• Published 20th Aug 2013
  • 2,618 Views, 8 Comments

Seeking The Spotlight - Storm butt

The cheers begin to slowly fade, the burning spotlight fades as the curtains close for the Wonderbolts final show of their Autumn tour. The famous Wonderbolt, Soarin, is ready to spend his short yet sweet vacation with his loving Coltfriend, Caramel

  • ...

Thought I'd Drop By

Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It belongs to The Hub, Hasbro, Studio B, and Lauren Faust. I do not own any of these characters in any way or how, nor do I claim ownership to the pony franchise. These characters are simply my toys.

"It's always nice when you drop by.”

Seeking the Spotlight
Oneshot: Thought I'd Drop By

The glowing fire of the blazing spotlights began illuminating the male pegasi’s body, seeming to embrace his very being in a warm hug of affection that belonged to him and him alone. If it weren’t for the single snowflake that caught his attention in the middle of the roaring crowd screaming out random names in his direction, he would have forgotten that his body temperature was already beginning to drop.

His hooves hit the cement floor hard as he landed roughly against the ground, his breath forcing itself in and out of his lungs with great force that he couldn’t control as he struggled for a brief moment to regain his balance. It briefly registered in his mind that several other stallions landed both beside and behind him, forming a perfect lightning bolt.

Soarin resisted the urge to shudder as a sudden gust of wind began to whip itself against his body. Even through his thick rubber costume he could feel his sweaty body shiver. His head pounded like a hammer to a nail over and over again as the crowd began chanting each of the names of the famous Wonderbolts.

“Fleetfoot!” The crowds screeched, “Thunder Hooves!” They bellowed, staying in a remarkably good rhythm for such a large crowd, managing to keep the names of the famous performers high above the mindless cheers of the rest of the stadium.

“Soarin!” The countless mares and stallions yelled in unison.

The pegasi in question shot his head up, an award winning smile plastered on his face in a mixture of true joy and crowd pleasing for the local papers. He took note of the unusually large crowd compared to their usual turnout. There had to be a good couple thousand more ponies in the area than the last few times.

“Really is our last show this season...” He murmured aloud in his raspy tone, noting another snowflake fall before his eyes as he spoke to himself. His eyes soon glazed over as he let his muscles slowly relax, the crowds deafening cheers moving to the back of his mind.

The pegasus looked behind him as he stood at the tip of the lightning bolt dead center at the bottom of the stadium. His other fellow Wonderbolts were also admiring the large turnout. He noted in his mind how some like Blitz and Misty Fly waved to the crowd with their wings, winking to some of the fans lucky enough to snag a VIP both closer to the ground.

His eyes fell upon Spitfire as she stayed perfectly still, her stance dead center in the bolt to display her near perfection of a landing, not a single misstep visible in the light blanket of snow on the ground. A smirk lay upon her face as the cheering continued, shouting her name in an incredible roar much louder than previous ones.

“Alright team!” She yelled, making an impact as she stood upright, fluttering her wings to stay afloat a good foot or two off the ground. “Head for backstage, the tour’s finally over!” Her voice commanded.

And just like that the lightning bolt shattered as the crowd’s cheers died down noticeably, plenty of stallions and mares beginning to exit Manehatten’s largest stadium.

Soarin flicked both his wings and tail in one swoop, making sure the blood continued flowing so he wouldn’t end up freezing to death in his thin rubber costume.

He could hear the rubber squeak as he spread his wings and took flight. Even under the crowd’s slowly dying cheers he was able to make out the flutter of his own wings. A smile was still plastered on his face, both from the great show and from the fact that he was finally done for the season.

The stallion’s hooves began to make a vaguely different sound as he landed near the top of the stadium at a large tunnel. Their hooves trotted along the concrete opening to the tunnel leading to the innards of the stadium available only to those with VIP access.

“Alright girls, good show, good show!” Spitfire clapped her hooves, chanting to her team as she flew overhead of them. “Fleetfoot, you did great slowing down, keep working on it when you can during the off season.”

Soarin began to tune out the sound of his captain’s voice as he trotted down the long hallway, the cheering becoming first and echo, and then a distant memory the further in they went.

