• Published 17th Aug 2013
  • 1,703 Views, 16 Comments

After All Those Years - Princess Glitzy

All it takes is once sentence for the life you've created with somepony to suddenly come crashing down on you. Sometimes the fragile ponies within this life break too. Sometimes these ponies can't be fixed. Hopefully, this is not one of tho

  • ...

Forgive and Forget

I watch as the light shines beautifully on her, her very own spotlight. Her cerise eyes almost luminescent in the dark. She's stunning. There's no denying it. She is simply stunning.

I would never tell her that of course. She would just shrug it off saying that beauty wasn't her style. How can it not be her style when every move she makes is graceful and every time she smiles my heart beats faster? She is the very meaning of beauty.

"Hey, Fluttershy!" My stomach fills with butterflies hearing my name come out of her mouth. To some her voice is loud and obnoxious, but I find it soothing.

"Yes?" I'm left at the end of my seat waiting for her next words as if she's going to tell me something amazing. Well, of course it's going to be amazing. There's no way anything that comes out of Rainbow Dash's mouth could be anything less.

"How did you find out about this place?"

"I just happened to stumble upon it while flying one day."

"You always go flying when you need to think about things. What were you thinking about?" You.

"Uh... nothing. I was just flying."

"Are you sure? Is something wrong?"


"Is somepony bothering you?"


"Good. You know that I would never let anypony lay a hoof on you, right?" That's one of the reasons why I love you. You would never let anypony down. You're so loyal, I guess that's why you're the element of loyalty.

"Yes." She smiles at me with that confident grin of hers. She grabs a hoofful of rocks and pulls me over with her other hoof. Her touch makes me blush, I hope she doesn't notice. Oh, how cliche of me, of course she noticed! I'm as red as Big Mac. Well, I guess a mare can dream.

"Okay, you've skipped rocks, right?"


"I'll take that as a no. First, find the thinnest, flattest and smoothest rocks you can." Simple enough. I pick up about ten rocks and smile at Rainbow Dash. "Now, quickly flick your wrist and shoot the rock out onto the water. It should bounce across the water." I comply and throw the rock, it sinks.

"I can't do it. I'm sorry." She grabs hold of my foreleg and carefully throws the next rock. It flies through the air perfectly and jumps across the water easily, leaving ripples in every spot it hit. "Um, thank you." I continue to throw them.

They jump across the sky once more and gracefully jump across the water. It's truly remarkable. I'm glad that I'm able to share this with Rainbow Dash.

Suddenly, she pulls me into the freezing cold water. The few seconds that I'm falling feel wonderful, the wind beneath my wings, and then I fall in water in the middle of the night. "Eep!" I immediately start shivering. Rainbow, sometimes I don't like you.

She wraps her forelegs around me, holding me tight and then lets go. "Better?" The cold is gone and all that's left is a beating heart. She starts swimming across the water and holds out her hoof for me to join. The two of us swim easily through the water on out backs, looking up at the night sky.

The water now feels nice. Rainbow Dash splashes me lightly. I grab hold of her hoof, she doesn't let go. The world around me disappears, it's just Rainbow and I. Maybe I can finally tell her? But, how? Should I eve-

"You've been so quiet! You brought me out to this awesome lake on a beautiful night and you've said nothing. There must be some reason. You're not really spontaneous so this must be special." It is, but it's why this night is so special that I haven't found the right thing to say. I want to tell you. I want to hold you close and never let go, but how do you tell somepony that you love them with all of your heart?

"I- I just wanted to say that..." I love you, Rainbow Dash. "I saw you flying earlier today and it was really cool. You'll be the best flier in Equestria." Why is it so hard to express my feelings when they're so strong?

"I'm not already the best?"

"I'm pretty sure that Soarin or Spitfire holds that place." Her face changes suddenly, it's a face that I've grown to hate over the years. Her face tells me everything. It's not a face of happiness, it's of betrayal and anger and it's I who caused it.

"So, am I just not very good?!"

"You're amazing, Rainbow! You just need a bit more um... practice." Another wrong move.

"I practice every day! What more do you want?!"

"You're great, you just don't have the right precision. The Wonderbolts pride themselves on precision."

"Just because Soarin and Spitfire are Wonderbolts doesn't make them better than me! I have great precision!"

"Y- You crashed into the library and the barn yesterday." Tears form in her eyes. I've gone too far. I thought that maybe if I proved my point then she would understand. I've made such a terrible mistake.

"I thought that you believed in me!"

"I do!"

"Do you honestly believe that I could be a Wonderbolt right now?"

"I- I..." Her beautiful eyes stare into mine. The perfect moment, if only I hadn't messed it up so badly.

"That's what I thought." She shoots off into the night leaving me in the dust. I allow my self to cry. I've lost my best and closest friend. I didn't mean to hurt her. I love her, and now the chance is gone.

"Please don't go... I love you." The silence fills my ears. I stare out into the water. My reflection stares back at me with sad eyes, begging me to tell her that it's just a dream, that Rainbow Dash and I are fine. It saddens me knowing for the first time that she will never love me. The glimmer of hope leaves and joins the rest of the sky, adding to it's light.

