• Published 18th Aug 2013
  • 2,876 Views, 10 Comments

Joker-Emperor of Equestria - jidbrony

What happens when the Clown Prince of Crime steals the powers of the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony. Joker rules the multivariate!

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

It was a lovely Christmas eve in Metropolis City, all the lights and decorations covered each and ever skyscraper creating of plain of colorful lights as far as the eye could see. Down on the streets of Metropolis city square the annual Christmas parade all the floats of Snow men and giant presents strolled through the crowed ridden streets with ease. It was especially large this year for this was 470th Christmas celebration, a milestone in this cities history. The highlight of the floats was of large Santa's sled that was filled with all sorts of presents for the girls and boys of the city.

"Ho! Ho! Ho!" Laughed the costume Santa as he waved to the adoring crowds in the audience. "Ho!, Ho! Ho! BWHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The crowds in audience looked confused as the costumed Santa began to laugh insanely, then all of sudden the costumed Santa removed he beard, coat as he revealed himself, and there with his green hair, bleached skin, wide smile, wearing a purple suite was that psychopathic clown prince of the crime, The Joker.

"That's right kiddo's Joker's Clause is coming to town and boy does he have some exciting Christmas presents for all the good little boys and girls of metropolis this year."

Then hordes of goons and thugs began to pop out from the other floats carrying all sorts of weapons and knives.

"My first gift to the people of Metropolis is, well...yours truly, normally Gotham is my laughing grounds by I couldn't resist not popping buy to spread my own brand of Christmas cheer to such a large gathering. HAHA! My second gift to you all, are good old fashioned explosives and bullets. HIT IT BOYS!"

The Jokers thugs got out several bazooka cannons and automatic rifles and began to fire into the crowds and at the surrounding building causing a storm of chaos to hit the streets.

The Joker just laughs in a mass hysteria as he watches all the suffering caused by the people of Metropolis. "Now all we need is a Christmas carol, oh I got one this is a old ditty we Gothamites like to sing..Jingle bells, Batman smells, Robin laid a egg, the Bat-mobile lost a wheel and the Joker got away!"

"Uh, boss man." muttered one of the goons, in a instant the Joker turned to him and scowled at him .

"WHAT!" Joker yelled.

"Look." the goon muttered pointing up in to the sky as the Joker saw a tiny speck flying around in the sky.

Joker merely smiled "Well look at that boys, it's a bird, it's a pain....no wait, it's Spandexman, HEHEHEHEHE!"

No it was Superman the hero of Metropolis fighting for truth and justice and the...well you get the point, descends towards the Joker, looking as tough as ever.

"Stop what your doing now Joker and I might go easy on you." Superman said.

"And a merry Christmas to you too Spandexman how about I give you some Christmas cheer, HEHEHE!." Joker then pulls out a small pellet and throws it onto the ground and releases a large puff of Joker venom, Superman manages doge it with ease, but the fog from the gas allows Joker to high tail it out of the float as a car pops out from under the float allowing Joker to drive wildly into the streets.

Joker begins heading into the downtown district of Metropolis, Superman then activates his ear communicator. "I got him running towards the business sector he seems to be heading towards Lex Corp. "

"Typical, I'm on it." said a gruff voice, then from a behind one the buildings a large jet plane in the shape of a bat emerged and flew in a speed of light towards the Joker direction.

"I'll round up these goons down here, I'll catch up with you." Superman said going down into the streets to clean up the mess Joker men were causing.

Continuing to drive through the streets like the maniac he was the Joker looked up to see the bat plane heading toward him he quickly turns a corner running into three people and causing two cars to crash into each other, he takes out a communicator and talks to his thugs. "Okay boys. RACK IT UP!" From two separate rooftops Joker thugs begin firing tow cables in-between the rooftops. The Bat-Plane gets stuck in between them causing it to loose it trajectory and begin to crash on to the ground.

"HAHAHHAHAHAHA!" Joker crackled as he saw his enemy plane crash into the ground but sadly for Joker the Bat-Plane began to head for Joker's car causing the two vehicles to crash into one another.

Superman flies toward them and uses his X-Ray vision to see if there still alive, he then sees bodies slowly trying to fight there way out of the rubble, Superman flies down to help Batman out as he frees him from the ruble.