The pegasus could hear his fellow Wonderbolts chatter happily around him, both with compliments on each other’s performances along with plans for the upcoming off season.

The wonderbolt watched as his teammates began to slowly break off, both in parings and alone as the tunnel widened. He glanced around to the few ponies lucky enough to snag a VIP pass. Most of them were upper-class as they trotted with their noses pointed up from the fancily decorated viewing balcony. Velvet and lace trailed along the walls and floors of the area as the ponies closed in on the Wonderbolts one after another.

Soarin luckily managed to duck out, giving a quick pray to his teammates who he selfishly used for cover to slink into the background in the direction of the changing rooms.

The stallion quickly turned around only to find his hooves screeching to a halt as one of his right winged ponies, Rapid Fire, flew up to him. By the time the cyan pegasus had managed to stop the two’s faces were mere inches apart.

“Your breath stinks.” Soarin commented with the first thing that came to mind as he lifted his hoof, pushing the other back a few feet. “C’mon, get outta the way, I’m covered in sweat.”

“Oh shut up,” The grey stallion chuckled at the other, gently hitting his leg. It seems like he ignored the bit about moving his butt. “Spitfire’s been up our asses all day to get ready for this, no pony has any time to brush their teeth under this pressure!”

“Personal hygiene is something I really wouldn’t recommend skimping out on.” Soarin admitted, rolling his eyes at his friend and teammate. The pegasus blinked, his brow raising as he watched the other bite his lips in an attempt to suppress a smile. His eyes were wide, darting away from Soarin’s as the cyan pony tried to look into them.

“Uh... something up, dude?” Soarin questioned the other with a puzzled tone. “You’re looking a little bouncier than usual.”

“Oh uh...” The grey stallion trailed off, looking at the ceiling as he dropped to his hooves, pressing his wings against his back. “R-Right, there was something I needed to tell you...” He whispered, leaning in closer to the other’s ear, warm breath finding itself tickling Soarin’s furry ear.

“You uh... kind of got a fan in there...” He murmured in the other’s ear, a sense of excitement in his tone. “He’s by your locker... I tried to get him to leave but he refused to go without seeing you...”

“What?” Soarin verbally snapped out, causing the other to flinch in surprise at the sudden rise in tone. “What do you mean he won’t leave?”

“I dunno.” Rapid Fire looked away, seeming to still hide something that the pegasus shrugged off. “But you gotta get him out of there...”

“Me?” Soarin questioned in brief shock at the other’s suggestion as he lifted his goggles, a small flame of anger in his eyes. “What the buck do we have royal guards stationed all around here for?”

“Dude, I totally get you. But the guards are holding back all the ponies without VIP passes. One or two are bound to slip by in here.” Rapid Fire spoke to the other, reaching out his leg to rest his hoof peacefully on the other’s shoulder. “It’s a pain in the butt, but you and I both know Spitty will get pissed if some rabid fan made it through and SHE has to deal with them.”

The pegasus let out a groan, rolling his eyes as he stretched his weary wings. They ached and cried out in pain as he forced them to extend. He really didn’t want to deal with this pain... but he had a feeling that he wouldn’t hear the end of Spitfire’s complaining if she found out some fan was looking through all their stuff.

“Fine.” He stated in an annoyed tone. “I take it he’s by my stuff?” He questioned as he trotted past, not waiting for an answer.

“Go get em, tiger!” Rapid Fire called back, giving his friend a wink as he passed.

Soarin rolled his eyes at Rapid Fire’s words, brushing them off as his right hoof pony being an idiot. He sighed as he continued on, biting down on the inside of his cheek as his hoofsteps began to echo as he entered a rather large locker room.

The stallion looked around, his face twisted into a frown as he passed the doorway. The place was empty... maybe everypony else got swarmed by the mass of VIP ponies asking them for autographs.

His hooves began to click against the concrete floors as the pegasus folded his wings against his back, wiggling his spine until it popped as he prepared himself for the encounter with the fan that thought he wouldn’t be angry with ponies snooping around his things.

The pegasus took a moment to remember exactly where his locket was as he turned a corner, counting down the numbers on them as he stopped in his tracks, turning his head to the side once he reached a split in the row.

