• Published 17th Aug 2013
  • 685 Views, 22 Comments

Might Be just a day... - Fat1thatyoulove

The sequel to the MAybe series, part 43. Follow our main character thought his newest trails as he tries to better understand the power he possess. And how it affects the ones he loves.

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Chapter 5

Chapter 5 – Weird is just normal

You give a little groan as you inevitably snort back your own sickness, as you give a light cough you speed your slow trot up to the library door as you duck inside using your magic to hold the door open for Twilight and Violet.

"There you guys are."

Your ears are attacked by a different boy like voice than you expected from Spike, and sure enough as you look to the room the cyan mare comes placed in your mind, "Hello Rainbow."

She doesn't really acknowledge your hello as she turns her attention to the happy little filly that has turned her own gaze towards her, "I thought you said nothing happened with Violet from the Elements of Harmony yesterday?"

"Nothing did." Twilight's horn sparks up as she starts to undo her saddle.

"Nothing?" Rainbow holds her confusion as she continues, "But Spike said you two went to the hospital?"

You speak up as you move the scarf from your neck and start to fold it up with your magic, "Thats because somepony over re-...."AhChowwo!" The scarf you had in your magic burst into flames and trickles down towards the ground in a few scraps of burnt fabric.

Twilight gives a loud sigh as she starts to help Violet undo her own saddle, "I told you not to use magic, a cold for a unicorn means there magic is affected by it."

You nod to the comment as you slip your boots off, but a dumb smile comes over your face as you think it over...I'm not a unicorn i'm a-...

"So what happened?" Rainbow's attention moves from the burnt pile of fabric as her voice comes back to the room.

"Well Violet lost two teeth and we had to-..."

Twilight's words are cut off as Rainbow waves her hoof towards her, "Wait wait wait, Violet lost a tooth? L-like Granny Smith?"

To the words Violet opens her mouth to Rainbow, the cyan mare stares to the two absent slots as she cocks her head back to Twilight, "That's not normal for a pony, is she alright?" Rainbow's tomboyish voice changes a little to a more mare like voice as she waits for an answer.

Twilight nods her head as she continues, "Well its not normal for ponies, but apparently it is normal." She nods her head to you.

As the cyan pegasus follows her nod you give a dumb but proud smile, "Really? That's weird."

Twilight gives a little giggle as she floats hers and Violet's stuff next to her, "Where's Spike?"

Rainbow nods up the stairs as her normal tomboyish banter starts to come back, "He said he went to get something."

As her words end the lavender mare starts up the stairs, but Rainbow's voice is only absent from the room for a moment as she turns back to the happy light purple filly, "Sorry Wheezy, I don't think I can play today."

The smile is slightly lost from Violet, but she brushes it off as she turns her attention to the doll that has been placed on the table.

As Violet moves from Rainbow's sight she turns back to you as she gives an annoying laugh, "Wait, did Twilight say you go sick?"

You roll your eyes to her enjoyment as she continues, "So can you just like shed your fur and like not be sick or something?"

The weird comment strikes you a little off but you shake your head with a laugh as you speak up, "No, can you?"

Rainbow shrugs your words off as she continues, "Hey, i'm not the pony that burns things with his mind from sneezing you know."

The sound of Twilight's hooves breaks your focus on the conversation as you and Rainbow turn to the lavender mare coming down the stairs followed by the purple dragon. But your sight stays to the two books that floats near Twilight as Rainbow speaks up, "Oh Twilight, Mayor Mare wants you to stop by Town Hall sometime next week so that you can start with the Winter Wrap up stuff."

The cyan mare holds her tone as she puffs her chest out a little more, "I still say there was nothing wrong with the way we use to clean things up."

Twilight nods to the comment as she floats the books to the table, "Thanks Rainbow, i'll make sure I stop by...." She taps her hoof to her mouth as she starts to think out loud, "I think I have some ideas on how to make it go a little bit faster."

Your curiosity in the conversation finally gets the better of you as you speak up, "What's Winter Wrap up?"

Rainbow, Twilight and Spike give you a confused look to your question but the lavender mare speaks up as she rolls through her normal tone, "Its when we clean up the snow around Ponyville to get ready for spring."

You think over her words for a second as you push through an unsure sentence, "That was fast."

Twilight nods to your comment as her slight know it all tone comes to her, "Celestia's years have a shorter full season but longer days, so winter is a little shorter."

When did we get into Celestia's year? You push the thought aside as you answer yourself, pony time...But before you can speak up Spike's voice rings past you as the purple dragon stares to the pile of burnt scarf, "What's this?"

Twilight doesn't even look to it as she starts towards the kitchen, "I'll get it up."

As the mare trots past you you put your head down a little, "Sorry Twilight."
She doesn't stop her trot as she goes past you. "Mmhm."

"So how long is Violet going to look like a professional Pony Puck player?" As Rainbow's words end you bring your voice back up as you hold a questioning look to the mare, "Pony Puck? Is that like hockey or something?" You quickly decided to just answer her question as you realize you're not going to get your own, "She should get them back pretty soon."

Twilight comes back into the room with a broom and dust pan as she talks, "Doctor Stable said a little bit of magic should help them come in."

Rainbow holds her usual cool expression but you can see a hint of confusion to her nod as you look her over, but she doesn't stay quite for longer than a second as her tomboyish voice comes back unfazed. "Alright, well i'll see you guys around, I still need to go and help Aj with keeping a few loose clouds away from the unsnowed farm."

You and Twilight wave goodbye to the cyan mare as she turns towards the door, as the door closes Twilight floats the broom and full dust pan towards the kitchen as she talks, "Well lets get started."

"Oh, wait!" Spike holds his claw up as he starts up the stairs, "I forgot to give you something Celestia sent." A wide smile comes over his face as he leaves from the room, but his smile doesn't transfer to you as you think over his words, Celestia sent something...great.

As Spike's footsteps start to ring from his ascent Twilight turns back to the table as her tone takes on a faint baby like tone, "Alright Violet lets see if we can start some of your magic training hmm?"

The light purple filly smiles to the words as Twilight continues, "Its to late to really start on anything too hard so we'll just try a few easy things. Filly magic is always better in the morning so we can start the other things tomorrow."

You speak up as you think over Twilight's words, "Remember it if she wants to."

Twilight nods her head as she turns back to you, "Of course." But your sight of her sly smiling face doesn't stay long as she turns back to Violet, "You want to try these spells like a big filly right?"

Cheater...You give a faint sigh to the words but you can't argue it as you watch Violet happily shaking her head yes.

"Twilight, here's what Celestia sent."

You turn your head back to the small purple dragon as he comes down the stairs waving a piece of paper next to him, "Celestia sent Violet's enrollment paper."

Twilight's smile comes back to her as she floats the paper towards herself, the smile she has put on is the same as yesterday's proud filled grin, but its a little bit more prominent as she looks over the page.

The page doesn't float long though as she put it to the ground and turns to Violet, "Lets start."

End of chapter 5