• Published 18th Aug 2013
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Daughter of Discord - DisneyFanatic23

Sequel to "Bride of Discord." Discord and Fluttershy are blessed with a daughter named Screwball, who is gifted with incredible power that attracts the attention of the Queen of the Changelings...as well as her son.

  • ...

First Day of School

Screwball was five when she started school. There was some debate that morning on who would take her. Fluttershy worried that Discord would shock the young colts and fillies, but he saw it as his duty as Screwball's father to walk her to her first day of school. The pegasus finally gave in and allowed him to come.

As they slowly approached the red building, Screwball felt her stomach churn.

"What if the ponies don't like me?" she asked her parents.

"Of course they'll like you!" Discord replied, playfully twirling the propeller on her hat. "Why wouldn't they? After all, who wouldn't like the most adorable filly in all of Equestria?"

Silence fell over the schoolyard as the foals stopped their playing at the sight of the draconequus. Screwball gestured to them.

"Because I'm different?"

"And that's what makes you so adorable!" her father exclaimed, ruffling her mane.

"Everything will be alright, honey," Fluttershy assured the filly. "Dinky will be here, so will Thunder, Lightning and Cinnamon Stick."

After Applejack and Spike had tied the knot a couple of years ago, they had adopted two foals, a brother and a sister, from the Canterlot Orphanage, doubting that having their own foal would be possible. The colt, Cinnamon Stick, was Screwball's age and the filly, Cinnamon Roll, was but a toddler and not old enough to attend school.

"Your teacher is also Cheerilee," Fluttershy continued. "You remember her: Apple Blossom's mother? Oh, and she will be in your class too."

Apple Blossom was also around Screwball's age. They had not met that often, but she knew she was Aunt Applejack's real niece. She also remembered Cheerilee, a very nice mare who always smiled. The idea of her being her teacher made Screwball feel a little better, plus all her friends were going to be in her class.

"And don't worry if any pony makes fun of you," Discord added. "Just show them who's Boss and turn them into an orange!"

"Discord!" Fluttershy shouted with a glare. "That's no advice to give to our child!" She looked back at the filly. "If any pony cannot accept how special you are, that's their problem. As for your magic...don't get into any trouble and don't make any pony feel jealous..."

"She deserves to show off her powers!"

The pegasus shot him another warning glare before continuing. "Promise me you'll behave. Okay, honey?"

Screwball nodded. "I'll be good, Mommy."

"Good." She kissed her on the forehead. "Now, have you got everything? Your lunch?"


"Your notebook and pencils?"


"Don't forget your apple for the teacher!" Discord exclaimed, snapping his fingers.

An apple appeared in Screwball's hoof. She gasped and then chuckled as a worm popped out of it.

"Discord," Fluttershy warned.

The draconequus laughed as he replaced the apple with a ripe worm-free one. "Just kidding, darling! Don't take everything so seriously!"


The family turned to see the wonky-eyed unicorn rushing towards them. Screwball embraced her best friend happily.

"Isn't this exciting?" Dinky cried, bouncing up and down. "It's our first day of school! We're gonna have so much fun and make lots of new friends!"

The unicorn grew even more excited as three pegasi flew up the road.

"Hey, Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash greeted. "Looks like our kids are going to be in the same class."

"Thunder! Lightning!"

The twins landed with a thud as Dinky tackled them both. Applejack chuckled as she appeared behind them. At her side was a light brown colt with a black mane and autumn brown eyes.

"I see y'all are just as excited as Cinnamon Stick here," the cowgirl said, patting her adopted son on the back.

Dinky looked up and blushed slightly at the sight of Cinnamon Stick. Screwball noticed him returning her blush.

"H-h-h-hi, D-d-d-dinky," he stuttered.

Dinky waved her hoof shyly. "Hi."

Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Applejack shared a knowing look.

Every pony looked up as the school bell rang and Cheerilee emerged from the building.

"Alright, kids! Come inside!"

Fluttershy gave her daughter a light shove. "Go on! We'll come and pick you up at three."

After receiving another kiss, Screwball joined her friends as they raced up the steps. She stopped at the door.

"Oh, Ms Cheerilee!" she exclaimed, handing her the apple. "This is for you!"

"Why thank you, Screwball," Cheerilee said with a smile.

Once the children were inside, Fluttershy approached the teacher with concern in her eyes.

"Um, I should let you know that Screwball sort of...takes after her father in..."

Cheerilee held up her hoof. "I'm fully aware of Screwball's...talents."

"Oh, well...sometimes she can't control herself and...if she causes you any trouble..."