The pegasi’s eyes glanced to a pony of average size. He was sitting on a bench with muscles rather tight, likely from nerves as his body slowly swayed back and forth. He was fiddling with his hooves as he ruffled and flattened his tan fur, seeming to adjust his mane every few moments. His other hoof began to tighten and loosen his green and white scarf, his cutie mark of three blue horseshoes wiggled as his body did. He didn’t seem to be snooping through other ponies’ things like Soarin had predicted... he was just sitting there nervously.

The stallion could feel his hoof click against the floor, echoing around the room until it reached the ears of the other stallion, whose deep blue eyes widened at the sight of the other. He half-fell half-jumped off of his seat as his tan cheeks began to tint a mild pink at the sight of the vice-captain.

“S-Soarin!” The stallion squeaked out, standing on all fours with mildly shaky legs. “I-It’s... y-you...” The pony trailed off, looking down with wide eyes as he crossed his legs in an attempt to keep them from shaking. “I-I know this is... k-kind of unexpected...”

Soarin sighed, shaking his head as his hoof slapped against the ground again, this time in a step towards the other. He didn’t speak as he trotted quickly, keeping his face blank. He only noticed the other look worriedly at him as he backed up quickly against a locker.

It was in a swift movement in which Soarin extended his hoof, placing it against the other’s face as he forced his own against the other’s, their lips connecting firmly as the pegasi shoved the earth pony against the locker, watching those crystal eyes grow wide with mixtures of shock and delight.

He could feel the other’s mouth open; begging for it as Soarin slid his tongue into the cave. He pressed his other hoof against the stallion’s opposite cheek, cradling the face of the earth pony in his hooves as he began to fight his tongue against the other’s, tasting flavors of cinnamon and sweat on the other’s lips and saliva, which only made him press harder and more passionately as he tried his best to savor the taste.

The pegasi pulled his face away from the other’s as suddenly as he pressed against it, still holding the mildly squishy cheeks in his hooves as a small strand of saliva connecting them broke with a quick kiss to the cheek.

The earth pony’s blush was running wild as his mouth hung open, his breath catching up to him as he breathed with an unexpectedly aroused breath, seeming to try his best to resist going back for another taste of the pegasi. His eyes were at half mast; his body has ceased shaking as it suddenly clung to the other with a desperate need of the pegasi’s touch.

Soarin giggled at him, stroking his hoof gently down the other’s cheek as he brought his lips to the tan stallion’s ears to kiss, feeling the warm pink tint on his lips.

“Nice to see you... Caramel.”


Soarin’s tone erupted into a rather loud bout of laughter as he put a hoof over his mouth, well aware of the fact that several ponies were beginning to stare at him as he watched Caramel look around nervously.

“Ugh, I’m gonna kill Rapid Fire.” He groaned with a giggle in his tone as he slid his hoof across the shiny marble surface of the table in which he rested his front hooves on. He grabbed Caramel’s hoof to pull it closer to his, sliding in his chair further as he smiled happily. “I was about to break tabloids about how I beat the crap outta some stalker for trying to make a mess from smelling my clothes or something creepy like that!”

The pegasi couldn’t help but smirk as Caramel blushed at those words, however he didn’t pull back his hoof when Soarin grasped it so suddenly. He scooted his cushioned stool closer to the table, smiling softly as he tugged back gently on the cyan fur.

“How the buck did you even get a VIP pass?” The wonderbolt questioned the other as he pointed his free hoof towards the pass dangling around the earth pony’s neck.”

“R-Rapid Fire found me wandering around trying to get in before the show started… He said something like he liked to eat a snack before each show and all the food in here tastes like… Celestia sat on it herself…” The earth pony spoke softly as he shook his head. “None of the guards believed me that I knew you until he came along with ten bits worth of street vendor food… I was kind of scared that I might have to ride the train back to Ponyville if I couldn’t find you…”

Soarin watched as Caramel began to slowly look around, his free hoof tightening his scarf as he looked around all the tables, each full of both Wonderbolts and high class ponies. The meals they were eating all looked high class and expensive, at least compared to the small pony’s meager salary.