I lay my head down on the cool earth and try dreaming of a better life, one where Rainbow Dash and I are happy, one where I finally tell her how I feel.

"I love you." My heart pounds as I await Rainbow Dash's response. I've laid my heart on the line, and it's hers to take.

"You do?"

"I've always loved you, Rainbow Dash. I've just been too afraid to tell you."

"I love you too, Fluttershy." I wrap my forelegs around her. Suddenly, wedding bells fill the air. I'm at the altar and she's standing there in a suit, waiting for me.

"Will you stay together in sickness and in health?" The priest looks towards us, waiting for our answers.

"Yes." I look over at Rainbow. Will you say yes or will you leave me? Please say yes.

"Yes." Heat spreads throughout my body as I'm filled with happiness.

"Will you stay faithful?"

"Yes." This time I'm confident that she'll stay with me.


"Will you love her more than anything?"



"Do you, Fluttershy, take Rainbow Dash to be your lovely wife?"

"I do."

"Do you, Rainbow Dash, take Fluttershy to be your lovely wife?"

"I do." She's finally mine and I'm finally hers! This is the best day of my life.

"Rainbow, you may now kiss the bride." She leans in to kiss me, but suddenly I'm moving backwards, farther and farther from her.

"Rainbow Dash!" She stares straight at me and blows me a kiss. It's not one of love, it's as though she's mocking me. Darkness engulfs me and all hear is her evil laughter.

"Ahhhhhh!" I open my eyes to see Celestia's sun and the morning sky in front of me. It was just a dream. I catch my breath and smile.

I lie back down and enjoy the warmth. Slowly, my smile fades as memories of the night prior come flooding in. Tears gather in my eyes and threaten to spill out. The night that was supposed to be the best night ever ended up being the worst. Reminds me of the gala. I stand up and walk over to my cottage, a long walk, a long walk meant for clearing one's mind.

Is it all my fault? Yes. Did I say the wrong thing? Yes. Did Rainbow Dash overreact? No, how she reacted was completely called for. I crushed her dreams by telling her she wasn't good enough. As if I'm the kind of pony who should say that. I'm the worst flier in Equestria. Rainbow Dash should hate me, I hate me.

If I really loved her then I would never hurt her. She deserves somepony better, somepony who will treat her right. She deserves the best. Rainbow's amazing and I treated her like dirt. I'm such a meanie.

I wonder if she's okay. I bet she is. She's so strong. I will hate myself if she's suffering. I would take all of her pain away in an instant, even if I was the one stuck with it. I hope that Rainbow Dash isn't feeling terrible. I will never forgive myself if know that I hurt her and I ruined her week.

I walk the rest of the in silence, picturing Rainbow Dash and all the good times. When she stood up for me in Flight Camp, the time Rainbow finally did a Sonic Rainboom and I cheered correctly for the first time and one of my favorite memories, Rainbow Dash got her first pet and I was there with her, we even sang a song together. There might not be any more of those.

The cottage appears closer and I fly the rest of the way. I lie down on the couch and let the sadness wash over me. Tears cascade down my face like a waterfall.

Angel watches with sad eyes. He puts a paw on my hoof and begins stroking me. I lift him up and hold him in my forelegs, holding him close. I shout my frustrations into the open air of my home.

"MY TRUE LOVE HATES ME! I'VE LOST RAINBOW DASH AND IT'S ALL MY FAULT! She probably told the others. I LOST ALL OF MY FRIENDS!" I shout louder than I ever have. My sobs fill the air.

I finally stop and allow myself to breathe. I grab a tissue, wipe my face and stare at the door. My next move: apologize to Rainbow Dash. I will my legs to move, but they don't budge. My heart disagrees with my brain. It wants to take a vacation and just lie down. My brain tells me to apologize. Stay and sulk or make up. Both seem like good options.

I decide that Rainbow Dash comes first and I run quickly out the door and towards Rainbow Dash, wherever she is so that I don't lose my nerve. I sprint across Ponyville, looking everywhere. I walk over to the center of town and spot a nice mare. I run towards her. My hooves carry me faster as I look over at her.

Tell me you know where she is. Please. I need to tell her that I'm sorry. "Have you seen Rainbow Dash?" I desperately look into the orange vendor's eyes.

"Sorry, I haven't." It's like I've just been punched. My spirit begins to go down and my confidence is gone. I'm left beaten and bruised emotionally.

I won't allow myself to give up this easily though. I must continue, for Rainbow. I realize that she hates me, but I must do this for my sanity and hers.

I start to walk away, but Twilight blocks my path. I smile and put my hooves on her shoulders.

"Have you seen Rainbow?"

"No, not all day. Are you okay?" Another pang of sadness.

"No time to explain, sorry!" I decide to begin flying. I take to the skies and fly to her house. Please be there! I see her cloud home and kick up the speed.