"Where's Joker." Batman muttered looking bruised and beaten, but his question was answered when he burst out from the ruble unsaved and began to run into the LexCorp building.

"I'll got after him stay out here in case he tries to escape through the windows and use your X-ray vision to point me his location." Batman said as he quickly ran after Joker. Superman quickly activated his X-ray vision and saw Joker heading upstairs. "He seems to be heading towards the tech-room.

"Got it." Batman replied.

The two of them ran through the dark abandoned halls of the building each one going at full speed but Joker was faster finally reaching the LexCorp tech lab and barricading the door knowing full well it wouldn't stop Batman but it would have to do.

Joker looks around at all the high tech weaponry as if they were products at the local supermarket. "Now lets see what old Lexy boy has left for me to play with, oh choices, choices, choices." Then all of a sudden the Joker notices something covered by a draped curtain. "Oh! Something Lexy doesn't want anyone to see, well I do love me some spoilers. HEHE!" The Joker then pulled back the curtain to reveal what looked to be some sort of portal device, the Joker looked highly disappointed. "Really Lex, a portal that's what your hiding, how cliche." Joker then turns to face the author, breaking the fourth wall. "Your really expecting me to go through with this."

"Yes." I said.

"Come on, don't you have anything better to do that send me to another dimension were a crazy story will ensue. Oh yeah highly original" Joker noted with a hint of sarcasm.

"Hey! Am the author and I'm in charge, so stop breaking the forth wall and get in there before...." but before I could finish my sentence Batman burst through the door.

"Joker." he muttered angrily.

"Ah, Bat's my old pal, glad to see that you and Spandexman out there are here for my send of trip." Joke turned to the window to wave at Superman who was waiting outside as backup incase things got out of hand.

"What are you talking about?" Batman growled.

"I'm going on a little vacation Batsy, my physiatrist...." Joker then looks up into space with scowl on his face. "And one pesky author..." he turns back to Batman grinning. "Say that I need a change of scenery, to help ease the stress of daily life. It's tuff now a-days being a homicidal insane mass murderer first you have to make plans then you need to get guys together it's all..." Then Joker felt a huge wait hit his forehead as he lunged back into the wall. He saw Batman heading straight toward him, he grabbed one of the high tech lazier and blasted it toward Batman only for Superman to barge in and block it but the blast pushes Superman onto Batman causing the two to crash onto one another.

"HAHAHAHAHA! You two make a lovely couple don't you." Joker said as he saw the two Superhero's on top on one another, he then looked at invisible watch and headed toward the portal. "Well I've got to go or I'll miss my flight, be good to mommy while I'm gone kiddo's and here's a little kyrptonight for you to play with while I'm gone." Joker then pulls from his pocket a fractal of kyrptonight and throws it onto the ground as he activates the portal, he then pulls out a set of dynamite with a time on it and sets it for 10 seconds. "Can't have you following me now can I. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" With that final laugh the Joker jumps into the portal heading of to who know were. Batman is the first to get up and hears the countdown and as if by instinct he quickly grabs Superman as the two of them jump out the window a few seconds before the room explodes in a blaze of glory.

The two hero's slowly begin to regain there focus. "Were did Joker go." Superman asked regaining his strength."

"I don't know, but whatever dimension or universe he's in, there's going to be trouble.

In the middle of a grassy field the a young yellow Pegasus along with a barrage of different types of animals were setting things up for what looked like a lovely picnic.

Then there was a flash of light and a strange creatures with the head of a pony, a goat antler, a snakes tail, a eagle claw, a lion paw, two stubby legs ,and another strange horn appeared. "A Fluttershy this place looks lovely as ever especially on a nice sunny day like this."

"I know Discord and I thought it was supposed to rain today." responded the one called Fluttersy.

"Maybe the weather factory decided to cancel the rain shower today." Discord said "I mean it's not like the weather machine is malfunctioning or anything."

"DISCORD!" said a extremely angry voice from the distance, then from the sky a blue Pegasus with a rainbow colored mane came down from the sky looking extremely upset.

"Ah, if it isn't that master boaster herself Rainbowdash, growl at me let me know you still care." Discord said with a smirk on his face.