“The backstage stadiums here are a lot different than the ones closer to Ponyville…” He mumbled to himself, tightening his scarf once more as he hid his lips under it, feeling out of place as he looked back to the hoof that grasped his own. “I-I should have worn something better… o-or combed my mane or something… Even you’re dressed up…” He spoke quietly, nodding towards the fancy looking blue jacket the pegasi was wearing.

“Well when you come to Canterlot you shouldn’t be surprised at how high class it is.” The pegasi laughed loudly once more when he finished, happier than he should have been when he watched Caramel glare at him with only mild annoyance. He stuck out his chest happily as he showed off his jacket. “You like it? Spitty told us all that we had to wear something fancy to and from here… I just grabbed what I wore to the royal wedding.”

“You look… handsome…” The earth pony spoke with a smile on his face. “I like when you dress up like that… I just wish I looked more... erm... well-dressed than a pegasus who gets drunk whenever he can.” The stallion teased the other with a smirk, pulling back his hoof as he took a brief sip of his wine.

“Hey, hey!” Soarin defended himself in mock anger. “I told you I’d only get tipsy at most tonight because my coltfriend decided to pop out of the freaking sky three weeks before I was ready to see him!” He near yelled with a goofy grin on his lips that was beginning to hurt his face.

“Sorry, I really didn’t think things through all that much when I did it…” Caramel apologized as he shifted uncomfortably on his stool, biting his lip as he looked down. “I’m sorry… I just… really wanted to see you...”

“What’s wrong?” Soarin looked at his friend with a puzzled expression on his face as the other seemed to lose his words, letting them trail off as he looked down and began fiddling with his hooves on the table.

The pegasi bit his lip as well, feeling the words come out before he even had a chance to think them through.

“Did you wanna see my sexy sweaty body in my skin tight outfit bad enough to come here yourself?” He questioned the other as he wiggled his brow. “You and I have played in those costumes enough to know how good stallions look in them.”

“S-Shut up.” Caramel stuttered out, trying to hide his obvious embarrassment. “W-Why do you always have to tease me like that?”

“Because my sex drive is about twenty-eight percent greater than the average twenty-some year old stallion.” The pegasus answered without missing a beat. “Also because you getting so embarrassed gets me going.”

“Everything gets you going…” Caramel grumbled under his breath. He began to bite the inside of his cheek as he looked down on the floor, his eyes tracing the strange patterns.

“Hearts and Hooves day is coming up soon…”

Soarin’s grin faded as he looked at Caramel, watching the stallion sigh audibly as he closed his eyes, trying to show no emotion on his face as he spoke. The pegasi looked questionably at his coltfriend, lifting his brow.

“Hey… Cara…” The stallion spoke, leaning forward as he touched his hoof gently on the other’s leg. “You… do know that’s the whole reason I was gonna go visit you and we would spend the rest of the time till the season picked up, right?”

“T-That isn’t what I mean.” Caramel shook his head as he spoke, his mane getting slightly messed up with the amount of force he put into it. He widened his eyes, trying to look away from Soarin. “Everypony in Ponyville is already starting to confess their feelings… all stores are selling that awful candy and roses in bundles…”

Soarin blinked as he looked at Caramel, unsure if his coltfriend was upset or angry.

“A lot of ponies I know are starting to date… I dunno if it’ll last more than three weeks… but it feels almost suffocating.” The earth pony spoke as he placed a hoof to his temple, eyes staring into the marble table top. “Wind Whistler got a boyfriend, so did Daisy… And… Big Mac got a marefriend…”

Soarin relaxed his confused gaze as Caramel seemed to wince at his own words, as if they slipped out without him realizing until it was too late. It all seemed to make sense as he watched Caramel squirm slowly in his seat.

“So… this is about Big Macintosh?”

“I’m over him.” Caramel near growled at the other as he took another sip of his wine. Perhaps it was the alcohol finally hitting his system that gave him the courage to speak so boldly about those feelings. “Just because when we met I had a crush on a childhood friend doesn’t mean…”

“Your plot wasn’t exactly a loosely goosy.” Soarin reminded the other, smiling playfully as the other’s cheeks tinted at the blow from the pegasi. “You didn’t even have a boyfriend before me. He was all you could talk about when I asked about ponies you knew. How he was the sexiest piece of plot you met before me.”

“C-C’mon, I never called him… T-That… “Caramel half-whined half-begged as he spoke to the other. “I talked about other ponies…”

“Like your brother?” Soarin teased, chuckling softly as the other began struggling to make excuses for himself. “I can’t believe you were so shocked when I asked you if Big Mac was your coltfriend. Please say you talk about me like you did to him.”

Caramel couldn’t seem to decide if he should be angry at Soarin or simply laugh along with him. The memories really did make him feel like an idiot the more he thought about them.

“C’mon, I’m just teasing you.” Soarin, reaching out his hoof to grab Caramel’s scarf and tug playfully on it. “You’re supposed to laugh and say “Ha-ha I really did act like a heartbroken fool.”

“You’re starting to make me regret being so lovesick towards you… That’s why I came, not because I’m upset that Big Mac is seeing somepony.” Caramel mumbled, squirming in his seat, but also because his heart was pounding as Soarin pulled for him to come closer. “It’s not exactly easy on my end to have you send me letters while I’m stuck in Ponyville never knowing if you even got mine or not...” The earth pony sighed, realizing it was becoming more and more frequent. “I forgot how much you tire me out so easily… I don’t remember if I liked it or not…”

“Awe, you’re no fun.” Soarin teased, winking at Caramel as he fluttered over to the other, still grasping the scarf as he landed next to the stool. “You know I wouldn’t act like this if I saw you every day… this is all pent up emotions from restraining myself from all the beautiful stallions and mares I meet around Equestria… You should feel lucky to have won my affections.”

Caramel couldn’t help but feel his body heat up as Soarin began rubbing his head playfully against his upper leg in the same mannerisms of a puppy. He looked around worriedly, only given momentary relief when the pegasi released him… only to grab his seat to pull it closer.

“C-C’mon, ponies are staring already…” Caramel spoke as he looked away from the pegasus hopping happily onto his stool as leaning up against him. A leg wrapped around his back as a hoof rested on his shoulder.

“I have restrained myself for a good thirty minutes!” Soarin whined as he looked at the other with puppy dog eyes. “You should be happy I’m not forcing you to sit in my lap.”

Caramel rolled his eyes at Soarin’s words, willing to admit at least to himself that it was in fact nice for the other to cuddle up close to him, his jacket poking into his side the closer he snuggled.

“Technically it’s been three months since you cuddled me.” Caramel corrected the pegasus, deciding to simply look down and not at anypony who happened to be looking at them. “But I like it better than you making me react to you saying… loosely goosy about my… uh… y-y’know…”

“Nuh-uh!” Soarin spoke with the tone of an angry child. “You love it when I tease you, admit it… Also we totally cuddled when I saw you tonight!”

“I would classify that as attempted mating.” Caramel responded as he bit into his lip, resisting the urge to smile the longer Soarin squeezed him.

“Sounding more and more like me every minute.” Soarin proudly declared. “I love rubbing off on you.” He giggled as he gently shook the other in his arms, beginning to ruffle his mane.

“You aren’t rubbing off… you just wear me out.” Caramel spoke to the other, leaning a bit of his weight of him. He could feel Soarin’s upper legs shift to wrapping around him from the back, giving him plenty of space to lean on. He smiled gently, closing his eyes as he took a moment to bury his body in the other’s chest fur. “Y’know you’re lucky I put up with you.”

“I like when you do that…” Soarin purred quietly in the other’s ear, beginning to gently rub the other’s chest. “You’re always so quiet when we first start talking… when you open up a little more you’re a lot more fun to tease… Remember when it took you a whole week to yell at me for trying to fly?”

“Because every time you tried to take off you were also trying to rip your bandages off…” Caramel shook his head at the memory as he spoke softly. “I felt like I was going to check on you after a while… not Big Mac and his broken ribs…”

Soarin laughed as the other spoke, nodding his head as he remembered. “Well I didn’t want to just sit around and wait for my wings to heal… I wanted to test how well they worked…” He smiled as he buried his face in the other’s soft and brown mane, rubbing his nose up and down to feel it touch against his fur.

“The first few times I just went to get the nurse…?” Caramel mumbled as the other continued messing up his mane, his tone in question as if confirming the truth in his words with the other. “But the third time I caught you… I just yelled at you…” He looked at the floor, swaying gently in Soarin’s grasp as he swung his half-trapped tail. “I couldn’t stand seeing you hurt yourself because you were just so impatient…”

“You’re normally so quiet…” Soarin whispered into the other’s ear. “Hate to say it but hearing you yell actually kind of scared me… you were just some stupid pony who met me when I was just so angry and pissed because everything hurt and you finally yelled at me…”

Caramel frowned, nodding his head. “Y-You were kind of scary back then… you weren’t really the kind of Soarin you usually are in posters or anything…” He chuckled nervously. “You kind of looked like you’d hit me when I finished yelling…”

“I wouldn’t hit you…” Soarin shook the other in his arms. “I’d be fired.”

“That’s… reassuring…” Caramel rolled his eyes at the other, knowing that he was just being teased again. “I’m just glad the next time you walked up to me I didn’t run away or something… You looked a lot nicer that day…”

Soarin giggled, his voice gravelly yet pleasant in Caramel’s ears as he felt himself be released from Soarin’s grasp. He looked at the other in confusion for a brief moment before he realized that there were in fact some of the last ponies still sitting around.

“It’s getting late.” Soarin sighed; taking one final sip of his drink as he slid off the stool, making sure Caramel wouldn’t fall from the lack of support. “We should head back and get some sleep… I guess we’ll decide what we want to do in the morning.”

“I… guess we should go… Oh… I uh…” Caramel began, sliding off of the stool with his ears against his head. “I-I kind of brought some money… B-But I didn’t realize how expensive the hotels here were… s-so… I uh…” He looked at Soarin before looking away, feeling stupid as his cheeks blushed.

“What?” Soarin questioned the other with a look of confusion in his eyes. “Did you think I’d just let my coltfriend go to his hotel room if he even had one?” He asked, grabbing the other’s scarf suddenly with his teeth as he shook his head. He spoke with a muffled voice. “Yer coming with me!” His tone was clear, as he was only using his teeth to hold the scarf. “And that plot of yours too.”

Caramel was forced to trot forward to avoid losing his scarf, his eyes meeting with Soarin’s as they drew closer. He watched with a small grin as Soarin briefly adjusted the scarf, setting the rest gently on the other’s shoulder. His breath was still warm as his cheek was nuzzled a tad roughly by a warm nose.

“There… now let’s go, Caramel.” The wonderbolt spoke, adding a wink to the end as he turned, flicking the other’s face with his tail as he looked behind him, waiting for Caramel to fill the void next to him.

The tan stallion grinned happily at the other, nodding his head with a tad more force than needed as his heart pounded slightly faster than usual. He didn’t even feel like pretending to hide how happy he felt right now, knowing that would achieve nothing.

“Let’s go… Soarin.”


Caramel could feel his breath become caught in his throat as he widened his eyes, staring as he watched the snow begin to fall before him. The lights of the great city of Canterlot seemed to shine even brighter in the dead of the night. It was a tad odd to the small town earth pony to look up and not see any stars… but there was a certain wonder in the shining beauties that were the amazingly tall buildings.

His eyes glanced towards Celestia’s castle, where she was likely sleeping after putting the sun to rest. He finally caught his breath once he realized he was holding it, managing to look down from the balcony once more before shutting his eyes tightly, his belly knotting.

“You’re like a little kid.” He could hear Soarin tease him, feeling a tail flick against his backside as the screen door behind him slid open. “You act like you’ve never seen a city before.”

“I haven’t…” Caramel answered with a calm voice. “Well… at least not anything outside of pictures and stories…” He looked up, staring at a tall castle that seemed to point towards the stars. “I feel like I’m royalty here…”

“That’ll wear off once you start speaking to ponies, Prince Caramel.” Soarin spoke as he trotted closer to his friend, a bounce in his step as he leaned over the railing. He watched Caramel look away as he did so, a frown plastered on his face as he closed his eyes once more. “I can’t believe I’m dating a pony that’s afraid of heights…” The pegasus laughed, flicking his wing against the other’s neck, letting it drag down to make the other squirm.

“I don’t have wings to catch me if I fall…” Caramel responded quietly, his tone not exactly upset nor ready to tease back. He seemed to still be in awe of the city around him. “But it’s really pretty here… everything looks like a giant castle from up here…” He smiled ever so softly as he continued to look around.

The pegasi sighed, suddenly leaning over the back of the other as he wrapped his wings and legs around the earth pony. He rested most of his weight on Caramel, simply resting his chin on his shoulder as he nuzzled gently, a smile of rare contentment on his face.

“Why don’t we start our vacation early?” He asked the other, reaching down his hoof to rub up and down the earth pony’s chest and belly. “We can stay here a couple more days if you want… we can buy you a monocle and a top hat and pretend we’re both high class.”

“That’s a little generic.” Caramel responded as he squirmed closer to the warmth Soarin’s body was giving him. However he shook his head back and forth as thought about the offer. “But… no… I wanna go someplace less… upper class…” He spoke, trying to state his thoughts clearly as he looked down at his body. “I probably couldn’t pass for these ponies even if I looked the part…”

“We could always just rent a room in some small town and never leave it for a week… if you know what I mean…” Soarin spoke in a seductive tone, pressing his lips up against Caramel’s neck. “Maybe leave to go to some fancy restaurant a few hours away get wasted.”

“You always think with your… y’know…” Caramel shook his head at the thought, knowing it would only fuel the wonderbolt if he should continue that train of thought. “You could stand to be a little more romantic every now and again.”

Soarin snorted at the other’s words, unable to keep back his laughter as he released his grip on the other. “Romantic? I’m the most romantic stallion I know!” He proudly proclaimed as he fluttered his wings, floating over the other and over the railing to happily sway back and forth to block Caramel’s eyesight. “How could you forget the time I slipped that potion in your drink and took you on a cloud for our first date?”

“I was terrified.” Caramel answered with a frown at the other’s childish actions to grab his attention. He dismissed the other with a wave of his hoof before turning away and opening the door to the hotel room. “I had no idea how long that potion lasted!”

“Liar.” Soarin responded, flying in quickly and shutting the door behind him as his hooves landed on the lush red carpet. “You acted like a little foal in a bounce house.”

Caramel looked at the other in mild confusion, realizing in that instant that Soarin had no idea the difference between joy and fear when it came to things he thought would be fun. He shook his head at those words, hopping up onto the bed, dragging his hoof along the silk quilts. It felt like it cost more than he made in a month.

Soarin rolled his eyes at the other as he hopped onto the bed in a single swoop, landing hard enough to bounce the other’s body enough so that he had to quickly move to avoid falling off of the edge.

Soarin smirked at the other before sliding up his body against the other’s back once more. He could feel the other’s muscles tighten as if to protest once more… However his muscles seemed to tense up for another reason as the pegasi slid his hoof down further than last time, pushing back gently as he stuck his tongue out at the other.

“S-Soarin…” Caramel briefly protested. “Y-You know I’ve been on a train all day… a-and it’s p-probably past two in the morning already…” His voice dwindled as it grew more and quieter with each word, as if unsure if he really wanted to fight back against the other.

The pegasus quickly fluttered his wings, moving his body back as he forced Caramel’s down with nothing but a gasp of shock from the other. He began to jump back and landing softly with the aid of his wings on top of the other’s body. He adjusted his body happily with a squirm, smiling as Caramel blushed, happy that he managed to lie on top of the other before he had a chance to close his legs.

“S-Soarin…” Caramel began, only for his tone to turn into a whine as Soarin lowered his mouth to gently nibble on his neck. “C-C’mon I’m not in the mood for being rough.”

“Rough?” Soarin questioned the other with a smirk on his face as he raised his head. “Who said I was gonna be rough with you?” He questioned, forcibly spreading out his wings. Caramel could swear he heard a “pouf” sound effect.

“That isn’t funny…” Caramel mumbled, his protests becoming lackluster.

“I say Fillydelphia.” Soarin stated with a nod to himself as he ignored Caramel’s lack of appreciation for comedy.


“That’s right,” Soarin nodded once more, laughing as he pecked Caramel’s lips, cupping the other’s face with his hooves. “That’s the place where we’re going to be rough on vacation… I’m gonna make you into a man there every single night…” He purred as he licked his lips, watching Caramel’s cheeks flush as his eyes widened.