I gulp and knock on the door. I wait with my heart beating insanely for her to open the door. After an agonizing minute, I realize that she's not home. I try one more time, harder, and still nothing. I won't let this get me down though.

I remain undeterred as I rush towards the other end of town. I set my sights on Sugarcube Corner and hope beyond hope that she's there. I burst into Sugarcube Corner and look for Rainbow Dash. For a second I think I see her. I run towards her and realize that it's just Holly Dash. I stay hopeful though.

"Have you seen Rainbow Dash?" Holly Dash looks over at me with a frown.

"I'm sorry, no." A frown moves across my face as well.





I repeat the word no in my head. No, the answer of everypony in Ponyville. I look up at the night sky. A day of searching and I find nothing. The will to go on has died long ago. I just want to cry myself to sleep.

Everywhere, I've tried everywhere. I might as well just give up. I know that she hates me so why must I open old wounds? Ever since that stupid night, I've been filled with regret. That night would have been so special. Rainbow was there, it was a beautiful night and we had been at that wonderful lake.

The lake! That must be where she is! Please be where she is! The world is a blur as I head over to the lake. This is my last chance. Please be able to forgive me, Rainbow Dash.

I run through the fields and push past the bushes and trees. My heart is on my sleeve as I run towards her. I burst into the clearing. I gasp as I see her once more in the light. A rainbow of color shines off of her mane and tail.

She's breathtaking. I watch her from afar as she stares down at her reflection. I want to run to her and tell her that it's okay, but I know that I can't do that, not anymore.

I walks towards Rainbow with hesitance. I'm slow, cautious and extremely nervous. I know that I can't let it end like this though. I must apologize. Then, I'll leave her alone forever. We weren't meant to be anyway.

I try to let go of my fears as I inch closer. I can almost touch her. I smile and carefully walk over. I take a deep breath and sit down next to her.

She stares at me with those eyes and I melt like butter. I just want to be with her, but it's too late now. I must at least make it up to her.

"Rainbow?" The strong pegasus next to me suddenly breaks into tears. She wraps her forelegs around my neck and holds me close. It's a dream come true. It must end though. I pull away and prepare to speak my mind.

"I- I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry... so sorry. Words can't even begin to describe how sorry I am. I crushed your dreams. I crushed them w- with my words!" I begin to cry as well. "I know that you can never forgive me, but please, keep flying. I don't want what I said to ruin y- your life. Please, take care. Goodbye." I get up to leave, I can't stay for long, it hurts too much.

I begin to walk away, but she takes hold of my hindleg as I leave. "Don't go." What?

"I'm giving you... a chance to move on. Please take it. You should hate me. I don't deserve to have a friend like you."

"Yes, you do."

"Stop! I don't deserve you! It doesn't matter if I love you! I really hurt you and you deserve better!" I stop for a second, taking in what I just said. Rainbow looks up at me.

"Y- You love me?"

"I love you more than my heart can love. You are the moon and the stars and everything in between. You are stunning and every time I look at you I get butterflies in my stomach and my heart starts pounding. I love you more than anything in the world. All I want is for you to tell me that you love me and that when I wake up in the morning you'll be there. You are my everything, Rainbow Dash. I'm sorry it took so long to tell you."

She stared at me and began crying harder. "I'm so sorry Rainbow! I'll go! Y- You don't ever have to see me again." She threw her forelegs around me.

"Don't leave."

"I have to. I hurt you."

"No, I hurt me. You were telling me the truth, I just overreacted."

"You were completely right! I was at fault! I'm so sorry. I am so sor-" She put her lips to mine and I was silent. Everything felt right. My doubts left my mind and suddenly and I was happy again.

"Stop beating yourself up over nothing. I thought that you didn't support me. I cared for you so I thought that meant that you didn't feel the same way. I was wrong. I will never let anything get in between us again. You know why?"


"Because I love you, too."

Author's Note:

This has recently been edited! Hopefully, all problems with the story have been fixed!

Comments ( 16 )
Comment posted by Ember2528 deleted Sep 12th, 2013

3058991 Sure! Why not! Why does the priest have to be religious? In this case he just simply does weddings, nothing more, nothing less. Atheists can still get married. Not to mention that Equestria doesn't even have religion so any priest would just do weddings. I could go online and become a priest easily.

I saw a couple of mistakes but I have to say, pretty good fic, even though It's a little cliché

3060288 Well, this story was originally for the Flutterdash group contest, but I didn't think that I did a very good job and chose not to submit it.

3061860 well it's been added anyway

3061916 I meant that it wasn't added to the group contest. I would have to wait until the end of September to post the story on Fimfiction and I would need to send it to the founder of the group.

3062484 I know all that already, I was the second person to find out about it.

I meant its been added to the group already


3062551 I knew that. I understood all of that. I think that we're on different pages.

Aww!! :twilightsmile: So cute! I love this story. :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

P.S. :rainbowdetermined2::heart::yay: 4ever.

So sweet and beautiful!

Not a bad story, at least for me is not (:

3062694>>3063086>>3065287 Thanks! I expected tons on down votes on this story so I'm very surprised.

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