us yet! We are receiving..." But then the mother heard a loud BEHHH from the tv. She looked at the line at the top of the screen. It said: Warning! A Tsunami is coming towards the local beaches. Please stay calm and GET THE HECK OUT OF THERE!

"Oh no! Celestia and Luna!" Then the mother rushed out of the room and started running towards the beach.


"Ayiee!!!!!" Celestia and Luna watched as a couple of ponies fell into the huge crack made by the earthquake.

"Dad what's going on?" Both fillies turned around to look at their dad who was shocked beyond belief.

"Dad?" Then the father grabbed both fillies and ran towards higher ground. He ran into mom shortly after.

"We need to get them away from the beach and higher ground!" The dad then put Luna on the mother's back.

"I know! I know! But how can we when the land here is all flat?!" Then the dad got an idea

"Take the kids and go up to the clouds." Mom agreed and all three went to the clouds while dad was stuck on the ground.

"Well I'm done for..." Then at that moment a HUGE wall of water came in and wiped out every single pony in the path.


"Mom when will dad come?" Luna asked.



"It was at that point when I realized that dad had died in the disaster... Then 10 years later mom died from illness. Never in my life do I want to lose someone I care about again."

"...Oh no do you think Rainbow, Twilight and Rarity are in trouble?!" Fluttershy was in terrible shock.

"Yes... We need to save them fast!" Then all 4 went to save their friends at the beach.

*an hour has passed*

Rainbow stared at the Tsunami which hadn't reached the beach yet. This hadn't surprised her since the epicenter was 2 hours away from the beach. Although the Tsunami was 250 miles away. It was coming fast but there was just enough time to evacuate everypony. Then Rainbow went to the beach to start the evac.

"Please can I have your attention! A tsunami is headed straight towards us and we need to evac you fast! Please get out of here as fast as you can!" Some ponies were wise and listened to what Rainbow told them but most ponies were stubborn and decided to stay. Twilight and Rarity on the other hand believed.

"We'll help you get the others to believe! You get any ponies out of harms way alright?" Rainbow nodded and went off to help the other ponies. Then Rainbow saw Spike, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie running towards the beach.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" Rainbow didn't want anymore of her friends to get hurt so she stopped them in their tracks. Although they were out of breath so they stopped before Rainbow even saw them.

"You... Got to... Get out... Of HERE!" Spike then passed out onto the sand. So did Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.

"Oh no!" Rainbow grabbed all four of them and tried as hard as she could to get her friends to safety. Twilight and Rarity ran up to Rainbow later and helped her to get all 4 of them to higher land. Spike, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy had regained conscience. The stared to see a massive wave as tall as the buildings come towards them. They tried their best to reach higher ground. But they were too slow...

"Run! Don't stop moving! Ahh!!" Everypony that was in the Tsunami's path were wiped out. Buildings collapsed to the ground. And series of massive Tsunamis destroyed the beach.

*The Aftermath*

Celestia and Luna have gone to see the damage caused by the Tsunami. No pony was found at first. But miraculously they found Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Spike, Twilight, Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie Pie in the debris. Spike wasn't really hurt in any way. Although the others were badly injured but hanging onto their lives. They were immediately sent to the hospital.

*5 years later...*

Every single pony that had survived the tsunami that day are now enjoying their lives in Ponyville. Although this incident will forever be stuck inside of them the only thing to remember that they were still alive.

(Life lesson) People. Listen to the life guards about trouble in the water alright? DON'T GO DOWN NEAR THE WATER WHEN A TSUNAMI IS RUSHING TOWARDS YOU! Go straight to higher ground. *houses can mean life of death*

This fic is entirely fictional. Not a single pony was hurt in real life. Although this can still happen in our lives. We just don't know when.

Author's Note:

This chapter was rushed. Sorry but with the huge delay I had to. If I could have someone to help me do the chapters for me that would be great.

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