"Enough with the jokes Discord, I know it was you who broke the Cloudsdale weather machine." Rainbowdash said glaring at Discord.

"What...Your little machine is broken and you blame me instantly, now that not very friendly is it." Discord said wagging his finger and Rainbowdash.

"Oh please, then why is the machine covered and stuffed with cotton candy not to mention creating chocolate rain clouds."
Fluttershy turned to Discord with a disapproving look. "Discord, did you break the weather machine." she started to give him the stair, but it never worked with Discord but since they were friends he decided to come clean.

"Oh....Fine, yes, I did, but I don't see what the harm was is, it was just a little prank nothing more, look if you want I'll just snap my fingers and use my powers to fix it."

"NO, NO!" Rainbowdash blurts outs. "Your powers were the one that caused the mess in the first place, luckily I've got Twilight working on it."

Discord looked confused. "Twilight how can she....oh right she now Mon Princess Twilight, well tell her royal annoyance that if she needs my help I'll be." Discord almost vomited before he could finish he sentence. "Most honored to do so." he then gave a sarcastic bow. Rainbowdash merely shook her head in annoyance. "You haven't changed a bit have you Discord." she flew up back to her home Cloudsdale.

Discord gave her a raspberry as she left, he then sat down to enjoy the relaxing feel of the grass on his back, conjuring up some sun glasses and a tan razor he started to relax ,however someone was blocking sun from giving him a tan, he opened his eyes to see Fluttershy's disapproving face staring at him. "What?"

She remained silent.

"Oh please Fluttershy it was all in good fun. Besides I don't have much to do now that I'm reformed these powers have to be put to use somehow"

"Yes, but couldn't they be put to use more...constructively, maybe." Fluttershy said still looking disappointed at Discord. "That's why Princess Celestia wanted to reform you in the first place."

"I know, but you still can't take the Chaos out of the spirit, or is it the spirit out of the chaos, I forget which." Discord was struggling to remember. "Anyway, I've been nothing but chaos for thousands of years, you don't just turn in a day or even a few months. Personally I don't know if I'll ever change." Discord then started to mope

Fluttershy then started to comfort Discord. "Don't worry Discord you have friends who can help you now who are here to help you."

"Yeah, with Friends like Rainbowdash who needs enemies." Discord said sarcastically

"She'll come around, some of the others have." Fluttershy said with a soft comforting tone. "Don't worry one day they'll understand."

"Thanks." Discord said smiling and giving Fluttershy a hug. "Now come on lets get this picnic started." Discord snapped his fingers and laid out the food and picnic blanket as the two enjoyed the still sunny day.


Far off in the depths of the Everfree forest a large swirling vortex emerged and coming out from it the Joker came out looking happy as ever. "Ah finally time for a good old fashioned Vacation. Now lets see were the nearest hotel is, HEHE!" The Joker looks around at his surroundings behind him was a dark and dank looking cave and in front of him was a nothing but forest. "Boy did I take a wrong turn a Albuquerque. But hey I guess beggars can't be choosers especially if they chose another dimension using a cliché portal device, ain't that right Mr.Author! HAHAHHAHAH!"

"JOKER! I told you stop breaking the forth wall." I said sounding annoyed.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to harm your precious Forth Wall." Joker said sarcastically then a large growling sound could be heard behind him in the cave. He turned around to see two large lizard eyes staring at him, then from the shadows a large scaly green Dragon emerged. It opened it's tooth ridden mouth an roared as loud as it could at him.

"Well do you ever need a check up from a dentist luckily for you I am a specialist in DFD, dentistry for the demented. HEHEHEHE!" Joker then goes into the cave and after a brief moment unseen struggle and brawling the Joker comes out looking very satisfied as ever he pulls out a carton of floss and throws it into the cave. "Now don't forget to brush after each and every meal, and may the floss be with you. HAHAHAHAHAHAH!" The Joker left the cave laughing hysterically leaving the once mighty dragon paralyzed and with a twisted Joker grin on his face.

"So this world has dragons eh, wonder what other things this world has." The Joker then begins to form a evil looking smile as all sorts of demented twisted thoughts entered his head. "Oh, this is going to be a fun, look out word JOKER IN TOWN! HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAH!