• Published 16th Aug 2013
  • 29,982 Views, 930 Comments

Bride of Discord - DisneyFanatic23

Discord returns and will only relieve Equestria of his havoc in exchange for a bride.

  • ...

The Dilemma

"We're not really going to give into his demands, are we?" Rarity asked.

They had left the waxy throne room to continue their meeting in the map room.

"We may not have a choice," Twilight said. "Discord thought this out very well. I need my horn to power the Elements, but the only way I can get it back is if we don't use the Elements to stop him. Finding a piece of land with no ponies around will not be difficult."

"What about the third deal?" Applejack inquired.

She sighed. "Discord knows how desperate we are to get the princesses back."

"But we can't just hand some pony over to be his wife!" Rarity exclaimed. "We might as well be making a sacrifice to the Devil!"

"He said his bride has to go willingly. I think we should announce this to the citizens and see if any pony is willing to make such a sacrifice."

Fluttershy had been silent the entire time. She couldn't get over the fact that Discord had been there. The way he had spoken to her, touched her, looked at her, it gave her the shivers. She told herself she was being paranoid, but if that was the case, why did he seem to single her out?

"We should at least accept the terms of the first two," Twilight decided. "If I had my magic, we could be able to find another solution, and it would be easier to think if there weren't pigs flying outside."

Every pony nodded in agreement.

"What about Cadence?" Shining Armor asked. "And our daughter?"

"I want her back too, Shining Armor," his sister assured him, "but to sacrifice one of our own..."

"I don't like the idea either, but...Discord has a point. Instead of losing four, we would only lose one. And...I don't know how long Cadence will last."

"She's strong. No matter what her conditions, she's always been able to pull through. Celestia and Luna will be strong too. Wherever they are, I'm sure they are holding out."

"You want to get married?!" Luna scoffed after Discord had told them his plan. "Who in the world would want to marry you?"

"Go ahead, laugh!" Discord said, rolling his eyes. "Just thought you would want to know what your lives are going to cost."

"You will never get away with this, Discord!" Celestia bellowed.

"Yes, yes. The whole 'you will never get away this' speech. I will respond with the usual comeback: 'oh, but I will!' Any other cliché's you would like to point out, Celestia?"

"Just you wait until Shining Armor gets here!" Cadence snapped.

"You mean Prince Good-for-Nothing who always needs his baby sister to come in and save the day?"

She growled and lashed her hooves through the bars of the cage. Discord simply laughed.

"Oh, you three are just too amusing! Either of you willing to save the others and accept my proposal?"

Luna spat at him while Celestia shouted, "Never!"

"And I'm already married, creep!" Cadence barked.

"Hey, just asking," Discord said innocently.

A voice called from outside the cave. "Discord!"

The draconequus turned. "Oh, would you look at that? Sorry to leave you, girls, but I have a meeting."

With a wave of his paw, the cage vanished and he went to meet his visitor. Twilight Sparkle and her five companions were standing at the entrance.

"Ah, my old friends! Have you made your decision already?"

"Yes," Twilight said defiantly.

She turned her head and nodded. Spike emerged from behind her, bearing a jewel encrusted case. He hesitantly stepped forward and placed the box in front of the draconequus.

"We accept your terms and promise never to use our Elements of Harmony against you. And to show you that we are serious about this..."

Spike opened the case to reveal the five necklaces and crown inside. Discord raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Appreciate the gesture, but keep them. I don't want those things anywhere near me."

He shoved the case with his foot and then backed away as if it were on fire.

"What about my piece of land?"

"The castle ruins in the Everfree forest," Twilight stated. "You may do with them what you like."

"And no pony will disturb me?"

"No pony, as long as you confine your mischief within that area."

"And that area would be?"

"Marked by the rope bridge."

Discord clapped his hands. "Excellent! But...who's the lucky mare I'm marrying?"

Twilight glanced away.


"If you think we're going to send some pony to marry the likes of you..."

"You want your princesses back, you give me what I want!" He sighed. "But I am a creature of my word."

