• Published 16th Aug 2013
  • 2,037 Views, 125 Comments

Flora Spectrum - Flora Spectrum

A small filly is found in the royal gardens by Celestia and Luna. When Celestia realizes who this filly is, she entrusts not one, but six ponies to raise her. However, unlike most fillies her age, this filly is an alicorn.

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Watch it Fall

Platinum Charm’s blast hit Flora sending her sliding across the marble floor. She stood up and looked to her attacker with pleading eyes.

“Platinum, what is going on?” Another blast was sent her way but Flora managed to dodge out of the way at the last second. “Why are you doing this?”

“Do you know what it’s like to not be appreciated?” Platinum spat out as she sent off another magical blast. As Flora dodged this one as well, she continued her angered explanation. “I took the throne when your parents died and nopony even cared! I kept the nation going when they wanted to do nothing but mourn! You know what thanks I got? Nothing!”

With her last shout she sent another blast, this one striking Flora. As Flora stood back on her hooves, Platinum Charm continued to rant. “Nopony cared that I lost my best friend! They only cared about poor little Flora. Sweet Princess Flora. I heard the whispers in the castle and in the streets, ‘don’t worry everything will get better when Flora is old enough to rule.’”

“If you hate ruling so much, why don’t you let me take over?” Flora asked. She quickly realized she had asked a bad question as she glided through the air and dodged a series of blasts.

“I never said I didn’t like ruling, in fact I rather enjoy it. However, I knew my time would end as long as they preferred you over me. As you know, my talent is my ability to charm other ponies. However, seeing as I couldn’t charm the entire kingdom, I recruited several of the guards to seal your fate for me.”

“After you escaped, I told everypony you abandoned them, and do you know what happened? They had faith that their little princess would return to them one day. Do you know how infuriating that is! There was no competition yet the kingdom still couldn’t see me as good enough!”

“Platinum,” Flora spoke calmly as she stood in a crouch position with her wings flared, “What did you do to those ponies?”

“Simple. Think about it Flora, we like ponies that are like us. So I modeled their new appearance after perfection. Perfection being me of course.”

“You think everything grey and depressing is perfection?” This is ridiculous. She is ridiculous. This whole situation is ridiculous!

“Not grey Flora,” she said with an unauthentic sweet smile, “platinum.”

I’ve had enough of this. For the first time, Flora went on the offensive. She casted a small magic bubble that encased Platinum. She quickly burst the bubble and sent another series of spells towards Flora.

Flora easily dodged all of the blasts and sent her own. Platinum dodged all of them with grace before sending a beam of magic towards the princess. Flora quickly conjured her own beam colliding it with Platinum’s.

“You should have never come back!” Platinum yelled.

“I won’t let these ponies suffer any longer!” Flora yelled in return.

“They deserve it!”

“Nopony does!”

“I am a better ruler than you could ever be!”

“We. Shall. SEE!”

With her last shout, Flora’s beam outmatched her opponent’s causing Platinum to go sliding across the marble floor like Flora had what felt like hours ago. When Platinum didn’t move after a few moments, which felt like hours, she began walking towards her fallen foe. Platinum Charm brought a week hoof to her lips and let out a piercing whistle. Within seconds, Flora found herself surrounded by a dozen guards.

“You… haven’t seen the last… of us,” Platinum threatened in a weak voice before she and her guards vanished in a flash of magic.

Flora set on the cold floor and sighed. To think, only hours ago I was in Ponyville tending to the animals. I was going to go to the spa with my friends today, and return that book to the library. It’s funny how so much can change in such little time.

Flora shook her head and stood up. I can’t just sit here, there’s still too much that needs to be done.

Flora began walking through the castle surprised at the fact that it was empty. She thought back to being a filly and all the ponies coming to discuss matters with her parents or to simply visit. I can’t believe how much of it is starting to come back to me now.

She found herself in the entrance way of the castle. The room was dark and gloomy due to the amount of grey hues and the double doors being shut and the windows covered in heavy drapes. When Flora’s parents ruled, light from either Celestia’s sun or Luna’s stars always shined through the windows and the doors remained opened. With everypony they met, no matter how rich or poor, “Our doors are always open to you.” In the center of the room, one object stood out against the entire room, if not the kingdom.

Inside of the glass case grew a rainbow flower. Flora remembered her mother telling her about when she was a filly. It didn’t need any sunlight or water to grow. Only hope. The flower will bloom as long as there is hope in the kingdom. Even after all this time. Even through all of this, they stayed hopeful.

Deciding that things had been gloomy enough, flora ripped the drapes down and burst through the doors and out of the castle. Her cast her gaze upward and began one spell after another targeting the dome. When realizing this would not be enough, she closed her eyes and let her magic take over.


One stallion slowly walked through the streets of the Spectral Kingdom. Funny how a name can be so wrong. He ignored the other ponies that walked past him his only focus on the ground below him.

Flashes of light struck out hitting the dome causing him to gaze upwards. Moments later, a rainbow beam shot out and upon striking the dome, divided into smaller beams and cracked the dome. The dome shattered and as the chunks fell, they changed into different colors. However, before any of the large pieces could land on anypony, they dissolved into a mist like substance and rained down on the entire Kingdom.

The stallion looked down at his hoof as he found himself changing into a light blue he looked to his right to find a familiar stallion. In unison, they spoke one word before racing towards the castle.


Author's Note:

Attention readers,

You guys are awesome! When I saw the view total was over two thousand I gave a little flutter-yay! This story is almost finished, and I think I just about have it figured out how I want to end it. As always, comment below and tell me what you think!

Side Note: I will acknowledge any suggestions so just leave them in the comment box below if you have any!