“I...I uh…” Caramel couldn’t get his words out as Soarin said those words to him. He would have been squirming or even looking away had the pegasus not been holding down both his body and his head.

“But tonight…” Soarin’s eyes grew soft as he slowly released Caramel’s face, lips rising into a genuine smile as he began to nuzzle the other’s nose. “Tonight I just want to make it kink free… call it a practice round.” He teased as he lowered his wings to his back. “I want to remind you why you’re so lucky to win the affections of the great Soarin…” He spoke with a hoof trailing down the other’s cheek and neck. “I should remind you, Prince Caramel, that nobody I plow gets to have this treatment unless I love them…”

Caramel tried to say something, soon learning that his words were becoming clogged in his throat in the process. While the words were trying to force their way out, the earth pony soon felt a pair of lips connect with his own. This time the pegasi didn’t try to force his tongue into the other’s mouth, he simply pressed with affection, feeling Caramel press back. It was the first time in months did the pegasi remember that Caramel’s lips were much softer than a normal stallion… it felt nice...

When they broke apart, Soarin was glad to see Caramel was out of breath. He smirked at him, leaning down to his ear.

“Romantic enough for you?” He asked with a seductive lust in his tone before he bit down gently on the ear, nibbling quietly as he felt Caramel’s legs embrace him gently, forcing him to roll over as he was held tightly.

“Shut up…” Caramel mumbled, smiling into his lover’s mane as he buried his face in it. It was rough and badly managed, probably never combed in the other’s life… but it had a sense of charm to it that the earth pony couldn’t help but feel as he smelled the sweet scent of rainwater on the other’s body.

“I love you…” He whispered, holding the other tighter as he let those words sink in. It wasn’t the first time he had said those words… but it had been quite a long time since he had gotten the chance.

Soarin wiggled his way free of Caramel’s grasp, sitting up so that Caramel was laying all his weight on his body. He began to gently rub the other’s back, reaching his hoof down to the other’s cutie mark.

“Don’t get too excited…” He teased as he stuck out his tongue, watching the other’s face turn red as he gently poked between the other’s legs with his lower hoof. It was a nice feeling that filled his chest as the other smiled back, an unusual flare of passion in his eyes.

And with that, Soarin reached over his hoof to flick out the lights.

Author's Note:

I'm waiting for the flood of comments complaining about a lack of clop. Well if you really want it I might make a short 1000-2000 word chapter....

Other than that I guess I should mention this is the first story in quite some time that I haven't sent out for outside editing. It was just a thing that I wanted to get out of my system with a OneShot, and honestly from the way I feel right now I have no idea how the reactions will be to the writing, since I feel pretty neutral with everything, and all negative feelings are the basic feelings I get with any given chapter that people seem to love.

So yeah... hate or love away, just wanted SoarMel outta me so I could continue Melting Snow in peace.

Comments ( 8 )

Honestly, I like your storys and I've been keeping up with "Melting snow" But...
The story here and melting snow have the tag 'Sex' on it, But all i've seen on the storys is kisses and a little body touch body...
It mite just be me but.. Puting a tag in a story that has none of it pisses me off.

Theres my opinion and im sticking to it.:eeyup:

P.S. First

3078706 Ehhh, I kind of just put that for sexual tension. There really needs to be more warning tags besides "sex" and "gore"

I liked it, I thought it was adorable and sweet. I gotta admit I'd not seen these two paired before now, so thanks for sharing this with us.:twilightsmile:

I really liked it, and it's a refreshing pairing that I haven't seen before.

But... I die a little inside every time I see the word "fuck" substituted with "buck".

3079747 as do I. But I'm tired of being corrected.

3082741 People actually call you out on that?

Dear god.



If all the words that are replaced, I think plow is my favorite.

It's just such a fun mental image to describe sex with "plow"

Another finely crafted SoarinxCaramel story from you. I will admit I look forward to these types of stories from you as I love the way you work this pairing more then your Caramac stories. That is not to say I don't like those stories, I love them, But the way you write these two has a lot more care and affection put into making the characters. Bravo Sir.

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