He snapped his fingers, blinding every pony with a white flash. When the light was gone, Twilight's horn was back on her head and the chaos from outside had ceased.

"I have all the time in the world to wait," Discord said nonchalantly. "The princesses, however..."

"We'll give you anything!" Twilight pleaded. "Just please, don't hurt them!"

"I told you. When my demands are met, they go free. Why not save us all some time and give yourself up?"

"Who are you talking to?" Rainbow demanded.

"Any of you. I don't care which one, but if some pony doesn't come forward soon, I will just have to make the decision myself. How about I give you...?" He tapped his chin. "Three days?"

"Isn't there anything else you want?" Twilight beseeched.

"Look, it's a bride or no deal! Got that?"


"I think we're done here."

He zapped himself out of the cave, leaving the distressed ponies behind.

"He wouldn't accept anything else?" Shining Armor asked.

"He'll take a bride and nothing but," Twilight replied solemnly.

They had announced Discord's request to Canterlot that morning. So far, no pony was willing to accept such a fate.

"What do we do now?" Applejack wondered.

Twilight sighed. "We made a promise not to use the Elements against him, and if we break it, he's free to do whatever he likes."

"Unless we blast him before he does anything!" Rainbow suggested.

"He's the only one who knows where the princesses are. If we turn him to stone, we may never get them back."

"Why haven't they tried contacting us?" Scootaloo inquired. "I mean Celestia sends you messages through Spike and Luna can enter dreams!"

"Neither of them have their horns. Which means..." Realization hit her. "They can't raise the sun or moon! Even without Discord's chaos, order in Equestria will not stand without them! Without the sun, none of the crops will grow, and who knows how long the moon and stars will stay out without Luna's magic? We could be facing eternal darkness!"

"What about you?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Aren't you a princess now?"

"I can't raise the sun! Do you know how powerful you have to be to accomplish that?! I just...I just..."

Tears streamed down her cheeks. Shining Armor put an assuring hoof on her.

"Don't worry. We'll get them back. We'll get them all back. We just have to solve this dilemma." He looked toward the others. "I know no pony wants to spend eternity with that...that monster, but we got to think..."

"I should go."

Every pony stared at Twilight.

"This all happened while Equestria was under my rule. I should put the well-being of my subjects before myself."

"I won't allow it!" her brother insisted.

"But Cadence..."

"Would not stand for it. I want her back as much as you do, but I don't want to lose my little sister in the process."

"For the sake of my friends," Rarity declared, "I believe I should go."

"No!" Sweetie Belle cried, hanging onto her leg. "I need you, big sister! And what'll Mom and Dad say?"

Applejack took off her hat. "I should go."

"Don't even think about it!" Apple Bloom commanded. "We need you at Sweet Apple Acres! The orphans need you too!"

"Me then?" Rainbow questioned.

A desperate hug from Scootaloo dismissed the idea.

"What about me?" Pinkie asked seriously, which was out of character for her. "I mean I already like his chocolate milk rain."

"That may be the case, Pinkie," Rainbow said, "but come on...you married?!"

As the others argued, Fluttershy dealt with an internal argument of her own. She did not dare say her thoughts aloud, knowing her friends would just dismiss them. They all had reasons for staying behind: responsibilities, family. What did she have? There were her animals and friends, but what happiness would she bring them if they were to live in darkness for the rest of their lives? What happiness would she bring them if she left?

Every pony quieted down as Applejack leapt onto the chart table. "Look, it's been a long night for all of us. I say we get some sleep and see what can be done tomorrow."

They all agreed and retired to their rooms.

It was happening again. It was dark, and she was in his arms. His lion fingers were running through her mane. Even though she knew this was a dream, it sent chills up her spine.

"Why won't you go away?" she squeaked.

Her captor's cackle echoed in the darkness. "My dear, don't you understand? I'm in your mind because you keep me here."

"Well, I don't want you here! Go away!"

He chuckled and soon his face was inches away from hers. "What are you waiting for, my dear? You know what you have to do. You know I favor you over the others. So do it."

"No!" She tried to struggle out of his grasp. "I don't...I don't..."

He whispered into her ear. "If you don't do it, who will?"

Fluttershy woke with a start. She put her hoof to her head and whimpered. I can't do it, she thought. I just can't! What will the others think?

She could not go back to sleep, so she went down to the kitchen to get a snack. She screamed when she bumped into someone, causing them to fall and drop a tray of food.

"What in tarnation? Fluttershy?"

The pegasus squinted at the pony on the floor and gasped. "Oh, Applejack, I'm so sorry! You startled me."

The southern pony rubbed her head as she got up. "It's okay. I'm guessin' you couldn't sleep either, huh?" She shook her head. "Nightmare again?"

She nodded. "It was different this time. He spoke to me. He was...he was..."

"Calm down. Tell you what. After I clean this up, I'll make us both some apples and peanut butter. Sound good?"

Fluttershy sniffed and nodded with a smile. As they ate, she told Applejack about her dream. Her friend listened intently.

"You're lettin' his threat on the princesses get to you. Don't worry. We'll figure somethin' out."

The pegasus looked down at her hooves. "Applejack, can I tell you a secret?"

The cowgirl sighed. "Fluttershy, you know how bad I am at keepin' secrets. With me bein' the Element of Honesty and all, I'm a terrible liar."

"You don't have to lie. Just don't mention it to any pony."

"Okay, but...why me?"

"Well, it's a very shocking secret. Twilight would be against it, Rarity would overreact, Rainbow Dash would tell me it's a bad idea and Pinkie Pie...well..."

"Alright, I get it. So what's this secret?"

"First, you've got to promise not to tell any pony, and not to freak out."

"I promise."

"Pinkie Promise?"

She sighed. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

Fluttershy glanced around and then gestured for her to come closer.

"I'm...thinking of..." The rest was inaudible.

"Come again?"

"I'm..." This time was quieter.

"Didn't hear ya."

"I'm thinking of going with Discord!" she shouted.

Applejack choked on her apple. "What?!"

"You said you wouldn't freak out!"

"I had no idea you were...!" Then she stopped and took a breath. "You're right, I promised I wouldn't. But still! How could you even consider goin' with that monster?!"

"If I don't go, who will?"

"Fluttershy, do you hear yourself?!"

"We need Princesses Celestia and Luna to bring day and night and Cadence is with child. Discord won't let them go unless some pony takes their place. I think that pony should be me."

"No, you shouldn't! You can't! I'd rather go instead of you!"

"But you have your family to take care of, and the orphans, they look up to you. Twilight has her crown and Shining Armor, Rarity has her shop and Sweetie Belle, Rainbow Dash is a Wonderbolt, and Pinkie Pie has her job at Sugar Cube Corner and to make every pony smile. I have no pony, no purpose."

"What are you talkin' about? Of course you have a purpose! The animals back in Ponyville depend on you!"

"Some pony else can take care of them."

"And don't think you haven't any pony!" She put a hoof around her. "You've got a lot of friends who would be heartbroken if you left!"

"But suppose no pony agrees to marry Discord? Would all the ponies and animals be better off then?"

Applejack paused. "Well...I..."

"What if my dreams are a sign? What if this is my fate?"

"Fluttershy, your fate is not to be unhappy for the rest of your life tied to that creature!"

"Why not?!" she snapped. "Can't you see that no matter what I'll choose, I'll always be unhappy?!"

"You don't really believe that, do you?"

The pegasus buried her face in her hooves. "I don't know! I just don't know!"

Applejack patted her on the back. "I think we should talk to Twilight."

Her head shot up. "No! You Pinkie Promised!"

"But she'll know what to do!"

"No! She'll just say it's a bad idea!"

"Okay, but hear me out. I don't like this decision you're makin', but we should at least ask some pony for advice, some pony with unbiased judgment."


Applejack thought for a moment and then lit up. "Zecora! She always has good advice! Maybe she can help!"

"You mean," Fluttershy gulped, "I'll have to go to...the Everfree Forest?!"

"Don't worry. I'll come with you. Look, I don't know if it'll do us any good, but it's worth a shot."

The pegasus looked up at her friend and nodded. "Okay."