• Member Since 24th Jun, 2012
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Talon and Thorn


Octavia has always been a creature of habit, each morning she arises before dawn, plays for the rising sun and goes for a jog. It seemed a good idea to put her experience running to use in the annual running of the leaves competition, but when she finds that her friends have also entered she becomes worried that the competition may destroy their relationship.

But that's just an unfounded worry, right?

My first story in GrassandClouds2's Cadenceverse

Set approximately six months after the events of The Music of Ponyville

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 35 )

There's a lot going on this first chapter! The idea that Cadence can hear or sense her faithful student playing in her honour, even from a different town, is really sweet.

I like the idea that Octavia is loosening up on her bodily regime just a little bit. Fitness and health are very important, of course, but I sort of get the impression that her previous regime was more about "I have to be perfect in every possible way" rather than actually "This is good for my health and my musical career". Living with Bon Bon must make it difficult, though. I sort of suspect that ponies metabolise sweets differently from humans, because, well, Pinkie Pie.

Oh, so the Cakes are being sneaky? Yeah, good luck trying to bribe the Element of Honesty, even with food from her home province. I've never been fond of Indian sweets myself, but it does sound tasty.

So Red Tape likes Lyra, but won't say anything to her... just like Lyra won't say anything to Bon Bon! Clearly, they're a perfect match.

The central conflict here should be interesting. Octavia really is worried about screwing up her new friendships, and I feel sorry for her.

Ouch. That didn't go so well. Fluttershy's story about Rainbow Dash and Applejack is sad. It's always a bit of a downer writing alternate Harmony bearer stories in Ponyville, because the existing conflicts between the Mane Six, such as Applejack and Rarity, just don't get resolved without Twilight's presence.

Medley is kind of defensive, isn't she? Hopefully it's only her pride that is the problem, not the money issue itself. I think Octavia actually has real reason to be concerned here, as compared to the situation with Lyra.

I really loved this story! Octavia's concerns are serious enough to be real, but it all worked out in the end. The descriptions of the race were lovely, especially Bluenote and the kids.

A nice, happy story. I really enjoyed reading this. Great job, man!

Loved this story.

Cadanceverse is best AU.

So many memes Appledash, Rainjack, Lyra's human antics, that dragon costume from "Dragon Quest" and Vinyl accidentally called Fluttershy Dragonshy. And I loved every one of them great story and hope to see more from this universe.


Thank you all for your praise.


In the first draft Octavia's loosening of her regime was a bit more severe and she was happily guzzling hot chocolate of a morning, but Grassandclouds2 suggested this was a bit to far and I agreed. I put this story about 6 months in so there can be some reasonable development time for the characters so that they can have changed a bit from music while still be recognisable.

One thing about this story is that I feel a little selfish grabbing more than my fair share of secondary characters and setting them with some personality (Big Mac, Ditzy, The Cakes, The Mayor, Twist), name checking some others (Flitter, Time Turner, Cheerilee, Dash, Applejack) and even a few OCs (Red Tape, Digger, Titch) so that they're a bit less available to other writers to do what they want with. I really like universe building and like taking these characters off in, if not unique (Fandom is so big that true uniqueness is probably impossible) then unusual directions (Ditzy being very dexterous, Big Mac the opera singer) but I do feel like I'm hogging the story a bit.

My next planned story will have a smaller cast but will probably spot light Fluttershy and Rarity with an unusual history for her (probably) as well as a few more background ponies appearing. Hopefully by then a few more authors will have put there mark on the universe and I can start working off their idea's as well as my own.

I really liked this. An understandable oncern but a happy ending anyway, even for Rainbow and AJ. And a bit of ship teasing in an almost love dodecahedron type way. Very nice.

Wow, so far the lessons and conflicts in the Cadanceverse seem to stem from expectations of oneself and concern about how you reflect in the publics eyes. Very nice theme we've got going on here.

Medley is kinda mean at the end. Quite frankly Octavia was talking to her about her worries of damaging their friendship, and Medley kinda insults her and calls her a lazy aristocrat...who is it that's supposed to be taking friendship lessons again?

Somebunny needs to write that adventure.


Interesting, I haven't noticed that before. My next story fits into it as well, Rarity and Fluttershy semi-competing over who can raise the most money for charity.


That scene sort of ran away from me. Originally it had Octavia to nervous to talk about her worries and just keep pussyfooting around the issue before leaving. But when I came to write it I realised that I had two most prideful characters standing up to each other and that was going to make some sparks fly so it ended rather different to the way it was envisioned. I probably overdid Medley's 'prickliness' though.


Are you the rabbit for the job? Princess Cadence want's YOU to write a The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe parody.

On a more serious note I have no idea what Grassandclouds2 plans for his Lyra's reward story but this is the sort of thing I'm expecting so that's why Lyra recognises the queen.

