• Published 20th Aug 2013
  • 1,376 Views, 15 Comments

Wormy - Fluttrick

Pinkie Pie befriends a worm.

  • ...

Chapter 1

"Goodbye, Gummy!" Pinkie said as she exited her room and headed out the door of Sugarcube Corner.

The young morning sun shone upon her as she trotted and skipped her way around Ponyville, greeting everypony with a wave and the call of a name. Ponies smiled as she passed and continued to go about their business.

By the time she was finished it was already noon.

A single bead of sweat slipped down her face as she trotted out of town. She wasn't tired, not just yet. And so the young mare traveled along the outskirts of town in hopes of finding a passerby she could cheer up or perhaps befriend.

Her ears perked up and a smile swept across her face as the thought of making another friend entered her mind.

And so she sat in the middle of the road and waited. Longer and longer. Pinkie's smile soon faded. Perhaps she could visit her friends instead.

Just as she turned to leave, she felt something slither against her hoof. With a yelp, Pinkie jumped into the air, performed a somersault, and landed a few feet away from the creature.

And then she looked back.

It was a worm.

Pinkie's smile returned to her face as she chuckled giddily and approached the worm.

"Phew, I thought you were a snake for a second. But to think I got all worked up over a worm! That's just hilarious! I think I'll call you Wormy!" Pinkie announced to the little pink fellow below, who had started on his path again.

"Hey!" Pinkie exclaimed.. "Aren't you going to stick around?" The worm simply looked at her. She looked at him the same way. "Aren't you at least going to say something?" The worm continued to stare as if it didn't understand a word she was saying. "I guess not."

"Well at least let me invite you to a party!" Pinkie said, wiping away a bead of sweat and guiding her new found friend towards Ponyville. The sun blazing hotter as they approached.


"Howdy there, partner." Applejack greeted Wormy, holding a smile, as he was introduced to Pinkie's friends at the party. A large banner with his name hung over their heads in Sugarcube Corner.

Wormy simply met Applejack's eyes but made no movement. Applejack struggled to keep her smile up, then sidled up to Pinkie.

"Remind me again why we're throwing a party for a worm, Pinkie?" Applejack whispered into her friend's ear.

"Because everyone deserves at least one party in their life! Big or small. Pony or worm! I just need to get him to smile." Pinkie chuckled.

Applejack stared in disbelief at her friend, shook her head, muttered something about 'just being Pinkie Pie', and walked off to the punch table.

"Don't worry, Wormy! I Pinkie Pie Promise that you will smile by the end of your stay here in Ponyville! I cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" Pinkie exclaimed and led him throughout Sugarcube Corner.

More awkward meetings ensued.

Towards the end of the party the cake was given to Wormy, who rather than taking the first slice jumped right in and disappeared beneath the cake's frosted surface.

Gasps escaped from the crowd. Everyone's breath was held until a few seconds later when Wormy's head finally popped out. Sighs of relief followed, but no one ate the cake after that.

By the end of the party the forty-eight party guests exited the doors rather quickly leaving two pink friends to their selves.

With a smile, Pinkie turned to Wormy. "You wouldn't happen to need a place to stay, would you?" She asked.

Wormy looked at her and nodded his head.

"So you do understand!" Pinkie exclaimed happily and did a little hop in the process. "Well I have a perfect place for you to stay, Wormy." And with that, she led him up the stairs and to her room.

Gummy was waiting ever-so patiently for her.

"Hey there, Gummy!" Pinkie said and held Wormy up to his face. "Meet, Wormy!" Gummy sniffed the pink little fellow and then stole him from her hoof in a quick movement.

Pinkie gasped. "GUMMY!" She quickly dove to him and forced his mouth open. Wormy sat there, unharmed. "Thank, Celestia that you haven't grown teeth yet, Gummy."

And with that she removed Wormy from his mouth and prepared a small makeshift bed out of patches of cloth and pillow feathers.

After tucking Wormy into his bed, Pinkie snuggled into a bed of her own, grabbed Gummy, holding him close like a child would with a teddy bear, and turned off the lights.


The next day Pinkie brought Wormy back to the road on which she had found him on. A single tear escaped her eye as she let him down to the ground.

"We had some good times, didn't we, Wormy?" Pinkie sniffled.

Wormy nodded his little head in response. Pinkie lowered her head, unable to meet his gaze.

"Well, goodbye. I'm sure I'll see you again some day."

"Of course."

With a look of disbelief, Pinkie looked up to see Wormy smiling.

"Goodbye, Pinkie Pie."

And with that Wormy continued on his journey. Tears of disbelief and joy escaped Pinkie's eyes, but she didn't care. She'd gotten him to smile. To talk even! Pinkie jumped up in joy and bounded off back to Ponyville.


Wormy smiled as he inched his way along the road.

"What a silly pink pony." He said to himself. "At least she made the most of this lifetime." For he knew his time was coming to an end when the shadow swept over him. "What a silly pink pony."

Comments ( 14 )

Magnificent, simply.
Even though i was certain that this story would not be meet it's potential, this really pleasently surprised me.
Short, Sweet And well written.
Even the ending was "spot on"
Keep it up, good sir.

(I love it!)

Well that was... something :rainbowderp:, but it was written well enough and was slightly entertaining for a story about a worm so good job on that

I hope wormy wasn't stepped on,You got me to care for the little guy at the end

I think I'll recomend this

Wow short, sweet and with a dash of I dont know what!? Good job.
3076316 Thanks for the recomendation

I didn't know Wormy was a time-lord.

That was...actually kind of saddening. Good on you.

~Onii-chan :raritywink:

that is....AWESOME :pinkiehappy:

the first ever talking worm...this just PrOVES! that pinkie's cookings got SOME mumbo jumbo to geT A worm to talk...too bad said worm gets eaten by the early bird in the end tho:ajbemused:

3076047>>3076049>>3076050>>3076290>>3076316>>3076326>>3076577>>3077329>>3077696>>3077716>>3080352>>3080352>>3085648 Thanks for all the support guys! :pinkiehappy:

Brain.exe has a fatal error.Program shutting down.

Full review here, but in brief: I can see Pinkie doing this! Upvoted.

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