• Published 17th Aug 2013
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Pirates of the Carribean: Ponies of the Sea - guitarguyjoe

Jack Sparrow is trapped on an island and finds a celler full of rum. He drinks his fill, passes out and finds himself in Equestria. Now he must sail all over to find a way back to his world.

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Chapter 1: Where am I

Jack had finally awoken from his alcohol fueled nap and decided to get more to drink. When he looked around the cave though, not a single bottle was in sight. "Why is the rum always gone?" He asked to no one in particular as he then decided to stand up and began to feel dizzy "Oh, that's why" He slowly moved toward the exit.

As he exited the cave he noticed he was no longer on the island, but was surrounded by cartoonish trees "I must be more drunk than I thought" stated Jack as he approached a nearby river.

He had splashed water on himself to counteract the halucinations but when he looked around he was still in the forest. As he reached down to get a drink he saw that he no longer had hands, but had instead hooves. He looked at the rest of him. He saw that his body had been replaced with that of a cartoon horse. He had instead of his usual skin color a yellow coat of fur.

Jack then began to panic as he approached the water. He looked into the river and saw just as he feared that his usual charming looks had been replaced with the muzzle of a horse. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" screamed Jack as many birds had flown away from the noise.

Meanwhile at Fluttershy's cottage

Fluttershy had just finished feeding the animals their breakfast when she heard a distant scream in the Everfree Forest.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" she jumped at the noise as she then saw many birds flee from the direction of the scream. "Somepony must be hurt" she thought. Being the kind-hearted mare that she is, Fluttershy then headed in the direction of the scream to help the endangered pony.

Meanwhile with Jack

"This isn't real" Jack was talking to himself "This is just part of the dream. It must be from all of that rum. I swear I will never touch the stuff again after this" realizing what he had just said he began to laugh "Yea that'll happen"

Just then he heard some rustling in the bushes. He reached for his belt when he realized it wasn't there nor was his pistol. "Oh right" he stated as the rustling became louder as the unknown creature approached. Jack took a fighting stance in his new form and shouted "Come on out and face me like a man ye foul beast"

As soon as the words left Jack's mouth a yellow horse with wings had popped out from behind the bush . It looked different from Jack, "It's probably a female" thought Jack. Just then the mare started to cry.

"Stop that noise, lass?" ordered Jack obviously irritated, but this only made the mare cry harder.

"You *sniff* called me *sniff* a foul beast!" said the mare between breaths.

Jack was in trouble. He had to make the noise stop. Combined with the hangover he was having his headache was reaching a new level of pain. Just then he thought of a way to make her feel better. "Well that was before I got a look at you" He said as he gained the mare's attention "Now that I've a look at you, you are simply ravishing"

The mare began to blush "You *sniff* think I'm beautiful?" asked the mare wiping away the last of her tears.

"Who wouldn't?" said Jack. He had her now and was ready for the night that would soon follow. Even though this was really messed up where he came from, here it seemed natural since he was also a horse.

The mare then got up and asked Jack. "S-so what's your name?"

Jack stood proudly as he stated "I am Captain Jack Sparrow, greatest pirate to sail the Carribean and rightful Captain of the Black Pearl."

Fluttershy was confused, "What's a Carribean?"

Jack was shocked. How could she not have heard of the Carribean? He spent much time explaining to her where he was from and all about his world.

Author's Note:

Just because it needs to be said:
I do not own Pirates of the Carribean or My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. All characters and references to the shows or movies go to their respective owners.
There, are you happy now? Now call off your lawyers so I can continue with my stories. Anyway leave a comment on what you think and how I can make the story better.
Sincerely-GG Joe