• Published 4th Nov 2013
  • 2,468 Views, 32 Comments

My Little Sarah - superfunnelc

On the first day outbreak Joel lost his dauther Sarah for good, or so he thought

  • ...

Day 1

"But, sir there's a little girl, but. Yes sir." A soldier says as he takes aim at a figure carrying another much smaller figure.

"Listen buddy, we've just been though hell.' The larger figure says, "Okay we just need." The figure was cut off by the soldier opening fire on the two figures. The larger figure fell down, throwing the smaller figure. The soldier moves over to the larger figure and aims his gun at his face, the figure began to plea "Please don't," before the soldier is shot in the head by a third figure. Crying can be heard from the smallest figure "Sarah!" The largest figure crawls over to Sarah and begins applying pressure on a bullet wound to her lower stomach, "Okay, move your hands baby girl. Listen to me I know this hurts. Your gonna be okay, stay with me. Alright, I'm gonna pick you up." Soon the crying stops, "Sarah? Don't do this to me baby." The figure then be gins crying over the body of his daughter.


"Alright, this looks like a good spot." Joel says as he and Tommy reach the top of a small hill, carrying a small wooden coffin. After several hours of digging they lower the coffin containing Sarah's body into the grave they dug, before planting a small cross as a headstone, and heading back to the tent city that they currently called home.

"Well well, this seems hardly fair." Discord says appearing in a puff of smoke, "You hardly got a chance, now did you?" Discord sheds a single tear, snapping his fingers, and disappearing in a cloud of smoke.


"Princess Celestia, you wanted to see me?" Twilight says entering the throne room.

"Yes Twilight. I have felt large energy fluctuations."

"You have felt them as well?"

"Correct, I have not felt these kinds of fluctuations for some time, i dear Discord may be involved."

"But Celestia, we defeated him! He is still in the garden." Twilight walks to the window and looks at the stone statue of Discord

"True, but he is still very powerful, I fear he is watching us even now."


"Daddy!" Sarah screams opening her eyes, "W-w-w-what the hell? I'm, i'm alive?"

"Angel, d-did you hear that?" A soft voice says from a bush.

"H-h-h-hey! Whose there?" Sarah yells turning to face the bush

"A-angel, you go first, see whats out there." The voice said before a small white bunny hops out

"What the hell a bunny? I must be dead, this is either a screwed up hell, or a screwed up version of heaven, either way what the hell?" Sarah yells as a small yellow pony walks out of the bushes "That's it, I'm in hell." Sarah said before she passes out.


Celestia sighs and enters her royal chambers, the energy fluctuations had given her a granddaddy migraine "By the sun, i need some rest." She sighs and climbs into bed

"Helloooooooo, Tia." Discord smiles and leans against the windowsill.

"Not, in the mood Discord." Celestia covers her head with a pillow "Wait, Discord! She bolts into an upright position.

"Yes, it is I the very merry Discord!" He smiles

"Merry, is something you are not."

"Well, merciful is something I am." He smiles

"Once again, you are telling me a straight lie.'

"Trust me, i am not. Wait a little bit and you shall see." Discord chuckles and with a snap of his finger he dispersers along with the statue in the garden, and in the statue's place was a paper sign "OUT TO LUNCH."


"Dad, is my Sprite ready?" Sarah says as she slowly opens her eyes expecting her father Joel to be waiting with some crackers and a bottle of Sprite, but all she found was a albino ferret sitting on her stomach, causing her to let out a very high pitch scream. There was a crashing and the pony she saw rushed to her side

"Boxey! Down now!" The pony scolds the ferret who jumps off Sarah's chest "Are you okay dear?"

"What the hell is going on?" Sarah asks holding her head in her hands and sighs

"I am afraid, i don't know what your talking about dear."

"One second an asshole soldier is shooting me and my dad, causing me to bleed out in a coolie, and the next second I am in this pastel colored little girl wonderland." Sarah sighs and starts to cry

"Shhhhhhh, it's okay dear." The pony extends a wing and places it on Sarah's shoulder

"W-whats your name?"

"Fluttershy." The pony smiles at Sarah

"T-that is a nice name." Sarah sniffles and hugs Fluttershy

"Thank you, now why don't you tell me the whole story." Fluttershy gives Sarah a cup of tea


"And that is it." Sarah sighs as tears run down her face, she had long finished her tea and the empty cup was resting on a nightstand.

"oh, you pour pour thing." Fluttershy says several tears of her own falling down her face, "Well, if anypony can help you get back home, it's my friend Twilight."

"Twilight, that is a rather odd name." Sarah says smiling "Do you have anymore of that tea?"

"I think I should somewhere around here." Fluttershy smiles and heads to the kitchen

Author's Note:

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