"You just let me worry about it."

"She's also a little sensitive about her eyes..."

"She'll be treated like any other pupil, I guarantee. Don't fret, Fluttershy. She's in good hooves."

Fluttershy smiled at the teacher as she closed the door, but she was still unsure. Discord scooped her up in his arms.

"She'll be fine, dear," he assured her. "After all, she is our daughter."

"That's what I'm afraid of," she muttered.

Cheerilee attempted to get her new students to settle down. "Alright, class! I know you're excited and all. You'll find your name on your new desk."

The schoolhouse had twelve desks in total. Screwball found hers in the third seat of the second row. She was thrilled to see that Dinky got the seat next to her. Thunder and Lightning sat in the front row while Cinnamon Stick got the back left corner. Screwball felt more comfortable being surrounded by her friends.

"Well, welcome to the new school year, my little ponies!" Cheerilee announced. "I'm your teacher, Ms Cheerilee. We're going to spend this morning getting to know one another. Everyone turn to the pony next to you and introduce yourselves."

When Thunder Dash turned to his right, he met the green eyes of an earth pony he had not met before. She had a yellow coat, a few freckles on her cheeks, and an orange mane tied into two pigtails. They sat there motionless for a second before Thunder spoke:


"Hey," the filly muttered in return.

He held out his hoof. "Thunder Dash."

Without breaking eye contact, she accepted his hoof. "Apple Blossom."

"Oh! You're the teacher's pet, err, daughter, right?"

She nodded slowly. "And Rainbow Dash is your mom?"


They did nothing but stare at each other for a long while.

Screwball's desk partner on her right was a white unicorn with red, white and blue striped hair. She flinched at the sight of the earth pony's eyes. Screwball eagerly extended her hoof.

"Hi! I'm Screwball!"

The unicorn hesitantly shook her hoof. "Aquafresh."

"Isn't this all exciting?"

"Uh...yeah. Hey, are you...?"

Cheerilee tapped her ruler on her desk to get every pony's attention. "Alright, now we're each going to introduce ourselves to the class. State your name and please share something interesting about yourself. I will go first as an example." She cleared her throat. "My name is Cheerilee, I am happily married and currently teaching a wonderful class!"

Screwball tried to pay close attention to the others as they introduced themselves, but the only ones she really listened to were her friends.

"I'm Lightning Dash!"

"And I'm Thunder Dash!"

"And we're going to be Wonderbolts!"

"Just like our parents!"

The twins did a hoof bump before Apple Blossom spoke:

"My name is Apple Blossom and that's my mommy up there."

There was much chatter among the students, until Cheerilee's voice silenced them. "Yes, Apple Blossom is indeed my daughter, but I assure you she will be treated as equally as the rest of you."

Dinky was very excited for her introduction: "I'm Dinky Doo and I like muffins!"

Screwball giggled slightly and then realized it was her turn. "I'm Screwball and my dad's the Lord of Chaos!"

The room became so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Screwball shrank at the thought that maybe she had gloated, despite what her mother had told her. She had not meant to brag, but the teacher had asked for something interesting, and well, that was the most interesting thing about her.

She could not understand why every pony was so shocked. Based on how the twins were looking at her, she had the feeling that what she said was wrong. Why? It was not like they did not know. It was not like she had grown a second head.

"Did I say something wrong?" she asked the teacher.

Cheerilee shook her head. "No, Screwball, you said nothing wrong. Let's continue."

"I'm Aquafresh," the unicorn beside her said, rather shakily, "and my mom's a dentist."

Screwball did not hear the rest of the introductions, or pay attention as Cheerilee began the lesson. She was too busy listening to the whispers of the two colts behind her.

"She's the one my sister told me about! Her daddy's supposed to be a big scary monster!"

"Yeah! I think I saw him this morning!"

"My sister tells me she's as much a freak as he is!"

"Yeah! I mean look at that hat she's wearing!"

She protectively held onto her treasured hat from Aunt Pinkie.

"And what's up with her eyes? Is she blind or something?"

Her head wrenched around her neck as she faced the colts. "I'm not blind!"


She faced Cheerilee, realizing that she had said that out loud.

"What's going on?" the teacher asked crossly. "Are you paying attention?"

"Sorry, Ms Cheerilee," she pleaded. "But...they're saying mean things about me."

"Tattle tale," whispered the boy behind her.

"Is this true, Gold Digger?"

The colt with golden fur and black hair shook his head. "No, Ms Cheerilee. We were just talking about her eyes."

The teacher squinted at him. "Your sister was a pupil of mine, so I expect you to be familiar with the rules of this class. Every pony, let it be known that from now on, there will be no talking during the lesson!"

Screwball glanced over at Apple Blossom and tried to copy her pose by sitting upright and folding her hooves on her desk. She could not get in trouble on the first day of school. Mom would get upset.

She flinched as she felt a prick on the back of her neck. She glanced around and shrugged it off, assuming it to be a fly. Then she felt it again. It did not hurt really, but she found it quite annoying. Then something hopped onto her desk: a rubber band. She looked at the golden colt out of the corner of her eye. He and his friend were snickering with pleasure.

She thought of what her father had said numerous times that morning: If any pony makes fun of you, show them who's Boss. She did not want to disappoint her mother, but these colts needed to be taught a lesson. She had to be subtle in her revenge, for Cheerilee knew about her powers.

Screwball glanced at the rubber band that had missed and remembered Aunt Pinkie showing her something called a Cat's Cradle. She smiled deviously as she made a rubber band appear between Gold Digger's legs and copied the trick. When she was successful, she tried it on the other colt.

Then the bell rang for recess and the two boys tripped out of their seats.

"What the...?" Gold Digger uttered, looking at his tied legs.

Thunder and Lightning gawked at the sight and gave Screwball a questioning glance. She nodded with a devilish grin.

"Nice," Lightning muttered, giving her a hoof bump.

"Let's get out of here before the teacher notices," Thunder whispered.

The fillies agreed and rushed toward the playground. For the first five minutes of recess, Screwball and Dinky spun a rope while the twins competed over who could jump the longest.

"Nine, ten..." Dinky counted. "Uh...what comes after ten?"

"Eleven," Screwball continued. "Twelve, thirteen...hey, guys! Watch this!"

She let go of the rope, but it kept spinning as if some pony was still holding that end. Dinky gasped and released her end as well.

"Awesome!" the twins exclaimed.

"We have the coolest friend ever!" Lightning declared.

"And the sneakiest!" Thunder added.

"Who wants to play tag?"

The twins stopped jumping, entangling themselves in the rope.

"I do, I do!" Dinky hopped excitedly.

The three laughed at their friend's enthusiasm and followed her to join the other students as they gathered round. Screwball's smile faded when she saw that Gold Digger was the one who had made the announcement. His blue eyes met hers and they gave each other a mutual glare.

"Sorry," he said. "This game is for ponies only!"

"But I am a pony," Screwball insisted.

"No, you're not. You're only half a pony. My big sister Diamond Tiara told me so!"

Many of the foals gasped, not believing there was such a thing as a half pony.

"You saw that big monster?" Gold Digger asked them. "That's her daddy!"

They shrieked in horror.

"My big sis said your daddy took over Equestria! Three times! He's the baddest of bad guys! He's evil!"

Screwball had no idea what he was talking about, but she stomped her hoof in anger. "Daddy's not evil!"

"He is evil! That means you're evil too! Look at her eyes!"

"Hey!" the twins cried, standing in front of their friend.

"Leave her alone!" Thunder Dash cried.

"What's wrong with you?" Lightning demanded.

"What's wrong with me?" Gold Digger repeated. "What's wrong with her? She's got funny eyes! Like her dopey friend over there!"

Screwball gasped and glanced at Dinky, who was on the verge of tears. Picking on her was one thing, but no pony made fun of Dinky! No pony! She might look different, but she was not a dope!

Gold Digger made Screwball so mad she just wished the sky would come crashing down on him! The students looked up as a dark shadow covered them and screamed when they saw a piano hurdling directly towards Gold Digger. They all scattered out of the way. Screwball managed to grab Dinky before the instrument hit the ground, smashing into pieces.

As soon as she heard the crash, Cheerilee rushed out and gasped at the sight of the broken piano. How had that gotten into the schoolyard? She looked towards Screwball, who had a guilty look on her face.

Fluttershy knew something was up when her daughter did not come out of the building immediately. Dinky then explained that Cheerilee had kept Screwball after class. Expecting the worst, Fluttershy entered the classroom. Cheerilee was sitting expectedly at her desk, Apple Blossom sitting at her own and Screwball on a stool in the corner. As soon as she saw her mother, she faced the wall in shame.

"I appreciate you coming here, Fluttershy," the teacher said bluntly.

"What's going on?" the pegasus inquired.

"Apple Blossom, would you wait outside, please?"

The filly said nothing and obeyed her mother.

"Have a seat, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy pulled up a chair and sat across from Cheerilee.

"It appears that there was a little...accident today."

The pegasus glanced over at Screwball. "What happened?"

"Well...how do I put this? A piano dropped from the sky."

Fluttershy's eyes widened in shock. "A piano?!"

"Yes. I checked, and there was no moving cart in the sky at the moment."

"You think...Screwball?"

Cheerilee looked to the filly in the corner. "Well, Screwball?"

She turned her head slowly, wincing at the expression on their faces.

"I didn't mean to!" she insisted. "They were making fun of me and Dinky! I didn't want it to happen! They made me so mad!"

"Honey, you promised you would behave!" Fluttershy shouted, almost too loudly.

"They called Daddy evil!"

Her mother's angry expression changed into one of fear. She then faced the teacher again.

"I assure you it won't happen again."

"See that it doesn't," Cheerilee said coldly. "You may go home now, Screwball."

The filly slid off the stool and smiled nervously up at her mother. The glare she received in return caused her to hang her head.

"We're going to talk with your father about this."

"A piano?" Discord said, looking up from his bowl of paper and over to Screwball. "A bit dramatic, don't you think? A pile of bricks would have sufficed."

"Discord!" Fluttershy gasped.

"Would serve the brat right for picking on my daughter!"

They were sitting at the dinner table. Fluttershy had just explained the events at school.

"I also tied his hooves into a Cat's Cradle," Screwball admitted, picking at her peas.

Her father guffawed. "You did?! What'd you use? A string or rubber band?"

"Rubber band. He threw rubber bands at me first."

"Giving him a taste of his own medicine, huh?" He clapped his hands. "Genius! Pure genius, that's what it is!"

Fluttershy was appalled. "Don't encourage her! She could have hurt some pony!"

"Those runts should have thought of that before they mocked our beautiful daughter!"

"He said you were evil," Screwball stated.

They both turned to her with wide eyes.

"Who told you that?" Discord demanded.

"Gold Digger," she replied. "He said you were evil, and that I was evil too."

"Sweetheart," her mother said, stroking her mane tenderly. "You're not evil and neither is your father."

Screwball looked her father in the eyes. "He said you took over Equestria."

Discord shrank guiltily into his seat. "Um...yes. I took over Equestria once...or twice, but that was a long time ago."

"You see, honey," Fluttershy explained, "your father was...evil, long before we met."

"Seems like a thousand years ago," the draconequus reminisced. "Actually, it was. I was ostracized because of my appearance and well...you could say I went crazy...like you did today with the piano. The princesses punished me by turning me to stone for a thousand years. When I was released...I met your mother. We didn't start on the friendliest of terms. She was one of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, the only things that could defeat me. She was Kindness, your Aunt Twilight was Magic, Rainbow Dash was Loyalty, Pinkie Pie was Laughter, Applejack was Honesty and Rarity was Generosity.

"I came up with a plan to dispose of the Elements of Harmony, but that didn't work out, so I tried something else. You see, I..."

He did not want to go into detail of what had happened. He did not want his daughter to think him a monster. Thankfully, Fluttershy summed it up gently.

"He said he would leave Equestria be in exchange for a willing bride."

He sighed in relief. "Yes, I...had grown rather lonely over the years and...your mother was the one who accepted the deal."

Screwball's eyes widened. "You were forced to marry Daddy?"

Fluttershy hesitated. "At first, yes. But then I got to know your father, and..."

"That's when we fell in love," Discord finished, placing his hands on her shoulders. "Your mother is an amazing mare. Remember that. She was the only one who had truly accepted me back then. I then realized that I could not have Equestria and her at the same time, and I could not live without her, so..."

She took his paw. "We got married."

He grinned and kissed her lightly on the lips, making Screwball gag. "Yes, we did. She brought out the good in me and I don't do evil anymore."

"So never you mind what Gold Digger said."

"But he made fun of Dinky too!" Screwball reminded them.

"And that was wrong of him, but if that piano had hit him, would that have made you any better?"

She hung her head. "No."


"So...Daddy's not the baddest of bad guys?"

Discord chuckled. "No. Well, once upon a time..." He trailed off as Fluttershy poked him in the ribs. "I mean no! I found something better than chaos."

He smiled at his wife and she returned his smile.

"Remember this, honey," Fluttershy said. "When it comes to love, appearances are insignificant."

"Indeed," Discord agreed. "It's the most powerful form of chaos there is!"

Author's Note:

Woo hoo! Second story to get featured!
Yes, Aquafresh is Colgate's daughter. Hey, someone had to do it!