All hail Princess Titchy Scratch of the Elk Nation! :pinkiecrazy:

3089058 I'm imagining Vinyl teasing him to Tartarus and back about that when he's old enough to care.


With a name like Titchy he probably doesn't need anything else to be teased about. I imagine that he'll grow up to be bigger than Big Mac and not be able to get a date because there's a rumour he lives up to his name. :raritycry:

3093338 Unless he likes stalions in which case it'll scare them off because it's "too gay".:facehoof:


That was a really good short story in typical Cadenceverse-style.

I liked how Octavia´s fears build up more and more and how her friends in the end acted in such a reasonable way, even the temperamental Medley. The conflict was simple, logic and comprehensible.

And of course the musical parts were great, that´s after all what features the Cadenceverse.
My favorite was, of course as a German, Nena´s '99 Luftballons'.
A classic that never gets old.

Hmm, good take on the Running. Also,

I’m going to show Bon Bon what a great runner I am, I’d run a thousand miles for her then a thousand more just to be the pony who ran two thousand miles to fall down at her door.”

That's probably one of my favorite songs of all time. So, awesometastic. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

That bit at the end... ouch. :fluttershbad: Medley, Octavia was trying to smooth things out! :facehoof:

Excellent. Great version of the Running, here. Oddly enough, now I wanna do a sympathetic story with Red Tape. "Someone's gotta keep City Hall on track, for Cadance's sake!" :trollestia:


I do see him as sympathetic really, he just wants Ponyville to be safe and it would be that if Vinyl was locked away.

If you do want to do something with him PM me and I can give you some further background and idea's

The only thing I currently have in mind would be a story in the far future (season 2-3 style thing) where he and Vinyl get trapped together and they have to work as a team.

Technically, if ponies require permission of landowners for flyover, pegasi could not legally fly at all. In our world it used to be that trespass technically occurred if one somehow flew over the property of others. Then we developed lighter-than-air-craft:

With the advent of balloons, it is not trespass if one travels reasonably high above property. Reasonably is context-sensitive:

If I would fly less than 1 meter above the rooftops of my neighbors, I would certainly get in trouble, but if I would fly over 1 kilometer above the rooftops of my neighbors, I certainly would not get in trouble.

I mention trespass here. I would surely violate many other regulations if I flew less than 1 meter above the rooftops of my neighbors. If I flew over 1 kilometer above my neighbors, but I did not have a Pilot-License, did not file a FlightPlan and the airspace is restricted, I would get into trouble.

In 1946, this went to the Supreme Court of the United States of America in http://wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_v._Causby.

AppleJack and RainBowDash not being friends is sad.

Bag Mac is a typo. You want Big MacIntosh

TimeTurner just might finish before he starts. I imagine that he has a Blue Box near.


I guess I didn't think that though entirely.

In my defence it's quite low, is playing loud music and Red Tape is clutching at any possible interpretation of legislation to try and stop Vinyl.

It ended nicely.

Bravo bravo :twilightsmile: I liked the Cakes shameless attempt at bribery ough the speaking in unison thing was a bit creepy >< Octavia felt really well done too Beautifully balanced and well thought out.

One of the good things about this musical universe is you sometimes find new songs and bands you never heard of, but end up liking.

I for one have a new favorite number, 99.

Dammit, reading acadenceverse story on my phone, where I can't lusten to the music, feels like a deadly sin.


Nope sorry, that's all folks.

Until the next story anyway.


They go to a restaurant have a good time, chat and life goes on the next day. You can fill in the blanks if you want.

I’d run a thousand miles for her then a thousand more just to be the pony who ran two thousand miles to fall down at her door.

:raritydespair: Da di lat da!
:fluttershbad: Da di lat da!
:raritydespair: Da di lat da!
:fluttershbad: Da di lat da!
:raritydespair::fluttershbad: Da-da-da dun-diddle un-diddle un-diddle uh da-da!

I can't help but think Vinyl Scratch doesn't take that feud with Red Tape seriously. I think it's just a game to her. Red Tape gets frustrated with Vinyl and tries to do everything in his power to stand in her way, but Vinyl sees that as nothing more than him challenging her. And she's eccentric enough that she probably doesn't even realize how much she frustrates him.

And then there's Octavia, still new to this "friendship" thing, so she doesn't realize that it's just friendly competition between friends. It's unlikely that Octavia will make a big difference in how Lyra feels. After all, it's not exactly trying to get first place, just trying to get Bonny's attention. And Medley would like to win the money. But it's not like it'll be a big deal if Octavia beats her. Because Octy doesn't know what Medley means by "surprises".

It's also kinda sad how Red Tape has a crush on Lyra, but Lyra only has her attention on Bon Bon. Let's just hope that Bon Bon doesn't develop a crush on Red Tape. That actually would cause problems.

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